HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 10S2 PAGE FOURTEEN Vogeler Pal Probed By U.S. Agents VIENNA, Austria HP) V. S. diplomats and intelligence officers tried to find out Thursday whether Mlklta Kablakov is really the "good Russian" Robert Vogeler claims he Is or a crafty spy In refugee's clothing. Vogeler said Kablakov tried with out success to help him escape Irom the Hungarian prison where the American businessman was Jailed 17 months as a "spy." Vo geler sponsored migration to the United States for the 30-year old Kablakov, his wife and two sons. But Walter J. Donnelly, U.S. am ' bassador to Austria, cancelled their visas Wednesday and ordered de struction of pictures showing- Don nelly shaking hands with Kablakov. One VS. Intelligence officer said he believed the "good Russian" misled Vogeler. Another added "something new" had been turned up about the man. In New York, Vogeler added to the story. He blamed withdraw al of the visas on a man he said is working as a secret agent for U.S. intelligence but really is a "'double agent" for the Russians. He said this mysterious figure tried to blackmail Mrs. Vogeler for $50, 000 and had threatened to make trouble for Kabiakov. Kablakov himself is a mystery man. He was originally described as a "former Russian officer." The caption of the picture showing him with Donnelly said he was a Hun garian. Later, American officials said he is a Russian. Wednesday night, one official called him a Czechoslovak. Belgian Cabinet Wins Confidence BRUSSELS, Belgium (P) The new Belgian Cabinet won a 103-93 vote of confidence from the House of . Representatives Wednesday night. Two members abstained. The test for Premier Jean van Houtte and his Social Christian gov ernment came after two days of debate', in the Lower House. Later in the week the Cabinet will seek a vote of confidence from the Sen ate. Van Houtte formed his govern ment after Premier Joseph Phoe lein, ' another Social Christian, re signed due to criticism from his own party,; which has a majority of , Parliament's seats. The Cincinnati Reds have used Tampa, Fuu, .as their spring train ing site ever since 1931, with the exception of the war years. - SHE'S GOWG TO THE TQVIER THEATRE , Even If Sk Has To Woffc .' LADIES FREE Plus FREE DISHES 33 G0uB mm LUI WttHH0 COMPANY rOnHO,OMOOj : k feB Lf? ' ' " " MS Adv. prices effective 4 big (p . sr. JANUARY l i fr l , w t TAT LCjd fl A5 1 1 ! U fl- DRUG less WiWiKPC) l CHLOROPHYLL "GREEN MINT" 1 C MPT. fej &VpS 98c f MIX WW TOT win j 8-oz. wrairrV r Q-TIPS Paquin'j Hand (ream ls"V 77c 98c Jergens lotion 77c 10c Nylon Hair Nets 4c 10c Human Hair Nets - 5c 49 TAUI Cream Family 4 1ft I IvHI Sham po She r Aqua Vdvi csfl 69c 1 5-Day ITT Iff 77c 50cOdo-Ro-No 37c 1" Old Spice Lotion , 1.44 39c Faciat Tissues eo',0.: 27c 89c Conti Castle Shampoo 67c ITUSSYl Lotion 50c 99c Irushay Lotion - Iff 77c 1"Lady Esther 98c 89c DOUBLE DANDERINE 73c 43c Colgate ITX 8ff 34c Dr. Lyons Toolh Powder 68c 1" Ponds (old (ream 99c I98 MENNEN BABY OIL 99c 85c Noxiema Skin (ream 59c Z5c TppVd BOB PINS 19c WITCH HAZEL 29c 1.98 Sloan's Liniment aU7 60c Murine y 44c 50c Epsom Salts 34c 1.21 Sal Hepatica 97c 4 Dolcin Tablets t. 3.19 98c Anacin tir 77c 98c Lysol L.mrtg,w 77c 79c Carters' Pills "fl 68c 79c LAYORIS 63c 1.98 ANAHIST 1.57, 59c BAYERS ASPIRIN 47c 1.88 BR0M0 SELTZER 1.57 ISO XA. Bwabs . PRKCRIPTIONS XJ3UP!35Rin tffc P R C U C T E S I win. B.wl 99c YITAUS HAIR TONIC 89c DRENE SHAMPOO 69c 2 TINTAIR HAIR COLORING 1.69 79c VASELINE HAIR TONIC 63c 1.00 ZIA COLOGNE 69c I90 WERNET DENTURE POWDER 77c Reg. Price 2.97 AT PAT IBS . IRRADOL "A" 2 3$J 0M A DAT fhlQ "B" COMPLEX 6.20 Size WMd Stuarts FORMULA 5 we RYBUTOL 595 With Purchaae of tOO for 2.50 Size , m qq IRONIZED YEAST I 2.98 - 23,000 Units H QQ VITAMIN "A" -Z"V REGULAR 1.25 - Ctrtlfitd Accural FEVER THEROMETER Wfi Rotary Shaktr . Cote ' CAKE COVER 129 lie Cigirettej 8 Ounce Tin ENEBOINE LIGHTER FLVID 6c King Edwards";; 2.59 fiOc Dept. QJ.. ' 10c RoMan Cigars 10c While Owl Cigars Bos It Box I 4.29 129 W0RTHM0RE CIGARS 2.19 8c Red Dot Cigars 3.29 3.80 Comet ,, DIDBC " E... f ' 1 :iuiiv,.,- FLOWER GIRL Bubble Bath 3 bomi 98c EACH SOX CONTAINS 20 ASSORTED ENVELOPES ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ia S-peuna ki RICH TASTY $177 CARDS I " Brldg, or PoUr DELICIOUS 69c I PINT - ISOPROPYL ll wffl I Rubbing IHSF I Alcohol Jui savr at nftTTi r nr SB CHL0R0PHYL TABLETS 98c 49 1 4v PAYLESS YSfe. I 75e Stuart HoliX Vlrprtl STATIONERY Jf!rmmt-1 1 1 , DISTINCTION II I II f J nmm i ' "SW'x i ttI. flavor "V 3 4U CJ wusmftw (stmt) CI'AIMNTKCD TO" STOP COUGHS f QUICK! ANTUSSAMINE I Antftleeamlii N5! SYRUP 1AQ H2S 1 V no Of. COJi Diiur WITH fURCHAil OP OIANT SIZI Ml r REGULAR 49 PLAYING ? 'Bouquet t$Qi LOTION " I.I EVENING IN f ARIS FACE POWDER tot a.tb ! Ir.nlnr In Hard f PERFUME OVC ,J- 7-KEYS , II WITH VITAMIN B-12