HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN II MISCILLANtOUS fOR SALE AUTOMOTIVI AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVI FRIDAY. JANUARY 25, 10r2 'I SEWING MACHINE SERIAL JANUARY CLEARANCE MNCIUIl Kl.EOTHIO POItTAULK $na.M CAD1NKT l':,ICC'IT(IO $'.!7.M rXKCTKIO PonTAIII.E mm KXTHA NICK POIITAIH.H $40.00 ' NKW BINOKIl POrtl'AlH.E inn oo I.KW BINtlKtl CONHOI.Ii $142. M SINGER SEWING CENTER Mnln Phono 2-2.113 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Ramus Ph. 7009 Ph. 7001 BIG CHIEF WILLARD HAS CORRALLED MANY FINE v PRE-WAR PONIES Cannot Move To New Hunting Grounds! HINUKIt rll'tXIAI. - Hlnger elei'llll . ahlurl with nrw mol'ir. nr lllil. jirw tout ruiilrnl. new attractive teliliiel, rire IhiiU.,1 holf mBliei. All fur UUU 30. NINtiKII HEWINU LKNIf.lt It 11 M am '.''.'J?'2- 1 1 Mill NAl.B Maytag washing mactmiv with ntnvahle tul. fall H.4-. I'OH HA1.K naw mink heart fur roal beautiful uatutal t'olt.r dark hruv.il. Iia.l on only If.tir Hot.. I', hour cai-h tune Nerd ca-h au will aril cheap, i'n 7 02011 TTTJa'y"" MrtrrTitTXT. Try the new Munpeain Hrtaveine.ler at home pef',re )',tl t'uv Dnlv alio 30. RICKY- ..WR-tlts UK) Main l'hn-e 31.11 1 Stfl) -Uj'ITUlt: value'a ian""alwa.e t round al Klamath ruiulture Cu. 221 Main. Phone 3:W.l. INtTirconcfele "culveriTuieT-'!!) Mlii par foot. pkyton, t;t) Vll'CVltiraia tanks. I'eylun and to. H A Market IOH jlAU IMI tin good ItNlf nav In stork, l-'ould feed or chop tu feed. Don Mat-keit- B t. of Mallit on tttale 1 me road r-. - ioll"HAI.k u toti haled affaire lie v. j. , "..tier, Tulelake. Phone f ':t. riirhllfcO rock" and drlve way' cinders Phone J-tltrf rtltnltff JtdCK. driveway clnucTT I'hona 3)41 1042 PONTIAC Streamliner Hi'dnn Coupe. Good stout pony w ith much pli )t 11112 DUICK Special Bcdniiet. Just llic horse for ninny long trips 1011 PONTIAC Bxlnt line cur. Motor overhauled, nrw paint, elm n anddlr. natllo, heater, Kill CIIKVIIOI.ET Bpcrttil Deluxe 2-Duor. Very fine clemi tar. 1911 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe 4-IJoor. Extra line new motor. Very clean Interior 1010 PONTIAC 4 gain, much room, extra lino horse lor so much age. 1010 MKItfJURY Convertible Coupe. Orcat open air cor. One good wind nnd all open. loan FORD Tudor. Papoose safe In back f.ent, No doom lo fall out of 1030 DOUCE Coupe. Slick blnck beauty with heap big trunk 1837 DKHOTO Coupe. Much transportation. Low coat. ...i .49Q0O 497M a onoo 4UZ ,523M 472" $35900 '35200 $137M '25700 tp250 ASHLEY'S OK USED CARS A - v ' A I 1 Vf ortLIAL tf ; A .1948 AUTOMOBILE Driven only 7,760 miles. Winterized and ready to go. This car is in top condition. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 4 FULL PRICE $245 iri.ii.vCk WiiaTTiit fod wllh th hnm mailo lailr . .Ilk lo ihnn ! Jnhnny'f Y tUkfry, Mrril) - Lkviw Juno lion. --. rxKinffrxirrTiT wigim?. and lrrta. Wo trim, iray nd rmov li g lri. LAKChiiunE r.Anursi Nunstnv I'hnn W bnv ud Hrvt OR, lltihtttr Wtld- r. 2SUl flih Phorm 4:il AOlViNO MAClllNra. rlruUio. typ: riln, ch laiut-M, deik. chlt. flits for ! or rant. PIONECH orrtf.'B t'PPl.Y 1120 Main Phim 74IJ rXEtTMoXlljTTnrAlVrii and poluhai and tupullva. Phona lltn Tarkal Twtil PH J.lirkl ron SALE at range. 