Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 22, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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1 1 IiVii.I I HALL TH'l.iAJ I I !
atmen Sliow Here
B ps
Ex -Pel M
"Ttirrr'H brrti a iitUurji In (hr
ftctirtlult lint ur'rr intirr Hun
willing to piny If uu nrr!"
THIS IH lllc second year now
tlmt Andy Anderson, Oregon Tucli
lncully member, has reminded hie
l lair lo nildillln' hiiskclball
ici orU Ills Diesel chili In establish
ing In lull iiiuui it I sport un the
Hartly lo atop the needling bul j
muiiiiy bcoiiusc it a wormy ui no
nce, Kldln' Herd herein lukfn I he
hul oil to Anderson mid hit boya.
In three years of coinpclltlnn
mtuiiiM Inlriiiiuiriil Iocs on llio lull,
Hie Diesel live has won 81, lost
Just 13.
Incidentally, Anderson now Imn
two ex-Pol iiluyiiiK tor lilm, Noll
Olson mid Jerry Bchubrit. the hit
ler brothrr ol the Orrgon Tech
varally't Tom,
Jerry recently followed Tom In
liuiuilorrlnir from Ori-mni State
Ke'ii alto In Rex Hunsiikcr ' fool
bull plans.
Nl.ATH GILL, Oregon Ulute bun
ki .ill iiicniur, make an Interest
IliK comparison In Ores Uonnip
o. recent (lute.
il llkenn billy Toole lo Kkect
O'Coiinell, Oregon Tech athletic di
rector who also phiyed lor Ulll.
emu has III to say concerning
Toole, hII sta.er from Klnmatli
C ll High School:
"ie moves In under tlmt bucket
ei,.er thnn any youngster I have
neen In years, btil uocsn'l nhixil
well . . ."
Wnlcll reminds me ol frequent
Illume Willi ivKiiiiliim Tooie's bring
removed Iroin a marling position
lo.' Hie Beavers.
Ulll given tue auturr when he
aua . . . "but doeMi i Miooi well."
il noupeil-lip eulirue buskctoull
It a nesn.uiry lo hu.e live not
three or lour uoya who tan hit
Inc or-, ..el. - ,
i:u. O.il goes on to M.y . . .
'"in , in.ioo,.iii: nullity) will t-ontui
In t int- uihI w in n I, does Toole ,
, . oiiic be u K e(V: player . . ,. , i
''lie's roinrwi'.iu on li:e tjpe ol ,
H';cc. 0'Coninll, but InMcr , . . i
In Inc., I ilon t know mmiheri
iMirUicrn c.lvln.on youngster with
etpml iiperd ..."
I'VK HAD coiiiplnlnLs f rum
"mnimsUiiul joi keyn" thut the Poll
cunn hnvo been ki-illliK loo much
praise 111 thene culiimnn.
Tliey aruua Unit thin Is the leu
on the Kliimiilh Fulln live 1h now
Kharlnx a neeoiiit-plree l.e In ihe
Dial, 4 biisketbull race, when, Ihey
ny, they're actually better than
that. i
To thin nninenvlal crltlclMil, my
aiuv.er la the lame an It'n alwuyn
I'm not hired m the Herald and
Ncwn an a psychintrlnl or a pny
choloRlnl. Hie bovsinun mI'iiiji my
paycheck for wrlllmt rportK.
1 have alwuyn called my nhota
hi any nport hlith school, college,
prolennlonul or Independent ns I
aee them, and I'll continue to do
My M)ort.i Morten are not de-
aiiiued nor never will be to meet
a pattern mat many nave triea to
el down.
Ill noi iny opinion Hint the Pel
' Icnm have "tripped oVef their
prena cUpphiRn."
But In the event nome, do, It's
their fault, not mine.
Now In an good u time as any
lo learn to take press raven or
prena nlanm In stride.
I I'll KI D the Pelicans hi a re
cenl column lo win the district
I allll think thev will.
f Oranla Piun iilwnys IourIi on '
un iiuiiie Hour, inc next iwo Willi
the C vnicn will be al home.
