Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 21, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    M(NI)AY, JANUAHY 21,
The Income Tax Collection Picture
BUK'S POPULAR four-dour Riviera sedan in the Super series, incomparable in the medium-priced field is presented
lion in lis new 1052 styling. Important new exterior styling changes and exquisite new interior appointments lend a
newnoto of elegance and beauty to the Super. New for 1952 are the sweepspear and rocker panel moldings, rear
fundr ornaments, and high lustro stainless steel wheel covers, offered as an option. A new high arc rear deck lid
ralfls the silhouette of the rear section and provides seven per cent more room in the luggage compartment. The Riviera
iH'di Is mounted on a 12SV4-inch whnelbase four inches I onger (ban other models in the Super series that gives it
adcnionnl roominess and comfort. It Is powdered by the hi gh performance F-'263 Fireball engine which develops 123
hurt power with Dynaflow. The new models are being shown in Klamath Falls by H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main St.
;ffy i
i fK4 Trhphatai
fEW POST Veteran diplomat
.lobrrt I). Murphy (almvo), nou
amhassador to IIHkIiiiii, has been
rhonen by Prculdont Truman .c
b the United States' first post
r ambassador to Japan.
tftEA Telrphnto)
STORM OF WELCOME-Capt. Henrik Kurt Corlsen. who wrote
a new saga nf the sen when he rode out a North Atlantle storm
aboard his doomed ship Plying Enterprise, is showered with ticker
tape as his car moves down lower Broadway. Preceding him is
a wedga of honor-guard midshipmen. New York turned out in
hugo throngs to welcome the hero home. ,
Let Tropical Fruit-Bananas
Help You Battle Cold -Snow
Winter weather makes folks en
Joy more substantial meals. It
tnkes enerrey to battle tlie cold,
and when the body use;i energy. It
has to be paid back. High car
bohydrate or energy loods Is Uie
currency of this payment.
Energy foods arc winter favor
ites. 8oino of them give a quicker
pick-up Ulan others, when energy
has been pent and more In need
ed. Tlio banana is one excellent
Rcource of quick energy.
A fully ripe bnnann . . . yellow
peel flecked with brown . . has a
high content of natural fruit augnrs
. . . approximately 20 per cent.
These augurs arc In a form that's
thoroughly digestible and readily
assimilated by the body. This gives
the (inlck energy pick-up needed
to help prevent or overcome that
lli'ed fecltmr.
In addition to Its energy value,
bananaa have a well-rounded sup
ply of essential mtnernla and vita
mins, making them one of the best
of the "protective" foods ; .and
especially good for children.
Tuck n fully rlpo banana into
the lunchboxoH you pack and you
have Included a wonderful and
nourishing winter energy food. Tho
banana Is sealed In Its own germ
proof wrapper, Experiments have
ahown that bitelerla do not pene
trate Its peel, thus Insuring a sani
"l.Utm, lnllT, llnllitel tnl
Ovr-lht-Coiintr bondi ind
NlArka. Invrtlmcnt I'ltnili
101 M.il-nen niili. l'hn- t-ll!
... wiiimiiim Hung mi f n urffTMi nw i i in ii iiii-nri rrri i i i itttvti 1
HARDEST HIT V.'ilh their town Isolated by heavy unown. these men of
after sotlme up a market on the baseball diamonl for planes to drop
hit of all the Sierra town. Several buildings were, .-rushed by the snow
a (as stove exploded in her home.
tary portable food.
The less ripe banana ... all
yellow or slightly green - lipped
. . . aro delicious cooked. Served
hot, llioy can bo n vegetable or n
dessert. Cooking render.! the .starcn
In these bananas fully digestible,
so that Ihey have the snnio ex
cellent food energy as the fully
ripe banana.
4 firm bananas
I'i tablespoons melted butter
or margarine
Use all yellow or sli'ihtly green
tlpped bananas. Peel bananas.
Place Into well-grrnscd baking
dish. Bruh well wltn butler or
mutgavlne and sprinkle lightly with
salt. ' Hake In a moderate) oven
3M F. 15 to 18 minutes, or un
til bananas aro tender . . . easily
pierced with a fork. Servo hot as
a vegotnble, or as a dessert with
even in i syrup or a hot fruit sauce.
Makes 4 aorVinn.
Tin Pont "Varlissm" variable enn
trsnt pholornplilc paper Rivesyou
alon-quality enlnrcmonl from
' any printable negative
INTRODUCTORY KIT only 2.SS -conlnlni
vnryt hlns ynu mHvl: MMtr, nHm, Ml,
liflit fillfr. Comrt In. it . . . nfl iu
CURRtN'S for Drugi
9fh and Main
CAUGHT IN SEA OF MUD A?trcss Virginia Gibson, 21, sits
dejectedly on the roof of her car and wonders now she will ever
Ret it out of a five-foot drift of mud caused by steady rains in
Los Angeles. She was forced to abandon her car at the height of
the storm when it stalled in the mud.
