-1 J I'ltlDAY, JANUARY in, 1032 HERALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORF.flON PAGE THRER Senator Lodge Makes Strong Pitch For Ike As Only Candidate Who Can Bring About Lastinq Peace For United States i Ill-XL ' ffi By JACK BAN FRANC'IHCO W ' Senator l-wllio in.-Miimi.) ottered Cleu. Uwliilit D. Eltienhowcr to (lie Ri publlcana Friday rn tho one prcal drntlnl cumlldate "who could bring Hie world ditrnble pcaco." Loclu tuok aliar II Indirect Iviue with Tall supporters who uld Hie parly would be rlnklnn in imluiciil liitnrn U It nominates "Kliunuur candidate" In Clilcaao "xt July. Loditr Is NiitluiiHl Chair limit o the OOP Klaeuhower-Kor 'reildent Committee, David 8, Inifalla, campaign man- nxer for Ohio's Sen. Kolirrt A. Tuft, aald the piiity ahpnld not "aelcct a Hood lonkliiK mortician. to lironldn over Its death , aa a political organisation, no urged the UOP National Com mittee, In speech Thursday nlhl, to ld In tli a nomliiHtlon ol it "mil ium Republican" audi as Tafl. Thla obvious barb at Elsenhower drew from Lodae the declaration 111 a prepared address: "file American people brlleve In Morse Blasts Lie Detector WAHIIINUTON Wv- Ben. Morse ill. -Ore i said Thursday Hint use ot lln detectors on Job applicants hua been atopprd In the Dolcnse Ui-liartuicnl IoIIuwIiik a protest, lie ludKrd. DescrlUInu use of the device aa ,Vi rpuiimuU. lorrlKi) and outrage rnis." Mora anid II other uov riniiirnl iiiicnrlrn do not alon us iiik tlirin, li will Introduce Irulsla llim to niuke them do no. lie did not mime oilier aucnclea he mi Id are UMim lie dcteelora but the Atomic Kurruv Commission haa at-kuowlcdurd euiploylnu them In security checks at the Oak Rldiic, Tenn., Installation. Morie aald 111 a Senate speech lhal be recently protested the prnc Ilea to the I'eulnuon. He aald ft hluli level conlrrencn followed, and a ruling wa Issued that use of ha deti-ctora In (eating. Job appli cants should Mop, But before the order wua car ried out, Morse Mild, "It wua Used a mi In In tome sis cases." Th aenalor aald ordera are now out that there "ahall be no further u:.V of the lie detectora, or noly staphs, lie aald fM-tenae Becretarv rnvetl haa told the senate Armed nervkcn Committee, of which Morse la a member, lhal he waa l ot aware they were bring- used. Skeeter Control Bulletin Ready For (hone who want In slnrt planning a mosquito control pro (irarn early, the Oreiton State col lege experiment million hna Just Icsued a new bulletin covering the laleat recommended methods tor netting rid of pesta. It'a called "SugHestloim for Mos quito Control In OrcKon," and cun be obtained at countv extension offlcea or direct, from OSC by ask ing for alallon bulletin number S07. W. W. Yatea and Arthur W. Llnd fjulst of the U.S. department ol agriculture, and Don V. Mole of the 08C entomology department are the authora. The Innact control experts aay that destruction of mosquito lar vae la generally lite cheapest and best method of combating the mos quito nuisance, but add that relief can be obtained by destroying the adult aa well. One method of controlling lar vae la to eliminate breeding places. Another la to add DDT to water areaa where larvae are found. Hpraylng around buildings, wood land areaa, grass areas and var ious other resting plncea ol mos quitoes with DDT will take care ol the adults. Dwlght Elsenhower because they see in him a leader and a leader who can do the most to bring about a durable, peace." Former Gov. Harold E, Stasscn of Minnesota pula In his bid for presidential nominating support nt a committee dinner Friday night. 