THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Chedc the extra-value in SAFEWflY'S ilm SHOULDER ROOT Top quality beef care fully aged and trimmed before it is offered, for sale to you: Very little bone in proportion to meat a good buy: ChucC Fancy-Quality, Ready for the Pern Turkeys, lb. 69c Fresh Fryers ir lb. 69' Skinless Wieners, lb. 65' Chili Rolls, Ea.69c Fresh Oysters, pint 69c Fillet of Sole, lb. 57' H-D Whiting Fish, lb. 29' ARIZONA WHITE Compare our price for this fine roast with what others are asking for ordinary meat Check quality and trim, too! Take home any cut or kind of Safeway meat. Judge the tenderness, juiciness, flavor. You'll like it or we'll give all your money back-without return of the meat Lamb Breast Dnn( D;U Dam4 h ucci riu rxuuii Round Steaks & Beef Short Ribs Pork Sausage Pork Roast Pork Steaks CMrtry Slyfe Kb or ha mi lb. 29 lb. 90 &.105 fc.45 ib.49 B..45 fc.47 Pork Chops r lb. 68 Link Sausage lb.59 Picnics lb. 45' Hams 2, 6-Ib2can 6" Bacon Jowls . lb. 25' Sliced Bacon IS lb. 55 Sliced Bacon V n.46 iamb Shoulder Roast - As pictured above Cut only from carefully selected lamb the kind Safeway's experts buy for you: Pen PER LB. One of the meatiest roasts from the Porker: Special ly priced this week to suit your pocketbook: Nice to serve with Dressing and Applesauce: Seodtots Wide Sectioni 8-lb. BAG Avocados Popular Sizo California Fuertei Perfect for Salads! 2 w 23' Rome Beauty Apples lbs. Navel Oranges sn.. 5-1 b. bag Broccoli B,;,M ,rM1. j frh :. lb. Pears co ...... lb. Cauliflower m lb. Parsnips At ktr .ry t, lb. Lettuce . d Tomatoes Rd.iup i4 Turnips id..i rr row im lb. 25c 49c 21c 12c 17c 13c 19c 25c 10c Roost Mlm SunitoneKriipy brand. To (0C go with your iteaming a ... lt? wintor toupi. . Plig. Catiy SFNGS FOR YOU IN OUR GROCERY SECTION Soda Crackers Cashmere B'quet TOIItlliO JlliCC SsSS? Bai-filetfi Pears asa" .2Si ABC Fiij Boss xr iy.n..Fi,. 35' Shredded lnJ heofi sssBtlT? Dial Soap Deodorant Bath tile A OTF Soap bar LI 31 !227L329 . Tide Powder All-purpot ' Giant Detergent pig. OaJ Duz Soap Granulated Giant Q Laundry Soap pltg. O I Lux Flakes For your daintios "ft1 31 "AA" Large EGGS of th Crop br.nd', Ivtry t1 fueranlood good. Evtrr 49 undlxl and frid.d by np.rh. Mrs. Wright's Bread Your diok of whit, or wti. t Milt prl. look bv.r tfi wid 1 6"lD. choie of virility br.adi ofl.r.d by Mrt. Wright alto M rati " LOdI Mvlngi. EDWARDS COFFEE Regular or Drip 1- lb. can 77c 2- lb. can $153 4-lb. can 305 SAYINGS ON BATHROOM SUPPLIES Dental Cream co.(. '"."63' Alka-Seltzer t-54c Lustre Creme Shampoo L l-00 Gillette Blue Blades 5.r25c Gillette Blue Blades 1049c Shaving Cream -"xsi.!? Tooth Brushes o,w.h e0a59c Band Aids h.. , 33e Ti tr starf rm White Magic SH0RTHG WESSON OIL Royal Satin The Perfect Shortening For Cooking Or Salads i ib. 6J Can . OJ 59 quart Granulated Laundry Soap pig. a7 Borene Soap Granulated Giant V Laundry Soap plcj. 0 MORE WORTHWHILE SAVINGS Nob Hill Coffee ir SHORTENING Criico, Spry. 3-lb. con 85' Fretb RotH4 WVole I Airway Coffee 73' '&Ha fmk RootteOVWbolo Inh Tuna FANCY LIGHT MEAT 7 Or. Con J Brine Pock Snowdrift Favorite Shortening 3-lb, can 85' The Fight Is Yoursl JOIN THE MARCH of DIMES Cheez-its Sunshine Cheese Cracker pkg. f Upton's Black Tea vpk?, 36 The Tea wltk He Iritk Hever Lipton's Tea Bags m 58 lock Tea la (oiy-H-UM lea Sunnybank Margarine ihc Sweet one ireta-Pre-eelered 1-lb, pkg. f oil i Price If) Aii i ant .tffrr. Mmugh $hrrdy, January at Saftway tterei WIN 5,00022 $9520.00 vlat.exaii$e ptm $1480.00 for e Im. ftMiOy vocotion 191 eAeVprtewheneyewfteftotifcy Kitchen Craft Flour 10fc$v99 MORE CEREAL SAVINGS Carnation Wheat '14 Cor f DOLE BRAND FRUIT 1 COCKTAIL Vot. cini 14 DERBY BRAND CHILI with BEANS 16-M.caii 32c UNDERWOOD DEVILED HAH ZVa-occaa 19' T tL M. L L 111.1 1 RATH BRAND BREAKFAST SAUSAGE l. eOS. MB 43 HALEY BRAND MEAT BALLS 16os. can 44' ' WELCH'S BRAND STRAWBERRY (PRESERVES