TUKSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORWJON PAGE FIVR ,i,.i,.,i.ini ., mi hi .. I. f ii.ih.hu iDMiuiii, mif . n.. . . ',.,'.',")',, '.Vim " iv i i.i VUiiai..' li.ii iU..t id. .,1,, i, , lii,i.ii..,Ai7r ii m , M KonervaUima Miliary C'llllj lien rill 1)1 lilno lull, l''rli, 'J, urn being taken ly Mrs. Wuiitii Hi'iinK, i'.IM, mid Mrn. Arclilo James, 'i-'iW, (Mrrll.n-I'yllilitii Hlntcm, Wine nut Templa No. 7U will hold ii'uuhir iiii'otluu Friday, a .1 in. All IllOlllljl'I'a BIO UI'UCll lu fc',l,ild. 'I'll (irral Hooka Group will mi'iii Thursday, H ii.iii, In the city Inn m y to (IIm iihb aclectlnna Irum llii- Iiwlltulcs u( ClnlMlun Hnlliflun liv John Uiilvln. l.cuclclK will bo Mn. Rowland Ulrkli m il llev, Don tilil CannUlay. Merlin. Tlio H cl 40 will meet Wrdncucluy, B p in. Ill tlio Anicrl cull Legion liuli. I'lmlpmird The Keurknh Social Club inttolliiK Nrhrcltilrd tor Wed ni'Kdiiy night Imn lircn postponed because ui Inclement weather. ' Mrcthii Tlio Chrlntlim Women's I'Vlluwnliii) ul tlio I' ll it Christian i lunch will inert Thuriidiiy In Hie lun i h. Tlirrn will be biihlucns iiirrllim ul 11 a.m., tulluwrd ly iiihiii pnlluck lit wlilrh limn nri'lcl pals will 1)0 rcvrulcd. Devotions mill iiiiMiioimry aludy will follow. All nirniliriK nrr asked to bung uiUcIvh lor tlio baby luyettc. March of Dlini'n The Ki-no I'nrnadi'ia Mjuuro dunce club vnl npuiuior u March of Dimes M-nelll duller nt the Kruo com iniinlly hull Jun. 30. Callers urn In vited to attend n minM callers. All proceeds gu to the polio drive. Krutli-Mm. Olenn Walker. 6311 Millrr, luui received word o( tlic ili'iilli nl mi uncle. I. co L. Read, Willitiiiinii, ore. Read wim co-own-rr o tlio Itt'iid nod McOco Lou Kliut Co., oprrulliiK In llir Tilla mook ami. Services were held nt MrMlnnvlllr Jim. 1(1, iinilrr dlrre lion ot the Elks lotlico, Going north to the Imirrnl ai-rvli-ca wrre Mr. mid Mrs. Glenn Walker mid Mr. mid Mm. Vernon Duraul, Kluni (III Kulln. Woman Suffers Broken Hip Mrn. Mlnnli) C. Krlcknon, 60. op criilor of tlio N. and 81. Grocery, lull mid broke lior right hip yes (crdny nltrrimmi. Kluiiinlh Vnllry Hospital attend until reported 111" woman trll on fine HI, several doom west of the hoipltur entrance. Blie wbh roporlrd In fairly good condition thin inornlnK. Idi'lil Mm, T. M. Morel, will pre side, Au afternoon of curds la pin lined. Itrinilillcun Women Mrrllnii Hchediilcd for Jim, 2H la cmiccllcd due to weather condition!. Klral IMellioilUt Church A uen- ernl meeting of the Flint Mctho lIM Church WHCH will bo held 'f'hurndiiy with polluck lunch start- iiik al u.l.t p.m. I ho meeting and program will follow, March Blno A March of Dimes blniin Kline linn been achcduled for Kridiiy at V p.m. In the Newell Community Hull. Them will ulno be mi uuctlon and ruffle, all, pro ceeds In no to tlio Miucli of Uimra. Iloli eHhinrnta and enter liilnmeiH me free, Mrrti Wrdnrnday Theta Thrta ITho l aoliodulrd In meet Wednrn day, 7:3V p.m. at, Ihe lOOF Hull, llanhlna t int. Jununiy meellnii la ciincelled due to wcuthcr condl lions. Thlmlilr 'luh Nrluhbora of Woodcraft Ineetlllir nchrdulrd for Jim. 23 KtKined until a Inter jKiuwan and Duqumne were left on dulr. Wutch lor announcement. itlie Hut of unnrstona Tuenduy fol- IowIiik the nturilina upnei 01 lowa. Vouiif Fry Hquarr Inre ! Indiana ahattcred lowa'a 12-game Fteuuira