Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 23, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday Evening, Jan. 2
:M Gabrlal Haatttr MRS
CIS Klamath Thaalar Quit
0:30 Around Town Naws
8 to Ban , Hayas News MBk , , .
:M Bilk Htnry HIBI
10 Allalra or Cassanova MBS
T:30 Cisco Kla MBS
8:00 What ! Mama song MBS
1:30 Madal of Honor
:4S Htldelberf KarmOnalres
0:00 Glenn Hardy Ntwa MBS
0:18 Fullon Lawls Jr.
f.M WrraUUil
:M A-MIn final MBS
10:00 Wreitllni
10:18 I Lova a Mystery MBS '
10:30 Out of Thunder MBb
11:00 Mint Owl Ntwt
11:09 Night Owla Club
13:00 Sign Off
. . KFJI 1151 Kc rST
Thursday, Jan. l
6 00 Musical Revalue
6:48 rarmera' Bulletin Board
6:55 Local Newa
7:00 Hemlnf way Newt MBS
7:18 Brcsktast Canf MBS
7:30 Newa
7:45 Beit Buys
8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:18 Breakfait Gan MBS
8:30 Haven of Rest MBS
When Hollywood makes up Its mind
to do a Kood job of a thing, we can
usuany expect
the best Results.
Right now. the
Much Publicized
glamor capltol
has made up Its
mind to do some
thing about Music
. ... not with the
usual "Leg - Art
and Flimsy-Plotted boy meets girl
stuff . . . but In good, solid enter
tainment with something behind it
. . . and featuring GOOD Music.
This Is not a new thing in Holly
wood. They have given us fine pic
tures dramatizing the life of
Chopin, Schumann and others. But
light now big plans are underway
and before long a Jesse Laske film
will be produced on the subject of
School bands, reflecting the wide
spread and growing Interest in the
people making their own music.
20th Century Fox has bought the
rights to the life of John Phillip
Sousa, which will make meaty en
tertainment for our Music-Minded
Radio and Television are also going
along with the trend to produce
fine Musical shows. And it an looks
good to us. The new Interest in
music gives a great measure of
hope for the future. For where
music goes . . . there's less room
for greed, selfishness and sickness
of- spirit.
.At this time 111 give out with a
tip on one of the "Great" shows
for Klamath Falls. Rafael Mendez.
who is . now acknowledged to be
the greatest trumpet player in the
world will give a concert in Klam
ath Falls . some- time in April.
Plans are afoot at this time too
to have. Jesse Laske appear here
lit Klamath Falls with Mr. Mendez.
Another tip" . get your tickets
to that concert the. first day they
are available because this will be
lOPtr sell out, ;. , - 1,
Juvenile Delinquency????? Sure it
presents many many problems but
of one thing you can be quite sure
... if your family make music to
gether you can be sure of harmony,
more true family understanding
and high morale. This thought
should be well taken by many of
our "Younger families" who are
Just well on the road to having a
family. We can help you on select
ing an Instrument and we can help
you In selecting the type of music
you're interested in . . . we are
here to supply them. Come in and
talk to us anytime ' at DERBY'S
MUSIC CO., 120 North 7th St.
Phone 4519.
Those fiv melodic
minutes you've baen hear
ing ever since th turn of
th year Just before th
' "Breakfait Club," feature
the baritone volca of this
handsome young man,
John Conta, He (at hit
first big break In radio
taveral years 090 at the
singing MX. en the Fanny
Brica-Frank Morgan radio
show. The Charlie Mag
nanta Trla supply accom
paniment for his singing,
, with accordion, guitar,
and organ. It's cheery
program for starting your
day right, weekday morn
ings at 7:55 en rha net
work that America's sold
.Another 5-minute strip program at the other end of the doy
started just this week. "World Flight Reporter", heard daily at 5:25
p.m., features Don Peterson in on-the-spot interviews of "Nomes"
from the news headlines of the day as they arrive and deport from
New York's. Idlewild Airport. Personalities from government leoderj
to prominent world travelers will be heard from doy to day.
