Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 22, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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KFLW Tucilav Evening, Jan,
6:00 Sporii iiiiniiinis
6:IS Home Town News
6:23 World News Summary
C:30 Suburban Serenade
6-4S Headline Edition ABC
6:58 Coming Attraollona on ABC
J:00 Oreateit Story ABC
ieaue aoi;
.1- IBP
1:30 United or Not ABC
:00 Town Meeting of Air ABC
JWOO 10 PM Headlines
)0:IS Dream Harbor ABC
10:30 tnaomnla Club
11:00 Newt Summary
11:03 Sim Oil
' 'KFLW Wednesday, Jan.
:00 Sign On Niwi Summary
0:03 Corn In the Morn
0:43 farm Fare
7:00 News, Dkfst. I'dlllon
7:13 Charlie a Rounoup
7:30 Bob Garred & News
. 7:40 Ton o' the rooming
7:33 John Conte ABC
t: brcaklai eluu ABC
0:00 Hank Henry Show
0:30 Break the Bank ABC
10:00 Chet Huntley ABC
10:11 l.rne . ur ev A ' '
10:30 My True Story ABC
10:33 Edward Arnold ABC
11:00 Betty Crocker ABC
11:13 Stop & Shop
11:30 Against Storm ABC
11:45 Mutical Roundup
11:33 Market Report
12:00 News. Noon Edition
12:13 Payless Sidewalk Show
13:30 Lucky-U Ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Hrv" ABC
1:13 Better Living
1:30 Mary Margaiet McBrlde ABC
5:00 Basin Briefs
3:13 Accent on Melody
y:."l Jt.Vf e Jordan. M D. ABC
S'43 Rom, Evelyn Winters ABC
3:00 When a Girl Marries ABC
3:13 Ted Malone ABC
3:J0 Ferfect Hubsnd ABC
4:03 Mry Marlln ABC jg
''I ""--I-"""" ' ' s
3:00 run rectory ABC
5:113 Worlo n g.u ..oorter ABC
3:30 Chet Huntley ABC
MI "'s Mo"- ""' .
6:C0 Sports Highlights
6:15 Home Town News
6:33 World News Summary
6:?0 Suburban Serenade
6:43 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Coining Attractions on ABC
7:W The L-ne Rajiger ABC
7:.n Mvstery Theater 'iC
:) The Top c Ar'"
6 30 Rogues Gallery ABC
I .. ' :"
0:30 Northwest Artists
10:00 10 PM. Headlines
J0:13 Dream Ha-1"-10:30
Insomnia Club -11:00
News Summary
11:03 Sign Off
KFJI Tuesdav Even'nr, Jan. 12
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:13 KUmath Theater Quit
6:30 Around Town
6:43 Sam Hayes News MBS
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Black Museum MBS
7:30 Peter Salem MBS
8:00 Count Monte Crlsto MBS
6:30 Roving at Rudy's
6:43 Heidelberg Harmonalres
0:00 Glenn Hardy-News MBS
0:15 Fulton Lewis-News MPS
0:30 Official Detective MBS
0 35 S-Mlnute Final MBS
10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS
10:13 Here's to Vets
10:30 Opera Concert MBS
11:00 Night Owls Edition
11:03 Night Owls Club
la;vu i i O;.
KFJI Wednesday, Jan. 23
6:00 Musical Reveille
:45 ra:m Pewter
6:35 Local News
7:03 Hemingway News MBS
7:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 News
7:45 Pest Buye
1:00 Cecil Brown MBS
6:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
6:30 Bible Institute MBS
t 00 Homemakers Harmonies
:13 Platter Party ...
0:43 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 Glenn Hardy MB1
10:13 Tells Test UBS -
10:30 LaPolntes . .. .
10:45 Concert;, ' ,'. '
10:30 Currlhs ' - ' -
10:55 Ken Carson Show
11.00 Ladled Fair ' '
11:23 News MBS '
wueen Tor uay oiaa .
12:00 Name Bands.
12:15 News
12:30 Dance Tunes
12:45 Market & Livestock '
1:00 Jack Ktrksrood MBS
1:30 Tune Test ..
