SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 10.12 HKFiALD AND NBWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NEt t W 3 HIS JOB isn't haunting houses it's wTt!st!iti. The Swedish Angel, ail 240 pounds of him. has been signed for Wednesday's - battle royal at the armory. Interest High For Mat Mix CniU-Urrry DniB eri bi'iliK ill liltrrt lor tlchrl to WnliwsUnv'a rc!iillii(! dhow even foelorc the !U6tcl)mr(lit were nvullnblc. The main attraction wrniit to ) Hie Swnllnh AiiKtt h.i will be uwfctiiK hid first miwriince In the lornl rwt as one mrinber o( battle royal. Buck Davidson utd yesterday tlml tiwro will ) cither IK or pvn matmrn In the wild frrf-for-nil. Klve of them are already iKtted. In ailillllwi to the AniH. Yule Crelorlitit, Herb Pnrkfi. Billy ParltH, mut Kurt Von 1'iippenhclm have umcrrt to the match. HUH on the doubtful lint in Cow boy Curb-on. popular Montana bucknroo. who parked the armory M-vernl month"! o In utirrlnit title llffa with Pacific: Coaat Junior Heavyweight Champion Frankle Btojnck. It will be neveit. Davbhon nald. If Peto Belcastro agrees to the brawl. The Weed AuutMln won't know until Monday II he will be ready to bo. He Milferrd a badlv bat tered anrt brumed eye Wednesday nlRht In hla win over Von Poppen hciin. )VCCC3 : THK fiC'IIKDt'LE Isn't complete yet, but Oreeon Terh t work tni! on a 1053 football slate that will be plenty tough. Last acaium'a "weak Muter," Centralis and Lower Columbia Jun ior Collese.t, will be dropped. The Owls will pick up Pasadena City Collene, Snn Bernardino JC and Southern Oreiiott. They'll keep Weber Collene and Boise JC. It will be. an ambitious schedule that will take some doing to wade through. HPKAKINO of football schedule making, there's a stronR posM bllifv A.shlund will come back to Join the Soul hern- OreRon Big Three In Class A-l competition. The Big Three, of course, are Klumnlh Falls, Grants Pass and Medford. Phoenix, a strong Class B school hard by Medford, uiny ko Clast. A-3 because of a fast growth In school population. FOUR GUMS have slimed out TlRhi with the Unit Lake City Bees. Hub Kiltie's Pioneer loastic club. They nre Pitcher Jackie Lee of Dorrls, Frank Malaya, Washington Slate College boy. Dale Johnson and Bert Convy. The latter two were on sea son's reserve Hat for the Gems, bolh from North Hollywood, Calif. Rumor has It Bill DcCarlo Is eyeing a Job with the Las Vegas, Nev., club. Last season's Oem skipper has played with that club before and likes the town. Kirk Hcrrlck, business manager, mny Innrt In the Western Interna tional league In some enpacity. At least he's currently angling In that direction. 1NTRAMCRAI. sports nt Oregon Tech nre thriving under the watch ful gulrinnre of Skeet O'Connell. This aportH section plans to carry OTI Intramural sports news, start ing within the next few dnys. Sports Mirror Bv The Aasni-lalril Today a year Alva E. Kelly, Yale line roach, was ap. pointed Jicnd football coach nl Brown. Five years ago The league lending Toronto Maple Leafs drop ped a 3-2 decision to the Boston Bruins In a National Hockey League contest. Ten yenrs ago Veteran De frolt