TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1052 page; Legal Notice CUImt allawtd by th County Court and Warrant !. d tna bounty C'l.rk durlna tha month of Dacambar. 1ai, on tha varloua Funds of tha County, at foiiowi:- l liaaF.NT tXPENSI FUND -.ranlr. Mualtar. Bailiff. Circuit CJ. - . 8.00 Chai. F . DcLap. Expanaai, County Clark 48.43 Chat. C. Haaton. Juror Cir cuit Court . 11 .St Chaa. J. Flala ...... M. n.vmni... J. Mlchals Jr. 30.48 Robarl McGchay ,.... 30 W Paul Coleman ..... . 27.40 Rui-rll Marihall Taylor Itlh Harold Eitarlm . Co. C. Flllcraft ........ Mildred Canuiball Jno K. Elchandorf - Ceo. C. Horn -.... Dava Zumwalt ... John Btalock . . W. Ebarlaln Chaa. X. Cummlngi .. Harry Goallar Jr. Andrew L. Sllanl - C. B. Larkln -...! 8yd Elliott Thoi. 8. Graen ,..-.,-. Robert Horlon ................ Leona EI1U John T. Taylor Dale Alter Mary Brllton - Warren F. Frulta Hay Garrlaon Floyd Wynne Frank Miller Mre. Frank Miller Jai. w. Berg Elton Smith . Elizabeth Wallace Guy Whaley Wm. Curran Vivian Herwlck Erma Barker Esther Alexander F. E. McElfreuh Frank Hlbba Bather Warner Rusaell noecx V Guderlan M Murray Brltton W. R. Canton Norma Peace Jai. L.. Hankl 25 :u 3J.76 2.1.32 20.4H 30.00 ft 40 32.04 21 W 30.4B 11.00 33.40 20.48 IS.lti 10.18 5.16 18 80 S20 10.32 23.21) 10 BU S, 80 13.20 10.80 10.18 94.40 54.40 3.20 3.20 820 3.20 10.32 . 6.16 3.16 3.16 22.44 22.44 0.16 7.80 3 16 9.16 6.16 S.16 6.16 6.16 6.16 9.40 56.00 60.00 , 668.(0 3.67 ltamona Hanks Dr. Geo Adler . Jack Desmond . Eva Henderson J E. Franey, Sumps, Tax Office J. E. Franey, Board of Prisoners J. M. Brltton. Expenses, Deouty Sheriff C.U Lanislet, Sumps, Treasurer ...... 13.00 Willaid Hotel, Meals, State Tax Men .. , Marvin Arnold. Salary 172.19 Will M. Baker 1-5! Carl Bell gJ -189.94 -213.38 .. 171 58 ..206.27 22.57 .. 156.49 182.68 372.77 .194.39 James E. Bell William A. Bell H. V. Borton , Geo S. Boyd Burton Broutllard Clyde B. Brown Albert L. Bruley -Neal Burney - W. R. Canton D. R. Cappa .. Jack L. Church Donald w. cox . Robert c. cox . G A. CeLonf Harva Depuy . R. F. England . P. Evana V. V. Bale -199.04 181.74 . 183.07 -194.39 -149.48 -191.42 -194.12 -181.26 Suburban Service I On Tour Worn Equipment y 11th ft Walnut Ph. 7709 j Legal Notice Elinor Havlland Dale I. Heath ...... C. C. Heldrlck C. W. Hesse W. R. Hlx H. T. Kelllson H. W. King H. L. Landli M. C. Marlln M. M. McClay . Lyle D. Mccormick . A. D. McGee W. H. Melhase J W. Mills Clint Myers J. W. Mynatt C. M. Nelson W. NT. Nightingale Arnold Oberg II. A. O'Brien E. W. Parkhurat , H. A. Perkins Geo R. Phillips J. W. Pitcher - F. O. Pool Ed Propst .. R. L. Pryor C. W. Rainwater J. O. Rimer I. . L, Scarbrough B. . Sheppard ........... Floyd Shtpnian D. J. Skyles R. J. Smith ...... W. K. Stiles O. F. Sukraw .. .... W. K. Thomas C. K. Wells G. R. Wells L. V. Wells J. E. Whtttenberg. Cancelled J. E. Whtttenberg CI BRENT EXPENSE FI X! Klamath Medical Service Bureau, Coverage Nov. 1931 C. U McCauley, Sheriff. Services George H. Adler, Coroners Fees Guy Merrill, ConsUble Mileage C. S. Elliott, Witnesses Or- E W. BiriZ..SZ Harold Buck Jesse Ballard ....., Henry Oberhlde, Juror's .... Leo Matney .. . - M. I Shepherd Paul Winters . .... Leo McKoen ........ Jas. Rogers , Melvene Nltschelm . Harold L. Dryden R. F. England Leland Pope Homer Ellis - Robert Petrik Leon R. Andrieu . G. C. Motley .- ........... Eston Klger Doris Peyton .. vera Moore ..121.72 215.23 140.58 ... 180 67 ....lOfl (Id .... laa.tu 161.09 .170.64 194.13 .. 172.12 -...214.38 . . 184.46 .. 2M 40 225 65 182 32 .-.2.VRH 161 09 .. 1R9.29 190 38 163 39 ..-240.16 ... 1H2IK ..... 139.13 . . 220.48 101 14 3H7.09 -'228 28 119.77 169.30 .. 190 03 ... 179.83 .... 2o;i.7t 179 20 ... 