MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 10.T2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH KAU-S. ORKGON PAGE FIVK IB,'.!: tft IIVIN DININ L KAH'HIlli jJ3 A NINE-FOOT OVERHANG shelters the broad windows and 'glass doors of this house that exploits the blending of in door and outdoor living. Clerestory windows under the flat roof provide for rapid ventilation in warm weather. Cali fornia modern in style, this house H-131B was designed by the liomograf Planner Corp., 11711 East Eight Mile Road, East Detroit, Mich. The house covers approximately 1,500 square feet and requires no basement: The Annual Olrl Scout council meeting scheduled to be held in tbe hliih achoe oateterla tonight, has been cancelled due to the in clement weather. Don't Foret Feb. 4 Is the date of the nexl Civic Drama Festival play "DarkMeu al Noon." to be presented In Mills Auditorium. The play, one f a aeries of three Is sponsored by the Business and Professional Women and there will be no BPW meeting thai night. Annual Meet of members of the KFUBK Federal Credit Union Is scheduled lor tonlKht In the civil service room of the postofflce building. Time ts S p.m. All mem bers are urged to take passbooks. Women of the Moose will hold ritual nracttce 7:30 P.m. Tuesoay, In preparation for the mid winter ronlerence here, Jan. 27. Everyone is urged to be there. Postponed The Falrhaven Home Extension meeting scheduled lor Wednesday will be postponed until further notice because 01 weainer III Mrs. Pat Henry of the ready-to-wear department, Craig'a, la confined to her bed with tlu. To Boost the March of Dimes Campaign at Chlloquln, two af fairs are nlnnncd tor this week, Tuesday night the Chlloquln Townles and the Hilltop Cate will play a basketball game In the new gymnsalum. One game only will be played. Saturday night, Jan. 20. there will be a dance In the old cvm. Dancing will be from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. to the music of Edith Deffenbacher and other local must clans. A 30:06, rule and electric mixer will be given away. Mrs. New School Bill Argued Stn'e Rep. B:d deary and For mer County School Supt. Fred Pe terson formed a panel Saturday at the annual Klamath Division, Ore ton Education Association banquet In the Wlllsrd hotel in a dlscus kn of 8enate BUI 315 the school rtorgsnlr.atlon'btll. The bill would set up the ground work lor Incorporating all the Kite's school systems In unified duricla oth elementary and sec ariary schools In each district. H was passed by the last Lclgs ltuie. but was referred to the pople by pressure lrom the Ore an Or.mgc, Rep, Clearv, speaking for the bill -the formation of which he took a active part said It was not j fir to the children of school dls 'let of low value. He pointed to ti fnct that reorganization had brn seen as a necessity In a re cnt rcnort on the stntc's educa tmal system. . Peterson, on the other hand, died on the slower, natural pro sses o democracy to handle tbe nisolldatlon lob of school districts fclcad of doing the Job In one 111 swoop, Ho said residents of richer areas ch as heavily timbered Ollchrlnt iliool district where assessed val- ttlons are high, might object to vlng a poorer district utilizing lelr school tax money, moth panel members were for te county unit system such as Is i' effect in Klamath county at resent. Coiinlv School System Boss Car l) Hotve, acting as a consultant lithe forum before more than 100 CA members, said there were fr possibilities the reorganize ill bill could have for the Klam ai county school system 1 1. Entire county and city school attems could become one school 1 The city school system could Ihtude suburban schools in a unl-, III system. , i Making present county elr rtiMary lines Include high school lira. . . ... i Leave everything as It Is. owe said the latter possibility Is she mast likely one. .ACCURATE D0SA6E L . ! on CHUbbi muHAm ZJ unmn v- 1 ats.? Joseph Mercer is Dimes Drive chairman. Postponed The AAUW Drama group will not meet Tuesday night due to Inclement weather. No Meet The meeting of the Klamath Art Association meeting tonight has been cancelled due to the alorm. Will Meet-The Ml. Lakl Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday, 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Roy La Prairle, Merrill Highway. Meeting The Townsend Club will meet Tuesday, ( p.m. at the home of Maud Cross, 631 PrescoU. Dance A benefit dance for Uie Young People's Club. Merrill. Is planned for Jan. 24 at the Merrill Community Hall. Dancing will be from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. A louo pound Hereford steer, a 200 pound hog and a 100 pound lamb will be given away ai midnight Refresh ments will be served. Meeting The regular meeting of the Ambrleu Club will be held at the home of Mrs. F. L. Crawford, 1209-34 Pine St., Tuesday. 