Timers' second baseman, Char ley Gehiiuger, signed a one-year contract to servo as a non ploy ItiT coeeh. Twenty years ago An Asso ciated Prena poll Indicated that bnrebnll sflll ranked rs the HRllon's liiiinber one sport. HOCKEY By The Associated Press Pacific Const League Vancouver 3 Seattle 1 Edmonton 3 Victoria 1 ' Schubert High in 77-45 Win By m i) iu;it If Oregon 'lech mled Don But phln last night, It niun'l notlue iible to the lima or Kastein Ore gon lis Ilie Owls blew hot III the M-ooitd half to wran up a bandy n 6 victory over the Mountain cerh. It was Orelerh'K first conference win and milled the Owl quint out o the Oregon Collegiate. Confer ence ceilur. Six of the OwU took it big whnck nt the ;,core column o it wbh merely u eui,e of Oregon Tech having too uuuiy nun lor the vial tors wtm loKt their HUi game In u. muiiy Murth. Hob Quill n Mountaineer m..M-d the hrrvires of our- of their hunting forward. Jerry l'o)cr. UlNt.I. The Owls wrapped it ui with third-quarter 21-polnt onslnught while Iviistern Oregon was being held to II points '. that frame. That guv Ihe Hllllocrs a coin M-ab lend the two Itams flld h'.lo the Inst frame. I ho Oretwh recervea woik'-d jmo't at the lourth uuaner and 'added 20 for KOud meiiKUre. , liarly in tiie cuntnt. Eastern Ore-ton punched out I!h only , lead of the game, a 8-4 advantage o-i I Jim McAilster' bucUe.. i Hut Marv Hammark tied It with a free throw mid loin fiihiibert !.cored his second field goal of the . game to give the Owls an S 6 lead. The Owllea built a hitcrmlv 'slon lead from that point. Kori.s oi t Kehubert. althointh fouling out midway In the third quarter, none UieleNs walked ofl with scoring hon otii. li points on seven field goulx. Hut Jerry Wyutl, Homer Uuiirnn and Jack Plnkley took up where Schubert left ofl to puce the Owl scoring fn the second half. Dum-an ended with II points, the same number racked up bv driv ing Len Oenetm. Hamuutck had 10. Wyaii nine on his second-half splurge and Plnkley eight. Hurl Green, a dlpsy-doodle East ern Oregon guard, started off like he meant biu-lness with three field (goals In the first half plus two to Just one from the floor after the rent period. TOP FOIt KMC But Oreen's 10 led the Invader:-, while Center Loell Kilonb,i, LOCK'S leading scorer, finished with nine. The game started slowly, wilh both teams sparring for an open ing. Echubert found it on the busl end of a break with two minutes gone to give the Owls n esrlv 2-0 lead. The two teams n-i-t again to night at approximates 8; IS. The junior varsity opens the show at 6.45 against Chlloquln of the Klam ath Basin league. Jinx imrw IASTKRK OgHiOS SUn. t MrAItrr. f Kotbxl. e . . Orren. a . . . ( Koaervei: t'ux Crrry Ilu( , . .. llUtl 3 in 4 ? Talftlt .. OKI. I. OK TKCH DtlttrMn, f Srhulw:t, ( IMrtklry. c Ittmmlck. g (If-nrtm. g llrrivt: ormn Koch Flanlnaim . . Ptnoa RrowTl Vllll I.l-wl Humphrey t? u 10 41 I O I T PC t P 33 13 2ft tt llftlfllme wr: urftm ico .n ... trn Oron 24. Krr Ihrows ro "t: rlirn Oriun U lSUn 1, 'Cilbh X irfn J, nll I. Orry I, 'touj; I. Ilolmxrl I, MrAIUUr g'J Oton Terh t .Schutwrt a. Hnmii !ene" ' Phimumi