PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 21. 1952 W 3 W If 1 1 1 ,4 ! a, o & It 1 rt KIWANIS CLUB ANNUAL INSTALLATION party at the Willard Hotel, Jan. 12. was a major event on the winter social calendar in the upper left is Roy Benedict, member ot the dance committee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent and Charlie Mack, also dance committee, handling Bob Kent his dinner tickets. Photo by Kettler 8el it ... -v sr V s1 AT THE ANNUAL KIWANIS INSTALLATION party at the Willard Jan. 12. were, from the left, OTI Instructor Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rotrock and Mr. and Mrs. "Skeet" O'Connell. He is Director of Athletics at OTI. Photo by Kettler Magic Carpet Continued At Library Club The Jan. 14 program of the Li brary Club was a salute to the Scandinavian countries of Norwav, Sweden and Denmark: with deco rations and program built around this theme. Two vocal solos by John Car ter, accompanied by Marie Oben chain opened tlie program. Mr. Carter sang "Ich Liebe Dtch" by Greig and "At Parting" by Roger.-. Hcnrik Ibsen's famous play, "A Doll's Koure" was the fea tured part of the afternoon, with members of the drama group of the Klamath Musical Arts Council staging the third act, and direc tor Kristinn Ginpo the the first two acts. Mr. Ginpo also talked on the ethical tenden cies of Ib'on's dramatic works. The cast of characters for the play included Mrs. Nikki Pearson as Nora, Chester Morris as Helmer. Mrs. Faith Brock as Mrs. Linde and Arlen Sanders as Nils Krog stad.. Following the play, coliee, Swed ish cookies and dessert rosettes were served from a tes table dec orated with an unusual Swedish handcarved wooden bowl filled with rosle apples and red candles on a hand-made linen ciotn Horn the Scandinavian countries. The tea committee composed ot Mrs. Raymond Ticc,- chairman, Mrs, R. L. Hessij and Mrs. Arthur Complon were costumed in typical oweaisn ouuits. Mrs. r.v tied burg, owner of the "Bit of Swed en" resturant, furnished with Swed ish pastries, the wooden bowl and the costumes An exhibit of beautiful Danish, Norwegian and Swedish articles was arranged by Mrs. Lawrence Shaw using many of her lovely stiver, copper and hundembroi dered pieces, as well as some of the personal possessions of Mrs. Dick Rcedcr and Mrs. R. P. El lingson. Among the room decorations was a unique doll's house built by Mrs. W. D. MIMer to fit In with the program, with Email figures representing the Scandinavian countries, The hostesses for this meeting were Mrs. Harold Teale and Mrs. Fred Hoaglund, while Mrs. W. D. Miller and Mrs. Willard Ward pre sided at the coffee table. Special attention of the club members was called to tho forth coming benefit bridge and tea par ty to be held February 2 at the Willard Hotel. Chairmen for this are Mrs. George Bosscrdet and Mrs. Archie James, and the funds raised will augment the program for financing tonsllectomies on needy local children, I Presbyterian Missionary Group MERRILL New committees were appointed at the Jan. 9, meeting of the Presbyterian Church Missionary Society, held in the social parlors oi the church. In charge of finance are Mrs. j Martin Wlnther and Mrs. Ellis lOchs: nominating committee mem bers pre Mrs. Charles Cunning ham, Mrs. Clovis Story, and Mrs Dale Moore. Mrs. Harriett Fother ingham will be in charge of send ing out cards and flowers. Also appointed were the follow ing secretaries: Missionary Educa tion. Mrs. Dale Moore: literature, Mrs. Paul Lewis: stewardship and spiritual life. Mrs. Charles' Cun ningham: scciel education and ac tion, Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick, over seas sewing. Mrs. Oren Storey; foreign missions and christian ed ucation, Mrs. W. F. Jinnette; and membership, Mrs. Clovis Story. Mrs. Paul Lewis appointed lead ers for the monthly meetings, and the program for the year was filled out. Mrs. G. A. Milne was in charge of the afternoon's program which had as Its theme "Challenge of Our Presbyterian Heritage." It hes been decided to hold all future meetings in the church parlors, and hostesses have been dispensed with. A