FRIDAY. JANUARY 18, 1052 PAGE FOUR HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALT-S. OREGON Obituary CLARK V Mtru.1 Mr.t Clark, 73. a native of Illufi &pring, -Illinois- una -vtvitie... of Mslin, OriCon for thft pal 7 years. died her Januirr 17. J952. Hurvivnrit Inoludfli five , dauthtr, Mn, Ethel Thomwon of Virden, Oklnhoms, Mr. Ett KeU of Puncsn. Oklahoma, Mn. Hazel Thomnton. Mn. Dor-It Henry and Mn, Dsrothf Dnruh. ill o Maitn. Oregon: ' lhrr torn, Ftntt ciai sr. of verdeni Oklahoma, Woodrow Clark of CottonwrwJd. Calif., and Homer Clark nf Mslin, Ore.: two listers. Mrs. Mary Dupec and Mm. Cora We biter and two brcithere, Henry nd J aim Fiedler, all of Beard town, Illinois: alio i:i (rand, rhildren and 4 greM-ffrandchtldren. The remains rest In Ward' Klamath Fu neral Homa. Notice of the funeral ar rngementa will be found He where in this . Issue. J ..',Kia i v,- as 'tat i Funerol ratANCV Funeral servicei tor Jack E- Franey. 52. who died here January 15. will take place from the Sacred Heart Church. Hlih at 8th, on Saturday. January If. 19A2. when a requiem maw will be celebrated for the repose of his soul commencing at 930 a.m.. Rev. T. P. Casey officiating. Recitation of the Holv Ronsry will lake place from the chapel of Ward . Klamath Funeial Home. 925 High St.; on Friday, Janu ary IB al 8:00 p.m.- Military honor at the araveside In Mt. Calvary Memorial Park will be conducted by Klamath Post Kft. American Legion. v CLARK Funeral service for Minnie Mane Clark, 73, who died here January 17, will take place from the Matin Presby terian Church on Saturday, January li. 1952, at 1:30 p.m . Rev. George M. Shuman officiating. Final rite will take ?lace from the Hansen runerai nowr, nktahnm with Interment in ChickUha. Oklahoma. Wards Klamath Funeral Homt in charge of the a ranxement. LEWIS Funeral services for U Alva Lewis. 72. who died here January 15 will take place from tfe chapel of Wards Klamath Funeral Home. 923 High St.. Friday, Jan. 18, 1952. 2:30 p.m. Rev. Keith P. Fields of the Bible Baptist Church officiating. Commitment erv ice and interment in Klamath Memor ial Park. it 1 ' i liLtf -T KNOiatl Funtral services lor William Knowlw 0. who died here Jan. IS. will be held from OHalr's Memorial Clupcl. 6th and Pina St. Friday. Jan. 18. 11 itis- ln Georse Alder of the First Christian Church officiating, In tarment will bt lit Klamath Memorial Park. , . CARRY AID TO TRAIN The crew of a Coast Guard heli copter check a map before taking off from Colfax, Calif., with emergency supplies and a doctor which were lowered to the stranded City of San Francisco streamliner snow bound in the High Sierra. Plans to evacuate some of the passengers in the helicopter were given up as ground rescue crews reached the scene. (AP Wirephoto) ... , -T . I aw i i-'u i mw m . m I'ty DISTRICT COIRT Daniel G. Brown, no vehicle license. Fine SC. Richard C Bonney. overload. Forfeit Ms bail. Vito Spada, overload. Forfeit KJO bail. Clifford Booker, overload. Forfeit S2S . ball. Donald H. Fedick. truck speedinl Forfeit $10 ball. . Melvin G. Stueve, overload. Forfeit 121 ball. Edward A. Hoock, overload. Forfeit Ttl ball. Vernon E. Puckett. no venicle li cense. Fine S3. Melvin L. Rydlnf, overload. Forfeit 32 ball. Fat J. Hanifer, overload. Forfeit $30 ball. Tine $5. ( MUNICIPAL COIRT Jimmy Chocktoot Jr., drunk. $13 or 7'i daya. Fine 3 gMas 1 .yi- HIU DRIVER DIES IN FLOOD Giles Steele, movie studio costume designer, lost his life in the auto in foreground when raging floodwaters swept it from a Culver City. Ca'if., highway into a ditch 150 feet away. Authorities are attempting to determine if any lives were lost in the other auto overturned in background. Widespread damage oc curred over a large area of Southern