I, Wyutl 11. Ofttcll; Kt-ro-nitr snt Jontt. Owlbabes Win 7th Lloyd Lewis and Tom Humphrey pooled shooting talenw last nlghl as the Oregon Tech Junior varsity dumped the visiting Mobil Gas team from Medford by a 51-38 count, Lswls scored 15. Humphrey 13 as Ihe Owlbabes turned tho game Into a rout In the second half. Don Wendt led the Mobllboys with 13. It was the seventh straight win for the Jnyvces this season Rgaitwl no defeats, the first under the guidance of Rex Kunsakrr. .who took over when Art Kirkland was graduated to the varsity Job. nnnit. i;i) ' J.svvrrs Hirnril S T I Henrtee WnU ts '' Martla Hirrls II C. S Thimom Nwtm 4 i I' !vi Spfn 6 O 3 Terllner Mohll Hlbli noh'imnn. Jsvves istlw numphrl-v 12, PurWtl, Cirotmn. 7lro-n i. Tykrcn, Jeler, Pat&non s. Print B, Vltk. Pilots Nipped In Overtime HONOLULU (;T Universal Mo tors of Honolulu Friday night eked out a 61-59 overtime victory over Ihe University of Fortlimd basket ball team. Th visitors gave up chance to win the game In regular time when, with the score 63-53 Rnd 30 seconds left, they elected to tflkc a free throw out of bounds and play deliberately for an extra peri od. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Itr. and Mrs. J. E. Earlty Proprietors and Joe Enrley MIS JERRY WYATT will k'3n backwards to score a two-pointer for the Oregon Tech Owls. He does it here as Eastern Ore jloii's Bob Gerry 14 looks on helplessly. The Owls' big 1 turner Duncan is shown at the right, .while Wyatt blocks out identity of an Eastern Oregon player. The Owis won last night, 77-45, in a classy display of teamwork. i. mp mat, iwtn tbao ' . . avemen mmy IT o mm OHAN'TS PASS, Jan. IS Four . Kluumth Falls regulars went tne jwny of five personal fouls in the fourth quarter last night and the underdog Oranls Pass five heaped ion a hue ritlly to beat the Peii 'cuns. W-48. j It whs a rough Dlsi. 4 game that ! saw 'the Pelicans called on 31 per iScma! f;ub. the Cavemen 25. Orimw Pass made gocd on 23 free throws to the Pels' 16 and that was tho difference. !7 POINTS Ralph Carroll, 6-T Klamath Falls center, scored nine Held goals and tiic same number of charity losses lor 27 points before touling out with three seconds to go. Ray Brll fouled out early In the third priod. Jerry Johnson and Jack Morton were thumbed to the bench in the fourth. The Pels held a slim 44.-42 lead going into the fourth. But the Cave men scored 1 1 m this chapter, hold ing the Klamath five to four. 'Hie first half was touch and go with Klamath Fails holding a 20-19 first-quarter lead. It was tied five Matmen Defeat Rosehisrcg The Pelican wrestlers continue to serve emphatic notice that they arc gunning for their fifth straight stale wrestling title. Coach Dutch Simons' musclemen bent Hoseburg last night on Peli can Court by a convincing 38-12 count. The two teams tangled again this morning Rt to, using for tne most part second-string mt nifn. The Pelicans scored five falls to two for Roseburg. Hoseburg's oth er two points came on g draw be tween the Indians Tom Flndlav and Floyd Pierce fn the ITS-pound division. t',mtcr Kf teit Kennedy H. iltr, Ss"; Stlrr,riT KF