FRIDAY, .JANUARY 25, 1IW2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OR Eft ON PAGE TWO C KFLW t4S0 Kc-PST Friday Eveninr, Jan. 25 Sports Hithllahu Horn. Town N.wa World Naws Summary Suburban Seranade ... hi-. viitAn inr ' 6:00 (1:19 2.1 0:30 e 5 fl;SS , M.ja IlmmMin ABC 7.00 Oitlalt. FlfhU ABC n,-k-. nlimAHri ARC 8 00 a :io e 00 9:30 10:00 10:111 10:30 l:00 Thla la Your tBl ABC OiiM and Harriet ABC Concert of. ravorltea 10 P.M. Haadllnea . Dr. Cllnoa Muilcalt ABC Insomnia Club Nu Summary 11:03 8lsn Off KFLW1450 Kc PST Saturday. Jan. 26 6 00 niBn.nn k.m Summary 6:ua Corn In tha Morn 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:40 7:55 8:00 9:00 0:30 10:00 10:15 Farm Fare Newa Brkf-t Edition CHarlle'a Rounduo Bob Oarred, Newa ABC Top of tha Morning Mutlc No School Today ABC Saturday Serenade Space Patrol ABC Lady Skyhook It'a Dancetime Shake the Maracaa ABC 10:30 11:00 3:00 Metropolitan upera Bailn Brlefa World Mobilization ABC At Home with Mualc ABC S:!S 2:31 3:43 3:00 3:30 Faaclnaltns ttymm Junior Junction ABC American Farmer ABC Alert America ABC 4:00 4:15 4:30 ti.. il HequcstfuUy Youra ;;r,j rrcHuy e-.n.w It'a Movie Time SporU Hlghllghu Home Town Newi World Newa Summary Science Editor ABC 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:25 6:30 6:45 7 00 Mr. District Attorney ABC 7:25 7:rrl Dinner In the Green Room 6:00 t:30 Lone Hanaer aw Uaiicini Party ABC 0:01 uanrir.t .. 10:00 Brother "Art Program 1 10:30 11:00 l.:05 tnaomnia iiud Newa Summary Sign Ofl KFJI 1150 Kc PST Friday Evrninj;, Jan. 25 Gabriel Heatter MBS Quit Show Around Town News. e uB.-.. V.u- ARC 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 6:55 Bill Henry MBS .-1-:1. MnS 7:30 r-t 9:00 0:45 9:35 10:00 Cisco Kid "IPS . Ut-S vs. Roseburf Glenn Bar v MBS UHS vs. Roceburg Fulton Lew,., jr. -IBS 5-Minute Final MBS I Love a Mystery MBS IT S Tslnvv Rinri 13:15 10:30 Proudly We HaU 11:00 11:05 rlie uwi news Night Owls Club Sign Ofl 12:00 KFJI 1150 KC PST Saturday. Jan. 26 6:00 Musical Reveille . 6:45 Farm Reporter f:M Local New 7:00 Hemingway Newt MBS LU STARTS STARTS HIPNITE SUNDAY rairm VaW . t.rtl.a-.iii.rl.te ! VtORLD PREMIERE SH0WNG OF THE PICTURE MADE IN OREGON ABOUT 0REG0H F 1 VaT ! Mil lag f lgSt I i n li aHagair.iiFrill M JAMES STEWART-ARTHUR KENNEDY JULIA ADAMS ROCK HUDSON 1 E TTaV- ton 4 " Jt 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 News 7:45 Kt Buys 6:00 Morning Meioniea 8:19 Breakfast Gang MBS 8.30 Haven of Re.l MBS. 9:00 F.mll'a Saturday Specials 9:15 Danca Tunes B.30 Your Income Tax MBS 9:43 Favorite of Yesterday 10:00 Newa MBS 10:15 Name Bands 10:33 4.11 Club ll:43 OPS Program 10:33 Currln'a Program 10:55 Social Security Program 11:00 Music 11:23 Npws MBS 11:30 Music 12 00 News 12:15 Mark Rogers MBS 12::'0 Ricky's Request 1:30 Local News 1:33 Music for Saturday 2:00 Matinee at Meadowbrook 1BS 2:53 News MBS 3:00 Oklahoma Symphony MBS 4:00 You Never Know 4:15 Frank Hem!ng a". News MBS 4:30 Mark Rogers MBS 4:45 Twin Views of News MRS 5:00 Dude Ranch Roundup MBS 5:30 Christian Science 3:43 Bandstand I'SA MBS s-.w tsi, Talking MBS 6:00 AI Heifer. SporU MBS 6:15 Quit Show 6:30 Around Town News 6:43 Marine Show 7:00 Hawaii Oils MBS 7:30 Klamath Tempi- f :C:l XUHS vs. Roseburg 9:00 News MBS pfS XUHS vs. Roaeburg 9:35 Cecil Brown, New. MBS 10:00 Monica Whalen. MBS 10:13 Daice Orch., MBS N 10:30 Arthur Van Orch., MBS 11:00 Nlte Owls Nevs. 11:03 Night Owla Club 12:00 Sign Off Jurisdictional Row Hairs Work RICHLAND. Wash.. LTI A jurisdictional dispute between Iron workers and AFL plumbers snd steamfitters virtually halted work on a secret construction project m the Hanford Atomic Works this week. E. B. Skeels, manager (or the Atkinson Jones Construction Co., said R5 ironworkers walked out Tuesdav after a dispute with plumbers and steamfitters oyer in stallation of gear on some tanks. The next day 4S0 ironworkers failed to rerjort for work. Skeels said, and the company laid off another 1,500 workers by nignt fall. The Graf Zeppelin left Germany, Oct. II. 1928, and arrived at Lake hurst, N.J., Oct. 15. having flown 6630 miles in A days, IS hours 46 minutes. y Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned has been aopolnted Administrator of the estate of CARL B. JACOB5EN. also known as c. B. JACOBSEN. deceased, and has quali fied, and all persons having a claim against said estate are hereby required c : '. era to me at the office of L. Orth Sisemore. Attornev. 