FRIDAY, JANUARY 1. 1 Ofl'2 PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON LJK nsr pi- r7i KFLW 1450 Kcr-fbT Friday Evcnlnf, Jan. IS ;M Sports HmhllfH ' S-.1S Home Town Newa . 0:29 World Newa Summary . e-30 Suburban Serenade 0:43 Headline Edition ABC 0:M Sftnka New Rouniup ABC 7:00 Clllelte Flfhle ABC 6:00 Richard Piamono: ABC B:M Thla la Your rBl ABC 9:00 Osale and Harriet ABC 0:30 Concert of Favorllei , 10:00 10 P.M. Head!lne (0:15 Dr. Glno'a Musical ABC 10:30 Inaomnla Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:09 Slin Oft KFLW 1450 Kc rST Saturday, Jan. 19 6:00 Slfn-On Newt Summary t:0 Corn In the Morn 11:43 rarm rare 1:00 Newa Brkfst Edition 7:13 Charlle'i Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred. Newa ABC 7:40 Top ol the Mornlni 7:53 Muaic . 11:00 No School Today ABC 0:00 Saturday Serenade 0:30 Space Patrol ABC - 10:00 Lady Skyhook 10:19 Il'e Dancetlme , 10:30 Shake the Maracat ABC 11:00 Metropolitan Opera ABC 3:00 Besln Briefs S:13 Tea 4t CrumpeU 3:30 Pan American Union ABC 3:43 Fascinating Rythm ABC 3:00 Junior Junction ABC 3:30 American Farmer ABC 4:00 Alert America ABC :19 Errar.di or Mercy 4:30 RequetUully Youra ' 3:30 Bob Croiby Show 9:43 Iff Movie Time 6:00 Sporti HKhlif hta 0:18 Home Town Newa 9:13 World News Summary 9:30 Science Editor ABC 9:49 Words of Life 7 00 Mr. DUtilct Attorney ABC . 7:29 Music 7:30 Bedtime Storiea 9:00 Lone Ranger ABC 9:30 Ten Young Men ABC 9:00 Dancing Party ABC 10:00 10 P.M. Keadlinea 10:15 Danclne Partv ABC 10:30 Inaomnla Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:03 Sign Olf KFJI 1150 Kc PST Friday Evening-, Jan. 18 9:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 9:15 Quiz Show 0:30 Around Town News. 9:49 Sam Hayee Newa ABC 9:33 Bill Henry MBS 7:0!) Ma'.aie MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 9:01 KITHS vs. Granta Pata 9:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MB 9:13 KUHS vs. Granta Pans 9:43 Fulton Lewie. Jr. MBS 9:35 9-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 U. S. Navy Band 10:30 Proudly We Hail 113X) Nile Owl Newa 11:03 Night Owla Club 12:00 Sign Oft - KFJI 1150 Kc PST Saturday, Jan. 19 -jat.:0O Musical Reveille v.48 Farm Reporter ? 9:55 Local Newa ?:00 Hemingway Newa MBS :13 Breakfast, Gang MBS 7:30 Newa 7:45 Beat Buys 6:00 Morning Melodlee 8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 6:30 Haven of Rest MBS. 9:00 Emll'a Saturday Specials 9:13 Dance Tunes 9:30 Your Income Tax MBS 9:43 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 Newt MBS 10:15 Name Band! -10:30 4.H Club . 10:45 OPS Program 10:50 Currln'a Program ' " 10:55 Social Security Program 11:00 Music v.,ll:25 Newa MBS - Jl:30 Music 13:0 Newa ' 12:13 Mark Rogers MBS . 12:30 Rlcky't Request 1:30 Local News 1:35 Muaic for Saturday 2:00 Matinee at Meadowbrook MBS 2:55 Newa MBS 3:00 Oklahoma Symphony MBS a Open :3Q .m. To 8:30 p.m. Doily r4k (mmn Don't Fail To See lSure--- I y is- fo) nn iiif nM IWhen I jBetter I lL (j Automobiles 1 I We j iIbuM H.E. Hauger's II Buick 1 1330 Moin fh' 5151 UBuiW 1 Saturday DA.'y ' 1 1 Them I1. ' J Sunday 4:0.) You Nfvr Know ' 4:15 Frank Hemingway, Js'tWi MBS 4:. TO Mark Itf-XTcr MBS 4:45 Twin Views of New MBS 5:00 Dud Hunch Roundup MBS 5:30 Chrlitlan Science 5:45 Bandstand USA MBS 5:55 Rnti'chMffe Talkinf MBS 6:00 Al Heifer. Sporti MBS 615 Qutt Show 6:M Around Town Ntwi 6 45 Marin Show 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Klamath Tempi B:0O BklbJ. KUHS vs. Grants Fast 8:00 Newa MBS 8:15 Brctrtb. KUHS vt. Grant past 9 55 Cecil Brown, New. MBS 10:00 Monica Whalcn. MBS 10.15 Dance Orch., MBS 10:.w Arthur Van Orch., MBS -. 11:00 Nil Owl News. 11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sinn Off Man Hangs Self In Cell DUNSMUIR 'William C e c tl Whelchel. 