WKDNKSDAY, .IANUAHY 21), 1 052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREfiON PAGE THIRTEEN CLASSIFIED RATES font day per imtti 4 Tlirc. Dayi per wnr,il lie Week run ... per wnrd 20c Monlli run per, word Me MINIMUM The minimum clmigo tor any one U Is OUu. IlOX NUMIIKUH Answers lu mis may be handled tliruiiitli box illinium m tlig paper lor service cIiiiiiic ot 20c. i DISADUNliB ' Classified u accepted up to 6:30 pi, (or following day publication Clawiltlrd display ad iccnpled up Ic U noon lor lollowluii Uuyt pub lication. ADJUBTMh'NTH Please iniiKo mi claim, lur adjust, menu wlllluut delny. , Correction or cnncrllatlona r eclved by 6:30 pip will be modi In fnllnwinn (Mil ' nunlira'lon Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNT'S CAB1I CIKOCKftY .1 Prion. 761 ' Box 33 DCRRIS MRH DOHA UHANHA.M Thon. 7M 301 K Haxen Ilcnlcv Tulelako KUTII KINO riiont 8453 Kit. 2. Box 818 LAKEVIEW BLUti NOTE MUSIC Phnn. 87M 128 E St. No C FUNtRAL HOMES W".llTTH Klamath rTni.rel lloiiie- OiA IIHIi Hlr.at. Phona XlM i MEETING NOTICES C'rnlcr Lukn Loditc No. all A 1'. A; A.M. will hold a upccliil conimunlciitlon In IS A dritrco 'I humdny, Jnn unry 2 l 1:30 p m. viniior wolromc. Uy order of the W.M. Wlllmm nuk. Heey. LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY md Intllntlon every Uilrd Thursday V. C. HOOPER ' Secretary 1010 Pine Calvary Conimandry No. IS Knlehl Templar HI hold auted meru mk Wed.. Jan. 23, 7:30. Suiting Sir KiMifhts In vllcd. Wm. D. Milne, EC AI.COII01.il ANONYMOUS mnll Krliut, a pin., fur mtoimauua, wrlta lli wi. I'lione UU. 1 LOST AND FOUND i. Iimiat I fc. I m. 'ic 7.'.ll atlrr l.uA . l.ainru iiKivrn Willi iund hjhI ni'HirrmiH' itiouniina. rutdrr nlrac icluiil In dure Muaalry. W1Q Itad- nillo llrward. No qut.lluiia aaked. Ph, .-I, a4m nr 111- . IfkWAIIU' offcrmC IninnnatTun laadlng party laaina prinf waioti from urv. iin roiMl Mura. 444HJ South ath thai t.aa aivtil lu Wlard J'arh. Ilarrv I.. U'lard GENERAL NOTICE Merchandise Mart 2964 So. Sixth : CLOSED FOR REPAIR WATCH FOIt HEOPENINO DATE . Fiat s" IIEI l:l.IMi:i. fralhar han lo nrdcr. Marmna 110 So. lllh I'liunf. ovrnliiffB IIIUUI dlnneii kVrvcd at I'eilcan jiiiva-in. IUUH Blnaer bewlna Center u ODn lu lha public, Thursday 3:30 to A.30 lur iraa aliacnmenl nixirucnnna. SINGEH SEWING CENTER an Mam Phona 1-231J PERSONALS GENTLEMAN wnuld llho In eorreiDOnd with iDlddla ascd lanely ladyUox 47U ilerald and Nitwt. CIU1.UKN. crl'ip". waTlTra icrvriPin your 1'ellcan il:.Ef'srfcAUi,VAXoJ?lll Main. I'hnne lYtM. HI AN LEY liome P'rnducti. Thune m. 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Nrweit Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleuiu ricuer Lines ot Roots, Eta ED P. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 MOVING?.!. Call 742S Locnl-Loim Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Trnnsfpr and Storane Bckln's Movlim and Storage Peoples. Warehouse "Slncn 1918" FIX THAT ' RADIO Our Business Is Sound CUNNhiH'H HKRVICEl CO. Phone 687S ? Legal Notice NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLEMENT Nntire U hereby given thnt tho iinnemianpr a dm In latrnirlv of the cs- tula of Alni Ware, tlmctmnett. hna filed In the Circuit Court of the Slnte of ureann for Klamath Count v Ilia flrtn report of her ndinlnlatrntlon of tnld rsinto nnd the- Court ban appointed the 1.1th day of February, 11)33, nt tho hour of eleven o'clnrk In the forenoon of an Id dny tin the time and the Court room or an id Court im the nlnra for lienrlng and aotllement of laid final report. Done Jnnuary, lfith, inn Zolma HulllvAii, AdmlnMrntrlx of the oitate of Alnl Ware, deceased. ITenrv r.. i-f-ltlni, Attorney for tmld rttnte, 7.11 Mnln St.. Klamath Falls, trpRon. j-iii.;u.40 F-e-13 No. (.37 ; .IT HELPS YOU n so many ways wiien you icnrn tlie trick t bene fiting by Herald & News Classified nds. riiey're excellent for selling, buying, hiring