California during recent torrential rains. I 1 ft j"iJ".;i.ici.!,M-"",w THEY HAVE HEIR Queen Narriman and King Fnrouk, shown during tour of Italy last year, are parents of an he'r to Egypt's throne. The teen age queen, mnriled to Farouk last May 6, gave birth to a son in Cairo on Jan. 10. Tho Infant was named Prince Ahmed Found after his grand father, King Fouad 1. The 31 -year-old inimnreh of the Nllo Kingdom divorced his first wife in 10-IH after their ten year marriage resulted in three (laughters but no male heir to the throne. . . (AP Wirephoto) jPOULQER-WRECKS HOUsc -t- a nve-ion ocuiuer, dislodged by heavy rain from the bluft aquve -jais ueacn nouse ai niaiioou, vaiu., smasneu iniu uiu garage wnicn was ouui anovc Uiekiou$krhe house itself was not greatly damaged. A heavy rain storm dumped more '-than five inches of rain on some parts of Southern California. (AP Wirephoto) Big Bore For Mr. tadier LA CIRANDK, Ore. Lloyd A. Chiintlli-r, 55. Hie ypiir Mi la it terrlbln bore. l!v hit brrn ynuii Inic ever since It nrrlvcd. A.h a inntter of (net, lie'l been nble to auit. The ynwiw niiiit ed New Yritr s Duy. itbnul one it minute, mul thru not woine. He wns ynwiunit every other seeontl when Ills phyitlclun, Dr. Jnhn B. Greitory. sent him to hojpllol live uuy ago. There he went Into an oxygen tent, nnd nttendnnl brKnn Irent. Inn him with Injectloni. Now he's Ri'tuim belter buck to a yawn n minute. Chnncller, a nillroiirt clerk here for 27 yenra, nld he uwlermood he wns Bufferlmt from nrthrltLi nnd lurk of oxygen In his blond. Me nld this tired him out nnd krul til in vnwiilim. Dr. Gregory v.uuld not discuss the rase, hut CTmiidlrr mi III he hnd been told ho would recover. I'fafl inurvtt inji, rotorfut . . s in..ns o 5tiT ai lbi JIulrl 1 hitcoruU, at tlx Cific Onirr in lh ibaffr aat boitpinit ilulrirl, ia Uttect lina witk boiu jft bri !(. Hrinjt your famtlf for a rrk-iit4 or lonitff, anl fojojr ih dittitiriita iloirl biiromb cut (in and rvlr. IM litat Ilia 14 II IUl; frt 17 II lti M A t KIT ITItIT at llll Otrtf la iwfMlaf rfiVl HOTEL WHITtOMII KAIt C. WtMl E4 BIRTHS GRIMM Born at Klamath Valley Hospital, Jan. 1?. 1S52. to Mr. nd Mrs. Alfred Grimm. 839 Rose, a boy. weicnt: i pounds 3 ounces. ROUSH Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. IB, 1952. to Mr. nnd Mrs. John Koush, 3113 Delwaie, a boy. Weight: 6 pound 10 ounces. BROWN Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 18. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown J 323 worden it., a boy. Weight: 8 pounds' 103 ounces. EVANS Born . at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jaiw-17. 1953. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard xyana,' -Klamath Agency, Ore., a boyv Ws-LBi: S pounds 4 ounces. PINELLI Bora mi- Klamath Valley Hospital, Jaa lt, --iO Mr. and Mis. Herbert ,TinUi. 524 Hi3h, . a girl. Weijht; 1 pundr 14 '4 ounces. MAKBlAGfc LICENSES " CKEETFE-e-McAULlTTE. William J. O'Keefe, 34 jtockman. Native of Ore gon. Residenr of Klamath Falls. Ore. Mary . McAuliffe. 18, olork. Native of Oregon. -Resident "of - Mali A. Ore. AASVnep VSINE3 NAME 97 "tTRAlKf R tARK. CLIFTON Rich mond,' 'Ji Jtindi and Nitro Kiadifr Weather Western Oregon - Cloudy with Accasianal Talrr Worth portion. mosviy ciouay wiin occasional snuw ers Frld&yaxid Saturday: not so cold south portion Friday night. Highs both days 40-50; low Friday nleht 30-40. Southerly to southeast erly winds 25-35 miles an hour off the coast, shifting to southwesterly, 15-25 miles an hour Saturday. Eastern Oregon Increasing cloudiness Friday with mixed rain and snow northern valleys Friday evening: occasional snow Friday night: mostly cloudy with occasion al snow flurries Saturday. Warmer Saturday. High Friday 20 in south and 38 northern