TUESDAY, JANUAKY 22, 1902 t- JIKKALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGETHMt Marines Take Final Exams for Korea in 25-Below Temperature PICKKI, MKAUOWB, Chill. ( Nl: A i "Onlrt or not, you'vo got to Unlit." Tluit lultilit well bo the phlloao phy huhlnil the new Minimi Jorii Cold Weather Training Couriio here - a itput (IHIX) li-et ui III the IHkIi Hlrrrii where the allow In oltcn hli-cliiD mid Hie mercury plungea tu M helow. , A aleady Mrenin of Knr Eiial jeplui-onirnU have been learning the deep-lrn.en art of Winter war litre nt 1'lckol Meadow alnoe laal Hiiitoinher. To nmny ot them, the Spain, U.S. Visas Eased MADRID, Hpulll I Spilll) aaiaoil Monthly night to Kdnilt Amerltan tourlut wllhout vlaa. The United BlittcH In turn eaaail It vhtu rrtiuliemcni on vlaltora from (jeneralliiitlnio Franco' country. An hkh'oiiiciiI covering the wap whs Initialed by U. 8. Ambaanador Htulilon Clrllfln, whniie reNlgnallon una announced Mnnduy mid For eign Minuter Alberto Mnrtln Art- Jo lt eliminate the vlnit require miit lor American tourlnta re (lining lriH thun lx monthr In Willi. In return the U.8, waived the 110 umi ire previously required Iroin Hpaulah lourlM vlnltlnii America and extended the life of the vlaa from one yeur to two. Pretzels Pose City Problem RKAUINO. Pn. i lio nrolwU need frrnh air to rrtnln Uielr lliivor? 'Hie Rending City Council will Imve lo alUiwer thnt question. Mayor Jumen II. Bumlord ordered pretzel vendorii Monduy lo place Ihelr ware In buuH or lone their licenses. The vendor replied ProUeln need fresh air to retain their lliivor. The mayor decided to rlc the council In eniirl a pratzel wrapping order. Me Mild his action wax prompted by the city health of ficer who bellevea the aale ot un wrapped pretzel Is uiuianllary. Ex-Model Goes For Sheepskin NEW YOHK ' Dr. Carl Ham mer, Hunter Collcxe mathematics prolessur will be alad when Keb. S comes this year because he's Hel mut tired ol having one of the stu dents ii round the house dolnit her homework. At that commencement day his wife, Jcanucttc, 35, a Inrmer modrl and lashlon Illustrator for 10 years, v. Ill Kel her ahccpfkln. She Un filed her Interrupted collegiate ca reer with Phi Beta Kapns honors. Alter nniheruiK bus of IcarnliiK at Kallnas Junior College In Califor nia and art schools In Chicago and Kansas CUV. she decided In IMS Ic liulsh the Job at Hunter Col lege. 8he was so Impressed that she stixxested thai her husband Itet a leaching Job there. Mrs. Hammer's mother. Mrs. Nettle M. Ueorge, f1, will receive an M. A. In education In June from the University of Idaho. SUM PANEL Heal Wafer Wlf r thin, pun htn beneath your feet. Thrrfnoilalicatly controlled. Can be adjusted to aatiify individual warmth mjuirrmenta. Stopa all aunVring due to cold floor, undrr-heatrd room,. Portablr and plug! into any 1 10-voll AC outlet. ram Htn modii,, tPeo (IIVM 4RiM inthnfwithdttk Ira lit mill) $)4.tS onimr mooil. , in CjliV Uinm inihtt 7 .!?. MIDIUMMOMI.aio J4itA Inthr ,1.t PHONE 5149 RIGHT NOW FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION I ml alx-duy collide It now proving to he a life liwuriinuc policy In Korea. Its a couine that rinikH with uny Uilnu the Marine Corp .hua over conceived lor being rugged and exhausting. Fur lx daya mid night, Uie Leatherneck wade llirouiih anow.iHloei) In noncho-cov- ered allow liu la and live on C- ratlon at altitudes where you gimp for breath and wonder If the next stop you take will be your hint. "We will net you Just as clone lo exhauatioii aa wo can," the rump's Executive Olllcer, Major William J. Htewarl, told one group of trainees. He made It clear that I'loxel Meadows Is not hint another obntacle oourne; It's the "dual exam" for Korea or any other rrlKld spot In which Marines may have to light. . And the eourno Is Ideally locat ed. The sharp high rldgca, the alti tude, temperature and snow make It a dead ringer lor much of North Korea. Located north ol Yosemlle National Park, the Irulnlnn site was selected last Tall by expert from Brig. Clen. Merrill D. Twin liiK'a Training and Ituplacemcnt Coiuinand at Camp Peiulletou. Here's what happens to a train ee while he's there: He'll Ret off the chartered bus alter a 12-hour ride from Camp Pendleton and right away he'll Gotham Still Big Champion lly The Associated Press It's olllclal now: New York Is the nation's biugcn city. Hoaltle Is IDIh and Portland Is Will. The last) official census rankhiKS were announced In Waahlngton, D. C. The rankings of the ton live were: New York 7.8U1.M7; Chicago J.iiVMT. Phlladelphhi 2.070,0115; I.os AiiKcles 1.070.368: Detroit 1, (MU.6U8. The next six In order arc Diilll more, Cleveland. 