PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. 10!.'J FINANCIAL LOANS Fort Klamath , iiy MYRTLE YVIMER Mr. and Mrs. Marry Orem left Saturday, Jan. U, lor Portland, where Mra. Orem underwent arm surgery on Tuesday morning, Jan. IS, which will confine her to St, Vincent's Hospital In Portland for nix weeks. During her stay In the hospital, Mrs. Ord Pritchett Is car ns for the two Orem children. Cinrv and Anne, at her home here Orem expects to return here In about two weeks, and plans to go back to Portland inter 10 see nis Wife. He and his father, Ira Orem of Klamath Falls, are wellknown Klamath cattlemen. Mr. and Mrs Gene Pane are the proud parents of a fine boy, bom Frldnv. Jan. 11. at Klnmnth Valley Hospital In Klamath Falls. Thl la the first child of the young couple, and he tipped the scales at a good healthy weight of seven pounds 121', ounces at birth. The name of Gerald Adrian has been chosen for him by his parents. Congratulations on Uie arrival of their first grandenna are aiso in order to the paternal and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Guss A Pass of Fort Klamath, and Mr. and Mrs. William Prlebe of Chllo- quln. respectively. Little Lee Danforth returned last Saturday to Hie home 01 nis par, ents In Klamath Falls after spend ing ten davs with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brown, at their Crystal ranch west of Ft. Klamath. Coming here after their son Saturday were his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Danforth, who met the latter s nn rents. Mr. ano Mrs. Brown, in Fort Klamath and took their small son back to Klam ath Falls with them. Mrs. Dan forth is employed in tbe advertis ing department of me tieraia ana rews in n'nmain raus. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fisher ihrtr son. Jimmy, and daughter, Phyllis, visited here Saturday with her parents ana orotner. Air. uu Mrs. wesiev ontun mm iuu ard. the latter home for the week- mH frnm Oregon State at Corvallis. Early in December, Fisher started logging operations at the site of state-owned timber about two miles northeast of here, formerly the Yawkey timber tract, but after a week, the work was halted by heavy snow. In correction of a pre vious news note in regard to this subiect. the cut logs were oeing hauled to the new mill at Chilo ouln, the Chiloquin Forest Products Co., instead of the Jack Kellum mill as erroneously stated. ' Wilfred Loosley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Loosley, has ar rived at Lackland air base in San Antonio, Texas, according to word received here by his parents. Wil fred leg here Jan. 3 for Portland, where "e was inducted into the L".S. Air Force, in which branch of the service he has enlisted for a four-vear period. Walter Midkiff and his brother-in-law, Al Smith, made a business trip to Crescent City, Calif., leav ing Wednesday. Hansford T. "Mike" Williams Is recovering at Hillside Hospital in Klamath Falls from surgery which he underwent there this week. , After having been confined to the Hillside Hospital for a week suffering from a severe cold which threatened to develop Into pneu monia, Charles J. Bricco came home Thursday in a taxi from Klamath Falls. The minute the doctor taid he could return home, Bricco decided he would do Just that, and instead of waitinir for relatives in Fort Klamath or Klam ath Falls to bring him back here, he came by taxi. He is wellknown all over Klamath County, and has for many years been owner and operator of the Crater Lake Cafe and Tavern here. During his ab sence. Mrs. Victor Thompson of Chiloquin was in charge of his business here. Going to Klamath Falls Friday .were Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Brown, their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brown, all of Crystal, who attended funeral services held Friday afternoon for the late L. Alva Lewis, who was Fred Brown's brother-in-law, and a wellknown Klamath County resident. He fassed away Jan. 15 following a Ingering illness, and final rites were conducted at Ward's Klam, ath Funeral Home, followed by commitment services and inter ment in Klamath Memorial Park. When it comes to frigid weather. unemuit nas nothing on Fort Klam ath on Thursday mornine. Jan. 17, thermometers here In- town reg istered sixteen below, the same as that reported by our northern neighbor, and at outlying ranches here the mercury dropped to nine teen below. Not that we care to have the honor of tying Chemult's reputation as beint? the coldest place in Klamath County, but it rnouia be at least mentioned. Just iur me record , . . Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1he undersigned JOHN NEUBERT has been, by an order of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Klamath County, appointed executor of the Lsti will and Testament nd of the estate oi u. WBUbEKT, deceased, and that Lettert Testamentery have been Issued to him. All persons having claims agalnnt said estate are hereby notified w present ne same. ,auiy veriiiea ana with proper vouchers, to the under signed at Room 201 . First Federal Savings and Loan Building. Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six tfli months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which publication is the 23th day of January, 1952. JOHN NEUBERT. Executor of th Last Will and Testament and of the estate of C. Neubert. deceased. FARFENS & MAXWELL, Attorneys for Executor J-24-31 F-7-14 No. 866 By B. J. Goddard RAT DAMAGES SASKATOON, Sask. W A dis trict farmer is claiming damages from Uie city for loss caused to his wheat crop by rats. The farm Is just north of the city limits. mmm Ben Morrison, Agr. - JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES end SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2511 LEGAL NOTICE A RESOLUTION .DECLARING THE INTENTION UK THE UOMMC1N COUNCIL OF CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TO WIDEN THE UPPER AND LOWER PAVED ROAD WAYS ON PACIFIC TERRACE FROM WHERE IT INTERSECTS ALAMEDA STREET TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS LOWELL STREET; DECLARING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS TO ilE TA KFN IN CONNECTIO N. THERE WITH: SAID PROJECT TO HE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS, the City Engineer, pur suant to a resolution oi me ttwuwrn Council heretofore adopted, having filed plant, specification and estimates (nr the cost of improving. Pacific Terrace from where tl tmerrcrt Alameda Street to where It intersects Lowell Street, by widening the upper and lower paved roadways thereon: and the Council finding the Mid plans, speci fication and estimates satisfactory for r-j,a pra)m which na)l itt knnwn as Improvement Unit No. 114; THERE FORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 That said plans, pecltications and estimate lor the improvement of Mid portions of said street, therefore filed herein by the City Engineer, be and the tame are hereby approved, and said project shall be known as im provement Unit No. 114 That the Common Cnunrtl of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereuy , declares us imcnuon io inipruvq. miq portions of said streets In accordance with the plans, specif lea t ton and e. timnte as follows: TYPE 'C To consist of widening the upper and lower paved roadwa on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowell Street to tne northeasterly line of Alameda with six inches of Cement Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widening each roadway ts four feci and will be taw ard the center parking strip thereby reducing the width of said parking strip. TYPE "E" To consist of widening the upper and lower paved roow.w on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowe 1 Street to tne northeasterly line of Alameda with five inches of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for widening ea.-h roadway is four feet and will be toward the cen ter parking strip thereby reducing the width of said parking strip. TYPE "C" and "E "A combination of type ul in "C" and ,-E" immediately above defined, with lun. i tat ion as therein stated. The type chosen to be mixed and placed in accoro wtin uie plans aim . specifications of the City Engineer on file therefor. Tbe estimated cost of all classes of improvements embracing atl work and materials for the complete imnrovement of said DroJect for each type of pavement being as follows: Tvpe "C" Cement concrete pave ment 80 Type "E Aspnait concrete pavc- mn fiJ7 M.V7 1 TYPE Com Oi nation OI "W ana e. navfrnent $5 1.637 .2 4 baia estimates inciuaa enjmwt ' suuervision. advertising, clerical sisiance. attorney a icu ana iuhwwtu continences. section ii, That the property bin within the boundaries hereinafter described be and the same is hereby declared to be tv-efited by the said improvement, to wn: ieeinninc at the most norineriy cor ner or lot 1, Mock 8 Hillside Addition to the City of Kiamatn raus, uregon; thence southwesterly along the south easterly line of Lowell St. 150 ft. to tne nortneasterir line oi me aney uirf Rlnrk ft: thence southeasterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 8. 13, ana IB in saia musiae aqohiuh. blocks 33 to 42 inclusive in Hotspnngs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, rinrnn to the northeasterly line of Alameda: thence southeasterly along nnrthrasterlv line of Alameda to IPC southeast corner of lot 7 Block 1. Wil liams Addition to tne tiiy oi stviamain Falls, Oregon; thence northerly along tne line Deiween low o ana oi u:wn i of utrf Williams Addition, to the north linn -of said block 1: thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Haskings at. oeing iw ii. nonn easterly of and parallel to the north Htriv tin of Pacific Terrace and continuing northwesterly and parallel to lacmc Terrace a ion uie norm easterly boundary line of said Hot springs Addition to Del Moro St.: inence continuing normwcsici j parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocits 17, 14 and 7 of said Hillside Addition to tHe south line of VanNess Ave.: thence southwesterly along last said line to its intersection with the nortn easterly property line of Pacific Ter race: thence southwesterly across Pa cific Terrace to the point of beginning. That all the property included in the aforesaid boundaries above described be and the same is hereby declared in r hnttt-d bv said Imorovement and assessed for the expenses thereof. Section 111. That Mnnrlav the 18th. of February. 