MoMbrd Is not expected lo be an
hot as the Black Tornado yas the
vnlMhl they bent the Pels here lo
spill the serlen. No authentic flu
urea arc al hand, but It's ante to
nny Medford'a nhnotliiu average
that nlRht lopprd the' .lion mark.
That kind of shooting Is nurd to
beat anytime.
Mecca, Suburban and Summer
Lane won In the shtilflcboard
league last night.
Meccn blanked Eaglos Lodge,
4-0: Suburban beat Schuss, 3-1 and
Bummers Lano broko even with
Roundup, 2-2.
Rooks In
at Mix
It will be UM Home Week to
morrow nlghl on I'l'llcnll Court
when Dm Kliiiniilli Falls prep
wre illi-ni, delendlnii ntnte chiiin
plons. meet the iilwiiyn-louull Ore
lion Htuln Hookn nt 7:30.
'Hie Itnokn ciury Iwo ex-Pet on
their H(Uii(l, plun John Wltle, u
nienihei' of the Oitkoii Hliitc var
sity unit Miinid, who will nhow In
un exhibition mutch uituliuil an old
Jiirnn' John, Mule chiimplon lit
KUIIH in IUMI nnil IKliI, will luce
I'll ill I'uli lik, runner-up both limn.
Wilio won the Mule prep title, now
atlendhiit (In-wii Tech.
Ai'liiully, the exhibition mutch U
allriicthiu top liitcre.-tl becuunc Put-
ehallcntjes Witte
rick, ex-UprliiKlleld limit School
boy. Mill thinks he enn ocut Wltle.
II i. ll
bolh will acule In Uie nclKhbor
liuou of 'ib pounds.
The iwo ex-i'ellcuiis on the Hook
niiuuu arc Ulcnn Oliver, two-llme
1'iu-poiiud lumi . nthool chump, on,
unuilcn biieiiiierd,
Ouyer nieeui Vernon Pryor In the
heuvywciiilu niulch ol Uie mne
boul meet. Bnepherd Mpiuren oil
uit'iiiiM Louie i mailer, IOjI V,.:.
4 ciianipion, in the Uu-pound divi
sion. 'lne oilier muU-licn lire:
11m pound Hill Uiii.li'i. Itook,
vii. ei.iier Klvls Milclicll or Don
b,.-i , rwluiiiuiii.
15- Mer,e bchuiirU. Hook, . s.
Uc.iii uOiiiii.on, Klamulh.
1 ji3 Juc Uiiin, Kook, vs. Floyd
1 C. CC, IhMUllUli).
1BJ Dc.ii M JenUina. Hook. v,
Doui! Ciiuipuiil, KiiimiUh.
HO Dick Oa-en,veod, Hook, "Is.
Tom Vielln, Klamath.
HI Hon nciirlir. Kook. vs. Ho
lulln l;.o.ili. Klumnili, third in
alr..e, lOul.
I3 liiiny McLnln. Hook, 113
potind ninte runner-tip. 11. vs.
Orvil.e Sv.niler. Klamulh. state
hmh i.cho' ciii'.mploii In 103-Hiuud
d vii. Ion. 1961.
I ()l It KiliAKillT
Tlie Pelicans are In their lllih
uir'c:ented senron and boasl lour
Mru (tin state tlt'es.
They've met the Hooks three
tlmri In thai perio:!. hold one win
and hnve be?n lied lw.ee.
ftdwnrd Cliarra ef Tllden High.
Chlcaito, will referee.
Orrgun Woolrn 311
l'r,;inor llriln ....... 2.1
buliurimn Kllrhru M.
l.andry In.u.'Anr ....
Ulck nerdrr'l
lndrv 2 Stoiuiiiiiii
la in,
Ifl 211
Parkmnr 2 Umiiii Wont 1
Herder 3 Kl l.w l
Parkmor Drive In beat the
Icagiic-leiidlng Oickoii Wools lust
weci In Clusslc Bowling league
competition lo climb Inio a tic
with Suburban Kitchen tor the sec
ond spot.
Charlie (Automatic! Booth's 244
single game helped the Parkmors
score a high game ol 762.
