Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 24, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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JANUARY 24, 1052
i' '"Mil ii riMiWiinf.. iiin..iirlii, .. i m a. 1 1 Ti ,ilr' umu , i ,. ii hid
(iiilnif Houlli- Mr. bikI Mrs, A, V,,
Mvikiiiun, Tuli'luko, plan to lmvo
the drat (if next week lor u lelauro
l.v trip huuIIi lo Mexico Clly and
Acniiulco, Thfv will return ulionl
J I 1 1 1 1. l1u-y will l)n accompanied
ty h hon Nornuin mid Lloyd Jen-
There Will lln a March ol
Dlineii tfnnce Hiilurdav nlnht In the
nlil KyiniiiiNliiii) nl Cliilixiuln. Dane
Inu 111 p.m. to 3 u. in. (Juud muHlc.
Tho public la Invited:
l)lmc llliniii A Mnrch of Dlmaa
lihiKii inline him been nclirclulcd
I'M- I'Vltlny B p.m. In the Newell
i.'iiininunlty Hull, 'iliern will be mi
iniciliin, nil proceeda to no In Hie
Ma l ell ol Dlinca, Kcfrrahmcnta
nml entertainment mo Iroe,
l.mlloi nnd Chevellnra o Can
tun Crater No. 7 will have 8:30
iiiiihick (tinner lonlidit In llio 100K
hull. Installation ol ofdeora will
follow lit U p.m.
I'rlrnlllili C'ninii No, OHDB, liny,
ul Nclidibont of America will bold
open Inntallatlon of oltieern Krl
"iv, n p. in, In (lie K. C. Hull
when Mm, Adit llarlcen will be
Inxtiillrd iin Oracle) for the year.
All Ndijliborn mid friends are In
Mind lo attend. ItcfreiilimciUN will
"be nerved. All (illlcera are linked
iweiir loiniuln.
Don't Forcl-Kun-Nlle at Pcler
Min Hcliool, Friday nlKbt. A deep
Hit fryer and a deluxe bicycle will
be mven away. There will be
i,iUnr dnnclnu bliwu, cards, mo
Men. coinlo books, refreshments.
Admission for everyone, ndulla and
students over thn sixth luude will
be 23 cents at Die door,
llrhnruli Circle will meet III the
Mi-thoillnt church Friday 8 p in.
Mrs. Bert Hoillrr will leud the (lis-
usslon on "How the Family
ticrves Itself."
Trav.-tera Mri. I.ce Muaaelman
It. N. President of Uie Klamnth
Falls Nuihos Association and Mrs.
I llllaii eiinw, K.N. will attend two
Hliile Committer nientlims of the
Oicboii Huite Nurses Association
in Portland next work.
Illed-H, M. Mallory, Merrill
I.axcvlew Junction has returned
from Mtockton where he was called
lecenlly bv the Illness and death
it his mother, Mrs. Laura Mal
lory. She pnnicd away Jan. 10 and
leneral services were held Jan. 18
vith final rites and Interment at
Farmlnuion near Htocklon. She
had visited hero many limes. Sur
viving also In addition to her son
Harold Mnllory, are a dauiihtcr,
Mrs. H. S. Allen, formerly of Chll
('Otiln, now of Hllvctton. Ore., and
three olher sons. Veil of Weed,
finvia, Stockton and Phelps, Ft.
lliaKK, Culltoi inn.
Modem Timstlliasters Denny
LoftsKiiard loppod all coiners lit
last nlKlit's Modoc Toiistinaslnr
i.poakliiK contest, with Wall Diiloa
luiinliiK second and Bob lu-nnell
third. Aluo In tho race were Walt
Wane mid Charles Hahn, and Pat
O'CJIehly who khvb Ills Ice-break-Ina
Naval Cadets The Naval Avia
tion proKram la open and prospec
tive applicant may check with the
Naval HecriillliiK office here. A
minimum of two years la required
for entry Into the proKinin,
Vet Iteenllsta Waller M. Mc
Keen, formerly of Keno and now
llvliiK In Ashland, enlisted through
Die local Army and Air Force r
crultliiK station, Poatofflce build
Iiik, na a sergeant In the Air Force
nnd has been aasluned to McChord
Bethany Circle Medina: post
poned today la to be held Jan. 31,
I p.m., at the First Presbyterian
Meeting Cirand International
Auxiliary- to Brotherhood ol Loco
motive Enolneers will meet at the
home of Mrs. Wlllard Dodxe, 246
Paclllc Terrace 7;30 p.m.