47, committed suicide by hanging himself from the bars ot hi-- cell at the city Jail here last night according to city police. Whelchel, booked on a vagrancy charge last Wednesday, was dis covered, hanging from cross bar of the cell door by a fellow pris oner. Sherman DoukUs, In an ad- ioinine cell. Douglas told officers he heard ctrange noises In Whel- cbels cell ana investigated, ne called for aid In an attempt to cut Whelchel down but no police ol fleers were within hearing. City Clerk Charles Huff finally respond ed to the calls and cut down Whel chel and both he and assistant po lice chief Clifford Schwegerl at tempted artificial respiration with out rs ults. The suicide had evidently been well nlanned. Whelchel had tied himself to the cell door bars with an extra shirt, had stuffed his mouth with toilet tissue to drown anv uossible cries and had care fully centered the buckle of his belt over his jugular vein. Whelchel had reported to officers that his last joo naa oeen one bi the state hospital at Salem, Ore. This had not been confirmed at the time of hi - death. He was serv ing a five day sentence on the vagrancy cnarge. Louisiana Battle Grows NEW ORLEANS IB Six of the eight candidates who opposed Car los Spaht. Gov. Earl K. Long's choice lor governor, in luesaay s Democratic primary combined Fri day in an anti-Long coalition back ing Judge Robert F. Kennon tor tne r eo. is runon. The combined total of the six antl-Longltes in Tuesday's voting. including Kennon's 154.812 votes, was 547.546 of the record 106.385 votes cast in 1,972 of the state's 2,112 precincts. Arrayed against Spaht were Ken- non; Rep. Hal Hoggs ot New Or leans: James McLemore. Alex andria cattleman; Lt, Gov. Wil laim Dodd: Dudley LeBlanc. for mer patent medicine manufacturer and Lucille May Grace. Also backing Kennon In the run off was Mayor- Delesseps Mor rison of New Orleans, who, with Sen. Russell Long, son of the late Huey P. Long, backed Boggs In the first primary. Sen. Lone was silent on whether he would take sides In the second race. Sen. Long split with his uncle, Gov. Long, in the race. NO TAXES SALEM HI Tax-exempt pro perty In Oregon totals 1730,55985. The State Tax Commission said the federal government owns $430,- 859,099; school districts $75,722, 686; the - state $67,465,650; and Itions $27,621,880. LEARNING A TRADE In the Merrill High School shop, instructor Elcion Payzant (left) checks a manual with Mike Geraghty as Fred Ketcherside looks on. 1 NEW AERO Willy sedan, to St., Friday, is said to have 90 Collins For UMT Proposal WASHINGTON lPH-Gen. J. Law ton Collins, Army Chief of Staff, said Friday the Korean campaign has proved "that we need a sound program of manpower mobiliza tion." This would be supplied by Uni versal Military Training, the gen eral told the House Armed Serv ices Committee. He supported a Pentagon plan for beginning limited UMT with 60,000 volunteers between 17 and 19 year-i old. They would receive six months' training and would go Immediately Into active service for 18 months as reservists. Secretary of Defense Lovett told the committee Thursday thaf mili tary authorities could start this program by October or November, if congress approved necessary legislation by April. Collins said if UMT had been in effect before Korea, "we would not have had to disrupt the lives of thousands of men who served in World War II and who had since taken on greater responsi bilities both at home and in their civilian pursuits." Reds Willing To Buy U.S. Magazines NEW YORK to Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, director of the Cen tral Intelligence Agency, said Thursday night the Russian people pay black market prices to get hold of an American magazine. They are "so eager to learn of the outside world," Smith said, that they pay $1.50 a page for copies of the magazine "America" on "the black market." - The State Department distributes the magazine to persons approved by the Soviet government, he said, but somehow copies eventually reach non-approved persons. COOPERATION ROCHESTER, N.Y, Wl Before they go to work In the morning. No 87 has to tie No. 514's tie. No. 87 of the Fire Department Is Walter Milne. No. 514 of the Police Department is his wife, a school traffic officer. KLAMATH PALL. OHfGOe. AMERICAN CHINESE Foe eta their boil Ph. 49t Per Ord.ri To Tkt 0 Ben B. Lee, Mgr. ONLY Hctdbtad $75 go on display at the Lee Huff new features and go 35 miles Germans To Ask Huge U.S. Loan BONN, Germany W) The West German government plans to ask the United States for a big loan probably several hundred million dollars to help, put German troops into the : field wlUi the proposed European army, Allied officials said Friday. A formal request for the loan will be submitted to. Washington wnen a peace contract, now un der negotiation, is signed with the three Western occupation powers France, Britain and the U.S. next spring, the officials said. This "peace contract" will start Germans rearming inside the pro posed unified European defense force and will return to them al most full control of their own af fairs. The Allied officials gave this pic ture of the loan request shaping up. The Germans will contend they alone cannot finance formation of a new armed force from scratch after seven years of Allied demili tarization programs. In addition, the Germans expect the United States to provide the bulk of military equipment in cluding tanks, artillery and planes needed by 12 divisions plus the tactical air force they plan to or ganize. in - peace contract" talks, the Germans already have agreed to continue to pay part of the cost of keeping Allied occupation troops on in Germany as a defense force after the contract Is signed. The exact sum has not been agreed on but the Germans want a substan tial reduction in present occupation payments. .. - German -participation In the Eu ropean army faces bitter political disputing. The Socialist Party, the government's chief opposition, call ed Thursday for a general - elec tion to decide whether Germany should join. The Socialists contend participa tion In the army Is Illegal under Germany's post-war constitution. Infirmary Now KF Nursing Homer The name of the Klamath Coun ty Infirmary has been changed to Klamath Nursing Home, by order of the County Court. L. A. Smith, superintendent, said he suggested the name change to get away from the "inmate" con notation of the name Infirmary, that the people at the county home should be considered 'patients." - Household Inventory book free. Hans Norland Insurance Agency. 627 Fine St. Fhone 2-2515. - and bon conduction IASY PAfMINTS dOTlcei available it moderate extra coit. 715 Main Street 42? Motor Company, 603 S. 6th on a gallon of gasoline. Murder Count Charged To Ex Marshal MOUNT VERNON, Wash. Ut -Harold O. Chase, former DarriiiR- ton. Wash., town marshal held at Everett on arson charges, faced first degree murder counts in two counties Friday. A warrant accuslns Chase in the strangulation death of Leonard Lewis, a patient In the Northern State Hospital at Sedro Woolley, was inea in tsKagii uounty super ior Court here Thursday. A similar charge was filed in Snohomish County last week In con nection with tho death of Dr. Rus sell R. Bradley, an Everett optom etrist. The charge filed here by Prose cutor Reuben Youngquest accuses Chase of premeditated murder In the death of Lewis. It occurred Jan. 28, 1919 when both were pat ients at Northern State Hospital. Snohomish County authorities said Chase claimed responsibility In both deaths. He was held in Sno homish County on arson charges filed In connection with a fire at Darrlngton when he was marshal, The Skagit County murder charge followed an autopsy by Dr. Gale Wilson, Seattle surgeon. He said Lewis died of strangulation after a larynx fracture. Hospital author ities had reported the death was a suicide by hanging. Dr. Wilson said in his report he had "never seen such a fracture without a direct blow to the larynx." US Attorney Not Guilty SHREVEPORT, LA. Wl Wheth er suspended U.S. Attorney Harvey L. Carey, acquitted on bribe-asking charges, will be allowed to resume his duties remains a que tion that only U.S. Attorney General J. How ard McGrath can answer. Carey, accused of soliciting a $60,000 bribe from Texas Oilman Lewis Hart, was acquitted Thurs day night by a federal di trlct court Jury after seven hours, of deliberation. McOrath suspended Carey from office In December, 1950, after an Investigation by the Justice De portment. Carey was Indicted by a ledcral grand Jury in March on charges he asked a $60,000 bribe from Hart to "settle" 30 perjury count; pend ing against Hart and four of his employes. Carey denied that he suggested a bribe. He testified that he "strung Hart along In hopes of catching a briber" and to see If tho Federal Petroleum Board wai Involved, . Sweden Works Out Trade With Russia : STOCKHOLM: Sweden IPI Swe den and Russia plan to double their trade largely Russian wheat for Swedish machinery - and metal goods under a new trade agree ment announced Thursday night by the Swedish Foreign Otlice. Sweden will spnd the Soviet Un ion steam turbines, electricity gen erators, iron, steel, metal products, machinery, Instruments and butter worth about 23 million dollars. About one-third of this will be in electrical goods which the Rus sians previously bought on credit qui now win pay lor in casn, Sweden expects to get goods worth between 17 and 19 million dollars. Hana Norland 627 fine St, Auto Insurance, NOW ON DISPLAY at Juckclaml Truck Sales ami Service, 11th and Klamath, Is tlio 1952 lino of llutlsons, including tho Hudson Wasp (above), powered by a 127 h.p. six cylinder ciiKino. It has a 119-Inch wheclbnso and is a lower-priced running mato to tho Hudson Hornet. Pictured is the Wasp In Hollywood styling. , Economist Speaks At Kiwanis Prof. James II, Gilbert, a long time professor of economics nt tho University of Oregon, told Klam ath Fulls Klwnuls club members that the present inflation Ameri cans are suffering through Is n result of deficit government flnnn clmr. Ha pointed out tlmt (he U.S. budget today calls for 100 million dollars 37 per cent of the total national annual income. "That mnny dollnr bills placed end to end," ho nnld. "would reach four times around the world." To cover the deficit, tho govern ment has been spiling bonds: how ever. Dr. Gilbert said, the nconle have not been purchasing bonis the wny they once were. Ho said the government started price controls too lute to halt tho inflationary trend. "Tho covernmcnt riht now Is trying to doctor the symptoms." he said, "not control the causes of ln"ntlon." We need what he calls a "radical" remedy, the doctor declared one that will get to the root of the trouble. Ho suggested three means of es csoe from Inflotinn: 1. Price controls rightly admin-lst-r-1. 2. Raising of cosh reserve re quirements In bonking for credit. S. A voluntary or comnulsory re striction cf consumers' "install ment plan" credit. "We must balance the budfel nnl pov ps we go," the economist -old. "and thnt Involves sacrillrrs fur bevond env'hlng we hove gone throuuh fo far." Last n'jht. Professor Gilbert and French Boss Tackles Job PARIS Ml .-Edgar Faure, at 43 Prance's youngest prcmlrr since 1875, worked Friday to put togoUi er another ccnter-coalltlon Cabinet thot would end his nnuon s politi cal crisis, now In its Uth day. -Behind him was a big 401-101 confirmation vote Thursday night from tho National Assembly. The result drew heavy applause from Uie benches ot the Center parties, but Faure still must form a sever al party team. His victory margin on the con fidence voto was so large because Gen. Charles dc Gaulle's RPF (ral ly of the French' Pcople, largest single party uioc in tho Asscmuiy, abstained from tho vote. -'The Com munists voted against Faure, and the extreme right Gaillllsts were tired of being In the same voting column with their extreme-left arch enemies, the Reds. The debate before the vote In dicated the new premier would have one of the same troubles that brought the downfall of his pred ecessor. Rene Plevln uncertain support from the big Socialist bloc of 104 members. C'OLLAPHKS NORTH BEND. Ore. Iffl Gall Shrlber, about 35, North Bend city councilman, had a pain- In his chest Thursday and went to a hos pital to find out what was the matter. Before ' he could be ex amined he collapsed and died. ADVENTURE inlht Sourii Sm Xunglttt i ii POINDS HOPALONG CASSOy CLVB AT 11:45 A. M. , PLUS 4 CARTOONS AND STAGE TREATS, JrKIDDIE UATINEE. three other university lenders, nd drrxscd nn alumni cllnm-r meeting hero, ncsldcs Gilbert, there wore! Denn Theodore Krnft, University Musla School: Dr. Kclwlll Ebblu- huusen, Assoclnto professor of nhy- IMBED STARTS SUNDAY THE WEEK END THAT SHOOK THE WORLD- UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL peieMt VAN PATRICIA GI6I HEFLIN NEAL PERREAU HflREIHH FIELD RICHARD DfflKSXl Op. T.leKJB- NOW PLAYING Continuous From THE SCREEN BREATHES FIRE ADDED V Hunt! Hell mm mmi wiwmyfAf Kir VC ninfl5mL.a uir I AS MONTI CRISTO 1 I LIVES AGAIN I I "F10LIDAY LAND" (Cartoon) "PLEASURE TREASURE" (Comedy) VISITING ITALY (Tntvol) "SO YOU WANT TO BE A BATCHELOR"(McDotlt08) LATEST NEWS ' ' TmT .-,, -inirririT'HT'iiwrii"! m i mi I'T'n nimiiniiasx lr; nnd 11111 lluworninnn, track cnach. 604-161 405-245 648-258 443-293 141-796 If So Vou Arc A Winner Of 2 Pasaiea. To Se . . , All Vou Have To Do la Identify Yourself At The Esquire Bos Oftlco And Receive Your t Pasaes 5wr ' 1:4.1 voim (3 LICENSE J I NUMDEK I f J LISTED jL O HERE U y sin i