THURSDAY, .JANUAKY 24, 10!2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FAIXS, OREGON r-AGT! TTTniTTOM r THIS SLAP cost Kurt Von I'uppcnhcim (left) a bunch of lumps last night at the armory. At thu Ian (-'ml of the battle royal, Yorg Crelorlan (riijlit) holds young Hilly Parks while Mho big German gives Hilly a series of stinging backhand slaps. Billy's brother, Herb, who had been eliminated earlier but stayed around to watch the finish jumped in the ring and pummelcd Von Poppenhcim while Billy pinned Cretorian to cam a main event spot against Von Poppenhcim. Von Poppenheim Wins Hectic Battle Royal Kurt Von Ponnenhelin, itntllMIc rrwmlan wrnntlrir, plckrd up the 1.100 bomi nit winner f lli butllr roynl Unl nliihl nl the nrnuiry but II took a Unou Biiinjirlliin net by young Billy I'nrki nn muibt. Ech hud n lull In Uie mnlii rvenl, iipois Ihcy enrnrd by Mir vlvlng the iirurlllnii. wild bultlc royl. the show-opener. Then Pnrkii hnd Von Popprn helm bounclnic on hl buck.iidrR with flying bulls. But the Urrmun ullppcd out of the way on the third ruah and Park wu.t ntopped Iroin landing out of Uie ring by Referee Buck Dnvldnon who Inadvertantly cot In the way. OUT OK TIIK RINO Dnvldnon landed halfway under the ring.. Parka leaned over to see II Dav Wlxon whh alright. ills back was lo the Germun. The Proud Prussian Utile Hint In wrapping Parks up lor his dread ed uuek-breuker and Hlrclrh. Hint gave him nn extra 31X) that lis le.Mi tlmo In collecting at ringside. Von Pciiinenhelm won the lirsl lull with the RoMon Crab nfler Parks had inlnoed a Ilium acis iiors, the third In a series that had ilia munaclrd Ueiinuii groKity. Parks evened innliers with a lev erage hold he called tho Hunsel Flip. It took live, mlnules, 10 sec onds. 'Bu the last to-round took just 10 seconds longer. ACTION The large appreciative ' crowd uf m Inl if ar-tlnn lnt tlluht-. but gut Just a short glimpse of NIGHT By The Asaoclatrd rrena Washington Oene Smith, 120, Washington,- knocked out Corky Oonralea, 137, Denver, 3. Miami Bench, Fin. Armand Eavole, 138 ', Montreal, outpoint ed Jackie O'Brien, MO, Hartlord, Conn., 10. Portlund, Me. Buster Howell, 1M, 8outh Portland, knocked out Puss Cormier, H7 i, Moncton, N. B. 3. Female Pointer Trials Favorite QUITMAN, Oa. I A female pointer named Anna Monroe was the favorite In the second day ol the Continental Field Trial's Cham pionship Slake Wednesday. The white and liver dog Is owned by 8. H. Vredeiiburgh of Vreden burgh, Ala., and was handled by John Oates of Leesburg, On. 8he found birds five times, and wns 'unproductive In only one of her attempts, to find coveys. The Enslei n 'Intercollegiate Bns ketball League Is the oldest league In college basketball, having stint ed In the 1001-02 season. LIFE INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY With Good Earning Possibilities at DISTRICT MANAGER Applicant muit have background of substan tial tales production or talot tuporvision. Man telected will be given Home Office Train 'ns. ... Call or Writo i Gordon D. Orput. General Agent NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ' v Phone BE-l 196 214 Corbett Cldg., Portland the Swedl.'.h Angel. Tho big, grutcMiue grappler wns first lo be eliminated 111 Uie buttle royal but It took tho Purks brothers-Herb and Billy mid Vorg ucioriun to turn uie trick j Bi-lore Hint hnppened, the Angel1 was methodically (lumping his live lues with emitting head butts. Von Poppenheini and Crelorlan struck an Immediate friendship 111 tho slx-mnn scramble and (earned up (o eliminate Herb Parks, tho seeond mini to go. ildellnrd for the rest ol the evening with Uie A nitel. Dlll.VT on But he didn't actually co and played a large part In his brother BUI stuying In the finals. Crelorlan, the Rumanian Ape. held gond-looking Cllno Nlcollnl. substituted for