HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 215. 1052 PAGE TWELVE V children get from receiving cards of encouragement from relatives and friends. Lowell plays happily with a brother Jerry, one year older and a little sister, Kathie. 3! It. Neither were stricken with polio. He is re ceiving scnooi lessons irom a visit' GETTING AROUND ON CRUTCHES helps pass the long days for eight-year-old Lowell Uhlig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uhlig, Midland Road. He was stricken with polio when five years old ana witn tne expert care given nun at Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene, and his own sunny disposi tion he is rapidly improving. Lowell was flown by special plane to Eugene by the Klamath County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Painstaking Care Assures Polio Victim Of Recovery Lowell uhlig just celebrated his eighth birthday ta Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene. He was back or a tendon transplant to help him walk again, will return to the hos pital Feb. 16 to have the cast re moved. Lowell's story is another one of progress back toward health made possible through donations made to the fund for care of those stricken with polio. Since that day when bis mother discovered his neck was stiff when he awoke in the morning to the present time, the Klamath County Infantile Paraly sis Chapter has been right on the Job, paying for his care, encourag ing him in his fight to walk again. Victims of bulbar polio (speech impairment) must also have speech therapy. This phase of treatment Is also provided at the hospital. Today, Lowell is recover ing his voice and doctors offer hope that by the time he reaches bis teens he will speak normally, walk normally. His entire right side was involved. Lowell's mother praised the per sonal approach of doctors and nurses at Sacred Heart. It Is the feeling of security and love that is one of the major factors in helping patients recover, she said. She mentioned also the constant enjoyment that both adults and Mac's Name Off Primary SPRINGFIELD, 111. 11 The name of Douglas A. MacArOnir was removed from the Illinois Re publican presidential primary Thursday after an official request from Uie general. MacArUiur, in his request to the Secretary of State's oiltce, said his name had been entered with out his knowledge. The withdrawal was protested by Lnr Daly of Chicago who had placed MacArthur's name in the advisory presidential balloting last Daly contended that because Uie vote is advisory and no statement of candidacy is required, MacAr Uiur cannot withdraw. Daly's protest will be referred to Uie State Electoral Board which passes on names of persons to go on the April 8 primary ballot. Stevenson Says "No" SPRINGFIELD, 111. tfi Gov. Adlsi Stevenson's reply Thursday t all speculation that he was a hot prospect for the Democratic presidential nomination was: "I'm a candidate for governor and noth ing else." Stevenson returned from Wash ington after .visiting with Mr. Tru man last Tuesday. The political speculation was Uiat Stevenson might be a candidate til event Mr. Truman decides not to run. The Illinois governor said he talked politics and the Presidency, among other Ulings, with President Truman. Asked if he would accept the presidential nomination if it was offered, he said: "The possibility is so remote it would be presumptuous to comment." ing teacher and is keeping up with his second grade class. His mother says, "Lowell's care has been expensive. Without the help of the Klamath County Chap ter, we don't know what we would have done." The drive for funds for care of others who may be made helpless by polio closes January 31. Ice skating is possible because the weight of the skater, pushing down on the runners against the ice. causes it to melt, and tem porarily provides a thin film of water over which the skates may glide. Court Drops Civil Suit In Plywood SAN FRANCISCO WV-The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Thursday set aside a civil action brought two years ago by the Federal