PAGE ELEVEN' 8ATUIUMY. JANUAHY 10, 15)52 I1KKAIJ) ANI NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OKBfiON . JO REAL ESTATI ECU SALE A GOOD BUY IMMI'.'Uf ATIC I'OHHKKHION Oil ttl'n very iimitiiiUililM llv room homo on iiuilliMili'. Niw nm pirn - iiiiiii furniiri', rituiiii window, full i ciiHiPio biiu'iiiiiil. ullrni'Uyn en mill In mil illulnn rimm. Newly rmlri'oriilrU. Iiiiiiitlrn rrfrltfMiiUir mill new cloclrle mimf. duly $11)51). NORTHS! DE atthactivk ani wki.i, con. HTHUCTKIJ--Four I'dinnim Inline. Kliniilnii!, Imrihuiod llncurt tlirouitl, out. DIiiIiik nimii, til" trlr limit, two lull Imlliii, Inxiilatrtl iinfl wrutlicrrurliiiiril. Omri'it Imi niriil, prlnkHm' nn.triii, hriiiittful virw. PrliTil fur brlow rr-pliimnriitr tout. Illl.tiUO. CLOSE IN I niKc fiiinlly li.'ime In Ideal locii (Ion. Ms3(l foot living room Willi flrrplnrc, hirer (lltlln-; room, three lirdrnnniii. with walk In liovtn, briiiillful bnlh, kI.ivhI In n'eeplnii porcii. double kiiukc. Quick ixmxtt mon. $10,000 t-rmri, HAItrtY VAN iKven. WW JOK LIOONAItU iKvm. 2 05211 . AL SCHMECK IlKALTOit unci 1NHUHANCE i 617 Main I'lionc 3211 j $500 DOWN A one bi'drouin liuino lucnlcd on lame coiner lot. Total piiie ol $:iU00 InciudeH Mime funilluie, JJul. nitce on easy Imna. Walking Distance Well locuteil homo clone to dchools. cliurehci it ml buMnc.ui dtolrlcl. All rooms nre good Mzr, full baneinenl linn hliih celllilK. Home rcnnlrs nrcili.l mid room need rerJccnrat mii for which allowance, Iiua been liuidc 111 Uic arllliiK piiie. Kee l'red Cofer IJob Slcphcni ( Evenings 923UJ Barnhisel Agency 113 S. 8tti Phone 4105 HOT SPRINGS Newly built. 3 bedroom home of modernistic iU-jIkii. Attracllvc lire plnce. all IliHir area roinpleuiy rar'jeled. All exceptional home built for (llrrlininatlns people. Very reasonably priced. Call us for all details. ' YALTA GARDENS Bee this comfortable, well construe led rmdrrn 2 bedroom home on approximately '. acre B"od soil. Automatic oil heal, attached gar ;.. House liuulnted and equipped storm windows. Paved street, b-niitlfully lunilsciipcd. Price $0000. T?rm.'. available. A NEW HOME IN . MILLS ADDITION At 242S Vine Street. Fully weather stripped. stnrm windows. Alreudy landsenped. Muit be seen to be ap preciate.!. Call us for an appoint ment. California Avenue Very well built 2 bedroom home In Rood condition. On corner lot. Only $0250. Eligible for any type loan. Open Evenings by Appointment Kee Don Slo.-n Homer Stllrs Fred JScoll Plione 0fl.8 Eves. 2-24H0 Kvcs. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH llEALTOn.S Since 1903 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4M1 or 5529 WANTED We have buyers for farm and tore land anything from 40 to 4500 acres. Call us so we can be all set to (to by spring. ALSO We need home listings, we're nuout sold out. Would like something for about $1400 down. FRED E. FLEET , -Itcnllor DENN1R COATES, Siilesludy 408 Mnlll Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-13li5 STUCCO FINISH One bedroom modern home within n nlkliiR dlstnncc of town. Very Rood Investment for someone. $1003, unfurnished, $500(1. furnished. Art Prcdrickson John Hobsou Dnic Orubb Phone 0125 Phone CS04 Phone 3541 AL LONGE liciil E.'itnto 111 So. 8lli Plione 8283 