PACE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 10. 10.12 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grain Price On Steady level 1 CHICAGO Wl Price changes in grains were neither large nor of any real significance on the board of trade Saturday. Dealings proceeded at a routine pace with the local trading frater nity accounting for a large part of the turnover. For most of the session wheat had firm tone while the feed ? Tains, corn and oats, were a tit le lower. Soybeans sold off at the start in line with another drop in cottonseed oil and soybean oil quo tations, but they rallied toward the close under the lead of the Jan uary contract. Wheat closed higher. March $2.57 i,-1.. corn unchanged to 3 lower, March $188 oats lower, March 90 rye 3 lower to higher, may $2.07 4, soy beans !i lower to l'i higher, January $2.98 li-'i, and lard un changed to 8 cents a hundred lbs lower, March $14.07. WHEAT Open High Low Close Mar. 2.56''t 2.57i 2.56' 2.67' May ...... 2.53'j 2.54'i 2.52'i 2.54H July 2.46 2.461 2.45'i 2.46'i Sept 2.47 2.47i 2.46'i 2.47 Western Pine Activity Gains PORTLAND Cfl Western Pine activity picked ud in the week ended Jan. 12. the Western Pine Association reported Friday- but still was well off the year-ago space Comparative figures with the final three zeros omitted, showing last week, previous week and year ago. in that order: Orders: 55.332 : 46,640 : 85,986. Shioments: 49,691: 35,367; 71.046. Production: 45,326; 32,261; 60,049. Steel Leads As Markets Edge Up NEW YORK Wl Steel stocks stood to the fore Saturday in a generally higher market. The rise was modified considerably by slug gishness in several areas. Cains were from fractions to a b:t better than a point with a few Individual issues pushed beyond that limit. Minus signs were- most ly fractional. Trading was quite brisk at the opening and tapered off later, but the total still came to an esti mated 700.000 shares, better than average for a two-hour session. Last Saturday also was active with 740,000 shares changing hands. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO I Hogs sold with in a $16.75 to $18.60 range Satur day at the end of a week fea tured mainly by conservative oper ations on the part of major pack ers, who were beset by a ticklish labor situation. Cattle and sheep slso held steady. Major packers jxmght only for Immediate needs, not wanting to be caught with a lot of hogs in the event workers walked off their jobs. In the cattle section, the supply of choice grades this week was nearly as great as all other grades combined. Buyers continued to dis count weight. Prime steers were as much as 50 cents higher while some commercial to high choice mature steers as much as 50 cents lower. Prices were marked down all along the line in the sheep sec tion with some utility wooled lambs off as much as $2.00. Losses else where were more moderate. Potatoes San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO Wl Potatoes: 13 cars on track; Ore. 3 arrived; no sales. LOS ANGELES P Potatoes: S3 cars on track; Calif. 