1-oiIkc told National Committee members the Republicans can't win In November unless they at tract aome Democratic votes. He aald Elsenhower would do that. Lodge hua predicted the general, commander of North Atlantic Trea ty Organization forces In Europe, will be able to take off his uniform and campaign before the July con vention. Elsenhower said recently he la a Republican and would accept the puny a nomination oui won i join In pre-convcntlon campaigning. Hurry Darby. 'Kansas committee man and Elsenhower backer, told a reporter he thinks the General might come home before April 1 but has no word from Elsenhower to this effect. Lodge asserted the Truman ad ministration should have got a vote from Congress before Ameri can entry Into the Korean war. He also declared the administration tailed to order full mobilization of Industry and manpower after the war siarcea. The Massachusetts senator re- piled to critics' assertions that Elsenhower la In no position to attack administration foreign poll clea by saying: If the gcneral'a advice had been followed at Pota dnm "China could hare been saved." He aald Elsenhower advised agulnst attempts to bring the Rus sians Into the Pacific war. The concessions made to the Russians In Asia to obtain their entry Into the Pacific fighting were made at Yalta, which preceded the Potsdam conference. Paisley Man's Death Learned Fairhaven PTA To Elect Officers PFC. RICHARD DRAZIL son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drazil, Merrill, is in train ing at Keesler Air Base, Biloxi, Miss., studying radar and electronics. He is 20 years old, a graduate or the Malin high school in 1950. Richard flew home for the holidays. Miller-Brumbaugh Photo A Nominating Committee has been Instructed to Relect next.; year's Fairhaven PTA president so the new president may plan to at tend the state PTA convention in LAKEV1EW Bert B. McKune. Anrll. 07, formerly of Paisley, who made I The committee, named and bi rds home with his daughter. Mra. latructed at a Tuesday meeting. Is Myrna Neasham, Wcstside, died j to report Its choice at the next Jan. 11. He waa born Nov. 13, 1884, imecllng. Fco. 8. In Coffey County, Kansas. . I A smoker la planned for some- Funeral aervlcea were held time alter March 15. Thursday from the Ousley-Ostcr-man Chapel with the Rev. Carlton M. Babbldgo officiating, and inter ment waa in the New Pine Creek Cemetery. Mr, McKune la aurvlvcd by three sona: Lyell McKune, of Sheridan: .,., . . , tfiii..kAn .. .i 1Uien McKune, wno is wnn inc '-1 1 Murines In Knllth -America-, bv one daughter, Mrs. Myrna Neasham. Westslde; bv two brothers. Guy aIS Tl.l.l.... -I C ..,V..ni 8anta Rosa: and bv five grand- "''"" "' . children. Mr. McKune was a mem-1 Clair Smith i and I Buck Thornton i,.r ,h. jri. i.nrt.,1. "aid aome racing .events with local UO Ski Team To Visit Warner Area LAKE VIEW Six skiers from the University of Oregon, composing tne UO slalom and racmg teams, accompanied by their coach Leo Harris, director of athletics, will be here the weekend of Jan. 26-27 to use the Warner Ski Area and Driver Found Not Guilty In Case In District Court Thursday after- and Klamath Foils skiers racing the visiting UO team may be ar- irungea. ine vinuom plan to arrive I Jan. 25, and use the hill Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday, r'J lURPRd noon a six-man Jury deliberated cantiaoO' Chile un A Mxl- onlv 10 minutes to return a not I AI;II.A, ,v nt S r...it, ...iit in h triai dk can Chilean party ot mountain- guilty verdict In the trial of Rob- ,.,,t.. k.. .ii nnn.,,. iert 8. Purves. Ashland produce i V " .., i. ,' p, ! trucker, charged with driving while 'A:onc,!,''ua- highest peak in South under the Influence of Intoxicating immcc "lday lPufves waa arrested May 28. 