PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWft, mm-m. ..... KM DAY, JANUARY 111, 1052 TO BREMERTON Pfc. Robert D. Kohler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kohler, 1507 Summers . Lane, has been transferred to the Bremerton, Wash., Navy yard. He recently com pleted boot training at San Diego. Rescue Team Keeps Busy MT. SHASTA On Jan. 14. Ora Huffman of Mt. Shasta, and James M. Plank Jr, of Dunsmuir, em ployees of the McCloud River rail road, left McCloud shortly after midnight for their respective homes At 9 a m. on Jan. 14, Plank called the McCloud River railroad office at McCloud from the Mountain House and reported that he had been caught in the blizzard at Snowman s Hill and had spent the night in his car. Plank stated that Huffman had been ahead of him and that he didn't know whether or not Huffman had been able to make Mount Shasta. Officials of the McCloud River Railroad checked with Mrs. Huffman and learned that Huffman had not reached his home. Rescue units from Mt. Shasta and McCloud were organized and at 5 p.m. . the Mount Shasta Res cue Unit made up of Mervin Adams and Tom Blankenship of the U.S. Forest Service, and Roger Hines, local real estate agent, found Huffman In his oar about l'A miles west .of Snowman's Hill. Hot coffee, food and water were Riven to Huffman, a wood supply was obtained and a fire built to keep him warm until a snow plow could break through to his location. The Mount Shasta rescue team then returned to Mott and at 6 p.m. advised Mrs. Huffman that Huffman had been found, was OK, and that a snow plow would bring him out. The McCloud Rescue team of Al Parentice. Robert Dais. Joe An derson and Harry Mosher, skied to the Mountain House where they contacted Mr. Ricci who took his Army Command 4-wheel drive truck, equipped with a V snow plow, and broke a road open to Huffman, arriving at the snow bound car shortly before 6 p.m. Columbia Wheat Smut Shows Some Decline The Columbia basin's wheat smut problem has taken a turn for the better. While admittedly the number one wheat disease problem in the area, 24.7 per cent of the crop graaed smutty in ii as com nared with 30.6 per cent in 1950. R. E. White, production and mar keting administration grain 'super visor, reported recently in Port' land. i It was the first time in nine arowinc seasons that smut per. centage showed a drop from the year before. White told members of the Pacific Northwest Smut Control committee. Parisian Brings Back Gaiety VICTORIA. B. C. Wi It was a former Parisian trying to bring a spark of gaiety to staid old Victoria who distributed the Rus sian first world war bonds on down town streets Tuesday. It created quite a bit of Interest and specu lation about a ' die nard owner. Leon Etienne, 73, confessed it all Monday. He said he found the bonds in a wastepaper basket in the Post Office. He suspected the bonds were useless and continued tills with a stockbroker. "Victoria is not a very gay city," he explained, "and for a Parisian, gaiety will never die. "As I am obliged to make my own fun, I thought maybe I could make fun with the bonds, hoy EXECUTED EDDYVILLE. Ky. i James I. (Shorty) Robinson, 32-year old me chanic, paid with his life in the state's electric chair early Friday for the sex-strangulation of ' little Joyce Joan Shouse In Louisville IB months ago. The child was three years old.- The McCloud Rescue unit then re turned to the Mountain House with Huffman, where railroad company officials were informed of Huff man's return and Huffman was able to talk by telephone with his wife. Both rescue units had to make the eniire trip by ski and found many heavy drifts blocking High way 89. A state rotary plow was lalso started Into the snow, bound car as soon as a plow could be re leased from Highway 99 snow removal. Reason for the drop in total wheat graded smutty last year was accounted for by a larger propor tion of common white wheat, and Shasta Snow Survey Made MT. SHASTA Forest Officers completed the middle of January snow survey at Sand Flats and Mt. Shasta, Jan. 13. Snow depth at the Mt. Shasta (Horse Camp) course was 146 inches maximum depth. 129 inches minimum depth, with nn average aepin oi isa.o incites, water con tent averaged 47.9 inches and den sity recorded was 35.2 per cent. Measurements recorded at Sand Flats were 135 inches maximum depth, 117 Inches minimum depth, and average depth was 124.8. Water content was 38.4 inches and density wn-. 30.8 per cent. The middle of January, 1951, sur vey at the Mt. Shasta course showed a maximum depth of 105 inches and a minimum depth of 82 inches. Average depth was 96.1 inches. Water content was 39.4 inches. Sand Flat had a maximum depth of 80 inches, minimum depth was 62 inches, average depth was 69.1 inches. Water content was .21.6 Inches. . 