Coll and Country Club an-'winning alrcnk. Monday nlt?ht with iiounce a aqunre dunce for club ; a 82-00 victory al Bloomlnglon, Ind. youim.ntora Jun. 26. B-ll cm.. Otto It waa a cruhhlng aetback for the O'Brien, Seattle Beat Trotters SEATTLE 'f Johnny O'Brlrn and Uin Henttlo University Chief ImIhh upsrt llm profM.ilonal Harlem Globe Trottrra bankrtball team 84 to 81 In a clash lor the U.S. Olym pic Guinea Fund here Monday night. O'Hrlen, the natlon'a No. J amall college acorer, rolled up 43 polirtu RKitlnnt the vrtorana led by Gooae Tutuin. O'Hrlen mado 26 polnta In the first half and 18 In tno aeconu pui a rven though the double guard on Trottera him. Indiana Five Upsets Iowa By The Annoclatrd Prena Only lour collegiate basketball Irama Ililnnla, Bt. Bonavenlure, Demo Hats Crowd Ring As Truman Keeps Hum By KUWIV B, 1IAAKI.NHON WASHINGTON l,fl A record crop of Democratic presidential cnndldulea waa aprouthiK auddenlr Tuesday aa Prcaldent Truman kcpl mum on hla own plana. "Home party polltlclana aald the lint may awell to 20 If Mr. Truman delaya anounclng hla declalon un til near convention time In July. Bui moat of those alcpplng to the Democratic apotllght are In the role of "favorite aona." A candidate In thin atatua nor mally holda the party'a convention voto from hla own alate until he la nominated or pledges It to aome stronger candidate. Two Democratic hnta landed In the prenldentlal ring Monday In Il linois, aa alates were filed .'or Sena. Knfauver of Tennewiee and McMa hon of Connecticut for the April 8 primary. Kefauver. former chairman of the Henate Crime Inventigatlng Committee, called a newa confer ence lor Wednesday noon P8T and friends speculated he'd probably announce bla candidacy then. Mrs Kefauver'sald over the week end she and her huaband had talked j drawn. J i Col. Lawrence Bunker, a spokes man ior MacArmur, aaia me gen eral's name was entered without his knowledge. Illinois election officials said the law states that any candidate may withdraw his name. But Die man who entered thr general In the race, Ulur Daly of Chicago, said he would take legal action, If necessary, to prevent MucArthur or anyone else from withdrawing the general's name. Daly, founder and director gen-1 eral of the "MacArthur and Mc-: Carthy for '62 Club." said, "we are j aware that flen. MacArthur la not 1 However, MacArthur telegraphed j a candidate but we believe he'd the Illinois secretary of atate Tues- j accept a draft." day asking that his name be with-1 The Illinois primary la advisory I over the mutter and she had "a feeling" he would run. The Republican presidential pri mary In Illinois alr.o was enlivened when Harold E. Btassen, former Minnesota governor, and Gen. Mac Arthur were entered In opposition to Ben. Tafl of Ohio. only and la not binding on the state's convention delegates. Taft and Stasscn tangle first In the Wisconsin Primary April 1, Opening a two-dny campaign In that state, Taft said Monday, "There is no better place to test my candidacy thnn Wisconsin. I shall make this the ma In battle ground for an all-out cnmpnlgn for the nomination." SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA ftHcrettfullr TrtftU4 ISt N. 7th rhtni 10ft' hiraprartlfl rhvolrian Nouth Mrs. Kurl (HiiMinnrl Hum Hum, Marvin's, Is In Bun Fran cisco attending the Bprlng inurkct. Falrvlrw 1'TA Will