1M2 at th hour of 7:30 P M. at t Council Chamber of the City Ha l in Klamath Falls. Oregon. te ana is nere- by fixed as the time and place for hearing of objections and remon strances against said proposed im provement. section iv. . That the Police Judge be and he Is hrhv authorized and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by tne Citv Charter of said City and shall publish this resolution as provided by law. and within five days after the first publi cation thereof the City Engineer shall cause to be conspicuously posted at each end of the line of contemplated Improvement such notice as Is provided for by law and ordinance. Pasred by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falh. Oregon, this 21ft day of January. 1952. Presented to tne mayor ana oy mm pprovfjd and signed thii 22nd day of Januan-. 1832. BOBERT A. THOMPSON Mayor ATTEST: R03ERT M. ELDER Police Judge STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS. CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. , I, Robert M. Elder, Police Judge of tbe City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fore going it a true copy 01 a resolution intrnducerf and adonted bv the Com mon Council of the City of Klamath r. :. Oreqan at its regular meeting held on Monday the 21st day of Jan uary, 1952, and thereafter approved and signed by tne Mayor. ROBERT H ELDER Police Judge J-24-25-26-2S-29-30-31 F-l-2-3 No. 863 NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ON IN CLUSION OF ADDITIONAL TERRI TORY WITHIN THE LANGELL VAL LEY SOIL CONSERVATION DIS TRICT. EMBRACING LANDS LYING IN THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH, IX THE STATE OF OREGON To all owners of lands lying within the area tiro Dosed to be Included witmn the Langell Valley Soil Conservation District, comprising mi ierrtwrjr uc- scribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner Of Section 20. T41S. R14 E. W.M., said point being on the boundary of the Langell .Valley Soil Conserva tion District and on the state line between Oregon and California: thence east along the state line be tween Oregon and California 11 miles to the southeast corner of Klamath County; thence north along the county line between Klamath and Lake counties approx imately 28 miles to the southwet corner of Section 1. T33S. RISE, w M-; thence in a westerly direc tion following township lines ap proximately 30 miles to the north west corner of Section 6. T33S, RUE. W.M.: thence south approxi mately 2 miles ot the southwest corner of Section 7. T37S. RUE, W.M.: said point being on the southern boundary of the Klamath Indian reservation and on the northern boundary of the Poe Val ley Soli Conservation District; thence east 8 miles, south 2 miles, east 1 mile to the southeast corner of Section 24, T37S, RUE, W.M.J thence leaving the boundary of the Indian reservation and following the boundary of the Poe Valley Soil Conservation District south 9 miles, west 1 mile, south 3 miles, west 2va miles, south l'-a miles, west ' mile, south 34 mile to Lost River; thence southwesterly along Lost River channel approximately - mile to the section Jtne between Sections 16 and 17, T:t0S. Hllh. W.M.: thence souih approximately l't miles to the NW corner of Sec tion 20; thence we.rt 2 miles, south 1 mile, east L mile, south 1 mile, SINUS INFECTIONS DR.- E. M. MARSHA successfully Treat. f Excltjslv Method t:t No. 7lh Pbone low C'falropraetle Physician CLASSIFIED RATES Om day per word in Three Days ' , , , per word lie Week run . per word 20c Month run ... per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge (or any one aa u oue. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper i or a service cnarge oi aac. ' DEADLINES Classified aai accepted up to 5:30 pjn. (or following day's publication Classified dlSDlay ads accepted up tc 12 noou (or following day s pub lication. ... ADJUSTMENTS Please mate an ciaiuu lor adjust ments wimout delay. Correction or cancellations re ceived by 5:30 pm will be made In follnwina- daVa oubliea'lon FUNERAL HOMES WAUDS Klamath Funeral Horn. High Street Phqpc M34 MEETING NOTICES Crater Lake Lotlce No. 'JU A.P. & A.M. will hold sj ipeciRl communication In E A degree Thursday, Jan uary 24 at 7:30 p.m. visitors welcome. By order ot the W.M. William Fink. Secy. Klamath Lodne No. 77 A.P. and A.M. will hold a special meeting Fri day. Jan. '25. 7 p.m. Work in MM Degree. Visiting Brethren in vited. Dale Bobber Worshipful Master KLA'TH PALLS Aerie No. 3030 (Of Regular meetins UI6..H f .-to J.HI - v. c. nan. uui tasStind Walnut. Vioivdig uicmoers cordially invited Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meeli 8P m-. for Information, write Box 204. Phone 33112. LOST AND FOUND Lpsr. cnam 2 Kej. initials c Pha TM1 after 4 p.m. LOSr. Cameo brooch wuh solid jid mocernUtlc mounting. Finder olease Ifi?irn i' C1"re M"ley. 2230 Rid ni"e P1"1, N' 0"loru asked. LOST. Wallet. Finder keep money, rc !VIJ P'pe". Return to Nina Currier. 