The high team series went to
Dick Itccdcr's with a 670-751-705-2136
performance. Itceder's Harrv
Bray had a high 615 series with
games of 217, 201 and 1D7.
Booth linnuH lo the high season
average lead .with 187. Tied behind
him arc Mel Robinson and Al
Hakenwerth, Wools, with 183 s.
Snow Cuts
Eac'n Play
' JCcsteday's snowstorm blnnked
out the entire Klumnili Basin In
dependent bnvkctbiill league sched
ule last night.
Dnubleheiiders al Kcno, Tulelake
nnd Sprngue River were called off
after League President Harold Hen
drlcksnn checked road conditions
with team managers.
.' iu mwp, from Kno
NY Sets
For Joe
NEW VOHK Jcrncy Joe
Wulcott. who took 21 years to win
111 wnid henvywelxht title, niav
lose It In -15 days In New York,
The crown, donned by the 38
yeur old C'uindt-n, N. j., Nemo,
when lie knocked out K.urd Churl-
es In PlttnburKh Inst July 18. will 1
be without a wenrcr In New York
Mute unless Jersey Joe uirc i
within In duys to meet a lenlUiiiHle
The edict wns Issued Monday by
Chnlrmiin Bob Chrlstenberry ol Ihe ;
New York Blute Athletic CoihiiiIk- i
won after conlcrrUiK with C. B.
Powell, another member of the
three-uiun cominlsiion.
ChrlsU.-nberry pointed out Will- :
coll lulled to defend Ills title within I
mx months as required by com
mission rill, i Tile my months ne.
nod . Jed last Friday.
Shortly bclore the New York
Commission unuounced It was send-1
in, a letter to walcoll, nolllyuig
him ol the .jci'-'n acllon, the L
lunil Cominlsfnn .llwil-pu' rer-ov.
lllllon Iroin Walcott as champion.
I But Ihe Nitllonnl BoxIiir Assocln
llon declined lo no alonit with New
York nnd Louisiana fur the present
.at leu u.
I Commissioner Abe J. Greene
pointed out Wnlcotl's six monllis
ilicnoa noes not end in nb. terri
tory until Mnrch 14 since the rule
wns only ndopicd last Sept. 12.
; Felix Bocchlcchlo. mann'jer of
Jer.-:ev Joe, ccj!ed Chrlsienlierry's
hliiteineut "part of a squeeze play."
i ChiistenbJrry srid he Ciisidered
Charles and unde.'ealcd Roc'y
Mi'.rcluno ol Brockton. Mass., as
the "loretnost comenders."
' 'l'he chnmplon's munnger srld "it
looks lil:e we're Kolim to c'svc with
Harry Html In Los An'el;s for a
il-iil wiili Harry Miil'hcv.p. There'r.
no dale or d? ells but the thing
looks fcwd rlthl now."
However, he p;ld he pre'erred
M-rclero to Miut'iiew.i since Boi
lon Promoter S;:m Sllvermnn had
led M50.000 11 Wf'rilt would de-
lend hii title iigamfct .Marclnuo
Drugs Win
U I. Prl.
P.ii. DrURt
Cimji Coli
.. A O 1 OOO
.... .1 1 la: (
.1 .1 .0
3 .i .r 1 1
i 4 .2"!
. . .. I 4
' nraillt !.;U Mltit
Hlrky U Corn cl 40
Pailena 03 Hilltop tJ
City leaitue teams followed the , Monday's results
script lust night 41 Altnnionl. ,' wn-hlncton State 54 Oregon State
The one-two taams In Ihe nunl
clpal basketball circuit won aa ex
pected. League-leading Rlckys beat
Coca Cola, 63-40; Paylcss Drugs
downed Hilltop Cafe. 63-43
uiin . oiinti ui , imiicu
in by Inr the oulsiandln scoring
performance with 34 polnis. more
thim hall of his team s points
Rlckys turned the trick by shar -
Ins points among Don Peterson
il3i. Cal Bonney (10) and Bob
Harvey H3i. But Coca Cola s Frcel
netted 19 for scoring laurels.
