Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 22, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1052
New York poultry ahow niinr alflilt but none ai unuoual ae
thli rare bearded buff-laced I'ollili hen held by Hale L'eland,
Wild Indians I Mills Slated
r Kill Pastor For U.S. Job?
nFILEM, Brand David Ynr.
wood, 33. an American mlsMonury,
apparently wan killed In I he wllda
i( Western Ilriizll by Indiana who
did nol want thru- people to be
conic friendly wlih missionaries,
one of Yarwood'e colleaKiiea 1ms
Yarwood wk n member of the
New Trlnea Mlf.slon o Chleo. Calif.
Ilriice Porlertleld, miollier nil.'.slun
ary. Informed UN. Vlre-Cnni.ul
Half Mtiaiirn In a lulter that Yar
woort's body, pierced wlln arrow
and inulllaien. was found near
l'aredon In wild Northwestern Malo
Oroso Blate rrrly lnt niontli. The
area la near the Bollvlnu border.
Manure aald Monday he la wait.
lira to receive Yarvond'a pu.tiporl
and other pi-mnnnl effects to com
plete hla official report on the aluy
lug. Yarwood' honie wna In Mohler,
Lincoln County. Wash. Hut parent
are Joseph and Nettle Patty Yarwood.
firm vlro prealdenl of the United
mines National Hun of Portland
la belnu considered for apnolnt
inent to the Federal Reserve Board
the OroKonlnn aald Tuesday.
Mills l.i belnir considered for the
vacancy created by the renlKnutlon
of Mariner Kcclen hint aprlng, the
paper :iald. If not selected to suc
ceed Fxclea Abbott mlulil be
neiiied to nomr other board vacan
cy, the Oreiinnlan added.
Dtirlnir the war M1IU aerved for
a time an speolnl aftalatanl to the
Secretary of the Treasury In Wash
inifton, D. C.
Lockman Inks
NPJW YORK tfl - Whltey Lock-
man, wlione ahllt from the outfield
to flrnt baae was one of the key
factoi'H In the Giants' aurite to the
pennant, Imi aiRiied hla 10&3 con
tract cuIIIiik for about 122,000.
Iran Refuses
British Enyoy
TEHRAN, Iran W, Iran refuted
Tuesday to accept Robert Ifankey
an the new British Ambassador to
Tehran. '
The British had submitted Han
key's appointment as a new move
toward ending the bitter deadlock
between the two countries over the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company hold
ing, which Iran nationalized last
i spring.
I Hankey. 48. was to succeed Sir
j Francis Shepherd who turn been
'British Ambassador In Tehran
through all the oil trouble.
I Hankey's name had been sent
jto Premier .Mohammed Moaaa
. denh's government for approval un-
der normal diplomatic procedure.
I It's rejection a rare event In the
I field of diplomacy seemed bound
I to worsen relations, already almost
at the breaking point, between
: Britain and this tumultous Middle-
r-asiern kingdom
It was another resounding slap
at Britain from the Iranians, who
10 days ago ordered all nine Brit
ish consulates In the country
closed. The British after strong
I protests, shut them down Sunday.
I Shepherd, who had been appoint
ed by the lately-defeated Labor
Government, was ordered home
and told he would be assigned else
where ahortly after Conservative
roreign Anmony taen took office.
. far any
Ream In IS Heme! '
iit I. Mala
Credit Union
Elects Chief
Robert Hurlhiirl has beon elect
ed president of the Weyerhaeuser
Klamath Federal Credit Union,
succeeding W. B. McKiile, outgo
ing president.
The lillh annunl meeting of the
organisation was held laM Friday
St the WeyerhneUKer hotel.
Other ofllcers Include:
Wayne Davidson, vice president:
Theodore Bchuh, secretary; and
Hose Mathera, treasurer. On the
board of directors ae Claris Wll.
llama, O. A.- norstlmi, Thomas
Doyle. Donald Porter and Roscoe
Members of the rredll commit
tee are Fern Scott, chairman; How
ard llanka, Lowell Newer, Dale
Mahan and E. It. limweli. Tlie
aupervlivory cominll'.ee Is com
posed of James Cavanaunh, Hugh
Stenleton and Lor.Hn Aulllen.
Tlie board of directors recom
mended Ihat a dividend o; 4 per
cent be declared for mil.
il Revenues
Higher in '50
SALEM ir- Operating revenues
o railroad In Oregon during 150
total $33,017,478.
That lu a $10,401,457 Increase over
the 1040 total Charles Heltzel, pub
lic utilities commissioner, reported
He said total receipts were 1112..
5111,70!) of which freldht operations
,'i,'.,H,,i in suo.iiMof. passenger
3.!M,540, and mall and express
V.S?:!.i.'t;- T"x' !''' th
Trapped Train
Hero Dies
COLFAX, Calif. Us Perching:
Gold, 33, a hero to 228 persons
snowbound on the streamliner City
of Ban Francisco last week, died
Friends said death was caused
bv a heart condition brought on
by over-exertion and exhaustion In
three days and two nights of tak
ing food and medicine via snow
tractor to the train.
Gold was a bomber pilot In Af
rica and Italy In World War It.
Women Seek
More Wealth
PORTLAND' l The suit of
ncs mcBriue of Portland and
Marie Diamond of Detroit, Mich.,
claiming a larger share In a mil
hon dollar estate left to their two
I other HlMern. opened here Monday.
! They want to revoke the will of
I their mother. Agues L. McBrlde,
who died Jan. 7 leaving 60 per
I cent of an e-Uste to Dorothy Mo
l Bride and 4H per cut to Flora
i MoBrlcie. both of the Portland
I area, nnd HO to each of Ihem.
I Th"!lr father amassed the monev
ni a pioneer wool operator and
properly owner. He died several
i years ago without lenvlng a will.
j Richardson,
jSavitt Win
I ADELAIDE. Australia OV Dick
iSavIlt of Orange, N. J and Ham
I llton Richardson of Baton Rouge,
La., battled their way Into the
:,eml-flnal.H of the Australian doub
les championship Tuesday with a
hard-fought 14-13. 1-0, 0-3. (-1 vic
tory over Aussie Juniors Ken
Rosewall and Lewis Hoad,
Custom Luxury
and Record Economy
in this Brand New
Kind of Car!
See Hie Nash Ramblef&untry Club"
We've got the car you've wailed for the dashing
Rambler with its $300 worth of custom accesso
ries at no extra cost with its record-breaking
31,05 miles per gallon made in the Mobilgas
Economy Run with all its flair and powerhouse
performance now at last in a sedan the Nash
Rambler Country Club. Come see il!
A'a.iA Motors DhklOM A'ats-AVinaMr Corporallont Dtlrolt, Aft A.
Take a'Show Me" Drive!
Klahn Nash Co.
606 So. 6th St., Klamath Falls
Just Pay the Price of the Suite Alone!
Tomorrow at HARRY HAFTER'S
in jiii"a ...
. fomou KroeWer.
n '!-a chairs. Color, ond
and d"nP0'
0B L ..decor.
As 9
0uWandta9 Selector
ot Hew Bedroom Suites
Wpricein-n-.- Ame.coB ttyll9..
M,.C.onov- -
As 9
t J
9th and Klamath
Phone 4868