1950 figures showed an average depth of 61.7 Inches with a water content of 15 inches at the Mt. Shasta course and at Sand Flats average depth was 67.1 inches with a water content of 14.9 inches. These comparisons show that at the present lime average depth at Dotn courses mis year is nearly twice the depth recorded during the past two years. In 1947 there were six Income tax returns filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue whose adjusted gross income was at least S5 mil lion. 2EEM3E32 IF YOUR CREDIT'S GOOD's good with us! Painting Body and Fender Work Motor Overhauling Clutch - Transmis sion and Radiator Motor Tune-up Repairs. Anderson Auto Service 632 Walnut By the Post Office X RCA VICTOR HAS EXTENDED THIS TRADE IN OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME Phone B & B Today For A Free Home Trial I TRADE JJW Y Ttf EXAMPLE 299" 5000 249" Trie RCA M4l A 101 LESS TKADt IN FOR YOUR OLD RADIO ON THE PURCHASE OF . m Magnificent - victor console combination with... Webs RCAVckx'45' ill lynwitaimiiiii,, OOQ95 Heatltxhf You Can't Buy A Finer Radio X MmmmMtswMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m . BiiS 'sk .:psfl jSM (T Kcaddxmga tone Range mm umto imwmkiw nm, ywn i ; .p7 m VmmmBinI!W' Vyl1' sj ... iw.rt.Wt tmM?nmi ilT;'"' '-Ml ft roV tVlM tXr v i. M,'ttoigsiWvi V AY 111 la, sSfS vf 5 ' MrArMiimillMARTB - JfiJ 181 Sft8?( it F?ffi tMAm 111 WIS), o), Radio & Electric 401 SOUTH 6th Ph. 6920 there was almost 10 percent less smut in It. On the other hand, White said, club wheals, account inn for about one-third of the total Inspections marie, continued the upward smut trend with M-8 per cent as compared with 51. J per cent a year aiio. Of particular concern was Uie disclosure Unit Hit 'J per cent of all samples graded smutty con tained more than one-half per cent smut. White bases his annual report on more than 30.000 inspections of farmer owned lota of wheat locat ed in the three states of Washing ton, OrcKon and Idaho. Ills (Inures, taken from inspections made by approximately 15 licensed Inspect ors who are experts, Is considered the most reliable Index la the smut situation In Uie Columbia basin area. Tito Portland ' Inspection point which Includes four Columbia riv er comities, Cllllinm, Morrow, Hlirr nuin, Wasco in Oregon unci Kllek lint county, WukIi., reported m provlmatcly 15 percent simn, tlir wmo us in 1050. In the Umatilla, Union and link er county area, improvement was noted In both common whito and club varieties. Thrco and clithl tenths per cent o( (he common white varieties madn:l ninutty; m pi'r cent ol Ilia club vuiixticH wore Nimilti'd. Of seven Eliinir anniplea inspect- Iv. ed In this area, nunc Rratted y,-iU Wt u Auto Clou to ony ihopt . including bent or curved (leu. A comprehensive ttock of pottorni li maintained enuring accurate prompt service. que Fraternal Order of Eagles Members' - Attention Nomination of Officers Friday --January 18 Elections Will Be Held Friday -- January 25 A IX behind Ohc ifvjo "mysOerv grills"in fihe new; ..MsmL m . 1 : I. J . I " r. " 1 f JO m m m mm m PEYTON and CO. ECONOMICAL INSTALLATION ! NEUJ Pr'nginirJ and dtlivtrtd In paclcagi campfefe, rtaJy for timpl imtallalion that you can do yourxtlt, if you wish. Tiny, conomca, 3'i" conduit nplaco old; bulky motal pipe rJucfs. Thes small conduits may h instolltd ithr abov your colling or btneath your floor, ond INSIDE your wall. ' OR OLD ! Th PERFECT htating systtm for Installation In ntw nomj; th PERFECT plant frr nplaclng thoso outmoded systtms in OLD HOMES. FLOOR TO CEILING HEAT ! Inatorio of long tosts from coast to coast, and In housos ranging from NEW fo BO YEARS OLD, lht avtrago dilferenco btrwecn tompotaturts at tho coiling and at fht floor was 3.8 dtgrtts. This moans WARMTH of that vital floor Uvl where childron play, and whero foot suffer from chill. HEAT AT ITS ! ii iProssuro forced heat and the Coleman "mystery grilles" afford CLEAN heat distribution . . . JUST WAT A HOUSEWIFE DREAMS OF I UNIFORM, HOUSE - WIDE HEAT DISTRIBUTION ! COMFORTABLE HEAT Is pressure-forced to every room In your home. Ho longer Is It necessary to overheat one or two rooms In order to get proper warmth In distant play looms, bedrooms, and even utility rooms. AUTOMATIC COMFORT AT COST! All this and ECONOMY TOO I The Coleman Blend Air system Is a revolutionary central heating plant at LOW COST. It furnishes all the heat you need . . , Constantly ...and always under AUTOMATIC CONTROL. ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::; HEATING SERVICE AVAILABLE ON THE PEYTON ROUTE ST. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l J mmmr' m m mr MTmrn