MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 10,12 HICHAM) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN GENERAL NOTICES 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 46 FINANCIAL LOANS AUTOMOTIVE r C-M ELECTRONIC DUSTER KILL WEEDS AND FERTILIZE AT THE SAME TIME It is New: It is dynamic: It is almost revolutionary: SEE IT! HEAR IT EXPLAINED: Win. Volkcrs, factory representative will be present to answer your questions. It is taking the Northwest by storm. Attend and learn how you can profit. Dales: Wednesday, January 23rd. Thursday, January 24th. Time: Starting at 1:30 each day. Place: OSW Farm Supply Bldg. 3049 S. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon 1 MEETING NOTICES Xljf:Ofl(ll.l(.'ll ANONYMOUS meets Krlday. tf p in., tnr liiformauon. writ Una ao4. Plume 3.UI2. 2 LOST AND FOUND ltKWAMDflrrrff.''lVif,,riiitii,iilflttillriB lit party Uklng .prlne wnl'itl (mm Orc un rami Stole, 44110 fimith tllh thai u Kivrn lu Wlaril Park. Ilarrv i.- Wlrd VoiiT, lhree"k"e-.. ime"Nii. I.l.ii-I'lenac latum til Hral Nallunal Hank and re ralvp rrwRlil. 4 GENERALJNOTICE rUNCri.i)ddl7uirs served aOiel.c.n Drlveln. i uOit lliiicir bowing i'tuler u pen lo the public, Thursday J M to 0 3D lot lre Itachmrnt iruirurtifw,. SING EH SEWING CTNTCH 13 Main Phone S 2319 PER50NALS (iKNn.KMArwoii1d.nia In corrnixHid with middle nc lonely lady llox 470 Herald and Nrw, tiOl.Dr.N, rrtip, wndlct irrvnl in "your cor. with iii) thing nM like. Pelican Irive.n. I'.KLI.N HllKAlJtY SALON. i'7lo MaitT rhmie Wi'M. MANl.V.Y liitinenProdurta. PhoW iwu 10 SERVICES MOVING? Citll 74:15 Locul-Lotm Iif,(jtnce riiinn unci uiniliiinco moving a npcctnlty Trani(rr nnd KtornRe Iw-kln'.'. MuvIhk nnd KlornKO Peoples Warehouse "fitnnn 1018" FIX THAT RADIO Our Biulnru Is Bound CUNNbltH HtRVICbl CO. Phone esif) Peptic 1 anks Cleaned Neweat Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Mnea of Root. Etc ED F. KINO 2134 Oreharrt Phone M4I "CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furnlturo Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY M3R Fremont Phone 4330 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rork - Driveway Clndeu Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or 8110 r"lA NOTTUN 1 N TjkTw M . lM6TRjA N Factory trnlnffd trrhnlclim nnd tuner. ) nr timlnga cull Kyle Moruaii riano, HKW Mniji nrphone Z-dhni), tSKWINO nnd alteralVoni. KlTfyreifceT. 'hnni a-O.VIH. 1NCOMK TAX !tt;ft(HN3 for opiHilnlintiil phone 2-OUI, llnrvey IlloDhllTM. KHKNCH.UIP Ihive-ln. Sandwich at oi Incoma Taxci? J'honc fllii.1, VuT.r.ffn hriuhra. f'hono Illlli4 or Mill i,.(it iv I. a; - nor jour iirruiac rtrnw? tf not rail I114H. iu'iKH Y'ouit MrcplniB need repair? i nn 2-)iiin. Va icfi HKI'AIHINC., HriULinithlo V3 T'AiNTVtNU' "Villi Phone 7'II7. HUPPS AUTO PMinUrm. body and fen- rler wnrh Phone 4D40 kl.KCVHiC WIRINCS, work by liuur or rnnlrart. Phone a-IOlO. f:XI'KitT dr eat making and aircrationa. Phonea7ni: , . CWHTAINS laundtea and tirelchert Pnnne fi4 . 3 LTDKA N Public Accountant ' t and Auditor Offlro atJHJH No, 7th. - Phon fl.14A PAINTINO., pVprr hriniilna. p'nstrr-hnnid fliilalilnu, iprny painting. 1 hnnr JIQ-ill. 12 EDUCATIONAL IIUUKKKKPINU ahnrthand typing kin dreil BiibjectH, office marhtnea KI-AMATH I1IISINKSS COt.l.riB TTS Pliie JLnon 47H" t'lillaD CARE arirl educalloh. Prt-Vchool I'.mter. Phono 4a70. 13 HEALTH fciASSACiE, cxerclie, welghtllftlng. Phv tiothernpy for reducing, relaxation, body hiilldlnft- ftnte.i for norlcs, Ap iniintmcnt, phone .M03-0S00, Medical fthiNHCUrio, women only. '1 i?EL w.NTDiFlMALJf jiiliJLK-7,CtMjj "inily To do hnViarwnrli. Mvn In. Ono In fnmlly, tS'MH llnrlan l'r'V.p. ,, V.xVii.iiKNTKD bookkeeper lumiiinr villi payroll nnd grnornl office work. C.ood atendy pnHliion. Klntc n and tr.perlenca In first letter. Writ Box i4'i3Jjci'nld nnd New. y,,.,. l6- WANTlb, MALE AN'r'u rhpnoic mnn lor rnncli'workT (imnll tennnt collage, wood, water llfthti fiirnlrthed, Prefer married man, hox 407 Jlernld end iNcwa, 18 SITUATIONS WANTID IjaY or" hour work wanted. 