PAGE SIX HKRAL1) AND NEWS. KLAMATH KAl.LS. OREGON TUESDAY, JANUAI1V 'M, 1 Of.2 FRANK JENKINS . Editor Entered second clans matter at the post office of Klamath Palls, Ore, on August 20, 1906, under act of congress, March 8, 187S MEMBERS OF Tills ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press la entitled exclusive! to the use for publication of all the local' news printed in this newspaper as well m all AP news. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mall 6 months $6.50 By Mall year 111.00 rj'jrvdm By DKB ADDISON This Is an apology to the read ers of this page lor allowing a phony to slip In the other day. It was a "Tolling the Editor" letter. The name and address turned out to be lictttious. Suffice It to sav that it was critical of the milk situation. If you read it, remember that the writer didn't have the honesty to sign a true name and address. Ironically, appearing on. the same page was the picture, of the new officers of the Klamath Coun ty Dairymen's Assoclntion. This association stands on its own feet, and these gentlemen are thorough ly capable of answering any criti cism directed at them. , We apologize to them, not for printing criticism of a phase of their busluess, but for being the vehicle of an undercover jab. ' It was only yesterday that we were rending, In our trade maga zine. Editor & Publisher, the re port of a speech on the pitfalls of letters to the d'.tor. The talk was titled, "Dear Sir, You Cur." QcmisiA ABC's WASHINGTON LB The national budget was unveiled to Congress Monday and the sight was impres sive. It totaled 85 million 444 mil lion dollars. The buaget Is President Tru man's formal request to Congress to vote the money needed ta run the government another 12 months the tlscal year starting July I. The President hands Congress the budget at this time every year. It contains his lengthy explanation whv the money is needed, plus hundreds of Daces of itemised ta bles showing where the money will go.- The budget fills a volume as big as the Manhattan telephone direc tary. And, as always, government people began working on it as long ago as last summer. The Presi dent himself started working on it In September. CONSIDERATION '.' Since practically everyone owns a piece of the budget, through the taxes he pays, great consideration has to be given the public in the way Information about thejbudget Is released. A ' The public would get a disorgan ized account If the newspapers, news agencies and radio chains were unable to see the budget until that moment when It was for mally presented to congress. Still, the President can't turn the budget over to newsmen before he hands It to Congress. So what was done this year Is what is dene every year. On Friday copies of the budget were given newsmen with strict instructions that no details could ' be released until the formal pre sentation to Congress. This gave them a whole weekend the President himself had a spe cial conference with newsmen Saturday to answer their questions to examine the budget carefully There are still vast unexplored regions of the earth, on continents like Africa and South America. But we usually think of our own coun try as pretty well tracked from coast to coast. Yet we are much closer to the primitive wilderness than most of us realize. Only occasionally does this lact sink home. We get some glimmering of it when planes crash Just minutes away trom cities like Phoenix and Bufialo and cannot be found for clays. 