PAGE EIGHT TIME OUT! ft :.v T "Goth! I'm never been lery that bad och in me!" al- ooafldenee THIS COLUMN has a suggestion to toss Into the muddied aaerj- ' veicht flsbt Dlcture. I think it makes sens or I would Dut It in print. But the tight bis has been run to a manner the past tew years that has no resemblance to ' max' lng sense." Anyway, hero lis: . MOW THEY'RE needling Jersey Joe Walcott to put his crown on the block in 15 days or ship it back. Jersey Joe, who owns tip to M years but is probably older, took SI years to win the title. Why not let him wear it a little longer because it's almost a cinch Old Man Time will be in his foe's comer when he does aeiena we title. He'H keep it Just as long as he refuses to sign tor title match. But wh7 not srive oT Jersey Joe period of grace while an elimina tion tourney among his top three contenders is Deing reeiea on. The three, of course, are Rocky Marciano, Enard Charles and Har ry-(Kid) Matthews. ' ALL THREE deserve a crack at she title. So why not find out who deserves K most by process of elimination, nip a coin, draw straws it doesnt make in 01 anieimce what method is used to pick the first two. Then the one left can fight the winner for the right to sign for chance tot knock waicett on ms throne. Felix - BoecMcehlo, Walcott'a manager,' names Charles and Mar ciano aa the' "foremost conten ders.'' Well, then, match these two and give Mathews, boxing's brush-off boy, the winner. Then Walcott could hare more time to cash tn on the title he took so long to get. ; AS IT STANDS now, the fight picture among the big boys is gradually becoming as confusing as wrestling has been for many years among the heavyweights. The Louisiana Boxing Commts . el on says that as far as It's con : cerned Walcott is no longer Cham f pion. That makes Pappy Walcott champion everywhere but the Un . tted States where, he's 47-48 champ. The real champion tn the boxlnc world today is confusion. Globetrotters Beat All-Stars EUGENE, Ore. tfl The Harlem Olobe Trotters' No. S team out scored the Oregon All-Stars SO-40 ' In an exhibition basketball game here Tuesday night. Hog Wiley, Bend high school . coach, netted 13 points for the All Stars, a team of former University of Oregon players. Bob Ball led the Olobe Trotters with 14. Pelicans Drill For Roseburg The Pelicans step out of the hot Dlst. t basketball race this week end to sandwich in a two-game non-league series with the Rose- Durg jnaisns on rencan voun. The Indians out a 6-1 record against the Pelicans, not a glossy record, but one of those wins was over Medford, indicating the Indi ans won't be pushovers. In other successful outings, Rose burg beat Willamette of Eugene twice. Sutherlln and Myrtle Point. Losses were to Cottage Drove twice. Grants Pass twice, Myrtle Point, Reedsport and .CoquiUe. CONTROL Not speedy enough to employ the fast break, the Roseburg five de pends primarily on control ball to set up plays. Roseburg won t coast uie neigm the Pels can floor but it carries three boys that measure 6-2. They are Center Jim Gilbert and Forwards Bryan Booth and Bruce CARROLL OUT Pelican Coach Paul McCall aid this morning that his big renter, 6-7 Ralph Carroll, will be sidelined for the Roseburg series en Pelican Court Friday sad Saturday nights. The high-scoring senior pivot man lost a bout with the fla this week. -. Dalros. Dalros, a letterman, alter nates with Booth at the forward position. The other starting forward is J 11 LeRoy ElUng. Guards are letterman Ted Nolte and Ralph Rudzik. 2-1 RECORD Roseburar hss a 3-1 record in Dlst 5 play. Coqullle, Myrtle Point and Sutherlln are league toes. The Pelicans currently noia s wins. 3 losses and one tie in 13 games. The setbacks came in series splits with Central Catholic in the season-opener, Medford and Grants Pass in Dlst. 4 district tare. Coach Paul McCall hasn't indi cated whether he'll stay with the switch he made Saturday night rainst Grants Pass. In which Cal vin Gilmore was switched to Jack Horton s forward spot ana i&en Young opened at guard. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 11152 . j CUT) f ftsv r A 1 OPS Fines iasebaE CeilingS 6 Majors; Minors Affected WASHINGTON 1 The govern ment Tuesday authorised alt major league baseball teams and all mi nor league , clubs to raise admis sion prices for the 1M3 season. The action was taken by the Office of Price Stabilisation. The ticket cost boost for the major league teams ranges from five cents on grandstand seats for the Cleveland Indians to cents on box seats for the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sol. Minor league clubs may raise their - total admission cellules by eight' per cent, the maximum al lowed under the services price .reg ulation. The OP8 action sets dollars and cents ceilings on tickets to sll msjor league parks. The celling includes the federal admission tax. OPS explained that , the higher ceilings' for some professional baseball olubs . ere ' necessary be cause of player salary. 'Increases, higher traveling expenses for teams on the Toad and higher costs of maintaining ball parks. ' "BIO JAWN" WITTf Heavy Feud Features Tonight's Mat Meet MOOSE TA B W 1, ret. tn s .est -m is .m 31 a js IS ; 33 .313 11 J31 ID 3B JU Amusement So. Or. Well Drill wards StoM'f Signal Serv, Last WHK'i B..lia X-ArausemeRt 3 Leach 1 Bray's 4 Wards 0 So. Ore. WeU 3 aiona'a 1 Wilbur Courtney paced Bray's Team in the Moose Fa's bowling league to a. 4-4 win over Wards last Friday. He did it with a iM-zoo-zie-sio line for hieh same and series, the big reason Bray's Team rolled the high series, a 77is. High team gsme went to league- leading K-Amusement with a 953. KOOSI MA S Louis's Food Amusement Suburban Flowar Laaeh Service Star Baautr Klaraath riowcr ...IS I. Pet. 14 .704 n j3 23 .531 36 ..45S 38 . .417 SS .333 MeadsT'a Basalts Louie's 3 Leach 1 ' Klamath flower 3 Star 1 Suburban flower S K-AmmcuieiH X Doris Benedict bowled Monday night like she intended to keep Louie's Food on the top rung of the Moose Ma's bowling ladder. A 62 series with a 303 game gave Doris both game and series honors and helped Louie's to a high series of 3633. But fourth-place Leach Service sneaked in to prevent Louie's from grand-slamming all the honors. Leach posted a 804 high team game. ' -1 wejaat 'rC aiT-r i"r VERNON PRYOR faces Guyer SHUFF STUFF Woeus exnanderl itjt laH in h city shuffleboard league last night wim v win over toe- vets. Tat a beat Bill's Place, 3-1, in the only other contest last night. Wocus now boasts a 18-1 record to top the league. (HD MB New '52 ll-ton 0SE5 muacs llJailf. I LIBERAL 1 1 TDADE.INI I ' I -HI I rMslfa EaHVal ITiaaalsaa l TEIIMS 1 JSs Bobby Dodds. head football enarh at Georgia Tech, won nine varsity ictiers at uie university 01 Ten nesee. He copped three each in football and basketball, two in base ball and one in track: An old high school wrestling-rivalry highlights the show tonight when the Klamath Falls Pelicans fsce the Oregon State College Rooks on Pelican Court. The matfest opens at 1:30. Not part of the nine-bout meet, but the attractive sidelight, will be the meeting of John Wltte end Paul Patrick in a heavvweleht Joust, Wttte. now trading grips for the Oregon State varsity aouad. Is an ex-Klamath boy, who won the high school state wrestling title two yeara running,! 950 and 18S1. The boy Wltte whlboed both times Is Paul Patrick, ex-Springfield High School lad, now an Ore gon xecn stuaeni. CHALLENGE. - t Patrick issued the challenge and is anxious to avenge two stralaht defeats by Big Jawn that robbed him of the prep crown. Two other ex-Pels show In the regular meet. r . They are Glenn Guyer and. Ben Shepherd. Guyer. now a heavyweight, faces Vernon Pry or. Guyer won the high school. 