3 BEDROOM HOME On a quiet street In South Suburb. l,nr(to llRht UvliiR room, well nr rincd kltehen and dluinir men. service porch. Fireplace, piped oil furnace, 2 complete Imlhs, lola of storanc space. Now financed on 4 psr cent OI loan. PRICE $11,500 Anne Mason Eddie, Hosley Eves. 8714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. Oth Phopo 7200 30 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE Walking Distance Hunt in worth tlin iiiniicy iiiniluii Uy, Two foi'dimmi Ihiiihi roiniili'tiiy Iiiiiilolicd for only W'JM. Don't mli Bl'CillB tlllS, Rcom For Expansion Hen In n Hire homo ulliinttrt on H iifi'f of iimum! In liniitirj hoiiIIi Milmibi n iirrii, Ifii only on! bcd rouin but you rnn't afford not to tw Ihn rm-ftnlloniil buy for only $5500 with rany trrinn. . WANT A CAFE? i Cook tliln 1 Mllllt VOU IlllVf! Imtii , wnK li ik for. Nicely lojali'd cufe uji : biifiy Mm-, for the mimll price of ' only ',1'Ji TrriiM enn be iirrniigfd. BM'.cr call before lt too Jutr. Clniro Kill I'll. 2-2039 Evrs, 1 Jay I'. ii!i;ii I'll. 4254 liven. W. W, Tliompnon at Miilln J. Wj Sanders, Realtor 1213 Main Ht. liione 7521 MII.I.H Allill'I'tON, with imrttnlly I'oliti'l'lO lititlillnl ktillnliln for imm. tornlc 'tr Itiiinv. Hrwpr, wlrr, lt. fts Stt CdilPetlf (. J'rlf(1 for tlH'rH itte. I'liimff IH.l t. HAi.M.u li lull, four roum hou tiMMtem Willi oun.l il-uri. i-livup li 'I. I'tcUt rnmr I .1 Wf.rlll . Mlll tcai.., ,:. Mn.ii. tut realm (imiwrly, ) O HJ Till WAN'If.M lwltl IMillc"'. .J.I..IIO illt'i ' 12 BUILDING A REMODELING ROCK WOOL INSULATION I'ityiiK'MlN iii low fift b per month FJIKK ES'I'IMATKS I'hunc 61(11 iiAituwboti 'irr.Ntfr.ixT'i'. AtnVn. CAN Kim, Watnui. Hlfttneye Mopte, Le tittr. litrctt, Kuriuti MaltuBJinv, Knuuy I'itte lit lrk t llailti Hutlumg Ma letittl 47114 tfW). Hlxtli: J'Jtonr 2 S HT SWXt.X VK": "CAR Or &ixti tmlU. tmi at li.uilton; Initall ui tut lowvit cutU. I1in ituildifig Mti$tU, 4?H4 Hu KUII. ';?' jl. 34 FUEL HEATING ""htXn u a lib HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Hoavy Fuel DKPENDA1J1.E Check and Fill Hvstem METEK PKINTEO TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Hiitlsfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER Tuels that tiatl.,(y-rius Service" -Since 1D)9 Sprlns Bt. Phone 4J63 CI,KA.N riimuttiifol "irmilTlir Irt ol) atuvr. I'RVTO.V & f'O mi plna block, Inr ml,' Open evt iiinei nfifl urrl.rntt &t-t)rrn lro i'Uli-TuUHiH pickup 5r 'iZiiwrZti ( tilt Ymit-ni Htgntl Ncrvlr, 2AflO Bui rtuu .mot or 2 Q20O 8 ii tutors STAMfs iivirTorTiiii't tn ttu l'(jo .iiuii or 2.u2(Ki to orompt Ct.lKr YADKN S SKJNAL HKRVIL'I 2W Rn flth ' STAWIMIID KKATINQ OU V"-e lurnsi' light fu. cr.ti, tvnnd, rl.jrrDal 1oton nr3 Co B3A Markfl ia BOATS JtTS SPORTS'HOBBfts''. KINK no::Vrnd "WriinVrinrr?. up. Ki liarony KrnneU. Heg. I"-;- n . t Mt"--iU.Mf.. liSm'1 P"P t-V.ltr rti.iicird" Call foit SALE, 2 ff-niTlTRorhihijnTl ' duhT iln-n rri. tint Muck ami tm. Wnrn.pc Snfj '$ tintpmpcr m v nil nun 3 ANUgltKON llriafiim KannrU Phont Vtfis ()--lawa't l'imtmaln nOAHDlNO KCNNCLS !nt iwarrttnt bjr dav wt?rk or monlh Satittary kfttiHPl WMl bxlancnj dtfl Clean tndlvt.ial en door rn (or sclr iJi One nandfrd durti mailng WtM pith up anrt tiliver Vliilora U'alram Phon S079 