tielp, finding work nnd recovering lout Articles. Phone A r-7 em. 10 iRVICI CABINETWOR"K Ui'iiiodoliiiK in your home. I- uriillu; o Jtcpnlr (iEOHGK E. CONDREY IttllR Fremont. Phone 4338 24 I Septic' Tanks Cleaned Tanks mill drulii field repaired. Phone 2-0334 EXCAVATING Moon dhovel and rrenctl Ho Hulldoier fill Dirt lopsoll Crushed ltork Driveway Cinder. Compressor CRANK lEKVICB GRAHAM BROS. I'hoi.e 0541 or 9110 V.AnC lMuMiir,V,K"njiirl(.inTrfi aTig iiiiKhliiH him. North Mmlne Ml . lula- UKt, Calif, All lyppi of farm marlitn- rry rnpnirrd. i rii'-K .) and sloe tdiKB null! to order. Any kind uf trail cr built All tjiifg tif welding and hard fiti'lnv AM work guaranteed. PIANO J'UNlN(- WM. II. MORCAN--Kmlury Iriaiiiril trrhrjielmi nd tuner. I' or Itirilug Vi It Kl Morgan I'latio, ui.irt mniii or pnone 2-uoo, hkwinc; VMiritrfltiuiurKirtrtr"tT. INO)MK" A Il.f f'ft?j3' Cor aiipointintnt phuna 2-0'iil, llarvty iiniitfrn KHKNCII.DlP Handwicii-" Orivaln, "Pa Ilea n or ii77 ttllK'K I. A VINO -iJ'.rB uur ilraplact ilraw'lf not rail BHH (or.S VOUK ire'plac iiiaijrapair Call 2-O01I. WA'TtTlT Mn'AillINO, 1tcaunbl. T3 Mold Hlrcat f A i.NTlNG bihI paperlianging.' Phunt Mil I Mlf'ir8AUfO patnung. body and (an- itr work Phona 4040 KLKCfHkT'wllilKu. work by hour or (oniritrr i-nonas-ioio. KXI'KHTiraimakVnf and nona nrni, COiiTaInA Uundt'tH and I'hnna 41114 atratchtd j. " l "firm Publte Accountant and Auditor Off Ira at 309 No. 7th- Phona t34R PAlNTlNli, daiTorall'ng, paper haiigfVri" nlaatar-boArd liuUhlng, spray painting, I'hnna iWW. 12 EDUCATIONAL fiuUKKKKPIhfU. hoftftand typina kin arad aunjecti, otnea micnmti, KLAMATH BUbiNCSB COLLCJE 7M Plna Phon 47SU CHILD Chiit and aducation. Pre School cautar. Phona 437S. 13 HEALTH MASftAGfcfrVxarcU. walghflliYlnr Phy. alotltcrapy . for reducing, relaxation, bodv liu Haiti a Italca for ai.a. Ad- point mailt, phona llMM-MOt). Medical ataiMUie, women only. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE wtiLD: tain i or tun or uart ittna oftli-v work. Muat b honeat, neat avo or good cuaracier ana accural ,ui figure. Biifjum ix aute iu i po. nppi. in own nana writing, biauns quallftcatlona. Addreu Lock liox Herald Nawa. Hhow big vaitia greeting tardi. friends buy on alg'it. m aiiwccaiou wn- nil pay uil iuu ooxaa. noi v- Irtllun of .aio. laiioiisry. noi..w. No akptitrnra needed, lloxea on id oroval. other aamplea KKr.t. ST u AH I. 111 W. .Siulh, UepV 100. Xxm Mr It I. LaMI. WAN ItU. vxperieiueu atonogi api tor (metal otnre worn. ini i anno UT(iv tub and leuuirci txperi viiitf. rno llux 44 Heia.u and sc, lattiig . qualltltMiiuit, tAittH money at noma, rull, ptii Ui.ie il i 47 1 lloi ufd ami iNi v.n. fcj?i:lvHiJ0tiJ bookkeeper fa mil far witn oavroll and general office wort Good steady position- Miate ag and exparience in itri latter, wrt.f ova 4uj Herald and fcws. 16 HELP WANTED, MALI WANTKLi clucriy lauy who nero itom lu lura for cmldreu. Hoard, room and cunt wage, rnone d-vdjo. WA lstiJ raoaole man for rancn work Small tenant cottage, wooo. wa.cr lignta fumUhed. I'reier married man. 11 ox Jtw iieraio ana newa. 18 MTUA1I0NS WANTED . j v.AMK. Phone MM alier j-.n. ViU4 caie lur uur ini.urtn in mu nu n hnnit OVntllia Uf WCCke 4t Helerencei. Phone ttU70 before T ij a.m. or after :JO p.m. UaV or nuur worn wanted, i'uone 2-0 JUS. UAH Y KITTING. Phone 0121. V A H H'mGndoning.l'hone 2-01 1U. HAHY Hl'niNG. V'hone a -037 a. Wn.L rare for cnildren In my bom days or your home evening. .Call fl g UK work. Phone 713. Oil STUDENT wishes alternoon am evening employment, vtrue iaa Smith. Orelech, Ore. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT l.iii,4 1' iiuuekeeuina ruoin sullabli for iiensioner. SU month. 30 Main. 1'iwine uiwtu. LA HUt alecptng room with hrat. AIko amall .clean apartment. Utilities fur nUhed. Cltwe in. For lady. Phona 5HJ7 ituu.n aim ooara tor gemieuien. r'noue it i lOM'k. 