202 55 ..."193.36 185.66 136 29 - 312 80 227.23 162.25 158 33 Frank BogaUy Thos B. Young . . Earl P Brooks Betty J. Gaunt John Unman. CANCELLED Doris Ctlk. Grand Jurors Ct. Ct. Doris Cilk, Grand Jurors Ct. Alice Eliedge Byron Johnson Roy Kunx ' Donald P. Hancock Roy Call ...... C. Deffenbacker Tessie Davis, Witnesses Grand Andrew Bussman A. V. Evana Tony Nelms Margaret A. Conner Edward Burke Ronald Phalr .. George May . Herbert Schmidt .. Elton Smith Don Baker Gerald Cosgrove, M. D. . . Odell Olson Wm Ganong Jr., Attorney Fee No. 2154 C George H. Proctor, No. 2200 . L. Orth Sis mare F. McLaren S.' M. Kerron. M. D., Mileage Health Deot Annis Stru there . E. Mae soeira Ruth Cramblit W. P. Green 133.30 2 00 40.00 51.79 3.16 . 3.16 . 3.16 3.16 1800 . 14.00 3 32 ' 5 32 16.40 13.52 , 5.48 . 5.80 . 5.16 . 8.84 5.16 . 8.20 , 8.20 . 3.16 . 5.80 . 5.60 , 5.80 . 5.16 , 3.80 . 5.80 . 5.16 5.80 580 .. 5.80 . 9.80 . 9.80 . 5.80 . 5 16 9.80 3.16 - 3.16 . 8.28 . 3.16 . 3.16 . 3.16 .. 4.92 . 3 16 . 3.16 . 3.16 . 3.16 3.16 . 3.16 . 45.00 15.00 . 50.00 ..30.00 . 12 51 . 17.29 . 6 51 . 53.83 -.38.63 Legal Notice Cl'RRKNT IXI'FNSK Fl'.NO Jennie Neat, Salary, In firmary - . 34.76 E. W. Dunn, Salary, Justice of Peace . 183 00 J. W. Grliton 12.90 Lester Snider . .'. .'. 24.43 W. C. Pankey 3300 Public Employes Retire. Sys. Ctmtrih Nov. 1931 1.337.10 Mutual Benefit Health at Acc, Coverage) IX. tn.M . 13.30 Slate Industrial Acc. Comm. Nov 101 68 Public Employes Retire Svs. ' 174.38 Stale Induktrisl Acc. Comm. . 11.12 The Treasurer of U.S., Sup plies. Assessor . . 4 95 J. M. Britton. Expenses, Deputy Sher. . . 36.41 rm-M'Y I.1HKSRV I't'ND Public Employes Retire. Ss. lontrtDutlon Nov 110.38 State Industrial Acc. Comm. Coverage 3.45 I'Ol'NTY ROAD Ft'XU Mutual Benefit Hellh eV Acc. Coverage Dec. Itui S4.1T Public Employes Retire. Ss. Contribution Nov. . .... 1.436.13 Glenn F. Simmons. Supplies .... 288.87 Stale Industrial Acc, Comm. CoveriiRC Nov. 413.34 t'IRRKNT fXl'lNSt FIND Nellls Lewis, Salary. Juvenile ...... 56.12 Hale Welch, Subsistence, Appraisal 70 00 Irving Wagner 105.00 George Miller 103.00 ClaMon Hoff . 103.00 Roland Schuh . 11U.00 Joe Madarus, Expenses, Dep. Sher - 16 81 J. E. Franey. Sheriff 70.83 rum nxu Will Keubert. Salary 199.66 t'Ol'XTY ROAD FIND W. A. Bell. Salary 127.7:1 C. W. K.-unwater 3.31 Cl'RKtXT FXPKXSE FIND Dorothy Hurley, Salary. Infirmary , 36.18 J. D. O'Neal. Guard Duty. Health Dept. 3.49 V. P. Murdock 4.49 Jim Krants 2146 Shaw Stationery Co. Sup plies. See Schedule .. 128. 99 Smith-Bates Printing Co, 288.97 The Bly Water Co. Service. Sheriff - 280 Klamath Falls Army Goods Store. Supplies 35.70 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. - . 27.13 Superior Troy Laundry 31.40 Bob s Cafe 37.50 John J. O'Donnell. Co, Aud. . . .. 4.1 30 Balsiger Motor Co 52.88 J. M. Brllton, Expenses. Dcp Sheriff 42.12 Bud Cloake. Supplies, Sheriff 14 13 Dimbat Motors 17. H8 Signal Oil Co. . B3.31 l:nton oil Co. . .,. 6.05 14.44 12.00 Chas. F. DeLap. Expenses. Salem First Fed. Sav. & Loan Storage Microfilm Guide Printing. Supplies." UiSI ct Klamath Printing Co. Co. Clerk .. Pioneer Office Sup. Co. .. Pioneer Printing Co. Chase & Lawler. Assessor .. Arthur E. Johnson C. L. Langslet -.'.'.. Dimbat Motors .. Otis M. Metsker " Richfield Oil Corp. Supplies. Appraisal ... Standard Oil Co. of Call;. bhnw stationary Co. Surveyor ..... Ore. Dlst. Atty's. Assoc. Dues for 1931 West Publishing Co. Sup. plies. Dist. Atty. Wes Guderian Guide Printing, Treasurer .. .. 20.40 J. G. Patterson. Insane Exam 10.00 W. C. Pankey, Mileage. Constable . 49 68 A. O. Youngblood 19.20 John Head, Supplies. J of P ... 20.00 Chamber of Commerce Com. Advt 1,309.67 Consumer's Heating Co. Serv ices. Courthouse 848.05 380 56.00 62 23 39 80 18.73 300 43.00 27 93 11.10 14.K0 8.12 13.19 10.00 34.00 3.30 LEGAL NOTICE Calif. Ort. Power Co , HH M Klamath Fall CUrbage Co la ihi Oregon Watvr Corn. -M WO The Pacific Tl Tfl 4J.tl.lH Tlw PacUic Tel Tel Hertd - .1.U0 Western Vnlon TV Co., Courtiimifte , s:i.M Knit Side Electric ,. " U.; Leach Service Company i.M) ti. C. Motlvy , xx Bell'a Hardware aitt Utwller's Storf . I - Lovingvr DUh.fectant Co. - 70. W Luiira Corporation of America . M . 