213 Stewart-Drew Building. 731 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, within tlx months from the date hereof. Dated this 6th day of January. 1932. L. ORTH SISEMORE. Administrator of the Estate of CARL B. jacop. SEN, also known as C. B. JACOB SEN, deceased. J-U-1S-25 F-l No. 846 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed nas oeen appointea aaminisira trix cf the estate of Nrttie Wallan deceased by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Klamath county, Oregon and has Qualified and letters of administration have been issued to her. All persons havtng claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as re ouired by low, to the undersigned at the office of A. W. Schaupp. 206 Wllllu Bids . Klamath Falls. Oregon within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice which date is Jan 11. 1932. Dated this 10th day of Jan. 1952. Jessie L. Reed , ' Administratrix A. W. Schaupp, Attorney. J-ll-18-25 F-l-8 No. 643 CONTINUOUS DAILY ADDED SATURDAY MORNING KUJi, Show AT 11:4S ONLY! r IntMff Indian Log Sale Draws Fed. Probe PORTLAND Ml An 800-acre sale of Indian tltnberland on the Southern Oregon const apparently is going to go under investigation. E. Morgan Pryse. area director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. told the Orenonlan Thursday an investlgnior from the Department of Interior would arrive to start the investigation Monday. The newspaper said it also had been Investigating the sale lor two wees, and louna uus: Oold Beach loggers attempted last summer to buy the property, owned by two Indians. They of fered to purchase it for going tim ber prices, but the Indian Bureau office said it could be sold only by auction. Later the loggers learned that the Bureau, using a new and llttle- known ruling, had sold the property ! for the two Indian owners to an tndlan - woman at Portland for S135.000 about half the go ing price. Bureau approval was not needed for any sale she might make, and at once she sold it to I a white couple for $160,000. who in I turn put it out on option for MOO. ;000. One of the men taking the nntinn l a w,1ni,.A nt T,,ia Bureau official here. The newspa per also said It had found a ply wood mill executive who said the property was offered to him later for $800,000. He rejected it as too high. Legal Notice RESOLUTION NO. 437 AES&LUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF OITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TO WIDEN THE UPPER AND LOWER PAVED ROAD WAYS ON PACIFIC TERRACE FROM WHERE IT INTERSECTS ALAMEDA STP5T TH WTTCRS IT INTERSECTS LOWELL STREET: DECLARING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS TO BE pA K!N IN CONNECTION THERE WITH: SAID PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS, the City Engineer, pur suant to a resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, havtnf filed plans, specification and estimate! for the coat of improving. Pacific Terrace from where H intersects Alameda Street to where it Intersects Lowell Street, by widening the upper and lower paved roadways thereon: and the Council finding the said plans, spec., fication and estimates ratisfactory for atd project which Khali b known as Improvement Unit No. 114; THERE FORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Section I. That said plans, specifications and estimate for the Improvement of said portions 9? said street, therefore filed herein by the City Engineer, be and the same are hereby approved., and said project shall be known as im provement Unit No. 114 That the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereby declares its intention to improve said portions of said streets in accordance with the plans, specifications and es timates as follows: TYP15 "C" To consist of widening the upper and lower paved roadway on Paciiie Terrace from