Starting next week, "Dean Cameron" will ba back with his
' leisurely talk about this and that and his seosonad philosophy
slantad housawlfa-wisa. Ha'll ba hoard at 3:30, as tha "Perfect
Husband" bows out. (Could ft be they've becema extinct?) Then
"Mary Merlin" will move back to 3:45, giving "Reauestfully
Yours" full sway for whole hour, enca mora, starting at 4:00.
While casually listening to the "Breakfast Club" the other morn
ing, suddenly wondered why everyone who'd been called to the mike
had a southern accent. And then I remembered that Don McNeill and
his gang ore down In tha land where southern accents, grow. The
"Breokfost Club" Is on 0 two-weeks tour of the south, working, If you
can call It work, at they travel, Next week' McNeill will settle down In
Miami for 0 week of fishing and Peter Donald will take over M.C.
duties on the "Breakfast Club" which we presume will be back in
Chicago by then, Peter Donald received a warm welcome when he sub
stituted for Don last July. "The Breokfast Club" Is heard Mondoy
through Friday from 8:00 to 9:00 o.m.
wrwmmmimmnimmmw m m "m "i wi'imwrn
' 'V. v. i- i' .-T W
8X10 Homemakera Harmoniaa
8:15 Marlon from Mlllcra
8:30 Platter Parly
8:45 Familiar Favorites
10:00 Glenn Hardy Newt MBS
10:15 Tello Ten
10:30 LaPolntes
10:45 Miniature Concert
10:50 Helen Doece
10:55 Ken Carson MRS
11:00 Ladles Fair MBS
11:25 News MBS
11:30 Queen for a Day MBS
13:00 Name Bands
11.15 News Headlines
13:30 Your Dance Tunea
13:45 Market Livestock
1:00 Jack Klrkwood Show MBS
1:30 Tune Teit v
1:55 Local Newa
3:00 News MBS
3:05 News
3:15 Tea lime Tips
3:45 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Rtcky'a Request
4:00 Speed Gibson MBS
4:15 Hemlnirway News MBS
4:30 Curt Massey Ttma
4:43 Sam Hayes MBS ,
8:0') Sergeant Prl '"I MBS
9:30 Sky Kln( MBS
5 5S News MBS
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klam. Tneater Quia
6:30 Around Town Newa
6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS
6:55 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Harmony Time
7:15 Sports Album
7:30 Bobby Benson MBS
6:00 Tarzan MBS
8:30 Adven. Your Herltace
8:45 Heidelberg Hartnot.aircs
8:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
8:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
8:?0 RM At Gun Club MBS
8:55 9-Mln. Final MBS
10:00 1 Love A Mystery
10:15 Stars on Parade
10:30 Bandstand USA MBS
11:00 Night Owla Newa
11:05 Night Owls Club
13-00 Sign Olf.
KFLW 1458 Kc PST
Wednesday Evening, Jan. 23
840 Sports Highlights
6:15 Home Town News
6:25 World News Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC
7. -00 The Lone Ranger ABC
7-30 Mvsterv Theater ABC
8. -00 The Top Guy ABC
8:31 Rogues Gal'erv ABC
9:00 Proudly We Hall
8:30 Northwest Artists
10:00 10 P M Headlines
10:15 Dream Harbor ABC
10:50 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:05 Slim Off
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Thursday, Jan. 34
8:00 Sign on News Summary
645 Corn In the Morn.
6:45 Farm Fare
740 News Bkfst Edition
7:15 Charlie's Roundup
7:30 Bob Garred Si News ABC
7:40 Top of the Morning
Foods Hsorr boott
fk. MM ro Orders To Taka Oat
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
Can r -
Reopening n
for yoiir Jj
dining A I
and .
dancing i- I J
pleasure ' I , AZJ
1112 Main
John Conte
1:33 John Cont ABC
8;UU Bienklitt L'lu.t ABC
9:00 Hink Henry Show
9:30 Break the Bank ABC
10.00 ChtH Huntley, Nw ABC
10:13 Lone Journey ABC . ,
10:30 My True Story ABC v
10:55 Kriward Arnold ABO
11:00 Betty Crocker ABC .
