I'itlDAY, JANUARY If), 11152 HERALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN FINANCIAL LOANS AUTOMOTIVI AUTOMOTIVE 55 AUTOMOTIVI I$.m6ney$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to IMKJ-on your auto On voui mlary or furniture up to i:iOO "I'djf Day" Iuiiiu eiieclnliy - 110, lit, IM) loaned till "pay duy' or longer. fid coal but 18 cent lor (ml week No other chareee. LOCAL LOAN CO. 116 Nn 10th St. M-3M 43 IK1N MilNTYKIS, Mttr. Yvnre Prlrndly Hcrvice Phono 2-2M7 8-276 U2UVEJT0CK t POULTRY ; FOUL I K Y WAN,! bl3 Canh pmd fur tnv iinonin lop market prim frr gouti quality, for quolfituiim 11 KINK 31ir7 KIA M A III lf Ml UK V JF A ft MB T' m.. Al.ii.fn imy .IcKvetid V c I'M) t tnr(l fiu'iB " IMiii 1 1 4TMI " lnt.iir.HI lirut tiu tdr' odiilirV, tiu'v ami Uvpinih. HKJ V Mt.KX MAHKK'i I.BMVltW JllM-tl"fl I'llOMf 4nr .HII lAi. MHKMJINtY" K.hV H . Ptln 0771 M C Ithurbi Waniri fl : IVn lya , lO'if KAIY-njlKAlr"Nrwf.-iVTrrre ltl Y ri Hi i tout trr, Wlntle;t prii. Will ilrrla mih Ini'krr wrnp cn (irdr. Mual li.ivr :i .Uyi ituiut, I'ltonr fl.lil nMrr .1 i rn ' I rn now bunt nu'im!ci tT f i r ji j V l r k it'lvry of WliMi'futo, Aiiiiui, Htm lUlry -nlv M.-ilfukpr, lt. I 7ii:i, (.'rrotriil I'llv, Cult . i e hAi:'"(,ur ' HiKtitncu " MuUicin hull. I'linni 3 Hill , '" IlKM KHYKlttt rn ' jty In piutiic Una, Turn irM n.Urf ut nrtt ruBti utn i Mcrii.l- l.h TV w JiIim-IIim). Will fUllvcr. U.UYlJ (,IUI M.1 Ihm 3 U. -J I'n 7 i'l IIKAI) Niriniirr"tUiriM"ltvilcr" ui ale (ail 117 ill i.r It "Mil , UlYI-HS"" imu. trail-. .' I' hot-it ' -j 1 1 loo NTW lUmpklih ' pulliu. ' lU.n. I'hon 4. 3112. 44 MISCIUANiOUS WANTED VvoHKlNIi n" t itiMrr Ml ' ilr ifp to rent two lirtlriMiiu itMfu - tuthfil h''Ua MlHt garmgo ly fl.Hftl 1,1 I'hoiift niit WANT'KII TO" liR'f'l wu"orihirft W.f. rtKiin iiit(urnit,if-t1 ho.r I'Mon S-.'fito. V ANTKI),rlillHnlor fur Ohvrr mw rrop Writ J. A, Cone, lit, J Jin J 14 K, WILL I'AWAjl'f VrftittjtmV fV"l7rT f4tfit pntttiri for SO Ut-aii tattle. I'huttt .ort-IU :tl.l7. K TVCOM It tn K lnm.it h, rrptcUiHm tivi of Nallnnal rum-rtin, (leaiici two r thri e 'r(lrtivn piif n ,l,iet hounc f..r rent. Will pr Tall W K N I1: K i) C A II H 1 iiti l lop prlri now' Itotit Motor Cn nth fort fiutn 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE JANUARY CLEARANCE MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS EXTRA PANTS SOME FOLKS RIDE DONKEYS SOME FOLKS RIDE ELEPHANTS Around These Parts They. Ride In Huff's BLUE-RIBBON GUARANTEED USED CARS! $1895 '1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN Bin 155 hp. high compreulon cnglnp. Clean and fully equipped with rudlo, hontfr mid econcmkol overdrive. 'tO'Xin Our new low price IU 1050 BUICK SPKCIAL SEDAN Thin populnr model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at a price anyone can afford and In such sparkling condition you'll be proud to own It 1050 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN lime two of tliene beuutles to chooae from, Identical in equipment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrive. ClQQ Never before priced to low. ... $177 J 1050 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN j Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Han auto- j matlc trun'inli:,lon, radio, heater and COIO' ! nearly new tire. Now only. y&XJLD ' 1040' PACKARD "8" SEDAN This late '40 model la cleaner and nicer than most 60's. We're Going To LAUNCH A NEW ROCKET S-O-O-N To make ready for the New "Rocket