10 74 Zrllerbach Paper Co &.V.U t'rlden Calculating Machine Agency. Auruur WW Robert. Hardware, Co. Clerk 4 .W t'luhrer'K Haker.v, Sup ptieK. Inflrmarv W 87 Uo Angclea SiMp Co ttl.t.-t l.owell Lockeri U II Maaon. Ehrmait Jit Co XW til Murphey'a Seed Snra l!W ;Ml Onwego Jelly Co - 45 a.i r'Mle Drug - 10.57 Povn.ciani & lloipltal Sup ply Co. au.it Sharp St Dohnu, Inc. Sitppllen, lndrmary , , 7il.3:l Standard Feed Storo 3M .M Calif. Ore Powr Co 7.tW Fred l. Hellbronner . , WOOD Davis Plumbing St Hvating Co. L VW'M Hahn Electric Co. 214.31 Klan.nth Vallev HcuutUl In. degent Soldier tXC S4.40 Raymond Tice. M.u. - laau Salvation Ami)', Emergency Relief - - M7S Salvation Army , . 450 Leon Andrieu, Services, Expr. Area 2Hl Balsiger Motor Co Braun-Knecht-Heunann Co. - - 17 oh General Petroleum Corp. -. 1X7 J. W. Kerns .. Klamath Powder St Equipment 15 Loreni Co. - 1.VM Moty St Van Dyke. Inc -M Vern Peugh Welding Shop - 40 ;W Shaw Stationery Co - 7 ;i5 Standard Implement Co. l M Swan Lake Moulding Co Ul 15 Wiesea Fuller Paint Store - , .SS Ashley Chew Co., Sup plies. Juvenile 7 .: BnUiger Motor Co. - 4H Shell Oil Co. .. - Citizen's Committee on Children - National Probation St Parole AMOC. ..- - 3.50 Klamath Falls Creamery -... . .tti-50 Mnson-Khrman St Co. - 57 mi Pine Street Market ItUt.Ht Long Bell Lumber Co 2. 00 Catholic Charities. Inc. - - 3.tx The Louise Home - 3-W Don B. Hice. M D - - 3.00 A. S Aloe Company Sup plies. Health Dept. -.IH.I-! Lederle La bora tor tea Division H tvt Pacific Tel St Tel A2M Cal. Ore. Power Co. B5 7H Chas. B. Leib .. M5 72 Superior Troy Laundry .. t W Klamath Falls Creamery tU9 U E. Reeder Mileage, 'Co. Court . 12.98 COCNTY LIBRARY FCNO Calif. Ore. Power Co. .. 23.90 Fred H. Hellbronner 91.23 Gay lord Bros. Inc. . 251 i3 Pacific Tel & Tel 9 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 13.14 Clnndy s Texaco Station 7 50 Shaw Stationery Co. 22 14 Uhlig'a Electric Store - I -XI Oregon Water Corporation - . 9 HU The Macmillan Co. S.Ki The Macmillan Co - 1.58 The MacMillan Co - 1L0H Carl J. Leibel - a.55 Dook-Of-The Month Club Inc. 4.20 Julian Me.sner. Inc 93.41 COUNTY ROAD FIND W. M. Baker, Salary Draw 74 00 Carl Bell 84 00 J. E Bell - 74.00 H. V. Borton .. 110 00 Geo S. Boyd 37 00 Burton Broulllard 234 00 Clyde B Brown 138.00 Neal Burney . 137.00 .t. -. Churc-i . "" D. W. Cox 109.00 R. C. Cox u LEGAL NOTICE w Space , is the size of a post card What Would It Cost? ... to mail a post card to every Herald & News subscriber? POSTAGE ALONE WOULD COST YOU S277.55 PRINTING WOULD COST YOU EXTRA What Does It Cost? ... to print your message in a space this size in the Herald & News? Total Cost $8.91 It would cost- three times as much, for postage alone, to send post cards to one out of every 10 newspaper subscribers. The newspaper is welcomed into the home and is , read by several members of every family. This is just one reason why daily news papers are THE BASIC ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ttarv t)epuv ........ H. K. Kngland K. V. Kvaiti .1.,,.,.,k V. 1 llnle U. K. Heath V, W. llr.ie Howard Kelliion II. L. t.aiutl, Maurice Martin M. M. McClay A. D. McGee J. W. Mill ...... CUM M.ver . JHck Mynatt - W. M. Nightingale .... H. A. O Hrien II. APerkina Ceo Phillip -... J. W. PltcW F. O. Pool R. I.. Pryor J. O. Rimer .. L.. L. Scarbrough ..,..,... B. I. Sheppard .' Klod Shtpman - D. L. Skyles .... H. J Smith W. II. Slllea I. . A. Walkley Q. K. WelU w L V. Wella J. K. Whlltenberc w Amlernon Auto Service Co., Suppllea .... , , Btillou & Wright HaUlger Motor Co Kred E. Harnett Co Cacade Industrial Sup ply, Inc ,. , Columbia Equipment Co. . Colyear Motor Sale Co. Contractors Equipment Corp. Howard Cooper Corporation .... P L. Crooks St Co. Inc. M I)leil St Electric Service . .. . DuKun-Mst Co. Firestone Store Fort Klamath Hotel , Crater l-ake Machinery Co. . .. Fruehauf Trailer Company H. .. He ton Machine Work ,. Fred H. Hellbronner ......... Howie Bros . Juckcland Truck' Salea St Service . 