'xliey vanish in Impenetrable for esv or barren desert or, in the case of one heavily loaded craft, a sjant moment or two from the shore of Lake Michigan. The thought is almost Incredible. It takes a mere hour to fly iroin Pittsburgh to Buffalo, but if your plane goes down somewhere be tween the two It's almost as bad as landing in the tangled jungle o, the Amazon. Let a plane crash In Arizona and the searchers find themselves look ing for fragments of shattered metal amid an endless expanse of gray-green sagebrush and grease wood. . Take a look at your highway or railroad map and you can single out trackless wilds In many parts of the country. There's one stretch In Nevada where, following a main highway route, It's 80 miles between filling stations and 116 miles between towns. The road climbs a ' mountain , range, descends to a broad valley floor, climbs another range and then dips down again; then goes on for hundreds of miles. Most of the valleys have a lone ly, empty look,' with few marks of civilization. The spacious West Is the easiest Try This New 1-Day The Economical Family Size 'BUDGET BUNDLE' 1 A BIG POUNDS QO V Wo$hed and Dried! 07C MEN'S HAND 11th and Klamath BILL JENKINS Managing editor 1 Mis kteurjd& The point was, and this paper thoroughly agrees, that a home town paper should be the sound ing board for any and all legiti mate, honest expressions of opin ion. The pitfalls are found In the or ganized publicity drives and the anonymous pot shooters. The anon ymous letters and the stereotyped form letters are easy to dispose of. That round "file 13" always Is at hand. There are others, like this let ter in question, which have all the earmarks of genuineness. There is a city Directory of names and ad dresses, but none for the county and Basin. They sometimes fool us. Letters to the editor always are welcome. Take your pen in hand and start out. "Dear Sir, You Cur." then' be brief and to the point. When you're through, read it over. If you don't feel like sign ing your true name and address, please file it In the wastebasket yourself and save us the trouble. You'll also save the three cent stamp which would send you a letter to a boy In Korea. Tileuifow and write stories about it. As early as Saturday morning the big news agencies began mov ing these stories to newspapers everywhere, with the understand ing none could be released until Monday morning: In this way, when the newspa pers come out on the street with stories about the budget, and radio commentators begin talking about it, they are able to present a fairly complete picture. As early as last August the heads of the various government divis ions, agencies, bureaus and depart ments bad to make their plans for the year starting next July, to gether with the costs, including payrolls. They turned these in to the Bu reau of the Budget whose experts then sat down with them and went ever the plans and figures to re duce the costs. The President had a sav abou Ml this. EXPLANATION When the President and the Bud get Bureau were satisfied they had the costs , as low as passible, the President wrote bis explanation to bo with the figures. All this wes then printed by the government printing office. Once Congress gets the budget, it begins hearings, calling in the various government officials who put the budget together, to Question them in the hope of cutting the expenses further. This questioning is done through the House and Senate Approoria lions Committees. The questions and answers fill manv more fat volumes. All this questioning takes months. When the committees are satis fied they have cut the budget as much as possible, they turn the whole thing over to both - Houses to vote the money, which may not be beiore next Summer. .place to break contact with civili I zation; hardly a state does not I have sizable areas little touched by man. But as you move east across the map you can encounter lots of blank spots: the sand dune coun try of Nebraska, the treeless roll ing plains of the Dakotas, the rough-hewn lands of northwestern Pennsylvania, the whole rugged backbone of the Appalachian moun tain chain winding southweslward from New England down to north ern Alabama, the forbidding waste of swampland and lush growth in tlft Florida Everglades. Let your mind dwell upon these unvlsited places long enough and you'll begin to think of America's teeming cities as tiny islands In an ccean vacant of humanity. Of course it's not really that bad, for America's industrious farmers have put