tha south easterly line of Lowell Street to the northeasterly line jf Alameda with six Inches of Cementoncrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widening each roadway Is four feet and will be toward the center parking strip thereby reducing the width of said parking strip. TYPE "E" To consist of widening the upper and lower paved roaawa on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowe'l Street to the northeasterly line of Alameda with five inches of AsDhalt Concrete Pavement. together with combination cement asjn crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widening each roadway is four feet and will be toward the cen ter parking strip thereby reducing the' width of said parking strip. TYPE "C" and "E" A combination of types set out in "C" and "E" as immediately above defined, with lim. ltatlons as therein stated. The type chosen to be mixed and placed in accord with the plans ana specifications of the City Engineer on file therefor. The estimated cost of alt classes of improvements , embracing all work and materials for the complete Improvement of said project for each type of pavement being as follows: Type "C" Cement concrete pave ment 536.949 eo Type "E" Asphalt concrete pave ment S47.355.71 TYPE Combination of 'C" and pavements SSI. 637 .24 Said estimates include engineering, supervision, advertising, clerical ar slstance. attorney's fees and unforeseen contingences. Section II. That the property lying within the boundaries hereinafter described be and the same ts hereby declared to be benefited by the said Improvement, to wit: Beginning at the most northerly cor ner or lot 1. block 8 Hillside Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon: thence southwesterly along the south easterly line of Lowell St. 150 ft. to the northeasterly line of the alley in said Block S; thence southeasterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 8. 13. and 18 in said Hillside Addition, blocks 33 to 42 inclusive in Hotsprlngs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon to the northeasterly line of Alameda: thence southeasterly along northeasterly line of Alameda to the r.outheact ecrner of lot 7 Block 1, Wll. Hams Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon; thence northerly along the line between lots 6 and 7 of block 1, of said Williams Addition, to the north line of said block 1: thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Hacking St. being 150 ft, north easterly of and parallel to the north easterly line of Pacific Terrace and continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace along the north, easterly boundary line of said Hot springs Addition to Del Moro St.: thence continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 17, 14 and 7 of said Hillside Addition to the south line of VanNess Ave.: thence southwesterly 'along last said line to Its intertectlon with the north easterly property line of Pacific Ter. race; thence southwesterly across Pa cific Terrace to the point of beginning. That all the property Included in the aforesaid boundaries above described be and the same it hereby declared to be benefited by said Improvement and assessed for the expenses thereof. Section III. That Monday the 18th. or February. I1M2. at the hour of 7:30 P ,M. at the Council Chamber of the City Hal in Klamath Falls, Oregon, be and la here by fixed as the time any; place for hearing of objections and remon. st ran ccs against said proposed im provement. Section IV. That the Police Judge be and ha Is hereby authorized and directed to cauEe notice of such hearing to be published as provided by the Citv Charter of said City and shall publish this resolution as provided by law. and uf.thfn iv rijtv after the first Dupli cation thereof the City Engineer shall cause to be conspicuously posted ai each end of the line of contemplated Improvement such notice as is provided fo- by law and ordinance. Paned by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 21st day of January. 