PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1082 CLASSIFIED RATES On day i per word 4 Three) Dayi . per word llo Week run ., per word 30c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALS ltd propouli will b received by the Common Council of the city of Klamath l")lt, Oregon, for the pur ehete of eewer Improvement bondi, Serlei Bit, nggrefttng. Four Thousand rive Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dollars, 022.33) duly authorised by erd inane nf th ulrl Cttv at Klamath Valli, for the construction and laying Di aewer iinee in sewer urm no. m, of Mid City and aervlna the orooerty between South Sixth Street, the 6.C. K. Railroad Right of Way, Shasta Way ana wainDurn aireeia. ProDoaali to ourchase aatd bonds wilt be received by the undersigned up to ana including tne 4tn. day or reoruary, lKt, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of aald day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun cil Immediately thereafter; laid bonds hall be dated February 1, 1M2, and nail De in amounia oi fouu.uu men, xcent bond No. 1. of aald aeries. which shall be for the fractional part of said sum, and ail snau o oue ten ears after the date of Issue, payment of the entire bonds optional with aatd City at any coupon paying aaie on ana after one year from the date thereof. Bald bonds will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check lor five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the light to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion ai to the legality thereof by t law firm of Wlnfree, McCulloch, Shuler & Sayrs, Spaldinf Building, Portland. Oregon. This notice is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17, 1651. ROBERT M. ELDER. PoUce Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. D-M-J-1-1 - 3- 4- 5- 7 - S - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 14 - IS 38 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 31 - 22 - 23 -34 - 35 - 36 - 3a-39 - 30 - 31 F 1 - 2 No. 826. I NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POSSESSORY CHATTEL LIEN FORECLOSURE Bv virtue of Notice of Possessory Chattel Lien filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Klamath County, Ore gon, on tne xs a ay oi January, asm, entitled "Standard Stations, Inc., Claimant, v. Charlie R. Edens, De fendant" wherein Charlie R. Edens of sea South walker Lane, stocxton. Cali fornia, is named as registered owner nd lerai owner or tne vemcie Herein after described, a copy of said Notice of Possessory Chattel Lien duly certi fied to by the said County Clerk, with request for foreclosure endorsed there on Slgneu oy saia lien ciniuiaiii at torney havirur been received: and pur suant to Section 67-503 O.CX.A, pro viding tor ine foreclosure ox sucn iiens, 1 did on the 24th day of January, 1952. seize and take into my possession the chattel described in said notice, namely, One 1838 Buick Sedan. Motor No. 3582145. bearing 1951 California li. . cense number 1B60566. JJOW, THEREFORE, in consideration and by authority of the foregoing, no tice is hereby given that on the 8th day of February, 1952. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., Pacific Standard Time, at 136 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell aid chattel at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy such lien, accrued interest, fee for filing and recording such lien and certified copies thereof, costs of seizure, storage and attorney's fees J. M. BRITTON Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon By ts) DORA GODDARD Deputy J-25 F-l No. 870 The minimum charge for any one id u 50c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ede may be handled through box numbers at the paper (or a service charge oi aoe. www DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 6:30 pjn. for following day's publication w Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noon for following day's pub lication. WW ADJUSTMENTS Please rc&Ke ah claims for adjust menu without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 5:30 pjn. will be mads m following day's publication CARD OF THANKS LEWIS -We wish to thank all of our kind friends and neighbors for their many kind expressions of sympathy and condolence during our recent be reavement. Fred Lewis, Austin Lewis, Vivian Posar, Elva Broylea and fam ines. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORY of Minnie E. Cornell, who passed away five years ago, Jan- uary aa. i ne lamiiy, C FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Hon. MS High street Phone 3334. MEETING NOTICES Klamath Lodge No. 77 A.F. and A.M. will hold a special meeting Fri day, Jan. 35, 7 pm. Work In MM Degree. Visiting Brethren In vited. Dale Bebber WorshlptuI Master ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ohIi Friday, 8 p.m. for Information, write LOST AND FOUND CITATION B THE CIRCUIT COURT OT THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of PEDRO CONZALAS, Deceased. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: TO: The Unknown Heirs of PEDRO GONZALES. Deceased. A netitinn bavin been filed by Ivr C. Clark, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Administrator of the above entitled estate, for an order authoriz ing him to sell at private sale for cash ins xouowing oescnoea real prejjwi?, to-wlt: Portion of Lot 7, Sec. 14. Twp. 3e S . R. 10 E W.M.. Klamath County. Oregon, containing .28 acres, also . wts.m-swv. - NE1'. SWi KEK, Eli-EW-SEV.-NWy,, Sec.. 33. T. 34 S.. R. 7. SEtt-SEH Sec. 34 T. S5 S., R. S NEV. - NE",, Sec.. 3 NWV.-NWV. Sec. J, T. 36, S R. I., W.M., Klamath County, Oregon, containing 160 acres You. and each of you. are hereby cited to appear In the above entitled Court on or before the 30th day of January, 1952, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why the said petition should not be granted. WITNESS the Hon. David R. Vanden. berg. Judge of the above entitled Court Dated this 28th day of December, 1951. (SEAL) """" chas. r. DeLAP, Oltrk of the Circuit Court By JANE WEVER Deputy D-M J-4-11-18-25 No. 8S8 LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Male Golden Retriever. Answers to name Red . Has long golden coat. Disappeared Tuesday from Lost River Ranch in Poe Valley. At that time was wearing a heavy leather collar with my name and teiepnone number. Liberal reward, Dan Uskey, Phone 7914. LOST. Cameo brooch with solid gold modernistic mounting. Finder please return to Clare Moseley, 2220 Rad- cuiie. newara. no questions asked. rnone o-tis, or 3111. iuai. wauei tinder keep money, re turn papers. Kerurn to Nina currier, 1143 Pine or Apartment 10. Liberal re- mra. LOST. Size 6i child's white boot be- rween Eaieway ana Washington. Phone GENERAL NOTICE Merchandise Mart 2964 So. Sixth CLOSED FOR REPAIR WATCH FOR REOPENING DATE Every car must go We're tired of shoveling snow! Read about H. E. Hauger's $100 clean-out sale in Auto- mouvc v.iassuication. HATS RETRIMMED,. feather hats, leis. to order. Marion 116 Sa. llth Phone evenings 9860. YOUR Singer Sewing Center la onen to the public. Thursday 3:30 to 5:30 xor zree anaenment instructions. SINGES SEWING CENTER 33 Main Phone S-2911 PERSONALS HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON. 1719 Main. Phone 6284. JT HELPS YOTJ in to many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald te News Classified ads. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work nd recovering lost articles. Phone 111. STANLEY Home Products. Phone 6609. 10 St R VICE MOVING?... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving, a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse ' "Since 1918" FIX THAT RADIO Our Business b Soun4 CONNER'S SERVICE CO, Pbone 6818 PIANO TUNING WM. H. MORGAN Factory trained technician and tuner. For tunings call role Morgan rtano, uita wain or pnone a-uaw. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kln- orea luojecu, omc macmnai. KLAMATH BUSINESS CO LLC;. T33 Pine Phone 478o CHILD CARE and education. Pire-cbool center, rnone sm. 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, exercise, wetf MUtttng. Phy- aiotnerapy tor reducing, relaxation, body building. Rate for erie. Ap pointment, phone 3663 -WOtk Medical Maueuse, women only. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE OLDER woman to care for two Kirli 4 and 3 in my home days. See me at i ui uary alter o:jo p.m. or satur day and Sunday, Wa.NiaU: Uirl (or lull or part time office work. Must be honet. neat aod of good character and accurate with iiEures. 5nouia oe awe to type. APDiy In own handwriting, statins are and qualifications. Address Lock Box 473 Herald ivews. EARN money at home. Full, par' time. Box 471 Herald and News. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper familiar ith payroll and1 central office work. Good steady position. State afe and experience in first letter, write box 4j Herald and .News. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE WANTED used car maintenance man, Must have own tools and possess aver age mechanical ability. Prefer married man. and must be steady. Job pays monthly salary- Give references. Box a ttcraid and News. WANTED capable man for ranch work. Small tenant cottaee. wood, water lights furnished. Prefer married man. box 467 Hcraia and New. 17 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED wool presser. Excel- lent full time job. New Method Clean ers. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD CARE In my home days. Phone CHILD CARE. Phone 7939. WILL care for your children in your own horn evenings or weekends. References. Phone 8970 before 7:43 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m. DAY or hour 2-0368. work wanted. Phone BABY STTLNG. Phone 6121, WASHING and Ironing. Phone 2-0110. BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0572. WILL care for children in my home days or your noma evenings, iau 2-1545. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR- RENT." "three room' modern cabin, partly furnished. Klectrlc stove. month. Can be seen at liU5 Atlanta or call B242. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE w u TRUCKS V- DRIVE Move Yourself Save t Now Irucks For Long Trlpa Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Msin Phone 8304 OFFICE or 71(11. rent. S33 MstiT Phone I'OK RENT, door Sanders latest type equipment. Suburban Lumber Co llth and Walnut Phone T7MI CAR STORAGE HEATFt). dsr week or month. Earl Lamb, phone S73 or 7100. 30 REAL ESTATl FOR SALE SUBURBAN Law one room house on 4 acre. Cement tile construction. Price $2500, $500 down, $50 per month. N0RTHSIDE Two completely furnished over and under apartment house. Very well constructed. Bringing In $142.50 per month. Price $14,500, $4000 down, $100 per month. HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth ...Office Phone 9105 Evenings 98"9 JO REAL ESTATE fOR SALE FOR SALE By Owner TULELAKE HOMESTEAD 60 acres all in alfalfa PRiCE $28,500 Can be bought 30 down or lease with option to buy I Phone 7-0563 Tulelake, Calif, HOUR work. Phone 7813. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM heated room for rent. 607 HlKh. LICDHT housekeeping room suitable for Densinner. S2S mnnth. 3a Main. Phone 9089. LARGE sleeping room with heat. Also smau clean apartment, utilities tur- nisneq. uiose in. for laay. rnone otu7. ROOM and board for sentlemen. Phone ROOMS, prices reasonable. Phone 4627. LOVELY rooms for rent. M.7. a week. ciose in. Phone ,4230. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED P. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 CABINET WORK Remodeling in your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. C0NDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4336 Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks and drain fields repaired. Phone 2-0334 SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA SmmIi1It Treated tN No. 7th Pfattt TMC Chiropractic Physician EXCAVATING Mobil ahovel and Trench Hot Bulldozer - Fill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE 3ERVlCa! GRAHAM BROS. Phoiie 5541 or 9110 pha Apartment, 7th and Pine. Phone TWO ROOM apartment or cottage THREE ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENT. Cannon. Phon 2-13S6. CLEAN three room apartment. 433 No. mm. FOR RENT. Two room furnished apartment Natural Hot water heat. aquiis oniy. fnone trwo. CLEAN warm furnished apartment. i-oupie. ynone iww. THREE room furnished. AdulU. pgta. Close In. Call 2-3170. FOR RENT two room aoartment. new. ly furnished and redecorated. Natural hot water heat, electric refrigerator ana sieve, tancoin aatimenu. J J 8 ut M&in. WARM furnished two room apartment Electric range and refrigerator. Con veniently located from town or Oreteoh- Reasonable. 1603 Maui. LARGE, furnished two-room apart ment. S47.50. smaller two-room unit, 933; refrigerators. All utilities included 19 n. xentn. FOR RENT lame furnished apartment Adults. Also two room modern cabin. rnone 8226. NORTH SIDE. Close in, upstairs, modern nice smau a-room unturmsnea apart ment. Adults. No dogs, no alcoholics. References. Inquire 1022 Owens. FOR RENT two room modern apart- ment. Adults. 321 Broad. TWO BEDROOM furnished aoartment. aouiis. zuoi wnne. tS 1 v Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment llth & Wolriut Ph. 7709 J Cotter Cough Relief WsM near drags or oM hi to stop yarn cough or chest cold doot delay. Cncmubion contains only safe, help. fad, proven ingredients and do nar cotics to disturb nature's process. K goes right to the seat of the trouble to ssd nature soothe and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Ossmranteed to please yon or druggist petfoods money. Creomulskm has stood She test of many millions of users. CRE0MUI!SI0N Iwm OmcH CtMrt Cot, Acrtt kVosKMtfi GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to order, Kimball's Glass Shoo Phone 7378. THE 1952 buick. are here, down must go our Used Car prices, we fear. Read about H. E. Hauger's $100 Clean-Out Sale in Automotive Classification. EARL TRUMBLVS blacksmith and machine shop. North Modoc St, Tule lake, Calif. All types of farm machin ery repaired. Truck beds and stock racks built to order. Any kind of trail er built. All types of welding and hard facing. All work guaranteed. SEWING and alterations. Kitty Dressel. Phone 2-D558. INCOME TAX RETURN3 For appointment phona 2-0231, Harvey Blapham. FULLER brushes. Phone 9604 or 5677. BRICK LAYING Does your fireplace draw? If not call 9148. DOES YOUR fireplace need ' repair?" FOR RENT. room apartment. blocks from Main Street. For working coupie. fnone 44t7 evenings 33M. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment. 903 jwarjiei. rnone tj.ii i. FOR RENT, furnished apartment- Ia quire 518 High N EWLY decorated, private bath, kit- cnenene. mean, neat, electric n glO week Rex Arms Apartment FOR RENT, three room furnished apartment. Hot water heat Adults. Phone 3888, THREE room modern furnished apart ment on East Main. Private bath. Auto matic heat. S55. AdulU. No pets. In quire 2119 Applegate. FOR RENT large three room furnished apartment. Ph. 2-2628. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT THREE room furnished duplex. in. qui is. rnone iuzu. VERY attractive new three room house xor rent to working couple, rirepiacc, electric heat. Phone 4607. FOR RENT. Three bedroom modern un furnished house on California avenue. See W. 9. Easter, 1059 California avenue. WATCH REPAIRING, Reasonable. Main Street. PAINTING and paperhangin. 7617. TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen ucr worn, rnone ww. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract, rnone z-iuio. EXPERT dressmaking and alterations. rnone ooi. CURTAINS laundtTed Phont 4914. and stretched. J. U DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 308 No. 7th. Phone 9346 PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging, plaster-board finishing, spray painting. rnone ovto. EVERY-Car MUST GO! We're Tired Of Shoveling Snow . . . Read About H. L HAUGER'S S100 CLEAN OUT SALE In The Automotive Section of the Classified Pages !?'?.7 v n FURNISHED or unfumtsed two bed. room duplex. Phone 3872 or 1112 Mar-tin. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Au tomatic gas furnace and water heater. Garage. 65. Phone 2-33B7. UNFURNISHED four room duplex. Ex cept for stoves. $50, Call 3027 before 9 p.m. FOR RENT two bedroom furnished house. 3973 Boardman. $30, Inquire at xivl uerny. FOR RENT one bedroom modern house. Inquire 1212 Homedale Road. FOR RENT on lease basis two bed room furnished house In Stewart-Lennox addition. Large lot, basement, barn, chicken house, etc. Call W. J. .asier, pnone st-i FOR RENT. Two bedroom duplex, fur. nisnea, ciose in. inquire 728 norm ntn, INCOME PROPERTY Duplex on paved street In Mills Addition. 100 occupancy all the time. Brings In 1120.00 per month. Both units neat and modem with plasfered walls, hardwood floors and floor furnaces. Very little up keep to the building. Nice yard with two car garage. Priced reasonably at S12.000.00. Terms can be ar ranged. Call for appointment to see. Restaurant For Sale Located on one of Klamath's bus-" lest thoroughfares. Fully equipped. Even facilities for baiting and meat cuttltur. Doing a good business. Seats 29. An excellent business for two people. Owner forced to sell because of ill health. S5775.00. Summers Cane District Modern 2 bedroom home with con crete foundation and automatic heat. Large garage with concrete floor. l acre of good soil. No drainage problems. Selling for the P.H.A. appraised value oi soouu Financing already arranged. BARGAIN HUNTERS ATTENTION. Here Is the chance of lifetime. Owner being trans ferred and must sell this lovely new 5 room immediately. Excellent location among attractive new homes on oaved street In MILLS ADDITION. Hardwood floors throughout. Separate dining room Easy to heat and conveniently ar ranged. Nice lot. Large garage. $9500. Al Longmire , Eves 6724 Joe Perry Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St Ph. 3665 or 3421 WANTED Have buyers for one' or two bed room homes on Nortlislde. Need two or three bedroom homes In Mills. If you have a selling problem, con tnct us for fast, efficient, courteous service. VERNON DURANT ' ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9105, 5544 or 7933 Business Is Good We have buyers for homes at fair price. If you want to sell Call our office. Anne Mason' Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 123 S. 9th Phone 7266 6 ACRES MILLS VpaHv naw one ' bedroom home located one block to bus line. Wall to wall carpeting, very attractive kitchen and dining area, insuiaiea walls, ceilings and floors. Attached raraee utilitv room and work shop. Excellent condition through out. A real buy at seauu terms. N0RTHSIDE Attractive and well constructed four bedroom home. Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, dining room, new electric' heat. Two full baths. Insulated and weather- striDoed. Concrete basement, sprink ling system, beautiful view. Priced far below replacement cost. i.ouu. Immediate Possession Outstanding large family home, ideal location. Close to school and shopping center. 