710 Main Hi Crr ApU. Call i Managar i aparl ttianl. n nAll.n'6Xb"WAlHI!iOr,r7ita ih'y V9 hav a limited nuinrtrr Of "wd I'amiltnn. Klfin and H-U railroad fatch n f'rI el-" rotxllllon ItrPAlll Dri'AHTVKVr IIICKYB JCWELCH1I TOO Matit l!,,onf J'H-' intOKKN Hind.i'w iliu mi ," Kim- haiu Cil Khop Phoiw 7:iW. lllCA.T V1iK.Vr inaUratiaffa'ahS Ik prliii, rrftular r twin mtm. t Ifniih. exira widut, regular or axira liTm' MONTQOMEnY WARD th ' and Pine. lh.JIIM 1 6irHALlfparTi for itHu"nrd, dlf ! fcranllal Mitlwrinl. drlva altaft thrat ' u heaU Phone l-MtUI. MI II RUftft reVilverefT mlrrort Mad tn order. Klmballt Ola bhop. I'hona 7TTII HAVE VVfQ Too' rioor model of Admiral refrlierator at a big aving ... oii. Fully guar anteed. Eleven modrla MICAS rUHNITlinE ini E. Main .J-1 KOIt ft A I.E. RnrgeTr.Ie.MriP alove. Kir hv vacuum cleaner, highchalr. Phone M47 ft t ween " IF i i v"T: iTft n o w Fi oTi?fH? IMI Wareo power blade, htdratiltr rontrola. Preatone, rhalna. 0O0. Econ-n-n- Wrecker". Phnn- M 55 AUTOMOTIVI AT DYES' Here's a Real SPECIAL! Think of belim able to buy a ' HUICK Convertible for only I4BS! Bnappy itrcen color, beau tiful red leather upholstery, white aldewall tlrcn. radio, heater, tops mechanically. ALL FOR ONLY 195 It Pays To SEE DYE BEFORE YOU BUY 733 Eaat Main Phone 9328 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Enulanadt lli.1l CHEVHOO:? Uel Air f'owermula, lla,lln-and Heater, .Spot I.llhl. Chrome llra, very low mllenire. New price ll.1i. My prlre 2'J!U. will arrange fi nance. Cnll 0.1110 after IIIW p. ni. "liUfi SAItOAN'rii USEU UAHS- Wr BUY, SF.I.L AND TRADE Corner Shaata Way and Arthur Btreeli Phone n-(i.1 a real buy mt tthouftl iee tltui 1019 Plymouth deluxe' fotlr tlnnr U1MIIAT USEU CAltS So. Sixth Plum Phone mm iiin'o"in.V)SM()iiii.ri.tja skUan ". (loort condlllnn. Call H.:l after a p. m lIMlfflodite (.'iillie Coupe. Radio. he'atVi aun vlior. All the eMrai. Priced rljht DIMBAT USED CARS So. Sixth ft Plum Phone Hi nre. clr.L) L'AKS uai top pine now Bnae Motor Co Cth and Plum iflli Buic'lT SpertnT Rndio, heater. Practically new Urea. S4IK1 DIMBAT USKD CARS So. 81 x I h At m Plu m Phone 9 1 no "ipso Special Deluxe 4 door. Fully equipped. A real bat-Knln. DIMDAT USKD CARS Wo. Sixth A Plum Phone 91.10 WHY WALK? DRIVE MURK MOTORS 301 B Main Phone :H7U "We will aell .vour ear for vou " We buy an.l trade' IT'S-f UK clMnm imo car In iann. A four floor delude nl DIMBAT USKD CAIIS So. Sixth ft nunj Phenanino lliirTlt'ord ttvb dour. Uoud I'ttHpb, Oliiy 199. DIMBAT USED CARS So. Blxlh St Plum Phone 0139 VbH SALE. 1044 Army Jeep. Phone ton, COMPLETS auto Prompt, reaaonable. noop. t-none t.tn. flnna aervlce. Klmbnlll aian a-HAHUAlNS! ph, riK rn,inn,l alio, 'nfl tlac Sedan very enocl, VI.10, 'n.1 4 Coune A.l Condition. S10O. 1300 r.. Main. run SALE IdtO Chevrolet Kleelllne tudnr aedan. Heater. In excellent con dition. Price iaso. Phona 8700, 'ii CI llnlll rWtt -AND OTHERS HERE ARE SOME LATE MODEL UNITS That have not been through our currying and new thoc department. Mechanically OK, but need clcanupl 1050 PONTIAC DLJI. CHIKI'TAIN 4-DIl. Hydramallc, radio, healer 1040 DKHOTO CUSTOM 4 -OH. Automatic iransmlaiion. Itadlo, healer. 1048 DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE Loaded .' 1047 PONTIAC 8TUEAMI.INEH DR. Very dependable 1048 LINCOLN CLUB COUPE Overdrive, radio, heater '1895 '1175 1 987 ... ' 998 .... 1 896 $2 DOWN $5 DOWN We don't care what vou pnv down on theie pre-war ponies Ju.it o we gel our dough out ol them! But, If you're short, come In and fee Big Chief Wlllard . . . him got special Wampum for broke warriors. Little Chief Home Phone . . . 2-0540 Skinny Chief Home Phone . . . 