THUUSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1052 IIKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON PAGE NINE ' eWsBassBsssssa , -.! YOU CAM TAKE IT WITH YOU AND SAVE MONEY WITH THESE i1"; is '7 f V9 n i k hp I It ft IfU "w BROWN EDGE WAFER ROLL is a quick, delicious dessert. Take 1 cup heavy cream, one-half cup Instant cocoa mix, dash of salt, 23 sweet, lung wafers, pour cream Into chilled howl, add cocoa and salt, whip until cream begins to hold shape. Spread cream on brown-edged wafers and put to gether in stacks of four or five. Lay stacks on edge on platter to make one long row with cookies and whipped cream alternating. Spread outside stack with remaining whipped cream and chill two to three hours. Garnish with shredded cocoanut. Slice diagonally to serve. Milk Control, Liquor And Pensions Due for Action By PAl'l. W. IMRVr.Y Jit. BAt.EM t.f Ore son's mom ex .ln:tlve Issues of (cccnt years milk control, liquor, old kf pen non, ilnylliilit navliiK tune mid Huh traps ere coinliiK lo the front attain, These Issues nre un before the people m Ilia elitht Initiative mens lires Hint nre beliiR circulated lor nlKimlures. Knch Intliallvo needs only M.3M nlKiialuirs to Kcl on Ilia November ballot, which pro bably will be the most measure crowded ballot In 3& years. Twelve lelslntlve ncln will be on the ballot. The eluhl Initiatives mlsht be Joined by others, brcnuie there' Mill plenty ol time to flic Initiative and tot them Rtitned up. The deadline lor getting algnatures Is July. Most of the eight messurrs will make the bullot, becauae it'l nnirh trouble to gel thnt many hlgnature when one or more larite organised group are among the rponsorn. Trie old age petition ouarrel, which conic un every election, will center on effort bv the old sue pension groups to repent two law. lhee law let the Public claims again! entate of deceased pensioner, and make relative who nre financially able contribute to the support of the aged. These pension groups detest both Inwv Consumer group In Portland and other cities hnvlng fnlled In the 1851 Leulsiitture. will carry their milk control fight to the peo ple Their Inltlntlve would abolish I ii ilk control. Oregon's Antl-Llquor Lengue will IrSUuUvc culling ior prohibition. . 'An .Initiative to prevent dnylgbt living time I being circulated by I lie Oregon Farmer Union, with I he support of the atate Grange.. Oregon now cm have fnt time i.nly bv proclamation of the Clover nor. lie did proclaim It last sum mer, and the Orange fnlled to atop ii in long court name. The bonus Issur will come uo again. At lite I DM) ueneral elcc Hon. the people voted a maximum tilflo bonu lor Oregon' World War n veterans, mo new Initiative would repeal It. but the bonu might be paid bclnro the election, Another fiNh Unlit I In prospect, tin one beini the old qunrrel be tween the gill neller and fish trup operutor on the uuumiils lllver Tlie people voted In 1148 for the gill netter' bill to run the traps out oi the river. Now Uie trim operators are anon nnrlng un Inltlntlve lo clone the river to all llshlng during hour of darkness. Since a lot of the bent lishing I at night, tills one really would iix the gin nciicra. Home of the state' barber wanting a five-day week, are be hind an Inltlntlve In make barber shop close up on Monday. Incidentally, there I a law to prevent operntlon of bnrber shop on Sunday, This is me only law wo can find thnt prevent any kind of business iroin being open uun day. SHE S COfIC TO THE T0Vf? ThEATftE Even If She hot To Wsflr I Library Club Bridge Tea Plan Bolh the bridge and ten commit tees for the aununl Library Club bridge-tea are busy muking ar rangements. February 1 1 the date chosen for the benefit bridge-tea to be held In the Wlllnrd Hotel. Mr. Archto Jame, chairman' of the bridge committee report that bridge, or whatever card gome participants care to play, will begin at 1:30 p.m. Plnyers are asked to bring a card table cover and cards. The tea committee, headed by Mrs. George Bosscrdct, plan to start serving at 3:30 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at that time. Library Club's Case Benefit Fund v. lit receive the proceeds from this social event, lite fund Is used to provide tonsllcctomles for children whose families could not finance, the operation. When you bring home meat from the butcher, wipe It with a damp cloth, wrap It loosely In waxed paper, and store In the refrlgerntor LA0E1 FREE Plu FREt 0SH5J 0 M J fr u DURING OUR ' Remember W Meet All Lejltimote AtlvcrtiMd Frieet! 