1143 Pine or Apartment 10. Liberal re- Legal Notice , NOTICE OF BOND SALS Sealed proposals will be recused ny tbe Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the pur chase of sewer Improvement bonds, Series 92. acsregatlng. Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dol ars. iS4.322.33) duly authorised bv ordinance of ue said City of Klamal'h Falls, for the construction and laying ot sewer lines In Sewer Unit No. 20 of said City and serving tbe prooerlv between South Sixth Street, the O.C.i E Ra;iroad Right of Way. Shasta Way and Washburn Streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received bv the unHr.isn..t ... ""? Uicluding the 4th. day of February, j .He nuur us seven-intrty o .:ock I pm OI said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Commnn Coun cil immediately thereafter: said bonds D . 5 a""s February I, 1932. and snail be In amounts of $300 00 each except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional pail of said sum. and all shall be oue ten years after the date of Issue, pavment of the entire bonds optional wilh said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear Interut at the rate of oot to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February l't. and Audust 1st. cf each year, principal ajid interest pavable at the office of the trea3urer ot the City of Kiamatn Falls. Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by tl j law firm of Wlnfree, McCulloch. Shuler Ac Say. 3. Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. ThiS notice is UlhnH4 hu nrrii...H of the Common Council of the City of 1 KlamMh Fall,. Oreaon. Pd.tid rELSI. Dtr 1 . 1 "o 1 ROBERT M Pi nrn pnii t ' ." " a"- oEfLKi;rn.m''F',ii.?'''' srcgon. D -31 - J -"1-2-3 - 4- 3 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 . 12 - M - 13 16 - 17 - J8 - If) - 21 - 22 - 2.1 24 - 25 - 23 - 26 - 29 - 30 - 31 F.l - 2 No. 828. NOTICE TO CREDITORS am the duly appointed, qualified and '" O l UI II IC Cell4- oi ijrace 1.1 nan, deceased. All p'""1 h.rb5 nVTiifi.H .V: I with vouchers attached In the manner provided Dy jaw. to me at the office of Clayton J. Burrell, 207 Pine Tree ii? nr. '' :na i n,. tr--' v - In six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Virginia Calhoun. Administratrix of the Estate ot Grace Land is. Deceased. CLAYTON J. BURRELL Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls, Oregon. Attorney for Administratrix. J-10-1 7-24-31 No. 844 east I mile to the southeast corner of Section 32, T393. RUE, W.M.; thence leaving the boundary of the Pee Valley Soil Conservation D s trlct east 3'a miles to the center -of the south line of Section 'M, T30S. RUE. W.M,. said point being on the west boundary of the Langell Valley Soil Conservation District; thence in a northerly, easterly, and southerly direction following the boundaries of the Langell Valley Soil Conservation District to the point of begmninc. excluding from the above described area all lands owned by the Weyer haeuser Timber Company as shown on a list filed with the State Soil Conservation Committee dated De cember 4, 1931. Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of February, 1952, between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 p.m., a refer endum will be held in the scribed territory upon the proposition of the inclusion of the said territory within the Langell Valley Soil Conser vation District, a governmental sub division and a public body, corporate and politic, of this state. Every person, firm, corporation, stale, county, or municipal agency being the recorded owner of, or hold ing under contract of purchase, more than ten acres of lands lying within the said territory Is eligible to vote, and only such are eligible to vote. Voting divisions and polling places tor the referendum are as follows: Division No, 1. Polling place located at Bly, Oregon, In the Bly Hotel. Division No. 2, Polling place located at Bonanza, Oregon, In the Horsefly Irrigation District office. Eligible voters who will be absent from their division on the day of the referendum may apply In person or In writing to Basil Hall, Polling Superin tendent, at Biy. uregon. tor aosentee ballots. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMIT! EE OF OREGON By Howard E. Cushman Executive Secretary Dated this loth day of January, l'j:2. it (jorvains, uregon, SEAL) J 24 - 31 No. 804 1 LOST AND FOUND COSfrViclnii? of"AKiiYont"BiTiitol mi he rltv Int., gin iur.a cuntAlmni U.aet. S rrwttrd lur rviurn ui ii.h. Plionf 7MIU. GENERAL NOTICE Merchandise Mart 2964 So. Sixth CLOSED FOR REPAIR WATCH FOR REOPEN1NQ DATE i Kvtfry ir mum g" vVe'rv tired of hoveling now! Krnri nluml H. K, Mauser' Slou cleAtuuui Ml in Auto- motive Clm.trlcallon. . YAI& Ht.Ym.MMKI).. Irutlaer lia'u. lela. to oilier. Murium US So. lllll. Phne evening IMMO. . vOUH Sumer Sewms Center 11 onen to the puulte. Thursday 3.30 to 6:30 (or free attachment tnttriietinna. SINGIR SEWING CFNTFR .ta Main Phone 1JJ13 6 PERSONALS HKLEN'S ItKAUTV-SACON. i7igSlsln. Phone IIJH4. SI ANLKYHoine 'roducls. Plionc titklil. 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also HOTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans tjevter Lines of Roots, Ete FD P. KINO 7434 Orchard Phone 9B4I CABINET WORK- Remodeling in your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. C0NDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4336 Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks and drain fields repaired. Phone 2-0334 EXCAVATING Moon tS.'iovel and rrencn Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt lopsoil Crushed Rork Driveway Clndeis Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phm.e S541 or 9110 GLASS furniture top. and ahetves made to order. Kimball's Olau Shop Phone 7:178. THE 1332 bulrlii are here, down muit so our llierl Car pricei, we fejir. Read nbv.ut H. E. Hauler's Sluo Clean-Out SMe In Automotive atlon. CARL TRUMBLY'S fiiaxksTnitii and machine shop. North Modoe St.. Tule lakc. Calif. All types of torm r.iaehtn. ery repaired. Truck bed. and itock rack, buiit to order. Any kind cf trail er built. All ty.... at welding and hard- laeins. All work suaranteed. PIANO TUNiNGWM-if-l ORGAN Taetory trained technician and tuner. tor titnincx call Kyle Morsan Piano. io..j .nam or pnone a-irtiu. SEWING and alteration!, kitty Urcuel. Phone 2-0353. INCOME TAX RKTITN3 For appointment phone 3-0231. Harvey Blsnham. FULLER brushes. Phone 1)004 or 3677 BKlU'l t.l"INI' O-es vaur flreolaee draw? If not rail 9148. DOES YOUR fireplace need Call 2-onal. PAINTING and paperhanging. Phone TRIPP'S At'TO pafntlng. body and fen. der work Phone 4040 ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract. Phone 2-1010. EXPERT dressmaking and Phone 0781. CURTAINS laundt-co Phone 4314 and itretchfri J L DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone ttMft PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging. jiasier-Doara 'hone 302fl. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING shorthand typing Kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE M3Pin e ' Phone 4781) CHILD CARE and education. Pre -school center. Phone 4279. 13 HEALTH t . exercise, welghtllftlng. 1'hy- -'othera py for reducing, relaxation. body bulldins. Rates for series. Ad pointment, phone 3663-3506. Medical JSJLoNXi 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE WAftiisU: Girl for lull or part time office work. Muet be honest, neut aod of good character and Accurate with figures. Should be able tr type. Apply in own ha rrd writing, ttntlng age and qualification!. Addreii Lock Box 473 IIra'd N'ewH, wAwfr'gr,' experienced ktenugrMun r for it son ml n( t ir wnrlc . This t a gooa steady jop and requires expert- Write Box 472 Hera.4 and Nes. stating qualification. EARN money at home, full, part time, B-ix 471 Hera'd and Niw. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper familiar with payroll and general office work. Good steady position. State age ano experience In first letter. Write Box sua Herald and News. WANTED elderly lady who needs home to care tor cmidren, uoara, room ana some wages . Phone 2-923tt. 16 HELP WANTED. MALE WANTED capable man for ranch work Small tenant cottage, wood, water lights furnished. Prefer married man. Box 497 Herald and News. 17 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCES wool prefer. Excel lent full time Job. New Method Clean ers. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD CAiiii. Phone WiLi tare lor your cnlldren in - your own nome evenings or weexenot. References. Phone 8070 before 7:45 a.. pfter A:Mi p.m. DAY or hour 2-n;tca. work wanted. Phone BABY S I TT1NG. Phone 0 121. WASHING and ironing. Phone 2-0110. BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0572. WILL care for children in my home days or your homo evenings. CaU 3-1545. HOUR work. Phone 71115. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LIGUIT housekeeping room suitable for pensioner. $23 month. 39 Main. T'bnnr ftOBfl. LARGE sleeping room with heat. Also small clean apartment. Utilities fur nished. Close In. For lady. Phone 5RS7 HOUaVl ana board lor gentlemen. Pnonc ROOMS.' prices reas'onable!hor'e"'4'i2?! LOVELY rooms for rcntTlfl..7. a weak. Close in. Phone 4250, ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT. Furnished apartment Al. pna Apartments, 'in ana fine, rnone 4522. 1 WO ROOM anartment or cottaffe. furnished. 1143 Pine. TWO furnished apartments 3 IB Klam ath. $27.50 and $-12.50. Couples pre- rerrf d. Comer Jones. Realtor. 11 1 South 4lh. Telephone 7.107. I HHKF, ROOM MODEHN FURNISHED APARTMENT. Cannon. Phone 2-i:iKfi. CLEAN threo room apartment. 433 No. FUR HEN!'. Two room furnished nnrlmont Natural Hut ufattar hunt Adults onfy. Phone 62.i. L.i.Ai warm tiirnLbncd anartmeii Couole. Phone 8459. 'i ntibf. ' ro&rrs furnished. Adults. No tv-V r:inp in. Call 2-3170. FOH HKNT two room apartment, new. ly furnished and redecorated. Natural hot waier heat, electric refrigerator find vfAa, Lincoln vai tmenU. HI 9 E ivt Mtin, 24 APARTMINTSJOR JtINT VvAiSrfuii.Ul.ei.iwo rrtom Aintiln.riir fc led tic r (ii tut and refilKitoii Con viniiiilv iiHtiifil iroin town ur Ore ltd,. UittiKiiiinbla. IhiU Main, 1 On Hr.KI. J louin uVlpu". .imriincilt For lulotui.ltou call llr 4 t. in, LAHUK. f ui iiliWtl Iwo-rooii. " purl nint. 'IT. .ttt, kinalUr lv-rHtm unM, refiiHviitlori, All Utlllllca tucluiloa 4111 N. IV nlli run hb.S l Inritv tiiri.i..iit until I'tif l. AiIuIIb. AUo two loom ntmtaii. I'abtit. IMume ttajil. iOHl ItSiOlaVToiiirTii. tMlM,rft, inmhTii t.H' amalt A-rooin tutfvua.aliril flitart lUrnt. Atiull. Nu (toj(. no alcolutlk'i. II- finrM. tnntltra UUJ Owpitm. i OH BENT two room modern apart ment. Ailulli.CU nnuicl. t Vw5ukhitoOM"Viirn(ai.eit apartment. AdultK, atwt White. Koit HKNT. it room apartment! " t lilitcka Crom Main Nlreet. For uorktng couple Phone 4Ut evening iCtVH KOUM lurtiUlud apart m ri.TTTwJ Market. T. ion HKNT, (tlfnUhed aparitrent In quire MB Hlih NKWIiY deT'oraied. private hath." kTT' cltenette. Steam heat, electric range t wek Hox A rim Aoartment. iHiW 'ntW, Hire? room lurnUTuM, apartment. Hot water heat. AUulta. Phone JUttirt. I'MHE- rtwin uuKtetn firntititei"'aiart menl on tat Main. Private bain. Auto mntlc l'tnt. AHulta, No peti. In- guire aim Applecutv. FOH KKNT turge three room lurifiiriec. a-Mrtment. Ph. -ti(i. 26 H0UStSF0R RENT TVO"'Ve(i7oomunfiirnli)iel hntmr. Au' ujisi iurmu'0 and water lieater. S'K5JlW- Plume -J."va7. l-if L'liM.sHi-.tJ lour room ftupiev. "V.V cept for aloei. 30. Call -0i7 ue(or 9 o m. HF-NT two bedriKiu (urituhrii t. ?fT.I Doardmail. $30, luuulro at Derby. FOR RENT one bedroom iiuidein house. Inquire lil'i !lomedale Road Koit HhN'r modern lour i'edruoin urban home. Heferenrr.. silo per month. Phone .Till or nx:il I'Olt II'iCN'l ' Threa roum unluriil.hed I nine. Phone MH4. ron RENT two room ruruulied huu.e with bath. S'JJ. Phono 7aiKl. i IDi: I'Ksr nit le.i.e hast, two room furnished house In Stewart.Len. nox addition. lrua lot. basement. barn, chicken hoi'c. etc. Call W. J Easter, phone 3-112110 I'OK RENT. Two bedroom duplex, fur nished. close In. Inquire 7W North lllh. It MISCELLANEOUS W""ENJ BEEHIVE u TRUCKS - DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'j New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 OFFICE (or rent. tUJ 7101. Main. Phone lOR KENT floor Sanders late.t type euulpment Suburban Lumber Co, 11th and Walnut Phone T708 CAR STORAGE ilEATKD. day week or month. Carl Lamb, phone 4073 or 7700 30 REAL EST All FOR SALE 6 ACRES Level fertile soil. It's covered with snow now but when the sun shines and spring is here It will produce abundantly. Well constructed 2 bedroom home with large sleeping porch, full bpsemcnt, automatic Iron Fireman heat. Large bam. 2 chicken) . houses, deuched gnrac with concrete floor. Concrete lined flumes and ditches mike for an Ideal irrigation system. Just 3 miles from town on paved street. Price $12500. ' ' " , MILLS ADDITION Modem 2 bedroom home, on de sirable corner lot. Conveniently arranged kitchen and dining room, detached garage. Selllmt at than FHA appraisal. Price S7000. Near Conger School Owner Is leaving and must sell this 2 bedroom modern home on double lot. Just off California Avenue. Electric range, new floor furnace. Total price $4550. Reasonable terms. A QUALITY HOME in Hot Springs. A home you'll be 1 proud to own. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 2 beautiful fireplaces, one of them In a rumpus room you will enjoy. Large, well landscaped lot. Naturnl hot water heat. Price $23,500. Terms available. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1009 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 SAY, do you want to live within a block of Main Street and have an In come of $75 per month, plus your own 6-room apartment? This Is selling completely furnished for only 58500. (Maybe less) WE are wai..'r.z for the price on this 4-bedroom home, with full base ment, wonderful fireplace, floor furnace, plumbed for automatic washer and dryer. Hardwood floors throughout, A wonderful view. These people will trade this In on a 20 acre place near town. $5000 Buys this four bedroom furnished home on continuous cement found ation. Two car garage. Vets, this Is a good buy for you. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph.' 2-3335 Eves. 2-1363 ' ACIIK for sale on Frieda Avenue. rnone .MO.;it niter a p. m. WILL 'IK Abu i:k)0 euultv In 4()in 4 room modern huune for 1040 or later niuoe, r oro or ticnerai motors pro ducts. Consider other rars or renting to the right people, Call 0004. NfcW HOMKH for sale. William B. Powell. Phone flMO. MILLS ADDITION, lot with partially completed hulldlnf suitable lor shoo. storage or home. Hewer, water, elec tricity and gas connected. Priced for quick sale. Phone m;4.i. rt BAiib or trade fur Brunei tv in Klamath Falls Six timber covered lots, two houses. Five miles from Le banon, Oregon. Phone 5047. 10 REAL ESTATI fOR SALI NU All MILLS KCllOOL Small two bedroom home, close to school and bus line, lame fenced lot with two car Biinine. Cominercliil possibilities, tUSOO. MILLS ADDITION 4-yrar-olil home amoiiK newer homes, Three bedrooms, one with 3 built-in bunks. Paved street fenced back yard with nice lawn. Owner will sell for F'HA appraisal price of Soimu. niA terms. SU11UHUAN HOME Newer two bedroom home In Hummers Park, first class conill ttou. painted last year. Hardwood floors, Iron Fireman furnace, Kod lawn and intrdcn spot. Paved street, suooo, on good terms, "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Rrnlliirn Phone 2-3543 Hit 1035 Main Evenlins Ron Fisher 8070 Bruce Owens Merrill 140 LOVELY SUBURBAN HOME Here Is the perfect home, fully furnished, ictuly to cook your first incul even hn.i linens and bcdriliiR. two renl nice sprtcloua benroonu, plus. 133x140 fuot lot. At tnched vnriiRC. Nice lnrve chloken house with cement floors.. Seeing Is bellevlim, YOU MUST 8KK THIS TODAY. Priced fit only H,750 with levy i terms. We hfive ready buyers for your property, we need listings for RANCHKS FARMS HOMES INCOME PROPERTY. List with a reliable firm. Two room Apartment tor rent $30. Clair Ellis Ph. 2-2069 Eves. Jay P. OrlgRs Ph. 4254 Eves. W. W. Thomiuon t Mulln J. W. SANDER REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 FOR SALE OR LEASE - Soda fountain and cafe, com pletely equipped. Well located, with lovely adjoining two bed room modern apartment. Oood garage. Here Is an opportunity for a home and business, ready to go. Price 115.000. Terms or will Location 265 E. Main. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2 3545 6448 1025 Main Evenlnc Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 FOR SALE By Owner v TULELAKE HOMESTEAD 00 acres all in alfalfa $28,500 PRICE Can be bought 30 down or lease optlo t0 buy, Phone 7-0503 Tulclake, Calif. OREGON AVENUE Newly redecorated two bedroom home on lame corner lot. Hard '" "trie neai. nice h i. chen and bath. Concrete found. tlon, full basement with rumpus room. Insulated. $7250 terms. MILLS Duplex and five room modern home on larxc lot. Outstanding location. Duplex has one bedroom, living roam, kitchen and bath In each unit. All have concrete foundations, rooms plastered. $146 per month return. $11,800 terms, , California Avenue Attractive and well planned five room home. Living room with fire place, dining room and nice kit chen, wardrobe closets, basement. Excellent Construction throughout. $8700 terms.. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 WANTED Have buyers for one or two bed room homes on Northslde. Need two or three bedroom homes in Mills. . . , If you have a selling problem, con tact us for fast, efficient, courteous service. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE C31 So. Sixth Phone 9195, 5544 or 7023 Business Is Good i We have buyers for homes at a fair price. If you want to sell Call our office. Anne Mason Eddie Hoslcy Eves. 6714 , 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S, 9111 PhonS 7266 HUMES rOH 4a LK CVKHEXT UKNNIB REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman 121 ti. 8ik Pbont 141 4 $$MONEY$$y ON THE FIRST CALL f ; Dp to 1500 on Tour auto On vnur salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pj Day" loani i specially - 110. Ui, ISO loaned till "pay day" or longer. ; 125 costs but II cenU for ont week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th BU M-364 DON MnlNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service 51 AUrOMOTIVI To Sell, Buy, or Trade See Selby Last! 1051 WILLYS JEEPSTER The only American made "sports $170$ car". White tldcwMlls, healer, defroster Dnd overdrive. I YCD 1050 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN-Radlo and heater. llOOri A one owner car and only 11,000 miles 7jLJ 1050 WILLYS 4 WHEEL DRIVE STATION WAOON. tlCCC Heater. Here's the one for the tough golngl I DOD lt DODOE CORONET 4-DIl. SEDAN. Another one owner $1 CQC ' car. Loaded with extras and sharpl IOO 1949 PACKARD 4-DR, SEDAN. Radio, heater, electric $1 CA c clutch, and overdrive. Try It you'll buy It I DhD 1941 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN. Radio, heater. $1 1 i c Extra nice condition throughout I I r3 1041 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DLX. SEDAN, Radio heater. $1 1 1 r Thls car haa only 27,000 actual miles On II and Is clean. .. I I 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE V-l FORDOR. Who could go $1 fJL ? wrong on this one at only IU0 1948 CHEVROLET ', TON PICKUP. Why go Into details? 1941 CROSLEY PICKUP. 1 A good one In this model 1941 FORD V I DELUXE FORDOR. Radio, heater and clean 1841 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. Radio and heater 1940 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE COUPE. Just traded for It, Many other makes and models to choose from. , Selby Motor Co. 2330 So. 6th Open Eves. 12 IUILDING 4 REMODILINO R0C"R"W00L INSULATION Payments as low as $5 per month. FREE F-.TTI M ATEa Phone 8181 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Quarantee Of Heating Sail.ifactlon FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satlsfy-Plus fiervlce" Since 1919 831 Soring St. Phone 4153 muNiNo rivr.u ciihnac r. com. PI.KTE WITH MO GAt.l.ON Oil. BTOR. AC.r TANK. Till ri'RKACC IS IN rxct.i.r.s-T condition. PRicm COMPLETE TOR ONLY SttS.OO. SEC AT mROREWAY ORIV. CL.Tan' sc'onoinlcal IrouBlt freVKsal oil stovas. Peyton co DRY pint blocks for sal. Opan ava nlnts aad syghandJt Mallars Bros. PitESTo'LOCiS pickup or d.fivaild'. Cilff Yaritn. fllfnal Ranrlo. 8500 to lh Phona Mai or ;0 S 4 H CinJr.N RTASlTR lv.n on k..i. In, oils Pbona Ms! ot luto foe prompt dallvonr. cLirr y aden's (ionai. U0 to tin ERVICt Standard irrATirfB oU. Blova, furnaca. light rual, enal, wood, :harcoal P.yton and Co. 80S Maria! Pnon. M48. PINsT-or fir wood, any Isnilh. pRorii 7183. U IOATS PET! SPORTS HOIIIIS PINE REU. Boxers and W.lmaranars. S12S up. 8tl Darony Knnl.. Rag. num. o. 1 mom COLLIE DUDS. Lltlcr raaislarad. ' Uall roil MALE, 1 fimal Dachshund pups On rd, ona black and tan. Wormed and distemper shot. Call after B p.m. ..urririn, I'lione ANDERSON Boarding kennels Phone J047 SUSS Delaware oft llotnedala BOARDINO kennels Dof boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennel. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs for earh dog Dogs handled durllg mating. Will pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Phono 8078 Merrill Rd Rt 2. Boa KM RMARI'A CASPADR KENNELS I SLI.L untnuanim, 1 reltlngpse dog '.v'th papers, for sale nr trade for steel kitchen cabinet or coffee table. Phont 2-20114. 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY POULTRY WANTED! Cash paid for Miy amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONK 3867 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS i am now booking order, for spring delivery of Whlteface, Angus, and dairy calves. L. M. Hooker, Rt. 1 Box oo,s-resceni .ly s-ail Wanted colored hem Phone 4S8I HIOirESt price, paid" for poullry, hags and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lakevtew Junction Phone e.S2n FOR MALE. Registered Ang'ua HuiC W. D., Phone B017. nHl'iriLIAJ. BRKF.DINO SERVICb Phone S721 M. C. (Chuck) Warren, Rt a. Bo 22 lUi, WAi.r.. Threti months old while need heifer. Will drink out ot bucket. -none ssns. vr; Vvii.i. HELL three head of utij pound buffalo calVcs al the Livestock Auction, Phoenix, Oregon, Saturday Truinrv 21. Blue Moon Jtnnch. owner. FrtYEHH. pan-readv. Piionr a-filis. Trio NrWliampshlre pullet,. Laying. Phono M. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WAITED to renl. Two or three bed" room house. Phone 2-01 7S. WANTiSi to buy small cash register. D(ck Reeder's Hlore. WANT-rTlTTo I.F.ASK dairy, ' A prarerri-d, or will trade Oram, Pat, property as down payment for pur. chase. Frank L. Ifoward, Rt, a, Box 2SI Tillelake, Phone 7-OSftl). WANTr.D to buv goou' used piano. Phone 7213 Merrill. WANTED to buy, good baled alfalfal Write or call Woody Smith, Hood River, tel. S374. V.OHnlM; COUPLE, no chlldrciwi. de stre to rent two bedroom unfurnlahod house with garage by Mutch 1st. none hhsi Miter i p.m. rVE NEED CARS! det lop price DOWl Rose Motor Co, Sth sod Plum. Phone 2-2631 8-271 $ 70 C 7) SEDAN. Till 6:30 Phone 8450 4 PINANCIAl LOANS , IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Fsy Onl 100 17.27 Mo. Repsv in 18 Installments up ro moo on rURNtTURC OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS nre ideal placb to borrow Oonrsnlent LocoUod Convtnlont to Borruw Convenient to pay Locally otrruM) New Car 'loaned at rs,nk rau 'WDNKY IN A HURRY" i Motor Investment Co. 20 rear serrtnf KlAmaUi llano So "Chuck" lairfj ktXT. lit N 7U1 8L Pbona S12J B-Ml Commercial Furnishes CASH! CASH LOANS IM to 8300 Auto Furnltups Llvastock Salan ISO to IM0 Automohlles (paid (or or not Private Bala of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealal Commercial Finance Corporation t Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-2M 107 No th Phona T711 48 IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IT WILL PAY YOU to Investlgnte this outstnntllni opportunity! An old, well estitb llshed nelRhborhood urocery atora doing a good, stend business, located on a choice corner lot In the heart of a friendly rcsidentlnl district, this golden opportunity Is Just waiting to start PAYING YOU I Only 112.000 tnkes the entire busi ness and property, Including 2 bedroom living quarters, a Inlr slzed storeroom and garage, Onn be shown only by appointment, and no telephone Information enn be given, by agreement with pres ent owner. Don Klrkpatrlck, Snlcsmnn (Evenings Phone 07001 EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. 8tll Phone 8401 ,." MWfliLY H'ra"RKTlMld Refilling and collecting money frnm our o cent High Urade Nut machines In thl, area. No selling! To qualify for work you must have a car, references, 000 cash secured by Inventnry. Devot ing 8 hour, a week to buslnnns, your end on percentage of collections will net up to 8,oo monthly with very gjod possibilities of taking over full tllnc income Increasing accordingly. For ' In terview Include phone number In ap. plltatlon to Box 474 Herald and News.