THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. MIS2 IIERAI-D AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THIS QUICK DESSERT, punch coconut cream pic can bo whisked up In minutes nfier you jjot homo from the office or Iho ski slopes. ItiinyK a bit of sunny summer to your winter dinner tabic. I.Seo recipe) recipe) Vl.MU CIKOMT tlll AM l'li; ( III NT ID Miliar honey iiruliuiii crack. tjrlne 'j cup uicir Blend liiKnllicr iiiir honey gra limn cracker erumbn, anllrned but ter or margarine nd siwnr, Puur mixture In D-lilch pie plate; firm ly menu Into n even layer UKiiliixt bottom anil Rldr-n of plate. Bake In moderately hot oven (370 F.t bout 8 minutes. Cool, ( hi:am ku,i,inci 2-3 l'iid Aiiicar '-4 teaspoon milt ''4 cup cornstarch 2 cuph inllk i Guu yolks, allghtly beaten 1 lublenpoon butter I'i teaspoons vanilla 1 package frown allccd peaches, defro'.led I rnn aliradded coconut. Hlcnd together auirar, nnlt and coruntarch In saucepan. Gradual ly stir In milk. Cook over moderate heat, nllrrlnn constantly, until mix ture thickens and bolla. Boll 1 mm tile, Remove from beat. 8llr half tho muture Into eg yolks. Then Mir Into remaining mixture In pan. lioll l minute more, stlrrlnK con riantly. Htlr In butler and vanilla. Cool. Pour Into chilled aiiKar honey (Fl-bhAlt fflflra Kmmk Drain defronled peaches well. Ar- PAGE SEVEN . tin. finely rolled (1 1-3 cups (.Tunib.ii 'i cup -oftoitetl butter or mar- A DANCE Merrill Community Hall SATURDAY -- JAN. 26 Music By Morrison & McDonald Danclnn 10:00 ril 2:00 Admission $1.00 Refreshments Served SHE'i COIHG TO THE TOWER THEATRE Even If Ske ha, T0 Walk I LADIES FREt Plu$ FREt 01 SHE i B.P.W. Brave Storm Reach Mon. Meet A number of civic projects were brought to the attention ol Bust. nes and Professional Women at the reKUlnr iiicoIIiik Jan. 21 In the Wlllard Hotel at which Beth Griggs, presided In the abnenco of the president, Edna Albrecht. Barbara Carnlnl asked thai all member who planned to donate blood at the next meeting ol the bloodmobllc In February, contact her at phone 7021 no that BI'W can be reentered ax a unit In stead of Individually. It wan announced there will be iiKe a layer of fillced psaches on cream filling. Sprinkle xhredded coconut on top of peaches. Gar nish with a circle of sliced peaches If desired. Chill thoroughly. no regular meeting; Feb. 4 due In premutation that night of the Civic Drama Oulld piny, "Darkness at Noon." There will be a bourd meet ing Feb. 11 at the home ol Mary Bothwrll and the next regular club meeting will be Feb. 18. It was urged that nil members fill out the questionnaire on the back of the lust Issue of Inde pendent Woman and mall at once to the designated address. Ten members will assist with the annual March of Dimes Dance at the armory Saturday muht. Thirty members hirve turned out for the choral singing planned lor I the annual convention In May, It was announced by Ruth Lonaugn. Program numbers arranged by Ellen Upp Included dance and ac robatic skits by the Blspham fam ily and musical numbers by tne Harmonalrea. Alice Baker. Esther Htort and Florence Calhoun with Uuian Vandenberg at the piano. Clever table arrangements cen tering around a winter theme were made by 10-year-old Sharon Bos ton, daughter of Mrs. Lillian Ros on. Places were laid at dinner for 64. 0fl mm . ,0RI ""CI OUi dDcennDQersB Popular "Wild ftora" Pait.rn In Soft Gray-Blum on Ivory! No willing- no coupons no money to tend for these premiums! They're inside every big squire package of Mother's Otis. Tike your choice of this China, Aluminum Wire, "fire King" Cup and Saucer, or Carnival Ware. You get dwMt valuel Money can't buy finer quality, more nourishing oatmeal thin Moiher'a Oats. It's the delicious hot, creamy oatmeal your family loves, Oct it today I MOTHER'S OAT$-a protfvef of THE QUAKi OATS COMPANY 1 D 0 0 A-YY.