Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 24, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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KFLW 1450 Kc. PST
I Thursday Evening, Jan. 24
6:00 Spoils Hlghllghte
g:tS Home Town Newa
0.2S World Newa Summary
8::t0 Suburban Serenade
I'd Headline Edition ABC
:BS Comlnf Attractions on ABC
7 00 Mr Prealdent ABC
7:TO Defense Attorney ABC
8:00 Orlg Amateur Hour ABC
B:4B Foreign Reporter ABC
9:00 The Redhead ABC
0:10 Conrert of Europe ABC
19:00 10 PM Headllnei
10:1B Club Can Do ABC
10:30 Inaomnla Club
Reopening n
.'r your ytJ
dining )A
and .
dancing -p- I J
. pleasure I , -
; ,1112 - Moin
Better-than-ever Standard Furnace Oil
keeps oil burner systems clean!
What do you want from a heating fuel? Prob
ably your first concern is warmth. But there's
y also the problem of cost for nobody wants to
pay too much. No wonder most folks prefer
Standard Furnace Oil with Therm isol. It spreads
comforting warmth throughout your home.
What's more, it eliminates sludge one of the
main causes of service calls actually cuts heat
ing costs! So don't wait another cold day. Switch
over to this pure, dependable fuel noio. -
V--. ..
far pot-type circulating heaters,
osk fer Standard Stove Oil
Order from your Standard Heating Oil Distributer or total Standard Oil Olfite j
W rfttir tm A III lliSllllJ lii! Ilill ll Jlllltliili 111 Jim lliilll IllllhX
dEB GEQaii? m
11:00 Newi Summary '
u.-tu Sun ore
KKLW 1450 Kc PST
Friday, Jan. 25
6:00 Sijn on Newt
6:05 Corn In lh Morn
6:45 Frm Fure
7:00 News Bkfftt Kdtlfon
7:15 Charlie' Roundup
7: HO Bob Girred & NWi ADC
. 7:40 Top of the Morning
7:;..H Jeun Conic Sinfi-i ABC
11:00 BreAkftul Club ABC
9 00 Hank Hfiiry Show
9.30 Break the Bank ABC
HUM Chet Huntley, Newt ABC
10:15 Lone Journey ABC
IlKtO My True Story ABC
10:55 Edward Arnold APC
11:00 Betty Crocker ABC
11:15 Stop fe Shop
11:30 Acatnst the Storm. ABC
11:45 Musical Roundup
11:53 Market Report
12:00 Newi, Noon Edition
12:15 Tayleu Sidewalk Show
12:30 Lucky U Ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Harvey ABC
1:15 Better Living
1:30 Mary Margaret McBride ABC
2:00 Basin Briefs
2:15 Accent on Melody
2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC
2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ARC
3:00 When a Girl Marries ABC
3:15 Ted Malone ABC
' Cjt. t
rk. Mtt Fr Orders Ta Take Oat
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
fa at CJU
3:30 Perfect HlMhand ABC
4:00 Mary Marhn AB.
4:13 llequealfully Yours.
.voo Kun factory ABC
:f World HlrM Hem.rler ABC
1:30 Chet Huntley ABC
.1:4.1 Its Movte Time
:00 Sporti lllhllhla
6:1S Home Towtl Newt
6:23 World Newa Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
0:43 Headline Edition ABC
K:..3 M:n Newt i-tou'uu ABC
7 00 Gillette rights ABC
a 00 HI. -hard Diamond ABC
1:30 Thla la Your ( HI ABC
9:00 Osile end Harriet ABC
9:30 Cone, of Favorltea
tni tn p v. He-Hi. e 1
10:13 Dr. Glno'a Muilcale ABC
tu:JO insomnia Cluu
11:00 Newa
11:0 Slfn 0((
KFJ1 1150 Kc PST
Thursday Evening, Jan, 21
oo Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klam. Theater . Quia.