Katbryn lleatty Scwlnii Circle
to merl al Peace Memorial Church
Jan. '25, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lack
A Benefit silver lea sponsored
Ly Job's IJauKhtera Is planned lor
Saturday I 30 p.m. In the Masonic
'lemple. Thrre will be brldne and
canasta and the public is Invited
Midland rirnnae Card party
Hntmd.iv, B p.m., In the Grange
I'pll. Ail Orauxo ladles are asked
W Orlnu pie. ' .! ,
Toketre I. Inns Heard Miss Ellse
Perry, KUHS faculty member, dls-
uss necessity of understanding be
tween (treat Urltaln and the Unit
ed Btatesi at tho Wlnema Hotel
Wednesday night.
New Recording
Setup Tried
New equipment now In service
al the Herald and News radio sta
tion. KFLW, will automatically
record telephone conversation lor
I ebroaclcast.
The equipment supplements Her
ald and News news covcraue by
allowing reporter lo phone In eye
witness accounts of news events
and have the newa Immediately
broadcast over KFLW In the ac
tual words of the reporter viewing
the news event.
The equipment also allows the
Herald and News to obtain state,
moots from persona concerned
with news of special Interest. For
Instance, Senator Morse mluhl be
called In WashliiKton and asked for
his view on some Important mat
ter. A few moments later, KFLW
listeners would hear the senator's
voice explaining his viewpoint.
In such Instances, persons ques
tioned will be Informed that their
answer Is belnn recorded lor
broadcast and their permission will
be obtained.
As a further aafcKUard against
privacy infrlimemenu. when the
recording equipment Is In use, per
sons on the phone will hear a hiKh
pitched "beep' every 12 or 13
Driver Case
Still Waits
It will be about 10 more days
beforu Krwln (Joel Scarlcs, for-
jner Cascade Cleaners and Liiun-
uiy (iriver-saicaman, will learn if
he can continue similar employ-
mem witn superior Troy,
bearlcs terminated hl employ,
mcnt with Cascade Nov. 10. 1061.
Two days later he went to work
lor Bupoiior Troy on virtually the
same Morrlll-Miilln-Tulclake route
he hud for Cascade.
K. U. Isensee, Cascade owner,
brought a suit aKHlnst Bearlcs, ask
ing Circuit Court that an Injunc
tion be broiiuhl restraining Hcarles
from working for a competing firm
for alx months after leaving Cas
cade. The suit cauie lo trial yesterday
afternoon In Circuit Court before
Judge David Ft. Vandenberg.
lhcnsco, In testifying, contended
a contract he had with Scarlcs con
tained a clause which would pro
hibit him from taking employment
lor alx months with a competing
firm within a 100 mile radius of
Klamath Falls If he left Cascade.
Hearlea and George Barthman,
M-orctiiry-trcusurer of the team
iters union, both contended thai
contract was superceded by one
drawn up between the teamsters
and Cascade July 3, HMU. three
months alter ficarles took employ
ment with Cascade.
Isensee stated since Bearlcs
went to work lor Superior that
Cascade's business on the same
route had dropped about 60 per
Bearlcs said he did not solicit
business of his former Concede
customers on the route when he
went to work for Superior, Jfc add
ed he fell people bad a right to
send their business where they
wanted to. and ho had a right to
pick up btiKincss of people who
icquestod him to do so.
William Kuykendiill represents
Isensee and Cascade In the dis
pute and Dick Maxwell Is defend
ing Scuiics.
Court Finds
Driver Guilty
A District Court Jury Wednes
day altomoon took only five mhv
ntcs to find Charles E. Shcan
Weyerhaeuser employe, guilty of
uruiiK driving,
Hlican was arrested 8ent. 30
MM, by State Police on Highway
lid nenr Elllngson a Mill.
Four stale witnesses testified In
yesterday' trial, Shcan weaved his
pickup hack and forth across the
highway for 14 miles before being
Mopped by Freddie D. Wolfem,
4105 AlKinwnt Drive and Robert
Keesee of Hllyard St.
Immediately flcr being convict,
ed. Shcan paid a )200 fine aa
i,cssed by Judge M. A. Carter.
