PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2.1. 1Q.12 0 3L TRADITIONAL OBSERVANCE Keephw Ro. 1 rnsnlso custom of sovereign attending New Year's services, ex- Klni Michael and wife, Anne, enter All Saints Church, London! Plane Crash Fatal For Five Not All Foreign Aid Plans v Cost United States Billions MIAMI. Fla. Wl A privately owned Lockheed lodestar crashed and burned at Miami International Airport late Tuesday and killed all live men aboard. The plane belonged to Aerodex, Inc., a plane overhaul and main tenance firm with headquarters at the airport. All the victims worked for the company. The plane was piloted by Benja min Terry, 52-year old vice presi dent of the firm. Port Director A. B. Curry said evidence Indicated that Terry may have sacrificed his life and those of his passengers in a desperate gamble to avoid hitting two big transport planes that were loading at the busy terminal. There are four stanzas to the Star-spangled Banner. Ti nDm distress nib m MBfertioi , , WICKS . V VapoRub Ky r-ETElt FDSON WASH1INOTON (NEAl Not ev. ery U.S. foreign aid program has to cost hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. A lot of good can be done for a lot less. This is n roved bv the record of Die nine-year-old Institute of Inter- American Allairs. The IIAA is a little-known government cornora- tlon recently given responsibility lor an "point Four technical as sistance to Latin-America. It now operates in the State Department, but under W. Avercll Harrimnn's new Mutual Security Agency set up. The entire MSA urogram this year is costing over six billion dol lars. The economic assistance share o( this is a billion and a half dollars. All technical assistance program for Latin-America this year get 18 million dollars. But for everv dol lar of American money spent, it is estimated the Latin-American countries will spend at least four dollars of their own more as time goes on. What is there to show for all this? Take the health program alone, which will cost six million dollars. Dr. Henry van Zile Hyde, medi cal director of U.S. Public Health Service who is now on loan to the Institute of Inter American Affairs SPEEDY LONG-LASTING relief for RHEUMATISM ACIIES-PAIIIS Don't 'dose' yourself. Rub the aching part well with Musterole. Its grrat pain-relieving medication speeds fresh blcod to the painful area, bringing amazing relief. If pain is intense- buy Extra Strong Musterole. in r "' in as director of Its health, welfare and housing activities, has Just re turned to Washington from n swing around South America. Here are some of the specific, examples he cites on what Point Four aid has done. STIRS THE PEOPLE In Santiago, Chili, the United States supervised Installation of a sewage system In one party of tho city. Seeing how it worked, the poor people In another part of the city collected all the money they could, took It to the city govern ment and said in eiiect. "We want one, too." They're getting It. In Venezuela, a program is un der way to provide everv town with more than 1000 Inhabitants with a pure drinking water supply. It was started with C'O.OOO U.S. money, backed ud by a million dollars appropriated by the Vene zuelan government. By comparison, outside of Paris and a tew other places where the water Is checked by U.S. military or other medical officers. It is un safe to drink a glass of tap water any place In Europe. In Colombin. 215 health centers have been established throughout the country. The U.S. now operates only one of them, started seven years ago in the capital of Rogatn to train the health workers for all the others. In the five northern states of SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Main Colombia. Inhabited by over two minion people, an organised fight ugaliut malaria and yellow fever is ucuig made. It Involves spraying over 900,000 nouses, spray guns nioumeu on jeeps and In outboard canoes reach oven the most remote habitations. Along the Pacific coast provinces oi (joioinbla and Equador, a anil' tlur attack Is belli? made on yaws, People of this area are now being treated with neniclllln (or the third time. "Penicillin and DDT are their own best salesmen," aays Dr. Hyde. 'When the people have seen what can be done by the lirst treatment the rest is easy." BLESSING FOR MOTHERS To tho Colombian health centers now come 70 to 80 per cent of the pregnant women for pre-natal training. The babies are Mill de livered bv mld-wlves. But after birth, back to the clinics they come tor nutrition and health training. Beloro this service was avail ablo, one out of every three wonv 5 doctors prove this plan breaks , the laxative habit lr you tak Uutlvw racultriy oara'a bow ret Can atop! llecaut ft Kiw York doctor! now har proved vuu may brk lha luatira bablt. And rat a til lath your natural powara of rtfularily, Kightyihrao percent of th cum taalJ did ft. So ran you. Stop lakini what aver you now take. Iaiteadt Fwry night fur on wwk take t Cartar'a Utile i.ivr rwa. Hecuotl wwk ooa aach Bight Third wck-ona every other nlfht. Than Doth Inn! Kvvry day: drink eight glaaeae of water; eat a dtlinita time for tvcularlly. Kiva New York doctor proved tali plea mm break the laxative habit. How can a laxative break the laxative habit? Bocauae Carter" Utile Uvw Pill "unblock the lower digeattve tract and froaa than oa lei It make um of ita own Miural power. Further Car ter'e Little Uver PUU eonUla Bo habit-faming drug. Prrak the lataUv habit . .". wftb Carter Lilt I Uver hlla . . .'and be regular naturally. Whan worry, over ling, overwork make you Irregular temporarily take Cartar'a Little Liver Tills temporarily. And never get the laxative habit. (let Carter! Little Liver PUU, 8Tr t any drugator today. You'll be grateful the real of your life. "Out of thin air comes the was HOBS U U H in Buick history , ZZu vniiR BUICK DEALER: I - ir-.i" "" " 1 ZITZ No, we didn't have to build a new engine to do it MVie took Buick's Fireball Engine which is a valve-in-head that lets you make the most of high compression. .We drew on 12 patient years of Buick carburetion research an experience which few can equal and no one can top. And the results in words of one syllable are: we came up with more might, more miles, from gas right out of thin air, in more ways than one. Wien you talk about "miles per gallon" you. naturally think of fuel, because that's what you buy. But air's free -'-and for every gallon of ' gasoline, a busy engine can gulp more, than 8,000 gallons of air. . , The problem has always been to deliver air in the right proportions, throughout the full range of speeds at : which you drive your car. Vpmnt. otvmoWm, trim mid modU sr. t eangt teiitiMit o(i. A conventional carburetor big enough to supply the rush of air needed at full throttle can be wasteful in stop-and-go driving. A carburetor sized only for thrift in city traffic literally smothers your engine when you really give it the gun. So Buick engineers came up with the Airpower carburetor a four-barrel automatic and here's how it works. When you want to loaf along, two barrels are working, two stay closed. There's even a governor that keeps them shut during warm-up periods. And you get a low-speed thrift and smooth ness that's out of this world. As you pick up speed, the "stand-bys" smoothly come into play feeding not just more gas, but more air too which means that you keep on getting maxi mum power from each drop of fuel. -You have 170 effortless horsepower when you need it a tremendous reserve of power ready to go into instant action at the nudge of your toe. You have the satisfaction of knowing that you get this power with a frugal nsc of gas. At 40 you use less gas than you formerly used at 30. And, where the law allows, you can step from 40 to 60 in less then 8 seconds. That's the story of Airpower carbure tion in facts and figures straight from the factory. But no facts and figures can tell you the breath-taking joy of heading for new horizons in a great-powered new. Roadmaster out on the road. When can you do that? Better come in soon. Lots of other folks are flocking into our showroom these days to see the greatest array of new Buicks we've had in years. Sure is true fbr'52 H. E. MAUGEE? 28 Years Your Buick Dealer 1330 Main . Phone 5151 en dlerl In child birth and half the children died before they reached the ago of' five. Today workmen know that (hoy will havo both a wife and a ohlld, allvo alter the stork urrlvoa, In Brnill, the national govern ment put up two million dollars and local Koveriunmila nut up three million, dollars, lo "match" U.S. contributions of $3Jt,000 lor ht'ulth services Today the Institute of Public Health In Sao Paulo Is said to olfer as good tralnluir as can be secured In lite U.S. And so the story unes, In 1? out of the 30 Latin-American republics. Only Argentina, coba and the Do minican Republican do not lake part hi IIAA health activities. Nic aragua, Panama and Costa Rica dropped out during the war lor LIFE INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY .- With Good Earning ' .t Possibilities' at DISTRICT MANAGER Applicant mutt have background of tubitan tial sales production or sales supervision. Man selected will be liven Home Office Train. Ing Call or Write Gordon D. Orput, . General Agent NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone BE-1196 214 Corbett Bldg., Portland lack of money, but they'ro back In now, AkiiIu.sI the tin oo million dollars contributed by the U.H. last year, the 17 Latin-American itovcrnmnut contributed si!) milium. What Is the1 pay-nil? "It teaches IhiMn to do IIiIiwm lor themselves," sitys Dr. Hyde. "It create In thorn a desire for a belter llle, and It shows them how tu live. Wherever yuu atari a health project, vou find a new atmosphere. The streets h'I paved mey put in llKhtliiK systems. Ana I Prefer Mrs. Stewart's Bluing For Best Results! . .S3) f 4; P Basasaaaasaall' 'mm Says Mm, llonling. -.1.111 S.W. itprinn Gunlctl Si,, I'lirilaiiil, Orrijcm, "1 luvc hern aa tirili'iil lurr of Sim, Suv,irt' Hltiing fur yearn ntU mil vrry pkuwil with t lie rriilu. I'm riH-ri.illy plr iM il ill lm- aril Mr.'a keep the luliy's thine whitrl" Mr. Siruart' lllihng it a laundry nn-rftsity ft.r r'iy white rlutlit-i , . , Ukc it in cither an aiiiuin.itic or regular -uhi-r. It'i JO fcoiioniictil , . )r than u enny a walit A bmilr, too, in Mmr kccp-i your "luml-.ili.illn" npirkling. i ('oinp.irr Mr. Strnrt' aiiti anvIJikI (if hhting at unv price. Like Mr. Hard ing, you'll liml it divntlic heil job for the levit rotl (let it nt your grrx-rrv tore. Ihe people i"t a new scuso of hunt and aocut'lly." . Incldcnlnlly. of couiHe, It creates a demand ir Amctlcun export V and It supplies a hrnllhler, liioin drpeutlitbln Itibor lui'ce for new suppllus of oil, linn ore and ulhor products the U.H, liniui it. Dried fttills are different nnwn (lays I They'ro much more tendrr thuii they iimkI lu bo due lo mull ein processing methods and soma ot Ihi'in need only Ihe nhnrtcit conning time. BRIGHTEN YOUR WASH I AUTOMATICALLY in your oulomalic waihtr 'CEDl with your soap or defargent Letllni tnftltari recommend Clai'fl. Calgon hum wauhlni; AimIn tiny water, hard or toft with any toap or deter gent. Any fabric tuft in witter ii lafe with Cation added. Caljon ) mild kind to your t iktn, your clothe, and any thing you wash. Calxtin savri oap. W ' aVT I J t i sUaV. ilTTI n LiLiYi 0139 CfliB 113? V;l 0 THE FAMOUS (EdD.dDDIOTEADS. 6.00 x 16 SIZE GUARANTEED! j l f.C 'eS? Every Marathon Is guaranteed I 1 I - tlclCl backed by Ihe iame liberal wananty I L. J ' ' nu lhat fcovere every Goodyear tirel U 14 1,1 f V tax I ALSO AVAILABLE IN SUPER CUSHION SIZES! (OD(D)in)EADQ 8th and Klamath SERVICE STORE Phone