4078 vV ic SPECIAL -it 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DLX. 2-DR. Radio, air flow heater and defroster, grille and trunk guards. Low mileage and very clean. Priced at $1345. Down payment $450. $ C C86 Approximate monthly payments JU i v'r SPECIAL & i 1950 FORD CUSTOM 5-PASS. COUPE Radio and heater. Interior and exterior clean. Motor A-l. A top car at lO a steal IsJsJ it -U SPECIAL ir ic 1950 G.M.C. V2 TON PICKUP Low mileage, good tires. A clean Pickup 5"QQC all the way through. Only I J Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 O O faO- O O O O o o SAVE $I00 SAVE USED CAR CLEANOUT SALE 8 BANG! ! ! We're off to a Banner 1952 Buick Year! We Absolutely Must Make Room For '52 Trade-Ins ' Beginning Thursday until Saturday at 6 p.m. WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR USED CARS AT A PRICE $ 1 00 BELOW LOCAL OPS CEILING THESE MUST GO!- ' BUICKS (Specials, Supers, Roadmasters) :iIEVROLETS P0NTIACS 0LDSM0B1LES FORDS PLYM0UTIIS 11950 PACKARD 11951 STUDEBAKER 11949 CHEVROLET V TON PICKUP V U can't beat a PONTIAC and U can't beat a PARKER PONTIAC DEAL l $ $4'$ PARKER PONTIAC .th and Klamath Ave, Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland Ph. b221 JANUARY CLEARANCE 1941 1937 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1949 1951 PONTIAC 2 D00R SEDAN Heater, sun vlor. Jet black LASALLE COUPE Not bod, and only FORD SUPER DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE A low mllcago special. Like new OLDS '78' DLX. SEDAN rtadio, healer, Hydramatlc. A tutone green beauty hi Immaculate condition HUDSON COMMODORE S SEDAN Radio, heater, scat covers. Very nice condition. Solid green color, white aldewall tires HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN Radio, heater, sent covers. New blue paint Job. . PACKARD SEDAN Radio, heater. Tutone paint - CIIEV. 5-PASS. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, sent covers. Maroon color PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN Heater and overdrive. 12,000 actual miles DODGE CORONET SEDAN Radio, heater and fluid drive. Sea blue. One owner and clean PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. '8' SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc drive, seat covers and anow tires. Very nice HUDSON PACEMAKER '6' 4-DR. Radio, heater, overdrive, scat covers. House car, In perfect condition. Only 8,000 miles ? 425 ? 125 $ 995 '1195 $U35 ?1365 ?1465 ?1145 ?1595 $1595 $1795 $2650 The Weather Is Terrific PRICES ARE DOWN You should buy a Used Car now instead of later because prices will go up on Used Cars this Spring! Telephone us or anyone of our salesmen listed below. Don't bother to drive to town to see or drive one of these low priced cars. We'll take any of our used cars out to your home t anywhere In the KLAMATH BASIN) that you would like to see. NO OBLIGATION NO HIGH PRICED SELLING We Invite you to phone Reverse charges to us or our salesmen it calling long distance! 