Box coreii:
IIICKl'S (illtl (llll COCA f'OI.A
I'clemon It! r . 19 Freel
tlonncy 10 K A'nsntulei-
Hnrvcy Kl I. - a Newmon
V.ol'MI 8 i a Ktmtz
Fmler 3 (! 4 Dcniotroiina
Rlckyn mil)--Hc.nlrriiholl 1. Kern ll
nr 7. Vnlllencmir. Mlllt S. Coca Cola
-nix l nil i.n. llculoll.
tavlkls in.il tisi HiM.Toe
Popr S r 10 Friend
Vuiiiir 2 F- 1.1 llelrts
Hrllbroniier I C , HarrU
Pnlmer a O 7 Martlner.
C(l O 2 Mlllle.m
paylrrt milm- Dr .ah a, Tiuult 1. r
Innd, en. Blsser S. Hllllop aulM Car
rier 3, Rolieru 2, Sirentiil.
IOWA CITY, la. I Forest
Evashcvskl confirmed reports Mon.
day he has asked Chalmers (Bump)
Elliott, backficld coach at Oregon
State College, to join his varsity
football coaching staff at Iowa.
. Evashcvskl, who recently re
signed as head coach at Washing
ton State College to take the Iowa
job. a I'd Bob Flora, one of his
assistants arrived here Sunday
night from Pullman, Wash.
7 " lt 'Jk
r win.
I .
1 J?
tui vatiuua juuiig iiiios
smiles behind sun glnsscs
as siie braves January
weather in a sun suit test
ing the Ml. Sunapee ski
run.. This is not the recom
mended ski habit for mi
laclv in New Hamoshire's
Slrle Park at th's time of
the year. The sun is not
CSC Dull
In Hoss
NorMiern Division Unsl-e'.ball
W L I'cl.
Washington 5 1 .833
idnho 4 2 .667
Oregon 2 2 .500
Wasnlii'iton Stale 3 4 .429
n-nnm, C! 1 A 1A?
By The Associated Press
The Oregon State Beavers, who
mnrlA nnlv 01 nar . ..nl tt lhair
snout ani went ion? streiches with- EAST
out scoring a point Monday nighl. 'Canlslus 88 Holy Cross 69
ind p a disastrous Invasion of Boston College 64 Dartmouth 51
Uhe Palcuse Tuesday. ; (overtime)
j ev'H get another crack at'- MIDWEST
, Washington Stale, a club that Indiana 82 Iowa 69
dropped them 56-44 Monday with aloklahoma 47 Missouri 45
i Breut big assist from the Beavers i Michigan State 50 Wisconsin 39
OSC, beaten twice by Idaho at
Moscow, fell apart against the
Cougars after looking pretty good
in the first 10 minutes.
Tex Whiteman and Danny John
ston potted long shots that evened
the score at 15-15 at the end of the
firs Quarter.
The WSC band struck up "Tea
For Two" when the Beavers sat
down on their camp stools around
Coach Slats Gill at the Intermis
sion. The Beavers couldn't hit for
two for the next six minutes.
Johnston finally got a pair of
free throws but WSC was ahead to
stay.. It was 25-21 at the half.
All Sizes
Cheaper, Safer!
'Give you 2 to 4
Season's Service
From Two Tires!
Bill Davis Associated Service
Slip To
6th Spot
By the Associated Press
' For the Ihlrd atraiuht week the
old leader fell mid a new one ,
moved atop the weekly Associated
Press hluh school basketball poll.
Lincoln ol Portland not the nod
thin time.
Central Catholic of Portland.
It, st week's leader, did nothing to
merit disfavor, winning Its only
two camcs ol the week, but the
state's sporiswrlters and sportscas-
lera were more Impressed with the
scorlnti ability of Lincoln's 7-foot
center. Wade "Swede" Halbrook.
The two Portland schools (cot all
Ihe first-place ballots cast this
week, Lincoln getting seven to Cen
tral's lour. .
