TUKSDAY, JANUAIIY 22, l!l.r.2 IIKIIALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE ELEVEN C-M' ELECTRONIC ; DUSTER KILL WEEDS AND FERTILIZE AT THE SAME TIME ( It is New: It is dynamic: It is a I most 'revolutionary: SEE IT! HEAR IT EXPLAINED: Win. Volkcrs, factory representative will Ijo present to answer your questions. It Is taking the Northwest by storm. Attend and learn how you can profit. Dales: Wednesday, January 23rd. Thursday, January 24th. Time: Starting at 1:30 each day. Ploce: " v- OGW Farm Supply Bldg. 3049 S. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon II SITUATIONS WANTIP vn.I. ' care"" for cfiiUfreii l"n your"honi tir mini and do lltfhl hotiMworK dai JMinna 3-1 40H. DAY or hour wort wanted. I'fioni 2 O MWI, HAiiVlirrtMN(T"Ptimia"diT7" WAHHIN(r"andnfonirijT,hnnV mrr flAHV HlTtlN(lhima05. W fLCv "r "Tor rhildrin I n"my ho m t timy a or your homo evening. Call 21MB. U6VH w orST tut nTTii i a, OTt HTlfOKN'rwUhti MlVrrnoon awl evening mpltiymrttl. Wrila Leo t Hmllh. Oralarh, Ura. 22 ROOMS FOR HINT l.AfTCK-ileaplnf room wilti""hra ' ATo ainall rtan apartmanl. Untitle fur, mined. Clone in. for Uily. IMione fl(il7 VmiiM anaborcf fur goiuttmen-Fnonr ItcIoMfo, prirp rpaoriVfia"PhoV.TrtiT. ..6VrrV rmror"ront M.-9T. woakT L'iot in. Phone 419f. lidoMH inn iiiih ' 24 APARTMINTS fOR RENT 'OlftlKNT- two room apartrnenl. nV ty lurnohrd and rrdaroratrd Natural hnl water haaf, electr v rrfriftf atr 1 id M AC l-Uf.-oht .iut Ittirnn. JIM r".i t rW lrt AmM lumuhad Iwo riMiir..rrnenT. riarlrir rmngv and rrfrtfrraiui . Con. citliiltf I xalcM from luun r Ora Iiiaiiait- nn.i Mn. I O t tr . . I ri.i,m '.ti,,lr .ipariri'i-nt Iir Inform ic. i, Jl.td aftrr 4 ",, 1. Ait ..:, hirniihcit urKiMi apart men;. A4T.au. tmallrr iwn.room unii. fc 5, rcfi ifterittoi. All u nil lie nirlufltd i Xi- i?".1'- . lw.l.Ut. rjeAii 4-rumn ltirntheu aparf. i ' walor, rvfrltferitur iM. nr Oak Jit. If .. .u TTiTipfi iutir-riOin ao-ii-, ruanl, ' TAte rv ran, walier. rfrlr ator, ml aluva, hut u-alar, ttalionarr 1'. Vary rioaa In. North aid. rMtone 4ja;i ( T- .it.s'r ti ff lurmaiird nprtni1 l. A 'In It Also to room midrn cahtn. I'hoita nun Ko7c t MMilli, C'lokv'iii, uptarainiKlf rn nira ainalt fivttn unrurniah'l anai i l--inl Artulti N d !. no atcohnltra. II r f tt.fMC'f l"7? Otvrn 1 61t hKN'Y two rtKtiit moilarn apart I'irnI Adulla .131 Ilrnail. Yfik IlKSi'. tirniahrd 'aparlinrnl'. I'ri" vale baih. ttrnt furnUhrd Cloto in. Adult.. Phnna 4H7 TirbrCOitAinJ "ihrro room iWnithrd aparlmant Klrrtrlr hrat. Two blorki friirn Main AdtilU. No pel. Nolan A-ili.JU No. lllh. TV?) n:6lt(K)M"(ufnliheda'pirlment, Adutta. atmi Whila. rtfttNLsil'r.U apartm onl u li a b fa Tor roup If. Phnna fuail, I' (ill II K NT t w"n rootn ' t u rn U ht (TVpar l tnanl. Adult Xlfl Broad. K)rl tlTNT. i room apartment, 3 block from Main Klrcrl. Kor workin rouph Phona 447 evenlnf .TIM. rOl'H HOUM (urniVhad apartn-rni. 4XJ 'arU"t Pt- ma w:t 1 7; Kuli itKNT (iirniihcd aparirrant. In- nutra MH High h eW!.Y de?o ra i dprl v to" hath. klT rhanaita. Sttam haat. oitctrlr ranft Kin Kirk (tax Amu Anartniant HMALi. clean apai inicnl. Kttclrlrallt r 'Uinnrn n i worm nun. Vafl RENT! inree room furiiTOiecl apartment. Hot water heat. Adulta. I'hpne :UI8S. THREE room innciem TirrnUhed apart- nient on Eat Main. Private bath. Auto- n.atlc heii. Vi Adulta. No ueta. In- quire 2I1D Appleiate. ion RENT large Three room furniihed aiiarlment. Ph. 3'2nn. 24 HOUSES FOR RENT NKWTJY red pro rated urthirnlahrrf two lirdronm houae, Adulta preferred. Plione 2 :i:i3it HJM UK NT one lirdrooin inmicrii 1 jpliotine, liuitilro 'J2 Hnmenalr Rnad. FOH HHjiioderii iimr idroom auiT urban VilVTa. Referrtire. D0 por itionth. PKnnt flail or aim. Mm HKlT. ttinBo rooiu unVurmthcd foil UK NT two ronin furniiiichouae wlth halh, Plioiie7ili0. lUi. .ii-.M -'t nree bUt ooin tinlurnuhrd hou-t In MHU Addition. Mm wnTrr ion ItKNT TWifJrclVooli. unrurniklird Itoufte 1220 Bnwn Slrret. 