PAGE SIX TtrnAl.D AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAM.S. ORFfiON SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 10.12 I I v .' I I ' 11 Mm - in i 1 5 ;4l ;f'-': ': ' Ml ' " v S V INITIATION AND INSTALLATION CEREMONIES of the Klamath Falls Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Jan. 6, at the IOOF Hall. More than 150 guests and members attended the colorful installation. Front row, from the left, Doris Wallin, Mrs. Walter Brown, Mother Adviser; Janice Larson. Second row, (1 to r) Patricia Walker, Carol Lee Ben son, Janice Whytal, Carol Herman, Linda Williams, Donna Beckwith, Lcnetta Montgomery, Geraldine Steiner, Vcrla Jones, Peggy Grimm, Sue .Gehrman, Beverly Overen. Third row, (1 to r) Carol Jean Jones, Jacqueline Ackorman, Rosanne Brown, Joyce . Stewart, Jean Oliver, Trudy Bramlett, Constance Loy. Back row, (1 to r) Edith Wallin', Earlene Cheney, Shirley WestfalL Karen Spetz, Cheron Carr, Joyce Howard, Nancy Tanner, Patricia Anne Fisher. Roberta Wade. Romonda Seeber was not able to attend because of illness. Photo by Kettler Rainbow For Girls Installation More than 150 members and guests attended the initiation and Installation ceremonies of the Klamath Falls Assembly , Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 6, 1952 at the IOOF Hall. Sponsored jointly by Manzanita Chapter 172 OES and Crater Lake nth Falls Assembly Institution is ' the culmination of several months preliminary work by an advisory board, of which Edith Adair. Carol ine Westover, Lois Gueck, Bemlce Gruell. Wilma Fink, Thelma Cres well, Vlriglnia Brown, Ruth and Paul Alexander, Naomi and Lawr ence French were members. Vir ginia Brown was elected Mother Advisor, Caroline Westover as Chairman, and Lois Gueck as Secretary of the Advisorry Board. Further assistance was given by members of Crater Lake Lodge 211 AF and AM Charles Yorkland, and Harold Peterson. Mrs. Hazel Graham, Grand Dep uty f the Oregon Assembly, Or der of the Rainbow for Girls Uer of the Rainbow for Girls and Past Grand Matron of the Oregon Grand Chapter OES arrived from her home at Tillamook to institute the new Assembly. Thirty-one girls who will now be charter members were initiated with the colorful and impressive Rainbow rites by the Malin As sembly under the direction ol Mrs. Agnes Schreiner, Mother Advisor. Installation of officers was un der the direction of the Tulelake Assembly with Polly Haynes, Worthy Advisor and Mrs. Alice Wilson, Mother Advisor. Mrs. Alma Coulson, Grand Deputy of California, Lucille Ward past Worthy Advisor installing officer, Carol Mcore, installing Marshal, Barbara Cornett of Malin, Grand Confidential Observer was Instal ling Chaplain, and Sally Thomas. Installing Organist. The Tulelake Assembly Choir sang for the Cere mony. Janice Larson was installed as Worthy Advisor. In her honor Dianne Micka of the Malin As sembly danced. Carolyn Fargo at the piano accompanied vocalist, Barbara Cornett. Other officers installed were: As sociate Worthy Advisor. Doris Wal lin; Patricia Walker, Hope; Lenet ta Montgomery, Faith; Nancy Jane Tanner, Recorder; Roberta Wade, Treasurer; Shirley Westfall, Chap lain; Gertrude Bramlett, Drill Leader; Joyce Stewart, Confiden tial Observer; Joyce Ann Howard, Outer Observer; Janice Whytal, Organist; Patricia Ann Fischer, Choir Director. Installed in the Color Stations were Verla Jones, Red, Love; Ger aldine Steiner, Orange, Religion; Jean Oliver, Yellow, Nature; Sue Gehrman, Green, Immortality; Lin da Williams, Blue, Fidelity; Peg gy Grimm, Indigo, Patriotism; Rosanne Brown, Violet, Service. Members of the Choir, installed were; Donna Beckwith, Carolee Benson, Earlene Cheney, cheron Carr, Carol Herman, Carole Jean Jones, Constance Loy, Beverly Ov eren, Karen Spew and Edith Wal lin. Present for initiation but not for Installation was Jackie Acker man. Romonda Jo Seeber who is to be Charity was 111 and will be in stalled later. Mrs. Virginia Brown was in stalled as Mother Advisor for the ensuing year. She was escorted to her station In the east at the left of