WKDNHSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1 fr,2 '!! ill mini1 'linn i II nu I in mi n, in 1 "I" 1 TIERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORKfiON PACK NINE . ' i . ;V' ' -'.7 JJMm it' 'iitlkUM 1 i i awlniri ' ' . ifli V i imli n " t & THEORETICALLY, Hilly (left) and Herb Parks will bu wrestling foes tonight in the six- i.. .hi. ........I ,.i ih .,,. ., 1 1 1 1 l,lr,.il luinrf llii,lf,it Ih-in ti'nlfu il iiill nn I n I nrpttl I n fJ lllilll II.IUIU ll'yill HI mi- ininiij. uui, muwi uiivnvi WIU" .V w ...I..........,, to see how the grappling brothers maneuver things in an attempt to steer one to the $;i00 bonus pot that goes to the winn'ei Battie .Royal on Tonight hi wri-Mlnx. Ini'liidlnu Hie Iiiiki' Kwrlln Aiiki'I, Ciurr-I IiiiiIkIiI lor ! Miprcnmiy-nun .." "'"' lil Iho typo of mulch ilvnlk'iiril lur .,...111.. llii urn. ! Miiulom ciilln It Imlllc royul i Uy miy iimiio, huiium uiiik ih bound to Hive wlini I111K Uracil lnwiclrincii eruwl in Hip rlnn HIS tho nniuR lluio Willi inuylieni llicir inn lor Mm. 'Hie ArwiTii blzo-lir's hoiiip 340 pOUIHln- to put It tlllWII COII.HTVII- lively will nuike him Hie tiivorltf. I lilt It will for no breeze lor tlie lirucnome Hrnppler. Look ut the iine-un he'll fnre: C'owbov Cniliion, who cuinn with in a whisker ot wlnnlnn Frmikir Rlojiick'i I'mlllc Coii.'.t Junior lu'itvyweium line in iwo l mimics 'line hevrrnl innnlliH uo. Yoi'lt Cl ftiil liill. dubbed Ibe flu- liinnliin Ape by the wie.'itliim li'ii li rnllv, probiibly the nlroiim'M ol the lot. i Kurt Von PoppenliPlm, who Isn't pnrttruliir how he wins. And Ine rinks broinem, iiero nnd Ullly, who nrc )u.st philn UiiibIi. The winner KeU 1111 extra $300 dolliim, but It will take u lot ol dolni.. Tho biiltle rnviil opens the nhow Tlio llrst two to net Ihelr lumps rnn niirne their wounds on the nldellnes the rest ol the evening. The next two return in a scml- vlndup clii.sh. - The lust two to wenlhcr the storm will lie In line for the extnt ciuih but they'l hiive to Unlit In ii onc-miur mum event lo pockci the money. ' The iirmory ticket-office opens nt 7::i0, oiio hour before the show Lliirts. CAGE SCORES f.'nlleis Baskelhall By Ybe Assoi'inteil i'rem FAR Wf.ST Wnshlnuton Btuto 45 Oreuon State Iduho State 87 Western Colo 47 EAHT St. Boiittyerituro Bl Bampson. AFB " ' ' HODTII N "arollna Blate 74 Baltimore Loy'jl Z3 . , Mercer 63 Geor(la 48 Tennessee 68 Vandcrblll 50 Memphis Btnie-70 Union (lcnn.) 60 BOUTIIWKHT llardlri-Blminoiiil 84 Woltcrs AFB 32 ... MIO-WKHT Doirolt 80 UcorKctown'D.C.) 74 Xuylor l Ohio I 84 Belolt 70 KciP Btate 82 Baldwln-Wallacett4 Oreuon prep basketball Waslilnifton 47 Frunklin 42 Cleveland 52 Uenson 33 ltoonevclt 62 Grant 48 Lincoln 71 Jefferson 50 OTIIKR SCHOOLS Star' of tho Sea (Aatorlai 40 Jewell 2 Hlllshoro 55 Tinard 49 West Linn 64 Oregon City 63 (over time) Mllwauklc 65 Park Rose 38 Ncslucca 44 Oarlbaldl 37 Cascade Locks 81 Corbctt 40 Oresham 63 Concordia 24 McMlnnvllle 63 Forest Grove 40 Heedspori 34 Waldport 28 Toledo 40 Tuft 20 Newport 61 Eddyvllle 3 Mt. Angr 38 Sllverton 32 Woddburn 65 Canby 39 Harrlsburg 46 Cascade Union 35 Amity 39 Banks 33 Parkdnlc 40 Maupln 36 Dayton 66 North Marlon 34 Ncwberg 65 Beaverton 48 Alsca 44 Philomath 34 Hood River 64 Wy-East 43 West Fort 56 Knappa 4 Astoria 42 Seaside 41 Bt. Paul 45 Oaston 33 