11:15 Stop & Shop
11:30 Jtmmle Ftdlcf
11:30 Afaitifct the Storm ABC
11:' Vur'crl Woundup
11:35 Market Reporti
t;uJ.iK4i Em ..on a'cwi
18:15 Payleta Sidewalk Show
'1:30 Lucky V K alien A 110
1:00 Paul Harve ABC
1:1A Better Living
1:30 Mary Mar caret McBrlde ABC
3 00 Baln BrieU
3:15 Accent on Melody
3 30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC
3:45 Rom. Evely n Winter ABC ,
3 TO When Girl Marrtea ABC
3:15 Yect Maio-.e AHC
3:30 Perfect Husband ABC
4:00 Mary Marltn ABC
4:15 Requextrutly Yours
3:00 '"n. C 'bett, Srac Patrol ABC
3:35 World Flight Reporter ABC
3 30 Che l Hum ley ABC
3:43 It 1 Movie Time
6:00 Soorta HifhltaMt
6:13 Home Town N'twr
6:35 World Newt Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
643 Headline Edition ABC
6:53 Coming Attraction on ABC
7 00 Mr President ABC
7:30 Defense Attorney ABC
8:00 Orig. Amateur Hr. ABC
8:45 Foreign Reporter ABC
9:00 Janice Page ' Program ABC
Cwert oi Errope ABC
10:00 10 P M Headline
10:15 Club Can Do ABC
10:30 Insomnia Club
1 1:00 Newa Summary
11:05 Sign Off
Civil Defense
Post Filled
OLYMPIA Lf Harry R. Bay.
night editor of the Eugene. Ore.
Register-Guard, was named public
information officer for the State
Civil Defense Department Tuesday.
Bav Is a graduate of St. Martins
College here. Before Joining the
Register-Guard in 1950 he was
news editor of the Shelton-Mason
Countv Journal, and a part-time
correspondent for the Associated
Press and the Dally Olympian.
He will assume his new position
in about two weeks. D. E. Barbey
state civil defense director, said
Bay's salary will be $426 a month.
Senator Gets
Close Shave
MADISON. Wis. W Icy high
ways came within Inches of put
ting a tragic end Tuesday to '-he
two-day Wisconsin tour of Sen.
The car carrying the Republican
presidential aspirant spun around
twice on the slick pavement 10
miles south of here and wound up
facing in the opposite direction on
ly scant Inches out of the path of
a big semi-trailer coming from the
other way.
"I was scared for minute, like
we all were, but it turned out all
right." said Taft after the party
arrived here for a reception offi
cially opening his state campaign
Torch Sweater
Firm Charged
Trade Commission Tuesday charg
ed a Philadelphia manufacturer
with marketing "highly Inflamma
ble" sweaters described by the
agency as "dangerous and unsafe
to wear."
The complaint was filed against
Albert H. Fisher and Vincent De,
Ritls, trading as Fisher and De
It was the first federal accusa
tion leveled in the "torch sweater"
case, which began to hit the head
lines earlier this month when some
persons complained their sweaters
exploded into flame at the touch of
a match.
The Philadelphia concern was ac
cused of falling to disclose the na
ture of the sweater fabric, which
FTC said was brush rayon and not
.: V ..
yOOJ SIZES- 17-20; 40
TV coat! It's a Oo-to-market dress I
And later on a Beach-Wrap! just
depends on the fabric you choose.
In any case, it's the most useful
thing you ever sewed. So good
looking, too, with outside stitching,
sideline, big pocket!
Pattern 0363: Misses' sizes 12,
14, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size 16 takes
4 yards 35-lnch fabric.
This easy-to-use pattern gives
perfect fit. Complete, illustrated
Sew Chart shows you every step.
Bend THIRTY cents in coins for
this pattern to Marian Martin, care
of Herald and News, Pattern Dept.,
P.O. Box 6740, Chicago 60, III.
Print plainly YOUR NAME, AD
Credit Corrine With This
Round in Verbal Chit-Chat
NIC A 8t(f Correspondent
sively Yours: Run for tlio bomb
shelters, kiddles Coiinne Cnlvet
and Zsa Zsa Gabor are at It
Cortnne, the luscious French pas
try, accused Hungarian Z.u Zsa
with acting like "a countess from
0 mediocre light opera" with Iter
low-cut evening gowns, and de
fended American sweater girls.