the marks of man upon hundreds of thousands of tillable acres. Yet this must still seem a pretty primitive land to a man who at 10 o'clock is Impatiently pacing in a warm, crowded airport waiting room and at 10:45 is trying to plow his way through woods and deep snow in search of any faint trail leading him to a remote outpost telephone and a contact with civil ization. Smith Pays Top Heifer Price MIAMI, Okla. Un A world's record price for a heifer. $35,100, was paid at the annual Sunbeam Farms Aberdeen-Angus brccded cattle auction at Miami Monday. The record price was paid by Breeder Ralph L. Smith, a Kansas City lumberman. Laundry Service! LAUNDRY Phone 2-2531 They'll Do It Every Shimber is. om. so ABOUT WHAT FUEL. AtV BRL GO INTO MIS HB4PM081ES ItfHARDS II 7 "v- TV f I THOUGHT V V -4 7 h VOUSflPXW Vf HjU lAlow tM l..t... A S hwJ eJESDEC? S4S- VERY BARTIQJLAR I 17 I YnH ww aonfr xxi H asoot what gas J cSf hU tZA STOP THERE? mo OIL I PUT 4 irftr-r, r- K X'UL. VWIT TILL H - V TUTTI PrsCihA A Sago SideglaiitM's- Did you ever get a good old - fashioned stomach ache trom eat- Sua green piums? No self-inlllclod spusm of childhocl can approach i stopped lor years to come outside wniu a green plum can do to ajthe lcr.ce and one asked the other: kid's tummy. Mr. Odell had a i "It's a grand spot, I agree: the plum tree that hung over his spot whence comes the hope of fence. The boys of our neighbor- our nation: but why doesn't some hood ran true to form and raided) one cut down that battered thins it. The years have proved that ' right there in he foreground?" others than kids raid plum trees. . "Younsser, thai was a great The politicians for instance. No tree in its day." says pop, who sooner aoes a plum pass out of I voted In 189S. "That tree once the blossom stage, and bcg.n to grew plums for Roosevelt and snow its round ereen bodv hi the Vails that's the poor old Repub- ena or a siem. than the vard ls.'lican tree." I an irampea down by hopeiuls i "Koosevelt and Taft plums trom I hang jig around to catch it' when the same tree?" questions the be lli alls. juddered youngster. But for the age-old humbug that ! "'No, U:e 'ou knfw:. "' lpar.y inemoers nave someunnsi to ! "ef,e..leuav Kooscvea and Big Bill j say about who will get the r.peiieu ! ls pops anwct. .ruii, tae waole trme ot UisiLtrs would climo Uie tree tomorrow, oreak oil v its limbs and beat it i oac home with some iouvenir o. the occasion. ih.? JT"Jf UheW0ULd b; :e that inspired ' this rcverVc. I iSrn?. yv?.l.8 . e ;8Be 1 6lC,en remember '.Uict alter the kids had plum: yaimeu it olf Ue tree be- nimosL ..iL-h i, ,-, wise m icu .ore the warm aim!, fjm , : " . r nv n FHO. , . ,' ' "boys, bive the old tree a nea plate it in a fruit jar hvfcm,nce. Its still a good tree, his kitchen window, keep iv ircslny iWnafs lcit of it, and no tree ever ivaterea and waic.i us skm tur;i'erew sweeter plums. Don't climb from olive green to its pnrpi.s-i i and break off more branches, snate of maturity . I. m:gnt cnaage Let tlle Irult gel rip2. Don't quar color, but still oe a pnony -1,11113 ! rcl wiiii 'tech other about us by convention time: just a plum, ! pums: ra-e most Ueservuvi of you si:in deep; on the insioe a puipy i win geyule biggest and the bent mass oi unripened opportunity, x prom7s. Let 'cm get ripe, kids, picked Joo soon by the wrong men. I cnd the old tree will flourish But, by goily. hed have-ltr and agaln wlth plums for . 0 you. he d -run-lets say lor Present. 1 n vuu dolVt- ril-.heve to cut it All but one of the gang, wao tad , cown-and start another tree." gathered 'neath the tree-at bios-, Ci in som time wouid ba dbappoimed. but each woula have something to show that hed been there. &ome - thing that to his dying day he'd never let the country .orget that he was mcnioned lor the ncrnma-! lion in 1352. Snould time ever come that , tres. its solid, juicy ripened plums his pals let the get ripe, and 0f late Summer proved worth wait one of them got elected, the fact ; mg for: and we were spared the that he once was mentioned might I green plum bellyaches that bad bc put him in line for the Cabinet, ;. set us. Somehow we seemed to get or something. 