-V. YA-YS.- ' . ' ' ' v QJ SHOP FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS! ttT GRIGG'S 1' " FOODS Faitnre tew m. Friday and Saturday fl...... Klamath Falls, Stewart-Lenox Merrill APPLES Winesaps LEMONS Sunkitr, 252 iiit ORANGES 5 lb. mesh bag GRAPEFRUIT TOMATOESc-!,. CARROTS Cello bag RED POTATOES , lb. 2 . 25c 17c 49c 49 c 19c 19c 65c Shrimp Broken S ox. tin Sunshine Crfltke?,b,. DURKEE'S COLORED Margarine KERR'S ASSORTED JELLY ROYAL CLUB ORANGE JUICE PUREX lb. 12 oi. tumbler 46 ot. tin quart 39c 59 c 29c 19c 29c 15c V PLEASE DOG FOOD STEWED Tomatoes 0,1 MN00Bt; DEL MONTE SPINACH WHITE or GOLDEN HOMINY DEL MONTE CORN ROYAL CLUB PEAS No. 2 tin No. 2 tin .303 tin 303 tint 10c 25c 17c 15c 18c 19c V COLORED ROASTING HENS COLORED 43 FRYERS .S, 59 PORK CHOPS 49 ib. GOOD QUALITY Sliced BACON 49 SAUSAGE A9' CANNED HA HAS pumn r pe" shpe PURE URD. ,,,, 39' KLAMATH FALLS and MERRILL w esson il mi quart 3 lb. Tin Del Monte No. 2' Tin ,Willamet No. 303 Tin St Iff Del Monte Buffet Tin CATSUP mm Assorted Flavors T &i 35' Del Monte oz. Bottle drtfl CO Brands rton Wi-iie-msi COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Our new and sanitary kitchen and meat coolers pro open for public inspection ot any time . . . See for yourself how your food is prepared and handled! Southern Oregon's Finest Tftjotdkct SlfwpA and ShopA FOR YOUR QUEEN of HEARTS ... for all the Klrls who pull on your heartstrings . , . the little mlM who call you Daddy . . . the sweetheart you met at the altar one day In June . . . your Mother and your iter and great grandmother too, the an swer to a. perfect VAL ENTINE DAY In a heart-iihapod- box of PINE CANDIES . . . SOCIETE CANDIES from CAR TERS'. Finding the big. gay hearts, this week was a thrill, like finding the silver heart In a piece of wedding cake ... a gold piece in a snowbank . . . . that your best girl really loves you . . . ALL heart-shaped boxes are romantic as a lacy Valentine but when they are TOPPED with a removable CORSAGE . . . take care Sir! take carel Cupid's arrows will be a 'flying. Your dollars will buy roses and ribbons to pin upon her shoulder . . . PLUS the finest CHOCOLATES in the land , . . Valentine RED and Sweetheart BLUE ... I and 2 pound sizes . . . superb assortments of French Creams, fruit and nut fillings. Mint Truffles. Nougatlnes, Cordial fruits. Coconut creams. Caramels, chocolate dipped Brazils. Victorias, Almond clusters. Peppermint wafers. Misty mints, solid chocolate cups . . . CARTERS' can tuck the old standbys. Bird of Paradise and Beaded Package SOCIETE boxed CHOCOLATES, all dressed up In VAL ENTINE decor, in your grocery order. Throw out a snare for Cupid bv dialing "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer," 2-2511, 1420 Esplanade, Carters' LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG will linger on and on it the proof of your love for HER Is a DIAMOND from RICKYS come VALENTINE'S DAY . . bind it fast with tiie loveliest Valentine you can give her . .a WED - LOK DIAMOND ENSEM BLE . . a made-for-each-other wedding ring and engage-1 ment ring in ex- q u 1 s 1 1 e ensembles that lock INSTANT LY, easily . . They are ALWAYS in correct position, dis playing the dee p. fiery beautiy of fine LOCK when you wish , MOUNTINGS (not cast) are specially pro cessed for .superior strength and endurin? ucauty . . guara MhK diamonds in maximum security. Your Valentine BRIDE will cherish until her raven locks