51 Gouf, IS Denier, First Quality, Pair Maxwell Home Instant, 2 oi. MJB, SAW, Golden Weit ,1b. Light Meat Solid Pock, Vii lb. With Coupon. Quart COTTAGE r R M I HAMMER SAL SODA CONCENTRATID Is completely soluble, no residue to clog drains, the cleanser that's kind to your plumbing, helps keep pipes open. OMtl triiNtni smuK GET THIS DIG HOI CI ASS QAKIUG DISH 7ZM It's the best value at the year-a genuine Olasbake eking Ollh with the exclusive uUk-heat bottom, an 31 valve that tests yau but tSi with ana label frem any Mlssien rraeucti vvrira y mnm saw SOt an this aenay 1 1-lnih baking dlihl W py pestagtf and mail na costs.' Jusbstnd 1 label from nu mtsston Product and vMAli tO MIWION MAeONI COMMNt, . VI 01 ilM lOUlH MAttll 4, WIM. ffl Croter Lake or Mado-Land, Pt. Fina Granulated. 10-lb. bag Swamoni, lb. Bordeni American Wi lb. Cut Trim rncd Shou tye, PORKROASTS W9 , Guoran ,toed FfM1'- ,W.r ,c.M.eut. .IV- lb. SlieH. lean lb. lb. Standard, heat ,led PM- - samvs?. PURtURU lb. Fryini - 'mt MotraW't P'- half lb. MorraH'i heat i lealed lb. Double wra 4 lb. pk- iff- CANNED FOODS SALE Diamond A, RSP, No. 2 tint GRAPEFRUIT PEACHES PEARS Smith's, Ne. 2 tins .... Cel Tap, Fietttone, Ne. 2 'A PINEAPPLE TIDBITS Sil,.,2 t, .15 FRUIT COCKTAIL .26 APRICOTS UB, Ne 21 .26 PEARS R,mo,i,ab, Ne. 2'i 34 CHERRIES Diamond A. RSP. No. 2 tint . .18 .26 .21 Sunny Smile, BarHett, 303s " PINEAPPLE Fancy Slictti, Vita Gold, 2Vt PRUNE PLUMS Oregon, Ne. 1 tins 10 ASPARAGUS tZ -21 ASPARAGUS Al, Grs.n Spears, Ne. 2 tin. . ...34 BLACKEYE PEASTt.Ual., fmK u .15 WAX BEANS ritH,Mti 303 ...15 GREEN BEANS Saracea Stringless, Ne. 2 tint 14 LIMA BEANS 2 ... .15 LIMA BEANS tZZgZ 2 .14 PORK and BEANS Ri. a,.,... JOo, .11 BEETS Dinette, Diced, No. 2 tins . '. 1 1 CORN Keunty Kist Creem, 303s "15 CORN 3 Sisters, Whele Kernel, 303s w CORN Kounty Kist, Whole Kernel, 12-as HOMINY Market, Golden, N. 2 tins 1 1 PEAS Hoppyvole, 3031 ..14 PEAS Rio Gronde, 300s ! 1 PEAS pe Monte, 303s el 8.'. NEW POTATOES Hunt's,-300s ... .10 SPINACH un,.,, No. 2Vi ;j. 1.1 .18 TOMATOES st.,.F..N. 2 I. .21 HOT SAUCE Temeto, PG Bulfet .., .06 SAUSAGE Vienna Hormel, 4-or. ' . POTTED MEAT .10 ROAST BEEF Libb, ,jK .51 TAMALES Derby, 15 oi. , ........ .26 CLAMS Pelmdale, 'si .26 CRAB MEAT ..;.. .51 7 4 4 3 4 6 4 5 3 11 5 3 7 7 8 7 8 10 , 10 f.. 7 7 7,.r 10 8f 10 i, 6, lli 7 (or for for for for for ior for fee for fer for fer fer (of fer fer fer fer fer 19 fer fe, life, 2,., 4f.. 4,r 2,.r 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 case 24 3.43. ... 24 5.98 5.98 7.98 5.98 3.98 5.98 4.75 7.98 4.29 4.75 7.98 cesa 24 cese 24 cesa 24 ceta 24 cese 24 cesa 24 cese 24 cese 41 cesa 24 case 24 case 24 3.43 case 24 3.43 case 24 2.98 case 24 3.43 cese 24 2.98 case 41 4.75 case 24 2.35 3.43 3.43 3.43 2.35 2.98 4.75 3.98 . case 41 4.29 ... 24 3.98 c.i. 24 4.75 c..e 72 3.69 ce.e 4t 9.49 4 29 cesa 41 case 24 H95 ... 24 5.98 .... M 5.98 cese 24 Ha95 case 24 cese 24 com 24 cese 24 com 24 cm. 41 com 24 BANANAS Golden ripe ORANGES AVOCADOES Salad speciol CAULIFLOWER Snow white heads, lb. .. TOMATOES Red ripe beauties, lb CELERY HEARTS Cello Pkg., each . 5 .. 25c 5 b.,45c 2 . 29c 15c - 23c . 27c For the freshest Produce in town don t shop around. Its Oregon Food Stores Ul IS) -.. Grocery Prices ' effective Thursday thru Sunday Meat and Produce - Speciali for - Friday and Saturday oliMoli IflDlolP) 4480 So. 6th WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT! 2410 So. 6th NO SALES TO DEALERS 1749 Ore. Ave. OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE