Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 24, 1952, Page 15, Image 15

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1052
fin wuu ami kxB7?
It's A
.HI Hill
THERE ARE CHAMPIONS AT HOCKEY . . champions on ice skates . . champions of
1he turf and champions in the field of letters, but the CHAMPION of champions is
the cook who can turn out a perfect pie. Klamath Kails has her. She is Mrs. Ruth
Carter, 825 High, whose pies,: baked every morning before the sun peeps over the
mountain are the envy of every woman, 16 or 90 who has tucked the tines of a fork
- jnto the flaky crust of, .one of her prize desserts. "
r Ruth Carter in five years has built a business on her wicked way with shortcnip' . .
the exact ratio of flour and water . . her know-how with sugar and spices". . just how'
to make the "peaklest" meringue.-
She started her venture with a few pies a day . . now 50 to 100'turned from the oven
before 10 a.m. is an average stint. They were first turned out in the tiny kitchen of
her home, soon outgrown She pushed out a wall and kept baking and folks down town
kept ordering so, the logical course was to build a battery and this she did . . a modern
sunny room (when the sun shines) equipped with spotless equipment and a four-tiered
oven to hold a "lotta" pics.
Ruth Carter is a methodical cook . . no "pinch and put" method for her . . every in
gredient Is weighed and "eyed" . . baking temperature is controlled . . she makes no
errors . . the crutsy. crun,chy crust of every pic is perfect . . she has no favorites . . she
likes to bake them all . . "George Washington" cherry to a true-flavored banana cream.
Pic baking is as much an art as putting the glory of a spring sunset on canvas . . an
artist cook is proud of the symmetry of her finished product . . if you question this con
clusion, drop in and watch as her capable hands add the shell edge to an apple pie . ,
dust a bit more nutmeg into a combination of brown sugar and pumpkin or heap blue
berries into a cavernous lower crust . . then . . you'll never doubt it.
Wine Cookery
Adds Menu Zip
llaked Barbecued Frankfurters:
Annniie 1 pound frankfurters In a
alnglc layer In a shallow baking
dish. Willi a sharp knife, make a
3-Inch length-wise slit In each
frankfurter. In a saucepan mix 1
18 or.) can toninto sauce, 1-3 cup
Burgundy or Claret Wine. S table
spoons grilled onion, 2 tablespoons
bacon drippings, 1 tablespoon
brown sugar, 1 tablespoon wine
vinegar, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire
jinnee, nnd unit and pepper to taste
hent to simmering; pour over
frankfurters. Bake In a moderately
hot oven (315 F.l about 30 minutes.
Hcrves 4.
Buffet Baked Beans: Cook 4
slices bacon until crisp; break Into
small bits. In the bacon drippings
snule 1 large onion until golden.
Mrs. Jerry Cojonna
Puts On Blue Bonnet
For Guest Appearances!
When guests show up, Mrs. Jerry
Cnlonna serves Bl.ti DoNNBT Mar-irnrtiir-.
I.ikn the fiimmiH mmeHlan's
wife, ymt will love the delicate,
sunny-sweet mror It adds to bread,
.vcgeljililes, any food you serve! And
don't, forget that Bi.ijb Donnkt
Klves'your family real old-fashioned
nnurishment. No other spread for
bread is richer lnear-round Vita
min A nutrition What's more, you
, suve up to 400 a pound when you
it get Ili.rnJ Bonnet Instead of the
iiigh-prlced spread for bread! So buy
lli.nu JlttNNBT and enjoy "all 8"
Fluvorl Nutrition I Econom-e-el .
nnd Tlini About Women
tdlttd by Ruth King
Woman's World "
Mix bacon, onion. 13 cup Sherry
Wine, 1 tablespoon brown sugar,
t teaspoon dry mustard and 1 tea
spoon Worcestershire sauce: add
lo I II lb. 13 oz.) cans baked
beans. Turn Into a casserole. Bake
In a moderate oven I3S0 F.) for
about 45 minutes. Serves 8.
Froten Marahmallow-frult Salad:
Blend together until smooth ' cup
mayonnaise and 1 (3 or..) package
cream cheese: stir In ' cup Mus
catel or White Port Wine. 1 ten
spoon lemon Juice and ' teaspoon
ll's easy! Serve a special delicacy tVit will L; lemembeied.
delicious answei lo this
Your guests will slarl with a nibble but end with huge bites of this extra creamy, extra rich
superior flavored ice cream. Caterer's serve Gold Label because of its fresh, creamy, extra
rich flavor, (It is richer . . . 33 richer than regular ice cream.) For something realty dif
ferent and ntich better to make your party a success . . . serve Gold Label Ice Cream. Your
grocer has it in a special round container ... ask him.
Manufactured by
dry mustard. Add 1 9 oz. can
crushed, drained pineapple, 1 cup
diced orange segments, cup
sliced maraschino cherries and 20
marshmallows, quartered. M I x
well. Fold In J cup heavy cream,
whipped, blending gently but thor
oughly. Add salt to taste. Pour
Into refrigerator freezing tray:
Ireeze until, firm. Serve on crisp
salad greens, accompanied by may
onnaise or a fruit salad dressing.
Serves 6. ,
Be Proud Of Your Height
Tall Girl Gets Breaks
Haw wonderful It In lo br ta II t
You cn tact crowds wllhoui flinch
Inn, win Job where Inches are an
My herltime In the rlifht lo live alway.. be more conspicuous than
In the United mate, of America, I women of average height,
which offer, hope, opportunity and Bhe fnuat develop poise and ef
freedom to all who live within her j flclency, Oulenesa and .loppineiw
borders. Help me, oh Clod, to; are not for her."
with myhlifehere"r'tho,e whohlrs't I you'v nver Uken
tot ooJei b.UM Tot t&lr iVd:of y"ur M"ht- here are " "w f
and wHtahneS aacr flee n ?2icsll0M Wa m'"' try.
Ileal M IlelS me Z knerw that I1 Co""1" "" c''h.
miS't work Tnd 'neceZryf d.e "J? ZlZZXl
me to keep alive the Ideals Hint i nilrt. Bn(J ,., nsnrnrf r,ri,.
have made our nation ureal. My 1 "c r,2ct for voS P
ancestors left me this heritage. 1 1 Lave the t Inv dots and h,, k,
llHr.nOh.f,h'id.r,lJ0m.J-c:",p.a"5 VoSr Waller "toTlor
It on;
L i.i ..rS '
rrfnlZr r
pan oeceive generauona yei ui).
, J.I
Klrcngth and wisdom, oh Lord, lo
V-.,..u. ':,
of opportumue. ror U wlm The
'" 10 (don't combine them. You can be
spirited about your hats. loo. Your
WONDERFI'L 'height allows you opportunities you
When fresh 'fruit are scarce try wVld vt' ,n"ve " : Ku 'rr hrt
this combination of dried peaches : Sla"d u" "ur ful1 hM- Yo
and apricots and grapefruit sec- C!,n bc pr01id of your appearance,
lions. Take j cup of each dried 0,f"T. Jtm Plan 10 lake advantage
fruit, cover with water and simmer
hnlf an hmir arlritntr mnr
If necessay. Then add t cup su
gar and cook b mlnytcs more. Re
move from heat and cool. Stir In
2 tablespoons lemon Juice and
cup grape rull sections. Chill.
Tills pretty salad will add spar-;
me to a winter menu, mi a salad
bowl with crisp curly endive.
am;e sections. Bermuda onion rings !
and bits of diced butiery-rlch win
ter Calavo. Toss lightly with tar
ragon vinegar French dressing an i
serve linmeddiaiciy.
Kllll intmtting, colorful . . .
Slay at tbe Hotel Whilrnmb. at iba
Cirie Onter in the lheter tai
bonping diitrict, in direct line with,
bain great bridgea.
Bring jour family for a Week-end
or lunger, and enjoy the dittinrtira
Hotel Wbilcomb eaitine and ni
Gold Label Ice Qieam is
market strut at lib "I alwayi look up numbers... (Limit 2) Limit 6 b-A. a. oraNkJ
f "" moke sure I tall th ponies &?Um. u''&UtAUJ S "V
HOTEL " I want to Invite over to din- ?St&HJrW
KtTnl WIIITC03IB ner!".-. .Memory ofun play -mrSTnTWl 7 -: ' WoWlV
Cyf r tricks ... so look up numbers wit'''9fl'r!9 IS&!1!13 1 " Ufc -
P,..i..Ma G.ll.M.... you're not sure of-before you JJ I ' J fW ItI a7l iCA fill " NtHVBAl
m mmimmm aaaaj (sssavaaaaasaaai call ... Pacific Telphon( 1 'Jt a jilli " " j j?
rrSkiWJ I ' ) 2!mOo3- 59e9 LOZENGES .' OSftQ6') ' CARTO
I I Jl' ' ' 1 '
... p.rf, on .ny snattrtaL Con,., corap,,,. A I llDENJAL LijgdSHAWOO (j WWmt
light, foot control, uoublf-frea motor, duit-proof earryirui Mm, :'; II ""I CRtAWl t1 l'llll' I A lyAJ j VACUUM
8 9 BUDGET TERMS i r 0 for 1 . 2 battles W Jl A fanrfy OQs
Liberal Allowance On Your Old Machin I kfa -m,m 'nf"''''0m PINT at . . UJ
A Tradt Mark of THE tlMCKR MFG. CO. RjiSfTi.. PEJv: " "B , . . f- 1 ' M
633 M.in -. Phon. 2-2513 W&ftVirW ftl la"TE I! LETTER rt- M
I ; 1 TOILET t mS(Js rk,,Zc El ninrn iWL. I'll
awict. and find a husband who likes ,
to 'talk to a woman on nil own '
However, tn Peg Newton, alx-foot
authority on the aubject, would av,
"a tall girl miial ateer a careful
course, remembering that xhe will
iiiui1mii and accentuated draping.
.klrts that feature pleagf-
lherH ,nd .oreJ,.
1 Be dramatic as you like In
your accessories. Long gloves, big
purses, ian.s, scarves and flowered
handkerchiefs are all acceptable
' 3L '
by Varren Goodrich
m WSFr PlasticFinish CARDS J)
7X l W $ CLOTHS Jf Single Double tfl
-LJaS S MATCHES JC Morgon-Joaef Sdf ! 70c ' 4 55 J 4fO
AiB''- ' Hotspet Clamp-On Easy Mtditatien $4.95 Masttrcraft :
I ? s7i 2.89Heat VAP-KWIX 3-SPEED , ''faF Lare TfeS
jr iriC I fyouje 019 WifA 10c AM Snap.en 069 c Deodorant
iVWV, A nywterc . a4"" InA.'.nt . . I " cotrer '. . . .W""T SHAMPOO
T 1 .49 HOT WATER BOTTLE Bstt 98c
oo o o oooo lLHHi.iiiM.iiiKKs!J WmwM
" Q.on.M... 7th and Main Klamath
5-POUND PACKAGE. (Limit 1) i
SOAP. REGULAR CAKES. n.imi, - cr If La U
A II jl fttll
t tissue 4 39 n " rHrtn l rKr1ijl
3.i9e lawto I -anHB
w f criaf . v i,m7,:i v;wt size. ia5v-io-aiiD r ri m m
am VITAMIN B-l fcw- . " WUAHArfM Rerelotion J
f io n,?. WPrB0,01 S HaDaC0L W tooth a
A gf (Thiomin S Prophylactic 8 oz. P 1 U ' " S
w Chloride) i Tfinih Rrneh . POWDER'S
BOX OF 400.
(Limit i)
Plug 2Crdttol Excil Taa OB ToUtbiat, Lugaag and Billfold! f;Sil"3w
Falls, Ore.