turn to silver, the newest in matching ensembles from. RICKYS . . JOELIE in white or yellow gold . . FLAIR, the Valentine for TWO with matching t GROOM'S ring . ..LILY OF THE VALLEY, engagement ring and wedding band . . mount ings leaf garlanded . . lovely LEAF and stark SIMPLICITY . . classic, timeless bonds to symbolize a love that lasts. A DIAMOND is your proof of CONSTANCY . . its purchase from "Your Registered Jeweler" Is proof of quality . . let it speak beautifully as a Browning sonnet . . guarantee HER hap piness with a supurb DIAMOND from 100 Main. DIAMONDS, yet UN- Granat TEMPERED Ricky's LEND AN EAR AND YOU shall HEAR a little yarn about LEAP YEAR . . there are ways and ways to catch a MAN . . use your wiles, your baby blue eyes . . woo him through the inner man and feed him apple dumplings . . catch him in a but- CATCH . terfly net or go to CATCH rfeaSf'X PERT beauty help 1 from a BEAUTY CONSULTANT straight from HEL ENA RUBENSTEIN In NEW YORK . . Starting next MON DAY. January 28, Ruth Wilcox who helped mak,e so many of us lovely last year will be back at CURRIN'S Beauty Bar to show you how to smooth and tint and "angelize" your skin. She'll be demonstrating the new "WINOED STAY-LONG MAKEUP that you can put on when you open your peepers in the early dawn and still look presentable when you step out for luncheon with the boy down the street, It's SECOND nRture for SOME of us to know what colors to blend with eyes and hair and skin coloring . . for OTHERS like Martha, the ritual of make-up is as mystifying as initi ation into a new cult . . but NONE of us can know until we've TRIED it how utterly gor geous woman can BE with HELENA RUBEN STEIN'S "winged stay-long make-up" so dial THIS number, 2-3475 . . ask for an appoint ment any time during the week from JANU ARY 28 . . hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. then Jump the snowdrifts towards CURRIN'S . . OR . . Write a postal card (remember the extra cent), drop in- and let Ruth Wilcox make you a Cinderella and show you how to STAY one. Remember, it's Ruth Wilcox from HELENA RUBENSTEIN at Ninth and Main, Currin's " ir i One of (he newest and most glamorous of 7 new cotton fabrics that will show up on yard age counters next spring will be a glamorous, pleated round-and-round In a striking effect for skirls . . denim too will be back In a more fashionable role . . some spring formats will be made of a soft denim, sparked with rhlne-stones. DON'T LET THE BUNNY "wabblt" get the Jump on YOU . . . make Ilk a cottontail and hop 'the snowdrifts to MILLER'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE (basement) and get YOUR pick of the EXCITINO, exotlo array of BRAND NEW DRAPERY YARD. AGES to make your HOUSE the HOME the family will love to re turn to. Discovered simply EVERYTHING from the new N U B B Y fabrics for the LIVING room tn PERMANENT FINISHED organdies for your KITCHEN . . Down to business and price tags . . those fas cinatlng GRANDMA MOSES WILLIAMS BURGH PRINTS complete to "fox-hounds" and pepper trees . . 48 Inches wide cotton "ROUGHTEX that cuts, pins, drapes . and sews to perfection . . S2.69 per yard . . ROUGH TEX in plain colors for CASEMENT draperies, SI .98 . . golds, greens, blues . . . . , Bring a fresh note to your rooms with . LINEN DRAPES In stunning PRINTS In shades soft as twilight. S2.55 to 2.85 . . sea doodles of OTHER prints in an armload of textures, starting at S2.29. . If you are LUCKY and own some of the lovely old maple, pine or cherry furniture, DO see the precious PROVINCIAL PRINTS, heavy ouality cotton at S1.15 to Sl,3 . . can't you SEE windows framed in frills of these green, gold