FRIDAY, JANUARY in. MM Speculation Rife As To Degree Of Aid That Could Be Given UN II V I I, TON . FA V AP Mllllxry Ddltor WAHIIINOTON Ml Prime Min ister ( 'Inn clilll' uddiena in Com III'pm Thuriwluy Ml open 1 1 in (iirv lion nl Junt how much llrlliiln could lielii In implying "prompt, t choUKo mill rdrrilvr" iiiitlon UKiillml n vlu lntlon ill the proponed Km nun truno, I In mill Hlllnlil mid Ihr llnllnl Mullen urn umorll lliln wimlcl Ijii "our" rcipoiiMi ahnultl iiii nrmlNlli-o oiico in i Ivi-cl ut, bp liriiknii. Ilia ntiilnnrlil wnt ucnnnilly iu ceplcd nn rnli'ri'lhK Ui thn iiiIkIiiiiI jinipiiMil of the UnlU'd Hlnfrit thill uny Irucn nhuiild lit- bulwarked by nil ImpHrcl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r. 1 1 1 1 1 1 lint I Itnl China would ho biimlirtl uiiU hluclc rd II Hip CoiiiiiiiiiiInIk launched a new uuKrcn' Ion In Korea. 'Ilir Prune Minister did iit niiell oul the foriti tli" pioinliid rrwlute action wotikl tukr. 'Hint rulurd null ' iiptloin a thrii-: LAWRENCE SMITH 17- vcar-old son of Mrs. M. A. benedict. 2215 Etna, finish I iiK hoot camp at San Diego, spent Christmas here with his mother. When ho completes his training he will he assigned to the USS Princeton, where a twin brother, Lloyd is sta tioned. They expect to be sent overseas sometime in March. Both hovs attended KUIIS. Miller-Brumbaugh ;irr PORTLAND ofi The Orciinn fitat Klkn Annoclnllon lili.i an nounced another $4:100 contribution to tha Btnlp Mnllcnl Bctiool lor md to vinunlly handicapped child rrn. 'Hint uroiwht to S14.0O0 the amount the Elki huve Riven to the achool In the pant yenr. LD 70(1 J M TT 01 HEB ::i U ill I te HmBONWHlSfc' I ti PROOF JLTHE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KY, By British 1. How Itlllrh mllltltrv fnrrn fnnlrl Hrlluln-dceply coinniltled In the di'lnnm ol hrr own lulmid and Went rrn Europe mid M trouble In Kiiypl-tlivrrt to lhr Fur Emit to help mipporl it punitive opcrntlon? J. Did Churchill's alatf nienl mean thul llrltnlii wim prepared to end hrr rrcoKiiillon ut the Chlneite Hud l.iivernmenl by .lolnliu? In iilr-urn iittiick on China's harbors, com- ini'ri'H mid Industry. II lor nnv one or nil ol vnrloux nuinoiiH 1 1 1 1 1 ii In wua uniible to con tribute more llimi token ntipporl (Churchill noted the U.B. Is benrlnu nliii-irnthi ol the burden hi the Korrun wan Ihe tank ol punitive meiiMimt would lull almost entire ly on thin country. I Fortunately, the requirements j would be Kmitesi In the typr.i ul ! i-lined lone whero the United Hint la :ilroniTt. Ken and air. I'lhe American llt-rl I the world's llurueitt. The totul nli-i-iiKlh ol the United Hliilei Air Force In ahoul HO yliiKn. ol v.hlrli an undlhrloted but Irac llonul pail nre III the Koreun Wur. Howrvrr, Air Force ojflclal, vIcvIiik ifiowlntt Red ulr strenitth In A'liu ii i id In Hm. lii. uny It tin t enouKh, thai at leant 1-13 wlnx" arc hreiled. On the uround. the United Mates hitx only elKht dlvlnloim In the Far Kurt, iieveu ol them In action In, Korea. There la nothing to Indicate an Intention to Increase the number of tjround unlla there. 'Pint lorce appnrentlv la coludd ered adequate to hold the line acroift Koren until a truce la reached or to turn to new tactics It It Inn'l. Moreover, renaona other thnil tne tlcnl rpihe poi-alhly niny underlie such uollry. The hroed plnn now nppenra to be a buildup ol alrn tcio reserve lorcea at home, rath er than a continued expansion ol uround lorcea In theaters chosen by Moscow. iiinitxi. AI.I.OWWrF . voi II OMI lIA.M kyle morgan Pianos your baldwin dealer "your for a happier future through music." 1035 Main MMGE BRAND 260 SilO f 4-5 qt. ?rtaun6 School Election Set February 15 LAKK VIEW School District No. T (Lukevlewi has announced a special election lor Feb. 16 In which voters of the district will bo asked to flout a l'J7U,000 bond Issuo lor new school con .trucllon. The money would be uied to construct an elKht to 10-rooin school lor the Fourth, Filth and Hlxlh Orudea on property bouKht a few months ano by the school district In the Drcnkcl Addition near the South School. Purpose of the program la to move thene tirades Iron) the Cen tral bulldlnx and relieve crowded conditions In the High School due to liicrou ed enrollment. Britons Vote For Sunday LONDON I Sunday won first place In a poll to determine which day ol the week the Urltlsh like the moat. Buturday llnlshed a close second and Blue Monday ended up Ju.t where you'd expect, xald the British Mans Observation Bulletin. The 33 per cent who placed Bun day No. one on their hit parade explained In Kencrul that they liked lis passive, leisured, "do as you pleaie" atmosphere. The 28 per cent who plumped for Saturday did so because It Is "active, exciting and colorlul. with plenty of shopping, sport, film and theatre going." Blue Monday was picked lor last place