'orleri reasonable. Phone iti'21 LOVELY rooms for rent. lOIT. a week, Coc in. Phone 4Uf. huums 1U.14 Htth. 24 APARTM ENTS FOR RENt" H-.KAN warm turnlahcd apai tmeiu. Couple. Phone 8430. "I itttfcK toomi furnished. AdUlU. mlv Clone In. Call 2-3170. f"6n HENTtwo room apartment, new'. ly furnished and redecorated. Natural hot water heat, electric refrigerat and Mvt. Lincoln aattmentt. 10 Ki t Ml In, WARM furnished two roam apartment Electric ranae and refrigerator. Con veniently located from town or Oretcctt, Iteasonanifi. iwi.i Main. KUK HKNT. 3 iDom duplex apartment I or informal toil can j-toe auer LAKGE. furnished two-room apart' ment. S47.30. smaller . two-room unit, $;i,1; refrigerators. All utilities included lip w. renin, , . LA HUE clean 4-room furnished apart mrni. Llguu, water, refrigerator. 193 173.1 Oak St. NICF.LY furnished four room apart ment. Electric range, washer, re'Mgei a tor, oil stove, hot water, stationary inn. very ciose in, norm sioe. rnone 4i;. KOH HKNV larire furnished aoartme Adults. Also two room modern cabin. i' none iwm. iNUintlHinu, Close In, upstairs, modern nice smau o-room uiuurntsnen aoai-b ment. Adults. No dogs, no alcoholics, n'frrenres. Inoulre (I22 Owens. I 6"h RENT" two' room modern apart- ment Adit us. mi Hroan. FOR RENT, burnished apartment. Pi vate bath, heat furnished. Close ! nnuiii. i-iiwiio wia. REDECOKATRD three room furnlshi annrtment. Elerlrlc heat. Two bloc from Main, Adults. No pet. Nolan Ants, in no. inn TWO UKDHOOM furnished apartment. Adults, aotil White. KOH RENT two room furnished "apart ment, Adiiits u.ih Hroaa. Von HENT. II room apnrtmenti blorks from Main Street. For working enuole Phone 44(17 evenings 134. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment, 603 MarKet. Phone :n7. KOH KENT, furnished apartrrant. In mitre MB High NfcWLY decorated, private bath, kit- chenelta. Steam heat, electric range MO week Rex Arms Apartment SMALL ctenn apartment, fciectrlcall; rrtiilnnrrl. 4311 North 10th apartment, hot water heat. Adulta. Phone artflft. fllHICE room""modern furnished apart ment on East Main. Private bath. Auto matic heat. Adults, no pen. mi Ire 31 If) A no) C ante. FOR HETnHiiraa three room fuinishsd HOUSES FOR RENT rjftnllNlffrtVH) iiiur room liiflex. Kx- I rapt fur stoves. SO. Call 3l'i7 liefur. on iirwn bedlQMrill fiirnlihrd on... :ii7:i . ;w7:i' Bojrdmaii., W. Inquire at Derby. NEWLY redtroraied unfurnished two xdrnom houe. Adults preitrieu I'hrmw 2XWI. . VOn ftKNT on hlr4Hrn molrii p. IiwjuIiii 12111 Hnnfl(llr liond. KOIt HCNT rnoUvrn four tdfooin atio urltan homt. f(frarir, UU pl month. IMiona 3311 or l)::io KOK HfcNT" three room uiWurnUhtd ront I'horirt lillH. KOH MKNTwu -roorn iufnTtfittChjiiiii wltltbalh. 123. IMiomo 7afW. V(tn HKN'frWO'bfffrboni ViifuriiuTiSd hUM, mo Bown Hirfel. iu tr iiionin Two heilrooni uniurnunca nouoc. Winiar btreel SUA per month. Phont nni3, KUiniKNfTTwa bVtjrwhi cTuplax With tovan. io. Jlio man in. OH "ilKNf . two betiruom unurnUhd houaa. J'hrin B177. Ott HKNT1, opie "'bVdrouni1' (iTrnUhefl loiuv, adnii. Norm mi. oro. j .m'iw- man, Heal ttata urok,r, rnoni uuo lline. ,. i KOIt HKNT on leaw luala two brd Ffinrn fiirniihtid hnUafl In Htawnrt-ln- nox add t Ion. Larga 101, iiirnn, barn, ohk-kan loii, etc. Call W. J. KnnXrr, phonr Z.IKHW. j6HilKNT'iwir badroom dWleit","1 f"iir nlihert, rlon In. lnrUlr 720 North 11th. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT u TRUCKS' DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Btakcs Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 omcE tor 7IU1, icilt." U&l M a'l T 1'huna iH nrNT flour .andrra lateit l l equipment Buhurtoan Lumber Co. Ilth and Walnul Phone 7700 CA'n BTOBAGE HEATFlSTay wtti or month. Earl limb, phona 4073 or 700 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 ACRES Level fertile soil. It's covered with snow now but when the sun shines and spring Is here It will produce abundantly, well construcica . bedroom home with large sleeping porch, full basement,' automatic Iron Fireman heat. Large bam, 2 chicken houses, detached garage wltli concrete floor Concrete linea flumes and dllches make for an Ideal lrriitallon avstem. Just 3 miles jtrom town on paved street. Price ,12,900. MILLS ADDITION. Modern J bedroom home, on de sirable corner lot. Conveniently arranged kitchen .and dining room, detached garage. Selling at less than FHA appraisal. Price 7000. Near Conger School Owner Is leaving and must sell this 2 bedroom modern home on double lot, Just off California Avenue. Electric range, new floor furnace. Total price 4550. Reasonable terms. A QUALITY HOME In Hot Springs. A home you'll be proud to own. 3 bedrooms, 2 bnths. 2 beautiful fireplaces, one of them In a rumpus room you will enjoy. Large, well landscaped lot. Natural hot water neat. Price 123,500. Terms available. ' Open Evenings by Appointment' See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Ph. 2-2400 Eves. 5C58 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909: - 111 N. 9lh St. :-Fh. 45G4 or 5529 IT WILL PAY YOU to investigate . this outstanding opportunity! An old, well estab lished neighborhood grocery store doing a good, stead business, Located on a choice corner lot in the heart of a friendly residential district, this golden, opportunity Is Just waiting to start PAYING YOU I Only $12,000 takes the entire busi ness and property, Including 2- bedroom living quarters, a fair sized storeroom and garage. Can be shown only by appointment, nnd no telephone Information can be given, by agreement wltli pres ent owner. Don Kirkpatrlck, Salesman (Evenings Phone 9766) EVERETT DENNIS , REALTOR , 121 No. 8th' Phone 8491 SAY, t do you want to live within a block of Main Street nnd have an in come of $75 per month, plus your own 6-room apartment? This is selling completely furnished for only JS500. (Maybe less) WE are waiting for the price on this 4-bedroom nome, with lull base. ment, wonderful fireplace, floor furnace, plumbed for automatic washer and dryer. Hardwood floors throughout. ' A wonderful view These people will trade this In on a 20 acre 4lnce near town. $5000 Buys this four, bedroom furnished nome on continuous cement found' atlon. Two car garage. Vets, this Is a good buy. for you. , FRED E. FLEET , REALTOR' . . DENNIE -COATES, Saleslady '408 Mnln Office Ph. 3-3336 Eves, 2-1365 NEW HOMES for Powall, Phono 8320, sale. William B, 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE By Owner TULELAKE HOMESTEAD 00 acres all in alfalfa PRICE $28,500 Can be bought 30 down or Icau with option to buy I Phono 7-0503 Tulclakr, Calif. $500 DOWN And you can move right Into this semi-modern 2 bedroom bungalow on "t acre In the Shasta District. An Ideal set up for a handy man for here Is a comfortable home that you can Improve on your spare time. Full price 12500. FURNISHED HOME Newly redecorated. Ho work re quired Just move rlglit In. 2 at tractive bedrooms, concrete founda tion, hfent and modern In every re spect. Large giirnge with work shop: concrete floor. On 'i acre South Suburbs. All furniture goes tor $5000. Terms can be arranged. MILLS ADDITION NEW HOME only 8 months old. Owner transferred must sell im mediately. His loss Is your gain. It will be a long time before you got a chance at another bargain like this so you'd better hurry. 2 good size bedrooms, attractive bathroom, lots of storage and linen space, sep arate dining room, automatic heat and hardwood floors throughout. Garage, and storage room. Paved street. ' F.H.A. financed. Reason able down payment and assume owners loan. Priced for quick sale at 10500. Al Longmlre Eves. 0724 Joe Perry.' Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY Realtor and Insurance 1037 Main St. Ph. 3C05 or 3421 OREGON AVENUE Newly redecorated two bedroom home- on large corner lot. Hard. wood floors, electric heat, nice kit chen and bath. Concrete founda tion, full basement with rumpus room. Insulated. (7250 terms. MILLS Duplex and five room modern home on large lot. Outstanding location. Duplex has one bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bath in each unit. All have concrete foundations, rooms plastered. 146 per month return. $11,800 terms. . California Avenue Attractive and well planned five room home. Living room with fire place, dining room and nice kit chen, wardrobe closets, basement. Excellent construction throughout. 18700 terms. HARRYVAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) ALSCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 WANTED Have buyers for one or two bed room homes on orthslde. Need two or three bedroom homes in Mills. If vou have a selllnc nroblcm. con tact us for fast, efficient, courteous service. VERNON DURANT ANDY SI LAN I . ' REAL ESTATE 631 So.' Sixth Phone 9195, 5544 or 7923 $500 DOWN A one bedroom home located - on large corner lot. Total price of $3000 includes some furniture. Bal ance on easy terms. Walking Distance Well located home close to schools, churches and business district. All rooms are good size, full basement has high celling. Some repairs needed and rooms need redecorat ing for which allowance has been made In the selling price. See Fred Cofcr Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 113 S. 8th Phone 4195 Business Is Good We have buyers for homes nt fair, price. If you want to sell Call our office. Anne Mnson Eddie Hoslcy Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE," Realtor 122 S. 9th Phono 7266 FOR SALE KANTEEN . TAVERN 132 So. 7th NO PHOtfE CALLS . HOMES FOR SALK . "EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR Don Kirkpatrlck, Salettman 121 N Bth Phona 8491 MILLS ADDITION, lot With partially completed building suitable for hop, itoraaa or homt. Sewer, water, elec tricity and im connected. Priced lor quick aie. irtone buw, FOR SALE nr trada for property In Klamath Falls Six timber covered lota, two nnuiei. Five mile from Le banon, Oregon. Phone 0647. 46 FINANCIAL $$MO-NEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On tout salary or furniture up to 1300 ' fPay Day" loans a specialty S10. $25. 150 loaned till "pay day" or longer. Mb com but 18 cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN ' CO. 115 No. 10th St. M-3&4 DON MclNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years friendly Service 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEAR MILLS SCHOOL Small two bedroom home, close to school 3nd bus Hue. Large fenced lot with two car garage. Commercial possibilities. $(,500. I MILLS ADDITION 4-ycar-old home among newer homes, Three bedrooms, one with 3 built-in bunks. Paved street, fenced back ynrd with nice lawn. Owner will sell for FHA appraisal price of $8000. FHA terms. SUBURBAN HOME Newer two bedroom home in Summers Park. First class condi tion, painted last year. Hardwood floors. Iron Fireman furnace, good lawn and garden spot. Paved street. $9500, on Jood terms. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545 - 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Mearill 149 LOVELY SUBURBAN; HOME -s Here is the almost perfect home, fully furnished, ready to cook your first meal even has linens and bedding, two real nice spacious bedrooms, plus 135x140 foot lot. At tached garage. Nice large chicken house with cement floors. Seeing Is believing, YOU MUST-SEE THIS TODAY. We have ready buyers for your property, we need listings for RANCHES FARMS HOMES INCOME PROPERTY. List with a reliable firm. Two room Apartment for rent $30. Clair Ellis Pll.-2659 'Eves.. Jay P. Origgs Ph. 42a4 Eves, W. W. Thompson) at.