SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1002 1 IEMM) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN REFLECTIONS fb MANZANITA CHAPTER 172, OHS, Installation of officers .hm. 4, in the 100F Hall. From the loft, front row: Virginia While Hrown, A', nrshal; Helen McCornack, Associate Matron; Vera Frilstli, Worthy Matron; John Larson, Worthy l'atron; Mary Ix'c .Stanley, Condut trcss; Lois Gucelt, Associate Conductress. SjcoikI row, same order, Iona May Well, War der; Lillian Wehli, Treasurer; Will'iim Fin :, Secretary; Catherine Wright, Chatdain. Lack row, from the left, Roland Hlehn, Ssntincl; Eva Moffil, Adah; Evelyn Uiehn, Ruth; Ilene ()ni;inan, Marlha; Laura .Simmons, Eleclra; Ceoryianne Clark, Esther; and Allen Rctsch, Associate l'atron. Gudcrian " 1 "SURPRISE PACKAGE" at the Manzanila Chapter Installation Jan. 4, in the 100F Hall, was an added attraction for the evening. Janice McCornack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCornack, was concealed in the large "gift package" and she emerged to grace fully entertain with a ballet number. With her. from the left, Helen McCornack. Evelyn Diehn, Hone Ongman, Anona Carlin and Lois Whytal. Gudcrian MANZANITA INSTALLATION Fililuy evculim Jun. 4, Munznn lt clmptcr 172, OES, held 111 loiirtli InaUtlliitlon of olllccrn In Ihc IOOF' Hull. A rcsulnr nicelltiK He. nriiiK Worthy Million, Thclmu Crcuwrll unci Retiring ' Worthy Pn tron, John Stanley, presiding, pro ceded Uio ceremony. In hull ucuulllully decorated with nUrs nwl Mutters; the lnriic crowd ol trlenl:, members "ml visitor witnessed the In.Hlitlliitlon ol Vein Frllnch ns Worthy Matron unci John lis Worthy rnlron. A lovely bouciuel ol red lonex wns presented the Worthy Matron by her liusbund, Loul Frilsch. livitalllnu olllrers escorted by ljls Whylnl, Unnorury Miirnhal, were: VhKlnlu Drown, liwliilllnu Matron; Waller Urnwii, Installing Pnlron; Thclnia Ci,wcll, Mnj xlial; Knthleen Ward, Chaplain, and Corlnn l.arsen, During the ceremony vocnl .olo by Jean Adnnix, nccoinpanlcd by Beatrlco Dennleon at tho piano, and n duel on tho piano by Alma (Joler and Beatrice Ucnnbion va:i enjoyed. Other afllccrs Installed (or the rn.'.uliiK year were: Helen Mc Cornack, Associate Matron; Allen Hntsch, Assoclato Patron; Wllnia Fink, Secretiuy; Lillian Webb, Treasurer; Mury Lee Stunloy, Con ductresH; Lol Clucck, AhsocIuIo Conduelicaa; Catherine Wrliiht, C'haplaln; Virginia Brown, Mnr Mini; 12vn Mollltt, Adnh; Evelyn lllchn, ltiith; (Icorginnna Clark, ft'SKlhcr: Ilene OiiRman, Mnrtlm; I.auru Simmons, Electa; Iona May Wclln, Warder; and Everett Blchn, ticntlncl. A " package" addenda A'a.i presented by IteWn Mc Cornack, Lol.s Whytal, Anona Car lin, ileun OiiKman and Evelyn Blchn attired In white shoulder capes nnd cups. Little Miss Janice McCornack, us a while lalry, xprium from tho "package" nnd Hinged a lovely bullet accompanied by Con nno Lnr.scn ol tho piano, nfter which Mic prcseitcd a nlft from her "Puckiije" to Vera Fritsch. A bouquet of roses from the chapter was then presented to the new worthy matron by Helen Mc Cornack, Assoclnto Matron, The Past Matron's Jewel was pre sented to Thelma Crcswoll by Kathleen Wnrd nnd ft presentation to John Stanley -was made by Thclmu Crcswcll. Alvn OVthnm, Worthy Pntron of Alolm chapter, nlso presented a gift to John Stan ley. (JonclndlnR the evening, guests retired to tho dining room, where ouch tnblc was decornted by flow ers nnd color of n star point, nnd worn served refreshments by Minn Iloff nnd other members. Garry Freitag ' Holiday Visitor MALIN Word hns been re ceived hero by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. T'reltng, that their son Pfo. Garry rrcitng hns arrived snfely nt Lowry Aijr Base In Denver, nfter spending the holidays hero visiting friends nnd relatives. This wns his first trip homo since his enlistment Inst Juno, X V-y MR. AND MRS. KENNETH O. SMITH (Dorris Ann Thomas) now living in Kdwards, Calif., where Pfc. Smith has been stationed at tho Edwards Air Force Base since last fall. Ho is tho son of Mrs. Blanche Smith, 1320 Oak, and his wife is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Thomas, 1943 Orchard. Photo by Ravmo American Legion American Legion Auxiliary, Klnmnth Unit 8, held their first regulnr meeting of the year, Tues day, Jan, 15. Before tho meeting, the Unit members and members of Klnm ulh Post 8, were entertained by a group of 18 children, In several square dances under the direction of their teacher, Miss Roopcr, of Fnlrvlew School. Margaret Ogle, ft Junior Auxil iary member gave a reading nnd a plnno solo. The meeting wns called to order by President Ann Hnycs nnd nfter the regulnr business was taken enro oi, the membership now in progress nnd tho stnto conven tion of tho Amerlcnn Legion nnd tho Auxiliary, later In tho year, wero discussed. Reports on the Chrlslmns bas kets given to needy veterans' fnm ilies nnd tho Chrlslmns pnrty were given. Plnn.l were made for formal Initiation of new members nt the next meeting, Feb, 6, by the offi cers. Tills i far any Room in tha Home! ; Ccdiw. 