Cowboy Carl: on. out with an Injurtil rib, and Von Pop. penheim dlspntrhed the young Ital ian with a right to the Jaw and a body, press. ' That left the Clrrmiin and Cre lorlan In wlUi young 1'arks. But Billy look cure of both of Ihem lor awhllo Willi shoulder bulls and droplock'.. Hut when Cretorlnn held Billy while Von Pip slapped Purks across the luce several times. Herb, Watch ing proceedings Irom outsldo the ring, wenl berserk. HACK I.N llurrlrniio Herb rushed In the ring, unhinged Von Poppenhcim while Parks pinned Crelorlan. That brought the Humanliin back agalasl Nlcollnl In the senil-wlnd-up and he crippled Ohio with the full nelson alter Nlcollnl had won the first lull with the reverse back wlnglock. Nlcollnl wouldn't give up when Cretorian hitched on with the nel son and couldn't come back for Uie rubber fall. The battle royal lasted Just 25 seconds over 12 mlnules but It wus londed with action. s s Bright Idea lor man who "can't remember names"; f ft lo lio Sure of perfect whiskey, just cotmt llio ' f ASSj iiiinlirr of letters in "pcrfcil" or "wliiskry". SMSm '1 Ik ic arc seven . . . anil that 'i tho iiaiiio of iho f yMM ' perfect aViisAfy-Scagiiim ' 7 Crown. I AZr Li Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Academy, Cfailoqisin Favored The Kliiitinth C'ounly hluh school hutikelbiill circuit dips Inlo league uclloii tomorrow nlKht on four I run lit with Hncred Heart and ('nil o(Uln favored to keep their holds on the loop lendershlp. According to the (icuson cska log to date, tho Panthers of Chlloquln have the better cliunce. The Panthers travel lo Ullchrlst to meet a team Dint has won Just ono game In six outings, and are yet lo liud, a win In two league fdilllt-y MAV IIP. TOI Oil But II io Trojiuis of Snored Honrt, favored lo cop the title they let slip out ol their gruhp lust year, may have a tougher time. 'I he Trojans make the trip to Henley, The Ilornels are syiiono inmin with upsel and could throw a danuerous curve ut the highly ruled Troymen. But Bucrcd lleurl holds a non-It-ugue win over Henley and will be luyored to repcut. Clillwiuln also hus dumped Gil christ In u iion-counlcr. HOST 'ITio (nine goes for the Malln Mustangs who have beaten Merrill III a klng's-X game. The Mustungs host the Huskies In one that count tomorrow night. The fourth game will cnd Bo nunrji to Bly. 'Mils one could be close although Bonanza will ruto the favorites' role to keep intact lis second-place notch In the league. Preliminary games at 7 p.m. pre cede the varsity mam events In all cases. CAGE SCORES Collrce Basketball By The Awoclalert Press FAR WEST Wyoming 74 Colorado Stnte 02 San Jose SUite 44 Hawaii Uulv 42 EAST Coast Ouard Academy 72 Kings Point 04 Providence 57 St. Aiisolm's 54 KOUTII Citadel 74 Charloston Naval Base 55 Howard 71 Birmingham Southern 67 Flsk 7(1 Lane (Tenn.) 42 Centenary SI Northeast (La.) 44 MIDWKST Chicago Loyola 103 Xavler (Ohio) B3 Illinois Wcsleyan (59 Illinois College 62 Qumcy 65 Western Illinois 49 Sports Mirror By The Aaiorlated Ires Today a year ayo Wes F'cslcr. who resigned as head football coach ut Ohio State "to entor busi ness." was appointed head coach al Minnesota, succeeding Bcrnlc Blermun. Five years ago Leslie Mac Mitchell won the mile event In the Philadelphia Inquirer gumcs In the lime of 4:17.2. Ten years ago New York University, which lost IU5.000 In Iwo years, wns reported dropping football for the duration of the war. San Jose State Edges Hawaii HONOLULU l.D " San Jose Slate walked off wKh a slow basketball game against the University of H.i- !,watl 44-42 Wednesday night. Doth teams used zone defenses land both were off on their shoot- j mg. Ocorge Clark, San 'Jose center, iled Individual scoring with 13 I points. , eure ; ; . m i in 1 1 muni ! iiiiillrii ml mmmmmmmmmmimMllgmmitt' MEN OF MAGIC rKay Sonnenbjerg (left) fits well in St. Louis' fast-break strategy, lends the Sugar Bowl champions height on the boards. Capt. Leland Norris (center), roly poly senior guard, is Dayton's steadying influence. Six-foot, eight-inch Doug McClary adds to defending Pacific Coast Conference champion Washington's strong attack. Oregon Tech Jntramura! Sports IIAKKKTRAM. HTAN'niNr.ft i Hk ending Janaarr IV t W L frt, fitnrU Equipment 3 0 1 0OQ llody and iendaf ..... ... 