3 irmn. MAttV ft ITT I N tlHrOiiui ie ' B 1 71 r LUVINl cat giwit to your child titty. i-r it oi i and board child Hi my hunt Phono 2-I74.V WAHIIIN(i and frrirVmif. Phong 3-ullU. iiAiiYfcHrriiNu2Phoi4Vor.a: WILL c-are(or t-hlldrsn in my home da) a or your homo evening. Call 3-1.14.1 fiouit wurlOhon Itiih. Oil h'I'UDKNT w.fthet afternoon and evening t-mploymrnl. Write Le E. Hmllh, Orelrrh, Ore. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LAfUirTlcsplng room wit I) hat. AUo aiua Jl cleat) apartment. V till tic fur nulicd. Cilia in. Kyr ludy. Phon 5i.:7 HUiJMiS, prlt-c reVoraljTeTTiifl-!T t.6vtl.yrooina for "rent" I9 -t7 a "weak Cu lir Phon 4230. WANT houMwork by hour. Phon 3-0214. nim.iHjjo.i4 llijfh j 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT taAltCjC rlean 4-room furnUhed aparU it-rut I.'gnit, water, rafrigeiator M. 1721 Oak 81 ,iM. Mire unluriiunwi uunlei.. iioo Oak. .SiCMaif fur mailed four inoni aimi ( inenL Fleet rlc ranfe, waiher, refriger ator, oil ltov, hoi water. Ktallonary Hid 'try cioko In. .Nor in nlda. tlon jlhi' large .urinaiird i.ini it. Adulli. A to two room modern cabin. Phone biju. .Oi.iit.iiDt. Cluor in, Uta.r. modern n:r ainall 3-r oni unfurnished aoarl nrent. Adult. No d'-a. no alcohollci. .1' ft f etire. iMfu'rr I "22 Owen, f OK ItKNT "two "room 'tnouri.Vpai t mrnt Adult. 112 T-road. r'(Jlt"l(KN irTiirnuheo" aparunent. I'ri vale hath, heat furnished, L'lore in. Adult. Phone 4H73. 2Ki;itNilKUVpa7tmenU. 35 iiS. I If hi and water. 173-1 Oak. Kr.lKt'OKA'i'KI Three loom ftirniliro a par Intent Electric heat. Two block a fium Main Adult. No peta. IN'olan 12 No. tttit. KUHMSllKU apattmcnt rnuple. Phone tW.'.ti. auitable lor 4Uj North HlHNIKIltD two-room apartment. He friReruior. $3i; all utilittei Included. 41! N. Tenth. FOIl HUNT. U room apartment, 2 bliM-U from Mam Street, ror working couple Phone 4407 evening :i.T34. i uLf'lt noUMurnTrheUapaTurriH. uJ Makf' Phone H.H7 t oil It K.N T. furnuhed a pari ran t. auire .tin High Nr"".'!? decora ttdi private bath." kit- chenette. Steam heat, electric rang l" werk Rex Arm Aoarlnient. ctncuU FOR RKNT. three room turntihed apartment. Hot water heat. Ad u lit. Phone WAUl. f'OR KENT, two bedroom furnuhed up lairi apartment, Heat and water fur nlheri. 1123 Grunt. Phone 2-0212. THHKK room modern furnlihed apart ment on Eat Main. Private bath. Auto malic Ifnt. MS. Adulta. No peti. In Qiitre aim Appiegote. FOR RKNTlarge' thr' room furnuhed .y jrlmrnt. Ph. 2-2fi23. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RKN'i-Three bedroom tinturnlfthed houno in Mill Addition. Hn waJrr hfiitrr nnd a love In living rnrm. F 6 it" it E N f-1 w 6bVd ooifPuV t u rntahrd home i220 nown Street. 840 per month. Two bedroom tinfurnlhcd houne, 4023 Winter Street t3 per month. Phone .Tins. FOlfltKNT,"- two" bedroom duplex witiT alove. S4S. 1110 Martin. FOR RKNT, two bedroom unfurnUhed hnu-e. Phone a 177. r'Oi; itKN i" wu Iwaroom lurmtmoU hniifF. .Inn. 3(lh. Phone 3747. FOR RENT three room modern t-nbin. partly furnlnhed. Tlectrlo atove. Can be reen at 1233 Arianm. FOR RKN'f. Modern two hoilroom house. 3 mllca aouth at Henley tiehooi Phnne 30-111. FOR ItKNT, one bedroom furutiihed hnuie, ndulli. North nlde. Gen, J. Kunr. mnn, Real Eitate Broker, J" hone 0032 any lime . r O k H KNT on ' irane ims'ls two lied rnom furnlahed house In Stewart-Lennox addition. Lnrgo lot, ha-ement, hnrit, chicken house, ale. Call W. J. F.n-lrr. phone 2-0200 FOR HF.NT, Two bedroom duplex, tur nlwhfd. close In. Inquire 72tl North 11th. "MISCELLANEOUS for rent BEEHIVE u TRUCKS - DRIVE Move Yourself Snvo '4 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes t- Vans BKACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 OFFICE for rent. 023 Main. Phone II til. ruit ItKNT fiuur Bandar, inte.t tuv eculpnieiit Suliurhsn Lumber Co. 1 1 th nrtVVnlnilt Phone 77011 CAR BTOItARR - ItF.AtSn, dv week or month. srl Lamb, phon, 4673 or 7701). 30 REAL EST ATt FOR SALE HOMLS FUR SALS! IVKIIKIT UKNNIS REAI.IUR Uon Klrkpalrlck. Salesman ISINlrl ; '! "4" Mil.l.s AUDITION, lot with partially completed building suitable for ahop, atorngo or home. Bewer, water, elcc. trlclty and sua connector. Prlcotl for quick ,ole. Pnnne 6fl4.l. WANTKu ti bu.v. four room house, modern with oundjtnn, cheap for cn.h. Prefer comer I. it North title, Mill. School, Ea.t Main, for rental properly. Pt 0. Hox ul. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' P LA N N IN GTOS ELL i If you ure call our office for efficient-effective service. Exclusive agent In city, suburban iini farm properties, BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 So. Olh Phone 7200 CLOSE-IN CHEAPIES 1 Bedroom modern home with semi-modern cabin. Paved street. Price $2500. $700 down, bnlnncc like rent. Close to Mills school. 1 Bedroom modern i partly fur nlshcdi. Paved street. 1 block to Falrvlew school. $2000. $500 down, balance $50 per month. MILLS ADDITION 3 Bedroom ultra-modern. Tills home has a very benutiful Interior. Well located. Many good feature iCNnmple-12 closctsi. A home any. one would be proud to own. Price $12,500. F.H.A. loan qualifications. SUBURBAN 2 Bedroom modern home with '; acre. DluliiR room. Lovely bath. Laundry. Oood outbuildings. Price $4750. $1000 down, balance $40 per month. Will also consider trailer house as part trade. 2 Bedroom modern home with automatic rias heat. Insulated. Ex cellent double gnrage. Laundry, price $4750. Will consider trailer house or car as part trade. v WALT DIETZ, with T.B. WAITERS i Realtor A: Insurance i 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 lEvc. 94C9i j $500 DOWN t And you can move rlftht Into this semi-modern 2 bedroom bungalow on 'i arrc in the Shasta District. An Ideal set up lor a handy man for here Is a comfortable home that you ran Improve on your spare time. Full price $2500. FURNISHED HOME Newly redecorated. No work re quired Just move right In. 2 at tractive bedrooms, concrete founda tion. Neat and modern in every re spect. LarRe garage with work shop: concrete Iloor. On 'i acre South Suburbs. All furnlturo goes for $5000. Terms can be arranged. MILLS-ADDITION NEW HOME only 8 months old. Owner transferred must sell im mediately. His lass Is your gain. It will be a long time before you get a chance at another bargain like this so you'd better hurry. 2 good sl7o bedrooms, attractive bathroom. loLs of storage and linen space, sep arate dining room, automatic heat and hardwood floors throughout. Oarage nnd storngo room. Paved street. F.H.A. financed. Reason able down payment and assume owners loan. Priced for quick sale at $9500. AI Longmlre Eves. 6724 Joe Perry Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY Realtor and Insurance 1037 Main St. Ph. 3605 or 3421 FOR SALE . By Owner TULELAKE HOMESTEAD GO acres all in alfalfa PRICE $28,500 Cen be bought 30 down or lease with option to buy! Phone 7-0663 Tulclake, Calif. NEW HOMES for nl. Powell. Phoini F..120. William B. FOR RALR or trade for Plcknp nr HRht truck, O. I. equity In two licd- room homo in South suburbs. Phone 9141. A GOOD BUY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION On I bl very comfortable live room home on north'.ldc. New Iron Fire man furnace, storm windows, full concrete basement, attractive kitch en and larifo dlnliiK, room Newly redecorated. Include refrigerator and new electric rungc. Only $1010. NORTHSIDE ATTRACTIVE AND WKI.L CON HTItUCTEO Kour bedroom home. Flreplnre, hardwood floors through unt. Dining room, clcclne heat, two lull hull.;, Insulated nnd weathcrstrlppcd. Concrete bnsc inent, sprinkling system, beautiful view. Priced lur below replacement cost. J12.500. CLOSE IN I.nryc family Iio-tir In ideal loca tion. 14x0 foot living rwini With fireplace, lartrc dining room, three bpdrtvjmx, with walk In clonets, beautiful bnth, (tla ed In glcepln porch, double kri'hkc Quick noil. $1(3,000 tennv IIAHRY VAN (Even. BU2 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0C27J AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 HOT SPRINGS Newly built, 3 bedroom home of , modernlntlc dcMnn. Attractive lire-1 plncc. sill floor area completely 1 carpeted. An exceptional home built for dlscrlni'iiatlng people. Very i reasonably priced. Call us lor all details. YALTA GARDENS Sec this comfortable, well construc ted modern 2 bedroom home on approximately '? acre good soil. Automatic oil heat, attached gar age. House Insulated and equipped w,lh storm windows. Paved street, beautifully landscaped. Price $9500. Terms available. A NEV HOME IN MILLS ADDITION At 2425 Vine Street. Fully weather stripped, Rtorm windows. Already landscaped. Must be to be ap preciated. Call us for an appoint ment. California Avenue Very well built 2 bedroom home in rock! condition. On corner lot. Only $02 SO. Eligible for any type loan. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Homer Stiles Fred Scott Phone 5658 Eves. 2-2460 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITHi REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 45C4 or 5529 WANTED We have buyers for farm and pas ture land anything from 40 to 4500 acres. Call us so we can be all set to go by spring. ALSO We need home listings, we're about sold out. Would like something for about $1400 down. FRED E. FLEET Realtor DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 403 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-13G5 3 BEDROOM HOME. On a quiet street In South Suburbs. Large llsht living room, well ar ranged kitchen and dining area, service porch. Fireplace, piped oil furnace, 2 complete baths, lots of storage space. Now financed on 4 per cent GI loan. PRICE $11,500 Anne Mason Eddie Hoslcy Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 32 BUILDING ' REMODELING ROCK WOOL INSULATION Payments as low as $5 per month. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 6161 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove , Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check nnd Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 CI.UAN economical trouble free heat oil stoves. PEYTON St CO. DRY pino blocks for imlc. Open eve nlnmnnd wockonda. Metiers Urn... PilrJa'TOi.UCiS pickup or delivered. Cliff Yntlcns Smnul Srrvlr. 3.100 So nth Phone .tsnt or 2-9260 9 & II UREEM STAMPS Riven on heat ins oils Phone 30S1 or 3-9280 for orompt delivery. CLIFF- YAOEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE 9.1(10 So 8th STANDARD HEATING Oil Sto'e. rurnace. light fuel, coal, wood, rharcosl. Peyton and Co. 833 Market. Pnona 0149. $$MONE'Y$'$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On vour salary or furniture up to .MO 'Pay Day" loan a tpeclalty - 111) 25, ISO loaned till "pay day' or longer lib costs but IB cenU for one week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th St. M-3M 34 FUEL-T Pink or iirwood7 711.