nursery is provided for the small children with the various members in charge. Members present included Mrs. C. Cunningham. Mrs. Harriett Fotheringham, Mrs. J. L. Haskins, Mrs. Velton Heskins, Mrs. W. F. Jinnette, Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. George Milne, Mrs. Eldon Pay zant, Mrs. Clovis Story. Mrs. Clyde Htimmontt, Mrs. Oren Storey, and Mrs. Martin Wintrier. The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon Feb. 13. in the church parlors. Bridge Luncheon In Langell Valley LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Lloyd Gift entertained with a bridge luncheon at her home in upper Langell Valley at 1 p.m. Jan. 9. White chrysanthemums were used for the centerpiece, and pink candles. The New Year motif was carried out In the tally cards and ether decorations. High prize in bridge went to Mrs. Owen Pepple, second high to Mrs. Paul Monroe, and Mrs. Harry Frazicr won the traveling prize. Others present were: Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Leland Harris. Mrs. I. B. Morris, Mrs. Frank Debel, Mrs. Birdie Burk. Mrs. John Sulli van, Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Lester Leavitt. SHOWER GIVEN FOR SISTERS CHILOQUIN On Saturday eve ning a week ago a blue and pink shower was given for sisters. Mrs. Manuel Oclioa and Mr3. Ruth Mc Kenzie, by Mrs. Floyd Ohles at her home. Two clever games were played related to the use of saiety pins and of dressing babies, before re freshments '-.ere served by the hos tess and gifts opensd. Gift cards read w,th the follow ing names: Mrs. Joe Herkshan, Mrs. Emmeil Wright, Mrs. Ea ouard Priaulx, Mrs. Ellery Ech lin. Mrs. Lee Hatcher. Mrs. Ed Co!e, Mrs. Friedman Kirk. Mrs. Gene Parker, Mrs. William Prlebe, Mrs. Sidney Burgdorf. Mrs. Rob en Small, Mrs. Alvic Youngblood, Mrs. Charles Herkshan, Mrs. Evans Nelson, Gloria Ochoa and Parker. From Klamath Agency were Mrs. Ray Walker, Mrs. Orvillc Knight- pipe, Mrs. Merton Porter, Mrs. Martha Nelson, Mrs. Seldon Kirk, Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Lelia Kirk, and Victoria Nelson. Unable to attend were Mrs. Earl Hall, Mrs. Albert Avlla, Mrs. Enid Sortwell, Mrs. Matt Samson, Mrs. Carl Lobert, Mrs. Dally Lotches, Mrs. Tina Barkley, and Mrs. George Swanson, Mrs. Ruth Em erson, Mrs. Ruth Johnson and Mrs. Willllam Zumbrun of Klamath Falls. y.-r -i--wr-T' r mill in Il ' I n mi i 1 I V fJ V SHERRY RENEE, 3, and Ronald Richard (Ricky), 1 chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thrasher, 424 Adams. This attractive twosome are the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gregory, Balsam Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thrasher, Piggott, Ark, Photo by Evergreen SEND 'EM IN A YELLOW CAB , Phone 2-1234 Aloha Social Club Elects Officers Mrs. Elmer Harnden presided at the election meeting of Aloha So cial Club, Friday, Jan. 11, in the absence of President Bets Fra zier. Gifts were given to the outgoing officers in appreciation of their work lor the year. A gift from the social club was also presented to Worthy Matron, Letha Murphy. New officers are: Mrs. Charles Gilbert. President: Mrs. O. E. Powell. Vice President: and Mrs. John Riacii. Secretary-Treasurer. ine committee, Mrs. Leo Huls, Mrs. O. W. Spiker, Mrs. Mabel Henry and Mrs. J. C. Hunt pre pared the dessert luncheon. The tea table was centered with a dis tinctive arrangement of yellow pompon chrysanthemums and hea- mer. Mrs. Elmer Harnden poured. Mrs. William Anderson and Mrs. Ella Christoiherson were welcomed as new members. Mrs. Charles B. Eggen was greeted after being ab sent from the meetings for a short time. Door prize was awarded to Mrs. William Anderson, High score m canasta went to Mrs. Charles Gilbert, and high In bridge to Mrs. Ella Chrlstofherson. PROSPERITY CHAPTFR 160 EASTERN STAR MALIN At the twenty-first an nual installation of Prosperity Chapter 160. OES, held Thursday evening. Jan. 10, Hazel Bowman and Eugene Beasley were installed to serve the Chapter as Matron and Patron for the ensuing yetr. The new Matron and Patron hold the unique distinction of being the first son and mother-in-law team to serve in the East at Prosperity Coapter. The Chapter room decorations carried out a tnenie ol wnue. Against dtrk background L.'