Zsa Zsa snapped back with:
"There's more to glamor Hum
sticking your chest out."
Now lis Corlnnr digging Zsa
Zsa again, "and I don't mind say
ing this to her luce both of
them." Savs Corlnnc:
"My father, a well-known Pa
risian storekeeper, gave me a little
advice manv years aso. Papa said,
'Corlnne. always remember tills.
If you have a particularly good,
well-formed piece of merchandise
in your store, keep it well-wrapped.
If it's the real tlilug. people wilt
be intrigued because It's covered.
" 'If, however, you have a small.
Insignificant thing open up the
wrappings and expose almost all nf
it. This will give people tho idea
that the wrappings conceal even
more ,lhat's really not there." "
Corlnne, currently decorating the
Martin-Lewis comedy, "Sailor Be
ware," smiled sweetly and almost
dropped the dusiser between her
teeth as she said:
"I've always followed Papa's ad
vice." Lana Turner and opera stur
Marjorlc Lawrence will do an Al
Jolson-Larry Parks for Marjorle's
life story, "Interrupted Melody."
Marjorie will do Luna's singing
and lll receive screen credit.
Pox's remake of "What Price
Glory?", first filmed In the pre
censorship days of 1926, follows the
identical plot line. Only big change
is the elimination of 219 swear
words now banned by the Movie
Production Code. What price cen
sorship? -
Bob Hope spent his first Christ
mas in , years at home with his
family and says:
"I was that strange man around
the house."
Hope, who Just started "Military
Policemen" at Paramount, vetoed
all video appearances during Jan
uary because of the film. His last
TV appearance, from the deck of
an aircraft carrier, was his best to
date and he explains It:
1111 catcning on to tne secret
of TV don't let the cameras move
around. TV audiences are so in
trigued with the moving cameras
that a comedian loses 50 ocr cent
of their interest.
"From now on I'm going to hide
the cameras on my show and not
until they make a camera that
laughs will I play to It."
The-. fan .magazines are Jumping
on the Mario. Lanza-Kathryn Gray
son leud from both sides of the
fence . . - Dean Martin and Jerry
Lewis have", filed applications to
play, in the British Amateur Golf
tournament "in June ... In cuse
you haven't .heard, "The Oreatest
Show on. Earth" is C. B. DcMille's
greatest movie, a dazzling four-
img circus inriucr , , . uz Taylor
and Michael' Wilding, at Charley
Farrell's Palm Springs Racauet
Club,' again denied plans for a
Mexican, marriage They'll witt,
tbey say, until both of their di
vorces are final.
Glgl Perreau. the sham ten-
year-old Juvenile star, was asked
how she turns on the tears for
movie scenes. "By thinking," she
replied, "that In four more years
I'll be at the awkward age."
There's talk at UI about film
titled, "Francis Meets Bonzo," In
which the mule turns into a ven
triloquist and makes the chimp
talk. This will be Hollywood's neat
est trick of 1952 Bonzo was
burned to death In a fire a year
An international movie popular
ity poll is being conducted by the
Foreign Press Association of Hol
lywood. First results: Cuba: Greer
Garson. South Africa: Mickey
Mouse . . . f'lfi a orsay and Ricky
LaRlcos, ronce an oh-so-happy mar
ried couple, aren't bailing the
iVS- must tMP TOOAr.'.' "jfL
v n J mowjuj tun uciait scm ,"5? Ik
water out of tho love skiff fast
enough . . . The Aim Bancroft
who's been signed by Fox for
"Don't Bother to Knock" was Ann
Miirno on TV. That's where the
studio discovered her.
Leo Genu, whose stock leaped
with "quo Vadls," Is the likely
star for Warners' "The Miracle of
Our Lady of Fotlma."
Not 111 the Script: Vlveca Llnd
tors, on stago-acting:
"If I find myself nervous I con
centrate and trv very hard to pre
tend that all tlioso faces are ueo
Die." WIT"
COMPLETING basic train
at Lackland Air Force Base
near San Antonio, Tex., is
Pvt. Harold M- Rusn- Jr -son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Rush, box 550, Klamath
Modoc Vote
Set Friday
ALTURAS Modoc County vot
ers will ballot Friday on a plan
to redlstrlct the county in order
to make representation on the
Board of Supervisors conform to
Tlie election, mandatory under
California law after the Board of
Supervisors fulled to act toward
redistricting itself, would bring
about the greatest change In the
Surprise Valley part of the county
If the measure Is approved.