Gldirnobllca" we offer these u:d cara at greatly reduced prices. All cart arc fully w.nterizcd and ready to go. JANUARY CLEARANCE Only $3.95 The manufacturer cuta the Price below cot We In turn eacrlflce our profit I SAVINGS UP TO $22 M71C Bee It at thla new price and you II want to own It -J PACKARD if WILLYS LEE HUFF MOTORS 7th and Oak Phone 7256 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pat Onl 1100 17 27 Mo. nepny In II Installments UP VO MOU ON HJRNITUUa OH KAI.AH Y UP VO 11200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Uvally owned Nr Cara 'inanceH a. rmnk raiea "V'JNtV IN A HURRY" Acor Investment Co. V.J yKa'ra lervm) Koinmih Uatii Bee "Chuck" BuUry Mgr. II N 7U1 8L Phone SW S 341 m n Von pay tho rrgular price for your Milt Ihtn you net nil EXTRA PAIR OP PASTS tor only $3.95 OVKK ID0 FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM Come Inlo Wards Mena Department Her these Irrmrndoua values be ing offered now. You II receive your null within a. or 4 weekj after order Is placed. Montgomery Ward V ASHLEY'S . OK USED CARS BUY NOW! Prices will be Higher This 1950 PONTIAC FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, tutone paint, Ilydrainatic, Heat covers. One-owner cer. 1949 OLDSMOBILE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc, Onc-ovner. Service record on file 1948 OLDSMOBILE "08" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Ilydramatlc, heater, radio, good rubber, undcr- ! coated. 22,000 actual miles 1950 FORD V-i TON PICKUP i One-owner, low mileage. Guaranteed top chape. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "88" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramallc. Or.e of our mechanics owned thla car, so It's In A l fhape. 1048 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Tn top condition. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Rndlo. heater. Hvdramatlc, seat covers, good tires. A-l chape. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "93" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Tutone paint, radio, heater. Hydramatlc, clean and In very good shape Spring! 1995 1895 1345 1295 1095 1195 1095 1195 Phone 3151 Dill li Pine 'i 1(60 K elai'lric ntrr rt.atr mi-v. k'. tune up. c-ftMi. moloi. culUr liel, tie. for all popular maktl. IIKPAIII UEPAHTMCNT IIICKYS JEWELXIIN ino Main Fhona 3151 KKNMOHC Vacuum rleanar. S0.S0. t'ompaci Dalai and liarvlca. 1'lionc I'XUU Commercial Furnishes Cash! MAII.HOAirAWftUrWlwi ikty laal Wo liava a ll.tiltad nuitilr uf ud llam.ltm,, Klfln and Hall fallrpad walclirB tn firt rlait condition. IICI'Ain DCPAHTMIwNT IIICKYS JtWliLMlH 700 Main Uh.?n 'HI hto, tlatbruim akaravatton "turav'at arll,i ttie "Alcrl fiuih Liulda" Cat .'t.ia at Tha llaln Hulldln Matarlala, J.'W HoKtaiii HU I'hona g-2M3. 11-ilStli cuncrcta tuivcrt piwa. ,u canu fttr fuot. prVTQW a. co HJlt HaTk t cult, alallrlc talrlaaratur. Iter, ret cundttioii, t'nuna 72U4 altar 4 'tl.rAl.rA liuy for nala. Ifnd cutlina. in liuil Cd Uont. I'hona tfoai. Oi.ui.ltA ioota roc it wooia'nu rorK x.l balt. Kaay to Inalall, Inaulalt now. Have fuel. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER !,,. !?' rnonc aaic hAKL. approa. a3 In. by 2J lit , aj in. Man i3 V O Boa ana Malm. Ora KUfl ISALK flrcpiara and furnara u-ood. lanim Id Incliea to 4a Inchaa. Pnona a:uj. i.r.r vonn snow caps nuwi Wa bur u.cd nraa. U.K. nulibar Wald ar 2at. Ku 6th Phuna 4J13 CASJI LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto Furniture Llveatock Salary ISO to SMI0 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Maka yuur deals CASH denial Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mfir. Lie. 8-251 N-Ws 107No 0th Phon 7711 4i BUSINESS JWORfUNVTIES tl.l.ljjlss (crfrca ttnmiadiaw Mcriiir Main Ktrrct Cflfc. Phuno 2-1)1(13 fur ap pointment, NMAi.l, rriinutnn"ltrf'in( Knlitl biTiilncfipi. HrlhnK on account o( alcknctia. IMiuno si m! ICELLANEOUS FOR SALE Used Furniture SPECIALS 1 Used Davenport nnd Chnlr 5OQ.50 Reduced from (!0.50 to 0 7 1 Used Bed Unvcnpoi t and Chair $ i q.50 Reduced from 70.50 to AY Klamath Furniture Company i2l Main Phone 5353 AlitJiNCi MACItlNLS. calculatora. lypa writer!, caih rrgiaiera, uaaaa. chalia (Ilea (or aala or rant. pioneew ornic bupply r Main Pnona 74l CHtirtilKU rock and drlvauay cindara'. Ciione 2.11(17 r.l.r.CTIIULUX CLEANER and pollinai ard ktiptiliea. Phona 7107 faraai 'Iwaal. 'U,Maret WE AI1K prepared"!!!-buVTfor-Imma-tliale eukh. one plera or your aullra liouiehnld o( furniture. If you have ft'imelhlnf to tell rail ui. Wa buy ANYTHtMI. HdMMEHM LANE AUC TION MAHT. Phone S303.02IB. rOH"t)ALE (an raniea. 710 Main If. Crerr ApU. Call at Manaear'a apart ment. 1if8AT. -iTTmrBalTd alfalfa hay. l.o abotit 400 ton potato alfalfa en. llace. V. I.. Clink. Itouto 2, Box 220, Tulelake. Phnne 7-U440. OUR CARS are reconditioned to be as near LIKE NEW AS POSSIBLE OUR PRICE is right our WARRANTY is in WRITING, and you do not have ANY ARGUMENTS to obtain an adjustment on any car covered by an OK guarantee. APPROX. YEAR MAKE fc MODEX MO. PY.MTS. 1950 Chevrolet 2-door sedan $69.75 1950 Chevrolet 4-door sedan P.G 74.28 1950 Chevrolet Is ton pickup 57.70 1948 Ford 2-door sedan 43.59 1948 Chevrolet Aero sedan 49.73 1947 Dodge 2 ton Flat Bed 53.41 1946 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 38.68 1946 Ford 4-door sedan 37.45 1946 Ford Club Coupe 3S.68 Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Pb. 4113 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF 1941 AND OLDER MODELS All Fully Winterized-Priced from $100 Up 1941 il911 1947 1947 1913 1948 1348 1943 1919 1949 1949 1950 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater, sun visor. Jet black CHEVROLET SPEC. DLX. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater ; FORD SUPER DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE A low mileage special. Like new OLDS '78' DLX. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydrai iPtlc. A tvtone green beauty In Immaculate condition. HUDSON COMMODORE '6' SEDAN Radio, heater, scat covers. Very nice condition Solid green color, white sidewall tires. HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN Radio, hoatcr, scat covers. New blue paint Job. PACKARD SEDAN Radio, heater. Tutone paint - .SPECIAL flood quality dry fir ahlplap and 2x4'a. a-13 per tllniiMttd. KI.AMATII VALLEY LUMBER IfMO So. nth Phone 4110 tliu.slltl) HUCK, driveway clndera. Phone 3.MI etc . . . CHAWrOHU overhead fir aarafa door. wiiu iininKB. t.an 4,111.1 or 017 WALL IIOAIIU. Complete Hock of atieet rocK, niaronue 1'iyu-oou, tenioCK, insui' alius board and relllna tile. KLA.MATU VALLEY LUMBER 1(140 8", lh Phone 4B18 Kill boflv vrood. Phone 0030. A UAM Schaf bunxalnw type uprlim piano riemlih oak finlah. (jftod con. dltlnn. Eaay terma. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY (US K. Main POLKS who like food wllh lha noma, nwitle (ante. . .like to ihop al Johnny'e ma 1 uBKery. nierrut L.akavicw JUhC' tluu. LAN 1JSC AIM N(J. evergreeni, ehruhi and Irccn. Wa. trim, apray and remove LAKESIIOnG GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42SH fwCTvflEEl. tr'aiier 557Tllone i-6ll. 55 AUTOMOTIVI IIHII CIIKVltOLET KIVE . PASSENtiER Cnupe loaded wllh acceaiorlea Cleaneat '411 cbr In town. Priced rtlht. Can be een at 41a aoutn atn. or can bb:i7 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7659 ' Ph. 7991 UAV"Yri'0 Pr i f, ' "iVvy 1 ion wi i jiT wmn Shfivcmnnier nt nouic be turn you my. Only SJino . niCKYS n rvinin JEWELERS iJrn" tUM )p fdiinrl l Kliimnlti I-urnlturo Co. 221 fmn. Phone .torji8 tanks Peyton and Co. tONSON HlnHcf llepnlrB. Uno tiny rvlce Fariory trnlnctl experts. Muko hat old llfihlcr like now ngnln. KIAIH DKPAMTMKNT flllCKYS JKWELEI1M HMnr 1 Phone ill M ood orfi or barley it raw. J'houe Lore I -n 31H7. , ' OR SAXfc, One formal alio 18. CaU 804. ' run SAiaK or trade for Uent pickup or jrrp. ion ricKup, t apeea lrnn.inljmloi.. Phnne iiMbl'ON'iiAC 8" 4-duor faan, ;l'i.uuu actual mllr. A real ton aualllv car In mint condtlion, $uo3. Call Brooka 8U4 or rvrninffpt mm. KVCKPflONAL UUY, 1030 Pontlac 4- linor rvrdan. Ounnietal fray color, (muff and trade, S1B60 Call Willard Davin HV21. RvrntnRi 2-070A. IIJMUAT USED CAltS , . . Hu. Uln at PHiin . , . has a 10.10 Deluxt IMy moutli 4-Dr In new condition for the most car nt the lernt money. Come in nurt m; 11. Phone fti:9. C0s1'6;fl cao - tiitlVHoi.ET iw3o cnnveiilhle wllh every possible extra, "Cad" rear fenders nnd nub caps, dual pipei and carburolort,. Curttom grill. Cont new over f:i2oo. Tor a real av vnn and n true sport car. Call Don ui'K.ge. tim evenings, a oa, HAHUAIN! lufll Ford Convertible. Pur rhnHed new. November 22. Over 9400 discount BUS SAROKNTfl l'Fd Can Phone 820. A REAL BUY! Ifl.M Riudebaker Champion Heal De luxe nednn. lladlo, heater, automatic transmission Very low mile an. Com In niifl look H over. New car appearance and condition. SI 005. ' II. E. llAUCIEn BUICK OARAGE Used Car Department Main nt Brond Phone 5151 i fun "Fly m outh 4-on. i.iko ne vvTio w mllrnnc. To aea it U to but H. Only ia7o, DIMBAT USED CARS So fllh nt Plum Phone Ptn WHY WALK T DRIVE MORE MOTORS .102 G. Main. Phone ;570. "We will ll your car for you." We buy enJ trade I For the best deal - Buying - Selling -Trading See Selby Last! 1951 WILLYS JEEPSTER Overdrive, Heater $1795 1950 BUICK SPC. SD. Radio and Heater $1921 1950 WILLYS 4-Wheel Drive Station Wagon Heater $1558 1949 WILLY 4-Wheei Drive Pickup Radio, Heater .. $1395 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, Heater $1195 1948 FORD V-8 Super Deluxe Fordor Heater $1045 1948 CROSLEY PICK UP Heater $ 395 1947 HUDSON "6'' SEDAN Overdrive, Radio, Heater $ 995 1946 CHEVROLET la TON PICK UP $ 795 1941 FORD V-8 Deluxe Fordor Radio, Heater $ 465 1941 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan Radio, Heater $ 395 1941 FORD V-8 Deluxe Tudor Heater $ 295 1940 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan Heater $ 345 1940 FORD V-8 DELUXE FORDOR $ 195 1940 WILLYS SEDAN $ 95 1938 FORD V-8 FORDOR $ 95 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan Heater $ 145 Selby Motor Co. 2330 So. 6th Open eves, till 6:30 Phone 8456 NEW For a or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Tri'clt Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 2-3581 HOW ABOUT A FORD? 194a Ford V-8 diatom Tudor Sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Ha every thing. Drop In