TUESDAY, JANUARY 22. 10B2 PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON OVER M U D AND WATER Both honses are caught with hoofs In the air as Biff Noise (6), owned by Belly Grable and her husband, Harry James, noses out Arrox to win $25,000 California Breeders Champion Stakes at Santa Anita Park. Cal. irnnnt . . SAMPLING- SKIL L Wielding chopsticks, youngsters taste results in cooking class at Toky primary school. Cookinr is one of new subjects for boys in Japan's post-war education. AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rate $1 190 At Low At II '. Plus Small Konrecurrlnff Memberibip Fee Lei Ontild City Preferred Ins. Exch. E. WILLARO CEOARLEAF Dlit. Agent rnont -t4 .1927 8. tk . Hoar "Coals This Be Your" KFIiW R;ns p.m. Monday llf -vrr Cl' 6 0 1 t -. 1 wmm ir. ; r- I " w' tP1" y Stow- SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT S6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Main T S . . -v-v. arm Rr-PEATbrt .Fume jud.-a-hon won the world indiv idual match-game cham pionship for the : second time in three years, defeat ing the nation's top bowlers in the annual all-star tour nament at the Chicago Coliseum. Formerly of Lodi, N.J., McMahon now rolls out of Chicago. E N V OY TO R E D S George F. Kennan, outstanding Western authorUy on 'Rossians, is new United States Ambassa dor to the Soviet Union, replac ing Admiral Alan G. Kirk. S C A LA SUCCESS. Soprano Franca Duval of New ' York smiles In dremlng room at La Seals, Milan, Italy, following her success In Domenlco Clma t row's opera "II Credulo." HOTELS ' OSBURN HOLLAND IUOINE, OKI. MIDFOKD . .' Thoroughly Modern . Hr. and Mrs. J. E. Barley ' ' . Proprietors . . 1 nd Joe Earley. ' ' .1 n' Jill" ili A r.V- -i RACING SEAS CREATE PROBLEMS ' Residents salvage possessions from upper story of house at Melsey, England, during hurricane weather which lashed British Isles. n -r4- MUSHROOMINC AID FOR ALLIES - Sup plies ranging from candy to two-ton artillery pieces All Korean sky during air drop by Far Kail Air Force's Combat Cargo group. L HANDSHAKE OVER Brewster (R-Me) is greeted by Iran's Premier Mohammed Mossa degh at lea time in .Tehran during Senator's round-the-world tour. USINCWHILEBUILDIN G-Despite fact that con slruction is still going on, this modern Tokyo school Is already In use as children walk on concrete canopied stairways. - IJ 1 Q I 'J I TEACUP - Senator Owen mtmmmimnmm?immmmmmmmmtfmmi f 4pi' ...... I CLASSIFIED RATES One du.v per wurd 4" I'liref Pays ........ per word lie Week run pir word ilOc Month run per ward Me MINIMUM The minimum chiuito for nny udc sd Is Mo. Legal Notice NOTU'fc OH' nilNllMAt.s.j " Hetil) irti)ODitl will ho i-et'uiwtl liv the Cnmniim Council ot lha City HI Klumalh rlU, Urcuni., fur Iho vitr chuN ut owr luiMi'iivriitant liniiitH, Mitrlvi IHI, MWkirtiKittliiM. Four 'I'ttuiiNtinri I'lve lluntliril TwoMiylwu mul ;i:i-lim Di'IIhi'n, tM.nia.XI) duly nulli.uiDtl hy (irillnmire or lliti nnld Oily or Kluinnlh full, fur the coitHtmiMUm nud Inyinu of trwor linen lit Hnwer Unit No. itU, or hI(I City Htnl nrvlMti the niuptfrty Imtuopu Hoiilli NlKlh Slrnot, (he OC A t llnilroeil II l till t of Wtiy, BUtot W.iy ami WNltinnti ittrrcu PritptiNftU to )Lirchttt ftl(i In m (In will l tecvlverl by the umlei ulunrd til) to mul im'hulliii the 4tli, dity ot Kclintury, lima, til th Tumi- or evoM-lhlrly o' 'lock p in. of nltl tiny nod oi0iirit ui u rrttulkr nivetlits of the Cmnimm