IwhI Moore R, tlt, IttG; Hester KC bent Slntfel H. fall, SIS; Swintilrr KP lst Nysnsrt R. tall, la:i; WlMinm KIP lwvl Slvj-r H. rir. inO: Tsntlirr ' Kf iicst Par!c!uirt It, oc, l;l; Wctt KK het Keenry S, full. HI: Btplm Kr Bpl JOPff R, PC. I4B: .lihililt R twit Mitchell KF, (all. 1.17: IHdu n 1po! Slmmtr KS tnlt, 188: Ftncltsy R nnd Pierce KK, rirw. 178; Prviv KF Iw-ftl Wf-lidr R. Ian. hesvv welflht. rittal K-ore; Klamath Faltt aa. aubcimi-g ix - A AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability insurance Current 6 Mo. Rare . 5 1 j 90 As Low As II Pius Rmfttl jittwr purring MemUerithlp l t.f Oatnlit fltr 3 Preferred Ins. Exch. E, WlLLAIill ( (llARLtAI l it. A tent rhon S-t,H S9JI R. Heir "t'oiil4 Tht Be Vo?" Kfi.W R:fl .m, Monrisv 7 ePess times in the second stanza before jlrte pels pulled shead, 35-31, t i intermission time, j Klamath Falls stayed just a : squeak ahead in the third peiod. CLOSE t'Ot'NT l Don Reese broke loose unmolest ed on an out-of-bounds play late ;in the third to close the count to :vt ii. favor Klamath. i John Harbour's lay-up tied ft 4- !all early in the louriij. Bruce Rob 'ertson made good on two in a row i to give the Cavemen a 48-4 lead and that proved to be the final ; turn. I Carroll closed it, to 4S-S1 Just be fore he fouled Dick James for his il'ftii personal. James, who dunked 12 free throws in ai! and three field goals for 38 and Grants Pass scoring honors, made good on both !to tee the game for the Cavemen, j The two teams tangle again to night in the last of a two-game series, Medford beat Ashland last i night to give the Tornado and the 'Cavemen a share of the Dist. 4 liead, with Klamath Falls and Ash land occupying ihe cellar. Kt.itsr.tT CAM Bell, 1 .. Horlon, t - Carroll, c Johnson, g Ycunie. g - Reserve: Gllmore . . Frpne Ii .. Bnrrort . . Pet re Lundtten TG TT Pr TP a 3 S 7 I J S 5 s a? .. ...2 2 s e I 0 3 1 j o a o e a a o I 3 I . ..... ease O 0 8 0 IS IS 31 48 ra rr pr tp ... .. .1 t ST I l a 9 O 3 3 n t la 1 JO tola onto 1 I 3 5 0 J 3 S 15 23 S S3 Totsl RBAMS PASS llartwur. I Herigepelh. f Heart, c ... ... Jr.nie. g Rottertott. g Reserve: Reese Pepppr . .. Norrlek Scliwelnfurt .. .. T-Mut IKtUtme' cort: Klimslh Fll S5 Cronli Ps 3!. OHWUK swaiuon Ra Fllnlt. Dick Savitt Wins Easily ADELAIDE, Australia i.f Dick SRVttt continued his triumphant march In tile Australian National Tennis Championships Saturday but nam Ricnaroson, me omy otner ArocricBn comnctlng, was eliminat ed by Frank Bedgmus, Austral ian's top player. ; Savitt uon n easy straight set second round victory over Neil Frnser, a junior southpaw, 6-J, S-l, 8-3, Sedgman bowled over Rich ardson, 6-4, 6-4, 8-8. me re if if sr tonttot m om ttMi)te nm Thx Pont "Varinsm" vefwbla n trust phot ograpitte paper aivasyou slen-nuali'y alr(isitla from . prinlabla negative ISfflOOIIC tOsr kit cntr 3.S5 -renula vwyiHIi younwd: pijior. lillani, m. If ihi Ht. Chm in , . . M tt . , . &i ft, CURRIN'S for Drug 9th end Main it's AH For March Of Dimes Pelican Court Is the J!e of bssfceibaft doublebesder to nigh, proceeds of which will go a the local March of Dimes pot. Payjess Drugs, second . place team in the city league, meets foblt Gas of Medford in the ?:3! first game. The closer shows Hilltop Cafe, tied for third in the city circuit, against Hertford's Craxy Sway- cage scores Colhie NYU IS NYAC B Hartwict e Maryland State 87 SOITH 1JSU 8 Georgia 60 Auburn 6 Mississippi State 151 George Washington 81 Georgetown li (overtime Maryland 71 North Carolina ii Miami, si 'iaropa es Davidson 67 VPI S8 MIDVi'KST Western Michigan 82 Cincinnati 59 Bowling Green 0 Ohio unsv 7 Cornell fa. 83 Ripon 5T North Dagota aa aouta Dakota State 56 SOt.THVF,gT Texas A&M 47 Baylor S FAR WEST Washington 74 Oregon 38 Idaho fei Greson Stte Si California 81 UO S3 Southern California S3 S'.aniord SS;er. Utah i58 Colorado A if 4 , .cnln. ,. ra wtm rnin 3d Oresjon Tech 77 Eastern Oregon 4jleadlnir the way, bioomed cot in University oi oriusrt t&iumia ki St. Martin's &3 Western Wasliington iT Pacific .... e. College Idaho 58 Northwest Naza- rri tx Ricks m Idaho State S3 Vanoort U5 Oresron Education S3 Wtitamett It Pacific Univ Carbon 61 Utah Branch Aggies 51 etocktan 2 Ean Francisco City 38 Southern Oregon Si Humboldt 68 tOveriimei Weber S7 Boise SO Hartnelt 61 Marlrt 57 (overtimei Sacramento State 67 College of Pa cific 88 George Fox St Heed 5! Oreirca Prep Basketball Bv The Associated Frets Baker Jiyssa 33 Corbett 81 DuFur 1 Madras 38 Burns 27 West. port 53 Star of the Sea (As toria I 35 Hlllsboro ffewberg otlvertoB 53 Estacada 3T Mc Minnville 61 Ttgard 51 Moialia 34 Canb-V 31 CorvaUls 40 Springfield 38 St. Helens S3 warremon Palls City 50 Eddyvilte i Brownsville 51 Monroe 56 Astoria tt Muwaukie 36 Albany 73 Bend 63 Gresham 8 "rillamook U Maupm 43 M osier n Medford 45 Ashiand 40 Oregon City 45 Forest Grove 33 4$ Seaside 41 Vernonia 2? Beaverton 4i West, Linn 37 Clatskanie 58 Park Hose 56 University 61 Willamette 33 boih Eugene Gaston 37 Colton 33 Stayton 88 Philomath 45 Mc Kenzle Crese8 The Dalles 56 Hood River 35 Banks 41 North Marioa 39 Knappa Sff Jewell 25 Dallas 41 Woodburn 42 Parkdaie 46 Cascade Locks 43 Sandy 38 Rft. Angel 34 Brants pilS tail, Falls Amity at Yammii 4ti Gartbaid'i 58 Tillamook CathoUc 31 Ralnler S3 Scanocose S3 Taft 56 Siuslaw 42 Linfield Frosh 55 Newport 32 Nesiucca 32 Wheeler 27 Sheridan 38 Sherwood 32 Oskridge 69 Elmira 32 Dayton Tf Willamina 43 Marshfield 87 CoouiHe S3 North Bend 52 Myrtle Point 48 Reedsport 46 Roseburg 46 Central Foint 44 Sutheriin 48 Myrtle Creek SO Illinois Valley 48 Elkton 48 Oakland 44 Drain 54 Yoncaila 52 overtime Lebanon 44 Toledo 36 Culver 71 Sisters 48 Echo 6? Umapine 27 Valsetz 4S Terrvdale 45 Atsea 43 Waldport 37 Nehalem 44 Bay City 29 Himtinaton 46 Cove SS Milton-Freewater 46 La Grande 32 Rogue Hi-er 41 Phoenix 38 Jacksonville 81 Butte Falls 26 Portland Central Catholic 43 Columbia Pren 31 Cleveland 63 Grant 56 Jeflerson 5? Benson 38 . Lincoln 83 Washington 48 Roosevelt SS Franklin 44 IAST NiGHT New York Gene Silent Halrston, !60'i. New York, stopped Ai Red Priest, ISO, Cambridge, Mass., S. Hollywood. Calif. Fa a e 1 a Chaver, S26i, Los Angeles, out pointed Lavert Smitb, HW, Los Angeles, 10. West Palm Beach, Fla, Jimmy Hewitt, 162, New York stopped Mike Santonino, ISO, Brooklyn, 6. AMERICAN LEGION DANCE Saturday, Jan. 19 Broadway Hall Malirt Modem & Old Time Dancing To Buneii's Orchestra Public invited Dancing 10 tiff 2 Admittion $1 Per Perton Chiloquin, Troyf Henley Victors (TAM&IMO !tcrd Hrt . a CMMtula . . 