T 1 K
(NF.A Tehphato)
HIGH AND DRY Cattle are marooned in the center of their
corral at Downey, Calif. Flood waters have inundated most of the
territory around Downey after a three-day storm hit the area, '
taking a toll ot two lives and thousands of dollars in damage. ;
rft'K Telrphoiol
Portola, Calif (left), stand b
supplies. Portola was bircicst
and a woman was killed when
lEA lelenhnlal
5-10-5 Liability
' Insurance Current
6 Mo. Rate $ 1 1 90
At Low As I I
Plus flmnlt NfinrrrurrltiK
Membtrahifi l
Ltsi OultltU CI It
Preferred Ins. Exch.
niil. Agent
rhonf J.01.14 HfllT : ih
llrar "( onlil Thll Br Yon?"
KI'I.W S:0 p.m. Mnnitnv
fl fjl I f (7 y I I I I .,J?;
MkiiEx u KdA J U L ?;;
I Vp II X"J' cot -A
i WtfTO Ii lift ' " r7--'
.-' tiuh i JkP-ih . ', -
Some thirty-four thousand work
ers In the Bureau of Internal Rev
enue ore headlDK into their busi
est season the handling of Income
tax returns and tax payments due
on or before March 15.
These employes of the bureau's
collection service handled more
than elKhly-two million tax returns
of various kinds and collected fifty
billion four hundred forty-five mil
lion dollars for the government in
the fiscal year ending-, last June
30. That Is 31S times the amount
tuken by the government in a sln
cle year back In the early Elght-
The federal revenue from South
Caroline last year was thirty-one
million dollars more man one Hun
NW Chiefs Gave Up Wives
As Missionaries Taught
Rv inilV K AMPS
tlllCUTWfiTnM lA TnrKone nf
the Northwest liked the black-robed
them, even though the chiefs hod
to gel ria ot some oi ineir -wivrs.
So 3ays a history of the Coeur
D'Alene Indian Tribe, which was
ah K.. a ..hlnf an1 Ic hpinrr
studied by the Indian Claims Com
The manuscript Is part of the
evidence submitted last week in a
hearing on the tribe's claim for
..- -naimiAnt" fn fmir million
acres of land taken by the govern
ment In the 188U s. tnc inno. is m
Idaho. Washington and Montana.
Al i HUB
Joseph Seltise. who died in 1949
at the age of 63. Details were told
to Joseoh bv aged members of the
trine, lnciuaing iu
Ike Wins New
French Honor
tsadtc m Ren Dvvicht D. Ei-
..nhAi,..r was mnrie an associate
member Monday of the Academy
of Moral and Pollticnl Sciences of
the Institute of France, a 300-year
nlrt French seat of culture, and
In accepting me nonor, ne ium
H, mamlurc nf the nrRdemV ill a
speech that the task of forming
an international defense force to
resist Communist aggression "is a
task ot a scope never oeiore seen
in peacetime, even during the three
centuries of the existence of this
ancient institution."
Camlno, 39. a Western Union clerk,
told police that a sandy-haired man
robbed her office Sunday night of
$25 after peeling a stocking from
her right leg and tying her hands
with it.
LONDON i Britain has named
Robert Hankey, a young but tried
diplomat as her new ambassador
to Tehran In the hope of ending
the long Anglo-Iranian oil deadlock,
Informed officials said Monday.
Before vou put handbags away,
stuff crumpled tissue paper inside
to helD hold the bag In shape.
Leather will stay supple if you
apply a thin coating of white vase
line with a sou ciom. kuo inor
oughly, and then remove excess.
Place unwranucd soap in an
empty suitcase or traveling bag to
help prevent musiy cuura.
Extra Work
Made Eaty
Electric r Hand
Last month' rtntal t annllrd to the
purchase nrlrr.
Pjoneer Office Supply
dred sixty million dollars collected
lrom the entire country in 1893.
New York state alone contributed
more than nine billion two hun
dred forty-three million dollars in
fiscal 1951. y
I There are 22,252 office workers
land 10.521 field workers in the 64
! collection districts of the revenue
bureau. Another 1 .362 persons work
In the processing branch at Kan
sas City, and there are 125 super
visors of accounts and collection.
The regular force of 34,260 will
be augmented during the income
tax tiling period by about 2,200
temporary employes. The extra
season in connection with return
filing extends from January 1 to
June 30.
Under President Truman's plan
Andrew Seltise. who was 92 when
be died in 1902.
.The Rev. Pierre Desmet, the
famed missionary, arrived In the
Coeur D'Alene country in 1842, Jo
seph's hand-written history relates.
His arrival date, the lirst iriaay
in December, remains a dav of cel
ebration for the tribe to this day.
"Father . Desmet's teachings
said that all Christians were al
lowed Just one wife," the history
Twisted Earth chief of the
tribel did not hesitate a minute,
but promptly conferred with his
four wives and left them to decide
among themselves which one
should remain, and which three
should go.
"in a short time the four wives
determined which one must remain
the wife and which three must go.
Twisted Earth thanked them and
told them they made a wise choice.
bid the three a sorrowtui lareweu,
then told the three who were to go
to 'remain faithful to the one man
you arc to mnrry as you have re
mained taitntui already a large
part of your lives.'"
lvisted Earin men was oj, dui
"hale and hearty."