'iV nlnJVrin iminfp" 1 Mad .., a tii. tt a ti.u Army Capt. Rene Galardo, ins true-! ELGIN 111 Wi - Billy Morgan Btew'LeS Hor of mountain climbing troops. Iturbcr. were R.v WonJ-f: but he isn't' eligible to retire on .e Se'osSfr Shlw. 1 ? - M RRORS pension. a. E. Chase. Bernic Rawlins and 1 A ' vA 'T' - S Morgan won't reacn tne retire-: n-iho- n.d tf t ..., . Room in tha noma: 50 Years On Job, But No Layoff ment ,ige of 65 until July 21. His starting salary at the company in 1002 was 50 cents for a nine-hour day. "That was big money in those days," Morgan said. CANCER rt'ND The Eaglet Damon Runyon Can cer fund dance, held Nov. 17 In the Eagles hall, netted a total of 1107.60 for the fund. Secy. Prank Reynolds announced today. The fund campaign was a woes long affair, extended because ot a snow storm. Natural gas consists of about 90 i X per cent of mctnanei Known as marsh gas," since It Is formed by decaying vegetation in marshes. I W. A Calhoun' n I r K IN TAtUT KJTTlf ttt I SUaaaJ U TaUeti 25c WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT 10c ii A PRODUCT OF PLOUGH. INC. Brushing Teeth Can Be Harmful LAKE HARMONY. Pa. 11 A Boston doctor saya It'a wrong to urush your teeth uu and down, as serting It could cause receding tiums. Dr. Alvln 8lrock of the Peter Bent Brlgham Hospital Bald Thurs day night many people accept re ceding gums as inevitable like gray hair or balding but that Im proper tooth brushing methods oft en are to blame. He said the answer to the prob lem may lie In a brush ahuprd like a wheel which reduces Ir let log. LAST DAY. , "SMOKY" ' In Tachslceler ( "THE HOUSE ON 92ND STREET" V" ROCK LANE in "CODE OF THE SILVER SAGE" las Rlllrr an4 nob 1VIIH . Tesan 'llko In TAKK MT. HATK TO OKLAHOMA" itOORS 8Ut30A.a.T-, ..a' V a 1 . Added TNtU. -Ill, .....I.... BUY YOUR MOVIE PROJECTOR, NOW . . . AND SAVE AT STANDARD OPTICAL! FREE! We're to certain you'll love one of theie fine movia projectors, t!iat we'll let you use the pro jector of your choice for 10 days. If you're not completely satisfied with its performance, YOUR MONEY BACKI ' yW oar V I w & ?5v. Don't wilt! While cur present stocks of movie projectors last, we have- some models to be sold without the additional 10 Federal Excise Tax now required. Pair your Christmas camera with a fine projector now. Don't pay extra 10 tax, later. At Standard Optical, you take the projector ot your choice home 'Without paying a single penny down. You pay nothing down ... as little as $1 a week. REVERE ?85" Designed to professional standards. Gives you brilliant illumination, easy threading, fast automatic re wind, self-adjusting film guides and rheostat speed control Fast fl.6 coated lens, 300-foot reel and 500-watt lamp. still only $0930 NOTHING DOWN ONLY T A WEEK iniii Kyiton' Amazing "REGAL" Prelector Fnr the orice of a projector alone, you get everything you need to splice and show your own movies. The 8mm Key- . stone "Regal" projector with fl.6 lens and at tractive leather carrying case al so features a top duality splicer that slides into base drawer, always ready for Instant use. The