-,. DON MiJNTYRE. Mgr. 43 Years Prlendly Service HEATING ny le.iglli. Pnone 78 BOATSPETS SPORTS HOBBIES r INK" ieBCi llurrrrnT'WellMrantrs. 2 up. Sfl Uornny Konnala. Itcg. ,,MI- W'. I M'.nt c6l.t,rii"puyV. Xl.ter'rca.atercd" IJall I KOH SALK. 2 frninle Oachihund n,jni One red, on hlnck anf) tan. ana oii.nirr .not. call altrr a p.m 2tj(.KI li-m. "hone jam. AflHMON Boarding Kennel. Phon. TI47 Villa D-lawa-a oft llomrdala DOAIIDIN'; KENNKLS Dog bnardlng by dav. week or month Sanitary kennel, veli balanced diet Clean Individual r-jtdoor run. tor rare doj Dog. nant'. durlfg mating. Will Dick up and rte. -r Vl.ltora Welcome Prions 5078 Merrill Ru Bt 2. Box S04 SMASM CASCADR KKNNKL8 1 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY 'FOUL IKY WANTtD Cash paid for kny amount. Top market prices frr good quality. For quotations PHONP, 3857 KrAMATH Pom TRV PARMS WANTED colored-belli Pnone450I H Kill EST prlrea paid (or pouhry. boi and llveatnclc. . 1 BIG Y MKA1 MARKK'l lk"lew Jiinctl'n Phone 4r.yi Alll IKH.'IAl. Phne 3721 M ? Rax ft 22 HltKKOINO SiCHVitJr. C iChurk" Warren t ! FOR SAI-E CHKAP New Ihmpinire j Red Fryer and roaatert:. Wholetaie ! price. win drca and locker wran on ! order. Miiat have J daya notice, fhone E-lll after 3 p. m, , I am now boo v. inn order for spring ' rie'lvcry of Whr.cface, Angus, and , dary calvei. I,. M. ItooKcr, RI. 1 Box 1 B.J. .rereni t,ny. . , FOR SALE four ttcgiklcrea Holiiem 24 HOUR electric ahaver repair erv i bull. Phone 2-021 1 i Ice. Tune up. case, motor, cutler 1 KHYFKS nn-TiF- Phore g-li-'i heade, etc. For all popular makes, f JLz' P. - i REPAIR DEPARTMENT 100 NEW Hampthlre pullet. Laying. ; RICKYS JEWEI.EUS Knune tz., 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED 8 Inch Craftsman table saw. Phone 359.1. WANTED to buy. good bated alfalfa. Write rr ca'l Woody Smith, Hood River, tsl. 3374. VvOrtmNO COUPLE, no children ., de sire to rent two bedroom unfurnUhed house with car?ge by Marcn HI. '"rr" P'i-'.l nfl- n.rn. WANTED, cultivator for Oliver raw rrop. Write J. A. Cone. Rt. 3 Box 2.T4 K - WILL PAY CASH In advance for Irri gated pasture for SO head cattle. Phone Iorella 3137, iVE NEED CARS! Get top pne now Hoae Motor Co 6th end Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Pny Onl $100 $7.27 Mo. Repav in 18 Installments 1 UP i'O $300 ON ! FURNiTUUa OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS I niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW I Convenient Location i Convenient to Barrow I Convenient to pay j Locally owned New Cars ''nancffl at I Dunk rate "M'JNtY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving . Klamath Baui See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr 114 N 7U1 St Phone 3W S-241 M-'ilf. Commercial Furnishes Cash! CSH LOANS 150 to $330 Auto - Furniture) Livestock - Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie s-261 N-aza 107 No 9th Phon 7711 48 EUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ILLNESS forces Immedlote sacrifice Main Street Cafe. Phone 2-9105 for ap pointment. SMALL reatanrnnt doing good business. Selling on account o( sickness Phone 2 -921 S. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALK. 40 tons BnlecTalfalfn hny, olio about 400 ton potato nlfalfn en. si lane. W. L. Clink. Route 2, Box 220. Tulct a k e. Phone 7-0440. CHUKUKD HOCK, driveway cinders. Phone Mil etc . . . FIR hotly wood. Phone JJO.KI. FOLKS who like fond with the home made tasle, .like to shop at Johnny' Big Y Bakery, Merrill Lakcvlew Junc tion. LANDSCAPING; everRreena. thru bit and trees. We trim, spray and remove .arjle trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone4286 FOR SALE "fireplace and furnace wood, Icnpth m Inches to 48 inches. Phone 8343. . OET VOt'lR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy ued tires. O.K. Rubber Weld er. 2:ii)l So Bth Phone 4313 ADDING MACHINES, calculator!, type writers, cash retttsiers, dottkt. chain files for nnle or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY (TO. Main Phone 741V KLKCTKULUX CLEANER and pollshei and supplies Phone 71H7 Tarkel Tweel iMrkrt WE ARE prepared to" buy. for imme diate cash, one piece or your entire household of furniture. Jf you have something o sell call us. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUC TION MAHT Phone M93-0219. FORSAt.E gas ranges." 710 Main St. Greer Apta. Call at Manager's apartment. Phone 2-2531 I 8-278 i 151 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Used Furniture SPECIALS 1 Used Davenport . and Chair oqM Reduced from $69.50 to 0 1 Used Bed Davenport and Chair $ i Q.50 Reduced from 179.50 to 4 Klamath Furniture Company 221 Main Phone 5353 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S r i i is oana ana urave o. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 r oh A wanning 10a chine. Phone OTC7. 2009 Fargo Si. Uj iree trial, 'irv tne new Sun beam Shavemater at home before you buy. Only 2fi V). RICKYS JEWELEPS 700 Mai n iPO"e 315 1 LSED KL'fmiTUHK value can alwa.-". be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 .Vain. Phone 5M3. OIL hioraize tanka. Peyton and aiarxei. RONSO.N Lighter Repairs. One dty nrvice Factory trained expert. Mae that old lighter like new agiin. BEPAIR DEPARTMNT RICKYS JEWELXHS .'' .'is'ii .-no-- . 700 Main Phone 3151 KENMORE Vacuum cleaner. Compact Sale and Service. 9200 S9.9S. Phone RAILROAD WATCHES Wnlle tney la.t We have a limited number of used Hamilton. Elsln and Ball railroad watches In flr.t cla.. condition. REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Pnonc 3131 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe. 7U cent per foot. PEYTON & CO WANTED twin stroller. I'none SiVi. 55 AUTOMOTIVE SPECIAL v AT DYE'S 1942 Buick Special Convertib'e Cpe. Radio, heater, original red leather upholstery, white sidcwall tires. New rings and valve Job. Only $495 "AT DYES' OF COURSE:" 733 E. Main : DON'T BUY Without a 2-Day Free Driving Trial - Money-Back Guarantee! All These Cars Are Top Quality 1950 Chev $1647 1950 Plymouth $1647 1947 Chev. Aero $1147 1947 Plymouth $1017 MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM You Get The Best At Duqan 2. Mest Dodge Plymouth and Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 ' BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER flW 8 7th Phnn 77?i COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRLNO ; BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade SS AUTOMOTIVE For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JEKRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tn'clt Dealer JUCK ELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone J-25R1 19.10 FORD a Business coupe. $1230. Call 3127 or 2-1638. ve. ftKKU CAHSi jl top prat nuw Rosa Motor Co. Otrt and Plum. WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL We're out of BETTER-THAN EVER 1951 LINC0LNS and MERCURYS:!! 1952's will not arrive for a few more days HOWEVER... While we're wailing for the big show We're giving BETTER-TIIAN-EVER TRADES on SAFE-BUY USED CARS 1950 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. 