and look It over. S1423. H. e. HAUOER BUICK GARAGE U.ed Car Department Main' at nroad Phone SIM 11130 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe 4Ur. Low mileage, all the extraa, Thla I. a real value DIMBAT USED CARS So. 8th at Plum Phone (linn MUST SKlL' equity In 10411 Chevoriel Aero-a.dan. A-t condition. See at nice. Richfield Station, eth and Klamath. WHERt CAN YOU BUY a I94U Bulck Super 4.Dr. with radio. . healer and Dynaflow for only ICM? DIMBAT USED CARS, of courael So. 6th at I'lum. rnone pi.in, FOR SALE or trade for flat beu truck. 1941 Chev. dump truck with 194a Motor. Flr.1 cla.a condition Phone 9077. ONLY $700 DOWN on thl. fceautllul Chryaler Wlndaor Club Coupe. Unly 110,000 mile. Sea It al DIMBAT USED CARS Sn. 0th at Plum Phone 913ft 1940 PLYMOUTH, new ualnl. new tifea new battery. A top car for low dol lar, va. DIMBAT USED CARS South lh at Plum Phona 0192 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS-CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER 617 S 7tb Phont m COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER : MOTOR CO. Main at Esriina THIS 18 THE ONE! 194B Bulck 8uoer Sedanet. Radio, heat er, plastic .eat covera, lota of chroma. Low mileage. Try to duplicate it for only 1 30.1. tl. B, HAUUEK - BUICK UAHAUE U.ed Car Danartment Main at Broad Phone 51,11 FOR SALE lnSo Plymouth Deluxe tour door aedan. 39.000 mile., 11400. Baa at uoouyaar servica store, REMEMBER . . . It Costs You Less To Pay Off The Balance! FINANCE AT Vz of 1 Per Month Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 PARKER PONTIAC CO. CONTINUES ITS- Removal SALE 35 CHOICE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM .. From 1951 to 1935 Prices as low as $37.50 1950 OLDSMOBILE "88" SEDAN SOfiO Clean as a pin and loaded. Low mileage jlXJ O 1950 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN ?lAO Hydramatic and all accessories . 0 O 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM TUDOR $i o A r rtadlo, heater, overdrive. A real buy 0.0 1948 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE ?n Q r Radlo, heater, automatic drive. A beauty. j O 1947 KAISER FOUR-DOOR SEDAN $ -tq c Radio, heater. An exceptional buy O These Are Just a Few of our Outstanding Values LOW FINANCE RATES TOP VALUES i $ U can't beat a PONTIAC $. U can't beat a $ PARKER PONTIAC DEAL PARKER PONTIAC CIIEV. 5-PASS. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, scat covers. Marcon color. ..- PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN Heater and overdrive. 12.000 actual miles, ' DODGE CORONET SEDAN Radio, heater and tluid drive. Sea blue. One owner and clean. - ; PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. '8' SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive, seat covers and snow tires. Very nice. . BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynaflow Perfect throughout. .- ' - ? 425 345 ?995 ?1195 .$1435 $1365 ?1465 ?1145 ?1595 ?1595 U95 '2295 SPECIAL 1951 HUDSON PACEMAKER "6" 4-DR. ;, Radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers. House car in perfect condition. . - ?HI,CA Only 9,000 miles .ZJsJJ . COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1946 DODGE PANEL One owner. Very good Yes . . . We Trade! s 495 vThe Best Termsl Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS . llth & Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 CLAIMS claims CLAIMS WORDS WORDS WORDS We know that you must get tired reading about the largest used car , dealers; the ones who sell the most, have the lowest prices and the best used cars. If you're tired of this moasting come In today! ENJOY A REAL -JANUARY BARGAIN JAMBOREE 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland Ph. 6221 1949 NASH "600" SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, Weathereye, oevrdrive 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, Weathereye, overdrive . 