14x30 foot living room with beautiful stone urepiace, large dining room and kitchen. Three spacious bedrooms with walk-In closets, glassed in sleeping porch, sun deck, double garage, full concrete basement. Automatic heat to all rooms. A home to be proud of. $16,000 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 $4250 C Ci-Mfec. PrnfiwKva Wirmfh fw AKIDH CHEST COLDS Is rtlltvs cough ssd tor, rmscIss Must role Instantly creates a won derful protective warmth, rlnht where applied on chest, throat and back. It not only promptly relieves coughing and inflammation but breaks up painful local congestion. Five room home with bath on large corner suburban lot. Completely In sulated, concrete foundation. Elec tric heat, large sunny living room, nice dining room. Near stores, school and bus. Ample room for another home on lot. Full price $4250 terms. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor Level fertile soil. It's covered with snow now but when the sun shines and spring Is here It will produce abundantly. Well constructed 2 bedroom home with large sleeping porch, full basement, automatic Iron Fireman heat. Large barn, 2 chicken houses, detached garage with concrete floor. Concrete lined flumes and ditches make for an Ideal irrigation system. Just 3 miles from town on paved street. Price 512,900. MILLS ADDITION Modern 2 bedroom home, on de sirable corner lot. Conveniently arranged kitchen and dining room, detached garage. Selling at less than FHA appraisal. Price (7000. Near Conger School Owner Is leaving and must sell this 2 bedroom modern home on double lot, Just off California Avenue." Electric range, new floor furnace. Total price $4650. Reasonable terms. A QUALITY HOME In Hot Springs. A home you'll be proud to own. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 2 beautiful fireplaces, one of them it) a rumpus room you will enjoy. Large, well landscaped lot. Natural hot water heat. Price $23,500. Terms available. Open Evenings by Appointment ' See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Ph. 2-2460 Eves. 5658 Eves. 5703 Eves. Fred 8cott CHILCOTE & SMITH ' REALTORS ' Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 MILLS Three bedroom, living room, kit chen, bath, utility. Large single garage, automatic heat. Price $5500 terms. Can be purchased completely furnished. NORTH SUBURBS Large home on good (foundation. Two bedrooms down, three up. Automatic oil heat, modern. Full price $5250, $1100 down, $52 per month. CLOSE IN Two bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, utility. Floor cover ing. Recently remodeled, oil floor furnace. Price $7000, $1500 down, $50 per month. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9195, 5644 or 7923 i Ull HIATINO i" h OltrCN "STAMPS Vlv.n' on' hssT Ins alls I'lions 3(1111 or l.UliKJ (oi unmiul delivery. CLlrr VADKN'B SltlNAL SERVICE iinoo an nih sTOtt)ARtrHkATiNaiMi Slove. lurnara. Ilsfhl fuel, eoal, wood, charcoal I'snon and Co. s:is Msrkst. I'honsJIli 18 BOATS PETSTORT$"rl6BBIiS FlNS IlkO. nToi. and 'WnmnVsnor., SIW uu. Ssl llarnny Kimneli. Ilea. Houta No. I Mli.imln. Miinl PolXUs pups. "Liiier niiiimf. CiTl 301MV foil SAL. 1 frmale DscluliunTVups One rvtl. one blNrk anil tan. Wormed and dutemper shot. CM after 8 p.m J:iS RlwrleiiK Phone Hand. ANlfknsoN notilln""Keniiels Hione :ilH7 Willi Delaware ofl lliiineilale IKAlimNC!KENNKl.H Doi boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs (or each dog Dogs Handled durtsg mating. Will pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Phone SOTS Merrill ltd Rt a. Uoa 004 SHASTA CASCAOC KKNNKLS 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Otuh paid for tny amount. Top market pncoi fnr good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS V In lived of rvic ttiio.TtiU to fi OiuTT, are llenler Fnr ma, Cit?wll, UrrHuii nrijMai I.VIW aim promuMion. tOl SAX.K Ttenvy promti'lni v('cTtTit- eil Holiteln ruiv. Hint truth li. It Crliou. Mrrlll. Or. I Itii now book In if orders, for Driitst we i ivory di YrniiBiarc, Angus), ana dnlry calvi. L, M, Hookir, HI. 1 Ho 7li,l. Crmn-ynt Cliy. Calt. AKrrBOcol orltd nm i hoi 4M t HIGHEST prlc paid (or poultry, bo and UvtMtock. U1G Y MEAT MARKET htvlew Junciti'W on flu AKTlKIl'l A' . 