PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY. JANUARY 22. 1052 Acheson, Dulles Urge Jap Treaty Ratification Growth Poses Home Problem 8EATTLE UM The past presi dent of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association says there will be 1,850.000 new families In the United States In 1052, and they will have to be housed. Norman P. Mason of North Chelmsford, Mass., aired his views at the opening of the 49th annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermens Association Monday. Nearly 1,600 lumber dealers from Washington, Oregon and Idaho are attending the three-day meeting. Mason, now chairman of the Construction and Civic Develop ment Committee of the United States Chamber of Commerce, told the convention: "That figure Is the number of times our daughters will walk down ih. aiiiift tn the strains of Lohen grin. There will be 3.800,000 babies born In America in 1952, according to conservative estimates. We old folks are living longer, too, so this will add up to a population gruwiu of 2,400,000. "Or, to put It differently, we will add enough new population to make about five new cities the sue of Seattle." J ' J. W. Copeland, Portland. Ore., E resident, reported retail lumber uslness Is normal now and pre dicted Increased home building in the next few months. Alien Office Probe Delayed , WASHINGTON Wl The Senate Judiciary Committee Monday put off for a week a decision on wheth er to approve a resolution calling - . . . 1 . i r ,hB Allan lor an uive&tiKauuii u. mh, Property Office. Chairman -cCarran (D.-Nev.) was directed to select a subcom mittee to give further study to a resolution calling for such an in vestigation. This group was directed to report back next week with its recom mendations. In a memorandum to the com mittee prior to the start of its Session, Sen. Wiley (R-Wis.) said he has received a mass of reports that there are "numerous Irregu larities" in the APO. It was Wiley who first suggested the 50,000 investigation. Bv JOHN M. 1IIGHTOWER WASHINGTON I Secretary of State Acheson and John Foster Dul les urged the Senate Monday to ratify the Japanese Peace Treaty. Dulles said this must be done to keep Japan from becoming "a cap tive of Communism." Acheson and Dulles were the first witnesses to be called by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, hold ing hearings on the Japanese treaty and three other Pacific security pacts with Japan, the Philippines and Australia and New Zealand. Enactment of all the treaties was urged by both Acheson and Dulles. Acneson saia uie treaties are musts In order to set up a new and "effective system of regional security in the Pacific." And Dulles, architect of the trea ty which has been signed by 49 na tions, asserted that "the commun ity of free nations needs Japan." He said Japanese capabilities "could be exploited to give long range overseas striking power to the vast human and natural re sources which Soviet Communism already controls on the Asian main land." He added: Stalin, whose views are not neg ligible has said that with Japan the Soviet Union would be 'Invinci ble'. The Soviet leaders do not dis guise the fact that Uiey seek, above all, to be able to exploit the in dustrial capabilities of japan and Germany." HENLEY BEEF CLUB The Henley Beef Club met at the home of Rodney Wright. The meeting was called to order - by VrtST Jim Cbjyne. The pledge to the flag was given. Tne roll call was answered by each member giving the lull ration led to his tali. Tne main topic of the day was demonstrations for the Gun Store window. Jim Cheyne and Rodney Wright are going to put on a feed mixing demonstration. "How to Make a Rope Halter," is going to be the demonstration put on by Donald Wallin and Vincent Cheyne. Betty Scala and Audrey Kiger are going to demonstrate how to clip a dairy animal correctly at the spring fair. - Plans tor a pie social were dis cussed. The social committee is going to meet to make further plans Jan. 17, 1952. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments served. For recrea tion the club went down to the barn and played basketball. Leonard Garrison News Reporter AGENCY LAKE LIVESTOCK CLUB The Agency Lake Livestock Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erllng Erickson, Jan. 5. The meet ing was called to order by Pres. Dean Barnes. All members were present. The treasurer gave the report. Club members unable to attend the Christmas party were told what it was like. The 4-H project was discussed. Plans were made for a -ski, sled, and toboggan party. Jan. 13. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments served.. Carol Barnes News Reporter DA CANDIDATE -SALEM Wl Vernon L. Burda, Prlnevllle Democrat, filed Monday lor district attorney of Crook county. Park Funds Request Cut WASHINGTON Lfi President Truman Monday asked Congress to provide 132,289,383 for the Na tional Parks for tne year starting July 1 a cut of about S 'i mil lion below the amount appropriated last year. The decrease was asked despite estimates by the National Park Service that more visitors will tour the parks this year. Mr. Truman asked in his budtret message for $14,310,000 for con struction work by the Park service. This compares with $20,649,000 made available for the current fis cal year ending June 30. The construction includes roads, trails, parkways, buildings and other pnysical facilities. The President asked for $38,786, 000 for management and Drotection compared with $3,322,000 appro priated for this year. For main tenance and rehabilitation of physi cal faculties he asked lor $1,840. 000 compared with $7,483,000 appro priated tnis year. Railway Labor Peace Nears WASHINGTON Wi The Rail roads and the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers were reported Monday to be nearing a settle ment of their prolonged dispute over wages and working conditions. Negotiations are being carried on under sponsorship of the Na tional Mediation Board. Because of this dispute and oth ers involving the Firemens and Conductors Unions, the railroads have been under technical seizure by the Army since mid-isso. ine Army, seized them to bar the un ions from striking. Toft Ponders Brother Vote CINCINNATI Wl Sen. Taft Is undecided whether he'll vote for his younger brother's election as Republican nominee for Governor of Ohio and brother Charlie says that's the way it should be. Sen. Taft appeared on a tele vision show Sunday and was asked by a reporter if he would vote for Charles Taft in the Ohio May primary. Taft replied that he "wasn't sure." He added. "I think the Republicans of Ohio should de cide the question without any to fluence of any kind from me." New Atom Board Member Named WASHINGTON Wl Eugene M. Zuckert was nominated Monday by President Truman to be a member of the Atomic Energy Commission for a four-year term expiring June 30, 1954. He would succeed Sumner T. Pike who resigned recently. Zuckert, whose official home Is In Connecticut, now is Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. COMPLETE FRONT END, FRAME ALIGNMENT -tray SHE TRUCK, or passenger car. Our modern equipment Is the only COMBINATION axle and frame equipment south of Eugene. From passenger cart to the largest truck, we can do the Job! For complete service, axle and I nunc alignment wheel balancing, come In; It will save yon monegi Dalsiger Motor Co. Mela end taaetoiierft Phone 1121 9th and Pint Phone 3168 February Home Furnishings SALE Everything You Need For Your Home Now Reduced For Extra Savings STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. REG. 29.95 MODERN TABLES Sale -Priced 23.88 Each Buy all three for a coordinated table group at big lavings to you. Selected white oak veneer topi and solid white oak legs. Waxed lacquer, hand rubbed surfaces. Smooth limed oak finished. 129,50 FOAM MATTRESS SET Full Sit 5.88 Temt,15Dowa Designed to give you soft cushioned support from head to toe. Latex core 4 'j " thick, literally sus pends your body on millions of air cells. Beauti fully covered in heavy Damask. Extra deep match ing box spring, designed for this Latex mattress. 109.50 LATEX Mattress Set. Twin size, now 94.88 j REGULAR 129.50 MODERN FIGURED FRIEZE SOFA-BED Reduced Hi I 19.88 On Ttrmi, 1S Down 3 A handsome living room set by day you'd never guess it's an extra bedroom at night. The large arms on sofa-bed are attractively modern in style. It opens to a comfortable 43-inch innerspring bed that accommodates two; single-deck coil- springs over No-Sag spring seat. Bed ding compartment In sofa for storage of extra bedding. Covered In deep-piled wool and cotton figured acquard Friese. REGULAR 49.95 Matching Plotform Rock er with No-Sag spring teat. Now 44.11 L rtSfl if 189.95 FM-AM-PHONOGRAPH. Ttrmt, 13 Down 169.00 Ptrlod Styling ' ' Wards most popular combination now at savings. Enjoy concert-clear FM and standard AM bands plus smooth, fast-acting 3-speed automatic phono. Large PM speaker. Cabinet of mahogany veneers. REG. 31.95 FOUR-LEVEL CRIB Now deduced P 7 , 8 8 T"mti10 Dowl Full-width birch-veneered end panels have scal loped top and bottom rails. Adjustable four-position steel spring. Push-button dropside. Nursery decal decoration on end panel. Smooth rolling' casters. WfW SAVE ON REG. 8.95 BROADLOOM 9, 12, 15' width .7.88 Square yard Save many dollars on one of our smartest broad looms, Practical Curllwist is a 'rich blend of Imported wool yarns and carpet-rayon yarns of great strength. The thick, tightly-twisted pile resists soil, hides foot prints, Solid colors give your rooms a pleasing, spacious look beige, rose, gray, greens.