1 Honn 2 MwrHf J - Henlty I lln .... , I Rly . etftkrfM &- i.&DO e e i 7 i 5W t & 3 . i .sk Xirrtt Hnil 73 Btr O Sier.lty 27 Verrllt S Chttoqtiln 50 Mlln 47 l&vwllm; Academy Bops BIy Br SAVE tXDERHILt Sacred Heart Trojans sJsm baaged to their IStit consecutive season win, and second county casaba toon victory, by racing BIy into the floorboards, 7342 t the Academy emporium Friday night. The freewheeiing fray boomed to s fast pace in the first quarter which raw the lead change hands eight times and knotted on four occasions. Bob Howard, hard charging Aca- jtlroe period to keep its record in demy ?oard, top scorer for the fteet in Klamai& County league nisht with & field steals and three piay iasi night with a thrilltojf charity tosses, started the Trojan S8-47 victory over the Msiia Mus cause roiitrtt! with a 2&-toot swteh- itanjjs. er and iayup. The victory iepi the Panthers Casjv John Jaouvsh. Antler for- Hied wish Sacred Heart for feaztte ! ward, did a one man Job Sn bring-! leadership, each with 2-8 records, itog the count to 6-5. Academy,! Tnt staroe was nip and tuck aJi latter Rav Beard popped a cripple, (the way, although Cfeibxjuin feioat- Then fiiifiv pessce" Hutchinson ed a siim 24-aa Katftime advantage .put the Antlers ahead with s swish- so 38-31 at the three-cuarter mark. fforih to end knotted at 18-18. , Then Academy, with Howard a ra&n w vv.wjjww,w, w inati it w . Hutchinson and JaijBysh iept i nnnmrttr iftr hiv. iiui, tne i nji PPS ineir lead to a 59-t third (frame count. L K 3 Jl SSJ f"", 'Y'.."'V;"i.J secono r,'" r coppf Jf bsae i "u f" Box teore: 1K.T (St! Weil 12 Hulchlnt la (iss c. nr. T Jflsrt 7 WeS It Ht a Be7l tlllveu 3 Bl- th Wlnflll 3. Ksf Scre-t Hert ui McAJidc, aaerr, . Plumitsec, Pratt. Hill Wins for Hornets Heniey'a Bob HiB dumped a tong shot with 38 seconds to go last night to beat the Huskies at Merrill by a 2T-2S count. The loss knocked MerriK out of the undefeated class in league play and gave both clubs a l-i Halbrook Pots 57 t By Jf5 COt'K Associated Press Staff Writer Wade tSwede) Halbrook and hMSSSSL" Lincoln mates, rated No. 3 in the Associated Press Oregon Higil School basketball pell, didn't even iet the first game go by without smashing Portland League Prep records. Halbrook. seven-foot,' on-lnch all state center, poured in 57 points Friday night to erase his id in dividual city mark of 51 as Jse 'fJSSSAJ f2J over Washington in a league open- Iff;, 2 Jf3 out a team bigis mark of "S held by jelierson. Both of the old league records were established last year, hen Lincoln won the city crown. Halbrook set a Raw individual state scoring record? 