6:30 Around Town Newa
6:43 Sam Hayee Newa MBS
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Harmony Time
7:13 Snort. Album
7:30 Bobby Eenson MBS ,
B I V.r.;
8:30 Adventure U Your Heritage
84j Heioeiuei-g itarnionairc.
90O Clenn Hardy Newa MBS
13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
l . Rod At Gun Club MBS
0:33 3-Mtnute Final MBS
lnvi 1 lxve A Mvrtery MBS
10:15 Stara on Parade
10:0 Handstand USA MBS
11:00 Nie-ht Owla Edition
11:03 Night Owla Club
U .00 Sum on
Friday. Jan. 2J
(M Mujlea, Reveille
,- , -a- -e bulletin Board
6:55 Loral Newc
":oo Heminaway Newa MBS
1:15 Breakfast CtKI MBS
7:30 News
7:43 Beat .uya
8:00 Cec'l Brown MBS
8:15 n.fsktait Gan MBS
WO Bible Institute MBS
eo Homemr'-er Harmonlel
0 13 Platter Party
9:43 favorites oi Yesterday
3 f
10:00 Newa MRS
10:13 Tello-Tea
10:.?o ) aPolntea
10:43 Conrert
10:30 Currlna .
10:53 Kan Caraon
1i:ju ttiiea tatr MBS
11:33 Newa
11:30 Queen for a Day MBS
13:00 Name Banrta
13:19 Headline Newa
13:30 Dance Tunes
13:43 Market Uve.toi'k
1:00 Jack Klrkwood MBS
1:30 Tune Test .
1:33 fewe
3:00 Newt MBS
U:i3 l'lKOrl. i.ewa MBS
3:13 Tea Time Tipa
UAo n.i.wer Mail .tiBS
3:00 Ricky's Request
4 00 Speed Gibson MBS
4:15 nemlniway Newa MRS
4:30 Curl Masaey Time MBS
4:43 Sari He Newa MBS
8:00 Twilight Time
3:30 Wild Bill HlCkock MBS
3:33 Newa MBS
:vk Uabi.'el ueetler MBS
6:t3 (aula Show
6:30 Around Town Newt
6:43 Sam HaesKews MBS
6:35 Bill llenrv VHS
7:00 Adven. of Malila MBS I
1:mi Clacu Km Ama
800 Bsktbl, KUHS va. Roseburg
9:00 Glenn Hardy, Newa MBS
9:13 Rsktba. KUHS vs. Roseburg
9:43 Fulton Lewis Jr.
9:j3 3-Mln. rtnai
lo:ro I Love A Mv-tery MBS
10:15 11. S Navy Band
10:30 Proudly We Hall
I1:0U Night Owls tatl.oa
11:03 Ntfht Owla Club
13:00 Sign Off
Fears Grow
WASHINGTON in Southern
senators were, rcporlfii closing
ranks Thursday lor a finish fight
against anv move to reduce their
power to block civil rights legis
lation with long speeches.
The Senate Rules Committee has
scheduled for next Tuesday an
Initial showdown on the bat,tle-
laden Issue, which In the past has
precipitated fights that tied the
Senate into knots.
The committee has before it a
variety of proposals to amend the
existing debate-limit rule. Tills now
requires a vote of at least. 64 Sena
torstwo thirds of the elected
membership to order a time limit
known to senators as Vloture."
is the death knell of any filibuster.
The proposals range from one
to permit a debate limit by vote
of a majority of the senators pres
ent to one whirh would call for
a vote of two thirds of those pres
ent and Toting.
Senate leaders clearly fear thai
any one of them, if brought to the
floor, would set off a paralyzing
filibuster fight. They have been
shooting for adjournment of Con
gress before the Republican and
Democratic conventions in July.