Merrill Bo SHASI A CASPADR KENVKIJ I WAijut tnutioit I r ouf tavorii "peT. r.aiJifli;! tun pturl til PI VTON A CO 42 UVESTOCK & POULTRY r'OULlKY WANTED ;Cah ptd for tny amount. Top mn'ltct prircs ftr Rood quality. For quotnttniM j P1IONK 3.W Kf AMjM'H POUI TRY FARMS I N rl'.ll colored rTenB Phon45Tll I llillilKST prlraa pata tor poultry, auci i and llvrlot-k nir. MI-A I MAI1KK! l.fcewlew jiinrl..n I'lmne rn ''iu'iiial UnrfiTiNu HtCHvici Phrn-. mi M c. IChurki Warren m j nnj r.2a i on' MALE cil&iV. New llmniialiuv tted Frvrrm and mnslera. Whnleaale trl-e. Wlll-tlrcj and locker wrnp en order. Vaial have 3 daya notice, i'honc H:1M flflcr 5 p, in. 1 noi now bunkinQ orderii Inr apring eeHvcry nf Whilrfare. Annua, and dnlry calvea. I,. M. Hooker, 111, 1 Box M:l.Crcent Clly Call . KOII SAI.Eioiir iletiiU'rcU Holilem bulln. Phone 2-lrjll. UK!) KltYKIIS Pan. ready In plastic Dniia, Turn let! J mile nn llral road nmitn of Mcrrllt MkcvifW Jiinrtlnn. Will deliver. I.I.OVU rjiiiFris Phone JMUJ ni. I Bon H17 j-ilW.lls. ftaii-ron'rly. Phone all":l3. ion" NEW Hampshire ptiliata. La-'inj. l'hone 4UII2. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WOlllwnili OijlTl'LK. no children.,, ile slre lo rent two hprlronm iinritinlilicrl home with KnrnBe by Mnrcn 1. -iinr-. fit43 atic ijm. WArft'telV'TO I1KNT. Two or three ben- tmnirnl-herl hnme. Phnno 2-21110. WANTki). cuilivalur for olVver-roiv-eiop. Write J. A, Cone, 111. 3 Box 2:i4K ' WIU, J-AYnCASII In nrtvanre for IrrT onleil pn.nitro for SO head cattle. Phone t-rrclla 3137. 46 FINANCIAL LOAelS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borro Put Onl" $100 S7.27 Mo Repay In 18 Instnllmcntj UP i'O two ON FURNITUKa OR SALARY up ro'tiaoo on cars TUB I13EAL PLACE TO BORRCTvV Convenient Lorntion Convenient to Borrow Convenient to py ; Locally owned New Cars 'inanced at Bunit roles "WyNKV IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. iO years serving Klamstfl Bam See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr 114 N 1th eu Ptiune S:m 8-241 ' M7 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Nr.WCflftlfcii lo ""KlfMlialll, ttnrciii'tt ttvw ut Nalttmat ctmrtirn, fje.lrr, Iwi. r lltrt hettitittiit iiiilnriil1"!! tiiinr Inr ruil. Will leu-f 'lull Kira Vfc HV.rM CAMH' flet tou tn if now n,e Muttit Co am mitt riutr. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash? C.U5H LOANS t'JI to $300 Auio - r"urnmir Llvniork - F,lnry IW io $500 Auiomoltlti (paid for or not) IVlvaie Hale of Auitu Finiinctd Make your dealt CAHH dealtl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. 101 No 11th Ptinn nil 48"gUSINIs"OPFORTUNITIE5 n.INKS.S ' turvr " Ifinni- "cri!iri Ma Hi nurd Calc, iniffim lur HMAJ4. rt!itntrunt doing guh'i JjubFik-kf Hfllmg on at-ruunt of Ukncn Phont 2 12 1 5 1 MI5CttANOU" OR SALE JANUARY CLEARANCE MEN'S Tai!or-Made SUITS EXTRA PANTS $3.95 Only The manufacturer cuU the Price below ccst We In turn tacrllicc our profit! SAVINGS UP TO $22 , You pay the rettular price for your , Milt lh"ii von-get an EXTRA I PAlli or pants for only $3.95 OVER 150 FABRIC'S TO CHOOSE FROM Come Into Wards Mem Department fcee lhei,e tremendous value be- ' Hi!! offered now. You'll receive yout , sun within 3 or 4 weeks alter order . t! pinccd. .... , Montgomery