357 E. Main IV. A Wednesday Club Wednesday Club of St. Paul's Episcopal Church met Wednesday evening In tho Parish Hnll with Mrs. James Scolt and Mrs. Stnn ley PnttciTon ns hostesses. Forty members nnd guests were present. Prl7.cs were won by Mrs. Andre Lambert, Mrs. Ford klmpton, Mrs. Phil Schroedcr, nnd Mrs. Charles B. Eggen. Officers for die new year nre: Mrs. Andre Lambert, president, Mrs. Harold J. Shearer, vice president, Mrs. Tom Milne, secrc-tnry-tivasurcr. Board members In clude Mrs. Ernest Howell, Mrs. Ford Klmpton, Mrs. James Scotl, Mrs. James Miller and Mrs. Ralph Ramon. Ma jff It . -t. I'VIOM ELINOR ADAMS who Is slaying with Dr. und Mrs, George V. Lyinnii, Lake Clrovo-a letter which was n bulletin on Klumath llcs und ex-Klnmnthltcs Inle Dal ton visited tier while In Portland to be with her slsler, Eva Coe who was In the hospital Thlrza and Hill DoCcw cnme U sec her and tho Dr. Recces Denny und Kay who were written up In local and Orcionlan editorials recently also saw Dr. James Noel on the fitrect Jhnmle to us, 80 a big hello end lhanx to our Luke Grove correspondent. THE DON ZUMWALTS are home from u trip to Portland and arc Kind to Hi; back Mrs. Z report ing that the sunshine on Thursday really looked good to them. ASSISTANT COUNTY AGENT -J. D. Vertices and family have returned from Los Gutos where Mr. und Mrs. V nnd Barbara and Danny helped JDs parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vcrtrces celebrate their 50th anniversary. k LARRY AMD AMY BROWN on their 15th unniversery had "crys tal" clear weather - "crystal" Icicles hnngln' on their house Amy gave Lurry a "crystal" flsh in' rod and Lurry gave Amy a watch "crystal" under which is a neat Utile "tlcklntt mechanism" Dr. Nell Black's Uillullon Into the Elk's Lodge und the Brown's an niversary were Jointly observed nnd the B's were given a "crystal" bowl nnd wo hope that this Is "crystal" clcur. MR. AND MRS. DALE HIMELWRIGHT . after the wed ding ceremony at Klamath Lutheran Church, Dec. 31, at 7 p.m. Rev. Irvin Tweet read the service before a small gathering of close friends and members of the two families. The bride is the former Lois Close, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sloan, Kcno, and her husband is the son of Mrs. Ida Ilimelwright, Ashland. Their attendants were Velmax Klcm and Robert Ilimelwright. Photo by Guderian 1 m" i JANICE SCHROEDER, new Worthy Advisor, Tulelake Assembly, Order Rainbow for Girls. She was installed Jan. 16, with other elected officers. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Schroedcr. Photo by Gudcrian Wedding Invitations , and announcements . . Which Are Socially Correct! Beautiful . . . Engraved . , . 42 ttylct of engraving to choose from ... Sp.ciol ONLY 10.95 per hundred Call for your copy of Wedding Customs, by Evelyn Murray, Wo obllq'" . Voight's Pioneer Ofjice Supply 6iV Main Phone 7412 81 8LOCUM OF THE LONE PALM HOTEL Palm Springs sends word that George and Lil lian Hlllln, 810 Eldorado, were re cently registered there Don't know just when they will be home THE HARRY WEIMARS after Drew recovered from the measles have at Inst gone to their winter home In Palm Springs which Is Just across from the Thunderblrd Ranch and Country Club where Abby nnd Jcnn Green are featured entertainers. MRS. N. H, BOGUE, 545 Pacific Terrace, and Mrs. Mary Plerson left for SF Sunday to meet their sister, Mrs. Joseph Robinson, Culgary, Alberta who was return ing from England on the Laurentia which docked In SF Tuesday giving the sisters a lew hours to tether the flm In 12 years. I. O R N A -LEA VAN DEN IiOSHCH Alpha XI Delta pledge und Kathryn Clark Delta Zeia according to AP news from OSC at Corvallis. OF PERSONAL INTEREST TO DOROTHY AND LEW ANKENY is the Jan 18th Post in which Is an Interesting and controversial nrilcle "They're Bringing Home I.Japanese Wives." it Is by Janet jWentworth Smith and William L. ; Wordcn Janet Wentworth was a :rchoolmnte of Dorathy'a at St. Helen's