7itW '.a DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS O 1950 MERCURY SPORT COUPE Radio, heater. ' "7.M !i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS O 1950 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. IZ.Q4 '. DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OO 1950 STUDE. CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. i4j '.i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 04 1950 LINCOLN 6-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. (qaU . DOWN 13 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 7 A 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater. $c")38 '. DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OZ. 1949 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Cf")3 '.i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive. -jrVi i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENT3 Z 1947 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater. Fluid drive. -ijj !i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OU 1947 OLD "93" 4-DOOR SEDAN New paint, Hydramatic, radio, heater. Ar2T '.h DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENT3 OU 1946 OLDS CLUB COUPE ' . Radio, heater n OS i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OO 1946 MERCURY 2-D00R SEDAN Radio, heater $oq2J i DOWN 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ,OZ (Insurance Additional on all above cars) OUR BETTER-THAN-EVER TRADES WILL GET YOU . MORE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR! . - ee us today We'll Prove It! and ... YOU CAN SHOP INSIDE BASIN MOTORS !: LINCOLN MERCURY 423424 South Sixth Phone 7778 " JANUARY ' CLEARANCE ; 1941 PONTLAC 2-DOOR SEDAN ' $ Anc Heater, sun visor. Jet black J 1941 CHEVROLET SPEC. DLX. CLUB COUPE $ Oyl r- Radio, heater JHJ 1947 FORD SUPER DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE $ nnc A low mileage special. Like new 7 7sJ 1947 OLDS '78' DLX. SEDAN $1195 Radio, heater, Hydramatic. A tutone green beauty in II immaculate condition. 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE '6' SEDAN" ?15 Radio, heater, seat covers. Very nice condition I40a Solid green color, white sidewall tires. 1948 HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN ' ?13A5 Radio, heater, seat covers. New blue paint job ' " 1948 PACKARD SEDAN ?T465 1 Radio, heater. Tutone paint - It 1948 CHEV. 5-PASS. CLUB COUPE $1145 Radio, heater, seat covers. Maroon color. . 1949 PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN $1595 Heater and overdrive. 12.000 actual miles IsJ 7J 1949 DODGE CORONET SEDAN $1595 Radio, heater and fluid drive. Sea blue. One owner J7J and clean. 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. '8' SEDAN $1795 Radio, heater. Hydramatic drive, seat covers and ' ' snow tires. Very nice. 1950 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynaflow '0095 Perfect throughout 7 J SPECIAL 1951 HUDSON PACEMAKER "6" 4-DR. Radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers. House car in perfect condition. $OAO Only 9,000 miles ZOVJ COMMERCIAL SPECIAL . 1946 DODGE PANEL One owner. $ AQ Very good. J Yes . . . We Trade! The Best Terms! Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS llth & Klamath Ave. . . , . Phone 2-2581 BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Wny and Arthur Street, Phone 6203 FOR SALE or trade for flat bed truck. 1941 Chev. dump truck with 194 Motor. First class condition Phone 9077. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 B Main Phono 3979 "We will Mil vour car for vou." Wa buy an.l trade' FOn SALE nr trade for Hunt pickup or Jeep. 194a t ton Pickup, 4 apeed transmission. Phono 2-3202. 1948 CHEVROLET FIVE PABSENGEH Coupe loaded with accessories Cleane.t '48 car In town. Priced right. Can b seen at si.i aoiun om. or -" tiNACel any or all rupair. or lervlre. and delivery for any aire Job. Dick B. Miller Co., 7th and Klamath, pho. 4103. 1930 oldsm6bILe CLUB flKnAN "". Good condition. Call 8243 alter p. m. BARGAIN! le.M Ford Convertible. Pur chaaed new. November S3. Over 40t discount BUS SARGF.NTS Car, Phone. S2M 3 m 5 M M r t