Trade Commission against IS ply wood manufacturers in the Pacific Northwest. The action ordered the compan ies and the Douglas Fir Plywood Association to cease and desist from various trade practices tend ing to limit production and estab lish uniform prices. Hie firms are members of the association. The alleged Federal Trade Act violations were said to have oc curred between 1935 and 1WI. Thursday's order was the out growth of an appeal by the as sociation. O. Harry Schrader Jr. managing director of the association, com mented in Tacoma, "The decision upholds our contention all along that the case Is old and stale and there Isn't anything to cease and desist from. Apparently the court agrees." . The companies involved were the Associated Plywood Mills of Eu gene. Ore., the Elliott Bay Mill Co. of Seattle, the Harbor Plywood Corporation of Aberdeen, wasn., the M and M Woodworking Co. of Portland,, the Northwest Door Co. of Tacoma, the Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. of Portland, the U.S. Plywood Corp. of Seattle, Uie Van couver Veneer Company of Olym pla, the West Coast Plywood Co. of Aberdeen, Wash., the Wheeler Osgood Co. of Tacoma. the Rob inson Plywood and Timber Co. of Everett, the Pacific Mutual Door Co. of Tacoma. the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. of Tacoma. (lie Buffelin Manufacturing Co. of Tacoma and Anacortes Veneer, Inc. of Ana cortes. Wash. Charges against other companies originally named In the order have been previously dropped. McMinnville Gets Livestock Meet McMINNVILLE lTV-The Western Oregon Livestock Association's 16th annual meeting will be held here Jan. 28-30. Speakers will include G. O. Stearns. In charge of the Office of Price Stabilization meat celling program for Oregon, and John cswarmoui, neua oi mc uicsuu State College political science de partment. US May Build New Carrier Fleet To Meet Challenge Of Russian Undersea Navy WASHINGTON WT Tile Navy plans to build several escort air craft carriers of a now type spe cially designed to meet the throat LIBERAL ALLOWANCE OA VOl II OLD PIA kyle morgan Pianos your bald win dealer "yours for a happier future through music." 1035 Main MARCH OF DIMES DANCE' SATURDAY - JAN. 26 ARMORY BALDY'S BAND - 9:00 TILL 1:00 ADMISSION $2.00 PER COUPLE 13 Oy&i&i Ta ...AMmiON r and for you, too! Your clothes will dry in any weather, at any time . . . because a Bendix makes its Own drying weather. Don't be tied to your clothes- Dry your clothes at the snap of a dial , f (our clothesline m. line you can do your marketing, or use the time you save for just leisure, while the Bendix Dryer does all the work. I III , . . saves vou work. No more stooping, lifting. stretching at the clothesline . . . no more carrying heavy baskets of clothes. You simply load the Dryer, set the single dial, and walk away. Try it in your own home with your own washables. FREE HOME TRIAL We're so convinced that you'll like the Bendix Dryer that we'll give you 10 days FREE Home Trial! COM PARE! Dry clothes once in the Bendix; then dry the same clothes on the line ... we KNOW you'll prefer the 4 dryerl The Bendix is rated the best dryer on the market by impartial laboratory tests. $36.95 Down LIBERAL TERMS $23995 $13 per mpnth , (Only 44c a Day!) ' ONLY THE BENDIX HAS THE "Pow-R-Vent" GETS RID OF HEAT, LINT AND MOISTURE SAFE, LOW HEAT WITH HIGH AIR FLOW Product of SINDIX HOME APPLIANCES Dlvlilon AVCO Manufacturing Corporotlon Sea Steward Halls Opened SAN FRANCISCO I A federal court Injunction Bftalust cllscrUn mutton In Murine Cooks and Slew nrrts Union hiring hull practiws will permit re-rni)loyment of 600 AFL Sailors Union members nnd the seven stewards who brought suit wtnlust MCS, spokesmen ol the unions said Friday, An MCS spokrsmnn snltl ship board Jobs would be provided lor the seven stewimls who chanted they wore blni-kllstcd (or support tiiK ft rivnl union. In (net, the spo kesman snld, the seven didn't need the court order as the union's mem bership voted last. October to re instate the men to avoid a court cuse. Federal Juripe Dal M. Lemmon