81. Louis. Wash liiKton, Boston and Bun Francisco. Heattle Is liuid at 4W.S0I. a notch ahead of Kansas City. Mo. Port hind, with 373.IU8 Is Just ahead of Columbuii, O. Three Schools Buralarized NEWPORT ' Three coastal ares schools were burxlarlzcd of 1160 over I he weekend, police re ported Monday. Safecrackers blew a hole In the vault at Newport high school tu Ret tlSO. Thev broke Into a xale at Hllelz hlxh school for H 80. At Eddyvllle M.S0 was stnlen. . r 1 A mm DODGE-TINT SAFETY Available now in Ihc new '52 Dodge . . , at MilHtmKially lets than the cml of older ft;io fftif rbu. Anti-glare and anti hent, nnw Dotlno-Tint Safety Glass aiUU fo driving comfort, safety, tl cuts clown glare of sun, snow and headlight , . , reduces heat from sun rays 21, start puttlnx on Homo of tho cold weather clothlnx he'll have been limned. The first two days are luiidamcntiils, Vetorans ol Korea will tell him how to conserve his cnerxy, to lie deliberate III movlnx about, and that belux too hot. not too cold, Is his blxxest headacho In Inlciine cold. His feet will require extra care If he Is to carry his 76 pounds ol clothing and equipment throuuh i no lu-miie course, no n sutri on Uial problem alter he's learned to cook his rations In the snow, build a lean-to or makeshift snow "In loo" and take care of his weapons ul sub-zero temperatures. Then he's ready for the four day "war." Orxanlzed Into com panies and platoons, the trainees liead up Into the mountains for battle with tho "AxxresHorn" per-nuiuently-slatloned, whllo-clad Ma rines, Usually the tralnliiR doesn't xo far before he's deploying after the bhink-flrlnx AxxrcKsor machine nuns or cooklnx his frozen chow In a blizzard or standing security watch at nlxht, when It's 20 below. The Axxrcssors pride themselves on the number ol trlxxer housing groups they can take from a bi vouac area by Infiltration. Aggressor Lt. R. M. Johnson once told a 1 1 red and bearded lialuee audlencci "Its been our Job here to make your lives nils ruble. If you got good and mad and tried to wipe us out, we've accomplished our mission." To do his Job. Johnson calls on his own experience In setting up tactical situation. On one occa sion the trainees arc llred on from three directions at a river cro.v inx. Hie terrain and situation are almost exactly the same an the Winter day In I WO when Johnson's platoon was hit bv the Commu nists at Yudam -Nl In North Korea. Occasionally, when weather and terrain combine Ui make life al most unbearable for the replace nient groups, John.. oil's men will find trainers failing to respond v.hen the Aggressors attack. Afler line hard blizzard, the Axgres-ors finally resorted to throwlna snow balls at the trainees' scouting t-le-jinrnta. In a matter of minutes the ; worn-out bin lnlurliled troops were attack1!)? vigorously. When ihelr four-day war Is over. the trainee groups return lo the point where they began. They're given a critique on their perfor mance, they get their first A-ratlon hog chow In four days, and then Ihey ro buck ta.Caino Pendleton. Every man In every group will tell you he's never been so tired In Ills life. But he's also gained the knowledge thnt he can take ce.re of himself when the bottom orons out of the thermometer and he'll know how to -handle himself when a real enemy starts squeez ing off live rounds from some for eign picture-postcard hillside. 1m HOW BOISW WAY N1EW'S2 JDBfflE When . tho exciting new '52 Dodce GLASS Vytosai- ... judge it the new "Show S Down" Way. You'll see -in black and white how Dodgo compares fenture-by-fentnre with cars costing Hun dreds of dollars more. . -One after the other you can check the performance, comfort and economy of the now '52 Dodge against othor cars. You'll Spaclficatlont and tqulpmant NOW ON REVOLUTIONARY BRITISH ish Hawkcr-Siddelcy Gloster which has a thrust of over gear and armament, details Bennett Eyes Mayor's Job PORTLAND M'i City Commis sioner J. E. -Bennett may become a candidate for mayor ol Portland. Bc-nnett. who opposes taverns and gambling, announced his pos sible candidacy In reply to a new recall move. His opponents said Monday they will begin circulation ol petitions Wednesday to recall him from his present Job. To get the recall mea sure on the May primary ballot, 25.770 signatures must be filed. A previous recall attempt collap sed 1 'j months ago. Kentucky Slots Rounded Up LOUISVILLE, Ky. '.fi The Fed eral Bureau of Investigation ex pected to have Its roundup of slot machines In Kentucky Just about complete Tuesday. A total of 4.670 machines, val ued at SI .256.760, have been seized by the FBI. Meanwhl'e the U. 8. district at torney's office here commented that a suit filed at Covington Mon day lo suppress evidence and re cover seized machines would be useless. NEW EDITOR NEW YORK Ml William Shawn. 44bas been named editor of the New Yorker magazine to succeed Harold W. RoM, the founder, who died Dec. 6. wfflfmwm you come in to see DISPLAY- JET This plane, of revolutionary design, is the new Brit-, GA - 5 jet. It is powered by twin Sapphire engines, each of 7,000 pounds, lt is a long range fighter heavy with radar of which are secret. . 