or wine prints . . a braided rug before the fire, a red geranium and a snoozing tabby on a cushion? . ' Look at MILLER'S for figured and plain CHINTZES starting at S1.29 . . RAYON FAILLE that looks like heavy silk (plain col ors) $1.49, S1.59 . . ORLON, NYLON, RAYON, COTTON glass PANELS . . QUAKER LACE PANELS . . PRICILLAS in nylon, rayon, or gandv. cotton marquisette to bring beauty to WIDE and. NARROW windows.. . there's something about PRICILLAS that always re minds us of that Cape Cod cottage where we adored a grandmother in' a starched whits apron with hand-crocheted lace so- long ago we've ALMOST forgotten . . --. Found KITCHEN CURTAINS, fluffy as a summer cloud, white and pastels . . white with COLORED trim for EVERY kitchen from a cottage by the sea to an ultra-modern . . Make your OWN and SAVE . . MILLER'S has RUFFLING . . EDGING . . NOTIONS to do a PROFESSIONAL Job . . BUT . . If you DONT know that thread goes through the eye of a needle and simply CANT sew a straight seam MILLER'S has DRAPERY MAK ING SERVICE that WONT disappoint you. The snow WILL melt and Spring WILL come so be ready for those first heady days . . have EVERY window in your dove cota BEAUTIFIED with new DRAPES and CUR- ' TAINS from 512 Main, - - ' Miller's . LACE 'N FLOWERS . . pitty-pat HEART THROBS . . . Cupid shooting; golden arrows . . . handclasps and kisses . . . n VALENTINES from YOUR STORE maka a happy SAINT DAY come February 14 . . Send a NORCROSS or GIBSON VALENTINE right from your heart to those you hold dear . . . Poppa . . Momma . . Brother . . Sister . . Uncle. .Aunt or SOMEONE in "Who's Who" . . . youU find them ALL at YOUR STORE. VALENTINE'S gay and witty . . . VALEN TINES sweet and SUGARY . . . VALENTINES splashed with satin hearts . . . VALENTINES . garlanded with posies . . . VALENTINES that will remind you, If you've reached the half century mark, of VALENTINES with doves, 'n violets and flaxen haired girls slipped steathily beneath your Dad's front door for YOU. LONG AGO VALENTINES ' at YOUR STORE will bring BACK the shivery, thrilly, I-Won't-Tell memories of those by-gone days . . . will bring that dewey-eyed look to sweet young things of today . . . look for VALEN TINES for kiddies to MAKE . . . wonderful keep-'em quiet pastime . . . prices S CENTS to SI. - SO . . . here's a special VALENTINE for YOU from 121 Main, Your Store , IT'S LOVE THAT MAKES the world go 'round . . . YOU can show It in so MANY ways not shadowed by the DOLLAR sign ... in the way you smile . . . the thought ful LITTLE things you do . . . the kiss blown from the tips of your fingers as you say Good-bye . . the touch of your hand when lights are low ... a VALENTINE GIFT from IIARWIN'S that will go straight to HER heart . . . Browsed busily for you this week at "Your Friendly Jeweler's" be cause FEBRUARY If Is Just a few short morns away ... be pre pared with a gift of COSTUME JEWELS to tell her in the sweetest way. "I LOVE YOU DEAR." HARWIN'S can help you with exquisite bits of rhlnestone beauty , . . star-bright PINS . NECKLACES . . EARRINGS . . REASON ABLY priced from 85.95 . , . shimmering, dazzling, desirable NECKLACE and EARRING SETS, rhinestones and brilliant ruby, amethyst, sapphire stones . , . milky pearls and gleam ing moonstones, a BEWITCHING array , , price tags start at S12.93. BE sentimental, with Jewels this ONE day In the year when Cupid can help you pass your heart around ... let the folks who greet you with a smile help too ... be SURE to ASK for 8 St II Green Stamps, then trip away, sure in your heart you'll woo and win with your VALENTINE gift from 701 Main, sa a ! io in 1.1 irt '.I?, Harwin's 1