1 0 1 owi Klrr Hall ... 1 0 Dlr ... 2 I I unamithinf .... 1 s 2 Waich Mepair 1 2 Kit. Aide ., 0 1 Huilntta 0 1 1 WJO .WI7 .3X1 .:i:ji .wxi .01X1 Henri nM ladri: Duncan. r;unsmlth Ing, ti'2; V- Jackson, HfHtrl Kquiptnent, 4: Dot ion, DlUMtl, M; O, Smith. DtCM-1, 2li; KranU, Dlecl. 37; Griffin. SKrU Equipment, 25; J. Smith, HporU Equipment. Z'l, Schubort, Dlrrufi, 23; I.unlHTK, Fire Hall. I 'J, Olfenbackcr, UIcmjI, 10. HOWLING Ulr. 1 Sl.ndlnIi Tel. ,.vo .563 .SU3 .4.18 .453 Tscully No. 1 18 1 Reffrri , ... IS 14 K.rulty No 2 IS M SporU Equipment 14 IS C.btnetm.kert 10 12 Trfirn hl.h wrl.i: RcCfcri 22: faculty One 2fl7 rseulty. Two 2SSI Trarn hish same: Herltn 10IS. fac ulty Two 1012. faculty Two loll Individual high aerlci: Cleve Bennett Sim. Carl Stolpe 303. Skect O'Connell .Ta: O'Connell 221 Idron 220. Dir. t lana'lnii W L Tel. Ilody Shop 22 10 .888 Holier Jewels 21 II , .050 Clunamllhl .. 20 12 .025 Ule!l ' 13 17 .40B Guttermlpea 10 22 .313 Knglneerft . 8 24 .230 Tram high crlet: Cun.mllhfl 2872, Gummltht 2773. Holler Jewell 2772. Team high same: DIcMl 099, Roller Jewel. 981. Dleiel 880, Individual high aerlea: R. Cake 931. Cleve Dennett 349, Bennett 338. individual high game: R. Cake 221. Bennett 209. M. Phllllpi 203. Loyola's Kladis Sets Record By The Associated Press The mid-year exams continued to bAnn hnvlrAthall nt ft minimum Wednesday night. In Uie two out standing gomes vmcago i-oyoia whipped Cincinnati Xavler. 103-83. ti'.-nmlniT hat Pctlnrfirln fitnte. 74-62. Nick Kladls. of Loyola, set a new Lovoia gym single game scor ing record of 35 points. Export . ' Gun Repairing . and Rebluing THE GUN STORE Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp,, N.Y. Commissioner Pushes Battle With Walcott NEW YORK Ti The battle ol wits and statements among most ol the principals In the proposed Jersey Joe Walcott-Ezzard Charles heavyweight championship light, continued to blaze merrily Thurs day. New York State Athletic Com missioner Bob Christetiberry Is de termined Jersey Joe will defend against Charles from whom he won the title last July 18, and he's giv ing the veteran Camden, N. J Smith Cools Gonzales WASHINGTON W Gene Smith, a featherweight with the sock of a mule, sports a streak of 28 wins In professional boxing 22 of them by Uie knockout route. The 20-year old Negro racked up his latest victory Wednesday night by polishing off Corky Gonzales, Denver, In 46 seconds of the third round of a scheduled 10 round bout. In putting away Gonzales Smith scored a win over the eighth rank ing fcathwclght by National Boxing Association standards. Smith pres ently is ranked ninth. . . it Exactly designed for every Ivary i,w car built since 1947 models shows the far reaching benefit of these tires! New riding and driving performance new protection for car and passengers! Exactly dotlgnad to. every detail and dimension of every car since 1947 models these are the replacement tires demanded for added xgars of Air Ride comfort and security 1 Mako no mistake! These are the only Air Ride tires! They absorb the road in silence at any speed. They restore and maintain the 25 softer ride (for which your car was designed). They save every bolt, nut and joint of your car UNITED SHOOIP Main and Spring BOB'S UNION SERVICE STATION 4078 So. 6th COLEMAN'S UNION STATION 1101 Main gladiator until Feb. 5 to agree. In Portland. Me.. Walcott said