Ward j lh Pine Plione 31E8 Used Furniture SPECIALS 1 Used Davenport mid Chair Reduced from tSD 50 to 1 Used Bed Davenport nii-f Clwlr Reduced from $70.50 to $39M '49 .50 , Klamath Furniture Company 221 Mnlll - Tlionc 5303 , DRIVEWAY MATERIAL I FARMER'S j Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes : Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 j elte net. W0, Unotl ceinrltUon. Phone! ?j''-'1rf'ct',.?t "0 KWomrfo si. hht S,M.Kt n-atohg inacnTne. tJW. Phonr WW?, 2003 Farco SI. w ifi u!omllc PMitp, 13 mo. nld rx crPcnl rontllMon S?0, Phone 2i2M, or ' Iv (ret- if,. rrviie now" Stiii nrm Bh&vem&ste? at home before sou buy. Only S2 so, R1CKYS JEWELEIIS 7N. jjpo-c 3)51 t'Sfcb KURNlTirfiE yZ)u can iwm' he found Ht Kinmolh Furniture Co. 321 Main, Piinnr 5353. OIL lJin(jo tih. "le ton 7id C'o 1135 Mnritcl. ROMSON Linlnoc Repairs. One dav service. Factory trnliicd c.tnert-. Aliihe that old llahler like new aiialn. REPAIR DEPARTMENT IUCKVS JEWELERS op Main T-hnreJilM wil.L TiiAiJE mock Iced pui Tm Rood oat or barley atraw. Phone Lord- la 3137. 21 HOtirt electric hilvc r.; acrv. Ice. Tune tip. case, motors, culter heads, etc. For nit popular matte KEPAIH OEPAIITMENT HtCKYS JEWKI.EI1X 700 Main Phone 3131 KENMfJltE Vacmitn clcnner. 511 93. Compact Sales and Service, l'hone 9200. HMLHOAD WATCHES While ttwy We have a Hmitcrt nmnlttr oC MhCtt HamiUon, EIrih and IMl railroad watches H f-rst.da". rondftimi. I1EPAIR Ot'PAKTMG.NT BICKyS JEWEL.EKS 700 Main Plione n)M Stop- Baihrnoiii sgsriivation iorcver with liie "Affirt fituh ide" t.'et yours at The Basin Building MaterlaJi, 47B4 So. Sixth St.. Phopc H iM. H-JNCH csiscrete culver, pipe, I'd tenu per loot, PEYTON CO SAFE, aprax, lo. by J in . Xt in. an P o Box jkeb Muiiu, Ore FOR SACS ilrtptace nd" fiirnnr wood, f(nnU iU inches to 46 inches. Phune mm, "GKTVOUR SNOW CAPS NOW We feuj ucd tires. O K Rubber Wetd m &m So 8th Phone 4.115 AUUINQ MACHINES, caiculaior. tym wrlteri, eash renUlert, , doiki, chaita fie tm mit er rent, piongkr orncs SUIILV mn rn ne 1 3 riACTnULltX CtEAiVKS and polfstiet and supplies Photi 71(17 farkei Twcei W'C"AW!5 prepared icTTjuy, (of"lmme dlai eauha one piece or your entire hm&eheld of furniture. It you have some! Ill tig to 'mil call u. We uny ANYTHINa SDMMKHS 1.ANB AUC TIOPMAUT Phone BSiaMlB. FOR SAI.S gm ranges. 7(0 Main St. Orecp Apta, Call at Manaacr i apart ment, . , it AUTOMOTIVE ' JANUARY CLEARANCE 10 Jl J'ONTIAC 2-DOOIl SKJMX I lltater. nun visor. Jet black 1941 C1IEV110LKT SI'KC. ULX. CLUB COUPK .. Uadio, heater. .. ! 3947 FORD SUPEE DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE A low mileage upectet. I.ikt new 1017 OLDS '78 ULX. SEDAN Uiid.o. henter. Hydramatlc. A lutont green beauty In Jmmaculate condition. 1948 HUDSON CGMMODOISK '0 SEDAN I Radio, heater, scat covers. Very nice condition Solid green tolor, white nidcwall t)rc. 1948 HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN Radio, healer, neat covers. Hew blue paint job. 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Radio, heater. TsUme paint. ' 1943 CUKV. 5-PASS. CLUB COUPE Badlo, heater, scat covers. Maroon color. 1949 PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN Heater and ovcrdrlie. 