1URKOIN(. HFMVICE Phnn 6731 M C- IChurtti Warrsn. Hi , Box 533 i r U K SAI.K Three monttu old whit fnced heifer. Will drink out at buck I. I hong W E WILL SELL ihrre head at tkxj pound buffalo rnlVM at lh Llvcttock Auction, Phcwnlv, Orefon, Saturday January 31. Dluf Moon JUnrh. owner KHYKHS. unn-readv. Wioim a lTS. 100 NEW iiimuihin pullats. Laylnx. Phona 4aa. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 FINANCIAL' LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON TILE FIKST CALL I Op to 1500 on rour suio On vour gnlnry or furnlturs up to 11100 "Pay Day" lonns s ipoclnlly - 110. Kb ISO lonnod till "pay dity" or longpr $26 oosu but It cant (or on week No other charge. LOCAL LOAN CO. 118 No. tOth 8t M-3M DON MtilNTYRB, Mr. 48 V sari Friendly Bisrvip Phono 3-3537 8-75 SS AUTOMOTIVE We wlsli to buy fafite uuaullUvi of Stiffnr Pine Coiieg, Maniantta n ranches). MivMaty itrmnchrB anil many otner native mountain weedi. Anyone that U In tcrfti. write and rjunte nrlrea to THE KEHVAN COMPANY, 11U Wl ?'Uh Strrrt. New York 1, N. WANTED. Coronet. Phone IKW.1. WANTEDBy couple, nion at fioai.ii.e two or three bedroom home. Will loaae or rent Prefer cloae in. Reterencet. Phone J-OJftfl. WANTED to rwnt Craln laud -- have full eoulnment. C. II. Kelly. Route 1. Ho MP. honi buoo. WANTED to "rent. Two or three bed room house. Phone 3-017A. To Sell, Buy, or Trade See Selby Last! 1DB1 WILLYS JEKP8TER Tlie only Amrrlrnn mnilo "aixirU llVOtf" csr". Wlilto sitlewalls, hruirr, drlrostrr slid overrlrlvs. ' ' 10JO BUICK 8PKCIAL i-DK. 8KUAN-R111II0 iinrt hestcr. hnnn A one owner enr unci only 11,000 mllos I 7 zSJ 10S0 WILLY8 4-WHKEL DIUVE STATION WAGON. 1 r r C lieulrr. Hum's the one for the tough golngl IOOO 1949 DOIXJE COHONET 4DR. 8EDAN. Another one owner li rnp car. Lonclrd with extras nnd shnrpl lOYO 1019 PACKARD 4.-DR. SEDAN. Ritdlo, heiiter, elciarlo - C A ciiiifii, nnd overdrive. Try It you'll buy It I JO .1145 1145 1045 1 795 1 395 ' 465 1 395 1 395 10-18 CHEVROLET 4 DR. SEDAN. Ifntllo, neuter. extra nice condition throughout. 1048 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DLX SEDAN. Radio A heater. This car has only 117.000 actual miles on 11 and lit clean. 1048 FORD SUPER DELUXE V-8 FOIIDOR. Who could go wrong on this one si only. ..,.. 1046 CHEVROLET ( TON PICKUP. Why go Into details? 1048 CROSLEY PICKUP. A good one In this model 1041 KORD V-8 DELUXE FORDOR. Radio, heater and clean. 1041 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN. Radio and heater. 1040 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE COUPE. Jusl traded for It Many olher makes and models to choose from. Selbv Motor Co. WANTED to buy mail caah retfliter. Dirk Recder t Nlor WANTED TOTTrASE dalrv. GradT preferred, or will trade Clranli Pan properly aa aown paymeni tor pur. chase. Frank L Howard. Rt. 2. uoi 2UI Tulelake. Phone 7-0M0. WOiiiN'r: CdtrPl.r no childrenI. d aire to rent two bedroom unfurnished house with Marag-e by Murcn 'hone 0(14.1 aflor 0 p m. Roir Motor Co 8th and Plum. FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash, Loans Borrow ' Put Onl $100 H.J1 Ma Repay In 18 installments UP i'O 300 ON rURNITURa OR SAlRY DP TO 11300 ON CAAS a, THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pa? Locally owned New Csxs nsnce1 a bank raws UOBKV IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath BsvtUi See "Chuck" Bailey Ugr tit N 7th 8t Phone 8326 8-241 M-a Commercial Furnishes Cash! , CASH LOANS ISO to $300 Auto Pumlturt Urestock Salary 32 BUILDING . RtMODHLING - ASBESTOS siding anil Insulated panel shake sldlnf applied, rree csiimaies. P M. A. Terms. Robinson. Phons 2-3005. 34 FUEL HEATING 122 8. 