1 ' . Oldtimers Got There Quicker NEW YORK ( In horse and buggy days New Yorkers travelled 11.6 miles an hour. In their modern antes Ihey i.o only six miles. The cause Is congestion. E. E. Keans, of Erie, Pa., told the Amer ican Institute of Electrical Engi neers Tuesday. i As one remedy he proposed put ting high speed electric trains in the center malls of last highways. The malls are the separators o dual highways. VA Home Loan Losses Slight WASHINOTON lifl The Vet erans Administration reported tucsday that the government has lost only (13.591.000 as a result of uelaults on the $16,403,000,000 worth ol veterans home loan mortgages It has guaranteed. Since the program got underway In 1944-45, the VA said, 2,643.000 i loans had been approved up to Dec. ! 25. 1951, and claims had been paid against the VA guaranty on 12386. Officials told a reporter the num ibcr of new defuulUi per month has been decreasing steadily since July 11951, with the December total of 4.047 being the lowest for any month since December, 1948. The number of claims paid as a result of defaults since the pro gram was started amount to slight ly less than one-half of one per cent, the officials said. They added that the net amount paid on the total Initial principal of $16,403. 000.000 amounts to less than II on leach 51.000 of principal. SKI find features that make drivinc easier, safer, more economical . . . value that protects your investment and adds to the pride and prestige of Dodge ownership. Hero's the sensible way to choose a new car ... to end all guesswork and gamblel What's more, the proof is free , ,t . no cost or obligation. So come in today and compare the beautiful new '52 Dodge the "Show Down" Way. fubitel t Chang Without Nalln Court Makes Widow Richer LOS ANGELES lift Al Jolson's widow hajewon more than a million dollars In a court-approved settle ment of her community property claims against his four million dol lar estate. , Mrs. Erie Jolson Krasna she married Movie Producer Norman Krasna last month was already the beneficiary of a million dollar trust fund set up for her by the mammy singer. Under the pact approved Mon day, the 27-year old brunette will receive a community property share of 1400,000 In life insurance. 131,156 In cash. $115510 in gov ernment bonds. S128.948 In record ing royalties and an Interest in past and future earnings of two movies. Jolson died Oct. 23, 1950. What Olympi satisfying: "Its 0lympia's rich, satisfying flavor is attributed to the rare arte sian water from our own wells at Tumwater, Washington. This water improves every process of brewing. It extracts hidden, flavors from hops and grains. It creates more active fermen tation, giving sparkling life to the beer, and assures constant; purity. Enjoy Olympia . . . America's Original Light Table Beer, Visitors are always welcome at , Olympia Brewing Company, Olympia, Washington,' i '"One of America's Exceptional Breweries" 6.. - Scxhsid 2 a cud By JEAN OWl:. Today oegan ine firai, wcex of the semester activity schedule, and many meetings have been called and new projects are being scheduled. All club pictures for the El Ro deo were taken today by the stall members and photographers. The book sales began again yesterday, with the price to be raised from 13.25 to S3.50 when 500 copies of the book have been sold. Already the staff has sold 400, so It Is more than advisable to get yours right away at the re duced price. ' Also on sale for the next several weeks are student body cards which will sell for $2.50. if you haven't already pur chased your card, see Marvin Ner seth, student body business man ager, In the main office during the first ten minutes ot the ac tivity period. A slightly different noon recrea tion set-up has been put into ef fect so that now chess and checkers are played In the cafeteria-annex, ping-pong in the girls' gym, sport dancing In the girls' gym and study hall In room 206. Perhaps, In order to save any confusion, it should be mentioned that the new spilt noon hour sched Wi-ite-ma COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Lunches Dinners from from l Southern Oregon's Finest makes la so the Water Sy mbol of Hospitality Tender Aground, Two Rescued Astoria 11 Two crewmen who ran a disabled cannery tender aground on Peacock Spit wtr brought to safety by the Coast Ounrd Monday, , The two Thomas R. n!himt Sitka, Alaska, and Jack Sheridan, Bodega Bay, Calif. were maroon ed on the spit for six hours before the Coast Ouard could bulldoze trail to the beach. ule will not be In. effect all this week due to the tests which are being taken by all members ot the Junior class. These tests are the Iowa Kriu. catlonal tests and are merely achievement tests. They were pre viously scheduled 1 lor yesterday, but because of the many absentee caused by the . snow storms, they had to be postponed. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO from Ibt Loiili R Man? ln Cn psny. N. 7th, at a law maalklf rale. Afttr a reasonable tlma jon eaa If yen wlib, chang from rani par ch ate agreement. Th rani already at 14 la all credited la yur pnrofcata aocaaal and no other down payment la pr ary. The monthly paymtnta ea ba little higher than rant. Or. If yaa pra fer, yao can cantlnaa la rani. 99 nrxlaMwttlUca.. r-0tt - i 1 ' f DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th. St.