1 .... J. W. Kerns Kimball's Glass Shop John F. Killing .. Klamath Machinery "Co. - Kliunnth Powder St Equipment Co. w LoRgeia St Contractor ' Machinery Co ..,..,........ Lore ns Co.. Suppllti, Hond Dept Monarch Tire Serx ice Moty St Van Dyke. Inc Oregon Water Corporation Pierce Trailer St Equip ment Co ...... - Quiun Auto Supply Richfield Oil Corporation - Hoy Rtueharl Seuler Inc Shnop St Scnulse Tire Service . Signal Oil Company ... Sims Saw Shop .. . Spec tail ted Service Co. Shell Oil Company Standard Oil Co. of Calif - The Texai Company Time Oil Co. , Vnlon Oil Co. of Calif. Valley Service Station Van Cleave St Millett . Went Hitchcock Corp. .. - Calif. Oregon Power Co. ...... ... Guide Printing Co. Shaw Stationery Co. . .......... . W ft. Canton, Expense. Portland CI 'BRENT tXI'ENHL Ft' Virginia Richer Dorothy Rogers -........ Ethel Lehner . Jane Wever Violet Pieter .' Gladys DeLap . Betty Hromada . Tliyra Savage Francis Deets ". Deie Anderson Ruth Carr . Brooksy N. Stamper Jean Meyers .. , Cynthia Campbell Jean Severton Harry J. Baum Thomas E. Hew Chas. A. Potect . W. E. Dyer J. F. Newman - J. M. Brltton, Deputy .....'..'... Joe Madam . Dora Goddard . . Elate Siemens. Tax Office - Irma Dixon . ...... Minnie R. Robinson . . Eather Newell Nellie Knupp Eva Cook ... . . . Karle Blanchard ........ Marie Obenchain La Verne Hancock H. . Louise Llnman -... Jean Meyers Elale Siemens - ... Irma Dixon , Esther Newell . Nellie Knupp S.. .'...-, Eva Cook Karle Blanchard Dorothy Post. Salary. Matron J. J. Whalen. Jailer - .. Dale Mat toon W. C. Pankey, Constable C. G Merrill Phylfls Kinney, Salary. Diat. Atty. Office Doris Setsom - . Donald A. W, Piper irene oieger T. D. Case. Salary. Vet Serv. Off. M. A. Carter, Judge District Court C. G. Merrill. Constable F. L. Mathews. Salary, Juvenile .. Faye Blackmer Robirda Ktncaid Jennie Neat Maude Davis . - Madeline Coryell Seth M, Kerron, Salary Health Dept. - . Annis Struthera Huth E. Cramblltt E. Mae Speirs W. P. Green Luclle Wilkin ...... . Muriel M oca bee . -. - Dorothy Clark M - Leo Rita Wade L. J. Richardson, Sal ary. Janitor Raymond Mclntyre C. W. Sanders . . LaVella Sanders ( Bill Sanders .... 10.1.00 .... tU.lMt Hit) (HI TH.OO loo. no 71MKI 70.00 114 no Utl.tHt 7HIMI into H s:io.imi H. U0 114 (HI I'Jtl.tKI LttOO 74.tW llil.OO H ant 00 IJHIHl i:m wt HmtH) 1UJ.IM m hKl.lk) ItU.tKt (U.lHt a.'ti.rtt 143.00 tw.no 1114 00 i:u.oo UO.00 40 00 .... 54:i 4i tki.ou .140 07 u-iA rw I. 84(1 10. 03 1 111 11.1 m Hii 4 .u 1(IH 40 43.74 3J :io 7. a 20 at sot .mi 2J.1.M 104.00 ... 1,310 ta 8 H) IH tit) 4S.U7 3.04U.D3 100.110 378. IB ltw.tm 1.354 411 tl.4d 13ft 0ft :U40 374.48 i:i()0 - 93.00 7:t7.43 4.10U 37 1.00 sratw 71.67 14 33 n 30 470 6O 118 30 130 M 178 tUt 173 03 1:1 00 35.40 44.85 ND 163 40 350.U0 1H0.40 lt3. 00 197.50, 131.00 ta 70 ItUt 30 8.1 ;m HH.wt 2311. :i5 fW 30 i:t7 84 1X3 40 213.58 235 45 2J035 11 95 210.17 -.- 217.45 274 2U 246 40 2t8 87 250 83 171.4:1 180.7.1 150.67 152 38 83 77 147.30 158.80 07.81 27.15 13.75 U2.23 37 05 .4 41.43 30.50 3.1.13 DOW M 50.15 ... 188.40 185.40 158.SO 50.00 170 10 XII7.50 30 80 132.70 Wills Dean Sanders Bethel Sanders - H. B. Schiefersteln, Salary, Weed St Rodent I. D. Rumer. bailiff C, C... L. A. Smith, Salary. Infirmary .J. -...... Elizabeth Smith , C. H. Morrow Minnie Morrow Betty Thomas Delia Auguntus Mary Calliff Alice Hurley Bessie Salsnery M Hanel Callff Vern Haunter J Don Parker . Anna Morrow Marie Hanson 3.10 15 109.00 .103.50 247.84 180.03 40.87 144.35 140.70 S44 5.1 235.05 2:(tt:i5 100,75 270.35 217.35 237.35 173.25 133.35 102 24 118. 2U 37.03 33 00 41.03 64.9Jt 10.1.45 . 210.70 231.00 140 10 170.24 . 125 44 119.20 120.19 341.30 100 00 07.90 . 86.14 218.74 100.00 97.00 101.87 Legal Notice Helen WiHulfork ... lJii.nii Unity Callff II 33 JampH m, Hrltton, Salary, Depuly l(1 , j!i(io 0. U. C'osad 115. oil w. C. Pankey , 1 no Joe HaliuiHck into K. C. Slukel . II . 