FRIDAY, JANUARY IS, 10S2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN m.llHb'TI, f.rtcl nli'KK M....I.... f)lub, Morrill, will inn-l Jim. n nt the home ul Mm Dale Writ (or a potluck luncheon. Ilniulil Ashley, rlerk of the Klnmnlh Kiills city nhool board will huw slides ul natlv Wild llowers, Meeting The reuulnr monthly IiiisIiipah meellim l Hi" Kluniiilli ftaddla Clllb was held Jan. H nl Din home ol Mm. Charles llrnd, t.'ryu lal Hprlniis Hand. Afli-r n lulrl hlislliesa nieetliiK lunch was served hy 111" hostesses tor tlx evciiliiK, Mm. Kennclh Hill and Mm. Hoy ltug. llelurneH Joe M. Chavez, lire man, UHN., brother nt Miiyblc Chavez, 3319 AHniiinlit Drive, hun returned to the United Btnten aboard the annilillilotis loree hind Ilia emit lencli'i', UHH Hi'lvr niter II inonlliit In the Tin' Karl, 'llie Hittyr h'" rec-ei'ilv operated ul Pusan, Bnyonit, tfnsefoo nd Yoko iuka III Korea mid Japan. Vlsllliif Mrs. F. W. Ilrown and ton Mnrl, . Ilonnnxa, arc vIbIIIiik Mrs. Ilrown'ii parents. Mr. und Mm. I). W. JvniuKin, (nrinrr resi dents ol th Kliimnth llmiiii. now living In Hakersfleld. Mnrl In )uM out ul Incut hospital nnd niuy icceive liirlher iiicdlcnl liciiliiteni v.hlle south. Frriciuion Is a potutu buyer mid rancher. rA Parly The sum nl M6 won rni.ed Jan. 15 lor Hie benelll ol the Bonanza Volunteer Fire De pnrtmenl liy the Bonanza Women's Club. HervlHK ol) the committee were Mm. Bubble Miracle, Adrlo llltson, Lillian Ilpi'hdolilt nnd Jean rile Hleworl. High III lirldKo went to Mr. mid Mm. Owen I'rpple, In pinochle to Mm. Ernest I'udriv nnd John Mlrnclr nud In cniiusla to Mrs. John Mlrnrle nnd Merrill Htewnrl. The door )rl went to Mr. Kelleson. Ttiiimnate Sale The Mother's Club ol Hacred llrnrl Acudcniv Is sponsoring a ruinmniie iinle Jnnu nry 26-20 nt the pnrl:h hall. All tnembern nre remlniled to net their nrllrlen to the hnll an soon n possible. Ill -- Lnwrrncn Ciiniplji-ll, Bo nanza, Mill of Mm. Hennln (Jump hell, If III In llllhilde IIOMiltiil. He hii recently inudn his home In Arbmltle, Cnllf., but In ii ImiK-Uiiic icnicluiil ol Hiiiuiii.H. The Mother. ( lull ol fiiiered Henri Aciideiny urn sponsoring n MU'lnl rviniim nl riiuiue dunclng In the I'm i' h Hull this Hnturdiiy rvenipi:j It mn 8 3U to 11:30. He. Ii' In will be nerved. All itiuiiie dimcerB inr Invited, Otto Kills will cull nnd InMruct. Clrclca- Five new circles of tlie Klniiiutii l.uthcnin l.iicllrf Aid Will meet Jiitiuiuv il. 'llioso women who prt'Ier uti iillenioon mectliiK will meet nt 1-ao itt the home ol Mm, J(iephon, 8070 IJoluwnru Ht. Ilio other circlen will meet nl 8:1)0 p in. on Januiii v 22.- A roup liiteicntcd In lllblo nliidy will meel nl tha home of Mm. J. 1'reblcr, 210 Hnnklnn Ave. The needlewuik nnd criiltn circle will meet nl the home ol Mrn. Ted Hod. I'M! Eller. 1 leln Ave ; the niothern' uroup will meet with Mr. A. H. Ihihon.on. 3103 Suininem Inne; nnd the bookx I nnd lnili lc circle will inert lit the limine ul Mrn. J. Hvlnlcnduhl, I o:;S CreM eiU Ht. Women nre urxed to nltend nn- ol tho nieethiKn which iinlerenl them. Fur trnnnporlatlon !or further liiforinntlon, please cell ili02J. I I'liineer Dlen Mm. Mnude Bui lour, une time renldent ol Chllo ouln, with her hiif.bnnd. Chester, tiled Jan. 7, nl I'Mo Alto, Cullf. Hhe wnn preceded In denlh by her hiiHljinvl. eliiht ycuifi to the dny. The Hiilloui-x were opqrntom of the hotel in Chlloquln belore moving ui i;aiiiormii. I'amp I'lre Meeting Camp Fire 'Council olllcern nnd board of dl . lectori will bo elected nt the nn mini mect'.iiK ol the Klamath Fnlli Council ol Cnmn I'lre CllrU n Uiuul meetim; Monday nlkiit. 