8 o'clock. Special business and entertainment Is arranged. All members snd friends are expected to be present. Rcbrkah Properlty Lodre Of- scheduled for Jan. 23 Is postponed until Feb.' 13, due to inclement weather. v Rebekah. Prosperity Lodge Of ficers are asked to report tonight, 7:30 p.m., IOOF Hall to practice for initiation. - League ,.of Women Voters is to have lis regular meeting Wednes day. 12:45 p.m. 1 al the Pelican party room. Mrs. Florence Ogle is scheduled to discuss stale reap portionment. Sojourners Club Regular meet Ing will be held Wednesday, Jan. 23, at the Wlllard Hotel with a no-hostess luncheon at 12:30 p.m. The business meeting will follow at 1:4S p.m. with a social hour of cards afterwards. Recovering Ike Williams, well known Fort Klamath resident, Is Mr-Aviartntf . at. Hlllnlri Hnsnltnl where he has been since Jan. 15 for medical treatment. Te Hospital H. M. Oober, Merrill, was taken to Hillside Hos pital Sunday afternoon for medical attention. His condition was re ported good Monday morning. Three R Club meeting will be held at the Federal Housing Unit Administration on Washburn Way Tuesday with lunch - al 1 p.m. Hostesses will be Ada Barlccn and Betty Johnson, , Kike Square Dance Club Holds Us session tonight Instead of Tues day. Dancing starts at I p.m. Neighbors of Woodcraft Initia tion has been scheduled for Mon day at the.KC Hall at S p.m. Of ficers and guards are to wear for mnls. Refreshment and entertain ment committee consists of Mil dred Smith and Ellen Ely. Lost River Garden Club Janu ary meeting scheduled for Tuesday Is cancelled. Joe V. Murphy Del Paso Heights, Calif., was called here be cause of the serious Illness of his sister, Mrs. Virgil Winkelman, 300 Eldorado. He will also spend some time with his other sister, Mrs. Joe Breese, Woous. -' iithrco Days' Cough Is Your Danger Signal Creomiil jlon'retieves promptly becsme it toes right to the seat of tht trouble to help loosen and expel rm irden phlegm and aid nature to soothe an heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to pleas you or money refunded. Creomulslon hat stood the test of million! of users. CREOMULSION NHant CAa . CaMs, Am limHW y ,' ' ' 54 J . ,r ' INT. A TtUphntot WELL DONE, DOC-Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Rochll of Middlclown, 0.. Iry to relax aboard the rescue train as it pauses through Sacra mento, Calif., on its way to San Francisco. The doctor was one of the heroes aboard the snowbound City of San Francisco in the high Sierra ministering to the sick. Mrs. Iloebll acted as bis nurse, liolh wore completely exhausted. mm 'NBA Telrphoiot LIQUID SUNSHINE-Motorists find the going slow at this Los Angeles intersection after the Southern California city was drenched with 3',i inches of rain in 24 hours. In this s-ction of the city, deputies and Red Cross workers evacuated over 2000 residents. The two railroad lines into Los Angeles from San Francisco were washed out by the downpour. Service Heads CoolonUMT WASHINGTON W It appears virtually certain the country's youth will not be enrolled this year in a full Unlvcrsul Military Training program. This was evident Monday after the nntlon's top military leaders, once emphatically in fnvor of It, suggested a compromise plan in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee holding public hearings on the issue. The military leaders asked essen tially that 60.000 of the men sub Jecl to the growing draft this year be permitted to volunteer Instead for a partial UMT. The purpose would be to gel baste machinery oiled for the lime, in the future, when full-scale UMT might be adopted. Chairman Vinson (D.