PAGE FOUR HERALD ANMt NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 24,' 1052 Luxury Keynote of Oldsmobile Classic "98" .... . wBm i 15 ...i i v Sw-kJ,i!AS;''l,i ' , n,,,.i ( -r f - c- ill JV. 1 riit-,.ii PANORAMIC VISION is obtained from every seat in the Oldsmobile Classic ''98'.' Holi day coupe New rear deck styling accentuates the long, low look of the "98'' Scries, which has an overall length of 213 inches for 1952. Interior fashions set a new high in luxury, featuring colorful leather and basket weave nylon upholstery harmonizing with the deep pile carpeting and the interior trim. There is a distinctive Holiday med allion on the brightwork just above the rear fender. The 1952 Oldsmobile is powered by the more efficient leo-h.p. "Rocket". engine with the new high performance Quadri jet carburetor. New GM hydraulic steering is available as optional equipment. The new Oldsmobiles are now on display at Dick B. Miller Co. ... 3rd Bennett Recall Opens PORTLAND' Wl The third re call attempt against Portland City Commissioner Jake Bennett was filed Wednesday. To be successful, this one first needs 25.770 signa tures of registered voters, then needs a favorable majority at the May 6 election. Neither of the other recall at tempts reached the ballot. The first was several ,years ago and the second was some two months go. This one was filed by Dave Gold man, publisher of the Portland Statesman, an East Side "Portland newspaper. The causes listed by the recall petition: "Discourteous, abusive, uncouth. Insulting, - with personal, scandalous attacks, insults, ridicule and abuse toward respectable citi zens." Bennett has been waging a steady attack on liquor and gambling. Goldman said no member of the recall committee is connected with taverns, pinball or punchboard distributors. Two Bandits Die Of Wounds EL PASO," tex. Wl Mexican officials said Thursday a blistering gun fight on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande near here took care of four bandits who pulled a daring daylight raid on a Juarez, Mexico, bank. However, about STO.OOO of the 174.000 loot .is still missing. - Two bandits were killed in the half-hour battle and two were cap tured. - i. Alfonso Rey was killed instantly early Wednesday in an exchange of gunfire at San Lorenzo. .six miles south of Juarez on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande. His broth er, Leopold Rey, died later in a Juarez hospital. Officials said they had no idea where the rest of the loot from the Banco Nacional de Mexico was hid den. . . 'KIDNAPS' SON Tommy Manville du Monceau, 1.4-months-old heir to part-of the Manville asbestos millions, shown (left) with his mother, the former Lorraine Dressel-. huys, was spirited out of the United States and flown to Belgium by his father, Count Ivan G. du Monceau de Ber gendal (right). A Federal court issued an order for the child's delivery "forthwith" to the court. A. - -iff. 1 VS.. ; . I I MISS CALIFORNIA Lovely Pat Lehman, Sacramento, Miss California of 1951, seems to be trying to convince official grader Paul S. Pattengale P.. V. Dandy Domino deserves a grade one plus for the forthcoming Red Bluff Bull Sale. Sales dates are Kcb. 7-8-9. Miss Lehman will lead BVD Domino into the ring Feb. 9 where he will be sold with proceeds going to the March of Dimes. The bull was donated by George Hunt, Millville, Calif. Master Of Noms De Plume 1 Trying To Decide What To Do Now - Has Wide Choice NEW YOrtK Ml A bl lulil yullllii imin, who never llnMn'il IiIkIi sclirxil, but who won nccliilul nn it .killed iiui'kcoii, Is tiylnu to decide what to do next. "ndnit mi Inipoilrr Is a toii(ili hiiblt to break," lio ayn. DrNplte hln luck of nchoollnit, Ferdlnmid Waldo Ucmiira, Jr., 3D, hits po.ipd miix'c.iNlull.v u a doctor ol plilUwopliy, mi oinlneiit noolo jlsl, and hnn been, ninoim otlirt' OiliiKH, n coIIpko psyi'holoiiy pro lcs.ior and