1949 OLDS "98" ROCKET 4-DOOR SEDAN $1895 1949 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN S1445 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION REGAL DLX. 4-DOOR $1275 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER 4-DOOR $1195 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 2-DOOR $1175 1948 LINCOLN CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN $1095 1948 FORD V-8 FORDOR SEDAN $1065 1947 OLDS "66" CLUB SEDAN S 985 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN S 995 1947 OLDS "68" 4-DOOR SEDAN $1065 1947 OLDS "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN S1195 1947 OLDS "78" 4-DOOR SEDAN S1095 1947 OLDS "98" CLUB SEDAN $1195 1947 OLDS "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN $ 675 FINANCE AT THE LOWEST RATE IN KLAMATH FALLS 6 Flat No Contract Writing Fee! -No Payment Until March 8th SALESMEN . . . Harvey Wyatt Res. Phone 3454 Steve Walker Res. Phone 6702 ' George Flitcraft Res. Phone 4303 Howard Scroggins Res. Phone 3216 Dick B. Miller Co. kfir O O An exceptionally wide variety of year models, the quality of which is, frankly surprising. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE $100,! LIBERAL TRADES! H. E. HAUGER t o o w USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad $100 $100 ' $100 $100 $100 Phone 5151 $100 o o $ LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? HERE'S THE PLACE TO LOOK - COME I N TODAY! Everv Car Is a Real Value ! ! ft OUR TERMS ARE THE BEST POSSIBLE ft ft Finance Charge V2 of 19b Per Month On Balance 7th &. Klamath Ave. Phone 4103 ft SPECIAL ft 1951 BUICK "40" SERIES DLX. 4-DR. Radio, healer, Dynaflow, OOQ glare-proof tinted glass jLtLsJ COMMERCIAL SPECIAL ! 895 Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 11th & Klamath Ave. , Phone 2-2581 1947 DODGE V2 TON PANEL Heater. Excellent condition. For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See ' VJERRY" or "JUCK" Vour International TtvcR Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SL'ES llth and Klimath Prion 2-3581 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS , REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. - YOUR CMC DEALER 877 a 7tb PbOM 1171 IT'S EASY TO SPOT A MAN WHO DRIVES A BARGAIN! HE'S SITTING AT THE WHEEL OF ONE OF OUR Blue-Ribbon Guaranteed Used Cars 1950 STUDEBAKER REGAL DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR, Overdrive, Climatizer, seat covers 1950 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. Overdrive, Climatizer 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE AERO SEDAN 10,000 actual miles. Heater and other extras 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE 2-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, Climatizer, seat covers 1948 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER REGAL CLUB COUPE Overdrive, Climatizer, seat covers 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION" DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, Climatizer 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE COUPE Overdrive, radio, Climatizer. - 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater 1946 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE Top condition in every way. Has heater. STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, heater CHEVROLET TWO-DOOR SEDAN Radio and heater STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, Climatizer SDNM595 ...'1545 1947 1942 1942 '1445 .'1325 .'1345 . '1195 '1295 .' 795 .' 695 . '1145 ' 495 .'445 41 Plymouth 4-Dr J345 '41 Stude. Champ. 2-Dr. $295 41 Stude. Champ. 4-nr. 445 40 Ford V-8 Coupe S295 '41 Dodge 4-Dr. . 41 Olds 4-Dr 40 Olds 4-Dr 37 DeSoto 4-Dr. $445 $445 $345 $195 '41 Ford V-8 Fordor . '41 Chev. 2-Dr '40 Ford V-8 Tudor . 36 Stude. 4-Dr . $395 $445 $345 . $95 PICKUPS AND TRUCK BARGAINS 1951 Dodge Vz Ton $1495 1949 Studebakar V'a Ton $1145 (2 to choose from) 1949 Ford V-8 V2 Ton $1145 1941 Chevrolet IV2 Ton Flat Bed Truck $ 495 McCULLOCH MOTORS Klamath Avenue at 8th St. ft ft STUDEBAKER ft ft Phone 4149 2310 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN Big 155 h.p. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with radio, heater and economical overdrive. $1 Our new low price 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN This popular model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at a price anyone can afford and in such sparkling $1 QQ C condition you'll be proud to own it I07J 1950 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN Have two of these beauties to choose from. Identical in equipment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrive. JlQQit Never before priced so low 1 J 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Has automatic transmission, radio, heater and 010 nearly new tires. Now only 1 1949 PACKARD "8" SEDAN This late '49 model Is clenner and nicer than most 50's. $1 -70 c See It at this new price nnd you'll want to own it I OJ 1949 DODGE CORONET $1595 Nice, ono-owner car, 20,000 miles 1949 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Local one-owner car with extra low mileage. 1539 PACKARD WILLYS LEE HUFF MOTORS DON'T BUY Without a 2-Day Free Driving Trial - Money-Back Guarantee! All These Cars Are Top Quality 1950 Chev $1647 1950 Plymouth $1647 1947 Chev. Aero $1147 1947 Plymouth $1017 MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1897 SNOW SPECIAL 1949 DODGE Power Wagon $ Only Duqan & Mest Dodge Plymouth and Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks 522 So. 6th Phone' 8101 7th and Oak Phone 7256 JUST rlfht for a 1048 Special Deluxe Plymouth Club Coupe. Radio, heater, teat covera. In Immaculate condition. uimtiai i,vE, tana ft AT DYE'S ft ' We Believe These Are The BEST BUYS IN THE CITY!, Every Car In Top Condition 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, heater, tutone. A beautiful car. 1949 CHEVROLET Radio, heater. A real nice car. .. 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Exceptionally clean. Compare this price with other '50 Plymouths. 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Very clean - 1939 BUICK SEDAN Has had exceptionally good care. .. OTHERS FROM $75 UP! IT PAYS TO SEE DYE BEFORE YOU BUY Open Sundays & Evenings 733 East Main PhnJ 9329 ! 895 $1295 ?1495 445 p 295 Shop around nil you wnnt to. You can't beat thli 11)4!) Custom Deluxe Ford V.B. Radio, heater, overdrive, ror only $120.1. DIMBAT USED CARS So. Sixth Plum Phone 9138 WANTED TO BUY. four-wheel drive Jeop StaUon wagon. Phone 831S after 6 p.m. An' extra clean 1030 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe. Only 16,000 milee. Priced to aell. DIMBAT USED CARS So. Sixth t Plum Phone 9139 So. Sixth tc Plum 1049 Ford Club Coupe V-8. Radio and Heater. Good upholalerinft, very Rood rubber. In first clasa condition. 81223. Floyd A, Hocy company, luietaae, Phona SHOCalttorma. Phona 7-2072. 1930 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 4 door. Spot lessly clean. Mechanically perfect. Pr'" $BAT USED CARS ' So8lxth & Plum Phone 813- WE KNOW It'a snowing; down our Used Car prlcea ara going) Bead about H. E. Hauger'a $100 Clean-Out Sal on this page. 1040 Butck Super four door aedan. While sidewalls, radio, healer, dyrw How. ugj1AT used CARS So. Sixth St Plum Phon 813$ FINANCE any or all repetra or service) and delivery for any ala Job. Dick II. Miller Co., 7th and Klamath, phona 4103.