Hall Janet has been Iden tified with the "fourth estate" for years and her husband Is an im 1 porter-exporter In Japan. AMBRIEU CLUB Ambrleu Club met at the home of Mrs. William Leiser, 1515 Sar gent, Jan. 8. Nine members and two guests were present; Mrs. Webb from 1 England and VI Juvcland, guest irom town. A report on the children's Christ mas party was given by Mrs. G. Myers. Prize of the evening was won by Mrs. Leiser. Weather conditions have made It difficult to contact newcomers to this city from abroad; but they are very welcome to attend the meet ings. The object of the club is to greet persons from abroad, and to lessen their homesickness. The next meeting will be nt 1209-4 Pine, home of Mrs. Crox ford. , . . forget la 0w'i J""""" w for ner anca t value. .t onc.-V' Ices! DREWS Mahstore 731 Mai f I id m m p NEW OFFICERS THETA THETA uriO, Girl's Club 8, who were installed Jan. 9, at the IOOF Hall from the left, Mary Harris Brown, Past President, Roberta Wade, Presi dent, and Kathern Loindgren, Vice President. Photo by Kettler MR. AND MRS. SCOTT .ODIN, 5659 Miller Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter Zeta, to Kenneth Fogle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fogle, Air port Apartments. An early spring wedding is planned. Ferebee Couple Married Sixty-Six Years Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Wood, 1963 Auburn, observed their 66th wedding anniversary, Christmas eve. They were married in Michi gan, and came to Klamath Falls in 1910. Their children are Mrs. John Yadon, Mrs. Freeman Schulti, Flagstaff, Mr. WiU Wood, and Judge Stanley Wood, Oakland, Cali fornia. Mr. Wood, now retired, has been identified with the lumber In dustry all his working years Their 65th anniversary was spent In Oakland with their son Judge Wood, who had an open house for them. They were greeted by Governor Warren and other state dignitaries, and messages were received from the leading newspapers. .ccdo6'64 ,....tP"'co-fle . Pi' Dett" v! ' ' ' , i v I Theta Theta Rho Installation Wednesday evenlne. Jan. 9. Theta Theta Rho Club No. 8 held its last meeting for 1951 with Mary Brown, President, presiding. Aft er the meeting the doors were opened to welcome parents and friends to an open installation. Installing Officer Bernice Mc cracken was in roduce by the In stalling Marshal, Ellen Wade. Installing stall members were: Vice President. Margaret Thur man; Recording Secretary, Zelma Howard! Financial Secretary. Lo- rene McCollum; Treasurer, Pearl iauy ana unapiain, Liuian Clark. President Mary Harris was ore. sented a Past President's pin and escorted to her new station as act ing Junior Past President for the current term. New elective officers were: Roberta Wade President; Kathrine Lundgren, Vice Presi dent; Karla Leithead, Recording Secretary; Jo Herrera, Financial Secretary; and Ann Holzgang, Treasurer. The appointive officers were: Warden. Beverly Clark: Marshal, Tonl Schonover; Conductor, Sally McMahan; Right Supporter to President, Mary Jo Huston; Left Supporter to President. Sharon Da vis; First Herald, Carol Thomas; Second Herald, Naomi Parker; Third Herald. Julie Shoop; Fourth Herald. Elsie Priest: Right and Left Supporters to Vice President, Meredith Meador and Roberta Eb- inger: Inside Guardian, Josephine . Morrow; Outside Guardian. Donna i Redford and Chaplain, Marilyn ; Hersev. Advisor of the Club is ! Pearl Tally nnd Assistant Advisor, ! Margaret Thurman. I Florence Custer was musician ; SHAW STATIONERY 729 Main WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Engraved or Emboued en finest quality paper. 4 DAY SERYICE! Alia cup, plates, napkins far tha recaption. 1 for the evening and Louis Taucher and Gene St. John sang several songs. The hall was decorated with polnsettlas and palms through, ths courtesy of Suburban Flower Shop. Refreshments were served In the dinimr room, attractively arranged and served by the decoration and refreshment committees. . Someone's birthday or anniversary? For 'something' excitingly dif ferent . . . just browia through YOUR STORE'S two gift floor! and mezzanine. You'll find a gift to suit your tasra and bud get! "For Distinctive Gifti" YOUR STORE 721 Main LIKE TWINS, LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING GO TOGETHER! Send your cleaning with your laundry! It's easy, it's conven ient, it's economical. One call, one pick-up, one delivery, one bill! Phone 5111 for sudden service. CASCADE Laundry and Dry Cleaners Klamath's Finest .atfSl Opp. Pott Off let