- MallT- J. W. SAfttRr REALTOR 1213 Main St. FOR SALE OR LEASE ; Soda fountain and -cafe, com pletely equipped. Well located, with loveiy adjoining two bed room modern apartment. Good garage. Here Is an opportunity for a home and business, ready to go. Price $15,000. Terms or will lease. Location 255 E. Main.' "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545 - 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 -jnHU! bedroom houac-ou acre, Good soil, electric hoat, Kear school and bus. SI 500 down. 562 Cottase 32 BUILDING REMODELING ROCK WOOL INSULATION Payments as low as $5 per month. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 1 6161 n 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove " Furnace Heayy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill. System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER " 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 CLEAN economical trouble free heat oil stoves. PEYTON At CO. DRY pine blocks for sale. Open eve nlnss and weekends, Metiers Bros. PltESTOLOGS pickup or . delivered. Cilff Vadens Signal Service. 3560 So 6th Phone 3CU or 2-9200. S & H GREEN STAMPS given on heat In b oils. Phone 3681 or 2-3260 for prompt delivery. CLIFF YADEN'S SIGNAi. SERVICE 2500 So 6th STANDARD HEATING OIL Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. 833 Mar net Phone 5149. , PINE or fir wood, any length. Phone 7183. ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES FINE REG. Boxers and Welmaraners, $125 up. Sel Barony Kennels. Reg. Hotil N'n. 1 Missoula. Mont. COLLIE pups. Litter registered. 3096. Call FOR SALE. 2 female Dachshund pups. One red. one black and tnn. Wormed and distemper nho. Cnll after 5 p.m. 24: Eberlein. Phone 8386. ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone 3047 S6B8 Delaware off Homcdale. BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kenneli. Well balanced diet. Clean Individual outdoor runs for each do. Dogs nandted duritg mating. Will pick up and deliver Visitor! Welcome Phone 5078 Merrill Rd. Rt 2, Box S04 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS MALE Chihuahua-Pckinuese dog with papers for inle or trade for 'steel kitchen cabinet or coffee table. Phone 2-20ti4. , ' 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY FOR SALE CHEAP. New Hampshire Red Fryers and roasters. Wholesale CHEAP. prices, win drew ana- .ocxer wrap on order. Must have 3 days notice. Phone 8341 after 3 p. m. I am now booking drders 'for spring delivery or wnitcrace, Annus, ana dairy calves, h. M. Hooker, Rt. 1 Box Ibi, Crescent City, Call;. LOANS Phone 2-2537 S-278 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for fny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONB 3857 FTLAMATH POULTRY FARMS ffANTED colored liens Phone 4M1. HiGHKST prices paid tor poultry, hogs and livestock. BIO V MEAT MARKET Lake view Junction Phone 4nzo Yoii bALK Registered Angus Bull. W. D. Dingier. Phone 8017. ART IKICIA.', BHEKDING SERVICE Phone 0721 M c. (Chuck) warren. Kt 2. Box 322 VOX bALE. Three months old white fecerf hfer. Wili arinK oui of duckci. I-hone 4-W4. , WK WILL SELL three head of 500 pound buffalo calves at the Livestock Auction, Phoenix, Orejfon. Saturday Jnunrv M. Blue Mocn Ranch, owrer. FOR SALE four Registered UoUiein bulls. Phone z-uzu 'FRYERS, pan-rcadv. Phone 3-1135. 100 NEW Hampshire pullets. Laying. pnone 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WA.NTEU 8 7--n- MM. to 10 Inch table saw. WANTED to bt-v hone 7213 Merrill. good used piano. WANTED to buy. good baled alfalfa. Write or call Woody Smith, Hood River, tel. WORKING COUPLE, no children fi. de Ire to rent' two bedroom unfurnished he use with garage by Marcn 1st. Pvrne ftB4S after i p.m. WANTKD. cultivator or Oliver r crop. Write J. A. Cone, RU 3 Box 234 K. WILL PAY CASH In advance for Irrl Kated pasture ior SO head cattle. Phone Lorella 31.17. Rot Motor Co 6th and Plum. 4& FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl $100 ' $7.