Halbrook. who set a state scoring
record ol OA points two weeks ago,
added to it with a 57-point perform
ance for a city record as the Port-
t..nA l.w.l Inorx.a nn,.n nlail IlL-t
week. His total was more than that
of Uie opposing team as Lincoln
..... nn
uownea WHsniniivoii, oj-u.
Lincoln wound up with 106 points
in the volini In Central's 100
An Impressive McMinnville
team notched two more victories
In the pa tt week, and moved up
from No. 4 to the No. 3 position.
McMinnville has won II straight
games from high school opponents.
Its onlv two losses were at the
hands of college freshmen teams.
Klumath Falls, leader the first
week and No. 3 last week, lost
another game last week and tumb
led to the No. 6 position. The loss
came in a weekend split with
Grants Paw;.
Salem edged Eugene in a week
d game, and moved up from No.
to Ihe No. 4 spot, followed by
Marshficld. Klamath Falls, Jef-
lirson of Portland, Mllton-Free-
waler. Corvallls and Astoria.
All these teams scored additional
: victories in the pan week, but
t.lAi.in tn-4 Hiflltn.irr0ii'ali- a 1 crt
I suffered single looses
Astoria fell to the Smooth Cen-
itral Catholic team. 34-23. Milton-
j F:-eewater downed La Grande. 46 -
lei m ihe next nisht. 45-23.
Ano'.her Eastern Oreton team.
Baker, almost broke into the top
10. Bnk-r got 11 points in the vot
ing to Astoria's 14.
The poll (the number of first
place votes, then the team's record
in parentheses i:
1. Lincoln 7 18-1 1 r.
2. Cenirnl Catholic 41 (9-1)
3. McMinmi'le (11-21
4. Sclem B-3
5. VarsMic'H (9-3
6. Kbmath Falls 1 8-3
7. JeiTerson (5-41
8. Millon-Freewater (7-4
9. Corvallls (8t4i
in. Astor'i 6-6)
Oth-r.?: Baker 11. cieveiarn
Portland 9. Medford 8. La Grande
6. The Dalles 4, Albany 3. Grants
Pas and Powers 2 each. Redmond
'and Oregon City 1 each.
Colleee Basketball Scores
' By The Associated Press
.Washington State 56 Oregon State
'iduho State 65 Western State 4a
Seattle U. 84 Harlem Globe Trot-
I -.. Q1 i ovhiKitinn I
lOhlo State 59 Minnesota 68
Northwestern 59 Michigan 57
i Kentucky 96 Georgia Tech 51
Memphis State 79 Mississippi
Southern 57
West Texas State 60 Hardin-Slm-
mons 54
fNcw Mexico Highland 52 St. Mi-
chad's (N.M.) 45
Oregon High School Basketball .
Junction City 50 Cottage Grove 34
Harry Boykoff, former college
and professional basketball star,
now owns a diaper service in To
ledo, Ohio.
'tec v r7
mm lanrirtni t" " mm" Hm mmum ' 1 " n1fn Mr iitd I i i mi i niniiiiwiiiimiiiiirf
IF YOU WANT your horror entertainment in the raw, the armory is the place for you
tomorrow night. This gruesome grappler is the Swedish Angel, one of six matmen to
tangle in a battle royal.
- P V. "i
Swedish kne Top Figure In
Tomorrow's Mat Battle Royal
! Tn" Swedish Angel, big enough
i r eai nay ana ugiy cuougn o Ape, wno sports a loowong mus-
,hlint. hoilFOM heurls n 1st of siv'taohp
i; L , - "
! to;wirawer wrestlers who aim lor
aoaea sauu oonus cnecx in aa-
ditlon to their regular salary in
a battle royal designed to keep
the armory hot tomorrow night.
Pete Belcastro notUied Buck
Davidson ye.sterday his eye injury
suffered last week against Kurt
Von Poppenheiin. will keep him
out of the ballle royal:-
But six musclemcn will climb
uiio the armory ring at the same
time to provide all the dyn? mite
mat tans can take in one evening.