8 p.rh. Ini the Chamber of Commerce buildlnv. ! Vlnltlnc Mm. Jonenli Drnr.ll. j Merrill. I vliltliK! friends mil rel ntlven In Ball Krancl-co. GM Prices Get Up Okay WASHINGTON l,H 'Hie gov ernment Friday upped wholetale prices on Clenernl Motors Corp., uuionioblles ranging from about C0 on Chevrolet to 1 03 on Cadillacs. I he Increase I on wholesale pric es nl the fnclory. 'Die Olflce of Price Stabilization nulhorlxcd the Increase under the Cnpchart Amendment to the Eco nomic, Controls Law. 'llils amendment enables manu facturer to Increase prices In pro portion to Increased expenses. Clen ernl Motors In Its application point ed to hliihcr r.ost of labor, mnlerlnl und overheads before last July 2tv OI'B said It has no Information an to whether GM plana to put the new prices Into effect, Before do Iiik so, tha nuto corporation must Ilio with OPB a list of proposed now dollar-nnd-cents wholesale cell iniis and suggested new factory re tail price lists. 'llie estimated dollar Increase at the factory wholesule level Is for the best soiling model of each line of ears. For Pontlacs the Increase would be about $18, for Oldnmoblles (04 nnd for Bulcki 167. UPS also approved a hike of about $33 for the General Motors Suburban line. OPS (aid this model uses a truck chassis and a station wagon body. Theater Cjoemnl Illy will Und : the theater program listed every week in We Hernm ana incws. Watch for II on Friday. 5000 Hermnns The Flrt Cove nant church. 1133 Walnut, nl its II o'clock service fiiindnv, will offer something unusual In the wov of ministerial talent. Rev. A. O. Broyles, a IlnptIM minister, Ar nold. Neb., will celebrate 60 years In the ministry bv spenklni; on "The Signs of the Times," among the Jews. When Ihe service Is ended he will have preached 6000 sermons. Visitors are cordially In vited. Poslponed The dance planned for Saturday nlchl bv the Women's Club, Bonanza, tins been postponed until Jan. 20 becnuxe ol road con ditions. Dnncltnr will he to n good orchestra lit the Langell Valley Community Hall. Heldrleh Hu7pfc. Gary Held rich, Air Force student nt Unlvrr-si(-k ol Denver, broke ' his .rlulit elrJQv recently, while Ice skating. He Is the son ol Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Heldrleh. 313 Washington. Fine Arts (irnup A meeting has been slated lor the F.d Jollv home, 3040 Worden. Friday at I p.m. Pcnfer Stops Bull Halsey BOISK, Idaho Clnrlh Pant er. Unyton. Idaho, floored null Hal cy. Portland, Ore., seven times in their ten-round bout here Thurs day nlcht. The releree stopped the light In the lOtij and declared Pnnter Ihe winner bv n technical knockout. He weighed 163: Halsey 1G3. ' 14 tt J NICHTMARISH PREVIE W Pastertby may er may not have been pleased to see these creatures on London streets. They were made by Royal Academy of Arts students for annual ball. Air Merger Gets Blessing WASHINGTON Ml The pro posed merger of West Coast and Empire Air Lines will not bo pro tested by United and Western Air Linen unless competing operations are set up, spokesmen said Thursday. The two lines' attorneys appeared at a pre-hearlng conlcrcnce before Civil Aeronautics Board Examiner William Cusick. The Issues to be considered nt a hearing on the merger proposal March 10 were discussed. Under the plan. West Coast would buy out all of Empire's stock holders. But the sale is contingent upon the CAB's approving requests by the two lines for an extension of their present routes to permit a hookup of the systems. United' attorneys said, Cusick told a reporter later, that there would be no objection to the merg er If the extension of service Is made by way of Pendleton. Ore., and Portland, but not via Seattle. Holy Cross' once-beaten Crusod crs basked In the national baket bull spotlight Friday lifter their thrllllni! (IllM overtime rtefert ol Ihe lllth-rniiked