176-pound title the ssme years Wltte was ascending, the heavyweight throne. Shepherd will mix with Louie Taucher in the 135-pound division. OTHERS .( Other matches (Pels listed first): Mitchell or Shell vs. Oerster. 156: Johnson va. Schwartz. 163: Pierce vs. Bunl, 175; Campbell vs. Jenkins, 180; Wells vs. Greenwood. 146; R. Biehn vs. Regehr. 146; and Swindler vs. McLsin, 130. Swindler is last vear'a ll4ounr) state champion. The Rooks have vet to beat the Pelicans, four-time state cham pions. In three meetings, however, the Corvallis boys have tied the Pelicans twice. . Elliott Takes Iowa Job CORVALLIS, Ore. (At Chalm ers Elliott resigned Tuesday as looioau assistant at Oregon Bute College to take -a similar coach ing, post at the UnlVetaiy et Iowa under Forest Xvashevski. It had been -rumored for ..some time after Xvashevski resigned st Washington State to- take ever at Iowa, that he had asked Elliott to Join his staff. Tuesday Elliott gave his . res ignation to Athletic Director Roy S. Keen at a meeting with Keene and Head Coach Kip Taylor, and said he was going to Iowa. 1 Coo ley . Olney Win at Traps . Heavy snow hampered the shoot at the Klamath Gun Club'a Woeus range Sunday but W..O. Cooley managed a 4xM m the 18-yasd event, : while Csrl Olney tired a perfect 38x38 in the handicap di vision. The weekly shoot 'opens art the usual time Sunday, 10:30 a.m. "'. '. I. C Broylee Cart Olney fui Davis ; M. Adams K. M. Smith W . w C. J. Martin ,. C. Calahan Jim Milton A. CaUhsn J, CaUhaa Teen Carlane .... . ... a -snot as targets snly lSt:j i'etW I LAI : lies ;M Lui, 47 3S ej 31 43 30 44 IS AM SAPERSTEIN shows his famous traveling bas ketball teams, the Harlem Globetrotters and the Kan sas City Stars in a double header here next Tuesday. City and Klamath Basin .players will furnish op position for the great Negro players. Trotters I(C Here Tuesday Klsmath Falls basketball tans get a double dose of basketball buffoonery next Tuesday nlnht on Pelican Court when both the Knr lem Globe Trotters and the Kan sas City Stars, famous traveling Negro teams, stop here lor s deublehesder. In an attempt to stop the cage comedians, two local teams will Join forces in each game to op pose the hardwood wizards. Hilltop Cafe of the City League and Chlloquln, one of the top teams In the Klsmath Basin League, will pool talents SRalnat the ICC Stars In the 7 o'clock opener. The Olobe Trotters will cope with the two lop teams in the City League, unbeaten Rlckys snd Pay leas Drugs. Hall Quits, Fdvell Eyed Ktldle Hull quit prcHltU'iit of tlio Lruuiio bcuiiUNr) of llils week nn 10 City llii.'iki'tlmll nr "trt'i.ilnu IiiihI. iittss obllKiitloim" iiiki his micci'ssnr will be clin.srn by tho Iciikiii' s boiu-d o( directors iirxt Miiiuluy nlglil bctworn gnnios of the double header on Altuinont Court. Clyde Wiilsh, ninniiger of Pnyli'ss Di'UKH, Is ui tlllK iroal(lniit 1111UI tlmt Uino. The directors- miiniiHcrn of 1 1 hi tesms In the clifiill will IiiiiIiIIp to iiHino n new president Monday night. Clcne Fnvell. nicinbcr ol the Herald nnd News quint, Is ruiiioreil as strong choice for the Jul). Loiutiic liiiiniiHei'H mihI plitvers greeted Hull's titillilnu wllli wimik dismay mid Intel hlcli prnl.10 for the fine oi'Kiinli'.iilluiml work lie hss done. Tomorrow's minion nut Pnliner. ton aKnlimt Heriild and News lit 7:30, Hercules iiKalnst Cm-it Coin at B o'clock. Lincoln Beats Jeff lly The Aasnelulrd Frees Wailo lUwedol llnllirook run his polul tot 11 1 to 374 fur 10 gumes IIiIh Ni'ii.'uin aa ho led lilucolii to a 7 1 -lit) victory over Jiiffei'sun In 11 i'oi'lliinil IiIkIi nclinol bimkolbull Kiune Tlle.iilay lllullt. IlnlhiDok, novvii-fiKil nne-lm-li all Hluto t'eiiler, scored 31) points. It wan the necond leauiia win for Lincoln, ranked us Oregon's No. 1 prop team In this week's Associated Pl'C.NM poll, JefferNon, 111(11 Htiito chaiiiplon and ruled No. 7, pluynl nionl of Hie Knie wllhoul Its iill-ntiito slur, Max Amlei'Non, who had been ex pected