1:35 Local News
2:00 News MBS,
1:05 News MBS -
2:13 Tea Time tips ' '
2:45 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Riekys Request
4:00 Speed Gibson MBS
4:15 Hemingway News MBS
4:30 Curt Massey Time MBS
4:h.1 Sam Hayes News MBS
3:00 Twilight Time
5:30 Wild Bin Hlckock MBS
Doors Oeen Deify At MS
m m
7 Cl,if.S6lf
22 1 3:33 -News MRS
d:uu uaoner iiratier bios
6:13 Klamath Theater Quit
6:30 Around Town News
6:43 Sam Hayes News MBS
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Affairs of Caianova
7:30 Cisco Kid MBS
B CO What's N'i-. of So.ig MBS
6:30 Medal of Honor X
6:43 Heidelberg Harmonaires
0:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
0:13 Tulton Lewis Jr MBS
0:30 Wrestling
tat S-Mln. s'lnel MBS
10:00 Wrektling
10:13 I Love a Mystery MBS
10:30 Out of Thunder MBS '
It"! Vht OwU ve'VS
11:03 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Off
SOCE Parley
Young women of seven Southern
Oregon and Northern 'California
counties are being Invited to at
tend a special conference at Ash
land, March 29. to study personal
problems and plan self improve
ment, according to .Mrs. diaries
Lai-kin, president of the Klamath
Palls chapter, American Associa
tion of University Women.
The Ashland Com'erence for
Young Women is being organized
by the AAUW chapters of the
seven counties and will be held on
the campus of Southern Oregon col
lege Mrs. Larkin said. Counselors
ironi each of the AAUW branches
of the area will direct various
phases of the session. Mrs. Zelta
Spurling, chairman of the recent
Sltaduaies committee of the Klam
ath Falls chapter, will head this
city's participation.
Theme of the conference will be
"Mirror lor the Future." Mrs.
Larkin announced. Invitations are
being extenued to two senior and
two junior girls in each high school
of the area through deans of wom
en of the institutions. Each girl
will be asked to bring her moUier
to the meeting, also, although moth
er-daughter teams will be split up
for the separate discussion meet
ings. Topics to be discussed include
personal appearance and habits,
the part played in the home, plans
for future economic support and
study of moral and spiritual values
Guests will meet in small groups
with AAUW consultants and then
will meet In a single group to re
port decisions reached.
Mrs. Mabel W. Winston, regional
AAUW vice president will act as
general chairman of the confer
ence. Invitations are being sent to
young women In Jackson, Jose
Dhine. Coos-Curry. Klamath and
Lake Counties in Oregon and Sis
kiyou County in California.
Man Critical
Serum Flown
NANAIMO. B. C. Wl Two mil
lion units of anti-tetanus serum
were rushed across Canada bi
plane Monday In a dramatic ef
fort to rave the life of a Nanaimo
man suffering from lockjaw.
George Raines. 24. was taken to
the hosDltal Sunday, One million
units of EMum flown In from Van
couver cleaned out the supplies
Monday, two million units of the
serum, valued at $1,600. was flown
from Toronto to Vancouver dv a
Trans-Canada Air Lines plane. The
serum was placed aboard an RCAF
plane which immediately took off
for Nanaimo.
The serum was dropped by para
chute here Monday night, because
there are no lights at the .airfield.
After some of the serum was in
jected Into Raines' veins he was
able to move his Jaw slightly, al
though pe was only semi-conscious.
SINGAPORE Lfl It will be a
shorter distance between drinks in
this British Colony next year. The
Licensing Board of Justices re
cently granted permits for 77 new
Dara. Applications naa oeen re
ceived from 123 petitioners.
1 " t re" e -r .eee e.
iin" V'r I r,e,faseelliC
hS.f J
Federal Aid
For Anglers
State Game Director P. V.
Schneider has announced that pub
lic access' for fishing at Malheur
rng at Malheur
reservoir between
ourns ana vaie
will 1
h. nM-UI I,..A. ik. e..
commission s urst expenaiture 01
federal aid for fish .restoration
n , .... . .
Next trout season anglers will
have access to Malheur reservoir
on a road provided through an
easement obtained with the fed
eral aid funds.
Information on restrictions to
public fishing on the Rogue, Nes
tucca and Deschutes Rivers and
Unity and Higglns Reservoirs In
Northeastern Oregon is now being
compiled. This game commission
program of providing fishing ,ac
cess throutzh easements and ac
quisitions is termed a long range
operation designed to meet rap -
idly growing problem.
The 10 per cent federal excise
tax on fishing tackle, under pro-
visions of the recent Dlngell-John-
son Act. is divided among the
states on the basis of angling U-
cense holders and size.
t :t November the name com.
share of federal sport fishery aid
funds for providing public access
to fishing waters. The commis
sion's share in matching funds is
23 per cent of the project cost.
Malheur Reservoir was poisoned
in 1930 by Commission fishery
agents to destroy trash fish and
last summer 176,000 advanced fry
and fingerling rainbow trout were
liberated in the reservoir. On Nov.