IrupplHt monk. As a one-time pycholov pro fessor at Ht. Marlln's CollrKe, 111 Lacy, Wash., Demnru said "I kepi uliend ol the dims. The best way to Icurii nnylliliiK Is la teuch It." The of his Intest innhler honx, during which he prilormed seiiMitlonnllv brllllniit npernllons as u surgron In the Hoynl Cnuntllnn Nnvy, has left him unrertnlii. "I'm tiled of nllunr.i, or as 1 prefer lo think of lliein, noms de plume." he snld. "Hut how enn I use my own nnms after nil that's happened?" At his parents' home In Law rence. Mass,, Demnrn told Ills ninnzliiR story to Llle Miiunmlne. which tdvts tlie account In Its Jnn. a8 Issue. Deinurn used the mime and ere dentin la of Dr. Joseph C. Cyr. of Grand Falls, New Brunswick, to net his surReon's commission, much an he had used ucndomlr re cords ol others In his othor phony roles. Newspaper accounts of his spec tacularly successful operations on wuinulod Korean soldiers led tn ills- coverv of the truud Inst Novombnr, and 1 1 10 Cnniidliui Nnvy brnuwlit him liome mid uiilully dl.-.L-lnu ucU him. Deninin, who concedes lie, "nl. wuys wiinlcd short culs," pro. vlpusly piissi'd lilniM'U off ns vnr iniis nolcd sclioliirs, lillended edu- cntlnnnl I'oni'lnvos, wns n drpuiy sherlll, Ainoiliitil soMiier nun nil. lor nnd twlco a hiwplliil urdoiiy. Probo Pushed In Mystery Death P:UCI1!:NE i.T Tlie llndlnus of nn nutopiiv wno uwnlled 'IIuumIsv in detcniilne the cnusa of Jullnit Frnva Moilltt's drnlli. Moifitt, liil, nn employe n the ninchlv-Lniie County eleclrlo eo opcinllve. whs loiind denil In a pool of water at lllnchly Wednes day. lie wore nlulit clothes, covered by nn ovmi-ont. Footprints led liom tlio llluclilv sulmlullon, where he slept, lo tlie pool. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWINS INVISTMINT JIRVICI l.lil-d. Iitarllra. 'nllu n4 Ovr-lh-('uuiilP banda r4 Slftrh. Invplmtil tOI US.lrn. hli'l. l-h''t t-UU KLAMATH FALLS By JEAN OWKN'S Future Homemakors of America already have their plnns in full twins concerninR the annual bas ketball Danauct w ucn Is suonsorcd yearly by that group. The girls plnn the rnenu and prepare and serve the dinner to the Pelicans and their dates, all of the conches nnd several members of the (acui ty, usually the affair is held in the school cafeteria, although a permanent date has not yet been sei. ine oanquci ioiiows uie ons- ketball season. Lanrnmae Wittc. who Ls presi dent of ,the group and who will also act -as toastmistrcss (or the dinner, has appointed manv o( her committees made up of the club members. ' Planning the menu are Shirley Dillon, chairman, Edna Forrester. Marjorie Griffon. Donna Redford and Janice St. John. OCS Eyed As Quick Out FORT SILL, Okla. IBi Men tn combat zones mnv he usfnc fh Officers Candidate School at Fort Sill as a means of returning to the United States, an officer, disclosed Wednesday. Col. F. G. Smith, artillery OCS. commandant, said many men par ticularly, from the Far East Com mand, come to Fort Sill and then resign almost immediately. Smith said it makes it appear "that the, OCS system may be used' as a means to. return to the United States."- , Under present Army'policy these men are barred from re-assignment overseas. When they with draw from the OCS course they are usually assigned to a post in the United States to serve the re mainder of their terms, Smith said. Pelton Residents Await Blowoff PORTLAND Wl Onnrfnpnt if the proposed Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River waited Thursday to see if the State Fish Commis sion would start its threatened le gal action against the dam now. Such a move could be touched off by the Portland General Elec tric Company's announcement Wednesday that a field office was being; established at Madras for urveying and core drilling on the Ham. . At the time P. G. E. got ap proval of the Federal Power Com mission to build the dam, the Fish Commission said it would take le gal action whenever P. G. E. at tempted to start construction. SHE'S GOIHG TO THE TOWER THEATtlE vn HSkt Hot To WokH You can buy a suit at 1940 pricesl NOW . . . at Hardy's January Sale! UlT Regular 39.95 ........ ....... NOW 29.00 Regular 55.00 . NOW 43.00 Regular 60.00 NOW 47.00 1 Group Reg. 60.00 ... .... NOW 40.00 Regular 65.00 NOW 50.00 1 Group Reg. 65.00 ...... ... NOW 42.50 Regular 69.75 NOW 59.00 ' SLACKS Reg. 9.95 7.88 Reg. 14.95 .'. 12.88 TZl Reg. 1 6.95 & 1 7.95 1 4.88 Z Reg. 1 9.95 & 22.50 1 6.88 7r U SPORT SHIRTS Regular 3.95 NOW 2.88 Regular 4.95 NOW 3.88 Regular 5.95 NOW 4.88 Regular 6.95 NOW 5.88 Regular 7.95 NOW 6.88 Food committee consist of Jose phine Morrow, chairman, Jonn Buasman, Lila Haver, Donna Park hurst, joAnne Plnkston and Anita Fuller. Decoration committee Is Diane Oldhnm, ctntirman, Beverly Mart!-.. Genevieve Williams, Suzanne Fret and Shirley Crnwford. Working to set a- date are Evelyn Sasstclt and Beverly -Phelps. Sandra Olson, chairman, Vina Murphy, Carol Dlnnmnn and Judy Clark are on the program commit tee and the clean-up group Includes Evelyn Snsstett, Beverly Phelps and Adrian Savage. Those serving are Judy Clnrk, Sandra Olson, Evelyn Sassett. Bev erly Phelps. Shirley Dillon and Ja net Tombs. A fact which is rather Interesting Is that In a recent poll' of foreign lnnguuge departments In Oregon schools. It was found Hint KU1IS i has a larger percentage! of (or-1 elgn language students as com-' pared to nny other schools. Be sides Eugene High, we nre .the only school In the state offering all three foreign lnngungo, Latin, French, and Spanish. d. FALSE TEETH Rock, Slid or Slip? : FASTEST tl, n 1mprovt4 powdur to ! b iprlnkled on uppr or lower plat, i hotdg faU Urth mor firmly In plct. Ho nol lld, atlp or roek. No gummy, i TKKTH l atkUJno (non-ar-l.n, lo not ! our. Check! "put odor'1 idntur , brth. Ji FAB TEETH at any drug 1 atort. MARCH OF DIMES OANICE SATURDAY - JAN. 26 ARMORY BALDY'S BAND - 9:00 TILL 1:00 ADMISSION $2.00 PER COUPLE Z A : 1 li 352 OtDSMOBI LES SHORTS 4 Fine quolity knit briefs. Top this buy! (Limit 3) 44 SHOES A fine name in men's dress sfioes . . . sale priced! Q00 Values to 16.95 ' TIES One group 1 00 Reg. 1.00 for ' One group 10 - for Reg. 1.50 AS f ft x7 NOW yjf Display ... h- At- OUimnhih Mnrty-Ki.hl 4.Por Srttnn. Jiriow. OtJinoblU SupWBR" 4-Door Sdan. HyJra.Moltc Sup4r Drtn and Hydraulic Storing optional at txlra coir, hijalpoml. aectiwlot and trim fiiAjrcf It chant, without nottct Many other items at drastically re duced prices! Shop Hardy's tomorrow! Mlill NEW HYDRA-MATIC SUPER DRIVE! fow llyilra-Mntio Drive adds a new rango "Sttprr" Kange for .itwr performanre thrilling new action in any driving situation I NEW GM HYDRAULIC STEERINO'I NEW OLDSMOBILE'. "ROCKET"! . fliiB newest development In Willi 25 more liomnpowef powerashistCfl steering new Quorlri -Jet Carburetor tflkcfl out the clTnrt, lenvrs new higli-!ift varvesnnw in the f'fnol" of the Hhenl! more thrilling than ever! Men the inml pmntjul "lltirltrt" V'.nffm Ohhmnliiln mrr Imiltl At lop, the sll-new HinrttyMgh a triumili of fine-cnr deign Cln.nM llclow, the scnanlionnl nrw aclion-stnr Jldsmoliile's Super "fill" for l'lM! Iloth lirhig yon Ihe 160 horirpowrr "Knrket"! Hoth feature Olilmnohilc's new Super Urive w ith lis thrilling new Super Itnngo for pectaculnr action! Both offer new GM llyilraiillo Str.r.r. Ing'-J-and an evrn smonlhcr "ltockct Klilo"! And, In thin mngnilicent new MnayJCiflit, Oldnmoliilo ai-lilnn a nr.vr high in lina-car denign. A wcpping nnw "long look" oiilnldr! Nnw "Ciiitom-Ixiinge" inlrriora tho (incut yon'va ivir cen! Thna brilliant new "ltockct" Oldmnnhilcii for VKi'2 are now on apccinl display in our thnivrooml Sco lliein tmlayl 1932 OLDSMOBILE S NOW ON DISPLAY AT THI FOLLOWING DEALERS'... : ... ' , : i r- ,;; L' DICK B. MILLER CO, . 7th & Klamath STORE FR MEN LADIES FREE . Plu FREE DISHES Hi HUH SI.