to iiiako tlilima toiiKll for the Lincoln ncu. Anderson was III, The HI. John's University biiKkel l)n II team lias appeared tn ten of Ihe H Nallonnl Invitation Toiirim. inents played st Mudlaon Square Clnrden. Sain Mimlle nnd Larrv Jennen of the New York lilanla ench pili lied two three-hlitnrs cIuiIiik the 'ft I urii-sou. ..41 ..el -sie SIT Sports Mirror By The AI rested Fraee ' Todav a Oetiaral Bob Neyland received . a lifetime loetBsu eoaching-eeatract at Ten' nessee.: Five years see The National Football League gave Commis sioner Bert Bell dictatorial powers designed to crush gamming. Ten yeara ago Willie Heppe won the three-cushion billiard title at Chicago for the third straight year. Twenty years ago The Phila delphia Athletics sold Shortstop w Boley to -the Cleveland Indians. 4000th Win SAN FRANCISCO 11 The Har. lem Olobe Trotters notched win No. 4.000 here Tuesday night, dr. featlng Toledo Mercury M-SO In sn exhibition basketball gsme. The famed Negro pro travelling team compared its 4,000 court vic tories In the psst 2ft years with a total - of only 254 defeats. One of those losses was to Seattle University at Seattle Monday night. Ml. STORE - WIBE SALE TRADE YOUR OLD TIRES IK liOlU Wa will giv you up to $10.98 TRADE IN ALLOWANCE for your old tires on tho purchase of NEW SAFE FLEX SUPER or SUPER CUSHION RIDE. OTHER BARGAINS AS FOLLOWS: ONI LOT LIGHT FIXTURES ONE LOT PAINT Mixed color md kinds ....... WATER-PROOF MATCHES -hex pcVmt: ., WADERS Plastic teal Dri Brond ..... TUMBLERS 9-es. Pillow Optk ......... MIXING BOWLS MOTOR OIL 100 PARAFIN BASE . . . In your can BATTERY. (COAST-TO-COAST SUPREMI) , . 4S-pl.t..24 mo. f uarantee. Ref. 14. Jf Vi PRICE' ee eeeee eo . tTKICC Ros.SfiNOW lie' Rf. .9S NOW, S.4S Rot. 9 NOW 1ISc , Rfl.'3cNOW IU ,....ia1.::'';59C; , '-' ' ;' OMh; NOWM.a9oacli 1038 MAIN rttorM 4a4t HOCKEY Faclnc Coast Hockey By The Associated Presa Saskatoon 10 Edmonton 3 Vsneouver I Victoria 6 JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS I Enjoy this CHEAT STRAIGHT BOURBON famous for TIME QUALITY" 'A Buy of, he fTMIINT I0URI0N WHISKEY II PROOF UlOMl IUT1LUU PRODUCTS CORP., N. Y. ATTENTION FLY TYERS: t5 r FREE CLASSES IN FLY TYING ALL MATERIALS ond TOOLS FURNISHED Weekly Classes Begin Monday, Feb. 4th at 8 p.m. of the Gun Store. REGISTER NOW! Complete Stock of: TOOLS HACKLES PLUMAGE FURS I BODV MATtKIALS J MUSTAD HOOKS THE Gun Store NOW! NEW OWNER ; PROTECTION FROM YOUR UNCOIN-MERCURY DfAlft AND TNI FOtWAD4OOm0 IMCOUf-MERCURY OMAMZATtOM a,-- . rr5"?l V MM ..H'ifteft tl vi - THAFS WHAT UNCOLN:MERCURY'S NEW !6ityfi ; WORKMANSHIP BRINGS TO YOUR CAR evnry job ho performs by tmt,lnit his own RM sonl on a tng you'll nnd neatly attached to your steering wheel rim! That seal once and for all Mtabllshes Job responsl bility. It promises premium quality workmanship It assures you that ovcry job has been done with complete thoroulinoss and ofllcleney-ln the qulckont possible time. And In auto repairs, that swift, competent workmanship means a bolter job at less cost. Why not drive in today-and got the practical benefits of exclusive RM Certified Service from now on. ar. wheai ma nav msf mmi. kin .f ummm-Mwr dealer, you get responsible, sejasst proof thet( essey operation yon ordered fces ban performed with the factory-trained sesehaeie's e RM. sea) attached to your C wheel to verify bis skffled workmanshlpl ' a IS fttHLAAO nratfram. ra 1. Ul J - r j i' 1 1 1 11 sitti tiie 1st sj aid-looking; Lmeoln-Mercury organ . leatlee te tram every mechanic hi factory apprsved servkenf methods. Each of our men wiH e eertmed as aa L-M Registered Mechanic. ,otBt he stakes his own reputation on 11 M la,,TH, MICHANIC-MSANS CERTIFIED SERVICE, BACKED MtiTM eV THf MECHANIC'S OWN NAME AND PERSONAl REPUTATION BASIN MOTORS DUGAN and MEST LINCOLN-MERCURY S22 So. 6th St. , HANS HANSEN - Owner hone S101 IRA BREWER - Monogor 414 U. eJHi St. Phone 7778