6, Ore. 4, Idaho 3 arrived:; market about steady; Idaho russets No. 1 A 5.25 60. SUCH MEETINGS AT THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Klamath Falls Full Evangelistic Gospal Christ Centered Church 8th & Oak St. WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY 5. Rev, Dan Bayless, Poslor Sunday School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Youth Service 6:15 EVANGELISTIC 7:30 Midweek Services Tues. and Thuri Nite 7:30 ALL WELCOME Tun in KFLW Sunday 9 a.m. for local Church Pro gram ... If Tou Desire Transportation to and from Sunday School - Call 5735. "V . iff" & u Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Tress Admiral Corporation 25 Allied Chemical 74 Allis Chalmers 51 American Airlines 15 a. American Power & Light 22 American Tel. tt Tel. 156 !i American Tobncco 65 Anaconda Copper 53 Atchison Railroad 81 Bethlehem Steel 5.1 Boeing Airplane Co. 46 M Borg Warner 64 Burrows Adding Machine 17 ! California Packing 27 Canadian Pacific 36 Caterpillar Tractor 50 , Celanese Corporation 49 Chrysler Corporation es ai Cities Service 110 Consolidated Edison 33 - Consolidated Vullee 17 'i Crown Zellerbach 54 3 Curtlss Wright 9 s, Douglas Aircraft 59 3 duPont de Nemours 89 i Eastman Kodak 47 t Emerson Radio 14 General Electric 59 ' General Foods 42 S General Motors 51 "s Georgia Pac Plywood 23 Goodyear Tire 44 i Homestake Mining Co. 35 International Harvester 35 ' i Internationa! Paper 47 , Johns Mauville 68 Kennecott Copper 87 , Libby. McNeill 8 s Lockheed Aircraft 22 ( Loew's Incorporated 17 , long Ben a 38 Montgomery Ward 64 Nash Kelvinator 19 a New York Central 20 Northern Pacific ' 64 3A Pacific American Fish 17 Pacific Gas & Electric 35 Pacific Tel. & Tel. 110 Packard Motor Car 4 '.i Penny (J. C.) Co. 69 Pennsylvania R. R. 19 1 a Pepsi Cola Co. 9 ' . Philco Radio 27 4 Radio Corooration M Rayonier Incorp 64 'j Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel 43 j Reynolds Metals 62 Richfield Oil 59 Safeway Stores Inc. 32 ' Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck : Co. 56 Socony-Vacuum Oil 38 Southern Pacific 63 t. Standard Oil Calif 53 Standard Oil N. J. 80 , Studebaker Corp. 33 Sunshine Mining 11 1 . Swift & Company 35 Transamerica Corp. ' 23 Twentieth Century Fox 19 ?, Union Oil Company 39 Union Pacific 115 United Airline ' 32 H United Aircraft 32 United Corooration 5 United States Plvwood 33 H United States Steel 41 Warner Pictures 15 'a Western Union Tel 43 . Westinghouse Air Brake 20 '4 Westinghouse Electric 3R ' Woolworth Company 43 3, Weather Western Oregon Cloudy with occasional showers through Satur day night; mostly cloudy with a lew showers Sunday; snow over mountains. Highs both davs 36-46: low Saturday night 30-38. South westerly winds 15-25 miles an hour off coast, becoming westerly Sun day. Eastern Oregon Partlv cloudv to cloudy with occasional snow flurries Saturday. Dartlv cloudv Saturday night and Sunday; scat tered snow flurries in mountains: continued cool. High both days 25 35; low Saturday night 5-15. Northern California Partlv cloudy in north portion and fair in aou.n portion Saturday through Sunday, occasional light rain from Santa Rosa northward: little tern. perature change. Westerly to north westerly wmas iu-s miles an hour from Point Arena north Saturday night and Sunday. -.rants Pass and Vicinitv Mostly cloudv with occasional showers: occasional snow at night. Highs both days 38; low Saturday By The Associated Press Max. Mln. Bauer. zi 12 Bend .. 37 Eugene 41 22 35 18 21 Klamath Falls .... La Grande Lakeview ............ .25 ...25 Medford ...29 23 39 12 34 36 38 38 36 15 34 23 45 North Bend ... 44 Ontario 16 Pendleton ...41 Portland 43 Roseburg 44 Salem 44 Salem 42 Boise 21 Chicago ....37 Denver Eureka Los Angeles , 46 49 58 REYIYAL REYIVAL KLAMATH LATTER RAIN REVIVAL CENTER 1627 WASHBURN WAY EVANGELIST EDITH COWGER (COX) "A Minister Whose Ministry is Blessed by GOD" 1. Soul Saving . 