1 along better with each other. Even When they got their coveted sou-1 the neighbors begen to like us. venirs of the premature raid, the j If you get anything out of this winners of second to fifth places . homely allegory swell; and you in the contest didn't notice what I might even go along with the guess theyd done to the tree: thai thcyd that the man most likely to save bent and broken many of its most the Republican tree never got sick beautiful and prolific limbs, and ' off Its green plum',, left it an awkward object in the 1 He s been too busy fighting for national plum orchard. ithe whole orchard in a uniform. APPRECIATION To: The Honorable U. E. Reeder. County Judge, and the Hon orable Jerry Rajnus and Ed Oowen, County Commission ers, and the many Rood citi zens and supporters of the undersigned. I desire to publicly express my deep felt appreciation and grati tude for tho confidence reposed in me by my appointment as the Sheriff of Klamath County. Oreij. by the County Court of Klamath County, and the wonderful support given me, In support of my ap pointment by the good citizens of Klamath County. In accepting this office, I do so with the full appreciation of the difficult ta.k ahead of me in fill ing the position left vacant by the late J. E. Francy, my superior in office, and with the full realiza tion that his able administration of such office leaves me no choice but to carry on in the some ef- From G(ni Up Yr Ckimflty, StntttUntl New Scit toi tarfctn fit Rfitf tut up it 25 ( yut Win tcf'l Sunplj tf Cial, Oil. it Wiotf. (Jit liiuitf far all. M"to IH fuili. if Rimtfff cltltlnf ritpliltt frtnt hit ptt it rtiimnty lt it Mt bealinf Muipmtnt lait lirw Site! Cair la till USE RED DEVIL At Lending Hardwore, Grocery and Department Storei, Tiqic careful 1 They cither never heard, or didn't sense. what people said : ttboui the tree; as passers-by ., . .... , it s.nce then." remur.s the kid. . . . " v-yv- w " It." says the old-ilmcr and they drive on. I remember Mr. Odcll's plum 1 As lne years passed we all were ; g!ail tnat we heeded the old man, :even to the pomi or shooing away . u,e Drds, We realized how Ions It ; wouid take another tree to bear plums. ; : 0nel i0ined to orotect the I ficient. courteous manner, with the one purpose in mind of servlnrt the public and Klamath County lo the utmost of my ability. This, I most humbly pledge; and solicit the support of each citizen of this County in my efforts to serve you as faithfully and efficiently as my esteemed predecessor, the late J.E Franey. 1 Faithfully yours, J. M. Brltlon, Sheriff ETHIOPIA HAS SCRAP ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, W Ethiopia could provide thousends cf tons of scrap iron for American blest furnaces. Transportation Is one of the difficulties In getting It oui 01 me country, rues of rusting scrap litter mr.ny places In Addis Ababa and other areas In the country debris from Ihe 1941 fighting between the Italians and British. Mm 'ffiSJQS 9. thi ran ndiy au iini 904 Klamath Ave. Phone A076 By Jimmy Ilatlo wtoSSqS Sas to wis om TUB l J rJ?rl ND HOT r our rue Or Ovi. Thamanoa tip o IhS HAJI.OH! TO nrir'Timiti-- -T'-' "" " The most common operation per formed in the United States is removal of the tonsils. But even though tills Is done olteu. it should not be performed without good reason, slnco it Is not entirely without rl.ik, though the rlsk Is very slight.. There are some recognized rea sons for NOT taking out the ton sils. Among these are the pres ence of acute Inflammation, tuber culosis of the luu7s, several blood disorders or diabetes. The reasons for taking out ton sils are not always so cleur-cut. F requent attacks 01 acute tonsillitis is one. Dilficulty in .swallowing, breathing or talking caused by en larged tonsils is another. Caiarrh or oilier Infections of the middle