0 411 F. U, Mnrkwnrilt 4 titi 1. ahter SnUlcr 7 00 T. W. Chmlmrn, Salary, Ju-tlce of P. lilt (Hi Joe lUlousek. Mileage. l)H'"ty -j 70 Frederick CI. Mttrkwardl 1 mi W. C. Pankry ,itl 1-ealer J. Snider 0117 F. C. Slukel . . .. . .. 1 02 The Haloid Co, Sup plies, Co. Clerk 33.72 Stale Public Welfare Comm. State Alii Aulut, 24.077 30 Tlut lluy St (ilrls Aid Site. Care Heprmtrnl Child , 4 33 Children' Farm Home IV4..I3 Barkes St Dunn!! Inc. Agency. Policy No. 330. 4H 31 Howard Itnrnhisel U3 30 M. I.. Johnson, Nn. 30-3.IWI . .... 344.08 Lark in In. Agency, No. 020270 . 7711.21 Driaroll Si Padtti No. 24373H 600 111 Oregon Water Corp., Sorv- icc, Kcitllh Uepl. 1043 t-Ol'NTY UOAI U NI) M. K. Arnold, Salary , j 17.17 A. L. tlruley 231.41 D. R. Capps auo :i7 G. A. DeLonge Jn'i ;i7 Elinor Havllund H imi lu C. C. Heldrlck . . ...... , .. . 313 37 H. W. King 2.HMI7 U D. McCormlck 314 37 W, H. Melhtue .. ...... 2.i 40 C M. Nrlaon . , 2.111 117 A. C. Olierg .... 20.77 E. W, Puikluirst 3 1 it Oil Edward Piopat ;ui7iil O. F. Sukraw 3i,04 W. K. Thomas y.tl 21 C. K. Wells . ... ., JW up LAW LIIIRAHY HM- Dora Goddard, Salary 15 00 COIMV MHItAKV FtND Evelyn CiMier, Salary . ,. 213 03 A I Ice it lleever ... 213 31 M.ttlife Chllcola 22U 34 -ilatts Cox WO til Adelaide Hranaman . ..'. 73 17 Leiih Steele .... , . n2 07 Julia Cawel 1 ill 33 Kltuibelh Vanderpoot .17 113 Mrs. Hei t C. Thomas .a J3.7H Wallace Casael r... Ill 13 Shirley Cux 27.74 T. J. W. IMnier 310.00 ( I H11IM t XI'I NM.; It NU At Biniuli, Salary, Ct. Reporter 235.00 The He. old St Newi. Ad- verlUing. Co. Court . 130 00 The Calif. Ore. Power Co. Services. Hmtty St Illy .... 2 03 Remington Rand, Sup- Site. Amur tir Wl.33 tlrruogruph Mullt graph Corp 30 II Shell Oil Co. . . U4 li'l 1 Thomas E He. MilfHge it. li IP ) The American Law Honk (.'0. i KuppllcB. C'ircilt JuUge . 12 30 I WilUrd Hotel. Meal for Jury .. 33 30 Dr. J. ti. Patterson, Inaane Exam 1000 The Landry Company Ins. Policy 3.034 01 ( III NfV KUAII ll .Nll Will M-nlurl Untarv l?H ItH Ruth Amlrraon. Sheep killed HHM I Guide Printing. Supplies h3.35 1 rorvrv hiiau m-.nii H. A. O'Brien, Salary 2141 W. R. Canton - , 330 33 STATE OF OHEUON SS. COUNTY OF KLAMATH I, Chas F. DeLap. County Clerk of the above named County ami Minle. hereby certify that the foregoing t a true and correct statement ol L' I aim allowed by the County Court of Klam ath County, Oregon, and Warrants l sued In pavsnent of same during itie month of December, I31. This Publication in pursuance to Ore gon Laws. Witness my hand and the seal of said County this 8lh. day of January. 1053. Chas. F Delip County Clerk. Klamath County, Oregon. No. 843. 10 SIRVICI WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Mutlo nnd Ourtnintccd by Otioldo. Ltd. Roy Phone 2-Ma7 Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION Ons, Oil. Tiros, Tvibm Butteries. LubrlcnUon, Woatilng SOUTH HIXTII nnd MIDLAND ROAD Klunmth Falls, Oregon TI10 only Bervlro tittitlnn In Kin math Fnlla Ihsulni RoRcrs Sllvprwrire Cords Legal Notice NOTICK OF HOND HAL.: Suuled proposuls will be received bv the Common Council of the City of KInmttth Faltn, Oregon, for the pur chiKto t( sewer Improvement bond, Serial oj, itgHirgntlng, Four Thnunaml Ktve llundiei. Tweiitv-two and a:ildO ItoliHin. iti4.333.:i:i duly authomed by ortiliuincn of the an id City of Klatnnih FalU. lor the coiiNtructlon and laying of sewer linen In Sewer Unit No. 30, of a id City and aervlng the property betwern South Sixth Street, the 6 C.St K Knilrnad Right of Way, Shasta Way ami Wiiahbum Streets. Proposals to purchase aald nomla wilt be teceivril by the undersigned up to and including the 4lh. day of February. 