hold Its reg lilur iiierllng al 2:l pin. Thurs day In the school auditorium. An rxeeullve merlliin will be held at 1:16 p.m. Uin same dny lu the school cafeteria. No Mrrllng There Kill be no meeting nf the Grrrnnprlngs Elec tricians buuirdiiy as planned. The group will meet Instead Feb. 1 at the home of George Olson on Keno road, liveryono must havo their splices completed by thru. Club nicmforrs who nrrd splicing ma terial contact Henry Mcwhouse at school. No (lame The March of Dimes basketball game to have been played tonight at Chlloqum hits hern cancrlled brcauso of bad roads and storm. Kills, caller. Only one gur.il many be invited. Cull 43-111 lor reserva tions. Buslnrss Only Thrro will be no program ul Ihe meeting tonight of the Tulclnke Post 1M, Ameri can Legion due to thr Inability of thr speakrr, Dale Wllllums, Civil Drfrnse Co-ordlnator to reach town. A buslnrss mrcllng however will be held In Ihe Legion Memo rial Hull at the regular lime. Old Residence Being Moved Bale of the residence and lot on the NE corner of 8. 5lh St. and Klamath Ave. by Ihe Wllllts eslnte to Julian Eerie, owner of Purker Poiitlao Co. has been announced. No consideration was given. The location Is to be used for a used car lot. Thr lwo-lory frame home, one of the first built In Klamath Falls has hern sold to Drill Hrolhers and Is being moved to South Slxlh St. ft was built on Muln Street bv Levi WIJIlis and his wife who thru operatrd a Grnrral Mercantile siore on the prr.irnt alto of Dick Hredrr's. Wllllts was ulro one of thr 'orlwlnal stockholders In the '.First National Bank. When the prr.sent building wrs built the old home was moved to Klnmiitll Ave. Kcclrs said today that moving which was to have been completed by Dec. 16 will be completed when wenthcr permits. lll l KAI.O MKAT l)ISIIi:i) I P CALGARY, Altu. Wi A dish tliut tickled the palates of pioneers Is on Ihe inrnu In Alberta hotrls for a tew weeks. Customers are eat ing buffalo rousts, steaks and stews which came from animals killed In llir rrrenL Hiiimlnir.ntit tf Mrs. H. E. Grtz. Mrs. Oscar Pry-j the bullulo herd at Elk Island Na ion and Mrs. Charles Gilbert. Prcs-;iional Park. Hawkeyes. for II not only ended ihclr vlctorv streak but also knock ed them out of first place, In the Western Conference race. Bailey Will Head La Grande LA GRANDE, Ore. i Buck Bullry, veteran Washington State College baseball coach, will be field director for the La Grande Ralnlers in the aeml-pro Trl-State League next aummer. Norm Shroth, La Grande busi ness manager, aald Monday night Bailey has agreed to serve as man ager of the tram In the aummer months. The salary was not revealed. PRAC.'TH'KS ANCIKNT CRAFT BROOKVILLE, Out. IAN William Haas;" native of Denmark now liv ing here, is believed lo be the only silversmith in Ontario. There are only a few experts In Canada in 'the ancient art of producing hand-mBde sterling silver flatware. Peterson with T'ry-llltc Iryer and un Nlte-J,,rldny nluht Sdiwmn hike to be given nwuy. Souure ttriiclng, games, movies and re. irVahiiiriiU ull for 26 cents admission. Aloha Club Past Matrons. OES. will meet 1 p.m. Friday in the masonic jcmpic. iloslra.