Surprise Valley the Cedarvllle
area now has two supervisors of
the five on the board. One Is elec
ted from the Willow Ranch area,
one from Alturas and one from the
Canby-Lookout-Tulelake area.
The proposal is to take a suoer-
visor away from the Surprise Val
ley part of the county, divide Al
turas so that one supervisor would
bo chosen from the city south and
another from the city north, leave
one from the Willow Ranch region,
and allow the fifth to be elected
from the northwestern part of the
county Tulelake, Glass Mountain
and Perez.
Actually, if approved by the vot
ers, the redistricting would swing
the balance of the Modoc County
government a Jittle more toward
the fast-growing Tulelake home
stead area.
Mayor to Work
ASHLAND (fll Mavor Phil H
Stansbury Is willing to do a full
day's work for the highest bidder.
The money will go to the Ashland
March of Dimes campaign.
Stansbury said he doesn't care
how hard the work Is, Just so the
bid Is large enough to give a good
sl?ed boost to the March of Dimes.
Bids will be opened Friday after
noon or Saturday morning.
Hans Norland Fire Insurance.
Phone 2-3515.
! I - V
I I . )
" ' l " afi '
DEPA Closes Up
Tacoma Offices
WASHINGTON Wl - Tim Defense
Electric Power AtlinlnlstiHllnii or
dered Its Tat'omii, Wash., inKloiuil
olflce closed Tuesday ami the staff
released subject to rooiill In Hie
event of another Pacific Northwest
power xliorlnue,
The agency i-tld howovar, a pow
er conservation order issued liiht
1 am 11 but never used will not bo
cancelled until nil (lunger of low
water communis lias im.wd.
The DEPA issued the order when
low water threatened 11 seilmis
powor shortage in tlio Northwest.
The order will be retained rh a
sufegu.ird for dclensa production,
tha agency said. 11 expires auto
matically Aiarcn si,
EUGENE ifl Lime County
Grade A milk producers Monday
announced they are Increasing tho
price of milk one-half cent a quart,
effective Feb. 1. Distributors are
expected to shift the price liicreuse
to customers.
&r-tr- II 1 1 1 fl r iT 1 1 I II EaaMiEmm
. . " .av a -sv
D"K'' I "TR-MT . . TS - 1 VfWWAMWWft
"''ggNf P"g nl danccgl Aft 77 ft,
I JOHNSON 31 y" -"j
wu RAYMOND bmibt SillUVAN iS'.
Wrestling Fans
Get in Dutch
EUGENE I Two peotatorH
tried to got liilo the act at the
wrestling mntchos lime. Doth of
All) 1 tilt A It A IIS
' NEW YOltIC Ml Dr. Arthur
Drupel', social scientist o( tho IX'
partmeiil of Agriculture roporlnd
rncontly that tha Arab countries
i.hoiild have as much aid (rum tho
United States an possible. Dr. Dia
per iiiiulo a 30-day study of the
Middle East for the "American
Fiieiuls of tho Middle EiinI." Ho
Mild Uiero was currently ml emo
tional elament "bordering on the
political" that could be dissipated
If the United Nutluns showed moio
concern for Arab wellure. He sug
gested sending technicians and the
wlunuwlthiil to carry out numer
ous agricultural and Irrigation pro
jects already started. '
6 XQ7C7TJr.
them wound up under uiiosl tor
dlKiiiilerly cnmliii't. M
Vollco sulci l.luvil Clll lev, 24, t
tiiirliiKlli'ld, threw lmnn nf peiinillli
at I lie wrestlers, wnen urn peanut
were all gone, police suWI, lie threw
the woudoii box thny in mo In.
Then, during tlio main event,
Diulo Marsdi'ii, also of Bpflngllolil,
threw a cup of rutin Pop in
wrestler's fuce, police charged.
c:so r