1033. at the hour of seveu-thirt v o'clock p in. of said day and opened a rrgutnr mr-ellng of the Common Cotin. cil immediately thereafter; autd bond ahnll be tinted February I, IH33. and IimII be In mounl of S-300 00 arb, except lnnd No. 1, nf said orlts. which ).hl be for the fractional part of snld Biun, nnd all shall le due ten eur alter the data af Uaiie, payment nf I he entire lxm.lt optional with said City at any coupon pa mg data on and itltr-r one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear Interest at the rule nf not to exceed atx per cent Pr Nuiium. navithle semiannually nn FHirunrV 1..I. nnd An nun I 11. of each yeiir. princlpul and Interest payable Hi tbe office of the trenail rer of the Cliy of KlaniAlh rail, Oiegun. All proposals must lx iinrnndltlnnal and accompanied hy a rertifleo check for five nor cent nf the uroixi-.il- Tlie Common Council reaervea the rirnt 10 relect anv and nil bids. The aiirceful thditer for aald bond win ne lurnisbetl with an uomlon ai In the legality thereof hy the law firm or winiree, McCullmll. Hbuler S Hn)re, Spnl'ling lliiildlng. Portland. Oreeoti. Tbi notice is aulhorued by ordinance or ute luimiwn 1 ounrU of the l Itv of KlnioMlli Falls, Oregon, dated Decent ber 17. tl'M. ltOll. nr M. FLDF.lt. Police Judge ri ine Liiy uf Klamath I alia, Oregon. D3l-J-l-.3-4-S-7 - a o . in . 11 . u . 14 1.1 18 . I. IK . II 2t 33 2.1 - 24 . 3.3 - ytl - 3U - 2U - 30 - 31 ' I -3 No. 820. CLASSIFIED RATES One any per word U Tlirco Dnys per word Uo Week run per word 10a Mc.nth run per word tlo MINIMUM The nilnlinum chiugo for ny out d 13 OOu. Aiifiwers to d may bo handled through box iniinbcrs nl the pitprl1 for service chnmo of 30c. DKADLINE3 OlaMil.icd ls ocptd up to 1:30 p.m. (or following day's public Hon, C'.aMlfled dhpUy tds sccepted up tc U noou lor following day's puo-llcation. ADJUSTMENTS PlesM mnite Hit 01 nuns lur sdjuit- menu without delay. Corrections or cnc ell tit Ions re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will bt mads in fnltnwini ftny's nubllratton . Legal Notice NOTICE TO CRKniTnitS IN THE CinCUIT COi:ilT or THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOH THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Fsiate of DOLL1E BLANCHE NALE. Decenaed Notice I hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Kxetu tor of the F.-tale of Dollie nUurhe Nale, Deceaaed. by the Circuit Coun of the State of Oregon in and fur Klamaih County. Oregon. All persons having claima acatnat said estate are hereby required to present the aante. proerly verified, to me at the office of U S Malrniine. atiomrv at law. ill I O O F Hltlg . Klamath Falls. Oregon. within ix months from the dale of the first pub lication hereof. Thli notice It aerved by publication In the Herald St Newa. the first of said publication! on the 14th day of January. 1M2. and the lost of id publication on tha 4th day of Febru ary, H-t2. fai Chaa. E Nale' Execulor of the Estate nf Dollie Blanche Nale, Deceased J-14-21-28 r-4 No. BM CITATION IN THE CIHCHIT COtMtT OF THE STATE OF OMKt.ON FOIt THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Adnnlion of A I. II MIT Ol Y LAVLItN CHUItCII, minor To (itiy P. Church Ynu are hereby notified that Theo dore Max Uratter and Ituth tiratrer. of Klamath Falla, Oiegnn, have filed a pel I lion in the above entitled Courl. aeokliitf I he adoption of Albert tuv lavern Church, and for the change of name of aald child, Albert liny Lavern inunn. in the name of l-avwrn Albert f.rnUcr. and that bv virtue of an order matte and entered In the above entitled Court by the Honorable David It Vandrnberg on Deeember 2ntn, IttM. this ritnllon ! putdlabed In the Herald and Nrw a. and that the first publica tion thereof is December list, lid I. and 1 nut lite lat puulirallon 1 hereof January 2li. 103. and ou are notified in jpi-ear and show raiise. If any there Im. on or before February 4th, 1B33. at ine hour or 10 00 a m . whr the pet l, tmn of the petitioners should not be granted, and for want of sue it appear ance the Court w(D make such orders as shall be lust and meet concerning the adoption of said minor child, and you are hereby directed to ahnw rauae. If any uu have, why said adoption should not be made as prayed for In the petition of tbe petitioners. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. Witness my norm and seal of I he above titled Court i In. 20th day of December, IU31, CHAS. F Del.AP. Clerk. II. JANE WtVEft Deputy. D-.11 J-7-14-31 No. 827 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice li hereby given that the under, algned admlnlilratrlx of the estate of Jeremiah Cornellua Murphy. also known af Jerry C. Murphy, dcreaaed. has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamaih County the final account of her adnunlairaimn of laid ettate end the Court has ap pointed the 0th. day of February, 1I-.2. at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the time and the Courtroom of aald Court, in the Court House for Klnmnth County. Ore gon, aa the place for hearing and act tlemenl of laid account. Done Jan. 7, 1052- Nellie T. Murphy Admlnlilratrlx of the enlat of Jerry C. Murphy, deceased. Henry E. Perkins, Attorney for aald aatatc, 731 Main St.. Klamath Falla, Oregon. J-7-14-2I--W F-4 No. U41 BANQUET PORTLAND lfl Members of the cast of the film, 'Bcnd of The River,'1 will be Kuests at a bun- quet nerc Tue.stmy nmni. The picture was filmed In Oregon. The banquet is In observance of the Oregon Covered WuRon Cen tennial. Governor McKay will be toRfltmastcr. -irjbirii- 1 WAttT'& wxwm,. 8ILIV BURKS. GREAT ;; 7 m- DETECTIVE. SOLVED ' vk'v CRIMES VIA WANT ADS 1 Tha late William J. Burns, "America's greatest detective," first used Want Ads to solve a crime in 1882 when he advised his lather, then police comnjissioner ol Columbus, O., that he might trap the thief who had staged a series ol mysteri ous burglaries if he ran Want Ads olfering to buy articles similar to those stol en. The thief answered one of the ads and was caught f "ETtrrbo-T" lUa-sV The Want Ads SS I. AM m4 4 mk tt Mpp I Cl.niM AinMii hmM 1 .. H.M. M.i r.ri-, Ut 111, W lr, Di. 41, IhnU. IMt, Useare PaHik jJJ V i Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders HERALD & NEWS i In the Ph. Bill i--B lly DARLKNK WOLFF For ihe firnt time nince Its re nrKiinlrnllon 3'i yearn KO. the I'lA mrctliiK on jun. M nnd to e citncrllru becuuse of wenthnr, McmbcrH rre ilmnppomtcd since nn outMiindiiiK amnker, binto Hci I'hll tlllchcock. wim xcheduled to .tppnlc about Uie school reor-anlr.n lion bill. The nipctlnd dnlo will be reset depending upon Ihe wes thermiin. Hio list of Chrl.ilmns bitblcs for Inml rc.ildcntH Inudvorlenlly led out the Dec. 17 arrival of it son to Mr. nnd Mm. Bennett Weeks The ynunif mnn was born at homo iih Duve been the other Weeks chll dren. Mury Elisabeth Summers. Infant diiUKhter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Siiinmern, was ruined, to the ho' pltul Suudiiy inornlim with a sud den nnd severe cn.tc of pneumonia Rh. lnu nln.nH In nn nvvnjn fnl nnd on Mondny was fcported bet ter, oiio is juni ourciy one monin old. No school Mondny I The younir stcrs were clutcd but Inrmers nKency und state road crews hod fcelliiKS much dlllcrent. There were Nome drifts on the hlKhway In the Williamson river district nearly cluht feet hliih. The aKcncy crew hud lell some ol Its cqurp incut near Joe Miller's and found on Monday mornlim unit they could not tint ncur It until a farmer nlnwed out several miles with his oils ouuit. as tncy naa occn nciu up so much tney dian t net out on the HnniKuc River hlKhway. Thus the school bus from Sprnuue River was unnblc to come in even on Tuesday. One rancher wan unable to net In to one bunch of cattle on either Sunday or Monday as a tractor had broken down and ncluhbors couldn't kcI In. Judging by tha complaints of a Rrciil many people, roofers will probably be busy next spring. Many houses have sprung leaks unnoticed in milder winters. The union school has been runnlne steady stream In the 3rd, 6th and Mrs. Parsley's 2nd grade. No youngsters could sit in the rows of scats adjacent to the windows. dangers Drygoods hns been sur fcrcng a falling plaster hazard Main St. Is always a sightseers delight In wintertime, for the snow Is piled up