Senator Russell iD. Oa , who
usually quarterbacks filibusters for
his southern colleagues, had de
clared repeatedly he would fight
any move to change the rule. He
and others from the South report
edly are already talking strategy.
wfUNKieo rtHvits
Mtvt. strs -me
OiRU ArtHAuse
9ES US fOtt
Expert Body
ana renaet
Hef wishing
Mala at
"The Redhead" is the intriguing title of a new progrom making
its debut on ABC tonight at 9:00. Mary McCorty ploys the role of
"The Redhead" in which she is always becoming invqjved in the prob
lems of others, and somehow manages to find a solution. Mary Mc
Corty is a Musical comedienne of stage ond screen, and has been des
cribed os the "most fascinating roughhouse comedienne since Ethel
Merman." "The Redhead" replaces "Hollywood .Star Ployhouse" on
'Thursday nights.
Here's' a picture, of T ! j
'Special Agent, Jim Tay
lor" of 'This is your FBI"
heard Friday evenings at
:30. In real life he's
Stacy Harris. The program
it a dramatic expose ef
criminals and Is part of an
outstanding lineup of ro
. grams en ABC every Fri
day niejht. Tern or row
night's story takes place
during Fiesta time in a
southern Gulf Coast city.
An armed robbery takes
place while people dance
in the crowded streets,
and then the FBI moves
in. Stacy Harris
"Defense Attorney" starring Mercedes McCombrldge as the lady
lawyer will be back once more storting tonight ot 7:30. Heor how
Mortha Ellis Bryant olds the defenseless in Hor search for justice.
Nothing is as unfunny at keeping an appointment with the
dentitt. But when it's just an the radio, and the sufferer involved
it Oitia Nelson, it can became en amusing situation. Hear
"Onle and Harriet" tomorrow night at 9:00 and chuckle.
A 10-fOund main event in Modison SquaVe Garden between
Johnny Soxton, 29-yoor-old Brooklyn welterweight and Llvio Mlnolll,
former European welterweight king from Italy, mokes up the fight
card for the Gillette "Cavalcade of Sporfs" tomorrow night ot 7:00. -Soxton,
undefeoted, goes offer his 23rd straight win In his quost for
a title shot.
Another double bill is scheduled for the "Metropolitan
Opera" this Saturday. Mascogni't "Cavallerla Rusticana" and
Leoncavallo's "Pagliacci" with all-ttar caitt, will be presented,
starting at 11:00 A.M. Delia Rigal playe'Nedda In "Pagliacci,"
and Ramon Vinay It Canie, her huibond. In "Cavallerla Ruttl
cana", Zinka Milanov takes the tele ef Santutsa, and Kurt Beum
will play Turiddu . , ,
Tax Return
Charge Filed
Dun Llskrv. prominent Kltimnth
County atockiiiun, and his wife)
Aiiiuel were nrrtiigned Wetlnosdny
nfternooii bcfiiio U. 8. Commis
sioner Boit 0. Thonuia on fed
erul clmrgvu. of fllliiK friiiidulant
iiicuino uix returns lor 11140.
They waived picllmlniiry hvarlng
and posted SI, 000 cash ball eitch.
Lisaey wns accused In tho first
count of tl.o charge of attempting
to "detent mid evade a lingo part
Of the incnnin tnx linn mui nwlna
by liim" by filing with tho Internal
Revenue Collector of Portland a
ntise and fraudulent return, list-,
tug nis i!H3 net income as S43.6U1. 1
taxed at 3.'J37M: I
His net Income, according to th !
cnarge. was JoB.W7.30 that year,
and tho tax should have been tM.-
Mabel I.tskev. in the second
count of the complaint, was ac
cused ot assisting in the prepara
tion of a false return on the part
nershlp income of Dan, Dave and
Maude Llskey. That return report
ed a net Income of $91,739.30 and,
according to the Bureau of Inter
nal Revenue Information tho ac
tual figure was s 80.298.69. i
The third count charges Mabel .
Llskey with aiding In preparation
of a false Income tax return for 1
uan Llskey for 1945.
air. and Mrs. Ll.skey appeared
I before the Commissioner in cu
, tody of Deputy U.S. Marshal Pnul
M. Huiilin of Medford, and with
their attorney, Carl E. Davidson
of Portland
Commissioner . Thomas ordered
them bound over to action of a
federal grand Jury.