-Oa.l of the House committee said Sunday It would be "relatively simple" to get UMT underway on a limited scale. If Congress adopts the military proposal, he said In a statement. Ihe Defense Department could get the program running within six months. Opponents of UMT begin testify ing Tuesday when the committee resumes hearings. The Nntlomil Council Against Conscription aimed a blast at the program Sunday. In a 40-pagc book let circulated to all members of Conpresa, It said the basic aim of UMT Ik militaristic dominance over the minds of Ihe nation's young men. The election year Congress Is believed reluctant to pull the trig ger on full UMT for two main reasons: Ihe estimated Initial cost of over four billion dollars and the controversial nature of UMT it self. A number two can of peaches usually makes five servings. Hans Norland 627 Pine St. Auto Insurance. HI Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK 1 SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph. 2-2511 1 . u V '?.!" J Second Atom Sub Planned WASHINGTON (.ft Chairman Vinson (D.-Ga.) of the House Ar med Services Committee Intro duced a bill Monday to authorize construction of the Navy's second nuciear-powcrea submarine. The measure also Includes : thorizatton to build giant aircraft carriers one up to 60.000 tons cap- aoie 01 Dcrtning atom bomb-carry ing aircraft. . The bill would authorize construe uon ano renovation costing approx imately one billion 150 million dol lars. Vinson, in annnnnrinir thp hill said it would permit construction of 237,500 tons of combatant ves sels. This Includes two aircraft car riers, four destroyers, four sub marines, thirty minesweepers, three destroyer escorts, two refrig erated stores ships, two tankers and twenty-three landing ships. Also proposed are 450 landing craft and 33 service craft of all types, he said. Tile measure also sets up a con version program for 90.000 tons of combat vessels two aircraft car riers of the Essex class, two light cruisers and six destroyer escorts. Smooth thin-skinned grapefruit with a russet tinge usually means Juicy fruit. Stir macaroni occasionally while it's cooking to prevent sticking. "Thoujht wt would be hcrt for var but Rogue Dele. Realtor hsi liltte) this property for SALE." 16 wee-nn ?-. Reclamation Policy Hit By Groups (Continued from page onr added, the Bureau of Reclamation would pull off the southwest re serve sump. then, the ground north of Lower Klamath refuge. The local Iz.-mk Walton League chapter went even tron((cr, com mending Secretary of Interior Chapman and for his decision not to break up the Tulana, lease Just now termed the "teapot tcmpet" generated over the decision not to break up the Tulana lease "a sor did buslnchs deal as to whom Is lo operate In the gravy." POOL PLAN The chapter, In a letter lo Secre tary Chapman, said its understand ing that the per .ions who expected lo be 'iucccssful In bidding for the IS plots had the Tulana leae been subdivided had a "gentle men's agreement" to pool their resources and farm the area In one block. The Izaak Walton chanter also told Chapman It uuhpectcd that a considerable amount of the Tule wimp land was already being 1 farmed on a basis whereby an eligible veteran fronted for the bid and a non-cllglble farmer footed the bill and did the work. The chapter said it did not like to see areas adjacent to refuges J broken up. that it is not morally rlKht o encourage a small farm operator to put his money into an enterprise where he might be wiped out by the damage lecding birds van do to a young crop. "Farming In the sump." the chapter wrote Chapman, "has al ways been a race between man and bird as to which will harvest, the crop. The larger operators have learned by experience how to live with this competition." The chapter pointed out it did not champion the cause of the larger operator over me smaller, but that at the moment It seemed lo be the only alternative to meet a specific situation. Sportsmen object to any cuiung down of the rofuite because it might wreck the balanco of the entire refuge program in Califor nia. Birds chased out of bower Klamath and Tule early because of lack of feeding grounds, they claim, would descend upon the Sacramento and San Joaquin areas and Immeasureably increase the crop depredation problem there. lit League 01 nations and f rog iFS OUR BIRTHDAY.. .AND ENTS! Boca use it's like setting a gift when you can find genuine Scaly Innkrsprinc. Mattreasf.s at thin un believably LOW PRICE!, ..and wait 'til you see 'em! Handsome, sturdy, uper-comfortable!i...with