Conn, cil liiuuadlnivlv tliereiiflnr: naKl boittlo vhall b (luted rehrilitry 1, IllTi,. and hull tip in nmminti of sfliH) uu mih'Ii, evceut bond No. t, of nnlcl nerii. whlrti iiltall bo for thr ftm-llntinl (Hit I of iiuld Hum, end nil nhtill te doe ten yart niter (lie ilnlc of Uue. imyiitenl of the entire bondi opllunal wlllt unit I City at eny rouHtn pnvinH dnie on end efter one ypm- from itm dnie (berrot. Huld bun (In will briir Intrienl Ml the rele of itul to exceed nix tier rent per minimi, payable KomUaniuially oil t-'ebiunry Ut. and Aiinti! lm, of each year, principal and lniei-t payable at the office of the Ircitmiicr of the City of Klamath Kalla, Ditttfon. All propoatMU imil be uncondllionai and accompanied by a cerliriwt check fur five pur cent of the pmptianl. The Common Council iTt'ivf Ibe rlithl to reject any and all buu. The uccuHnful bhlder for Haul binuk will be furnUhrd with an oomiun an to the IPKrtlllv thereof hv the law tint) of Winfrce. McCulloch. Nhuler ft Sayre, SpaldliiM Huildlns. Porlland, Oichuii. Thla notice ii atithorl'ed by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Kalla, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. Iii.il. HOliritT M. Kl.DKH. Police JudMe of toe City of Klamath r'alU, Oregon. D - Jl - J - 1 - 3 . .1 - 4 8 7 - 8 - 0 - II) . II - 13 - U - IA is . it tn id - ai - n a;i - 21 - an . an m an . w ai r i a No nan. i NOfiOfcd itpifiTPbiia Notice U nerehy given that the under alaned baa Iteen appointed lh (lie County Court of the .state of Orwiion for Ibe County or Klamath, Probate Department, administrator of the re late of Ma C. Nealelih, aluo known a I. C. Nealelgh. deceiued, All peraon) having clalma againal aid tte are hereby notified to present Ihem to void admlnlalrator at the office of the Klamatb Koll" Herald and Nwu. Klaoi. ath falla, Oregon. Willi voucbera duly verified within alx ntonlba frum date hereof. MARTIN t.OWri.l. NrAI.KUill Adnilnlatrator of Ihe Kalale of Ma C. Nwaleigh, alo known a I. C Nealclgb, deieuard: nKATTIK & lllltlt AMD Attorney for Adoiinlatralor Oregon City, Oregon Dated thu 13 day of January, 1 031, J. 13-2-20 K-3 No. Q!H NOTlCrTO ('HKI)ITOMH The undernlgnefl having Iwen appoint d by the Circuit Court of the Hlato of Oregon, In and for Klaotath Crnmtv, administrator with the will annced ut the Relate of (j arret! Ilradner Coad, deceaned, and having mialified. Notice la hereby given to the creditor of. and all peruona having clalnu again!. ald decedent lo pre on I them, verified a required by law. wlihin l nnmilu after the flrat pobllcalliMi of tbla nollre lo Wilson S Wiley, adnilnlatraior. Mill Medical Dental Huilding. Klaniatn falla, Oregon WUJiON H WILKY Admlnlolratur f the K-iate of Ciarrilt Uradner Coiad, deceaaed. J -13-33 - r-5 No. Ho4 NOTIClTTfJCHKIIITOItJI NOTICK U hereby given that Ibe underatgned haa Iw-en appointed Ad mlnlalrator with will attached of the tate of Anna L MikkeUen. deceaacd. and haa Qualified. All pcrnna having clalma againal aald eatale are notlt'eti to present the tame to me with proper voucbera at Ihe office of Clarence A Humble. .7.11 Main Ntreel. Klamath ralla, Oregon, within aix immtha from January 13. 1VJ Otln Mlkkelaen AdmlnUlrainr wtttl Will Attached J-1 3-23-afl r-3 NoL J130 Puzzled Taft Gets Answer WASHINGTON I Sen. Tiilt's n.vieitlon Hint Elscnhowcr-lor-Picii-Ident supporters nre "cryltiu to high heaven" aitulnsl the nicthod-s of Talt's enmpalKi) munniier broUKht a "rltthtfully so" retort from Sen. Ives iR.