1952. Presented to the Mayor and by him unproved "' signed this 22nd day of January, 1052. s ROBERT A, THOMPSON Mayor ATTEST: PORERT M. ELDER Police Judge STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF KLAMATH. BS. CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, I, Robert M. Elder, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore- f:oing Is a true copy of a resolution ntroduced and adopted by the Com mon Council of the City of Klamath i o"if Oregon at 'Is eiu'i' nW r held on Monday the 21st day of Jan uary, 1952, and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. ROBERT M. ELDER Police Judge J-24-35-2fl-28.28-ao-31 F-l-2-3 No. 80S HI" TERyiS EXPIRE E. M. Hammond, Morrill (lem and A. R. Campbell, Pine Grove, Klamath Production Credit As sociation board of directors members, have completed their three-year terms and elections to refill tticir positions will be held at the KPCA annual meeting tomorrow at the armory. t KPCA Set For Annual Meet Klnmath Production Credit As socintion's president, BUI Klt tredge, won't preside tomorrow t the Klamath Basins ninuial "Farm Day" the KPCA annual meeting slated lor th? armory according to Secy. - Tres. Lee Mc Mullen. Instead another member of the board of directors will take over the chair, presiding over nn ex pected 500 stocUioloers and guests in the Basin's biggest Inrmer owned loan corporation. Terms of two members of the board of directors A. R. Camp bell and E. M. Campbell. ex pire and elections are scheduled on tomorrow s progrum. The city of Klamnih Falls, in a welcoming gesture, has offered each stockholder a free-meter parking certificate good for the rest of the day. The KPCA annually holds Its big gathering here, and this year as last. Ed Miller will set up a smorgasbord dinner scheduled for serving at 11:45 a. m. Registration starts at 11:00 a. m. The city director of Music Ed ucation Andrew Loncy Ivis prom ised a program to be presented by KUHS students as. entertain ment. McMullen said this year's meet ing was extremely important, say ing, the. business report will be emphasized because of the inter national situation. Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Pres. Paul Matson will be principal s'jeaked of the day Mc Mullen said. Farm Bureau Meet Monday A regional meeting of Farm Bu reau members has been scheduled for Monday at 10 a.m. In the Wlnema Hotel. Regional nirednr ! Lloyd Hankins, Bonanza, an j nounced today. . " Mrs. Walter Hardy, newlv elect ed chairman of the Associated I Women of Die Oregon Ferm Bu reau Federation, will lead a dis cussion In a women's forum. Bill Davis, AFBF, will be guest speaker at a noon luncheon. All center and county Farm Bu reau officers, as well as all Farm Bureau members, are urged to at tend the meeting, Hankins said. The United States produces 42 percent of the world's electricity. West Virginia was carved out of the state of Virginia and became a state in 1863 during the Civil War. jjpj 5? BtlffOjLi I Phtnt 8821 ar... 1 S & H Green Stamps ... Of Course! I IU1 ZA Iq)WAi ininiLr Merrill Slates Citizen Award MERRILL Merrill's of the year will be named at a dinner meeting of the Lions Club Feb. 4. Presentation of an en Kinvetl plaque will bo made by last year's best eltl.en, Dr. Frank E. Troiman, alo the town's Mayor. This will bu tlo second nn mial award. Decision on the winner is made by tho club membership and Is based on community service. Judge David R. Vandenberg, Klamath Falls, will be guest speak er. Clydo Hammond, club presi dent, will preside, Harvey Denham is secretary. Dinner will be served by the VFW auxiliary. About 100 fcucsts are expected. Umatilla Timber Cut Increase Eyed PENDLETON Ofl Plans to in crease Uie timber cut in the Uma tilla National Forest will be sub mitted to the Portland regional forestry office next week. Charles Rector. Umatilla forest supervisor, said the cut could be increased If more access roads are built. He snld only half the allow able cut of 68 million board feet was made last year because of the lack of roads. Stock Exchange Hour Fight Lags NEW YORK im The New York Slock Exchange wrote another chapter In the long and bitter fight over trading hours by deciding to do nothing: In a lengthy policy meeting Thursday, the Board of Oovcrnnrs voted to continue present trading hours. The exchange Is open for busi ness from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday Bnd from 10 a.m. to noon Snturdays with Saturday closing during the months of June, July, August and Seplem-btr.