Judge Curler said Shcan had pre
viously paid $100 on pleading guil
ty to driving during revoked period
Deputy Dlst. Ally. Don Piper
prosecuted the case. J. C. O'Neill
was the defense attorney.
Omnus Illness
Learned Here
A former Klamath Falls resident
and business woman, Mrs. Grace
Oinnus, Is critically III In a San
J6se hospital according to word re
ceived here by friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lclb.
Mr. and Mrs. Omnus at one time
owned the Quality Delicatessen on
Main Street for manv years Mr.
Omnus died about eight years ago
about the lime the fiimlly moved
to San Jose.
Mrs. Omnus has a host of Itiends
KUHS Enters
Speech Meet
Nine high schools Including
Kliimulh Union high are scheduled
lo enter student speakers In a con
ference at Southern Oregon Col
lege, Ashland, Friday and Satur
day. Members of the KUHS delega
tion ore John Oliver. Dick Tracy,
Marian Pfelfcrle. Shirley Sehorn.
Susanue F'rei. Ramonda Seeber,
!sam Montgomery, Harold 81ogle
I and Deneice Kenyon.
They arc enlcred In four of the
j seven categories of competition.
oilier contestants are expected
to come from Medford. Grants
Has. Ashland. Eugene. Coos Bay,
Myrtle Point, Eagle Point and Cen
tral Point.
Former KFLW Man
"Junior Citizen"
Bob McCnrl, former KFLW rn
dlo announcer and now an annouiv
ccr for KRNR. Rnscburg, has been
named Roseburg'a Junior First
Citizen for 1951.
Tho iielecllon was made bv the
Junior Chamber of Commerco of
that city. , . . ,
MoCarl was on the staff of the
Klamnth Falls station when It
opened In 1040, and was here about
a year.
b. Olllc. I !0 1
- TWO TOP "'""Kf'l
N With A H.t At ', " y 'f 1
MONO KONO t Madame
Shlli Liang, Red China's minister
ol Justice, has conlcssed thai she
spent 70.000 yuan, or $3.50, to bring
her Icebox from Shanghai to her
new home In Pclplng. She admit
ted It was a wasteful extrava
gance and promised not to do ll
Her confession was published In
Pelplng'a olllclal Peoples Dally re
ceived here Thursday.
Winter weather Is dancerous
weather. Fhone Hans Norland far
Immediate coverage on your ear
Farm Bureau
Hits Controls
PORTLAND HI The govern
ment la fostering Inflation by Its
larm and price controls, the prcsl
nent of tho Oregon Farm Bureau
Federation said here Wednesday.
President Marshall Hweurlngen,
Salem, told the Multnomah County
chapter of the Oregon Republican
Club that tho Farm Bureau wanted
to aloo all non-essential govern
ment spending.
He Included aoll conservation
payments In this category and call
ed the payments "political hush
money paid to a farmer for some
thing he'd do anyhow if he was
left alone operate hl farm."
"There la no auch thing as a
federal grant. The government lust
collect the money. Then It takes
a 20 to 30 per cent cut In Wash
ington and sends the remainder
back with controls," he said.
Secret Society In School
To Be Eyed By High Court
SALEM Ml Oregon's 43-year-lwiued lis order Oct. 27, 1940, a
old luw banning secret societies croon of members r.f the societies
from high schooln will be Interpret
ed for the first time by the 'slate
Supreme Court In a few weeks.
The high court heard arguments
Wednesday In a case to decide If
the Portland school board had
authority to Issue an order con
llnlng high school fraternities and
sororities to a single school. This
and their parents asked the Mull
nnmah Circuit court for an injunc
tion to overrule the board's order.
Circuit Judge Charles H. Combs.
Lakevlew, dismissed the suit, and
thev appealed.
The parents and the members
soy the board's order Is undemo
cratic In that' It stops school child-
order would break up 12 city-wide ! ren from associating with whom
The court' decision probably will
decide an Issue that has rocked
several Oregon cities many times.
The Issue la: Just what Is a sec
ret society under the 1900 law.
School boards often have inter
preted the law to mean that any
club of students is banned unless
sanctioned by the Khool board.
Aller the Portland school board
ever they wish. They deny the
societies are secret. They say they
aren't connected with the schools
because these organizations meet
off the school grounds outside of
school hours.