In the center of the street Icnvlne room on either side lor pnrallcl parking and a lane for cars. In the summer, cars nnrk at an angle and travel closer to the center of Uie street. No other streets In town are plowed that way. Mr. and Mrs. Layton Hoback have returned from a week's trip to Southern Callfornlor Hoback wns off work with a severe ln fccllon of the ear. ' Mrs. Cnllle Clark and her three children, Richard, Dona and Jan ct. left Sunday morning for Iowa called there by the sudden death of the children's father, Eldon Clark, who passed away in Omaha. Neb. Jan. 11. The family will be gone between two and three weeks nnu wm visit Mrs. mark's rela tives in Iowa before their return Clark was a brother to Mrs. Anton -adlna, who was unable to make the trip east to attend the final rues. Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH OROCERY Phone 762 Bos 3U DCRRIS MRS DORA BRANHA.M Phone 781 301 E ft-ua Ilcnlev Tulelake RUTU KINO Phone .153 Rte. a. Box til LAKEVIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIC Phon 'J70I tss B St. No. FUNERAL HOMES WAIIU'S klamfetli Fun.rl Horn..' IllfS SlrL Phon MJi rJi MEETING N0T'CES 8 luted riierllns of ScuU tbll Rue Bodle Mon dny. Jan. 31. at 8:00 pm.. Jth Drsrte to be ronferred. Refreshment served. Hermsn OUvold, fiery. ALOHA CHAPTER No. lold lis resulnr upmiv. Jan. Munnnlr Hall S n m. VUlfnr. -'.l-n.. I-ellm Munihy Worthy Matron Elmer Brainlett - Worthy Patruit . v ALOHA CH Wvf 81, will hold j2Jf3t meetiiiK Tu Z3 it Mum " m. VUlfnr I00F No. 137 Every Tuesday 8.00 P.M. Fifth and Main St. Mrs. Anton Zadlna Is taking a leave of absence from her Job postmistress and Mrs. Norman Wlmer has been working In her place. The Zndlnos are living In the apnrtment at the back of the postofflce for the Winter months so Mrs. Zadlna Is available for speclnl inquiries but will not work a regular shift until the early spring, Mrs. Fred Markwardt led Sun- day by streamliner from Klamath Falls for San Francisco to be with her 81-yenr-old mother who is 111 Mrs. Fisher was stricken during the holidays and both Mr. and Mrs. Markwardt drove south to be with her for a few days at that mil- Mr. and Mrs. Olcn Kircher left for San Diego Tuesdny where Kir- mcr iiiusi. report. uac to me Navy i or mree more weeks before his discharge Is due. The two traveled south by train. Don Ltn renorterf for tndnetlnn to the Navy on Mnnduy and Is now at Hun Diego for boot train ing, lie is Uie son of Mrs. Orvills Mcndcnhiill and was graduated from Chlloquln High School last Spring. H has been working on the Olengnr Reservation ranch until reporting to tho Navy. & Dorris By DORA BRANIIAM Patrons of the Fortv Cluh hove been playing shufllcboard a lot lately and are talking of starting a tournament for this Winter's en joyment. Anyone Interested should see Woodle Wilson at the club. Mike Branham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Branham spent Friday in pcu wnn a icrritie cold. At this writing he Is much better. Cliff Emerson, Klamath Falls was a guest of the Branham'i Monaay nignt. The Butte Vallev Hnlld-ir. scheduled to play their first bs- nciDnii league game Friday at Ft. Jones but a snow storm nrnventerl their going and the game will be played at a later date. Many Dorris folk had planned on mak ing we trip. Owing to tha storm nnrf anow the Junior Class play has been postponed until February. The cast una ucen unaore to practice in the evenings. Woodle Wilson of the Fnrtv Club has again donated a trophy for first piaco winner of tne Klamath Ba sin Basketball League. Gene Henderson In back in- ac tion In Korea after being wounded and hospitalized In Japan. VFW Post 6944 of Butte Valley sponsored a March of Dimes dance Saturday night at the Red Barn. David Btlckney, S, of Dorris, now In the chlldrens hospital In San Francisco Is the great incentive for the huge turn out. David, through the March of Dimes effort of the past Is making good progress o gainst the dreaded ailment.