2. Healing 3. Full Gospel Message (FOR THIS HOUR) 7:45 Sat. Night SERVICES AT 1 1:15 Sun. Morning 7:45 Sun. Night EVERYONE INVITED REV. ART SIMPSON TOMORROW'S BROADCAST of the weekly Weyerhaeuser Timber Company show "Youth Views the News" is to feature Klamath Union High School students. The half hour program is to be aired over 11 Northwest stations including KFJI starting at 6:30 p.m. Principal participants in this week's broadcast are (above 1 to r): back row Bill Vandermay, Millard Ireland and Bob Hurd, all of Seattle station KOMO, and Tom Wells, KUHS Student Body president; seated LeRoy Porter, Tom Murdock, Trudy Bramlelt and Beverly Eels, all members of the Junior and Senior Classes. SHOW BUSINESS was the topic of conversation as Howard Harper of Metro Goldwyn Mayer (center) and Earl Baughman, Klamath Theatres manager, (right) were interviewed by Jack Rockwell of KFJI. The men were discussing coming movie attractions, including the top productions, "Quo Vadis", "Pandora and the "Flying Dutchman" and "The Red Badge of Courage." BIRTHS SERATT BORN" AT Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 19. 1952. to Mr. and Mn Robert Scralt. St. Francis Apu.. a boy. Weight: 7 pounds G1. ounces. Portland Grain PORTLAND lPi Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast de livery; barley. No. 2. 45 lb b.w., 73.50: Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: soft white 2.48; soft white (exclud ing rex 2.48: white club 2.48. Hard Red Winter: Ordinarv 2.49; 10 per cent 2.49: 11 per cent 2.49; 12 per cent 2.49. Hard White Baart: ordinary 2.49; 10 per cent 2.49: 11 per cent 2.49; 12 per cent 2.49. Car receipts: WHEAT 3i : BA 10; flour 9: corn 10; oats 5: mill Car receipts: wheat 68; barlev 10: flour 9; corn 10; oats 5; mill feed 6. New York ...53 31 Red Bluff 54 33 San Francisco 52 Seattle 43 36 Spokane 32 21 REVIVAL Riots Flare In Tunisia PARIS iP) The Tunisian dele gation at the United Nations said Saturday It had received word ot a new outbreak of rioting in Tu nisia, in which seven persons were killed and 25 wounded. Earlier, French newspaper re ports that passed through French censorship Indicated new trouble in the French North African pro tectorate where anti-French Na tionalist have been demonstrat ing for an independent republic. The Tunisian delegates, who have been in dally contact with Tunisia since violence flared three days ago, said the latest incident was at Mateur, southwest of the big Mediterranean port of Blzertc. Tney said police and French troops attacked Nationalists. Pinochle Party In Merrill Planned MERRILL A public pinochle party Is planned for January 28, in the recreation hall. Merrill Grange 717 Is the sponsor, and funds will go toward the purchase of a piano to be used In the hall. Plans were discussed for the party i when the organization met Jan uary 14. Prizes will be given, and i reiresnments win oe served Newly-elected master George j , Williams presided at the meeting, and after discussion, the members voted to send telegrams to the state representatives and senators In Washington, protesting the price 1 ceiling set on potatoes. Lecturer Marguerite Hadley was In charge of. the program, and told of Grange : nisiory. Mr. and Mrs. Georste Williams I served refreshments to the fifteen 'he "made a grab" for Mrs. Kuhn mcmbers who were present, Ihauscr, police said. Dr. E. M. Causey Continues Sermons On "GREAT GOSPEL TRUTHS," with the subject, "THE BIBLE, OUR GOSPEL SOURCE BOOK," at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, January 20. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH North Eighth and Washington Rail Workers Get Pay Boost WASHINGTON Ifi Secretary of Labor Tobin has announced an agreement that will put yard serv ice employes of 3d railroads on a 40-hour week and provide a four cent nourly wage increase. The 75.000 yard workers repre. seined by the Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen now work at straight time rates on a sixth or seventh day in a week although they get overtime after eight hours in a single any. Tobin said the shorter work week will begin April I on the Pennsylvania, Northern Pacific and Louisville and Nashville rail' roiids. Existing contracts had stipulated that the 40-hour week for the rail roads would be postponed until at least Jan, 1, 1D52, that It would be adopted after that only if the manpower on each railroad per mitted it. The contracts provided a four cent pay hike for workers going on a 40-hour week. Potato Shipments 10.10-11 January 18 ... :)B .. 5IS .3712 jviuntn lo dale . Season to date 5.12 9tU Pair Held In Brutal Beating PORTLAND lPI Mrs. Bonnie """" "Si 35a"d L?lleZ Williams, 28. were arrested here Friday and accused of the brutal beating of a 68-year-old Portlander. The victim, Jalmar Tarkla, was found semi-conscious on a road In Southeast Portland Thursday. His skull and Jaw were fractured. Police said Mrs, Kuhnhauscn told them the beating occurred In her home in Portland. Williams told them he struck Tarkla after 10 MRVICI WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Made and Guaranteed by Oneida, Ltd. Roy Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION Phone 2-mi The only Scrvlcn Sutton In K.nmnth Falls Issuing Rogers Silverware Card Legal Notice Kcnled nrouMnU will ba rcoivd toy th Common Council ot th Clly ot Kiimith tail. grfm, for pun chu ut vtr IntDruvtmant bondt Rertei U, agirltnc, lour 'I'notuand rive HtmriratT Twant'-two and XI-100 Ooilnri, i4,,U2XO duty aultiorivtd b onlinanra of th Hid Clly of Klamalh rail, for in construction and layine of var lint in Hwr Unit No. SO, ot id City and frvin tht property boti-n South Stxth Strtl, tha O.C F. Railroad Right of Way, Shatta Way inn ntinaurn irt. PruDOaala to BUrcha aatri bond! will b received by th uiidaralantfd up to ann inciuain ma 4in. amy ot vanruary. at lb hour of avrttltlrty o'clock p.m. of lri day and opaitad at rraular meitlr of lha Common Court. rll tmmadlataly tharaafter: aald bond shall ba riattd February t. tftia, and halt br tn amount! of WOO 00 m-h. ex op ot bond No. 1, of said Maria, which tihall ba for I ha fractional part or aatd ium. and all shall ba out tan eara altar lha data of liatia, payjntnl cii ma aniira oonai opuonai wim City at any coupon pa ing data on and after ona yaar from the data thereof. Said hood will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed alx per rent per annum, payable semi-annually on fr'ehruarv l ;i i. and August 1st. of each year, principal and ntrat pavable at the office of the treasurer Of ine uiiy of Klamath rails. Oregon. All proposal must be unconditional and accompnled by a certified check for five nsT cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserve the rignt to reject any ana ait otas. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm of winrree. Mccuiiocn. Knttier aayre, Snalcllnar Building. Portland. Oregon. This notice It authorised by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decern br 17. 1331. ROBKRT M. FLDFIt, Police Judge or tn city or tviamatrt tens, Ortfon. D.JI.J-1-J. 3-4-5-7 - B B - 10 - 11 13 - 1 IS 16 - 17 - 18 19 31 - 33 - 3 .1 a4-23.3ti-2aa-30-31 n a No. me, NOTtC IN Til CIRCUIT COURT OF Tins STATE OF ORFGON rOR KLAUATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Ratal of al ARGARET LACKY. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that 1 have been appointed administrator witn the will annexed of the aatate of Margaret t-acey, deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me. with proper vouchers at the office of (janong V Canong, 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within tlx month from January i. issa. wnicn is ine aata of first publication of this nottre. Wm. Ganong, Administrator Ganong it Ganong Attorneys for Administrator J-li-26 f-3-t No. Ml NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the etat of HERMAN SCIIMOB. Uerea sed. Notice U hereby given that I have been appointed Executor of me eiaie of Henttan Schrnor. deceased. AH tr son having claims against said estate are required to present them to me. with proper vouchers, at the office of uanong ac uannng, vae juain nueei, within six months from January IB, 1032, which Is the data of first pub lication of this nntlre. Henry Hchmor, Jr.. Executor Ganong flt Ganong Attorney for Executor J. 18-26 F-3-fl No. BdO NOTICE Or DAT OF ri.NAL sr.TTi.rMr.NT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COIJN1Y In Ih, Malt.r or lb. Etui, at DENIS L.ACEY. D.c,.(1. Nottc, 1, hr,by given that I hav, ftl.d my (mat account of tna admin), tratton of tha abova antilled Mtata and that tha Court ha appointed January 2B. 1933 at 10 A. M. a, tha tlma for hearing ob),ctlona to lurh final account and ma Mttlement tneraol. Vm. Ganong, Admtnlitrator uanong at wanong Attorney, for Admtnlitrator D-U J-3-1J-1. No. t:K NOTICt IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREUON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In tha Matter of tha AUGUST A MAY HESSIG. Decaaied. Nottca Is hereby given thet 1 have been appointed Executor of the aetata of Auguftta May Heatlg. deceaed. All oerMn, having claim, agalml laid el- tate are required to present them to me with proper voucher,, at tha offlc. or Harry li. noivin, 7 Main aireei. Klamath rail,. Oregon, within lx months from January 5. 1052, which I. the data of first publication of litis nolle Richard L. Helm. Ecacutor J-5.1J-19-2 No. 842 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice I, hereby given, that tht undersigned has been appointed ad ministratrix of tha aetata of Oavld w. Cox. also known a, O. W. Cox, da ceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and ha, quahfled and letters of administration have been Issued to her. All person, naving claim, againsi said .Mate are hereby notified to pre. the a.m.. nronerlv verified a. provided by law, to the undersigned at the otrice or A. w. ncnaupp, zuo wu. lit, Bldg. Klamath Falls. Oregon, with in six months from the 5th day of Jan uary. 1932, tha date of tha first pub lication of this nottc. Dated this 4th day of Jan. 1191. Elsie K. Cherry Administratrix A. W. Schaupp, Attorney. J-3-12.19-2 r-2 No. B43 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice I, hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, until 10 o'clock A M on the 15th. day of February, 1052 for furnishing Klam ath County the following for the period commencing March 1st, 1M2, and and. Ing March 1st, 1953. BOARD Or PRISONERS GASOLINE COMBINED WITH COUNTY UNIT SCHOOL INDIVIDUALLY OB BOTH ; LAUNDRY COAL ' DIESEL OIL CRUDE OIL Bids must b. securely sealed and marked "Bid for Hem for which hid Is submitted and filed with the County Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon be fore 10 o'clock A M February 13th, the time of opening