12.000 actual miles 1919 DODGE CORONET SEDAN P.adio. heater and fluid drive Sea blue. One owner and clean, 1919 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. '8 SEDAN Ttadlo, heater, Ilydrnrnatic drive, scat covers and 1 snow tire. Very nice. 1950 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN ! IladSo, healer, Dynaflow Perfect throughout. SPECIAL 1951 HUDSON PACEMAKER "6" 4-DR. P.adio, healer, overdrive, seat covers. House car in perfect Only 9,000 miles COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1946 DODGE PANEL One owner. Very good Yes . . . We Trade! Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES 11th & Klamath Ave. A- .YQUR . CHOICE 950 Ford Custom Dlx. Fcrcior Radio,, heater. Good condition throughout 949 Mercury Club Coupe Has overdrive arid heater 950 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan Equipped with radio and heater YOUR CHOICE 946 Ford Super Dlx. Forddr 1947 Frazer Four-Door Sedan Healer, overdrive. Directional signals SEtTTHESE DEPENDABLE OLDER MODELS YOUR CHOICE 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 1941 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE 1941 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2 1 52 South Sixth Phone 4354 5) MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CHtihHKD rock aod driveway cinders Phone 2-IW1 tOK SALE. 43 terns Baled alfalfa hay, also xtKmt 4Wt ton potato alfalfa en silage W. I,. Clink, Houle 3, Sox 231, rtilplake Phfifie NMm ruifSHRD HOCK, driveway cinders. Phone 5541 etc . , .-IK hndy wtmil. Phote W. FOLKS who iike food wh the home mnile tai-le. .like lo shop at Jnhnny'i. ntg V Bakery, Merrll. Lakevlew Junc tion. LA N DSC AP1NO, cvcrnrcenti. ahrmni and trees. We trim, spray and remove tnrp,e trres. LAKESHORS GAttOF,S NURSERY Phone 4'im f WO"-WHrfF.t. tralieV S55, fthimc' g-OSftf. 55 AUTOMOTIVE am ca.'iVHOLKT yivn - pashkmuuh Ciupe Imiled with aceessflries Cleanest 'in tar lit loivii. Priced rlshh Van be jiecn n 413 South (HI., or call fltiOT, riiVArtt-'i; any sr ll repairs or (ervire ond delivery for any slxe jolx DJclc B. MU'pr Co., 9fji And Klamnth, phtve 4103, 1000 Ol4rWMdBlEB uTalfTSKDAN "UB'". Good colU)Uon, CuU filter & p. in. 1 425 5 345' ? 995; $1195 1435 ?1465 SI145 $1 ?1595 1795 2295 condition. OA .ZO-JU J 4951 The Best Terms! INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Phone 2-2581 ; USED CAR SPECIALS $1595 $79 5 $395 194 PONTIAC "8" 4-door tedan. Xf.OcK' ectual milM. A real top quaJUy car is mint condition. Sy9i, Call Brooks ai!4 or evrniURs 4P7A. EVCEPTIONAL BVVTl9mPmiUsc 4 door sedan, Gunmelal Jiray color, terms and trade, Simo Vail WlUard Da vis 6221, eveninns 2-P7HS, UJM8ATUSfc:0 CAHS . . So, Sth 31 Plum . . . has JOAO Deluxe Pl' mouth 4-Dr in new i-ondliion tor trie most car at the Irnst money. Come in Bnd rce it. Phone tt. CUSTOM "CAD - CHEVROLET li)30 eonvrrtlble with every possible extia. "Cnd" rear lenders and hub caps, rinrti pipes and carbMrctors. Cmtoin grille. Cost new over $32.50. For & rest wav ing nd a true iporl car. Call Don Bridge. 