'I7ie ijchool board lawyers told
the Supreme Court Wednesday that
the board has authority to expel
students who belong to organiza
tions which aren't approved by the
Attack Plan
Finally Told
ROME (P A wartime Italian
naval commander says Italy
planned a submarine attack in
New York City harbor for Decem
ber, 1043, but the Italian armistice
came along before the scheme could
be carried out.
The commander. J. Valcrlo Borg
hese, said In a lctur-to-the-cdltor
published In the newspaper Roma
that a long-range submarine was
to carry a smaller one within close
range of New York. The little one
wa to slip up the Hudson River
"to the hcorl of the city," lo make
the attack.
"The psychological effect on
Americans who had not seen any
war action brought up to their own
shores surpassed in the long run
the material damage we could have
Inflicted." Borghc.ic concluded.
He aald the surrender of the
Italian fleet In the armistice of
Sept. 8, 1943, stopped the attack
OLYMPIA W'l Dr. Clcve O.
Westby. stale director of school
building facilities, has resigned lo
accept e. field studies position with
Columbia University, Mrs. Pearl
A. Wanamaker. state superintend
ent of public instruction, announced
' SAVE !
ItENS Ne Yrk dr"$ed b- 45c
HAMS Rea,,y f b- 73c
schools. They claim the socltles .sely alfect scholarship and atttn
are secret under the 1909 law. danee. caitae tardiness, hurt aohool
The board lawyers said these spirit and school rennutlnn
societies are undemocratic, snob- cause maladjustment among atu
blsh. interfere with the school so-1 dents who can't ba admitted to
cial program and discipline, adver-'membership.
Our Catalog Order Desk Invites
You To Review These Gigantic
Contour Sheets
Save 1.28 on 2
Twin Bed
Each in loti of 6
Form-fitting Pacific Mills White
Contour sheets! Made of best qual
ity, longest wearing muslin. Full
size . . . 2.87.
Tire Chains ZJfL 5.98 pr.
Garbage Can Cnd . 2.97
GaIacIiac Fur op- New! tKe lined- 1 QO
Woo, pHe C00r, Brown ond block ,
Sale "Ends February 29, 1952
&a&fcefo pvai&dleS f Flll)f
Star. H.urt: a.m. H I: JO a.m.'
13J S. Itk PhM. mi
vtn H She ho T0 Wolfe
Kenmore Tank-type
and your
. machint
5.00 Down, 5.00 Month
On Stan laty Paymont Plan'
Snltd-ln lubrication
P lnclud.1 aHachmonts
lightweight diin
0 Handy Kon-Kort
Light, poworful cleaner sucks
out rug-ruining dirt, slows it
neotly In easy-to-emply bog.
Flexible hose cleans drapes,
hard-to-reach corners.
Phone 5188
for free HOME
or mall thii coupon
Soars, Roobuck and Co.
133 lo. 8th
Klamath Polls, Ore.
I jontlemon: Plcose send me, without
I obligation, further Information describ
I 'ng the new Kenmort vacuum cleaners.
. NAMl .. ,
-ww $ 1 12,
L0W1 '
Thii grtat now Styltllni D lux ?-Doar Stdun itiit tor Itn than any tomporobl mocUl In Hi fltNl
(Continuation ol ilandard tquipmtnf and trim itlvtttattd it dtptndtnf en aroilabilily of moftr'aJ.!
r.i -i t i .T-'m i n
Here arc the truly advanced automobiles for 1952
. . . the only fine cars pricid so low . . , and one ride
will tell you what wc mean by that.
We mean the only cars at or near their price bring
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We mean the only cars at or near their price offer
ing such a. wide and wonderful choice of colors with
upholstery and trim, in harmonizing colors, in all
Dc Luxe sedan and coupe models!
We mean the only cars at or near their price with
Centerpoise Power . , . giving almost unbelievable
smoothness and freedom from vibration.
Moreover, we mean that Chevrolet supplies all
these fine car advantages at substantial savings . . .
for it's the lowest priced line In its field. Come in;,sce
it; and place your order now! ' T
Extro-amooth POWER (lule
with New Automatic Choke for finest no-shift drlvinj t
lowest cost. (Combination of Powerglicle and 105-h.p. Valvt
' in-Head Engine optional on Do Luxe models at entrajcost.)
Store Houn: 9 o.m. to 5:30
133 So. 8th Phono 5188
410 South 6th Street
Phone 4113