years and years o( really luxurious rest built in! Only because Sealy has discontinued this beautiful, durable ticking pattern can we bring you this sensational VALUE! Quan tities are limited! So come in NOW! SII OUR WINDOWSI 2244 So. 6th Short Named New Deputy The por.t of civil deputy in the Klamath County Sheriff's office, made vacant by appointment of James Murray Brltton as Sheriff, was filled this morning through appointment of Alton Andrew (Shorty; Short. Owner of a farm on the Mer rill Highway, Short had been a special assignment deputy of the Sheriff's office for many years un der Sheriffs Lloyd Low and Jack Franey. Short, whose stature of 6 feet five Inches and weight of 240 pound belies his name. Is 47 years old. The late Sheriff Jack Franey re ferred to Short and Britton, who equals Short In stature, as his "heavy artillery." Short la married and has a four-year-old son. Jimmy. He is a native of Klamath Falls, Iborn here In 1904. Pond areas of the Tule refuge al ready and farmed completely, they point out, and some grain is left standing to reduce depredation and to add to the "pulling power" of the refuge. Homesteading in those areas would not Increase produc tion, but would merely channel It from the public into private good and provide a chance to spend more millions on a reclamation project. "Hot Flashes" Stopped or strikingly relieved In 63-80 of cotes in doclort'teitt If you're miserable from the "hot flashes." and accompanying irritable, restless feelings of "change ol lile" you may be suffering unnecessarily I For. testt by doctors... Lydi a Pinkham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such lunctionally-cau-sed suffering to 63 and 80 (re spectively) of the women tested I Complete or striking reliell Yt! Research baa proved these med icines tliorouQhly modern in actios . . . ha abown you where 10 look lor relief from those dlitreaalng. ner.oua. "out or eorta" feelings of mld-lle "chanse I So. ..get Lydla E. Plnkham'e Vegetable Compound or new. improved Tablets, with added Ironl ( Wonderful, loo, lor tut lunclional jxilnt ol menttrucl periods.) II am IhroBKh a woman a avmoalheltr nervous aT.teia 10 relieve diriiru of laoaa awful "heal waves"! YOU Phone 7510 Discontinued Li WP WSlPatterali . Yf j iStvV Same Tailored Handles V A" nTHV a&La forJusI S39.67 1, ti. mi si...i I GET THE PRES .r JavT atajaa1 The post of criminal deputy will be tilled by Deputy Sheriff Joe Madarua. who hold that position under Sheriff Franey. New Sheriff Takes Over Tenure of James Murray (Red) Brltton as Sheriff of Klamath Coun ty till Jan. 1, 1953, was made of ficial In a swearing-in ceremony at the County Courthouse this morning. Brltton succeeds Sheriff Jack Franey who died Jan. 15 In Klam ath Valley Hospital. Brltton was appointed Sheriff by the County Court early Saturday afternoon, and the appointment made effeptive as of Jan. IS. County Cleric Charles DeLap, who swore In the new Sheriff, said a bond of SftO.QOO required would be posted today by Sheriff Britton through Lawrence Slater Insurance agency. Brltton's appointment will last till Jan. 1, 1053, when the post will be filled for a four-year term wiuNiueo FCNtes 800V FIAWS MtVtZ GETS frit OftUS APPLAUSe n SEE US FOR Expert Body and Fencer i QUICK SERVICI AT HASONAaUl PRICES BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Malam aa Cspianad Sf U FURNITURE Annua! Meet Set Jan. 30 The annual meeting of the Klam ath Mert'hama Assoc, will be held In tho Pelican Cafe, Jan, 30, 0:30 p.m. Planned for this meollng la ft round-table discussion on atoro hours and holidays In 1953 plus discussions on proposed promotion for the year. No tickets are being sold In ad vance for the dinner and must be purchased at the door. through the general election this year. It's so easy to relieve coughs and stuffiness of colds In a hurry this home-proved way . . . with 2 spoonfuls of Vlcks VapoRub in a vapor ' lzer or In a bowl of boiling water a:; directed in package. Just breathe in the steam ! Every single breath carries VapoRub's soothing medi cations deep into throat and large bronchial tubes. It medicates irritated mem branes. helps restore normal breathing. For coughs or upper bronchial congestion there's nothing like using Vicks VapoRub In steam. For continued relief al ways rub it on throat. V'CKS V VapoRub chest and back. Sf df f Op