THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, IflM PAOH TEW HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SI1 )ZJdMMi. iVA UM AJMMt TUNA TIPS In a hurry tonight? Then pre pare some of the new ready-cooked rice. While it's steaming, open a can of cream of mushroom or celery soup. Combine with a can of tuna, a few sliced stuffed olives and a bit of chopped parsley or chopped green onion. Heat and thin with a little milk or sherry wine. Serve over the hot rice. Creamed tuna in a firm ripe avocado half Is a deluxe dish. Top with a sprinkling; - of Parmesan cheese or chopped nuts and heat until the avocado Is hot. Serve at once. To your favorite creamed tuna, Just before serving, add an avo cado cut in cubes. Heat a few minutes,. stir gently, and pour over hot cooked rice. Are there leftover vegetables In your refrigerator? Then make a tuna-vegetable chowder. Fry a strip or two of bacon until crisp. Set bacon aside and cook a chopped onion In the drippings until barely tender. Add a peeled and cubed potato and a cup ol water and cook until tender. Add the leftover vegetables, a can of "Bite Size" tuna and 2 cups of milk. Heat to boiling, add crum bled bacon, and sprinkle with pap rika. Serve with crisp crackers. A super dish on a cold night! Line individual casseroles with mashed potato. (Use instant mashed potato if you're in a hurry.) Then top with a layer of cheese sauce, a layer of tuna, then another layer of sauce. Top With esrums and bake until brown. Valentine Ideal Mold perfection salad tn heart-shaped molds (chopped cabbage, celery, pickle and pimento in well - seasoned lemon-flavored gelatin). Top with a generous serving of tuna salad. Serve with hot rolls. For unexpected company Make Home Extension Nevs BONANZA The Bonanza Home Extension TJnit met Jan. 8 at Alta Dixon's home lor a project on Ironing Boards. Mrs. Borneman demonstrated further details on textile painting. Feg Brundage, Klamath County Four H leader visited the group during the afternoon seeking lead ers for Four H work. The white elephant was won by Eula Frough. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frough, lesson to be on "Step Saving Kitchens." Twelve members were present. KENO The Keno Home Extension unit met at the borne of Mrs. Ray Hinshaw on Wednesday. Jan. The lesson was on "easier ironing Mo. 2." A small number of mem bers attended due to illness and in clement weather. The purpose of this meeting was to learn how to make a table ironing board. The project leaders were Mrs. Ray Hinshaw and Mrs. L. L. Ramsey. Mrs. Harold Simmers was the only member to complete the board. It was decided at the meet ing to donate ten dollars for the "Polio Fund." Mrs. Robert Rhowton was a visitor. SETTLEMENT BROKEN LP JOHORE BAHRU. Malaya Ml A spokesman for the Johore state government has explained why the Mawai settlement of 1,200 was abandoned and its families reset tled in other areas. The settlement could not be defended against Com munist terrorists. The residents said they did not wish to be put behind wire in the area, he said. 2 cups of white sauce; add a can of tuna, a can of mushrooms and some cooked or canned peas. Pour into a casserole and ton with canned biscuits (or make them from a mix). Bake IS to 30 min utes or until biscuits are done and brown. There'll still be time to make the basketball game or a favorite television show. SHE'S GOING TO THE TOWER TKEATKE Even She hos To W0k LADIES FREE Plus FREE DISHEi tAMOND 'BLOSSOM 2ad" Senior Grand Champion at WkIm Wflthinnht. tnlr ' Puyallvp. Washington. era OH New Champion Fed on TRIANGLE FEEDS "We tried mixing our own feed but found it took considerable time and our mixes were not always uniform. We tried several other manufactured feeds, but couldn't seem to find just what we wanted. We had heard con siderable talk about the quality of Triangle Dairy Feeds and decided to try them. We have used them now for about 2 years. Triangle gives us a well-balanced and uniform ration. Our cows stay in very good shape and we couldn't ask for better pro duction." Rt. 3, Boi 413, Enumetaw, Wuh. Two Balanced Feeds for Higher Milk Yield Quality ia dairy feeds "paya orT In bigzet milk checki. Triangle Milk Ration and Al bina Dairy Feedi are especially prepared, coune textured eed of natural ingredient! that supply the nutrient needed for maximum milk production. Start now to get that added milk yield with these taeatifically balanced teed. WE SAVE YOU MONEY! BOSTON SUMS 49 At their best! No waste, and a real buy at this price ' fresh dressed, colored. 4 to 5 lb. ave lb. SLICED BACON - 39 GROUND BEEF - 55 PORK SAUSAGE - ' 25 RIB STEAKS r"i",,") "69 OYSTERS 59 S SMOKED LINKS - 49 GREEN BEANS 9 OQr Garden, cut No. 2 cans J, for g r"coRN o no, am "Western Pride", Idaho, cream, 303 for . S succotash inr PB&M ..No. 2 tins Ul DURKEE'S Yellow' Cubes m nam FRENCH SLICED BEANS Royal Club 303 tins TOMATO JUICE Campbell's 13Kj oi. TANG Nalley's Salad Dressing pt. 21c 10c 25c TUNA Dawn Fresh, Albacore, grated ... CRACKERS Sunshine CAKE MIXES ' Cinch MARGARINE Swanson's, colored CHEESE SAUCE Snow's ! 8 oi. PY-O-MY Complete mix for blueberry muffins or AA Pineapple Upside down coke nkg. Mif GRADE "AA" LARGE YfX.K U ii W L1T7 CHICKEN ErnC K SkSM w lj ' v NU-B0RA sharp r.BAi.v co. Vsrf m . , , t V ri Wk iM soap n 3 X GIANT. M VJp- B . '"TZZpy I A DRESS GINGHAMS ,2n """" 79c fflffl ( 1 rt-lETS "solo" plain, LA " ' SUITINGS NeW Spr'ng "Don Riv,r"' RaVons. XV L"'- V J 1 buttered or in a lesty sauce; f pClWi I ' Vd V"'nkle resis,ont' Strides,' J 2 If HYfTP g&SSSiM w) PURETllKSCARFS "1, 98c WSL WUiwt M BIAS TAPE or RICK-RACK, Xl Pfififf) ' Economical, delicious, healthful, nourishing A ' lilj ' - eoiy to prepan. ASK YOUR GROCER for these AE .. r r- Porter products, tooi Spaghetti, Saladettes, H II ' -iM.s.ja,l.w iigg? (33? QGEg? asms GAR HE ,bs$1 YHyiPN 79 Hot Sawce 4 m 2 ROAST iEEF CCA hoilening ALLS s- 39' L 'or JC 59c giant size V ?9r 2 r 23c NALLEY'S "Treasure" 12 oi. Jar ARMOUR'S 12 oi.' NESTLES 1 lb. Con SWIFT'S "JEWEL" 79 19c 2 ib.. 57c PAIMOLIVE Toilet Scap. bath size PEETS Gronulated u 39c VEL jaiii For all washing, large 2ib..45c ajax Cleanser FAB For dishes and fine fabrics, large. APPLE SAUCE Royal Culb, 303 tins 10c 2 - 29c Fancy Navels 5 43c BANANAS Fancy, ripe hands ..... .2 bs. 29c BANANAS Loose fingers lb. 5c LETTUCE Crisp, solid heads lb. ISc TOMATOES Ripe and firm Tube 19c AVACADOES s.,d , 2 , 19c CAULIFLOWER Snow white .. ',. 15c BRUSSEL SPROUTS r.r 19c; SWEET POTATOES t.. 10ci mm m 'ML