&e wane uusnca wu wliile candelabra showed e.'fective- ! iv. use j about the room, as well i a's in the East, were hung large Unite paper bells tied with while ribbon. Near the honorary seats In liiie East was placed a huge star encircled by colored lights. I 1952 officers installed to serve ; with Mrs. Bowman and Mr. Beas- i ley were: Associate Matron, Eva Bowman; Associate rairon, . c. Street; Secretary, Anne Fruits; rteaurer, Leah 8treet; Conduc tress, Doris Smith: Associate Con ductress, Emma Wilde; Chaplain. Thelma Clugston; Marshal, Ann Paygr: Organist. Gladys Halousek; Adah. Florence Wilson; Ruth, Edna Merrilees: Esther Margaret White: Martha. Madaline Depuy; Electa, Thelma Stukel; Waraer, Ethel Ha.nilton; and Sentinel, Joe Halousek. After Installation of officers a vocel solo, "Who Buy My Laven der" was sung by Mrt. Eileen Her ringshaw and n Oriental Dance wps presented by Lynette Lyon, accompanied by Mrs. Herrlngshaw. Those honored by serving as In sailing Officers for the evenlr.15 were; Installing Matron. Thelma Stukel; Installing Patron. Charles Hamilton; Chaplain, Hazel Kallna: Marshal. Nell Retterath; Organist, Estrid Geraghty. Honoring their new matron, Hazel Bowman, the officers pre sented i Jewel Addendum. Carry ing lighted flash lights covered over with various colored paper, they formed a tower and plRccd her at the top. In this way they portrayed that she had reached the top of the Chapter. A Memory Book from the Past Matrons Club was also presented to the Matron. The book was cleverly presented to her by sev eral Past Matrons who told her of the headaches as well as plcai ures she would encounter through her year as Matron. To cure the headache part they presented her with a foot high bottle of aspirin. Honored guest from other chap ters who were present and Intro luted Included' Letha Murphv, Worthy Matron of Aloha Chapter; Vera Fritch. V'orthv fc.atron and John Larson, Worthy Patron of Manzanlta Chapter; Lorraine Rlne miller and DeRoy Simpson Worthy Matron and Patron of Tulelake Chapter. Guests and members were In vited to the dining room after the meeting where sandwiches and splad were served .rem tables which carried out a January snow scene. Small houses made of sugar cubes were placed upon mirrors, simulating small lakes, upon which tiny ski figures apparently scampered. ONE NAME changed buying habit of millions Couple Honored On Anniversary LANGELL VALLEY A party and open house was given at St. Bumaoas perish hall In Langell Valley the afternoon of Jan. In .honor oi Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leu- i vitl, wiio were celebrating their sil ver wedding anniversary. Hosts I and tiojtp; were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hodges, I Mr. and Mr:;. Dee Chandler. Mr. land M.s. Lloyd Oift. Mr. and Mrs. I Harry Frazier. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haley and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Noble. The large room was decorated with bouquets of while pompon chrysanthemums. The wedding cake was topped with a silver bell, and flanked by pink tapers in sil ver candelabra. A silver horn of plenty surrounded by assorted j Irults was filled with silver dol lars and given to the couple by j their friends. Mrs. Leavitt was iro given a corsage. I Mrs. Owen Pepple cut and (served the wedding cake. Mrs. O. C. Johnson aunt of Mrs. Leavitt poured the coffee, and Mrs. Elliott j House was at the punch bowl. Those honoring Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt and enjoying the party .were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Camp i bell. Mrs. Bessie Campbell. Mr and Mrs. John Brown and Margie, Mrs. Guy Hilson and Sandy, Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank DcBel, Mr. and ;Mrs. Paul Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Meeker, 'Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kice and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Bob .Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Albert, Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr and Mrs. F. W. Brown, J. Martin .Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Novot jony, Mr. and Mrs, Doug 8melcer, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cunningham, I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones, Mr land Mrs. Mike Dearborn and Ted, 'Mark and Paul Dearborn. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Marchant and Kathy, I Sherry and Tom Marchant, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle DeVnul. Mr. and I Mrs. Claude Shuck and Nickie. Mrs. Ben Nork. Joe Nork. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gowen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crawford and Sherry and Tom Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bold, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Joiner, and Marvin. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Ashbee and John, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dearborn and Henry, Del Fitzhugh, Mr. and Mrs. Art Monroe, Mr and Mrs. Jack Wlc mer. Mrs. O. C. Wells. Gloria. and Galen Chandler, Peter Hrlczl.scse, Maria and Monte Burnett, Mary Anne Leavllt, and Charlotte and June Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pepple and Pamela and the hosts and hostesses. Those sending gifts and good wishes but unnlbe to at tend were Mrs. Myrtle Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Woolen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Boyd, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Sullivan, Mrs, Claudia Mustek, Mrs. Mary J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rueck, Mr. and Mrs. Elva Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Smith, Mr. and Mm. J. C. Anton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oranger, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis, Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George No ble, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roberts, Mrs. Nellie Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Revell, and Bud Dean. I MT. MAZAMA TOASTMISTRESS Club, newly Installed officers. From the left, Knnnle Thompson, Secretary; Leigh Kenning, President; Jackie Cobo, Treasurer; anil Lois Lind.i Vice President. The installation took place at the Willard Hotel, Jan. 10, 11 1 the club's annual dinner party for members and their husband's. Photo by Kettler TOMORROW THE BLOODMOBILE VOLUNTEERS ... on duty again when those "good Samaritans" show up at the Armory to donate blood. Above are some of the hard working gals who attended the no-host cocktail and buffet dinner party at the Rich ard Maxwell home. Cove Point. From the left, Mrs. Otto Ellis, Mrs. R. E. Hooker. Mrs, Morgan Johnson, Mrs. M. E. Robinson and Mrs. William F. Scott. Photo by Kettler AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO V cm rtHl Uftlr ilet atari frm the Lsaii R, Mu Plane Ctm nr, N. Ilk, l In monthir rate. Afttr a, raaunabla llm ya can, I' yv Willi, cbanrt Irani aanl la ur ehai afraamenl. Tha rani alreafr Mia If all credited la year parchr-ie accannl ana ne ether 4fwm varment la necee ary. The menthlr parmenta can he little hlrher then rent. Or. II en sre- Birthday Party At Fowler Home The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler. 1603 Portland was 1 the setting for a party Tuesday j evening, January 18, when friends jand relatives of Jack Miller, broth er of Mrs. Fowler, gathered there i to wish him a happy birthday. The ! parly was held In the party room j of the Fowlers and pinochle and j Chinese checkers were the games lot the evening. Two birthday cakes were presented to him after the card games. Prizes were awarded to pinochle players. Mis. Steve Wilson, David Londls, Mike Petri and Mr. R. Quick. Refreshments oi ice cream, cake and coffee were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. William DePcw. Mr. and Mrs. R. Quick, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. James Fow ler. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Landls, Mike Petri, David Landis, Mr. Mil ler (Jack's. Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Landls' father) and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurd. Layette Shower LANGELL VAT LEY Mr-. 5po. Bland was given a lovely baby shower at tho parish hall In I. an I gell Valley on January 4. Mrs. Claude Brown and Mrs. Homer Roberts were hostesses. Pink and blue motif was carried out In the decorations and refresh ments. A soclul afternoon was en Joyed after the opening of the gifts. Those honoring' Mrs. Bland In cluded Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. Cecil Haley. Mrs. Francis Lilly, Mrs. Marvin Brown, Mrs. Wesley Deaborn, Mrs. Lester Leavitt, Mrs. Dick Smith, Mrs. Clyde Woolen and Susan, and Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Brown. Ladies Aid MERRILL Mis. Melvln Bow man. asl.ited by Mrs. Warren Fruits, and Mrs. Dolly Hunnicuti entertained members of the Pres byterian church Ladles Aid Jan uary 16. at the home of the former. The newly-elected officers pre sided. They are Mrs. Warren Con ner, president; Mrs. Warren Fruits vice-president; Mrs. Frank Hunnl cutt, secretary; Mrs. Barnaca Wil son, trensurer. The president, Mrs. Conner, ap pointed a committee to InveHtlgale th j proposed Installation of a new window In the church. They will report at the next meeting. Following devotlonals and the regular business session, the hoil served refreshments to Mrs. George Milne, Mrs. Miles Moore, Mrs. Warren Ochs. Mrs. Clovis Story, Mrs. Gene Taylor, MrH. Ber nace Wilson, Mrs. Martin Wlnther, Mrs. Conner, Mrs. E. N. Eagle, Mrs. J. L. Haskins, Mrs. Wilbur Haskins, Mrs, Myron Haskins, Mrs. Verna Haskins, Mrs. Frank Hunnicuti, and Mrs. w. F. Jinnette. Stork Shower LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Enox Bland was honored with a stork shower given bv Mrs. Cluud Brown and Mrs. Homer Roberts at the Langell Valley Parish at two o'clock on Jan. 4. The pink and blue motif was carried out In tho decorations and the refreshments. Following the oncnlnir and admirlnc of the sifts a social time was enjoyed. 1 nose honoring Mrs, Bland were Mrs. John Brown and, Mrs. Cecil Haley, Mrs, Bill Burnett, Mrs, Francis Lilly, Mrs. Clyde Woolen, Mrs. Marvin Brown, Mrs. Wesley Dearborn, Mrs. Dick Smith. Mrs Lester Leavitt and Mrs. Roberts and Mrs, Brown. Bridal Shower In Merrill MERRILL - Mrs. William B. Dosser (Evelyn Perl), whort wedding was an pvent of Jan. 1, at SI. Augustine's Church, wis honor guest at a shower on tha afternoon of Jnn. 11. when Mrs. Charles Cunningham. Mrs. Warren Ochs, and Mrs. K. J. Lnhoda. en tertained In the social parlors of the Presbyterian Church. GUIs were arranged on a tibia centered with a "bride doll" stand ing In a circle of white "angel hair," and surrounded by white orange blossoms. ' On the refreshment table wera bouquets of narcissus, brought from the Oregon coast, and red wood gi-eens. A white caa trimmed wlih calla llllles and sti ver balls was placed In Uie center. Invited were Mrs lnl,el t,i.iw .' and Margaret; Mrs. Mamie Ola- uvifiiin, mi, .irrry nnern ana Kathryn; Mrs. John O'Nell, Mrs. Maurice O'Krrfr Mr w s" im. nette. Mrs. WiUlcr Wllaon. Mrs. Robert Burleigh, Mrs. Frank Had ley. Mrs, O. V, Reeves, and Connie Mae; Evelyn Ochs, Dolores and j Yvonne Conner, Martha and E. - thcr Bensley, Edna Mae Reeves and Cnrol Winters. Mrs. L, H, Rlppy, Joyce and Marie Haskins, Mrs. Mlko Noonan, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Roberta Klrtley, Frances Elfert, Mnrjnrle Flaugh, Betty Kotthoff, Mrs. Mlllon Loper, .Innli l.tnat'iiHn n n A D.-..U ' Schlecht. Sending gifts but unabl 10 Burnu were jnrs. rtuav Hkllllcky, Mrs. Frank Paygr Jr.; Mrs. John ritnr,ftmtnl Vfru TCcn,..... it , ., ....... , tea tfci. and Mrs. Kenneth Klger. U MIKKUKN """" A lor any i Room in Ihe Heme! ! Calhoun' A v 111 I. Mala I Try This New 1-Day Laundry Service! The Economical Family Six 'BUDGET BUNDLE' I A BIG POUNDS : QQ W Woihed and Dried!' W MEN'S HAND LAUNDRY 11th and Klamath Phone 2-2531 You'll nevir b satisfied until you ownx UUlioGKlXXDO Set and hoar it now at a Deehyh! Music Co. 120 N. 7th Phone 45 If ler, ieu can cenllaae la real.