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION COUPE v Heater - M445 ?1275 '995 THERE MUST BE A REASON THAT WE SELL SO MANY USED CARS! That reason is our 2-Day FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Try these cars for 2 days, then get your money back if you're not completely satisfied. . 1950 PLYMOUTH $1647 195a BUICK SUPER $2397 . 1946 BUICK SEDAN $ 997 1947 CHEVROLET AERO .. $1147 1949 STUDEBAKER $1397 $7.00 DOWN. v On All Pre-War Used Cars! YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 104 PLYMOUTH -4-DR. Ih top shape In every way. Your, for only saso. DIMBAT USED CARS So. (Ith at Plum Phone 9139 eve NEED CARS! (Ml too price now Roar Motor Co atn ann Hum 11)40 ICORD Custom Tudor Radio, heat er, overdrive. A real buy at only $1293. DIMBAT USED CARS So. eth at Plum Phone 9139 FOR SALE. 19:18 Pontlac 6 cylinder 1 door aedan. A-l Motor and tlrea. Lois of extras. $233, Call 3930, see at 4303 Altnmont Drive. BUS SARCtANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Comer Shaata Way and Arthur Streets pnone H2ua FOR SALE. 19.10 Plymouth Special de luxe Club Coupe. Phone 2-04IU. 1942 BUICK SUPER 4-Door Sedan $595 1941 OLDS '78' 4-Door, Hydramatic, Radio, Heater . $545 1941 FORD CONVERTIBLE : $495 1941 BUICK SUPER 4-Door Sedan ... $525 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Rough $39a 1940 CHEVROLET 4-Door. Clean, Radio, Heater ?3S5 1940 OLDS '8' New paint $395 1939 FORD (Nuff Sed!) ?275. 1939 DESOTO COUPE. Clean, Radio, Heater, O'drive .. $29o 1938 BUICK Good transportation $193 1936 FORD. Not the best in the West, but far above ave. $,100 KLAHN NASH CO. 306 South 6th Phone 3650 Frank Elliott, Salesman . . . Home phone 2-04.32 ft YES EVERY WEEK DYE'S HAVE - REAL SPECIALS Top Cars At Under Marked Prices LOOK 1949 CHEVROLET AERO 2-DOOR ' Radio, heater. Fine mechanically. 1948 CHEVROLET AERO Radio, heater. Clean 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1941 FORD STATION WAGON Radio, heater PICKUPS 1941 INTERNATIONAL Va TON PICKUP 1941 FORD li. TON PICKUP 1948 FORD "6" 4-Speed Transmission Overload springs, clean IT CERTAINLY PAYS TO, ?1295 ?1095 ?445 395 345 M25 1045 See DYE Before You BUY" 733 East Main m ' . . AAAfl mono aoio A GOOD LOW PRICED BARGAIN' 1941 Bu'ck Special 4-Dr. Sedan. Rad'o. heater, lots of equipment. Clean Inside and out. An exceptional car In tht. year and model. Hurry on this one. S323. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3131 JUST THE THING for a second car In the family. 1941 Bulck Special. Radln. Radio, heater, new Urea. Youra for only $493. DIMBAT USED CARS So. 6th et Plum ' Phona 9139 1949 DESOTO Club Coupe. Radle, heat er. fluid drive. Top ahape In every way. Look II over. DIMBAT USED CARS So. th at Plum Pbnne ISt WANT A 3-PASS. SPORT COUPI? 1046 Pontlac "S" 8-Paiener aport coupe. Radio, heater, plastlo Mat covers, ae. cessorlea you w ke. Thla Pontlae has had exceptionally good cere. A real steal at ainzs. H. E. HAUGER BUICK OARAOI Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone fill