car also Is usually reason enough to remove them. Most specialists in the field do not believe that there is any method nearly as satlsiaciory as removal of the tonsils. Burning the tonsils by electrolysis docs not re move all of the diseased tissue, they feel, and may actually seul over pockets of pus which can only drain Into the blood system and do more harm thaot was done before. All of this Implies that the de cision 011 whether to remove the tonsils or not niut be made study and r.nelysis of the Indi vidual problem, and all the cir cumstances it involves. JACOBY on Canasta We had quic a few arguments recoil. ly uuouv Ctuasta," reports a liiicagu concsponueni, "bui ihcy w.e a.l laniy mild compareu 10 the one we jUst had about a play 1 mace, ihki lusi one was realty U IUIU. I - .as dealt five Jacks. My , partner maoe ihe firs, meld lor our siue auer a couple ot plays, j so at my turn I put oown three o. I me live jacks and kept the oilier : two jacks In my hand Innocent- ! I1KC I "oure enough, the player at my : lcfi irozc ihe discuro pile. Aflcr . a few more plays, -ihe player at : my iigiii ulscarded a Jack. Tills i was Just what I had been waiting ' .or, so I picked up the discard pile with the two packs iwhicn were sun in my nanu, 01 course.!. "The opponents said that my stratagem was simply cheating, and that they woulun t play wlm me any more If I wem on like that. I argued about it until we were all blue In the face, but It didn't do any good. "i am fond of my friends, so I let them have their way. Never theless I feel sure that my play was pencclly fair and proper. I II abide by your decision If you say 1 was wrong, wnat is your ver dict?" , Tliis sort of thing happens sur prisingly often. My correspondent was of course absolutely fair in playing the way he did. His op ponents had 110 right to say that ills tricky play was cheating. This, of course, Is known to every good player of almost any card game. It Is quite proper and ethical to make a deceptive play, provided that you rely only on the play itself and that you don't help matters along wlh a false com ment. For example, you can meld three Jacks and keep two In your hand; but. you should not say "I wish I had more of these" or anything else that would give the fal.e im pression that you had melded all of your Jacks. Nevertheless, Canasta Is just a game, and friends arc more lm- LIFE INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY With Good Earning Potiibilitiet as DISTRICT MANAGER Applicant mutt have background of substan tial sales production or sales supervision. Man selected ' will be given Home Office Train ing., Call or Write Gordon D, Orput, General Agent NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone BE-1196 214 Corbcrt Bldg., Portland " '. tnmi t..i 1.. . , ..... . .. .... ....... . Itv SAM, I'KTT (lor Hill lloylpl NliW YQKK W'l How's your schwa? r Oh, come on now. You've gut n sciivvu. 1 1 uiiuiii has a bvhwi,. So has I'.'iM'tiliower. Likcwlnv Churc hui, Vojl llcri'ii,.Scii. Tall, Shirley Temple, Fl unk C'UKtcllo, Every body hus 11 tichtvn bvcuio a stiiwa knows no bairleis ul tux, politics, tin: ur Heiiaraphy. Ucloiti you lutlio In contusion to I lit- nporu pnitis. let It bo ex plained quickly what a schwa Is, In h (Iim-.uks.oii of pioiiuiu'liitloii, the Technology Kevlcw of the iV.ussiicini.scm jii.Hlltuio of Technol ogy syi: "Much of the variability In pro nunciation of 11 given word arises 110111 11 Hirnuff tendency of timc EiujIInIi towel sounds to their Individuality, and to be replaced by u Hernial sound which pho neticians cull the "schwa."' You iiulm uiidoistiiiul, thoiiiih, thin the selnvn In not the phonutlc spelling of the sound miide. It aim- my is a name given uy uie ex perts to Iho Niiind. It couM Just ii e...Hiiv iiuvc ureu caned senmo or shuook. So what Is 11 schwa? A schwu, suys tlic TechnnliiK.v Rcnier, Is the sound "produced by expulsion of breath with the vocul uruuns hi 11 iienorully relaxed position" 11 nd "decidedly