The Income i-.tx case against the ;
Liskeys la the second brought lo-'
cally in two weeks. On Jan. 9 Dr. 1
M. E. Cooper, dentist, was ar-!
ralgned before Commissioner !
Thomas on a similar charge re-1
gardlng his 1945 federal income
lax return. Ha also was released
on $1,000 ball ;
Union Draws
Stiff Warning
that no qualified uersnn shniilri he
denied employment throtmh the un
ion's hiring system. Federal Judge
Dal M. Lcmmon Wednesday for
mally enjoined the Marine Cooks
and Stewards Union from engag
ing in discriminatory hiring hall
The Judge also warned two steam
ship companies Matson Naviga
tion Co. and American President
Lines ihat refusing- to hire work
ers discriminated against by the
union constituted an unfair labor
The injunction followed an opin
ion and preliminary Injunction
passed down In November,
Unfair labor pructlce charges
against the union and the company
were brought by the National La
bor Relations Board on behalf of
seven stewards. They said they had
been ousted for supporting a rival
MCS became Involved In other
legal troubles Weduesday when 95
former union members filed suit
in Marin County Superior Court
seeking $45,000 awarded them
against the union last year in King
County. Wash. The suit said they
had been unable to collect.
The original suit also charged
the union blacklisted the nicrl and
I deprived them of Jobs for support
ing a iivui itiitvu.
OLYMPIA OH Mrs. Pearl A.
Wanamakcr, state superintendent
of public instruction, left here
Wednesday nlRht to attend meet
ings In New York City and Wash
ington, D. C. She Is expected to
return about Feb. 6. ;
Uh I
Form Your Opinion
In (he past 10 years the potato has meant more than 170.000,.
DOO to tho Klamath Uasliu Its success Is the vary basin of success
(or the Basin Itself, Progress In the Klamath country may do
pond on tho development and aUiblllmtion of the potato liiluatry.
I'hli Monday night, tho Herald and News und radio station KKLW
will present the third in a series of "llulld the Basin" radio
programs, this time exploring the possibilities of furthering tho
potato Industry and protecting It. What do you think?
, (Fill out the' following opinion poll. Add any niltlltlomtl
questions you may wish either at the bottom or on aopiiritle
sheet, clip out and mall to "Build the Basin," cure of tho Herald
and News KFLW, postofflce box 941, Klnmnth Palls,)
1, Is the potato the basis of tho Klamath Basin agricultural
Yes ) No ( )
3. If so, do Klamath residents renllzo this and give the In
dustry the support they could?
Yen ( ) No ( )
3. Are Klamath-grown potatoes generally as gootl as oilier
potatoes from other growing areas?
Yea ( ) No ( )
4. Con Klamath cltlrens assist 111 the promotion of the Klam
ath potato more than they do?
Yes ( ) No ( )
5. Are price ceilings and rollbacks on potatoes really necessary
In the face of the present world crises?
Yee ( ) No ( )
6. Are present economic controls signs of socliilMIc riii'umili
mcnt Into our country?
Yes ( ) ' No ( )
7. Have farmers, by accepting so-called subsidies .niiorts,
payment for conservation programs, etc.i, sold their nKilculluriti
freedom down the river? '
, Yes ( ) ' No ( )
8. By forcing "quick money" potato crops with Irrigation and
chemical fertiliser application, are farmers straining farmlands
beyond capacity and thus limiting the lauduse In the future
economy of the Basin?
Yes ( ) . No ( )
9. Under the present American agricultural system and Us
relation to the federal government, will our potato economy grow
and expand naturally? .
Yea ( ) No t )
10. Will markets and processes for more methods of cotisutni)
lion develop as our potato economy expands?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Studio Doesn't
Talking to
sively Youra: Columbia apparent
ly doesn't want Rita Hayworth
talking to Die press away from
Uie studio.