St. Louis Bill. kens, Ciiptn In Jim Dtlllng's foul shot with about a second l"lt In the Ilve-mlnule extra session Thursday night, gave Holy Cross rated 20lh nationally a big boost uu the lad der toward country-wide recognition. Preacher Eyes Vault Streak PHILADELPHIA UTi The Rev. Bob Richard tries to vault to a new winning strcnk Friday ns a Held of past, present and luture truck and field champion con verge on Convention Hnll lor the eighth annual Philadelphia Inquirer Track Meet.. The nations decathlon and U.S. and Pan American pole vault chmplon will keep n eye on the nnilcs of Don Lax. lornier Illinois athlete, nnd Don Cooper, one time Nebraska ace vouller. The e three are the only active vaulters to leap 16 feet or belter. Vatican Move ' Draws Protest WASHINGTON 11 The Ameri can Council ol Christian Churches Friday scheduled n mnss meeting In Washington Thursday to protest the naming ol a United Slates em bnador to the Vatican. The council clnlms a total mem bership of nearly two million Prot er.tants In some 5,000 congrega tion. Some 4.000 persona are ex pected for the meeting. The Hev. Deloss M. Scott, pas tor of the National Tabernacle In Waslungton, nnd supervisor ol plans lor the protest meeting, said naming ol an envoy to the Vati can would be "unconstitutional dis crimination and favoritism . . . to one religion above all others. President Truman hod nominat ed Cien. Mark W. Clark ns nm bns'.ednr to the Vntlcen. but Clark withdrew ns a cnrilldate for the proponed post after a fash, of protest from Protestanui through on the country f Catholics general ly favored the ldeo. Mr. Truman Indicated, however, he would appoint someone else to the post. Atom Show To Visit Medford ASHLAND Final plans for re ception of the traveling atomic energy exhibit In Medlord Jan. 24-26 were made Tuesday at a meeting attended by local coordi nators. The Southern Oregon show ing will be the first slop of the mobile museum on Its second ex tended tour from Oak Ridge headquarters. "Klamath Falls student-, have been extended a special Invitation to attend the exhibit next week In order that they may have a better understanding ol nuclear energy and its place In the world," said Elliott B. MacCracken, assistant professor of mathematics el Bouih ern Oregon college and coordinator of the display. Professor MacCracken (aid thai visitors will study the origin ol atomic energy, how It was har nessed and what practical good may come of man's latest step Into the luture. A description ol the exhibition was Included in the Jan. 7 Issue of Time magazine. Trained demon trators from Southern Oregon and Medford will guide visitors through the exhibit at the Medford Junior High School, Prolessor MacCracken said. Thir ty panels ol pictorial nature and audience participation experiments comprise the display which will j till the school gymnasium. j Admission to the exhibit will be ; free of charge. Its three-day ap- pearance in the valley Is being i sponsor! Jointly by Southern Ore-1 con Collcxe and the General Ex- . tension Division of the Stale De parlmcnt of Higher Education. t iscw IUIK k-liy a gn.-iiiv.-i. aiivw- ' fall occurred on Dec. 26-27. 