said bide. The Court reserve, the right to re ject any or all bids. ' . . uaten at r.nn. wicevu, 11th day of January, 1952. isi Chas. r. DeLap County Clerk, J-U r-2-10 No. 53 NOTICE TO GASOLINE AND OIL BIDDERS The Board of Director, of Klamath County School District wilt receive sealed bids for gasoline and oil for the yeur 1932. Bids are requested on Joint bid with Klamath County and County Unit Schools together and an alternate bid for County Unit Schools only. Oil bids to meet minimum or better speci fication, conforming to U.S. Army specifications 2-104B. Bids la he opened at Klamath County Court, Friday 10:00 A.M., February 15. 1632. The board re serve, th. right to reject any or all bid,. J. F. Heyden, elerk - . J-l r-1 No, 02 INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWINJ INVISTMINT SIftVICI Listed, Inactive, Unlisted ang Over-the-Ooanter bead, and Stock,. InrcstMent Fand, 301 Med-Den. Bldg. Phone I-I43S KLAMATH FALLS Gun, Oil. Tirs, Tub Batteries. Lubrication, Washing SOUTH SIXTH nnd MIDLAND ROAD Klnmath rills, Orfgon CLASSIFIED RATES On dj per word U Thro Days per word Uo Week run per word 30o Month run .. per word tie MINIMUM Tha minimum charge for any one ad is dc. BOX NUMBERS Answer, to ads may ba handled throufh box numbers at tha paper lor a aervica cnarga 01 .sc. DEADLINES Clasaitled aoa accepted up to 6:30 pn. for following day's publication Classified display adi accepted up tc 1. nouu for lollowing day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Plea, mag all ciaima tor adjust ments wluiout delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 8:30 p.m. will be made In (ollowing day's nublicatlon Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS OASH GROCERY Pnon. 15 Bos 34 DCRRIS MRS. DORA BRANHAM Phons 7(1 101 tV HaiKD Henley Tulelake RUTH KINO Phone eSJ Rte. 1, Box tit LAKEVIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIO Phone 1701 tlS E St. No C rUNIHAL MOMtS WARD'S ' Klamath runerai Home. 21 High Street. Rhone S3J4. 1 MUTING NOTICiS XTclSiTSUcS ANNYifdV SeVts Friday, a p.m., for Information, write Bon 204. Phone 3J.2. 2 LOST AND FOUND EOR'tTTrTree kea. one No. I AH. PlTe'ie return to rirsl National Bank and re ceive reward. r rwy iIm.T o.,. ...-. ..-..... papers. Vlrlnltr Postnflire. Reward. O. ... . ... ,,,, ."iniDna, GINISALNOTICi" Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet In K.C. Hall, 4th and Main. 1st and 3rd Monday of each month Vbltlng members welcome LU rVci I a ndd fn ne rs 'serN-Vd at!'e I lean Drive-In. 11 "ArrrClXf Tb5Thae terminated' with Standard Cleaners aa of January 11. Signed: Ann Turpln lOUR Singer Sewing Center u open to th. public. Thureday 3:30 10 S:30 for free attachment Instructinne. SINGER SEWING CENTER SIS Main Phone 3-lll PtRSONALS 6T5lI)EN. crl.p. waffles served In your car. with anything you like. I'ellcen Drlve-ln. fitfENS BA 0TVS aIon; " ffl oTiiuv Phoneru.t. pTANLE'y Home Products. PBoTie Bftott. 10 StKVICtS Septic Fanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta ED T. KINO 14S4 Orchard Phone M41 TUFTS for SERVICE 1 CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 65B5 or 2-3316 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY I93t Fremont Phone 4338 EXCAVATING Mobil (shovel and Trench Hoc flllUdnepr fill flirt - t'nnenlt Crushed Rock Driveway Cmuen .ompreuor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue B541 or PI 10 FINANCE IflV or All rfnuiri" ttr inrvl tee at 1 1 of t percent. Fret pirkup nd tlellvnr' for nny sire job. Dick H. Miller Co., 7th and Klamath, phone 4101 . PIANO TUNING-WM. It, MOtiuXfl rartory tratnert teehnleUn and tutit. For tuning call Kyle Moron Piano, i,f.w msin or pnonf ..inw, SBWINO and alleralioiii. kitty breucf. INcfrVMK va v 1 ntffnna ' 1 ' ' For appointment phone 2-02S1, Harvey Blupham. rnr.NCH.DIP Sandwich at Paltcan unvt-m. NKKU HF.LP on inrntnm " Phone 8113. FULLBR bnnhei, P'hone 0W;4 or 9077 HR1CK I. A VlNi;...inrB voiir 1lriUar draw? If not caM ft MB. i5or.S YOUil JlrepUce need repair? CaU 2-mtit. WA'ICIi RKPAIRINO, Honble. 