8134 evenings, 2-0") 40. BAKGA1N1 t95t Ford Convert.,. Pir - chased new. November 22. Over $400 discount BUS SARGENTS I'tcd Cart Phoue P203 A BEAL BUti lOSt Studebaker Champion Bega( De luxe sedan. Ksdto, heater, automatic transmission. Very low mileage. Com In and look it over. New car appemence and condition. Sly 93, H, B. HAUUEH BUICK GARAGE Usrd Car Department Main at Broad Prtotw 5t3l Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Klamath's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" ' 1 i MM A HOU.AND-222 Sprmi Ptionrj ,wwjall6 Air CondotomnR Heatin-Vnli al-J j Ing Bht Metal -Weltimg Sneti turn. j ARCHITECTS i PERRtK. HOWARD R - ASCHITKrf (A 1 A . -Phone 51'iT Itai Stom S. AUTO DEALERS USED tilE Oi!K MOrOaS Way H!t' We feuT, le.. --ee t- (ei rm- I'Kfmnt tt ciiier. ftt&t At.' iO GLASS olo gln tervicc- S2I Walnul. PJiofie i Tt7r. J BAKERIES j POLLY ASS BAKERY -H9 North Kth 127"-"BiTinr3ay Cake Our Spe eds tv." VACS BAKERY "Special Orraoon , 1 Mic'ii lo Order" 4309 South 6th i Phme r,:i . j CAMERA SHOPS I CT'Q" ;S i PlidtO BKRViCElisi sSn 1 Phore S!. E.-enlHinf Photoifash4e film rJevejln: In b 19 a.m.. O isy : kokroods camera shop ttr?; I' Sup-j! Extiert Fhsto y rirlrhina Rutcraft Gree'r Crs. ; CHINA-SILVERWARE ' BK.KVS jwer-ins ?r staiti "Home ef f am-Ki S-ii " ' "-'-p'" ; j-i'di-Vw, -3rd - gival yoj-Jc . ge-3l Wed-Ilt - CnrSiara - 'U'e Ki-lc T"vl. - L'inl - ml'rratiorjti CLEANERS-OYERS CHAPMAN TLEA:ERS PHune 1025; - r.l? Fa.l Main Piflt uo anrl leliv i-er-- HOV, AIIDS r'U'A.VERS Ea' 1 Man Phn-.e S323. "Jn AI 10 m. Ou' J 31 a pm" j ) KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klam-lh J 1 'riesl nd Fines ." 4U yit'n. Phone J .VE1V METHOD planaiie. Phur.t CLEANERS 145 ; Zt- 1 4472 "For Partialis:! Clothing new and mm l TT. CLOTHES MART 125 So:ih Slh j Ttirne ETM. Clothing Fcr Artl Hano j Mg CifU CLUBS TAVERNS tiNY TAVERN S. W. "Pt-- Per, mi. W E "Biir M-se.r?. "Arre cf DR'JG STORES ( CASTLEEERRY S ORL'GS P S Mead ( Main P?-n-e 3.13 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES fcAST SIDE APPLIANCE - Eg!? Boh fajn - Dewey Randolph. OR-cfS f?-') Klamath Phor "Your Fr;end3 Wrftlnahnii'e Dealer." MERIT'S - S?lei r.d Service 1,3? PrtlJco - 5rvi - Ironrile - Hamilton Tierclzi. Bna s-uihBii Phone 2-3429 ELECTRICAL COiRfftACTOAS EftST SIDE E1-P.CTPIC -fi2T Kinmnth Phone 31S4. Indnatria. WlrinR and 5t.r5- ; pis ILECTR1C HIATJNfi ; EH.CTRIC HEATER SALES CO rfi1 Colvin. Owner. 23 Pine Pher.e 2- j ELECTRIC L.GrHKG I V AS FLEET EirCTRC 2rd mmd Sf;n Poe 4415. Modem E':ctr;c UehVne Fixture. FARM MACHINERY J CHATER LAKE MACHINERY CO i K-aiprii ar - jo ,n ucere. z-i., I FLOWER SHOPS ) CHARLIE MACiTS KLAMATH FLOW jEIS SiiOP 1211 Main. Phone 4153. j Mwnl TTD KOHN S FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill 1 and nils DcPew. PUoce Bill 430 ) Mam. j FURNITURE KLAMATH Fl'R.VITl'RE CO, Si ' Main Pnone 3333. Willard Hotel Bulld- in-; 1 GLASS KIMBAlX'S GUASS SHOi teiilliiel Sia service Aut3, elate, vzin'fam end mirror. 