by a solid 32 per cent of those polled. j) II- ON TOMORROW 7 . IrJWi IOWIST HICID IN ITS FIEIDI TMl iml mo llylll Da lu 4-Daor S.doc lliH far tan Ikaa ny camperabla modal la IN Soldi fConllnuafta al itondard anuia aiaal ana1 friat lllwtlrefoa' ii dopaadaat aa orailabilftr af aielar'al.l Of 72, HERALD AND NEWS. Range DJI Model Slated I.AKEVIEW A six-toot rubber tired model of the Fremont Range Drill will be conitructcd by For est Hcrvlce technicians at the Ar cadia, Equipment Development Center, It was reported here by John Kuccra, Fremont National Forest stuff mombcr In churge of runge mnnugement, vho returned Jiin. 12, from Arcadia. The Fremont drill was created and built by Kuccra and Nat Smith whon Smith wns head mechanic lor tho Fremont last winter. 11 Icalures extra high wheels and seeding unit which operate sepa rately In order to pa n over large rocks. The design was made es pecially for seeding rugged range areas. Kucera Just spent a week at Ar cadia consulting with engin eers who have been charged with designing and building a six-foot trial model of the drill. The lull fcole model made by Kucera and Smith was operated succe-lully in drilling operations on the Chewau can River the past fall. 90 410 So. 6th 1 KLAMATIl FALLS. OREGON Denio To Head Savings and Loan LAKEVIEW A. M. Denio was elected president of the Lakeview Federal Savings At Loan Associa tion Jan. IS at the annual meeting ol the group. The meeting was held at the association headquar ters In the offices of the Favcll Utley Realty Company. Denio "ucceeds R. E. Harlan as president. Other officers elected are M. M. Barry, llrxt vice-president; E. O. Favell, secretary-treasurer; M. K. Nelson, aslstant sec-retary-trcoMirer; Forest E. Coop er, attorney, Other members of the board ol directors are D. E. O'Connor, J.H. Ousley, B. C. Robinson and Har lan The brightest lighthouse In the United States Is the one at Hllls boro Inlet Fla., with a candle power ol 5,600,000. AMERICAN LEGION DANCE Saturday, Jan. 19 Broadway Hall Malin Modern & Old Time Dancing To Bunell's Orchestra Public Invited Dancing 10 till 2 Admission $1 Per Perion Come, see the finest of all Chevrolets . . . brilliantly new for '52 in all these exciting ways: Gorgeous New Royal-Tone Styling . . . with Bodies by Fisher that set the standard for beauty. Radiant New Exterior Colors . widest and most wonderful array of colors in the low-price field. Alluring New Interior Colon with two tone upholstery and trim to harmonize ASHLEY CHEVROLET St. Rancher Taken Into Town LAKEVIEW A rescue mis sion, ulng the Fremont Nat ional Forests new Sno-Cat and county road equipment, succeeded Jan It In bringing Charles Bullta to Lakeview from his snowbound home at the mouth of Dent Creek, at the West side of Drews Creek Valley. Bullta was found 111 at his home Tuesday by Tim Toomey and asked Toomey to notify Sheriff Tom my Elliott o he could be brought out. Toomey, who with others had gone horseback to Bullta's home, found him out of firewood and the livestock without feed. On Tuesday evening, Elliott con .with exterior colors, in all De Luxe sedan and coupe models. New Cenlerpolse Power . . . bringing amazing new smoothness of operation and freedom from vibration to low-cost motoring. New, smoother, softer ride for all passengers. All these and many other enviable ad vantages are yours in these new Chev- MORE PEOPU iftlCyRhlQaU- tacted John McDonald, supervisor of the Fremont, and arranged for use of the Sno-Cat. which travels across snow on wide treads at the rear and skis In Iront. He also arranged for use ol the county equipment to haul the Sno-Cat to Drews Valley, and the party left Lakeview at 0:30 Wednesday morn ing. In the party were Elliott, Mc Donald, Deputy Sherllf Todd Shel ton, Ranger Don Peters; Bill Bow man, driver of the county grader; and Lee Tracy Sno-Cat driver. Radio broadcasting as It Is known today did not come Into being until 1820. WATCH FOR OUR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT o o THE PONDEROSA ROOM Lounge rolets at lowest prices and with out standing economy of operation. They're the only fine cars priced so low. See them nowl Extra-Smooth power fflte. - with New Automatic Choke, gives finest no-shift driving at lowest cost. (Combination of Power glide Automatic Transmission and 105-h.p. En gine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost.) 1UT CHEVROLET THAN PRICED SO Phone 4113 PAGE NINE' ' (AiUiALTlKS WASHINGTON W The Defense Department Thursday Identified tlx additional casualties of the Korean war. The list (Noj 481). Included two killed, two Injured,, one wound' ed and one missing.-- SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA aaoctiiruiir Trsu.e 110 No. lib Fhont 1M t'hlronrarllo PhrftlrUn and Grill WILLARD HOTEL "Advancing with' ' Klamath Falls" 1 ANY OTHER CAR! LOW!