1. Fishery Agent Allan Lichens of
Hlnes checked growth rates on 217
rainbow freed in the reservoir and
found they already averaged 6.7
Inches In length. At tills rate of
growth the trout should provide ex
cellent angling for the 1931 trout
To complete Its part of the res
ervoir access agreement the Game
Commission will build a perma
nent cattle guard on the Carroll
Locey property and a 1-acre park
ing area at the reservoir edge coiv
tolled by the Orchard Water Com
2 Face Charge
Of Kidnapping
PORTLAND IP Two men ac-
cused of kidnapping a Portland wo
man la3i 'C3r, are being held in
Rome, ua., according lo ponce.
The pair, George Lester Womack,
27, and Ralph H. Rasmuesen, 21.
were picked up in Georgia on a
car theft investigation. Detective
card Purcell said.
Mis. Edith A. Stearns, 40, was
abducted from Portland last month
as she was parking her car. She
told police that two men drove her
to a wooded area, one of them
drove off in her car, and later
they released her unharmed.
Big Beet Sugar
Year Expected
culture Department expects a big
ger crop of beet sugar next year
ana smaller production in on
share cane areas.
This I3 Indicated by President
iruman's budget message sent to
Congress Monday.
Payments to beet producers for
compliance with the sugar act and
Its quotas are estimated at 131,500,
000 in the fiscal year beginning
July I, 1952. Estimates for the cur
rent year are $27,792,802.
Rudderless Ship
Saved by Tugs
ASTORIA Of) A Libertv shin
with its crew of 45 was towerl to
safety here Monday night after los
ing its rudder in rough waters at
the mouth of the Columbia River.
The ship, the Wlnslow S. Homer,
floundered helplessly for more than
feur hours in the mile-wide chan
nel between Peacock Spit on the
Washington Coast and Clatsop Spit
on the Oregon Coast until tug boats
got lines aboard and towed the
.-hip back upriver to the Astoria
The pilot schooner Peacock came
to the stricken vessel's aid when
it radioed for help after dropping
Its rudder at about 4 p.m.
-'nmti crr...
7j uii.tr
sL villi! 11 4
.,l. r etsiw.,. . . ee '
TO SUXFACETh. Acwa (auriut Im.) f meirol
Vital Info Said Leaking
From Army
eight investigating grouns arc re-
eigm invesuga mg grouns arc re -
vitnl e,rk iou h .Mnii Anl
iuumiib mui iuuijmiiiu """ifiper ttnn n ,r o. .u
. rf UA A nl , n V...-I
w "- nrmy oikuui gvoips una-
Hgence agency. .
This agency collects reports of
ct and rumor from various U.S
fact and rumor from various U.S
agents around the world.
The inquiry was set o f by coin-
Job Turnover
Said Average
j SALEM W The turnover of
, state civil service employes last
ear sveraged 4 per cent a
! f- S;teSlSliVL?"tCl0r
-ms Clinton said Monday,
Clinton said that figure Is about
average for private employment
throughout the country,
There was an average of 10.330
' c.lv" e"'lce employes working lor
283 dismissals
Many positions remainari vacant
because of a shortage of nurses,
doctors, engineers, and others In
technical and professional classes.
Russky Settlers
Reach Kuriles
MOSCOW I Dispatches being
received from the Kurlle Islands
that He between the sea of Ok
hotsk and the Pacific tell of the
arrival and settlement or Soviet
citizens there. .
The Soviet state Is reported to
giving me new seiners gener
ous help in establishing them,
selves. They are. said to receAe
loans in money, manufactured
good3 and timber. --. .
In the last few months 32 fisher
men's families have started up a
new settlement on the islands of
Mack 'D.-Ill.i, who flew in Monday
from Honolulu on the homeward
ler of his globe-girdling flight in a
small, single-engine plane, says
American prestige In the Orient Is
NARROW PANELS at skirt and
bodice-, ront mako. you look posi
tively, sylph-like I Lacy-edge, darts,
sleeves and neckline are spritig
like, flattering youthful. 8hown all
in one iaonc, or you can make me
bodice panel of contrasting mater
ial for a smart touch!
Pattern 9131: Women's sizes 34,
36, 38, 40. 42, 44, 46, 48, 60. Size
36 takes 4 yards 36-inch.
This easy-to-use pattern gives
perfect fit. Complete, illustrated
Sew Chart shows yon every step
Send THIRTY cents In coins for
this pattern to Marian Martin,
care of Herald and News, Pattern
Dept., P.O. Box 6740, Chicago 80,
III. Print plainly YOUR NAME,
s is
Hi W
frt ! Un0V,d.