-irs are Quits Laxatives finds amazing relief "Had tried method after method to relieve constipation, until I lost faith," admits New Jersey woman. "Then I started to eat Kcllogg's all-sran dally and was amazed at the fine results!" Delicious all-bran may bring back your' youthful regularity If suffering has been due to lack of bulk In diet. It's the only type ready-to-cat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need, all-br am Is rich In Iron, high In cereal protein, pro vides essential B and D vitamins. Not hablt-formlng. Eat 'i cupful of Kcllogg's all-bban daily: drink njenty of liquids. If not satisfied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kcllogg's, Battle Creek, Mich., and get double your honey back! Tax Debts Now Two-Way ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. An Internal Revenue Bureau field man In Hobbs, N. M asked his head ol ilcc here about one name he read In a published list of persons who have not claimed Income lax re funds. , He was told the party, now living In Louisiana, has $44.09 coming. His interest: He's been trying to collect 373.75 In back taxes from the person. The bureau comptroller declined to give names. Hard Court Dates Set SEATTLE I The . 1962 U.S. Lawn Tennis Association's hard court championships will be held at the Seattle Tennis Club June 2 8. Victor Denny, president of the Northwest Lawn Tennis Associa tion, Mid Mondey night Russell B. Kingman, president of the USLTA, wired approval for the tourney, previous!" held at Salt Lake City. A t BJ.V loan Caalfiold "Wbn0Vr l itop on the and don't tik ht I rad, my first thought m Aydm. REDUCE WITHOUT DIETING Simply Mt this dcltciout Vitamin and Minora! Candy called A YDS, before mral aa directed. A Y US chocks your ap pel it you automatically eat l?a loae waiffht naturally. Absolutely safe con tain ik reducing druga. Money refunded if you don t lorn weight with first box. Geoerou supply $2.0d. PAYLESS DRUG 808 Main St. Americas Most Exciting Car. . . In Beauty, Performance, Value! PACKARD for '52 1 CBPHi.-HHJ;.-I'P Only Packard Has UltramalicThe Automatic Drive That Outperforms Them All! IT EVER a car was built for performance, beauty and value, it's the brilliant new Packard for '52! ttcr In 70 ways lovelier to look at, livelier to drive Packard is truly the challenging car of today and for the years ahead. Packard Ultramatic outperforms all other automatic drives under all conditions. Packard's mighty Thunderbolt Engine is the world's highest-compression eight! Packard's new Easamatic Power Brakes give you quicker, safer stops. S Look at on mora car. If you are going to spend $2 500 for a car, then invest one hour in seeing how few dollars more it takes to own a Packard. "Built like a Packard" means built to last! i - B '' hi! ,llsjj7"'''f''y'-w!-'jr""j "","""i""""","i"",," ' """ ""Tj jf"" T LT Mora Than 53 """Uk T ' " I' Ot All Packard UuM Since l"i ' ' . J 5t I f 1 1111 IVI 111 Fll llllJl-fTfw rm ntmmi nrrm ntT, H trhlU dU MrM Mir., il mllMl.. Packard Ultramatic excels all other automatic drives in performance, safety, economy and dependability. Nw iaiamntlc Powtr rakei give faster, surer stops require 40 less foot pres sure, Wo less time to apply! A A Packard bultdi raat en glntil Packard's Thunderbolt Engine, the highest-compression eight, has up to 25 fewer working parts than engines of comparable power! Packard's safaty-glast area of .iO ldKi square inches permits all-around vision. A A Handsome new Inlerlars and fresh exterior color com binations accent Packard's smart, low lines. Seats are as wide as the car is high. Ivary Packard car under goes 4,287 separate factory 111.1111-tlluns. DUIK iiae ASK TIM MAN WHO Packard" means built lo lust! OWNS ONE LEE HUFF MOTOR CO 603 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. ; v, lPenneyB 3 Penfle L' .easy v.