1847, I when 26.8 Inche of snow fell in 'a 24-hour period. Hi WIN BID PORTLAND ' The Todd Bulld'nz Co., Roseburg, was the low bidder at $267,634 for a 30 lunit housing project for the Lincoln County Housing Authority at Tole- ao, urc. The project Includes an adminis tration building and IS duplexes, ranging in size from one to four bedrooms. VIRGIL HANSON, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson, 3627 Altamont,' is stationed now at Oakland Naval Air Station, attend ing a mechanics school. Virgil, 1950 graduate of Henley high, has been in the navy since March. I Ha I BOC P 2254 So. General Hans Frei BOOKKEEPING Service 6th Phone 2-0293 ARCH Theatre BIT IT 13M MSJ1T, Ul. tn mi lis) art dos im stwi kh. HtUMf us raoi. Ul IM US ViTy antnni bb ihnsj'eiii Meats nan nam us utmbmi. ju, rsej mi Vm 541 ,TT'BSBEa jmm 1 1 asriiiw oiusg jfrMfcl l sua euTOM in arat atu uott Hoffman Leads John O'Brien NEW YORK Iffl -Mammon Hoff. mnn of Brooklyn Poly and little John O'Brien of Seattle are virtual, ly tied for the scoring leadership among the nation's small college basketball players. Hoffman, according to figures r leased Friday by the NCAA Berv ice Bureau leads with an average of 27 points per game. O'Brien la next with a 26. 5 average. The figures Include games of Saturday Jan. 12. In 1940 the center of U.S. popu lation was 2 mile southeast by cast of Carlisle, Ind. jBdl Watson is a Man who Cares... now SOOJV will any sum of money and what you spend it for be for gotten? Never, if you buy a piano. Your family will bene fit all their lives. ASS KIMBALL CONSOLETTE Early American Dign S and bear this lovely new Jfim ball Coniolelle "Ihe little plain with a btq Tojce." Only 40 inches hiqh. Children who grow up with a fair ability at the piano have a priceless asset for life. Right here in Klamath Falls is the largest stock of lead ing make pianos in this part of the west. Low prices ,too. New Lester Betsy Ross SPINET PIANOS SS25 Terms $20 down, SI 5 Mo. LOUIS R..MANH PIANO CO. 120 N. 7th HAMMOND ORGAN He buys CARSTAIRS ... because it's a better drink ALL WAYS! 'Bill Watson is not the name of an actual person, but it rather a type the Sun who Cares. Carstairs Bros. Distilling Co., lne Ne York, N. Y. Blended Whiskey 86 Froof-72 Grain Neutral Spirits. Planning an ELECTRICALLY MODERN home? mew ' - JCf i QUIZ on adequate wiring See If you answer yet ta these questions about your new home. Q. Could you use the other half of your refrigerator convenience outlet? A. Yes, if the outlet is located near one side of the refrigerator. Q. Will you be able (o reach your living room radio without getting up? A. Yes, if you plan your convenience outlets to fit your interior decoration plans. Q. Could yon "light your way", from room to room? A. Yes, if you provide a contra! source of light in each room, controlled by a switch at each entrance. Q. Could you work any place in the kitchen without standing in your own light? A, Yes, if a lighting unit has been provided on the wall above each work area. See Your Electrical Contractor A FABULOUS NEW Sot 1111 IIIK W lh JLHJLHIMJLi IS HERE me & J Of &4 -jwiNPK3i -mmr- . N.w M'ilh a new, lower-priced running mate, Ihe spectacular HUDSON WASP HUDSON HORNET .ur-Dew Siden In Huds.n-Alr Herdtasi SlyUn See them today! An exciting new Hudson Hornet in Hudson-Aire Hardtop Styling at standard sedan and coupe prices , . . with Miracle H-Power at its best! See inspired new Hudson-Aire Hardtop Styl ing for the spectacular Hudson Wasp, the luxurious Commodore . . . the newest note in motor-car design, formerly available only on premium-priced hardtop models! Every new Hudson has a high-compression engine that is amazingly sturdy, remarkably responsive. Every Hudson for '62 is avail able with Hydra-Matic Drive! Come in! See Hudson's four great new series, with prices beginning near the lowest cost field! Opllovl.tutr..Mt These brilliant new cars with. a stunning new and a thrifty new make the most exciting array of values in all Hudson history! Stuodard trim and other pcificat!oni and aeceatorlM subject to cbanga without notice. Hudson-Aire Hardtop Styling at standard sedan and coupe prices JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE, Inc. 11th and Klamath Phone 2-2581