40 prr month. Two itedrooni unhirnHhed houe. WJ3 Winter Street U per month. Phone ft.wa. 6it ni'iNT,lviVeirtinTCh with hUiyen. 4X l1 10 Marlln. VoRnENT. two btdrooni uiUuVninheiJ hnui;e. Phtme 11177. run riKNT three rtmtn nioriein rnbin. partly fiirnUhett, Klcgtrlc itove. Can be hiiii jit AilHtnN. Ilili HKN'lr, one fiedruum filriVlahetl li it o, HiVtitt., North .ililr, tiro. .1 :tun? ninn, nenl Estate nroHer, Phone ti(UW a lyHiiie. To:. VtTV iu"lemio I7n-li two '"hf(i room furnlNhcd hoiie In Stewrt-ln-no? ddltlon. laiae Int. banemant, I tip. cirt .i w, e;?, Cflll W. J. Kotrr. nhonr 2 (1200 ' Oil HKN if wu heWoVim cImiiIpx," txtr tih.httlt tMme?)iilnuiiire 7an North jlth. 2B MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT i BE-HIVit u TRUCKS DRIVE Movo Yourself Snve 'i New Trucks Por Long Trips Pickups Smites Vitus DEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 for renl. fua Mnln. Phone 7IHI. luh HUNT floor aander lalei.1 type equipment Suhurhan Lumber Co llth and Walnut Phone J70U C ATTESTOR AGE" - HEA1DrdaywM)l nrmontn. Eari LamD. phone 4S7a ot ronton!! 30' HEAL STATU fOR SALE NKw HUMKS for sale. William Powell. Phona ism. GENERAL NOTICES SO RIAL ISTATI fOR SALI OREGON AVENUE Newly redecorated two bedroom home on larne corner lot. Hard wood doors, electric heal, nice kit chen and bath. Concrete (ounda tlon. (nil baneinent with rumpus room. Insulated. 7250 terms. MILLS Duplex and five room modern home on large lot. Outstanding location. Duplex has one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath In each unit. All have concrete foundations, rooms plastered. H per month return. II 1,800 erms, California Avenue Attractive and well planned five room home. Living room with (ire- place, dining room and nice kit chen, wardrobe cioseta, basement. Excellent construction throughout. 18700 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 0H JOE LEONARD ifives. 2-05271 AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 WANTED Have buyers (or one or two bed Mrt ; room homes on Nortlislde. too or three bedroom homes In Mills. If you have a selling problem, con tact us (or (ast, efdclem, courteous service. VERNON DURANT ANDY SI LAN I REAL ESTATE Kll So. Sixth Phone 9195. im or 7823 $500 DOWN A one bedroom home located on larae corner lot. Total price ol 13000 Includes some lurnlture. Bal ance on easy terms. Walking Distance Well located home close to schools, churches and business district. All rooms are good sire, full basement has huh celling. Some repairs ; needed and rooms need redecorate nig tor wnicn allowance lias oceir See Fred Cofer Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 113 S. Sth Phone 4ID5 SAY, do you want to live within a block of Main Street and have an In come of tH per month, plus your own S-room apartment? This Is selling completely furnished for only $8500. (Maybe less) WE are walling for the price on this 4-beclroom home, with ftll base ment, wonderful fireplace, floor furnace, plumbed for automatic washer and dryer. Hardwood floors throughout. A wonderful view. These people will trade this In on a 30 acre place near town. $5000 Buys this four bedroom furnished home on continuous cement found ation. Two car garage. Veta, this Is a good buy for you. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR ' ' DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3330 2-1363 Eves. HUMES FOR AI.K IVKHfcTl DENNIS REAM UH Uon Klrhpatrlck falemnan HI W ' Phone ! MILLS AUiitVlON, lot Willi partially completed building suitable fnr ahop, atoraea or home. Sewer, water, elec tricity and gaa connected. Priced for quick tale. Phone 6U4J. JO REAL ISTATI FO SALE PLAN NTNGT0 SELL If you are call our office (or efficient-effective service. Exclusive agent In city, suburban and (arm properties. BOGUE DALE, Realtor 123 So. Sth Phone 72CS CLOSE-IN v CHEAPIES 1 Bedroom modern home with semi-modem cabin. Paved street. Price S76C0. $700 down, balance like rent. Close to Mills school. 1 Bedroom modern (partly (ur nlshtdi. Paved street. 1 block to Kalrvlew school. 12800. $500 down, balance IJO per month, MILLS ADDITION. 3 Bedroom ultra-modern. This i home has a very beaulKul Interior. Well located. Many good featured iexamtle-12 elosetsi. A home anv. J!',e0Ul?t.b! t",U'i 10 "uH i J12.SO0. P.H.A. loan qualtflcatlom. SUBURBAN 2 -Bedroom modern home wllh '3 acre. Duilng room. Lovely bath. I I-acndry. Good outbuildings. Price I month. Will Uo consider trailer j house as part trade. j 1 2 Bedroom modern home wllh ! . 1 automatic t' heat. Insulated. Ex cellent double garage. Laundry, price ;7S0. Will consider trailer house or car as part trade. (V ALT DIETZ, wllh T. B. WATTERS Realtor it Insurance 107 So. 7th Phone 4183 (Eve. 9468; FOR SALE By Owner TULELAKE HOMESTEAD 60 acres all in alfalfa PRICE $28,500 Can be bought 30-i down or lease lth option to buy I phone 7-0563 Tulclake, Calif. , LOVELY' SUBURBAN HOME Here Is the almost perfect home, fully furnished, ready to cook your first meal even has linens and bedding, two rent nice spacious bedrooms, plus 135x140 foot lot. At tached garage. Nice large chicken house with cement floors. Seeing Is believing, YOU MUST SEE THIS TODAY. We have ready buyers for your property, we need listings for RANCHES r- FARMS HOMES INCOME PROPERTY. List with a reliable firm. Two room Apartment for rent $30. Clair Ellis Ph. 2-2059 Eves. Jay P. Griggs Ph. 4354 Eves. W. W. Thompson at Malln ' J. W; SANDER REALTOR 1313 Main St. Phone 7631 FOR SALE OR LEASE ' Soda fountain and enfe, com pletely equipped. Well located, with loveiy adjoining two bed room modern apartment. Oood garage. Here Is an opportunity for a home and business, ready to go. Price gl6,000. Terms or vd'l lease. Location 265 E. Main, "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 3-3645 - 6446 1035 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 JO RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Newly built. 3 bedroom lionic ol modernistic iletlijii. Attractive firi--plaiie. nil Iloor urea completely I carpeted. All exceptional home built : (or tllM.-rlinlnnUiig people. Very , reatomibly priced. Cell us (or nil detulli. YALTA GARDENS j Hce til In i-oinfurtiiUle, well cont.lruc- ted modem 2 bedroom home on ' i:roiomHtcly ' acre Rood toil. Automatic oil heat, attached n;ir. i K Ilnu.ie Innulated and e(iilpped 1 With Blorm windows. Paved street, 1 beautllully Innilncapcd. Price JDSOO. I Term available. A NEW HOME IN MILLS ADDITION At 2425 Vine Street. Fully weather stripped, storm windows. Already landwaped. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Call us lor an appoint ment. California Avenue Very well built 2 bedroom home In food condition. On corner lot. Only 6250. Eligible for any type loan. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Homer Stiles Kred Scott- Phone 5658 Eves. 2-24W Eves. 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 45M or 5529 3 BEDROOM HOME On a quiet street In South Suburbs. Large light living room, well ar ramrirl kiLchen and dinina area. service Dorch. Flrculace. piped oil i storage ' space. Now financed on 4 per cent OI loan. PRICE $11,500 Anne Mason Eddie Hotlcy Eves. 6714 I 2-0188 ; BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 8th Phone 726i NEAR -MILLS SCHOOL Small two bedroom home, close to school and bus line. Large fenced lot with two car narpge. Commercial possibilities. 10500. MILLS ADDITION 4-ycar-old home among newer homes. Three bedrooms, one with 3 built-in bunksT Paved Jirect. fenced back yard with nice lawn. Owner will sell (or FHA appraisal price of $8000. FHA terms. SUBURBAN HOiE Newer two bedroom home In Summers Park. First cless condi tion, painted 1.1st year. Hardwood doors. Iron Fireman furnace, good lawn and garden spot. Paved street. 9500, on good terms. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545 - 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 32 BUILDING I REMODELING ROCK WOOL INSULATION. Payments as low as TS5 per month. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 6161 ' 34 FUEL HEATING r STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE ' Check and Fill System , METER PRINTFD TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction : FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy Plus' Service" Since 1919 B21 Spring St. Phone 4153 CLEAN economical trhl iTV. Oil atove. . PEYTON Ic CO DRY nine hlorlc fni- .ni. nn.n ..... "'.'A?.! ""d weItendn. Metiers Bros. PitLSTOLOGS plckut) or dt-iivered Cliff YadanH Kianal s-rvir. gun a 6tn Phnne SBSl or 9-92S0 S & II GREEN STAMPS Riven on heat Ini olli Phnne 3681 or J.9260 for prompt de Hverv CUFF YAOEN'S SIGNAL bCRVICa. -iMl so stn STANbARnHICA'TINri till Stove, furnace Itaht fuel. coal. wood. charcoal Pevtnn anil r R.1S u..i..t rnnne 019. PINE or fir wood, anv lenpttv fRnn 19 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES VINE NEC Rnori rniri 'Wnlrniniuri $123 up. Set Barony Knnels. Reg! CO I. Lit; pups. Litter regUtered. Can FOR SALE. 3 iml nnnhohiinH mid. Ono red, one black and tnn. Wortr.ed una aiMemner nnni. unii art or n n m .m , gjiirrigm. (-none ttJiiu. AtftiURSON BnaMIng Kenneli Prion nmt nitiiH opiaw on Home dale BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding b.v day. week or month Sanitary kennels Well balanced rilt Cleay Individual ciidoor run for ench nun uom nanoieo owrii mating will Dick up and deliver . vtnltora welcome Phong B078 Marrlll fto Rt 3. Box 504 9HAK1A CASrADE KENNELS MALE Chihuahua-Pekingese dog with papen (or sale or trade for ateel kitchen cabinet or coffee table. Phont 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY FOR SALE CHEAP. New ilRiupshlre Red Fryer and roast ers. Wholesale prices, Will drejts and locker wrap on order. Mut hnve 3 days notice. Phone biwi alter a p. in. , I am now bco'ttng orders for spring ue'.ivery 01 wnueiace, Angus, ana dairy calves. L. M. Hooker. Rl. 1 Box 703, Cre icon t cit;1. can . FOR SALK four Registered Holsltin duhs, pnone a-pzn, FRYERS, pnivready. Phone 2-1133. ino iir.vr HmDhlra cuUets. Lav in a. rnuna tw. 42 LIVESTOCK t ' LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 ' 1:30 P.M. Cattle,'- H'jK.i. Sheep. Livestock truck (or hire, one head or carload. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. MIDLAND ROAD K. E. "Hob'' Rhodes, Auctioneer FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Up to 1500 on your auto On vow talary or furniture , ' up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a specially -, (10. Ui, 150 loaned till "pay day' or longer Ut cost cut IS cent (or one week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. lift No. 10th St. M-3M DON MclNTYRE. Mgr. Vearf friendly Service 3 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY POULIKY WANTED i Cash paid (or t-ny amount. Top market prices frr good quality. I For quotations PHONR 3857 ' KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS i HK.iu.dT prlreft Mid for poullrv. h"8 ind livestock. BIG y MKAI MAHKK! "lew Juru'tfn Phrjne KOIl SALK, hrgittered Atisu bull. W. a. Utnn.tr. I'hone UOI7. A.filMOAI. .IRKKDI'SU SKRVICK Phnnt 5721 M C IChurkl Warren Rl 2 Box 322 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED UA.M'ED ! ion 7213 Merrill Boofj u ru piano. vva viTiiiT" Ju: (cur roeni nouc. v ounrtji o.i, cttcap fot Prefer rorner 1 .1 .-Jorth rif.-, ' Ea-.l Main, fcr rental i Mills School. property. P. O. Box TIM. WANTKII d incli Phone .'.."JOS. CralUinan table saw. WANTED to buy, good baled alfalla. Writ or ca'l Woody Smith, Hood River, let .1:174. Nli COL'PLK n. chUrcn:,. ,te- 1 lurcit 1st. ! WANTED, cultivator for Olive' crop. Write J. A Cone. Ht. 214 K. WILL PAY CASH n advance for Irrl aateri pa-.ture for CO head cattle. Phone Lorella 3137. NXED CARS' Get tot) orlrt now rw.- Motor Co otn end Plum 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Gash, Loans Borrow Pn Onl $100 J7.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP i'O S3U0 ON FURNITUKS OR SALARY UP TO II2O0 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW t Convenient Location I Convenient to Borrow . , Convenient to pay I Locally owned New Cars ''nance at Dank rates "V'JNEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co Hi years serving K"tm!h Ba-ll See 'Chuck' Bailey Mffi 111 N 7ui St Phone 3:r 8-341 ' M-37o Commercial Burnishes - r SH! CASH LOANS tbO to S300 Auto - Purnitur Lives loc It - Salary 50 to $500 Automohtles (paid tor or notl Private Sale ot Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial. Finance . Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 6-251 - N-'AU No Bth Phone 1711 107 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ILLNESS forces Immediate aacriflce mam blreel cafe. Phone 3-9109 for ap- poinimeni. SMALL restaurant doing ftood business. Selling on aceount of ilckncss Phone SI MISCELLANEOUS r'OR SALE FIONSON Llchtei Renalr. Une day aervlre, Farlory trained experts. Make that old lighter like new asatn. REPAIR DEPARTMENT KICKYS JEWELEnS 7Hl Mm rhone nisi FOR SALE 121) bass arcordlon. Excel, lent condition. S2.MI coi:l. Phne 2-201 V COOD tird Royal vacuum and attach' monta. X14.7S. Phone 11200. KOK SALE. Approsinmtcly 170 ton baled hay. 1st and ind, under covci- Rucly Fun'.. Malln. Oregon. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone 2-1167 CRUSHED ROCK. Phone Mil etc . . driveway cinders. Fill body wood. Phone mini. FOLKS who llhe food with the home made taste. .like lo shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery, Merrill Lakeview June-, tlon. LANDSCAPING evergreens. . shrubi and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42BH GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buv used tires O.K. Rubber Weld ers 2:191 So em Phone JS ADDINO MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, .ehairt. files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 621. Main Phone 7U ELhCTKOLUX CLEANER and polisher ar.d supplies Phone 71H7 rarkel Tweet !. Market ' W8 ARE prepared to-buy, tor Imme diate cash, one piece or your entire household of furniture. If you have something to sell call us. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUC TlONMART. Phone 55IIS-9219. FOR SALE gas ranges. 710 Main St. Greer Apia. Cill t Manager'a apart- ment. POULTRY LOANS Phone 2-2531 8-271 I SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. , prn(1. Ph 7kq M. J. Barnes Ph. 7991 KOI! PAI.E, wa.hln machine. Phone P9C7. Vm Fargo Hu S30. U U'Y j rtbe. 'iltiAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavetnatter at home fcl,r yr,u bi-v. Onlv 326.30. BICKYS J&WELKRS 700 Main i.Q 'e 31 51 bbjSD rUJINlftHE valu-t can a I way be found at Klamith Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone KA1LHOAD WATCHES V-'mte they Unt V.'e nave a limited number of uv?d Hamilton, Zin ana Ball railroad watchec 'n 'nt cHsr. condition. HKPAIR department Kit-KYS jewcwhs 7M Main Phone 3151 tank Peyton and Co U rlUlM ZL-KCIKIC SHAVr.R SERVICE Tune up. cucj, motcrv, cutter hesda. etc. for all ncpu'a- mhes. REPAIR DEPARTMENT .... "'CYS 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, iu cenu per loot. PEYTON It CO 55 AUTOMOTIVE DONT BUY Without a 2-Day Free Driving Trial - Money-Back Guarantee! All These Cars Are Top Quality 195(h Chey. 'J $1647 1950 Plymouth S1647 1947 Chev. Aero S1147 1947 Plymouth $1017 MANY, MANY' MORE TO CHOOSE FROM You Get The Best At Duqan 8: Mest Dodge - Plymouth and Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 & JANUARY & CLEARANCE 1941". 1937- PONTIAC 2-Dr. Sedan LASALLE Coupe 1 425 125 1 n A 7 Ford Sp. Dlx. $ 174 6-Pass. Cpe. 995 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 OLDS 78" I1IOC Dlx. Sedan I I 7 J Hudson Com. $i in r "6'' Sedan 1400 Hudson Sup. MOiLC 6" Sedan IOOO PACKARD i wr Sedan 1400 Chev. 5-Pass. $1 1 a c Club Cpt. I 140 PACKARD lifQr Custom Sedan lOO DODGE lirnc Coronet Sdn. IJ7 J 1949 p"ssr$l 795 ioi Hudson pftce- soAn I 70 I Maker "8" 4-Dr.ZOOU COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1047 DODGE !i TON PANEL Heater . 'AO's Excellent condition OO JUCKELAND; ' MOTORS llth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 FlNANCK any or fltl repairs or lervice nd delivery for any size job. Dick 3. M'Per Co., 7th and Klamath, phone 1)149 ford Club Coupe V-8. Radio and Hen. or. Good upholstering, very good rubber. In first clus?a condition. SI 223. Floyd A. Bocy Company, Tutelage. unutornia. Phont 7-ao7a, KOR SALE. l!:m Dudce Pickup. Proi tone, Rood moior. tight cab. Heater and dpfroiter. new tlrci on front, new mow ttres on rear. Si 35. Phont Walter 4149 between 8..1 p. m. 1U47 STUDKDAKEK. radio. STUOKDAKEK. heater. overdrive. Sell or trade for Phone 9141. 2113 Wlard. pickup. WHY W A lK 1351 Nosh Custom Alrfllght Ramnler. Has radio, heater. Llka nw. Full prlct. Only S1105 , OIMBAT MOTORS 230 MAIN AUTOMOTIVE A- 1950 FORD V-8 CUSTOM DLX. F0RD0R . rfA Radio, heater : OOv N . DOWN 1950 FORD V-8 CUSTOM DLX. FORDOR SAV: Low mileage, heater, overdrive ... OOI DOWN 1950 FORD "6M "CUSTOM DLX. TUDOR " ? C OA Radio, heater, low mileage " OOv DOWN 1950 FORD V-8 CUSTOM DLX. TUDOR Heater, overdrive, excellent condition. 