86 points, against Moialia week ago, Friday night's scoring brougbt his total to 335 this season. There were no upsets in Port land prep openers, which highlight ed a long schedule oi Friday sight games. Jefferson, defending state champion and ranked No. 6 is this seeks AP poll, brushed off Ben son. 57-38. Cieveland, rated with Lincoln and the league, dumped Grant, 63-50. Central Catholic, rated Ko, I in tt?l iJ X nl teams began their annual booP KiSnath Palls, ranked third i" the poll, fell victim of toj "f.i. - ,1, "-j ......... obv, ot-,s Grants Pass, 53-48. In another class A district game, Medford, eon- oueror of Klamath Fails last Sator- da& at 5-tS- . Mc&tinnvilie, fourth rated to ihe state, preserved Its undefeated re- cord in high school play by trim- "JS.ffw'fii1 ti. ivisnnciu, im m. i y ing stronger every time out, wai - iopea t;oc;Ui:ie, ct-ks, in a, class : A district 5 game, MiKoa-Freewater ( rated eighth and also improving fast, outclassed La Grande, 46-32. ! Bearcats Win SALEM. Ore. tfc 'Wllllsmette led almost alt the way last night to defeating Pacific University 72- 43 in a Northwest Conference has' ketbail game. Dick Mase and Ted toder of Wit-1 lamette scored 12 points each to; take honors. Jilian Amsya and Dick oYung, with eight each, paced i Pacific. K Bonanza, record in Klamath County counters The Huskies erased a i3-iS haif tim deficit eariy in ihe third pe riod and led 24-20 srolnst into the lest frame. It was 2S-56 for Mer rill when Kiii took an out-of-bounda pass, turned, and fired the win- omjr basket. MerrilS missed a lay-in with Just three seconds to r& Seortoft was evenly spread on both teams. Henley aiso squeaked by in the B prelim with a win over the Merriii junior vataity. J5 r7e: Br.Kt.f. mi Awfcwfr7l 7 B. Bill ffy 3 Rcmces- !mj ntr.san.1. T 5 fOTW-vell C I Hak!rvl 1 a Kev wniejr utMe jnne r, SiTiTwrrtn. ue vr . cj J. rri!t mm Weiiluai 4, Wiattet, aor. Maiiit Loses In Overtime Cilifoouln had to iaia sin ver ? Maiin rallied to tie it. 45-aSi, at i Gene Gentry, Chlfotruin's scorln? ace. fouled out in the third chaa- ter, biii- snanajfed to find tile net .v fwa afe ma went kj ie wetitH. lost m enounn ro edge Maiiis's Wayne Eick. whs scored 39. In a preliminary game. Chflo- ?nin edged the Mailn E teajss, K-33 4t (j entt-oevm W. Bisk ! r 1 Firlier tenter J2 y Tt Etertd Stvstsca t C 30 C!ry TravH 1 a I Viden . RMc S G 4 DuBoH Mail; um Sfoctcen, SaiRua. Chlla ia ul Kcscocic I, Gcsrc it. SWA slacm, Cnlve. Antlers In 70-29 Win Stagtesr a last-half ssart an tJielr own floor, the Bonanza Antiera coasted to a 70-2S vieiarv m.-r thr Giiehrist Grtoiles last jsigbt in s o.maca tooniy league game. Bonznia held a shaky 2S-iS iead at haiftime but puffed it up to 48-23 ai the end of tftre mrtr of pay. irmn Cruise and Dors Hubbie Z?, . . ZL." tnt.i iv,,m. . .- &7iT.r . th. "ZtZZZr S Gilchrist's Freema whVkept cl- Christ in the game. Giichriat tint wi tveSSviiixSi Sri) preliminary game. Box scerc: &II.aiST tt Freeman it ts Kubfcit 3 Chandler S Biin 0U Srder 3 Wliien er, BasBiia suiaBye 3, aoctt Ii Bray 3, iwrer 4, Ltoft, SHUFF STUFF Summm Lift Schass Tavern closed' out the week of shuffleboardins last night i with a J-I win over Mecca to cinch : totra spot in the beer loop. i 3t was the only game on the! agenda last night. Wocus holds a lead with a 15-1 mark. BuTs Place is second. s I KUSSIflHS ADBlV i For Winter Games i j yrrarrw sHnA m i iiBt 'ntnibersbip in the Inferniuon-i al &e Hockey Federatioa in order! Jt Jt r.fZ'L " L'T fS-1 j eiaion, sajo sssturday i BE SCORES DURHAM, K.C., m-Although he didn't score to his team's final five james of the season, Charlie Smith junior halfback, ted the Duke tmi- versify gridders in individual scor-' te tb!s season. Smith tallied 42 i pc-ints on seven touchdowns, j HASDKCS SS?