FRIDAY, JANUARY 2f5, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THRM - - r lrl?i MALIN'S CITY AND RURAL fire trucks and the new fire station. firemen Plan Benefit Dance MALIN Rurnl and City Volun triT Firemen lire once amim miik Inn pluim lur lliclr uniiuiil Klro iixMi'N Dnnce nl the Hruudwny Hull, to bo hi'lil lliln your 1-CU. 0. A bulimic ot MOO riMuutnn to bo puld on Uiu Ktrnluill to tiinkn the bullilliiK completely debt tire. If this uiiliiiirn in tukfii lii on the Hilda o( Urn dump. Dm (licmun plmi to linld n mortuiiHd burnliiK ceremony In the dunce hull for nil to WltllCWt. The bulldlne, which wn built by the llremen itbout lour yours uko, In can.ilruvtcd ol pumice tile and roiiiitliui n medium room with kitchen fncillllrn, where ncvurnl or Kimlznllimn inert, ucMdcn the lire inch. The uulldliiK In nlno lined temporarily iih n City Hull whore thi City Council meet each month with tho Mnyor. In connection with thn nii-etinK room lit tho mirniin, where both the city nnd rurul lire trucks lire kept. John HiTdhtelt In (Ire chlel nnd him n crow o( H city und 24 rurnl volunteer firemen. Hie firemen meet on the trdrd Monday of ench month. Officer recently circled to hend the itrnup nre Jerry rti)nu, prc.tltli'iil; Mcr vyn Wilde, vice president: nnd Dick Hulouxek, Hcciotnry-trcniturer. CHAIRMAN OUANT8 PASS I Jnck Bnod Rrnnn, vice prenldent ol the Youiir Urinocrnt-H of Oregon, in chelrmun of the Krlniivrr-for-Pi rsldeirt- Com. micr urgnmcd here. .- Corporal Sore On Candy Count TOKYO I -y Cpl. John W. (for Wilbur nl King of Uoun Mountuln, 'J'enn,, ny he doesn't like candy. Ho protested 1'rldny nluir re celvhiK newnpuper cllpplnxn limn iiik him hk one of the member of (Jen. RldKWiiy'R honor kuiikI who were reduced In runk for cittliik" nwcclH Jan. 3 while on duly out nlde tho kcnrral'n office. A check with the Army brouxht thin rud-fneed explunntlon: 'Ilie noldler Involved In the candy Incident wiut Pvt. John W. (lor Wesley i Klnif of Jacksonville, Flu. The Army's curlier Identlllcutlnn had been Pvt. John W. King of Konn Mountain, Tenn. The Army mild tho Tennciwce corporal hnd nothing to do with the case. MONEY IIKI.D SAI.rffM Ml Some 50.000 In undistributed nlate Income tax re lundt, Ik being held here for 4.3M Oreiion Utxpaycin. OlMclHla have been unable to locate the taxpnyem to return the money. Home 18.000 peruana In Oregon nlo nro entitled to unclaimed fed erul Income tax refunds. MONEY CANT BUY ASPIRIN THATC Gas And Coke Firm Asks Rate Boost POItTLAND Ml The Portland Una At Coko Co. naked Oregon and WiiNhlnuton olllcliUK I'hurnduv lor approval of rate lncreane expect ed to bring in IJOU.mjo annually. Tho company nnld the rate for the average hoiiHCholder unlng gas lor heating and other purpose would go un about $7.00 u year. In upplylng to the Oregon Public Utilltiea C'ominlKslon und the Wash ington Public Service Cominlnalon, the firm blamed higher cost ol operutlon. HODY IDKNIIFIKI) PENDI.KTON 'file body of ttoinnn found frozen on a county road neae here ha been Idcntlllcd that ol Kute Jnhnley, 00, a Umatllln Indian. Her husband told police she hud become lost In a snowstorm this week. Reds Drop Press Case LOB ANOEI..ES I Attorneys for IB California Communist Party leader have dropped their attempt to stop publication of an expose In the Los Angeles Times, and trial of the defendants will begin Kcb. 1, The defense attorneys withdrew their Injunction suit against the newspaper Thursday, tolling the court they didn't know where to draw the line between the first und sixth amendments of the Con stitution. The first guarantees freedom of press, the sixth right to Impartial trial. Federal Judge William C. Mathes dismissed the petition but when de fense attorneys sougnt to get tne trial postponed, on grounds the articles by Herbert A, Phllbrlck would Influence Jurors, the Judge ruled agnlnst a delay. The suit against the Times had been brought on the charge that publication of Phllbrlck's articles was detrimental to a fair trial for the IS defendants. Phllbrlck is the FBI undercover man' whose testi mony was Instrumental In convict ing national Communist Party leader on charges of conspiracy to tench and advocate violent over throw of the U.S. government. Council, Park Session Set A special meeting of the City Council and Park Board has been