valleys: low Fri day night 15-25; high Saturday 20-30. Locally windy north portion Friday. Northern California Partly cloudy Frldav with scattered show ers from Kintr City . and Fresno southward: rain near Oregon bor der late Friday spreading south and extending to Paso Robles and Fresno late Saturday; little tem perature change. Variable winds 10-20 miles an hour off the coast, becoming southerly, 20-35 miles an hour from Point Arena north Fri day night and extending south to Point Sur Saturday. .. .. Grants Pass and vicinity Cloudy with occasional rain Friday after noon ant evening:, showers Friday night Jin Saturday. Hlr;hs botli days 38;.; low Friday . night 32. BACK FROM KOREA Lt. Eddie LcBarbn, former foot ball great at College of the .facifiOi js velcomed by his parerits. Mr. ahd Mrs. Edward LeBaron of Oakdale, Calif., on his arrival at the Alameda Naval Air Station as he re turned from the Korean front. ;Eddie was wounded twice while overseas. ' '- (AP Wirephoto) .'Trouble Flares In Tunis As Police Move In, Grab ; Us. 'f ; At. A Top Communist Leaders TUNIS. Tunisa Pl French-led police arrested some 20 top Tu nisian. Nationalist and Communist leaders in predawn raids Friday and hurried them to secret rural detention spots. ..... An immediate and unlimited gen eral strike was ordered for all of Tunis by the big labor federation, General Union of Tunisian Work ers, to protest.the arrest and Thurs day's bloodshed. Three Tunisians were killed ar at least 50 serlou'ly injured whe.i police lired- into mobs at Ferry- vllle and uizerte inursaayi French authorities, who rule this North African dependency as a pro tectorate, banned the two-day Na tional Congress of the Ncc-Destour Party, To enforce Uie ban, they threw police blockades across all roads to Tunis to keep delegates out. One of those arrested was Hablb Bourgulba, president of the Neo Destour. who in the past six month had made a world tour pleading Tu nisia's case for independence Iroin France. " He aired his views over the Voice of America, the U.S. government radio service to foreign land , when he was in the United States last September. Ten days ago he was In Paris, where two Tunisian officials arc trying to put their cause before the EGYPTIAN DANCER TO PERFORM Samia Gamel, Egyptian dancer, checks music script with Lou Walthers (right), Miami Beach night club operator, as playboy hus band Sheppard King of Dallas, Texas, stands by at left. The dancer plans to perform in the night club. (AP Wirephoto) Painful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 coiei in doctors' own testtl Women and girls who sufler from those functionally-caused cramps, back aches and headaches of menstruation who feel upset and irritable on cer tain '-particular days" may often be suffering quite unnecessarily I Such Is the conclusion from tests by doctors in which Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound gave 1 complete or tlriklng relief from such distress in 3 out of 4 of the cases tested! Tat Medical evidence ahowa Lvdia Finkham'a thorouRhlv modern In action. It exerta a remarkably calming cflect on the uteri trirliout the UMe ol pain-deadening druanl The effectlveneaa of Lydla Plnkham'a neede no proof to the mllllona of women and girls whom It has benefited. But how about you? Do you know what It may do for you? Take Lydla Plnkham'a through the month. 