TinmSDAV, JANUARY 24, 10!2 JTough Time Fbr.Good Old Mule tlio IHINN, N, O. lrl - lloyel Milium iiiki i UIIU lllKlll, " Hii.vd liinililftl 40 Iwt' clown ii wrll Tuiwlny iilKht Into llvo Ii'ft i'( witiir. I'm two iiikI onc-liulf hour mt iiiitiimiihllo wrm knr MiiiIiiihI on IU iiiWoi Irylnu to lilt Hoyil out. J'liiiilly Ihn fniiU'imrcri fniJow wim tiolnU'd 1iimIcIi llicro Ihn molloiilcHH form Iny. ftflticufrn dlrln't Imllmr to covi-r him nil. 'Ilicy lliouvlit Iioyd wnn ilt-ud, "Host mulit I dot," comment!'! 0, n. ni'll, Hoyd'n ownor. "Didn't liuvo to uy 'ii o' or Jiiiw' to lilin. At lliu mid ill llio row Iir Just inrnn Into tlio rlulit row ovcry llinu." Boyd twitched, rihlvered, utruir- Kli'd to liln lent, thru walked U mile to lilw Htllll, The Ilrltldli Cormmiiiwcnltli In fipuinorlnu u Nlx-yuur plun lor tht dovelopmunl of Houtli mid Mouth en Hi Ailn, Known iik the (,'oloinlio I'liiu, It U expected to benefit 670 million people nt tin eHthniited col of morn limn (0 billion, Columbia Fishing Season Dates Set PORTLAND ( Commercial i vlllo neuiuim will be April 30-May Miililnn KRiiMona In the Columbia lliver wore nrt hern Tuwulny by the OreKon Btut Flh Commlmlnri. Robert J. Sohoettler, WiihIiIiikUhi Htnte director of IIMiorlcs, attended tlio inoetlim. 21), June 20-July IS, July 2tl-Au, in, uepi. m-uec, i. One of the fatent scheduled train rlili-H In thtf world 1 the trip from East DubiKfue. 111.. In PruirU The open "cimon above Honiie- Chlen, Wis. ft taken 30 minutes to vlllo Dam will bo April 30-Jimn 7, travel the 54.6 mllea, or an aver July 2-31, Aug. 14-20. Below Bonne- urns of 64 mlle an hour. Ryan Awaits Assault Trial NEW YORK lfl Tommy Ryan, whose license to manave fiKhters In New York State already han been revoked lor life, Wednesday waa awaltlmt trial on chnrKcs of bhjbuH growing out of the dress "iK room fracas which followed the Ernie Durando-Hocky Castellan! flKht on Jan. 11. Along with Ryan, his brother, Palsy Eboll, was arrested Tues day as a result of two Informations returned by a New York County frnnf luru tilK ln,...in4 i 11 (disturbance, Trial was set for Feb. The Duke nf Vnrlr nnAnerl Ait- tralla's first Parliament, May 8, IT'S EMILS SUPERS FOR BEST FOOD BUYS IT'S EMILS SUPERS FOR BEST FOOD BUYS IT'S EMTsSUPEf6r1eST FOOD BUYS IT'S EMILS"! : WESSON FIG BARS FRESH -20 oz. Pkg. White or Whole Wheat GOLD CREST o gum r 7 W7N 2 3 PACKAGES O CO nn a ,eBlw I - L t o Jt?te ne Granulated S Tea N0.2i2TINS CWVJITUUU 8 Gard.en 5 FOR (p)ifiW O u. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR (fS FREE MIXING Bum wiTri EACH IDC BAG SWIFT'S WHOLE CHICKENS 3 LBs. 4 oz. EACH PEANUT BUTTER 2Ppf KRAFT aocoiate I ALL PURPOSE SALAD 5 Covered Cherries If 5 QUART Self S Ian HUN. S OV TOMATO sTN.N V " HOT SAUCE iCX jC l &n 3) tin Flowers ! 20 or. JAR LIMIT IU a. to I IU V) CO Q o O FARM FRESH PRODUCE IOTUCIE I? GIANT H7E 1 a HEADS FOR 29 Criip - Freth RADISHES ONIONS 2 bu. II 12-6z. or over TOMATOES CELLO ' CARTON 19' ff SNO-WHITE - CLEAN Caulifloiver large heads Small Heads - 19c Extra Large Heads -29c DRUGS Flowers Doz. 49 LARGE SIZE ALKA-SELTZER BAYER ASPIRIN 100 Count 39c 49c LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE te25c SWIFT'S POWDERED MILK 2 lbs. FOR 4 SELF - SERVICE - MEATS Lean, thoulder cut . PORK ROASTS I4AMC inmi Klomoth Pack ar Del Monte, whole or half SLICED BACON PORK CHOPS PICNIC HAMS SALT PORK Swit' Brookfield process cheese 2 lb, loaf 45C SLICED BACON MorreH's Pride or Del Monte Sweetheart lb. 49C Quality Lean, light loin cuts (Shoulder). Morrcll's Prids, half ar whole . Well streaked with leon, fine for seasoning .. .b. 39c ; ib. 55c ib. 35c ib. 59c .b 39c ,19c TMPICVC Small hens, ready to roast, I WIIE I J ,reth fr0,ted idea f Sunday dinner I Jj SUNSHINE UJ KRISPY CRACKERS AO lib u O CO to 2 Ul k 29c CL0R0X BROOAflS tf) HEAVY. GOOD QUALITY SoOoS SOAP SUNSHINE Mint Pillows, 12-ox. Butterscotch Caramels, 10-oz. 29c SUNSHINE HONEY GRAHAM CRACKERS, 2-lb. box 59c Garden -Brand GREEN BEANS m 73 CO Tl o 73 68: HI CO O o- o 00 c CO Vi Gal. LARGE PKG. NUBORA Giant Pkg. FREE . Dish in Each pkg, 29 98 22 49 Hunt's FRUITS FOR CAIAhC 3 No. 2V2 $00 Tins I C mm rnn T K C FLA VOR-PAK - FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRIES or n. EXTRA RASPBERRIES SPECIAL - "5WI 3: van 2 Tin SI a0CV223iIES8 SB! STANDBY FANCY CUT GREEN BEANS no urir 19 FAMOUS STANDBY JUICES -46-oz. TINS 3 CO CALIFORNIA VALENCIA THAT LOOKS AND TASTES LIKE FRESH ORANGE JUICE GRAPEFRUIT-BLENDED. ORANGE . 73 YOUR m CHOICE CO W C 5 O o IT'S EMILS ! IT'S EMILS SUPERS FOR BEST FOOD BUYS IT'S EMILS SUPERS FOR BEST FOOD BUYS IT'S EMILS SUPERS FOR BEST FOOD BUYS T