exclusive Lite-o-matlc connects house light and projec tor lamp One goes off and the other on automatically. with com only $159.95 NOTHING DOWN, $2.00 A WEEK Z (II HKa EASTMAN 71-A A fine Kodascope pro jector with Eastman name and reputation, in motor-driven rewind Fine fl.6 lumenized lens, 750-watt lamp, 400 ft. film capacity, built and quiet, cool opera- lion.. "y $111.18 NOTHING DOWN, $1.50 A WEEK Bell & Howell "REGENT" Fine 8mm projector with 500-watt lamp, easy, error -proof threading, pilot light for safe operation, all-gear drive and precision shuttle movement CMas-let with aftrartlve carrying can, aaly 17. NOTHING DOWN, $2.00 A WEEK KEYSTONE "68" An outstanding 8mm movie camera with ouu watt lamp, all -gear drive, and famous Keystone certified service euarantee. A sturdy projector for dependable, accurate projection. only $99.50 NOTHING DOWN, $1.50 A WEEK n mo DEJUR "750" rntnv theatre-auality projection with thU outstanding 8mm 7w watt movie projector. Sturdy projector with handy "swing -away" gate, centralised con trols and lifetime guarantee. Canst with tarrylM sua, aaly. . . lltje NOTHING DOWN, $2.00 A WEEK MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! STANDARD OPTICAL COMPANY .71$ Main, Klimadt Folia, Of. flam tarnl an M araitcfae KK .. :.-t CRT.. ... . . .... SUM a niv wava To BUY o C.O.D. huh n atllv.ry) a tnel.i. W N awt a SS"!""" a tSSrffnm mm 0 n::zi7'm " 0?sz: ww viimi; KLAMATH'S OWN" Specialized Department Store JANUARY nnnnnnnr?. UM Yes, lower prices on fine Percale Sheets and Cases. Firm in weave and soft in appearance ... two qualities you look for in fine sheets . . . Iu ti c a ir55 j Two qualities you'll find in Utica Beauticale. The beauty of their texture increasing with use, they look brightly white in your linen closet . . . stay smoothly fresh on your bed. 72x108 Sheets reg. length Now ea. 4.15 81x108 Sheets reg. length Now ea. 4.85 90x108 Sheets reg. length Now ea. 5.35 72x120 Sheets extra length Now ea. 4.85 81x120 Sheets extra length Now ea. 5.35 90x120 Sheets extra length . Now ea. 5.95 42x3814 Cases plain hem Now aa. 1.05 45x38Vi Cases plain hem Now ea. 1.15 Also included in this sale are hemstitched and scal loped sheets and cases in Beautical, fine combed. White Sale 180 Type MOHAWK FINE PERCALE Sheers and Cases 72x108 Sheet . 3.29 81x108 Sheet 3.49 42x3814 Cases 1.54 pr. White Sale LADY PEPPERELL SUPER FINE Muslin Sheets Size 81x108 each 3.19 Pepperell "Red Label" cases, 42x36 .... ea. 49c White Sale of Finest Quality STANDARD TERRY B 1.45 BATH TOWELS .... Now ea. 1.22 85c HAND TOWELS .... Now ea. 68c 27c WASH CLOTHS ...... Now ea; 22c Made in fine jacquard patterns with two-tone bor ders. Five lovely colors to select from. Special Purchase 'Luverne" Loomed by "Faribo' Fine 100 All Wool Blanket "Newest' Wood Rose Green Camellia Rose Lime Wanted Colors - Emerald Green Yellow Blue Dusty Rose Satin bound. Guaranteed moth-proof 5 years. Full size 72x90. January Special ea. 15 January Sale Finest Nylon. Full Fashion HOSIERY In lengths Long, Medium and Short. 15, 20, 30 and 45 denier. Famous brands and names. Rgeular values up to 1.65. Sale price pr. 3 PAIRS FOR 2.75 Buy Now and Save - 98c Hanes to Launch Coast to Coast BIRTHDAY SALE Hanes Seamless Hose Reg. 1.35 Now 1.15 ........ 3 pairs 3.30 Reg. 1.50 Now 1.25 ...... . 3 pairs 3.60 Reg. 1.65 Now 1.35.. . 3 pairs 3.90 SAVE NOW on Hones Seamless Hosiery f For Distinctive Gifts llll II STORE ll f I li oad" 715 MAIN IN KLAMATH FALLS 721 Main, s