The oiher five, in addition to
the Angel, are:
Cowboy Carlson, popular Mon -
"'" i-Z.7?i Tin navicular
' wh the ladles in particular
tana bronc-buster, a big favorite
ini Pass Kansas
NEW YORK i Illinois, one of
' tho nnnn- four m.lnr linhoaton
'-oilcan hAKlrttlhnll Iparn clanH al
jine head of the class in the As -
! soclated Press' weekly poll.
three weeks, supplanted the Kan-1 am? s.i2Cn? ,ULe '?'.a?m
... lavhawks s the hest in iheiago remained in the select group.
?nri TP 20 tea"" order, with first
The 119 sports writers and sports
casters participating in the poil
Tuesday named Illinois firsl on 25
ballots. Kansas drew 17 first-nlace
' votes. The Mini culled 860 points
and Kansas 834. .-
' The Kentucky Wildcats held on
to third place for the third straight
L vP ' V ijit & " L " " v V l" -''
Jlfwtmav'!" jpr Heaviest 19-oz. Whipcord
LjjT.rl?,i gZLmr DurabU Water Repellanl
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"l' il'l S,ain 4nd Spot Ro8lnt
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I 'V J' J aln Mad6Unit" Maig
I 4'j ) ' j M JCVs5t hon Duk8 Whipcori
I Jf( CSlfffjJf STive. you all these
I i i '1 fs,s-Y plu value8 " 30
J M'i tfjflwM lower price than sim- ..." ;
I t'fijl 'P'll liar garments of worsted whipcord ...
I f &Am?m TrUlv America's greatest whipcord buy! '
I : w m $095
I f i; trousers I y .
I J JACKETS ....... $1 1 .95 ' '
fL I V-""' CRUISERS ...... ...$14.95.;
I 1 Colors;' ''
V J CROWN .. ...
Excluiirtly for DAY'S Field Green,
MTon, and Grey.
j Yorg Cretorian, the Rumanian
. . .
Von Poppcnheim, the arrogant,
monaciea uerman.
j The Parks brothers. Hurricane
j Herb and Billy the Kid.
The rough Parks boys have sent
I Northwest fans away talking to
j themselves in the manner they
I team up in matches ol this type.
I Hero's the way the evening's
rough-house program will work:
i The battle royal opens the show,
! The first two eliminated are
j through for the evening,
The next two will be matched In
I a 45-minute semi-windup.
I The last two to survive the rug-
1 Red brawl earn the main event
spot, a one-hour tussle.
The main event winner is recog
iweek. Kentucky drew seven first-
Place Votes and 707 POintS.
! Iowa remained in fourth place
jwith 12 first-place votes and 663
' points. The rest of the first ten
place votes, were: Illinois (25i
Kansas 117), Kentucky (7), Iowa
112), St. Bonaventure (10), Wash
ington (7), Kansas State (5), St.
Louis (4). West Virginia (10). Du-
quesne (6): Holy Cross (11), Texas
cnristian, geton Han. Louisville (1)
St. John's. Dayton (2), Utah, La
! Salle, Siena, Indiana.
nized as the victor In the whole
shooting match. He picks ud the
Juicy bonus check.
When six bone-benders ranging
In weight between 190 and 240
(that s where the Angel tips the
scale) all get in the ring at the
same time, there's bound to. be
some goings-on that won't soon be
forgotten. I
The reserved ticket sale at cas
tleberry Drugs Indicates a self-out
crowd. ; t
Sutphin May
Be Barred j
PORTLAND IB Btudents' t
Oregon Collegiate Conference
schools will not be permitted to
compete in the same sport at two
different schools during one season.
This was decided at a meeting
of Conference officials here- Mon
day. The new ruling resulted from
the recent transfer of Don Sutphln
from Oregon Technical Institute to
Vanport after he had been suspend
ed from the OTI basketball squad..
Vanport officials will - decide
whether Sutphln . will be used In
future Conference games this year.
Dr. Elmo Stevenson of Southern
Oregon College of Education was a
guest at Monday's meeting. His
school, now In the Far West Con.
ference, has been Invited to Join the
Oregon Conference. A decision on
the matter wiH- be- announced at
the March meeting. - Stevenson
said. ,- ;
2101 South 6th
Phone 3413