he had fought 21 years before he won the title and no one a gonna take H away from me outside a ring." ' Felix Bocchicchlo. manager of the heavyweight tltleholder, would like to fight either Rocky Marclano or Harry Mathews, and manes no bones about It. He even said ne was forced to agree to a return bout with Charles "under duress." Matthews' manager, Jack Hur ley: who does his battling via long distance from his base of opera tions in Seattle, said his man will light Walcott and lor the title. "I wonder If Christenberry will recognize Harry as champion when he beats Joe." mused Hurley. Thai's how things stood when President Jim Norris of the In ternational Boxing Club, the pro moter of the proposed fight, re treated to his .Coral Gables, Fla.. winter home. He has a date there on Feb. 1 with Bocchicchlo and Jake Mintz, Charles' co-manager. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern ellr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Joe Earley OF ALL e wr . . YE&RS OF MILEAGE! Run ool.r al any extra wear! kl l.tE&SON SMEn!Noexee..'laty" For your own car's S T A T E S TIRE CAHOON'S North Trojans Pummel Bonanza Jim Mahoncy and Ray Beard ganged up on Bonanza last night in a non-league game to give the Sacred Heart Trojans their elev enth straight cage victory without a setback by a 57-41 count. Mahonev scored 23. Beard IB as the Trojans grabbed a lead Just belore Intermission time and kept it. The game was touch-and-go for almost two full quarters. Then the academy five posted a 30-24 half- ume lead ana blew It up to 48-34 at the three-quarter mark. Bonanza beat the Trobabe In the preliminary skirmish, 46-37. Box rcore: SA(. HT. (55) (II) BONANZA Heiderer T 4 Crume Mahoney XI r 7 Hood Weu-I V. 9 Hubble Bearil 18 C. 3 Hnlev Howard 8 V. 13 Wllaon Sacred Heart auba Koch. Pratt 2. Neubert. Bonanza auba Chandler 1. Dye 2. Rule-Tampering Miffs Ouimet BOSTON W The stabilization of the golfing rules Is urged by former National Champion Francis Ouimet. "The 13 rules that were in ef fect In Scotland In 1744 are Just as good today," Ouimet, current cap tain of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, said at the New England left handed golfers' dinner Wednes day night. "The more we monkey with the rules, the less fun the game will be for all of us," he added. Ouimet endorsed the unification of the British and United States golf rules that became effective Jan. 1 and suggested "only such future changes as would become absolutely necessary." Billy Wells, Michigan State's sophomore halfback, averaged 8.42 yards per try on 63 carries during the football season. ALL SHE wanTJ TO GO to ths rowe? because She Can Gef in car built since " ..rem vibralionl . ftSY STEER1MG1 Seer-Eay Treads make all car. I --Ll BMMii4 ana tire replacement they save you from the wear and tear of the road! See your U. S. Royal Dealer TODAY for winter safety for added years of comfort and protection! NOW! SPECIAL Air Ride REPLACEMENT PRICES AND TERMS IN EFFECT AT YOUR U. S. ROYAL DEALER'S! RUBBER COMPANY caod SCHULZI SERVICE UNION SERVICE Highway 97 TIME OUT! wdmm$sm Ma "The shame of It! Hitting a let. low sportsmen with your allele . . . think of the klddlea watch Inr on television!" Bowling Tourney Opens Feb. 1 BEND W) The flve-week-lonj state bowling tournament will be gin here Feb. 1 for $3,660 In prize money. With 165 teams entered so far, the tournament will be at least the filth largest on record. Eight Bend teams will start the com petition, to be followed by out-of-town entries in a full weekend schedule. - -'klama7h raits Q KLAMATH rALU M THI (HINDU (US UNI 904 Klamath Ave. Phoae 07 00 IS roNfCHf fit jod Get a Free Oish71 1947 models! . . Binil Ak.orh the road now! i Phone 7741 SCOTTY'S UNION STATION 1 Main St. RONNIE'S UNION SERVICI 201 So. 6th St. 1,1 ff i -' II J, P