8ee If you don't get the same relief from the pains and weakneas of "those daya"! bee It you don't feel better beore and during your period! Get either Lydla Plnkham'a Compound, or neiu, improved Tablets, with added Irani If you're troubVd with "hot flashes" and other functional distress of "change of life" you'll find Lydla Plnkham's wonderful for that, toot S-T it , py I.vdla Pinktarn's han a Quieting elfeet on the uterine contrac tion (see chart) whtchotenceilte mentlrual paint Reservoir For Awbrey Slated BEND If The Bend Cltv Com mission has awarded a contract for construction of a new reservoir on Awbrey Butte to the State Con struction Co., or Seattle on a low bid of $187,839.50.. . . The engineer's original estimate for the protect, prior to the dis covery of soft.rocki was 273,500. A preliminary test -drilling had In dicated; basement of basalt lava from ar volcanic vent on the slope of the old cone. ' i- Hollie McMillan Hurt In Accident Word has been received hv Mr and Mrs. Ross McMillan of this city that their niece, Hollie Mc Millan, Is in a Fresno hospital as the result of a recent automobile accident. Hollie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMillan of Dinuba, Calif., and former resi dents of Bly. Miss McMillan's mar riage to Curtis White of Fresno which was to have taken place in Dinuba February 2 has been post poned for several months. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWINS INVESTMENT SERVICE Listed, Inactive, Unlisted and Over-the-Connter bends and Storks. Investment Funds till Metl-nen. P.Mir. r-hv a i-Mlli KLAMATH FALLS AUCTIONEERING tni Sale Management Grsdoale of -Western Cellere . . . ' ' Of anrlin-errlr- . . . Blll'nss. Monl. Vf .v CertlfledV Peaigree Header Successful Sales are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Specializing In FARM. PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER 5304 Alva Klamath Falls Ph. Free Service sn Church A Benefit Auctions HARD OF HEARING? VISIT COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.'S SPECIAL CLINIC SATURDAY. JANUARY 19TH- 9 kK TO 5 P.M. 730 MAIN ST., KlaAMATH FALLS i The tervices of Mr. Walter C. Heitkemper have been obtained for this special one day clinic. Mr. Heitkemper, who wears a hearing aid him-, self, is especially well qualified to give you a personalized consultation and diagnosis, using the latest scientific equipment designed for precise, accurate results. Come in TOMORROW for your personalized hearing graph and find out the FACTS about your hearing loss. VISIT th CONSULT TRY NOTE special Clinic and have your hearing tested. with a man who thoroughly understands your problem. a new, smaller, lighter hearing aid,, cigarette lighter size. no complex controls, sealed in plastic, rechargeoble batteries, un believable economy with the clearest most natural, powerful repro duction of speech without annoying background sounds. Security Council and have won Pak istan's pledge of support lor this move. He flew to Tunis and wns to have presided over the Neo- Destour Congress. v Government sources In Paris ac cused Bourgulda and the Coinmun nlsts of trying to start a civil war. They also accused him ol putting pressure on the Tunisian Cabinet and the Bey of Tunis to appeal independence demands to the U.N. KENO PROMENADERS Saturday Nite Jan. 19 OUR MOTTO: "More Squore Dancing Fun for Everyone" Allen and Viola Howard pi ;-;il Marjorie's a miss with a mission, and the ' ' make-up must be RIGHT! It will be, too, with that soft, modern lighting. You see, Marjorie's folks installed PLANNED Lighting the lighting that pro. vides the right light for every seeing tank the lighting that brings out die beauty of furniture and fabrics the lighting that gives a home the glow of living. Your home can have PLANNED Lighting, too. Just call us and we'll make an appoint ment to tell you all about it. ' PLAN Your Lighting for """r Send for our booklet - "f.yea -Our Window, to the World," It a complete story on light It afferta our ierln. It's free, of course oiont Living THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY BETTER LIGHT MEANS BETTER SIGHT