The historian, and those he auot-
ed. said many good words about
the clerev. Dut many Daa ones
about other white men.
White adventurers "sought ea
gerly for Indians who had never
traded with whites and would part
with their furs for worthless trin
kets." Joseph says. "Thus went
15 million dollars in rich furs owned
bv the Indians for some whiskey
and worthless tnniceis.
Writing of the death in 1847 of a
young physician, Dr. Whiteman.
who was suspected oi poisoning
Indians. Joseph Quotes a tribes
man: "Tamsuky knocked White-
man on the head with a tomanawu.
. . . If all reports are true . . .
then he got only what was coming
to him."
Recommended By Many Leading
to relieve distress of
Breaks up congestion in nose,
throat and upper bronchial tubes
A number of baby doctor to
t dA.varerecommndineCh.ld'
I Mild Musterole made espe
h dally for kiddie. Muateroto
rnot only promptly relieve!
eouulia of cheat coldi but
breaks up painful local fonneaMon.
Musterole rontains powerful pain
relieving oil of mustard, camphorated
oil. menthol and methyl lalicylate. It
Instantly createa a wonderful semation
of protective warmth on cheat, throat and
back, giving amazing relief.
There's also Regular and Extra Strong
Musterole for adults.
" Child's Mild
or u.
for reorganization of the Bureau
ot Internal Revenue, the offices of
64 collectors of revenue, at present
filled in part by lawyers, business
men, stockbrokers and others with
outside interests, would be abol
ished. All operating functions of the bu
reau would be placed in not more
than Zo district omces. each head
ed by a district commissioner with
civil service rating.
Also abolsihed would be the
present setup of 125 supervisors of
accoun's and collections operating
in 13 districts.
All jobs in the bureau, with the
exception of the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, would be filled
by career people recruited from
the civil service. The commission
er would be appointed by the Pres
ident. The President's plan must be ap
proved by congress.
The bureau handles millions of
returns in addition to individual
income tax returns. Among these
are complicated corporation and
partnership tax returns, employ
ers' reports on withholding of in
come taxes and on social security
taxes, and returns on various ex
cise and special taxes.
The states with big populations
and large numbers of business es
tablishments, of course, have com
paratively large collection staffs.
In New York, for example, there
are 4,153 workers compared with
57 in thinly-populated Nevada.
HOMER Barn at Klamath Valley
Hospital. Jan. 20. 1953. to Mr. and
Mr. William Homer. 2907 Homedale.
a girl. Weight: 6 pounda 21 ounces.
WEST Born at Klamath Valley Hos
pital. Jan. 20. 19S2. to Mr. and Mrs.
Dale West, 2227 Biehn St.. a boy.
Weight: 7 pounds 14'- ounces.
STAGC Born at Klamath Valley
Hospital. Jan. 19. 1052. to Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Sugg. Dorris. Calif., A
girl. Weight: 9 pounds 11 ounces.
STONECYPHER Born at Klamath
Valley Hospital. Jan 20. 1932. to Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Stonecyphcr, Tule.
lake. Calif., a boy. Weight: 6 pound!
COHEN Born at Klamath Valley
Hospital. Jan. 21, 1932. to Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Cohen, 803 Wocus St.,
a boy. Weight: 6 pounds DVj ounces.
HALL Born at Klamath Valley Hoj.
pltal. Jan. 21. 1932, to Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Hall, 1419 Oregon Ave., a boy.
Weight: 6 pounda 12 ounces.
LOBERT Born at Klamath Valley
Hospital. Jan. 20, 1952, to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lobert, Chiloquin. Ore., a
girl. Weight: 9 pounda 2W ounces.
ii .1111 irt.M!llfflfflfJBl
- Sponsored by ii
Your Ferguson Dealer
5629 So. 6th St. Phene 15,11
v. KM.MW
s. poruiATioN
Field workers had an averaa
monthly production, or collection.
record in 1951 of 15.465 per work
er. In 1946 the average monthly
production record was 3,872.
The vast amount of Daoer work
done by the revenue bureau is
magnified by the large number of
mistakes In tax returns. A special
survey of the bureau Indicated that
about thirteen million six hundrM
thousand of the fifty-two mllUtt
individual income tax returns lor
ish nad tax errors of $3 or more.
The processing branch at Kam
sas City handled a total of on
hundred twenty-two million doeu
menis in ivai. worxers there sort
and match returns and tax with
holding statements and other uv
formation and forward them to the
various collection districts.
Officials of the supervisory dis
tricts check accounts of tha collec
tion districts and watch over, gen
eral efficiency. ' - i
Southbewtal Mfrinltmn
leave at . . . . 5:10 P. M.
LOS ANGELES . S'j hrg.
Northbound Malnlliwn
Leave at . . . t35 P. M.
PORTLAND . . 2 hrt.
SEATTLE . . . . . 5 hr.
Faif, fimifWotrt fltahft
I "all Mi. fart"
Airport Terminal. Coll 2-2557
m on authorlietl
travl ogtnl.
Every Farm Family
invited to theT
Get there f after 1