73 Mntn St-eet. FAINT1NO and Phone (Did TKIPP'S AUTO Dilntine. body and (en. amr worn fnone wa. ELCCTR1C WIR1NO, work by hour or contract, pnone a-ioio. KXPKIIT dreiamahlng and alteration!. rnone tnai. CURTAINS laundk-ed and alretched pnone ibi J. L. DKAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office it 30, No. 7th. Phone AtNTlNa, ' decoratlnf, "paper hanglnf, piaiter-board llnlihlnf. ipray painting. 2 IDUCATIONAL rTnristu'ir.s-.ptMri Bi,A.i..,t dnd lubjacl,, nfflc. machine,. KI.AMATH BUSINESS CDLLP.QK TU riaa hnna 4710 12 IOUCATIONAL ClIII.D'f Alir anil arluvatlDnrpra-acliool eeiiierPliimae-Ve, 1J' " HEALTH-' MAaKAflK, erclserwslhlllfirng. Ky slnllteiaiiy fur reiliirliig, retaM.IInn, boily building, nates fur series. Ap pointment, plmne :trla3-0SOO. Medical Atasseuse, Wfiinen only. 14 HILP WANTIO, FIMALI MllMil.-All!ltraily(lonSmVMw"rVT Live In. Una In family. Mill Harlan 1)1 lv., IMRTTlMrrtRUKnilONrfi'tVrVle'ireiV; t.'etl fr.nn hame. Nut .elilng. Hint ITflu, Uieml Cenliallllcili, N. V, II. N. Y. WANTtll laily to cre"fornieliy"antrlc; llglil llollaewmk. IMioue a-iwa4 alter tl::ma KXIeillRNl'K lioiihUeeper (amlHar Hilh pavrolt and genera) tifttre work. Oond steady position, mate ace and esperlenre In first letter. Writ. Hug nj Herald and News. 16 HILP WANTIO, MAU WANVlII) eMiiatije'tnantirrant'li workT Ninell tenant cnllHge, wikhI. waler llghl, fiiriil.lieil. Prefer married man. Bug 417 Herald andNewa, it - SITUATION. WANTIO xoTCKioiiH-V" MKiiaNirr-tviiKtsns yanlswiirk. C.TiirnerlUrt Hotel lAV br hour work waiiteil. I'lion. a o:nui. t'HII.IJ ('AltlCaliVeVrioilVhT Phone IWIH7. UmtOr livWr"tVeimwsrT.tii7 land more. I'lione .117. Between a-a P, in. iuiiY".ri''riKirPhVine3r3T7; 6VINticitre"giVen'"to your en7Vdie7e or rootit end board child tit my home. Phone 3.I74. ""OltLH J',IB T WliiL rare for rhllnren In my bonio days or your home .v.ntngs. Call a-IMS. lltmn WurK7Ti;5irltai if 22 ROOMS FOR RINT CAlYiiin ileepliig" rttmit wilt. hrnt. Al malt clan apart mitt. trttlitt ttir ttlalifd 5'to tn. ',rlti; M.iTj licVtat anu'tKNirci lur -ituiiwn. Fhuite aat. IU)6SlK. price riiji,lrTrini"iPViT. f L'dVLrriomefr rent. Ctn itu Phone 42M. WANT housework " by hour. Phone auau. HOQ.MH -oapngnT 14 A"tMiNTS rOR RINT ?OH JlKJViarce uTnUFitirf apTruiieiilT Ailtilla. uo pU( Plii.tie B3iO NUIl.lI.Hmfc Ylm in". uiMtair. tiimierit ulr IM4II S-nKiin Ui.rurtiUlied auart ironl. Ail til It, No dog, no alroliullc. II (rrncpt. Iit(iilr MU'i tvmn. t OH ItlfNT two " nrom mtHitrtt"ttmrC mentAi!iijiai tlnwid. KOlt KICNT ne "twdroom iurmhi3 apartment Klvrlrlr hl. bltniJt lltroughoul. 