-, !s -S3 EISI'i P!jti ia a jsu SjlKIM SS .TS9 fct ia a esa Suliarbcs , 7 'skj t , a a jqo vrw . u hi i-a a is ,isa z 13 .189 : a i .m MARCH OF DIMES BENEFIT BASKETBALL GAME DOU8LEHEADER PAYLESS DRUG & HILLTOP CAFE 0 KLAMATH FALLS VS. THE CRAZY SWAYZE & MOSiLGAS OF MEDFORD SATURDAY-JAN 19: 7:38 F.M. KUHS GYM ; STUDENTS 50c - ADULTS 1.00 TIME OUT! "For heaven'a se, Fred, yav'r only rotnjr Us bet iwa deSsn!" Huskies Pummel Webfoots SEATTLE im WaahingUszt' iKusitiea served notice Friday sight iiiey mean to retain their Pacific Coast Conference championship wits a convincing ft-ls wax over the hapless Oregon Ducks. Tlte Husky steamroiier susshetj the lisjcks right oat of first psii tion in the Northern Division an gave ihe northerners undisputed possession of the top spot. A IS-point performance ia three quarters by Frank, Guiaaeas was the pace setter as tne KtiSki ripped a ssone defense to pieces and iiresi the bali tferasgit the fesee from ail parts of the fioor. Oregon never got its vaunted fast break goin and seemed sin e&ie to hit the hoop when chance for a shot occurred. The Bucks eortneeied for a. percestag of only .155; Washington sit .3SG. Coach Tippy Dye broaghs oat hij muefc-iHiblieized. cripplea, Qouit Ke Ciary-aiKf Bob Houeregs, for fr ojent bat short appearances in tb first Isalf. TSsey did a nice Job controiling Bob Peterson, Oregon rebound ace, and got sine point between them to add to Waasfng' ton's impressive margis, The two team meet sgsia Eat lurday sigat. Idaho Nips Beavers Idaho a The Haha Vandais, who aqueaked peat Ore- koh State 6 to ia Frisay iment oasxetaait. game, nave cf OSC Coach Stats Gill ?1fB maie A l"t M icuSs" aasuraay. he gave Siaho & 3-3 wsn 4 kept.afive the V- dal pennant hopes for the North ers Division crowa of the Pacific Coast Conference, It was EC' fourth Joss in five conference starts. WILL TRAVEL WEST POINT K.T. ftPl The 355 edition of the Army footoafj ieasa will be a travelin gone .The Cadet are booked for two inierseciioost trips. An eariy season game wiQl isofgroLnn unietC tanSeoaiarA. Southem California at Les A5ge les and a November contest wish Georgia Tech at Atlanta are sehetf ied. Three new foes appear est the Army card. South Carolina re places Villsrscva in the opening game. Pittsburgh fills the spot va cated by Harvard, VMI replace The Citadel. HAPPY THE DAY.., EJays of retirement can be fuS of pleasant activities , , GcJf, Fishing;, Traveling; Ho snore alarm -clocks Just the pleasant prospeci oi years of .leisure stretching ahead. A pleasant prospect indeed if yoa have planned for adequate retirement income. Start planning! jsar happy reUremeai today. fk 7777 huferyf Dane Baker Cirt. At, SUN LIFE