-.rt v I; t ,J I ,1 STORE HOURS 9:30-5:30 CRISP COTTONS! Fresh spring dresses for the toddler set.,, priced at a special low . . . SIZES 1-3 EMBOSSED COTTONS! COTTON CHAMBRAYS! DAN RIVER FABRICS! WAFFLE PIQUES! BROADCLOTH PRINTS! You'll choose from the best assortment of styles and colors you've ever seen! And every one Is easy to wash, a dream to iron, and the fabrics are santorized! Come In today youll want several for your little girl at this tiny Penney price! Sizes 1-3. SECOND FLOOR FOR BABY'S LAYETTE! SECOND FLOOR 18"i34" CRIB SIZE QUILTED COTTON PADS NEW LOW PRICE! BIRDSEYE DIAPERS DOUBLE WOVEN! GAUZE DIAPERS SLIP-ON OR WRAP AROUND COTTON UNDERSHIRTS FINE COMBED COTTON KNIT TOWEL and FACE CLOTH SET SANFORIZED COTTON FLANNEL GOWN INCLUDES NIPPLE, CAP and SEAL! EVENFLO NURSERY BOTTLES RAYON KNIT PLASTIC LINED PANTIES co. 98c dc, 2.98 do, 3.39 cc:h 49c Se, 1.29 each 69C each 25C pair 29C FOR SLEEPING 8 YR. CRIB Solid panel ends. Nat ural finish. Adjustable sides. Real buy at . , . 25" SECOND FLOOR FOR EATING HIGH CHAIR Natural finish. Adjust able plastic tray. Foot rest. 12" SECOND FLOOR FOR BATHING BATHINETTE Sturdy wood leqs. Folds completely. Extra shelf. 13" SECOND FLOOR CRIB BLANKETS 3 98 Warm Washable heavywcl&ht cottons nitli delightful Jac o.uard prints. Rich rayon satin binding .... in maize, green, pink, blue, or white. 36" x 60". SECOND FLOOR 1B "LIFT OUT" BABY CARRIAGE 2675 It's a carriage! A bassinetl A car bed I Handiest baby furni ture ever Invented I Collapsible pusher, foot brake, simulated leather hood and body. Pad ded rail, draft flap. SECOND FLOOR STURDY METAL BABY WALKERS 90 9' STOREWIDE VALUES! Handy, convenient . . . folds for storage I Sturdy metal con struction with rubber - cover bumpers, smoothly sanded wooden seat, play beads and a food tray. Turquoise, brown, value-priced! SECOND FLOOR JR. BOYS Zip-Front "JIMMIES" 2" Oet them In several deep tone colors! Hard to-ear-out corduroy fabric. Bib front that zips down for eas in dressing. Sizes 1-5. DOWNSTAIRS WOMEN'S WASHABLE COTTON DRESSES 79 2 Juniors! Misses! Regulars! Half sizes! Choose from a beautiful selection of broad cloths, crinkle plisscs, in brand new styles for '521 SECOND FLOOR MEN'S MARATHON ' DRESS HATS T Alridex treated to resist moisture. New spring shades in smart looking fur felt. Wide and narrow bands. Rayon satin lining. Leather sweatband. Sizes 6"-7!. MAIN FLOOR 50 WOOL BLEND - BLANKETS 90 ttl Choose Hunter Green, Coral. Yellow, Aqua. Rose, or Ger anium Red! Full 72x90 size. Rayon satin binding. 3si pounds of soft warmth for only 8.90! DOWNSTAIRS JUST ARRIVED! TIFTED SUEDE ORGANDY 79c Yd. You'll have to see this to appreciate It's soft suede fin ish; the new spring rainbow of colors: its Ught-aa-a-feather looks! You'll want to start sewing right awayl 36" wide. , BALCONY BBOHMM . MEN'S HANDMADE LOGGER BOOTS 75 13 Plain To Completely hand sewn. Oil tanned leather. Steel shank arch. Leather outsole and heel! 6-12 C. E. Lace-to-toe style ...... 1S.75 DOWNSTAIRS I BUY NOW . . . ON LAY-AWAY