-N.Y.i Monday. Tnft, an announced .candidate) lor the Republican presidential, nom ination, . said Simdny that thoic seeklnK the nomination for Oen. Einenhower have ncen contending Taft, couldn't win the election next November. The Ohio senator added he was n't able to understand "why the Elsenhower people should cry to hlKh heaven" because Tuft's ma" RKcr, David S. Infills, had made the same argument aKninsi nam Inn Eisenhower to head the OOP ticket. "It's more Uinn that," said Ives, an Elsenhower backer, "The Tnft people are trylnit to tear down El senhower by Innuendo, and I think the result has been to enhance the general's chances for the nomina tion." - Tuft, who expressed his views on n television program said In reply to a question that he will support Elsenhower for the Presidency If the general wins the nomination. Grinning, Taft then said to news men: "I might ask whether you know whether he will support mo If I should be nominated?" Tax Bureau Plan Praised WASHINGTON Wl Budget Di rector Frederick J, Lnwton told a Congressional committee Mondny he believes President Truman's plan to reorganize the Internal Rev enue Bureau "provides for a bet ter climate" for morality and In tegrity. He conceded, however, that It doesn't Insure honesty In the tnx collecting service. Lawton and Internal Revenue Commissioner John J, Dunlnp faced critical questioning by mem bers of the House Executive Ex penditures Committee hearing tes timony on a resolution to rcloct Mr. Truman's reorganization plan. The program, aimed at reshuf fling the scandnl-rldden bureau and placing It under Civil Service, has met with s cool reception by Con gressional leaders. They hit away at the cost of the program. Lawton said the plan con templates adding 7,400 employes, but he said he couldn't estimate its cost. Lawton told the committee the 7400 additional personnel In the revenue bureau added to tho pres ent 67,000 would go chiefly to en force the gambling tax Congress enacted last year, The number of milk cows on U.S. farms has changed little In the last three years. BOX NUMHKH8 V, Answers to ads may be handled through box niiinbria nl tho paper for n service eliingo of Me, DliADUNliS OlasBirirti am aoueptcd up U 6:30 p.m for following day's publication. Chioxlllrd display ada accepted up ic U noon for tullowimi day's pun lli'Mlon. ADJUSTMENTS I'leass inn lie nil ciiiunt lor adjuut menu without delay Correction or cancellations re ceived by 8:30 p.m will be mads in following day's publication . Herald & News Want Ad Agents blv HUNTS OAHH ailOCEtlY Phone 7611 B DC KRIS MRS DORA BKANHAM Phone 7HJ . 101 R Hsaen ' llenlcv Tulolnko RUTH KINO Phone 04IU Hie 1. Box 611 LAKKVIEW BI.UK NOTE MU1C Phone J7IK i', HI No A CARD OF THANKS l".r:SiMIN':HN " 'W."wli.' emu'imu ml! attiirvt'ialtuii lur lha many aru ot hlnil- yy iiIb alul vNlHo.aliiii. uf iiMahy and , riSililnt'a rkifinlt.fi by our frlpntl, anrt MPlvhliora iliiiliiif lha rcrpiit IIIiivm and ilrallt ol our bolovatl liutlimid and fa lliai. Mr.. Ilrrll Uainnilnin ami Marliin C FUNERAl MOMIJ WAlib'S-Klatiiair"iinfirBi lloma. tH lllah Hlraal Plinn S.TI4 .. MECTING NOTICES Calvary Conunnndry No. IB Knight Templar vl II hold mated meet ut Wed., Jan. 33, 7:30. tilting Sir Knights In Hied Win. D. Milne, EO AI.COIIOl.K.'H ANONYtilullS nieali FrKlay, B pin., for Inlnrinatlon, writ Uox I'lione XUU. t r"lOST AND fOUNO IIKWAItl) 