Signal Corps
plaints from 10 of the agency's
1 employes. Including three Army of.
aLS, KCp. LvC
!., m Vii iL .Vj i m.
S?, ?, cluUun nd 3 '"llltry
L,h.?.fa'?.on?. ?' ",ee Army
oiucers. Lt. Col. Ollle J. AlUn.
was transferred lo California only
last month and had expressed the
fear this was done lo silence him. '
Allen recorded his observations and
requested an investigation, the
congressman said.
The Chicago Tribune reported !
Saturday nlgnt that the ten Signal 1
Corps employes had requested the ,
Inquiry. And the newspaper said '
the inquiry had uncovered there
was no record of 57 "top secret"
documents, lt quoted Army Intel-,
Hgence officers as saying a recheck
had accounted for all except 11 of
the documents.
Army spokesmen here declined
to say how many secret papers
were missing. They said only that
an -investigation had been under-'
way for sever? 1 months and Is con-:
Unuing carefully and thoroughly. I
memo to a
11' I 1 'i M J ?S--eS S
Dcir Susan: We're leaving this little note for you ro read the next time you're at the telephone.
YVc want you to know we're delighted that the telephone rings so often for you these days . . . and
that you have so many friends to call. But we hope you'll remember that we share this line with
.our telephone neighbors. They like to use it, too. And, of course, we know you'll keep in
mind that no one can call us as long as the line is tied up. Lovingly, Mother and Dad.
flew. Yet Home
Fund Shapes
subcommittee Monday approved I
bill to mako another lat) million
dollars available to veteran durln
the next year for loons on new
homes and farina.
The measure now goes to the
Veterans' Affairs committee which
will decide whether to submit It
to the houae. Approval of the bill
is considered likely,
Snow Burdens
VANCOUVER, B. C. M'i-A tingle
cloud was blamed Monday for a
(reak storm which dumped seven
to 10 Inches of snow over Van
The Weather Bureau Niilri the
single cloud parked over the city
oriy ui uie morning anti Humped
lis load. Only a light fall was re
ported In oiibuibnn Biirnaby while
no snow fell In New Westminster,
i-i nines away. i
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
Complete Overhauls Tune-ups Body Work
Lubrication Wash and Polish -A- Brakes
Jk Rear End Paint
3 tl6(&m& Is.
popular teen
look em up
Jot 'em down - then caff
You know, it's awfully easy to get
telephone numbers mixed up,
So to be sure of the right number,
why not look it up , . . in
your directory . . , jot it down
. . . then call.
Twins Learn
Of Heritage
ald n ml Drni. II Hklles, twin broth
cm llvlntr In Ntiburbiiii North Vim
cuuvor. have learned lliev me IirIih
In n Umber tract In Idtiho sulci to
be worth 5100,000.
Vancouver police liilnnlng perKUiiN
utiiriiti cuuiitt'ien tno ui'oinern, alt
er relative In Sweet Flump, Oro.,
linked for aid In loiinlliur them.
The timber holding wit bought
In 1U18 by the twlm piuonta who
dirt, no yeitrs ago.
LoKuing InterenUi are aiiltl to he
dickering for timber rights on the
"'We huve never neon It," Donald
suld Monday, "but I doubt very
much It is worth $100,000.''
The brothers, are muMolniui and
"will go on playing mii.ilc" while
they Investigate tho reported lor
tune. About three fourth of the
world ! supply of sulphur coinc.i
from "domes" found during oil
drilling on the coast of Louisiana
and Te.tai.
When You Want The
Dodae Plymouth
' Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks
522 So. 6th Ph. 8101
- a&
y in 1
r. . .
Pacific Telephone
Demos fo Hear
Sweetland 7
Monroe Hwecllniid, Oreiton Dem
oerulJo National CounnlUoemiin, Is
to f.lcheji! iiiriiiljei'H of the Klnin
u 111 County lJnino Cenliiil Coniinlt
tee lit a mooting Friday at tho
Puill Muck . committee chairman
I111.1 called tho meeting for 8 p.m.
H Is to be a klckiilf oniiii lor
the party arHHiilxallan's etlort In
the coming May primary election,
and a party program Is to be dls
t) tinned.
eee el raeti (wall
f. 4t 0rers T U OsO
en B. Leo, Mgr.
this free booklet
for local anil out-of-town
telephone numbers is yours for
the asking. Why not telephone,
send a postcard, or drop in to
your nearest Pacific Telephone
business office for your free copy