the Worthy Advisor. In her honor, Polly Haynes, Worthy Ad visor of the Tulelake Assembly ac companied by 'her mother, Mrs. Otto Haynes, sang "My Task." The members of the 1952 Ad visory Board, present, were in stalled: Caroline Westover, Chairman; Lois Gueck, secretary; Vera Fritsch, Worthy Matron of Manzanita Chap ter; Edith Adair. Wilma Fink and Naomi and Lawrence French. Two members of the Crater Lake Lodge are to be named at a later date. The DrUl team of the Malin As sembly presented a floral adden dum which concluded with the presentation of an arm bouquet of red carnations from Manzanita Chapter to the new Worthy Ad visor, Janice Larson, who respond ed with a short speech of accept ance and thanks. She then intro duced her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Larson. She directed the marshal to present her bou quet to her mother and the white gardenias which she carried upon her white bible, throughout the ceremony, to her father, who is also -the Worthy Patron of Man zanita Chapter. Accompanied at the piano by Jean Rajnus of the Malin Assem bly, Dianne Micka danced a sec ond time. Mrs. Graham spoke, explaining points of Rainbow wore and aims. Mrs. Coulson, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Schrlener spoke brieily. Mrs. Brown expressed the thanks of the Advisory Board and the Sponsoring Bodies for the impres sively performed ceremonies of tie two neighboring assemblies and thanked Manzanita Chapter for the Corsages which the new mem bers and those taking part In the ceremonies wore. She expressed her appreciation of the honor accorded her and thanked all who had taken a part in the afternoon. The members of the Advisory Board assisted through out the af ternoon. Helen McCornack, Lois Whytal and John Stanley arranged the decorations. Anona Carlin, Eva Moffitt and Mary Lee Stanley assisted with supper arrangements which Man zanita Chapter members had provided. ST. AUGUSTINE ALTAR SOCIETY MERRILL Members of St. Au gustine's Altar Society enjoyed a potluck luncheon Jan. 9. at the hrJrne of Mrs. John O'Nell. Mrs Mike Noonan was the co-hostess. Mrs. Tom O'Keefe, the retiring vice-president, was In charge. The nominating committee re ported that the officers for 1952 would be Mrs. Don Harris, presi dent: Mrs. Dale Walker. vice-Dre- sldent; and Mrs. Ben Murphy, secretary-treo surer. A vote of thanks was tendered the retiring officers and the Christ mas flower committee. The sched ule of hostesses for the coming year will be made up by Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. Costa Delis, and copies mailed to all members. Members present Included Mrs. Tom O'Keefe, Mrs. Con Johnson, Mrs. Don Harris. Mrs. Harold Hendrickson, Mrs. Dan Berry, Mrs. Mike Noonnn. Mrs. Ben Murphy, Mrs. Hugh Falvey, Mrs. John O'Neil, Mrs. Ben Johnson, and Mrs. Costa Dells. The next regular meetlm? will be held Feb. 6, with the place an nounced later. MR. AND MRS. HANS M. HANSEN, 4412 Laverne Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Marie, to Richard Franklin Clarke, son of Mrs. Goddard Clark and the late Mr. Goddard Clarke,. of Portland. The wedding date has been set for March 23. The bride-elect is a member of Sigma Kappa sorority and her fiance is affiliated with Theta Xi fraternity, both at Oregon State College. Jobs Plan Daughters Silver Tea Reservations may calling 3289 or 5689. be made by MARL6NE HOWARD JEAN OWENS 'v ' - M ; SHARON GIENGER i JOBS DAUGHTERS INSTALLATION December 22, at tho Masonic Hall, was especially impressive, and was well at tended, because so many of the DcMolay and Jobs Daughters members were homo fur the Christ mas holidays, Pictured above is the new Honored Queen, Jean Owens, center, and her princesses, Marleno Howard, left, Senior Princess, and Sharon Giem'cr, right, Junior Princess. 1'lwlo ly Kerclice " r vyg"-;:- v.. awV--J -? wSfc-g PREPARATIONS FOR THE annual Library Club benefit bridge and tea, Saturday, Feb.' 2, at the Willard Hotel were made' at the home of Mrs. Loren Palmerton, President, 1343 Eldorado Ave., Jan. 15. Busily making the Valentine tallies are; From the left, Mrs. Archie James, Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. George Roberts and Mrs. G. C. Motley. Kettler Anniversaray Dinner Party LANGELL VALLEY Mr. I Mrs, Bill Burnett entertained and with snry. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Lcnvltt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bill No volny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnck Welmer, Mr. nnd Mis. Owen Pcpple, Mr. nnd Mrs. I.e'mnd Hurrls. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frailer., and Uie V in i a ainner party on onturoay evening ouimtw. - 111 nonor oi Mr. ana Mrs. tester Followini? the dinner a social Unvllt on their weddlni nnniver- Icvcnlmt was enjoyed. BEVERLY LASSETT who recently enrolled as a sophomore at Dominican Convent, San Rafael. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Lassctt, 505 Pacific Terrace. On Saturday afternoon, Jan. 26, the Jobs Daughters will sponsor a Benefit Silver Tea. with bridge and canasta, at the Masonic Hall, 1:30. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT ' $6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Moin CONVERT YOUR OLD COTTON MATTRESS COnOH MATTRESS BM'W mi TIME TO REMEMEER 1 .1 BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED! Library Club Library Club ronunltleoa huve bt'Kiia iiluiut lor U10 minimi Ijrnr. Ill Inulhiu nnd Ion lo bn held In the Wllliird llolvl Feb, 2. Mis. Cieoi'KO JloiDiridrt, leu cliHlrinun, Mm. Arihln Junirn, bi'IdKe thiilrmiin, and their com inltlecii Imvo cho.ien llm Vnlrntlna theinn lur lho lillulr. Urcnrntloim nnd relre.nlinienls will lollow a ioinnllllc tnolll. Kcnervntloiw mny be mnde bv cnlllim Mrs. Wnrrcn Mrimrl at or Mrs. Archie Jmnen at a3'.M7. Individual tickets ro 75 cents or 3 per table. Pluycrs are a.ikrd to Urlnn cnrils nnd luble covers. IVnclls nnd tnl lien will be lurnbbctl. KuIIowImk bikluc prlicn will br awnrtled nnd lea Is to b" nerved lit 3:30 p.m. Mrs, Wnrrrn llrnmi nnd Mil John linker nro In chnrfro ol prlxen. Mrs. CI. C. Motley nnd Mm. (Scorito Itobert.i will urrnnue lor clcconitlonx. Mrs. E. H. Mnoie ami Mrs. Mrntlv Nnrry are In chutue ol enrd tnbleji. A.miMlnir Mrs. nosarrdet on her ten coiiunlllco nre Mr. Frank Tnrr and Mrs. Lylo HolliPiiberitrr. Proceed Irom the nmiunl brlduo nnd lea (lo to the l'.ixsn Hrnrlit luiul ol Llbrury Club. It is lined to provide touMIeclontles for chil dren whoae pnrrnts could ' not otherwise nlford tlm operullon. rrc-ncbool clinics nnd nchool nurses ot the county henllh de pnrlmenl find the cases. HuiiKesled ennea uro then reviewed by a liroup of doctors and an economic survey la made. Hie operitlloiw are performed bv n pnvMcinn aeleclerl bv llio pnrenl nt the county henllh unit or at one of the hnnpllnls If necewinry. Mrn Marvin Nerneth Is chairman of the Children's Cnse Benefit fund this year. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Van ran rtnl Uvely new ilnl pltn fram lh l.emti R, Mann I'lan) I m pny, 110 N, HU, al Imw nionlblr rl. A fr rtinebU lime yn rn. If you ttlib, rhkiiR frtn r nl a pur rhas afrrrmrttl. Th rrnl alrrady paid It til rredHed tm yaur purrhaea trrinnt and fit alher dwrt pa)mant U narrc arv. Tha manlhtr patmenl ran ba iiitl nihr in an rrnt. ur. If far. ymv ran ran Una la rtnt. yoa pra- Thrift Habits Save first Every pay day! Spend Wisely Value in tilings you buyl Pay what you owe avoid personal deficit spending! Prepare for emergencies lay aside for unplanned expenditures! Own your own home enjoy the security of ownership! Protection through insurance provide for the ones you lovel Support your government Buy U, S. Savings Bondsl STRENGTHEN THRIFT IN AMERICA TODAY FlMTFEDERALtAVINGf A LOAN ASSOCIATION 540 Main Street AvlMiitfNfX FtTirTTii 1 Klamath Falls 1 Don't buy a new martreu! ! Carlson's tM;r:y Into a 312 coil INNER-SPRING A 59.95 09 CA , Quolify -fceW Save with Carlson'r 2405 So. 6th Phone 4510 CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE REGISTERED JEWELER 2'3 PER ANNUM 700 Main St. AMERICAN GEN SOCIETY Phono 3151 . a I