1948 FORD V-8 SUP. DLX. STATION WAGON Radio, heater. An outstanding value , 1949 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Heater, overdrive 1950 CHEV. STYLELINE DLX. 4-DR. Radio, heater 1949 WILLYS STATION WAGON Heater, overdrive BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2152 South Sixth WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL ' We're out of BETTER-THAN-EVER 1951 LINC0LNS and MERCURYS:.'! 1952's will not arrive for a few more days HOWEVER... ' While we're waiting for the big show We're giving BETTER-THAN-EVER TRADES on SAFE-BUY USED CARS 1950 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. , "7J'50' '. DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS O -, 1950 MERCURY SPORT COUPE Radio, heater. "7LS0 '. DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS O 1950 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. r n '. DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 00 1950 STUDE. CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. . Cts ! DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS .Ki.:.:.;; 04 ; 1950 LINCOLN 6-PASS. COUPE - Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. ' tf)064 DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS .7;fc; 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN . ". ;: Radio, heater. tcrM 'i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS L. ' Oat 1949 FORD FORDOR SEDAN co39 i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS .........:...-.. , . 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN COUPE . ' . Radio, heater, overdrive. irrV) . DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS - A 1947 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater. Fluid drive. Z.V "i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OU 1947 OLD "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN New paint, Hydramatlc, radio, heater. . $ 21 'i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OU , 1946 OLDS CLUB COUPE Radio, heater $0 A"5 '.i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OO 1946 MERCURY 2-D00R SEDAN - , Radio, heater $o"2S vi DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OZ 7 (Insurance Additional on all above cars) OUR BETTER-THAN-EVER TRADES . 1 WILL GET YOU MORE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR! See us today We'll Prove It! and . , . YOU CAN SHOP INSIDE 1 BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN 423-424 South Sixth 8EST VALUES! USED 1 '.RUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 a 7th Phona 7771 For a or USED TRUCK NEW ' Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Vour liiierna-.lonai rri-cR Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath .-hone 2-2581 105O FORU 6 Business coupe. $1250. 1-1658. Call 3127 or Ad. ftSUD CAKS: Ut tup price nuw now noior v,o oin ano cium FOR SALE or trade for flat bed truck 1041 Chev. dump truck wlin 194K Motor. First class condition Phone 9877. . . WHY VAi.K DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 E Main. Phone 11578 "We will cell your car (or you." we Duy ana maei USED CAR ' SPECIALS ' '573 DOWN '406 DOWN s550 DOWN '550 DOWN '386 DO J Phone 4354 MERCURY Phone 7778' 1951 BUICK '40" Series Dlx. 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, . Dynallow drive. ' Glare-prool tinted glass. '2295 JUCKELAND 'li MOTORS ;- llth Si Klamath Phone 2-2581 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING " BALSIGER' ' MOTOR CO. . Main af B'Dlanad , BUS SAROANT'S USED CARS' WE BUY. SF.LU AND TRADF. Corner Shaala Way and Arthur atreeta Phone 8205 1950' OLDSMOBII.E CLUB 8F.DAN Oood condition. Call S243 alur a p. m, 'I