321 Walnut. Phone AUTOMOTIVE For a or USED NEW TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JL'CK" ' Your IiiifrnaUnnal Trrrfe Dealer j JUCKELAND ? TRUCK SALES I. I Ik a.. )... Til , WhS T5,f nff i Radio, hcaier, new ure. Tours lor vnh i DiMBAT VSED CABS So. 6th -at Ptwm Vtone mm BUS SAHGANTS USED CABS J tVR nitv (JfcM.I aici, 'roAnf 1 Comer Snasia Wy; una Arthur Streets THIS IS TiiS OME! 1948 Bulck Super Sjdanei, lado. h!.nf- er, pi. -fitc fca. eovecj, wis m oirun-e Leu- milctsc Try to duplicate it or j H. E. 11AHCER BIT1CK GARAGE Used tar Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 ; HOW ABOUT A fOBDV 1IS4!. Foid V-B Custom Tudor Sedan. Radio, heater, Tv.crtiTrvc. Has every ttting. Drop in and took it over. $1425. H, E. HA-JGEK Bt'tCK GAB AGE Vied Car Department Malnat Eroad gawwStSt &t Pi.V.'ltO-uiK Special vur. Low mtleafic, alt the esiras. us rest atue UIMBAT L'SED CASS So mh at i'bai MCS SluLL. cquttj m wiisvries Aero-;ecan A-i condition fr"cc at I! i c c; Hlehfie d Station, tfth and Kiamatft. WHfcUK CAN OU u'C a LU-ty tsaics Super 4.Dr. it:i rafio, (water b Dvnaflow for oaty stm$? mMHAA VSEU CARS, ct course: Sa. - i Plum. Ptione Jl;iP. i'OK SALE or triue for list imt zm 1041 Chev. dun:p truck with 14 ster, First cla-a condition Phone gU7, ONL?r0fi DOWN en torn isatiii Chrysler Windsor Cius Coupe. Oa SlH,0Ca miles See It at UIMBAT USED CAHS So, Clh at Plum Pnone mvst 1WO PLY.MOU'1'H, new patnt, bcw tires, i new battery. A top ear lor a taw dol 1 Jar, 3t5. i TilMTlAT I'AIIS 1 g0,)th mil at Plum Phone 0S2 i . n v--r 4rCt7-ri"iT-Ti i:r,w'i nt n7vtl nu. I mileage. To see it is lo but ii. umy DIMBAT USED CARS So 6th at Plum Phtme SIM W1IV TALK? DRIVE MORE KOTOTtS 302 E Main Phone 3$?8 mm m vtmr rar tor swt " ft fey? Rtui trsni. 6irSALR nr trnne trsr iignt ptfswp Dr jeep. W48 a ton Piekap, 4 faciei transmission. Phone 2-32. THE HERALD AND NEWS Ulassiried GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide . to k'Irtrt-,,-, ; I J J ilia Progressive Merchants GROCERS MARKETS COMMVNlfV CROCERY Main. Ptione 5636. f rte DeHvtry, FrH 1 OftlGUS SUPERIOR FOODS - niree . Stew- i azures Mamatn an - mtmn GUNSMITHS BALPHS GUN SHOP 4320 South mti Phone 4273. AuthontS V.'.tiCheeT arid RmirimoT. Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DHiSCOLi. AND PADtiE"IT fsre Anto - Farm - 20S U'Uttami Smldm JOHNSON M. L. 26 Vears m One Black. Associate. Grayce Eaton - Eob cause mifcer. 434 -utn, (uanuta ram. JEWELERS S "A Jcwelrr Store of Ou- 1 srs-idis. Vaiues." 701 JJaiil. Vl'.orr jtesi (J C RENTE. JEWELER I0IS Ml Pfcsite 460S Watcft. Cleelc Sr Jf-rt'.ry Repairtog Dlaritend SettiflX. Ensfavirt-; Grsnse Blotsom Diamond Rirues. ILaro JUon - Elail) ti ".'vler'Walcliej. iLkss -"liBGie of Famous Brands The imest r2-ae lit IVatcfva, DiasionrJ Silver. China ana i.-- 1 Apnnanrfts Ijoja-Pirltard - Eoal Yor . T'-d-Loa Gorfeam - Wallace - Kirk -Towle - Lunl - Rolex - Btt'ora - KaTn ilinn - Elcm - Art Carved St-ttl - tn- temallottai and many others. Rsefcit Jewelers. crtttd te-nolor. Kca HtererJ too Matn -atr-et. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOSS SELr-SERVtCE LAt"NDSV IT L j Slate PHorat 92M- Kenmore Auta- (tatts. AUTOMOTIVE YES EVERY WEEK DYE'S HAVE REAL SPECIALS Top Cars At Under Marked Prices LOOK - 1849 CHEVROLET AERO 2-D00B Hndio. heater. Fine mecrrantaliy '1848 CHtVKOLET AERO J l T5e,,rt rinntfir PiwiTI 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1941 FORD STATION WAGON , Radio, heater. PICKUPS (1041 INTERNATIONAL Vz 1941 FOPJ) ia TON PICKUP 1948 FORD "6" 4-Speed Transmission Overload sprinss. rtttin. IT CERTAINLY PAYS TO See DYE Before You BUY 733 East Main . Phone 9326 . COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRJKU BALSIGER MOTOR CO. IMS DESOTO Club Coupe. JUdlo, Seal er, iluld drive. Top shape in every way. IsOok it nvw. DIMBAT USED CARS So. 6th. at PTiont 31?;5 'WANT A 5-PASS. SPOBT COUPE? 