-.- amammmaaaa IKI 2) American Sabre Jets Run Yild In Korean Skies, Put Ten Russian MRts On List SEOUL. Korea Ml Daring American Babrn Jet pilots shot down nt Irast 10 tied Jets In four flaming lr battles over Northwest Korea Friday. Two MIO-los explod ed almost In tli laces of American pilots. The blast blow out the Jet power In two Sabres, and the Amer icans luul to go Into long dives before their jets flamed Into ac tion again. Two other Reds splralcd down In fiery streamers. A lllih went down In long loops. Us pilot sllll trying to regain control mid ex- AT LOWRY Cpl. Earl James Barnes, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnes, 3148 Cannon, recently com pleted electronics training at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, graduating with the highest grade in his class and a superior effi ciency rating. He is now to take uo gunnery. His wife, the former Ruth Gill ette, and young son are with him. Mt, Dora, Fla., Is one of the most recent communities to Install electric garbage disposers on n town-wide scale. Ninety percent of th hrui.H a r. rnm,(.fl ri tn HPnfir tanks and the new disposers grind waste Into small particles for quick assimilation In the tanks. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDF0RD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. K. Earley , Prnprntora . and Joe ;Eirley Fram rrpUrlnf rllr. aUr front 10 the motJt domrtttc Job thli Ublh mtnl U equipped nd i'rrls thf .ck ind hf th ktter Unrfd flatltr ( 4 In work rlrhl. Tht rhrrttr tiad flati YOt want la IfiaUIIrd prom p llr. Call mi for UUn Strvlca ef any nalurt. fHARWIN'S 701 Main , 9 ImImW M Mr.) hi V'Nt. . N-l.rrH.rt i4 II f I. f . , . n tit m . Mi. k ! atlflfaft. I i,f ll ptf g . Hi .Ur. a CM, , , 2 101 HIW ACCOWU , a m f..r-. u.-,..f - plotted us It lilt the ground. It wits olio of Ihu biggest Jet vic tories of the war, The l''lllli Air Forco unnoiinced 10 ittisshiu-lypo .Iris were tlelliille )y destroyed, one probably de stroyed and three, dainiiged. The blimt'sl loll In an all-Jet but tle was li'c III when 13 Had Jets were reported destroyed, two prob ably and three danmgrd. American losses, If any, In Fri day's four buttles were not un noiinced. U.8. lr cusuallles arc reported weekly. Tim uir war grew In fury us the day wore on while the ground war lay relatively iiiilcl under a blunk et of ireslt mow. Here's the storv of the air battles nil (ought In Mill Alley: One Red Jet damuuntl In a morn ing light between 18 F-8II Sabre Jets and elements of n Might of 30 MICls, Two Hed Jets blown up. one set uflre, one (hummed when IS Hu ll res Jumped 16 Mltls near the Yalu lllver In the afternoon. Five Mltls destroyed, one dum mied by 17 Snlires who took on elements of a formation of 80 Iteds lute In the afternoon. Three MICls destroyed at uboill the same lime In a live minute battle between 18 Sabres and 110 MICls, Fire Hit Family To Get New Home COOS HAY m Mr. and Mrs Thomas Weeks, who lost "leht ol their nine children In n tire Inst week, will get a new home Irom sympathetic residents ol Southwest Oregon. The residents have contributed more than 13.000 In cash toward the home. The Hull Lumber Co. donated a two-acre site Han ser. The AFL Carpenters Union voted to build the house, and 30 carpenters would tackle, the Job on any given Saturday. The car penters expect to do most ol the job In one day. Reopening -j for your yJvS dining jr-x I n' I 1 ll dancing i- 111 pleasure , AJLS Molatore's 1112 Main r JUlietk JANUARY i '2 PMiC Uz ss '7 Home of Famous Labels Ilium Norland an pine hi, lire lnsuit. 1 q ma Lost Day! ;'MY FRIEND FLICKA" Technicolor "THUNDERHEAD Son of Fllcko" CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 11:30 A.M. 0GS HOP A LONG CASSIDY "Ti.. Marauders" SKIP A LONG ROSENBLOOM with Slapsy Maxit Rosenbloom DOORS g 1 OPEN il1.30A.M..Ul , PI U BBV , UTS? ff Added Tr.aU j m EE lyfkaauat. L r. i