called for Friday night for a dis cussion of park matters and the proposal to place a levy on the Klamath Falls ballot In May to ralso money for a swimming pool. Mayor Bob Thompson said the meeting Is scheduled for 7: 30 p. m. at City Hall. Police Name New Beneficiary Chiefs Klamath Falls Trade Set. Odcll Olson was re-elected president of the Klumuth Falls Policy Benefi ciary Assoc at a meeting of the group held yesterday. Othc officers named to posts for the ensuing year were Sgt. Charles Howard, vlce-prcsiaent; patrol man Oscar Oerleve, secretary and Det. K. Y ' ' , tre;iMircr. NKW MAN PRfNEVILLE ( A now sec rotur" will lake over In the Ore gon Cattlemen's Association Feb. 1. He Is Ed Fallon, Helena, Mont. Ben Morriion, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2511 Introduc $75 'tadbsnd and bone conduction evict! ftvftlliblt it moderate trt eeat. EASY PArMENTS 5 Main Street Johnny Ray Brings Tears PORTLAND im Johnny Ray, the sad, Juke-box gymnast, came home Thursday night to show the folks how he can cry. He did and they loved It; Ray, 25, a Jumpy tenor whose recordings currently are the fast est selling things In the platter business, drew some old friends and some 2,500 others to a benefit dance. The friends had not seen him since he graduated from a local kid Relieve mlierlet direct wiinoufdoelsg" radio program to a Job is tenor at a burlesque show hore, nnd from the burlesque show to night clubs elsewhere. For them he talked, played the piano and sang backstage until time for his stage appearance. Then he sang live more of his sad songs. Not a tear fell, al though it Is reputed his songs sometimes overcome his emotions In recording sessions. J $0. But ha wasn't through. Ho mad a closing speech !n which h thanked a kind deity and a kind audience, and tho tears I'.owed until he left Uie stage, ; , (Take the family dinner tonight! I ROEBUCK AND CO. for better winter wear ,. BOYS' 30LDBOHD SHOES ' .- ' - ,.'r':,:..(,.. ;.:'.; J .' . : . V:.'-i ' : . . . with Searolite Soles The Searolite sole on these thoet ore guaranteed 4 months agalmt wearing out. The only tola we know of with tuch a juaranlael ' . , ', ' ' " ' ' . ' ' ' Extra strong nylon stitching at all points of greatest strain gives longer wear, batter wear. Goodyear Welt construction helps keep shoes in shopel ' ' You select from a torrffrleto range of sices, to 7. Widths B, C, V 0, E. You can be sure that your boy will get a shoe that fits properly, feels better and lasts longer!' ' ' , e s i s " Ceqrs low price treatment brings you these extra value shoes at a far lower prlco. You save money and get a belter shoe. SOLD ONLY BY SEARS! . . . A SEARS 4-STAR FEATURE GOLD PLATED BOY'S SHOES Come In . . . see our 500,000tfi pair of Boy'i Gold Bond shoe. They're actually ' gold plated, valued at $250.001 " Now on display in 8ur shoe department! . . 740 pair a$eemtan8ed0i jpou money tac' JjJjJJ Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phone 5181 !.r. J": SAVE 20.07 ' Regularly 89.95 I K&r' ' f i!jj Only 10.50 Down, S.OO Month en I ; Mf j Soars Easy Payment Plan ; .y , ' f I J ' "y'"f cnarae) 4 fJfc-J JmI I i Fii" Size, Porcelain Enamel Tub! infT M!mmLMr"l JtiI v Gentle, Thorough Agitator AetionI f ; 1IJ l ' 1 W S Big, Balloon-Type Wringer RolU Safety ' 1 'I V l ' ' " qjy 1 ( h . Releasel :'T'Ji '" ' V HsWl ' T fnr I ft Save 20.07 Buy This. Big Kenmorr N m I ' yf I If WasherTodayi f h k 1 Ln HOLDS THIS M M I SC KENMORE 30-DAYS A E I l Seers Will Deliver Your Wosher jf I I I; , . Jl When The Down Payment It Com- . I : l 1 . Br pleted' Pay The Balance On Seers1 I Tow Easy Payment Plant ' . ' SAVE 20 07! on this regular 244.95 7.2 cu. ft. CoEdspot SPACEMASTER 22488 25 lb. full freezer chest! Servi-shelf storage! . Full width vegerator! Amazing low Sears price! 33.75 Down 11.50 Month on Sears Easy Terms (Usual carrying charges) ' s ! C0LDSP0T FREEZER A 480.00 VALUE! ADDITIONAL SAVINGS! 10 Discount on all packaging materials purchased with this Cold spot Freezer! 64.00 Dawn, 23.00 Menth an Sears lasy Terms (Usual carrying charges) New giant size Coldspot home freezer gives you a full 679 lbs. of food storage spacel Yet it takes up less floor space than the conventional 14 cu. ft. freezer. azciafad you money fact' $flft$ Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phone 5181