1-16 PontSac "H" 5-Pastenger sport covipe. ttad.o, hoater, pinstie seat covers, ac cesicnei wiit like. This Pnntia.c ha hal exceptionally good care, A real steal at 9102.?, ft. E, H AUGER - BUICK GARAGE Ured Car Department Slain At Broad Phong 3.31 MASSAGfS CiQn vi,:nt. Pht ft-MU. WCV'rsG ANS STORAGE PKUPLES WAREHOUSE Phojie 1 a. Srratti 6th Moving - Local lint Distance Sot age - HH Cooda Tumi- t. Asrits R.ckir.1. BROS Pre-Kut Ornnm.nlai Iron Jencea and Hailing '3351 Boulll tth. Phone PKQTCGkA?HRS PFOTDS BY CUDEBTAN M-3n Phontt CmnmercJal PortraH Acrtal Copying - Pictura Oil Omtnif. j-jtivojxe Sj UCjD in liS. " NflUoJifll while Photograph' trt RcMtmabl -1 -( "' P3AHO DSAJIRS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 103S Main, Baldwin flias,; b a r d f n t n; ti : ptona tunttif; stofe i..strumett or ca. f.OrfS g MAMN iPIA-YO CO. I2 ; Dan - Syyr. f?".nl3' .) Plan. O tX MOTLEY -SM2 Klamath. Phon PUMPS TiASSOTi TQUiPMWt COMPANY --Merrtll-Laltrview junrlirm. Jacimt purr.Di ar.fl wntf-' 5tm- Sat iird SABJATO SIRV1CI TOSKS IMt rve UT. RADIO STATIONS A?ErtS-i SrRadeMflP.C C. rad.'o itott-slox." 14M om STAtANTS CAfK BA9.XTYS CHAT-.V-.VI3Pr.B- Eat i&mou BAB-SE-B13BGEJ1. Bom made Pie 3333 Esplanade. Dial a-lftB. SAW HUNS BODENHAJHETt SAW SHOP 331 Eavl Matn. Sals arid Setvit-e. twriinawai. R S A. Motoeesfttea. Atl pb4 Toftls SAWS POWER SAW SHOP Saar aaics. partt. SttO STOKES MUBPHEVS SEED STORE "Saeda Thai Grose " S34 Klame.B. Phone 33. SCONO ANO STORES CQFERS EXCHANGE BnUnd CoteT. Owner. 619 Klamath. Phone Phor.a llfia. "Houie ot 105i BarjainV Krtr and tj-se-t. SERVICE STATIONS BM.PH-S MOB15. sr.p.viCE Tuk ami Blam(t. Pot 5422. Auto '; tan - ' ' " r.:r-yp - .M"!:. - UoCli oU "Cmmsfmis Umm Aesrerle." SiWINS sueuea sewora cester ova Mai-i. PioM ISS1S, CompUt LJna of Bo- SHEET METAL PADE HOLLAND 222 Sprint Phone 3328. Stalnle-s Sleel. Flvrtl Ex- . le -isi nn - Kitchen Ventiiatora. SHOE HEfAlR EC SHOE SHOP Tom -Duaa. Pooo fctlAUW SrtOE REPAIR 912 Mali 5W- ft-, geg. r -l Painfc SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes tor En lire Family. FtBrttnrng SitirHt Kotilee - Stater Brown. 717 Blaia- Phnne . VAN OBMAS-S -Kiatnath Falls Sirw est Eamtij Shoe Store. Tnm-Trw Poll Patrcrt - Find - Star Bcaad. S2 main SH CREEN STAMP STORES - BaB' CLEANERS 1333 SmtHl m& Pirose "For ThoM Who Care " i . ?1295 t ?1095 . ? 445 TON PICKUP ?345 M25 ?f045 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS-CARS , GUARANTEED AS w.EPPESENTF-0 West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER ' tm PWMOUTll 4-OS. M to saaia 4n tveri' wa. Vourf lor enlr CUO, DiMBAT U&ZO CU!S Su Mil at Plom Phoar ItM i WRED CABS' Otrt toe Pin Wrmi Mrvtm Cr. mri anfl Pfam gUftlom Tudor, ffarlto. tieav pr, nvertlriv, h Teal liuy at rmlj DIMBAT USED CARS 9t, Wli at Hm Phrl 3 SDOBS"T'W i-mct-o BA.RO aIn tfl Buicit STiectat -Tf. 8tlim, P.advo, treater, lots of Kiultiiramt. cln fawl arid tsrt. As ?s3WmaJ car In IMS jraaf iwki1. Wny n ftf e-w. 3"3. m, , tmvam buick (jajjac; Car fcyarUrlrnt Mala st Bf4 fnuoc Wi