Wednesday enjoined the union Irom making Its hiring halls Inaccessible to persons seeking to register or bid (or Jobs, or to obtain assign ment slips. Ed Tinner, organizational direc tor o( the AFL Sailors Union, said the MCS had barred all but MCS members Irom Its hiring hull. Now employment will be opened to 600 AFL cooks and stewards, he snld. In some Malay weddings the bridegroom's party must itignge the bride's protectors In mimic bat tle and pay mock run-som. of Russia's growing submarine licet. Congress has been asked to ap. prove the construction ol thn lust of theso fast, 10,000 ton, (100 foot curriers, cttulrinnn Vinson id. Cln.l of the House Armed Services Committee reported Wednesday. The new-type currier most of Its specifications still highly scciul has a higher hnngur deck to per mit handling of the bigger planes now used lor ntitl-siibninrlne op erations. It will lake, two years to uuild, , Its construction Is part of the one billion 160 million dollars Navy shipbuilding bill Vinson Introduced Monday. The measure calling tor what Vinson snld Is the "minimum new construction" to enable the Nnvy to fully utilize modern sea war fare equipment, also would author ise: Three new carriers to be added to the atoin-boinb carrying licet: 43 combat ships: 473 lauding ships and landing craft: 37 servlco ships: tho second submarine designed lor nuclear power: nnd modet'iiltlng 10 coiubnt vessels. The proivani was obviously alin ed at what Secretary of Nnvy Kim ball lust Sunday described ns tho "very real throat' posed by Ru sla's undersea fleet of between 300 and 400 submarines throe or four limes llm number the U.S. la be lieved to have, The proposed three now carriers would bring the American total to at least ten big flattens capable of carrying A-bombs. Tho ton In cludes two of the supercnrrler For reslnl type 1.040 feel long with a maximum tonnage of 110,000. One Is under construction, tho now bill would authorize a second. HE CALLED A YELLOW CAB ph 2-1234 I Pvr expert! wtfi I I Ploc. Wofc, I I -r window. ,wtWy II I wWi Conulno f9n 1 1 II OI I HI purMKif rMl I j ioS m I I , m BALSIGER 1 fcd, MOTOR CO. f Main at Esplanade Fa. 3121 flick MtrUrfr is a Man who Cares... lie enjoys CARSTAIRS ...because il's a belter tlrinlc ALL WAYS! Dirk Mart iii j not tlm nlmf of mt mi tin I prriMin, ImiI 14 rallmr -M ,a lypo tlic Mtiu wImi lUr?. (UriUiri Hmi. PUtiUing Co,; Inc. Miw York, N, Y. Illendrd WliMkny tio 1'rouf 72 Cram Neutral Spirit. raw I II H mMEu . . . Behind The Two "Mystery Grilles" in Coeman's Hew 0) llm (iMlF Individual Room Heat-Circulation. Makes Floors Warm As Cellings...Gets More Usable . Heat From The Furnace!. ..Yet So Simple... w So Easy To Install! Th Two Grill.t Art All You S. in the room ... yet between them in the wall takes place a most amazing heating action that gives you a better heated home. . , lf Coll.d a blenp-AIR.. There is nothing else like it only Coleman has it! BLEND-AIR l Mort Then A Worm Air Putt SyiUmt It's a totally new way. of using and distributing the heated air from the furnace. It provides individual heat-control for eachroom. It K.n.wt Tho Warmth in the room in a matter of seconds. It keeps temperature from floor to ceiling within a vari ation of just a few degrees day or night it stop. Wotto of Hoot at the ceiling"-it makes use of this heat to keep the floors warm. You Pot Moro Ivn Hoot, more useful heat, and more comfort than was ever possible before, because BLEND AIR blends and distributes heat better. Actually SAVES on Inttollotlonl Yet -you may find BLEND-AIR actually cuts installation cost, compared with old fashioned systems. 'IIKHinmUJiH! W f , - IIIIUI IJ IIIV i E L i, if r'" ill J w ' 20 I Magic Power Hidden In The Wall Between. These Two Grilles? Let Us Show You I in in :it So Ui And Find Out I Come in -let us demonstrate the new Coleman Automatic Furnace with BLEND. air today. Learn the difference in comfort-learn how better heating may cost you less I , AUTOMATIC FURNACES Clave. BULILS-ADR it: :i: t WW Call or Phone Today... Telephone 2-2518 FYCE'S 1001 Main a