11137 Ortgon Ave. Phone 2-Iimhi. VACAJaJCV nimi ' ApMTTrS THMte KOOM 'lurnuhewaprtmentT Clou tn. lutwtry (Ariiiii. xn jv, atn. Couple only. Nfipeta. tia. Call 2 3170. rifRNItlKD aprtiWuT.TargVirvin room, large bedrnom, bath, eombina tlon kltrtit-tt end dinette. Heat and wa ter fur nutted & minute walk from my center. Phone lUlO. 1314 L'reecent at. APAnVMTvaafrle ifJdiKTT-uii" a-ale fur mu pe 'lum txvTO .10 Main. lon rFNT, furn'i-hd ' ihT, roorri apartment. Nawiy redecorated, elean. Phone 0034. ' FOR RRS'trTiirnithrd apartment ,"' Prl vate bath, het furnlahed, Cloae in. Adult . Phone VTty tlrht and water. I7i.l Oak. R t DtCiiU AtR O tnVee room urniilH aparlmvnt. ElrftrlP heat. Two block from Main Adutla. No pete. Nolan Apu3l3 No. Itth , tWO tiKbHO'oM' furnuhed aparlmenL Atlultt. sonl JVhtle. rUHNISItri) aparimeni auitable for couple. Phone BOB. SMAlX clean aparimeni. "433 oftS loth. VURNTfTHlfD two rnorn apaftmen't " R (riierainr, alt utttitiea included. 41 N Tenth. fb'R RKNT'two rV,m-?urnUhed"apart- mvnl. Adutti XIII ftrnd. rOH ftKNT, "3 rivom apartment, t block from Main Hlreet. r'or war hint ciiuple Phone 4407 evening! .1X14. r6iiK l.OUM""(urnuhd""apa"rtment. 5bJ Market .Phona 31T. u (OH itt.NTTnuTnWhed apartrranl. in" n Sta High NEWtTV Uecoraied. private bath,' kit rhenette. Blvam heal, electric range. 10 week Hex Artni Apartment. H.MAl-L cifati apariiitrnt. EieclVItaTlT enlpe-d 4.XI North loth. rOH IlKNf. three room .urnuhVr) apartment. Hoi water heat. Adult a. Phone MM. Full SENT, two b drooin" .urn ihPup lair apartment. Jlent and water fur- nthrd.2A Cirant. Phone 3 0312. THIIKK room modern furnlthed apart mviil on Kaal Main. Private bath. Auto matic hrat. YV AttulU. No pelt. In Hutre 2110 Applffate, KOH jiKNf large three room lurnuRed aparlment. Sl 26 HOUSESJFOR RINT foil ifKNT two bedroom turnUhed houe.ian.50lh. Phone 5747. HfcNiT LOW. t Iran iVunplrtly 'mrnVthVd Itotiio and Plenty ftirnare hea. U4 KOft ftKNT three num. mmlein rabtn, partly (uinuhetl. F-lectrte Hove, Can be e"n at 12.tA Adam. NICE, lovely liiree brilroom umue tn UiOO block on California for rent on leate baM. lias tile hath, tile kitchen. W. J. tfr, MttO California. KOH ItENT. Modern two bedroom hotike. l mllfi south of lUnleir bchou. Ilne 504H. KOH RKNT. one .tedroom furnmhe hoiiic. atiull-. North side Gen. 4. Kurir man. Real Ealate Broker, Phone WJit any tlme1 KOH H,Ni" on leaft beat two bed" room fttrnt-hed hnuae In Htewart-Len-nox addition. Large lot, baiementt (tarn, chU-ttrn house, etc. Call W. J, Eantcr, phone 2-0at1. TWO HOO'MS cnmplelely funTlsitefT ll t;i Pine. ' KOH HE NT. Two beiiroom duplex," fur". nUhe.d, rlne In. Inquire 72ft North tllh. 28M1SCELLANE0US FOR RENT H it BEEHIVE it it it u TRUCKS v- DRIVE Move Yourself Suve '4 New Truck8 For Long Trlpg Pickups Blnkea Vftnn BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 W1IX I.FASK on ihnre.crop baxit, 200 A. of grain land. 5U A. for potatnea, .10 A. tn alfnlfn one year old Phono THfi'i, Klnmath KalU, OKrillK for rent- W Main, phone 7161. foil KENT, floor tan fieri tatett ipe eciuipment. Suhtirhan Lumber Co. Iltb andJVnutPhoe7700 CAR STOnAOB - HEATED, 4vT'M or month. Carl Lamb, phono 4073 or 7700. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PLANNING TO SELL If you re cnll our office for efficient-effective nervlcc. agent In city, suburbnn unci farm properties. BOGUE DALE, Realtor 123 So. 0th Phone 7268 TlinRK HEUIIDDM iHie nn ,, acre? Clood soli, electric hent. Near school tins, I5IW down. IHIIH Unltaee Avenue. nr-w homes tor sale. William B, JSi'itis'fiTiAi. si'I'ThTco: Phone 7SH1 L'erll Orern llhl Irurlt, f. I. eiiully In two hed room home In South suburbs, Phone HOMES TOR SAI,i eVKKETT DKNNI8. REAt, TOII Djn i Klrkpalrlcle. Salesman ... ... Knon. ...i iTOVELY twn.hedroom home built Iri IllSn tn.lll.t..! 1 .1 ,, Ihrouihoul Covered linoleum. On. block off South nil, In Smith Suburbs. Hell enully i'or $l,4H0i llalanc. 0.(l0l), Plione II.HIl. ' ..w.,,.,,... ,r ssje in wrerK, garai nd livlna ouarler,. tall ticUi au. 1 t i I