roseni- ules a grunt ur gionn. "The schwu occurs frrnuently In English.) For example, the vowel-i of 'above' can lo pronounced In no other way. If Ihc reader will say this word aloud, he cult satisfy himself that both the "A" and the 'O' are pronounced with tho equiv alent of 11 urunt." Readers who try this simple test and do not como up with a munt Budget Earmarks Billion For lipping Naval Power " a i.inin.i 1 11a fravft nn details of the nil I . w ir . - ". noiiar isavy snipoiiiioiin u.n before Congress Tuesday, as part of President Truman s request lor 11 30 per cent Increase in defense .spending here and abroad. - The mil would auinorue con- structlon of this country's The bill would authorize con- IiiUL irui tFwi-icti nt.u.i,,,, ..iu as second Klaul alrcrufl carrier, df nearly W.000 tons and capable of berthing craft bearuig an atomic bomb. It also provides for si other new coinuiu tcsscis, iiiuuci iur.nuuii ui 1 10 additional warcrafl now in serv 1 ice and the construction of 010 landing and service cralt. ! Chairman Vinson iD.-Oa.l of the J House Armed Services Committee introduced the M.150.000.000 mcas I ure Monday beiore Congress heard 1 President Truman's budget mes- -sc. I PORTLAND ili A drop In en- ! The President's I8S.444.OO0.00.') rollincnt of 13.4 per cent nl slate bud;iet for the 1053 flscul year colleges wna reported Monday by starting July 1 included til. 183.-' the suite board ol higher education. ouo.OOu for this country's military I iliui Is a normal drop lor the services and 10 'j billion for lor- wlmer Mrm, officials said. They eign military and civilian spend- listed the total enrollment at II. .nj. it, . 033 Oregon Htale 4.(143. Oregon ihei 'election year Congress 4.085. Oregon College ol Education opened the pic.icnl session by talk-; 430. outhcin Oregon 501, Eastern 1 mg oconoiuy, mid key represents- Oregon 432, Vonport 008, Dental tlvcs said Monday they would scru- School 306 and M relic 11 1 School 65. 1 tliilsc the President's dc.cnse re-' College course changes. Inrlud quests closely. ilng three at Oregon Htale, were I Vinson said 'the new ship build- approved by the board. The Culver 1 In? progrum was necessary to lty of Oregon protested saving the "keep our Navy In tcp with new chaniics enrroiichrd on major llelds ! developments" and to rcpluco out- until now reserved for tho Unlver- worn or obsolete ships. Everest Aim Of Two Treks ZURICH, Switzerland W The Swiss Institute for Alpine Research is planning a Mt. Everest expe dition In 1052 hoping not 10 trend on the toes of a British expedi tion which Is due to climb the 'seme mountain ot the same time. I The government ol Nepal recent ly gave Swiss formal permis sion to launch the first postwar eliort to climb the world's highest 1 peak. At the same time, the SvIsj- learneq innt a uriiwri expedition wan also preparing 10 renew me attack on tinconquercd Everest next year. Botli expeditions arc hnll.,nH Ia V.a ,,nnlt,- It... .. ..,... by the southern route from Nepal In the early fall of next year. The Institute Is lining up Hlm-aluya-trnlned sclontlllo and moun taineering experts 10 Join the Swiss gruup. ine expcuuion, complete wilh the most un-to-datc caulp ment Is expected to leavo Switzer land early in April, porlant than games. If your friends arc foolish enough to pre fer a sissy's way of playing Ca nasta, you may nave to let them have their way. 12 Men Chosen Geo. N, Taylor After that night of prayer, Jesus chose the Twelve to be H's disciples among them Judas who was to betray Him. Yes, Christ who knew what was In man, chose Judas. Three years pass and we think of Christ's deeds of mercy, His gracious words and His raislna X 'h- 1 of the dead. Then B. 