'nrfarpi.'"lMroritiatlon faarlliig lo parly laklna .prlns wason front Ora unit fond sinra, 44tw South ttth thai w.i' tiven lo A'lrtrd I'ark. llarrv L, Wuirrt ' GENERAL NOTICE l.lN(.'Handdmiierforvau al Valican nnva-ln. . .. tilMl ' Sinaat Hawins 'Cantar u opan to lha nulilic. Thiir-day to a W for Iraa aitachinvnl Inalrurtinna SINOKH NKWINO CrNITtS auMaln I'nona l-llll 6 PERSONALS (!r.NTl.l.MANoulctllir"lo coVra'.ponrl U'llh itililille aaad lonaly lady Uoa 470 llnralil and Nnn. ' (iOl.t)r:N.'"crlMrw allla. Varvad" ln"yoiir rar with any thins you Ilka. i'jlran Dtlva-ln ilKt.KN'Nhl!AUtV SAT.b.Nrilie-Bain, 1'honr fl'-'H4. S1 ANI.KY MawaruduVlarphrwt 10 "services Septic fanks Cleaned Newest Sanltsry Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE V Jlmn ricn. t Lines of Roots, Eta . ED P KINO 3434 Orrhnrn Phone 1141 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your noma, , Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 433S Septic Tanks Cleaned Titnk.s and dritln fields repaired. Phone 2-0334 EXCAVATING Modii tihovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topaoll Crushed Rock Driveway CLodara Comprewor CRANE 1ERV1C1, GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 6MI or DUO KAnCTHirMIlT7rtrH htnVhi'n'TiTR and machine ahop, North Modoc HI., Tula Ink, Cnlir. All type of farm machin ery rrpalred. Truck beda and alock rack a built to order. Any kind of trail er hull!, All lypen of welding and hard rnclngAll work guaranteed. PIANO flJNINa-WM. H.""'NH)nOAN Par lory trained technician and tuner. Por timing- call Kyle Morgan Piano, to:i.i Malnorphone 303(Xi. HKW1NO "and aneraVlont, liUy DreaVeT Phone a-Mflll. INCOME TAX RKtrinNS " ' For appointment phone 3-0331, Harvey Ulhplunn, PHKNCH-'EiiP' Sandwich at VeTicari Drlve-ln. j KU1.1.EH hruahct. hoxWwXMiT. VlilCit I.AVINli - Dnea drnw'If notjvJIni4B, T)()KS "Vouh flrcptace" Call 2 -on ill. your fireplace need"" nenHnnauie PAINTING alid paporhanglnR pRona 717. MtlPP'S AUTO painting, bodv and fan. dor work Phone 4040 Kl-KCTllfc WiniNCi, work by hour or cnntrnct.Phone 3-I0IO KXPkilT dreVaVuTkina and ' aMeraUona" Phono 07H1, Ct.' if TAINS laundi-cO and ilretched. fnnne aun J L DKAM , Public Accountant 9 and Auditor 0.'J!e!L?, !!22No1lh Phon? PAINTINO, decora ting, paier hatiglna nhiHier-honrd finishing, apray palntlnf. Phone :hym. 12 EDUCATIONAL ' " MOOKKKKPINQ shorthand lyplnf kin dred aubjenln, offlr-e machlnen, KLAMATH HIIfilNPRH COIXEOK 7.1H Pine Phone 47M CHILD" CAhiS nTerfucatlon. PreTebool cejUerPhone 27B. 13 HEALTH MAa.SAflErexerclinrweliihtllftlhBrphy filotherapy for rcduclnn, relMxatlon body bulldlnR. Iinlea for ierlen( Ap pointment, phone MtlU-MOQ. Medical MnBBeiiBe, women only. U "HELP WANTED. FEMALE WA"R7nED, nx per If need atenuflfriTpli cr tor Hone ni I office work. Thin la a Knod ritrndy Job and requires experl onco. Write Box 473 Herald and New, ulnllnfl : quallflcHllonti. KAHN money nL homo, l'ull, ' pnr' Ihncl Hnx I7I Hcridd nnil Ntwii, RXPEHlFNCKn booltKacpcf fnmiiiar" with pnyrnll and tfcnornl office work, (lood Hlendy posit Ion. Hlnto ro and axporieiH'R In rirnl letlar, Write Box 4ti;i iicruui and Newa, 4 mar 16 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED eidorly Indy who needs htima ut viiro ior cnunrcn, nonra, room nna nomo wngcH. Phone 3fl3:iH. WANTTSO enpnhie man for ranch worfeT Srnnll tenant cottiiKc, wood, water IlRhta furnlithed. Prefer married man. Box 407 Herald and Now, I