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments . - 'UP YO $300 ON FURNITURB OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Locatloo " ' Convenient' to Borrow , . Convenient' to pay ' Locally; owned , . New Cars . 'inaned at bank ratea "V'JNE'Y IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year ' serving Klamaui Bavdo , Bee "Chuck" Bailey. Mgr. HI N 7U 8L-ti - - Phone 3325 8-241 M-7 Commercial Furnishes CasH; CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial' Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Uc S-251 ti-XES 107 No 8th Phon 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL restaurant doins good bustness. Selling on account of sickness. Phone 2-9215. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE J-UK SAL.E tiu ton good, alfalfa hav In stock. Could feed or chop to feed. Don Macken S.E. of Malin on State Line road. FOR SALE. 40 tons bated alfalfa hav. n Potter. Tulelake. Phone 7-0352. RONSON Lighter Repairs. One day service. Factory trained experts. Make that old lighter like new again. HEPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3131 FOR SALE 120 bass accordion. Excel lent condition. S230 cash. Phone 2-2017. GOOD used Royal vacuum and attach ments. SI 4:73. Phone 9200. FOR SALE. Approximately 170 ton baled hay, 1st and 2nd. under cover, Rudy Funz. Malin. Oregon. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1167. CRUSHED ROCK, Phone 5341 etc . . driveway cinders. FIR body wood. Phone 9036. FOLKS who like food with the home made taste. . Jlke to shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery. Merrill Lakevicw Junc tion. LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKES HORE GARDENS NURSERY . Phone 4286 GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld er. 239t so. etn. pnone a. adding MACHINES, calculators." tyfle- writers, cash registers, desks, chairs. Ilies. ior 58io or renu PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 620 Main Phone 741S ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet. Mantel WE are Dre oared to buy. for Imme diate cash, one piece or your entire household of furniture. If you have something to sell call us. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUC TION MART. Phone 3393-9219. FOR SALE aas ranges. 710 Main St. Greer Apt. Call at Manager's apart ment. RAILROAD WATCHES While they last We have a limited number of used Hamilton. Elgin and Ball railroad watches in first cinss condition REPAIR DEPARTMENT Rl XVH J K W IlL.IL Kri 7nn Main Phone 3131 24 HOUR E1JECTR1C SHAVER SERVICE Tune up, cases, motors, cutter neaai, etc. tor all popular makes. . REPAIR DEPARTMENT R tPKVS J RUI W.KIl s 700 Main Phont 3151 AUTOMOTIVI The Weather Is Jerrif ic PRICES ARE DOWN You should buy a Used Car now instead of later because prices will go up on Used Cars this Spring! Telephone us or anyone of our salesmen listed below. Don't bother to drive to town to see or drive one of these low priced cars. We'll toko any of our used cars out to your home (anywhere In tho KLAMATH BASIN) ' that you would like to see. NO OBLIGATION NO HIGH PRICED SELLING We invite you to phone Reverse charges to us or our salesmen If calling long distance I 1949 OLDS "98" ROCKET 4 D00R SEDAN $1805 1949 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN $1445 1949 STUDE. CHAMPION REGAL DLX.'4-D00R $1275 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER 4-DO0R $1195 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 2-D00R $1175 1948 LINCOLN CUSTOM 4-D00R SEDAN $1095 1948 FORD V-8 FORDOR SEDAN $1065 1947 OLDS "66" CLUB SEDAN :...,........ $ 985 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN $ 995 1947 OLDS "68" 4-DOOR SEDAN .$1065 1947 OLDS "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN ............;.... $1195 1947 OLDS "78" 4-DOOR SEDAN - !.... $1095 1947 OLDS "98" CLUB SEDAN :.! $1195 1947 OLDS "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN $ 675 FINANCE" AT THE LOWEST RATE IN KLAMATH FALLS 6 Flat No Contract Writing Fee! No Payment Until Marcb'8th ' ' SALESMEN , Harvey Wyatt Steve Walker George Flitcraft Howard Scroggins Dick B." Miller Go. 7th & Klamath Ave. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 11 DAY FREE TRIAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaster at home before, you. buy. Only 126.50. BICKYS JME1)ERS 700 Main ' J .'; yho-ie 3151 USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Fnaniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 5353. S-INCH concrete culvert pipe. 70 cents per foot. PEYTON & CO ' OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co. 835 Markeu. ss AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS SPECIAL 1941 BUICK Special Sedanet Needs motor work and bumper. O0 Goody body JUCKELAND MOTORS Uth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 CUMPUSTJi Radiator ' Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING . BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esolanade 1951 BUICK '40" Series Dlx. 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater. Dynaflow drive. Glare-prool tinted 5 2295 glass JUCKELAND MOTORS llth ic Klamath Phone 2-2581 BUS SARGANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SRI.I. AMn Tnmr Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets f none uaua 1950 OLDSMOBILE Cl.im SFnAN "H" Good condition. Call 6243 after 5 p. m For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath Phone 2-258 1030 FORD 6 Business c6upe. S1250. Call 3127 or ff. iNfcfcD CAKSi Gat top prica now: Rosa Motor Co 6th and Plum. FOR SALE or trade for flat bed truck, 1941 Chev. dump truck with 1048 Motor. First class condition Phone 9677. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 E. Main. Phone 3379. "We will tell your car for you. We buy and trade1 FJNANCK any or all repairs or service and delivery for any size Job. Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath, phone 1940 Ford Club Couoe V-8. Radio and Heater. Good upholstering, very good rubber In first class condition. SI 223. Floyd A. Bocy Company, Tulelake. California. Phone 7-2072, FOR SALE 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline tudor sedan. Heater. In excellent con dition. Price $1350. Phone 67SH,. WANTED TO BUY, four-wheel drive Jeep Station wagon. Phone 9315 after o p.m. ' WHY fcR SNOWBOUND? 1941 Warco power blade, hydraulic controls. Prcstone, mains, sow, aeon omy Wreckers, phona 43343. .' Res, Phone 3454 Res.' Phone 6782 Res. Phone 43D3 Res. Phone 3218 Phone 4103 DON'T BUY , Without a 2-Day Free Driving Trial - Money-Back' Guarantee r All These Cars Are Top Quality , 1950 Chev :. $1647 1950 PJymojith, $1647 1947 Chev. Aero $1147 1947 Plymouth $1017 MANY, MANY ," MORE TO CHOOSE FROM SNOW SPECIAL 1949 DOSQE Power Wagon Only '1897 Duqan & Mest Dodge Plymouth and Dodge "Job-Rated"- Trucks 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 fr JANUARY tV CLEARANCE 1 O A 1 PONTIAC I 74 I 2-Dr. Sedan $ 425 M25 1937 .;lasalle Coupe' 1947 Ford Sp. Dlx. $ 5-Pass. Cpe. 995 1947 OLDS "78" IllQC Dlx. Sedan I I J 1948 Hudson Com. $1 M435 "6" Sedan Hudson Sup. "6" Sedan PACKARD Sedan 1948 1365 1465 1948 1948 1949 1949 Chev. 5-Pass. Club Cpt. 1145 PACKARD nM595 Custom Sedan DODGE 1 CQC Coronet Sdn. U7J 1949 pC8"Ssr-l 795 ioi Hudson pace- 0An I 7D I Maker "6"; 4-Dr.ZOJVJ COMMERCIAL- ft SPECIAL 1947 DODGE Vj TON PANEL ' Heater AO . Excellent condition. Ow) JUCKELAND MOTORS llth & Klamath. Phone 2-2581 BEST VALUES! . '. USED 'i RUCKS - CARS' GUARANTEED , AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER 677 8 7th ' Phonv mt FOR SALE, 10,'IS Ood. Pickup Prra tone, good motor, tight cab. Heater and defroster, new tire, on front, new snow tires on roar. S1JS. Prion. Walter 4149 botwecn .8-3 p. rn. 1047 STUDKBAKKR, radio, overdrive. Sell or trad, lor Phono 8141, 1I14S WlarO. . h.aler, pickup.