'i'ly I at the end. came iiV; I the night of His Jr. 4 v"m betrayal. You see 'iAi 1 M the lemnle nnlice march In wit It lanterns, torches and weapons to arrest Him. You see Judas step up to Christ's side and give Him the t r a 1 1 0 r' s kiss. Geo. N,. Taylor N"xt, Wit sec an not) 01 uoa lb was that for nn Instant Christ let Iobc the glory that wns His from all elmlty, Temple police and mob nil went bnckward and fell to tho ground. John 18:0. Flesh and bloc.l could not stand before the glory of God. Then Christ gave Him self up to go to the Cross to die for your sins John 18:0. A White Pine Drive family uses this space lo tell whnt price Christ paid fnr your soul, What Is your 3p ft wwmmt 1 mi. i.iiii ,". ."' '.I ,1'iij . , yi .,,U .j.n,,. ruin 011 1'licstly uilvlsed tu lonluiit MIT , not inc. I trini 11 nmua, iu times without n hIiiiiIo giunt or Uioiin. It una the uuy next to mo who Riimiicd. Aiiywuj, Uie Kevlew uy. tho sehwii Is repliiclim more mid more vowels In both tiood mid bud Eng lish. As a "random" example, the iihiasc. "Miis.'iacliu.selts Instltilto of TcehnoloKy," win cited. "When Ihcjie words me ))loiiouii ed Willi illiniiHt formality, the He view auvs, "the schwu occurs In three additional places: Tho '1'" of 'MHssiieliiisett.s.' tho second T nl 'Institute,' and tho second 'O' In 'Tc'linoliw.'" Tlum, If we use n question, mark for the schwa Miiilid, Ihe rolloqulul pniiuincUillciii of Ihln phrase la "Miis,.l'hUM?etl.s ?f TrclmolJey." Oct i? Well, now that you tin rieislnnd the schwu. don't worry about It. for the Hevlew unlnls out, "Such free use of th n-'hw.i tloes not eiuluiKier Inlelllglblllly, as the wonts Ulenlllles them fully 11 ml Ihe context niiikns nicniilnus lienr. In lact, cusv speech with llhernl Use of Ihe scliwu sound him iii ceplnnro today us the .stniidiird for radio 1 and the stnuc. ' I A tribe of biishmen who live on jlhe Irlimcs of li e Kiihilinrl Desert in Allien has Hs own version of the schwu. Actually, It's more of a jclocl: Ihan a schwn. "The luimuuiie of these people. suvs the Review, is iirn-nuni n consisting niiilnly of clicks made Willi the tongue umilnit the rnnf of Ihe moiilh. . . . Although the Kwtllsh sneiiklmt ieron einnloys clicks onlv In odtlresslnu horses or other animals, It l striking l" note Ihe predominance In current Amer ican speech of a ulnillnrlv rudlmen tarv sound -jinn schwa." Feel belter now? , ; STiirl .uhmnrln. but said r; r - u-iii. mil It u'niilrl he submarine attack capabilities." He uL"o declined to estlinute the cost. A second nuclear underwater crult was authorized alter con - , t , b , building vy-, lnlUM vewcl ot this type. 'i-t. 1.111 ii.niilil iill.nrly -nn. jruc,lon of wloii,er submarine, the ; rad,r pieM ,mtU,rwllt(.r cr.,, designed to provide an air screen ! (or . t.rrirr striking force. Fewer Attend State Schools slly. Couple Held jFor Murder OREGON CITY IP Mrs. Bonnie Lee Kuhnhaurcn, 3(1, and timer Dorscy Williams, 23, both of Port land, were arraigned here Monday on flr.a degree murder charge. They are accused of Iho lulnl healing of Jalmar Tarkla, 118, Portland. Tarkm died In a Portland hos- Cltal Snturduy, He was found badly eaten In a roadside ditch In south east Portlond Thursday, KKAMSTIC ACT SINGAPORE im Sorcar, the Indian mnglclitn. Invited 20 per sons to the singe lo sec his most prized act. From a close range, they all swore that Sorcar cut o f Ihe tongue- of a hypnotized nssls tnnt and replaced It minutes later without any apparent 111 cfect on the subject. The act was so con vincing thnl three of the witnesses, nil women, fnlnted Make Your Yard the Most Beautiful for Miles Around! Growt up to 60 ft. high Early Blooming TULIP TREE Special-by-Mail! (3 for $2) $1 00. Nnthlitff ynu en 11 Id plan I Hill ffVr vou m much nntlifnrllon an on of thrnp tail, nnlif llcvihty InvHv Tulip Tifr. And II will Innrrnnr lb vnIii of yintr i.rnpprly htindrrrU ot aoMari In JhhI a tew yfr, Itlonmt early and long with Am maafiea of (1-peUI lullp flower. I.mvm aro n fltnn rli-h green. Wonderful jihadc. Will maVo yortr yard a dhow nlare for yfari lo romf. (trow fa, Verv hardy. r nrrtd a ulron Irff It lo ft fel fnr iirit!trnl Irntinnlanflti. Limited ftunpiyt Send II for I, 11 for II, noUalri, CO. II, 'a we'rome. HatlftfaHion jruaranlnrri or your mnnev bark. I XTTIA (ilFT, color ful Red Twlf Dogwood Tree! KRirRR NimrTKRIRH, IEPT, Hlocmlniton, lllinola Trappers Go " For Muskrats The flint muiikriil hurvnst nit Tille Luke and Lower Klumalli Niitloliul Wlldllln Itl'limes In three veins Is how under way according to the United HtiUi'S Fish niul Willi lit n Hnrvlce, A quota nf S.nno nils from Tills Lake unci 3,000 from Lower Klnm. mil areas hus been net, Theso quotas do not Include mimic -ruts to Ue taken from the Kilciil tin nl m ens on both retimes whrni coinplute rrniiiviil of all iminkmu Ih desiiabln to prevent (Inmiige 10 dikes, water control alructuien and dlli'h bunks. I'll Ion 1 liiippcrs Imvo been Is sued shiiiciriippiug iiernilts 10 Hup Iho iiiilskiuts. Under thesn permits Ihe prlln will be divided un a M-6II bnsl.s between the lliiii. pers mid the Fish and Wlldliio Service. Proceeds from (he sale nf tho lloverniiienl sliuro nf the pel 11 go to Ihe II inc. HI of lleclnmntlou. Miiskmls In n ninrsh are. .r.. one of the mursh iiiuiiiiuenient lools, iiccnidliig to Hetugo Mini. Kir Tliomiis C. II111 11. Where dense stmids nf riiltulls or bullrunli exist, Ihe miiskruls, If not reduced In numbers IhrouKli trnpplnu, will In feeding on the rools of thesa plants, open up Hie lilies lo pro vide nesting and leedlnu areun fur waterfowl. When this lhlnnlnn pro cess nn moi'iih cover in Iho desired point, 11 reduction l.i ihe number of mm.kruta reduces the VCKeliillnu roiilrol mid a de sired density of cover can lio inululaiiircl. All (lira are hklnurd and drirV In relUKe biillillnus mulutiilucd fun this purpose. All 11 uppers are ex peclecl to Imp out their quotas within Ihe next 30 days. Precious Patients Treated ROMF. IP A fust-bulldlng book hospital" In Rome Is at trading "precious patients" from all over the world. The hospital is The Institute of Book Pathology. The pnllrnls are ancient and rare books and parch menls which have suffered srcl dents or are threatened by de strucllva book bacteria. Mostly the damage to previous! stores of old bonks and record In Italy during the war has brr irsponslolr lor tho growth of lha ni.-itltiitr. nllli'luls mi Id. Many nf I the ancient documents saved from the Abbey of Monte Caaslno were restored mere. The iiistiiuie, founded In U3I, now boasts Ihe most modern equip ment. It can duplicate the parch ment, the Ink and printing and drying processes of centuries ago. 11 has photoelectric equipment to delect "Internal diseases" In books the destructive bugs which In lime could reduce a treasured volume to shreds. There la also a "gas chamber" lo destroy these book vermin. Yugo Terrorists Get Death BF.I.ORADH, Yugoslavia t The official Yugoslav news agencw said Monday night ihree turn were' nenteuced lo death and 30 others to long prison terms. They were con victed of being members ol a ter ror band which killed several gov ernment olflclals and robbed col Icrllvo farms. The agency said all were Yugo slav cltleiu 01 Albanian descent. The charge said threo of their murder victims were members nf the Yugoslav Security Police cUDBAp. British Heavy With Pennies NEW YORK. 11 There was a fcarclty of pennies In the United Stales III 1U31 despite a double shut in operations by the Bureau of the Mint to meet demand, rhis caused rationing of pennies, as well as nickels and quarters, bv Ihe Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In contrast, Great Britain's Roy al Mint was trying to get rid of sonio of their oversize pennies by buying up and retiring one mil lion dollars worth. There are about two billion British pennies out standing At.FAIJr'A mFcK ZOOMS PORTLAND 11 A gain of $3 a ton In Uie price of Alfalfa the past week, Increased Iho price 10 an all-time hlrih of $50 a ton In Portland Monday. chains! Repaired or made to order for car, truck, or equipment. SOUTHWIND GAS HEATERS REPAIRED! Soe the new Southwind . . with frcih air and dash con trol! . Alto Defroiten For All Can and Trucks! Bill Davis ASSOCIATED SERVICE 2101 So. 6th Ph. 3413 answer? ,.,4. . I Addrana