She scheduled an informal talk
at her home. Then Bhe wired her
regrets that she wag cancelling Ihe
talk, when Columbia beat her to the
punch In announcing her return' to
the studio after that walkout on
her comeback movie.
"Under the circumstances." Rita
wired, "I am frank to tell you
there Is nothing further Ihat I
could talk to you about."
Meaning, of course, she won't
discuss Aly Khan on or off the
Warbler Monica Lewis and Wll
Hum O'Brien, who wrote "Here
Comes the Oroom," are thinking
about an altar trek . . . Jane Wy
man has a suite reserved for May
3 on the London-bound Queen
The TV debut of "My Friend
Irma" left the audlenco bug-eyed
over Marie Wilson's prim. In-character
wardrobe. Marie's comment:
"I'm supposed to be flat-headed,
but 1 didn't know I was supposed
to be flat-chested."
Robert Young, bruised and ach
ing alter a skiing vacation with
his youngsters at Sun Valley:
"Just call me Robert (not so)
Television may be organized bed
lam, but when Spike Jones aoes
a TV show It's organized chaos
up for another All Star Revue
snow, Spiae lei me in on the se
crets of his TV madness.
I "Everything Is set up bar by bar
ohd synchronized with the cam
eras.' he said. "We use 11 micro
phones and four cameras. There's
;an average of 253 camera setups
compared to the normal 60 lor an
: hour comedy show."
Is the pace rough on Spike?
"Look," he answered. "I've even
learned to be a high Jumper. On
our last show I had to Jump over
I a spinet piano off-stage to make a
: last change. You know something?
I I cleared the piano, and the guy
sitting In front of It, with a foot
I to spare."
! Red Skelton to a couple of mink-
coated dolls who asked for his
i photograph:
1 "Tell me, what's new In Wash-
j lngton?"
! Hollywood's already a-buzz on
, who'll be nominated for 1951's Os
1 cars.
1 It looks like a four-way race for
best performance by an actor and
actress. Beat aotor: Kirk Douglas
(Detective Story): Frederlo Marcn
(Death of a Salesman); Marlon
Brando (A Streetcar Named De
sire): and Arthur Kennedy (Bright
Best actress: oneiiey winters in
Place In the Sun): Jane Wyman
(The Blue Veil); Vivien Leigh (A
Streetcar Named Desire); and
Katherlne Hepburn (African
Susan Hnyward objected to a
scene In "This Man Is Mine" in
which she cusses out Robert Mitch
urn, so RKO deleted It . . . Kath
ryn Grayson's blushing, but noe
talklng, about the charge of biting
Mario Lanza's lip during a kiss
ing scene In "Toast of New Or
leans." The Story's making tho
rounds now that the Orayson-Lan-za
feud Is blazing again . . . Rob
ert Merrill's return to the Met cost
him a singing lead In "The MiibIc
Master" at Fox , , . It looks rosy
for Sylvia Sidney to make a movie
STOCKHOLM, Sweden W) The
Swedish Supreme Court has ruled
that It Is up to the government
whether Carl Johann Pedersen will
be extradited to the United states.
Pcderson Is wanted at Tacoma,
Wash., for questioning In the mur
der of Fanny Rice In October, 1960.
He has been In custody In Sweden
since Oct. 31, 1950. -
In 1949 about 48 million U.S.
workers were In Jobs covered by
old-age Insurance.
Want Rita
the Reporters
WORLD PHtunrai
Introducing TA TjrinJ
ataaa a, mmi
aypTHE crimson
mi a as asm avi u t j, -m awkv -aa w .ear ar .aaaaaal
' Cofo. Cerfeons Sauirdat Maimee "'iW iJ
New Yorker often luivo winters
more anver than Ihtwa li Reykja
vik. Iceland' capital, 'flie InUri
lit wnrintHl by Ilia null Hlroain i?'l
the iiveriiKO tcniptiriitlirs In 93 uu-
Hioi'H In January.
Continuous From
1: T
continuous fnou 1 4
' 1 1 .1-7"
ar-. iovin'.. a'SVi
"A aJi A J