University (Eugene I 57 Spring field 45 . Molalla 42 Dallas 35 Nrhalem 58 Wheeler 45' Salem Academy 35 Central Union (Monmouth 32 Sherwood -41 Yamhill 91 Powers 70 Coos River 43 RoscburK 40 Myrtle Creek 38 s Lose 2 To WSC Hsecjcjer Pick In Trc3ps?coif TUCSON, Ariz, 'ffi Navy Releases Grid Schedule ANNAPOLIS (II Navy formally BcalterKim ; unveiled Us. 1U53 football schedule Washington Iduho Orexon Washington Stale Oregon Stale j uesaays iiesuns: Wnshlniiton State 45 Oregon 37 W I. fi t. 6 4 2 4 1 KYI (1117 .500 .50(1 .125 '.'iilhusluKls from 30 states and Can- Wednesday and, as expected, It mm were or. hand for openlni; Included two new Boulhem Coil' i vents of tho fourth annual Arizona - - - - .State Trapsnool Wednesday; Arnnld RitKRer of Senttle. win ner of the over-all tolnl In the iiiitloiuil trap meet this year. Is favored to win high gun honors Ills average Is the best In the United States. In 1951 he broke .7ai of 8.858 targets for a 98.65 per ceiituge. lerenco loos and ono Irom tilt Ivy League. The Midshipmen replact Prlneo ton, nice and Northwestern from their 1951 schedule with Cornell, William and Mury and Duke. Also on .the schedule art Yale. Maryland, Pennsylvania, Notrt Dame. Columbia and Army. He Better Call A YELLOW CAB Ph, 2-1234 By The Associated Vrr The Oregon Stale Beaver-i re turned home Wednesday after a disastrous trip Into the Pulou -e country where they lost four North- ' em Division basketball deelMonx In five days, Including a 47-37 tie (eat by Washington State Tuesday night. They lost a two-game series lo ; Idaho Friday and Saturday nights. After taking a 56-44 drubbing from WSC Monday night, the Beavers threw a big scare Into the . Cougars Tuesday night, but could not make It last beyond the third quarter Tex Whltemnn sparked the Beav ers' first quarter surge that pulled them out of a 6-5 deficit and ahead 13-10 by the end of that period. , In the second period the Cougars inalchod the Beavers banket for basket and ended still In the hole, 23-20 at halftimc. The Beavers hit a drv spell to ward the end of the third thai hat ed well Into the fourth period. while Ocorge Rosier polled, lour hunk shots from the key to even ihe score 30-30 at the end of the third. With, three minutes goe In the fourth, the Beavers, trailing 35-32, rosorled to a full tloor press, but by that time the Cougars were rolling and couldn't be stopped. SAVE 25 on LABOR COSTS ON ALL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR WORK Tuesday Wednesday - Thursday , Vf Complete Overhauls ir Tune-ups k Body Work -tr Lubrication Wash and Polish Brakes it Rear End Vr Paint Archie Wilson of the Bulfalo Bi sons led the International League In '61 In runs-battcd-ln. tolal bases and hits. He Is the property opthe Yankees. FINANCE YOUR WORK IF DESIRED! 'ol $7 'DOWN on MAJOR REPAIRS fWhen Ycu Want The Best J See . t. visa and MEST George Dodge - Plymouth Dodge "JobiRated" Trucks 522 So. 6th Ph. 8101 1 1 Dl I DeMolay Wins, Loses DcMolay's No. 1 team won In Victory league competition last night at Fnlrvlew but the No. 2 DeMolay team took 11a lumps from the oll-heaten Trades ail Industry tjullll. DeMolay's first team heal Cra ter Lake. 43-21, with Ucorgo Vis hos. Inn Montgomery nnd Bill l'Uketl Iramlng up (or 12. 11 and 10 polnlH. T tt Yt Bunders dumped 18 points and lloctlcr added J4 In that team's 43-31 win over Dc Molay's second team. Expert Gun Repairing and Rcbluinq THE GUN STORE Bon Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE Uth& Klamath Ph.2-2581 . " mh- ..7 mi NO Atin mil ..i;TATE 'Triple . MM GUARANTEE W itio"'n bocK ALLSTATE Cushion TIRES 2for3190 fCryicO on - lutnn. Scots PREMIUM CUSHION ALLSTATE TIRES Q40 EACH plus lax 6:70x1 S when bought in set of 2 and old tires traded-in 2.00 down, 5.00 month on; Easy Payment Plan : y Customer-proved, the. finest ALLSTATE'S EVER BUILT! 30?& ' deeper freod, 24 months guaranteed, X-4P Cold Rubber Construction, Wheel Rotation Service In cluded in the price. Re-tire today. ' ' jkm' -4 ' ifeSr , , Zl fed J :; fDIESEL TRUCKSLL -' .S fyjj'' ' Your key to greater hauling profits. . motoVs1 . Another major thilestenQ in hauling progress - 1 18 Mos. Triplo Guarantee plut tax 6:70x13 and your nM tiroi 3.50 down, 5.00 month Easy Payment Plan First Quality, genuine extra-low-pressure tires that carry your car with extra safety in their "cut-skid" tread, X-41 degree Cold Rubber Construction. Re-equip today at Scars low pair prices. Rotation included. SEARS SAFTI-CAP TIRES 2 ,or 20.10 6:00x16 and yeur old racappablo tiroi . mm absb 6 months trlplc-Guorantoed Yes, lo-prlced with X-41 degree relreod construction. Guaranteed fully by Soors for 6 months. ' Ut last-Diesel economy and hitt-kvelkfji performance come to thousands of tmhers ' who have never had any choice but gasoline power in tho past! TODAY America's foremost builder of Diesel trucks smashes the size-weight barrier that up to now has denied the many economies of Diesel power to haulers of medium-weight loads. . - Todav GMC offers users of equipment in the 19,500 GVW-35,000 GCW range a sensational new Diesel truck-tractor. It is powered by. the first welterweight Diesel truck engine a smaller, more compact model of the famous General Motors 2-cycle engine that has made GMC America's first-choice Diesel truck. More nies per Gallon Because it is Diesel-powered, this new GMC Mo.del D4S0-37 will 'cost you far less to run per mile, far less to maintain per year than any other 2'2-tonner you've ever owned. All Diesel' . experience proves that. Because it is a 2-cycle Diesel, it is a fust-start ing, quick-accelerating,, highly responsive truck, with, plenty of snap in traffic a truck that will maintain a steady "on time" schedule even on hilly runs. , Fuel economy is automatic thanks to GMC's famous Fuel Modulator. Regardless of throttle pressure this engine never gets more fuel than it needs .and makes the most of what it gets. Smooth driving is assured by "easy-turn" re circulating ball-bearing steering eVen electric shifting on two-speed axle models. Nationwide Service Equally important to the thousands of truckers who can now enjoy the benefits of Diesel power for the first time, this new GMC D450-37 is backed by the nation's largest network of Diesel service stations'. Before you buy another truck, you owe it to ' yourself tp investigate these new GMC welter weight Diesels if you want to cut costs! We yill be glad to give you facts and figures that Vvill ' - open your eyes. Why not corne in today? ' ' - WEST-HITCHCOCK CORPORATION 477 Sd;7th f ; ; " 1 Klamath Foils, OreJ xw crnnc "3 so. 8h .You' co better on a vsed truck with your GMC cecref -