9th Phone 7266 ACRE for sale on Frieda Avenue. rnone z-ioaa arter o p. WILL TRADE S1900 equity In 4000 4 room modern house for 1046 or later model; Ford or General Motors pro- uucu. onsioer oiner cars or renting to the right people. Call 6904. NEW HOMES for sale. Powell. Phone 8820. William B. FOR SALE or trad for property In Klamath Falls Six timber covered lots, two houses. Five miles from Le banon. Oregon. Phone B847. HOMES FOR SA1JC ' CVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpalrlck Salesman 121 N Stl Phone S491 TWO BEDR60M home, furnished or unfurnished. 1&0T Laural. Phone 4934. STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H, HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 ISO to 1600 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make rour deals CA8H deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. .Lie 8-261 - N-22S 107 No 9th Phons 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE AN Ir6W HrEMAN1 OIL BURNING PIPED FURNACE COM. rL,bl WITH zr)0 OALLON Oil, STOR AGE TANK. THIS FURNACE IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. PRICED COMPLETE FOR ONLY SISd.OO. SEE CLEAN economical trouble free heat oil stoves. PEYTON St CO DRY pine blocks for sale. Ooen ava- nlngs and weekends. Metiers Bros. PHESTOLOGS pickup or delivered Cliff Yadens Slanal Servian. 0A6O. So. eth. Phone 3661 or 2-S260. IT WILL PAY YOU to Investigate this outstanding opportunity! An old, well estab lished neighborhood grocery store doing a good, stead business. Located on a choice corner lot In the heart of a friendly residential district, this golden opportunity Is lust waiting to start payino YOU! Only 112,000 takes the entire busi ness and property, Including 2 bedroom living quarters, a fair sized storeroom and garage. Can be shown only by appointment, and no telephone Information can be given, by agreement witn pres ent owner. Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman -(Evenings Phone) 9766) EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. 8th . Phone 8491 2330 So. 6th Open Eves. Till 6:30 Phone 8456 A- USED CAR SPECIALS' 1951 PLYMOUTH CONCORD 2 DR. Like new, low mllrsge 1950 FORD V-8 CUSTOM DLX. FORDOR Low mileage, hester, overdrive 1950 FORD "6" CUSTOM DLX. TUDOR Radio, heater, low mileage. 1950 FORD V-8 CUSTOM DLX. TUDOR Heater, overdrive, excellent condition. 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM TUDOR Radio, hester, aporlllt 1949 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Heater, overdrive 1950 CIIEV. STYLELINE DLX. 4-DR. Radio, healer 1949 WILLYS STATION WAGON Heater, overdrive '600 DOWN '581 UOA'N '530 DOWN '573 DOV.W '435 DOWN 550 DOWN '550 DOWN '386 DOWN BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2152 South 6th St. Phone 4354 See The New ROCKETS ON DISPLAY AT THE DICK-B. MILLER CO. CADILLAC 0LDSM0BILE 7th rt Klamath Ave. Phone 4103 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI business. 3 cabs, S4S00 cash buys everythlns. I'm tired. Box 47S Herald News, FOR SALE KANTEEN TAVERN 132 So. 7th . NO PHONE CALLS SERVICE STATION & FOR LEASE 10,000 GALLON PER MONTH MODERN STATION ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA $2,000 INVENTORY CALL UNION OIL COMPANY ALTURAS CALIFORNIA 7781 OR KLAMATH FALLS 3-0438 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONTHLY SPARE TIME SS i i. """'Ins money from ta ihl.T"1 "J," Cr"d' Nul macblnes In this area. No selllnc! To qualify for J " nova I car, rof.rencn,, R. a iln.."cur"d b Inventory. Devot inn 0 hours week lo business, your eml on pcrrenlnse of collections will S J1..V.' wo monthly wllh very good ft!!!"",'" """" ovr full tlma. income Increnslni accordingly, for In in. lnc,'"l Phone number In ap. pllcnllon to Uox 474 Herald and News. 51 MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALE Er!rip.h".no 11200. ((ill SALE or trade, electric rnnK vacuum cleaner. Mlsiellaneous house holdjlcms fnr limgnnc. Phone 1)141. GliAMOilKNE rug cleaner now avaTT able at haftkii nmNiTunE lnanrlKlainalh. Klnmnlh Fulls, Ore. SINtrKII trondlo. rroo ewlnal Course. 1 . N'NOER SEWINO CENTKH flXI Main . Phone 8-2.11.1 WANT to' wreck or move corrug'nteB building. Box 477 Herald and News.