HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY. JANUARY IB, 1052 PAGE TWELVE tip fW& TOP PLUMACE- ( This party-r oinr coiffure called , 'Comet," styled by Fernand Aubry. of Paris, 1 made of white feathers which cover the head , ,like close-fUtirur wit. u2 NEW ENVOY Georn C. McGhee, former Assistant , Secretary of State for Middle . East and African Affairs, is new V. S. Ambassador to Turkey Succeeding George M'adsworth. JACOBY on 'Canasta "Please tell me if I was wrong or unlucky," requests a Chicago reader. "We were playing three hand Canasta because our regular fourth - had to work late at the office.' In the first hand, with ev erybody needing 50 points, I was clean ine lonowing cards: joner, A-A K-K, J-J, 8-9. 7-7, 6-5. . . "I drew another seven and de cided to discard it as a trap. I was planning to play for the dis card pile since I had five good pairs. ' ''What happened to me shouldn't happen to a dog. I gave up an other seven later on, and then a jack. Finally, one of the oppo nents picked up the discard pile, and made a canasta. The hand continued for a while, and the other opponent melded out con cealed. I still had no melds. ' "Was it foolish of me to throw away those sevens In the attempt to- win the discard pile? Does it pay to light for the pile in the three-hand game?" It pays to fight for the discard pile in the three-hand game, but it seldom pays to go all-out for the pile. It is usually unwise to break up a possible meld either as a trap or in order to make room for additional pairs. What actually happened to my Chicago .correspondent is far from unusual. One opponent had a good play for a concealed meld-out. He concentrated on building up his band and didn't worry about giv ing up the discard pile. Hence he gave the pile away to the other opponent but managed to meld out before any damage was done. The only one who got hurt was my correspondent. This sort of thing doesn't happen often in the regular four-hand frame because there is no euch clanger as one opponent deliber ately giving up the pile to another opponent. What's more, if you do lose the discard pile to the enemy in the four-hand game, you will have a partner to come to your rescue. In three-hand Canasta it pays to fight for the discard pile with out giving up any card that builds up your play for out. Keep all good melds, especially those of four or more cards. Timber Sales Nearing Record PORTLAND Wl Timber sales In 'the 19 Pacific Northwest na tional forests are likely to reach a record high this year. ' Already they are at a Tecord level for the first six months of the fiscal year that started July 1. Thev have brmicrht. In C1Q Rna 090 which is B0 per cent above the wmc period a year earner. The principal sales were made ui uiese icresis; uregon willa fnftttA t3 9dfiniK! llmnnii. CI 4K 092; Ochoco $1,477,648. Washington -uiympic 2,iD,vj2; uuiora rui chot 81,466,668. Creates Protective Warmth for CIIESTCOLDS to raNm CMghs and sort muicltt Muateroie Inatsntly creates a won derful protective warmth right ' ei applied on cheat, throat and buck. It not only promptly relieves couiinlnn and Inflammation but - oreaka up painful local congeatlon. I ' . i IT 'in:' s CELEBRATING- Loretta North. 19, fambols In Australian surf after selection as "Miss Kangaroo." She'll (our I". S. and Canada with first V. S. film nude in Antipodes. DESIGNING CHAMP Sharon Koehnke, Glen Ellyn, IH.. national junior table tennis queen, wears a one-piece nylon crepe; net and. lace dress she designed for playing. s, .' . Bonanza . : 1 By CORA LEAVTTT Mr. DllH Mrs RBrm,n Unr-u - - - - - ....... ituugCO of Boise, Ida. and Mrs. Sarah Hodges of Merrill visited friends in Bonanza on Sunday. Mr. nnri fr rtn-An ti. 1 . Mrs. and Mrs. Dick Pepple and Pamie Jean were dinnr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pepple and ... ..... j M1 iuajimiQ r aus on sun day. Mavnarr! Vrpri ... i -,v - ---uwoc won uume oyer the weekend from his base Mr. ftnrt Mm T-ionn-. r-: - joiuj WlVt'U OI Coquille. and Gordon Givan of t rtlL BSnd' and Mr- and Mrs. ue njiius ana Joan of Klamath Fall WPrP nil hnma ..J-;. ,1 folks and be with their brother. . was nome on leave from his Navy base in California. Mr. and Mrs nrvin r-ir..,.i spending a few days at Bremer- Tn nrttti 4U:H - ... ., m, ureif oon jacK wno is in dry dock there. .Lan9,ll Valley j w By CORA LEAVITT Mr nnH Xf re 7; - a iuju uumci ana Marvin of Klamath tTDll. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Al Van Bevern and Nancv nnri ArinlnU ir Tt all of Portland and Harold Stover aiassa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBel and daughters. AtlOlnh Van Rovorn ar,J xrnA.. . - n cuiu neuiJY stayed with the Debels while the rest of them went on to Los Ange les. Mrs. NfVn firnhe latt XjrAnn for Seattlp m visit fee ria,mh.A. Lois, and family. ' Mr. ana Mrs. George Fernlund and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs nirlr Tkm, nf Hfn . lln on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Leavitt and Mary spent Sunday at Tulelake with their daughter and son-in-law and family, the Pete Hodges. mi. ana Mrs. Burnett visited Mr. anri Mrs. T. H Mrtrric anri enno on Sunday evening and got stuck in a snow bank and had to walk a nan mile nome. The Pete Hric- zlSftCP'e hnt tn enpnri th ninht a the Burnetts, getting stuck to the same drift. Four-H Newl SEW ANT SAVE. rl.ITR The first hllsinpR mppiino. rtf tVia year for the Sew and Save Club of muuuuut was neia Jan. s, at tne home of Mrs. Kunz, the leader. Only one pot hofcer was finished for this mpptinor Thp ... cv.ni be finished for the next time, wuiun win oe a sewing meeting only. At the Jan. 22 meeting the first demonstration of the club will be given by the teams of La vuime luncs ana wina Keller, ouan u nair ana snena Kunz. Peggy Shannon will also give a talk on the care of hair. As many aprons as can be finished should be brought to this meeting. Sheila Kunz News Reporter. MAUN BEEF CLIB Rone haltprs vsra ni w second meeting of the Malin Beef Club held at the home of Jim my Parker. The program of work for the year was outlined by the president, Norman Oliva Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th & Wolnur Ph. 7709 Legal NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Notice Is hereby given, in compliance with Sec, 88-302 O.O.L.A, that the following' is a true and correct statement of the amount of money collected, and the amount of money turned over to the County Treasurer, and the total thereof, for the six month's period ending December 31, 1951. Balance on hand June 30, 1951 Taxes Collected 1951-5.1 $3,394,181.95 1950-51 136.421.37 1949-50 18.753.0S 1948-49 6.368.36 1947-48 1.904.25 1946-47 186.01 1945-46 79.18 1944-45 53.61 1943-44 .43 1943-43 7.80 1943 3.49 1941 7.38 1940 7.70 1939 7.44 1938 7.74 1937 5.35 1936 4.89 1935 153.27 1933-34 710.04 1933 3.51 19.11 32.46 Misc. 115.78) $3,548,781.40 Turnovers to July 7, 1951 Aug. 6. 1951 Sept. 1. 1951 Sept. 13, 1951 Oct. 3. 1951 Oct. 23. 1951 Oct. 25, 1951 Nov. 1. 1951 Nov. 6. 1951 Nov. 8. 1951 Nov. 14, 1951 Nov. 20. 1951 Nov. 27, 1951 Nov. 30. 1951 Dec. 7. 1951 Dec. 10, 1951 Dec. 12, 1951 Dec. 17. 1951 Dec. 23. 1951 Dec. 26. 1951 Dec 26. 1951 Dec. 29. 1951 Balance on hand 'Sheriff's Fees Paid Treasurer J-18 No. 859 Malin By MRS. JOE HALOL'SEK X4 f am A tyo TlnnnlA Gtanhftni left Sunday, Jan. 13, for Madras, Ore., where they plan to make their home. Bonnie has accepted the citv recorder nosition in that city. The Herald-News photographer visitpH Mnlin Thnrsrinv nftprnww and took several pictures of var ious inmgs in town, wnicn will ap pear in paper later. The High School gymnasium was fillpri to mnnritv lncr ITriHnv niirht when the Malin basketball team won over tne Bonanza Antlers. A practice game with Heniev in their gym. the next night also proved virtnrlniic fnr Mnlin Unma no mat, scheduled for the rest of the bas ketball season will be: Saturday. Jan. 19, Chiloquin; Friday, Jan. 25 Merrill: Thursday, Jan. 31. Blv; PrlrlnV Vfh ft Hpnlov Rnl,irria Feb. 9. Tulelake; Tuesdav. Feb. 12, Sacred Heart: and Wednesday Feb. 27. KUHS Wildcats. Tnhn TOnilpv ninnna. rtt Ufalln has been confined to his home for several weeks by illness. Friends hope for his speedy recovery. The Mariners Club are starting Olans fnr thpir nnnunl evtravan.n. za. The date will be around Feb. 40 at me Broadway theater. Thp Mnlin American TairiAn A. xiliary Unit No. 84 met Monday pvpnin nt C r m at ih Xtln Community Church with Emma nnu- ,J( rrt , . vuue prcsiuuig. r,ieven memoers were present for the meeting. Mrs. Anna Lahoda, chairman of the Committpp in rhnroa (ha Christmas dance supper, reported uu .w was ciearea on tne sup per. She thanked the members who served with her on the committee. LfldipR hptninrr Mro T nW. . . - r. . ... uoiiwa wuc, Anna 8chmidt, Inez Fallihee, Pat wiujinun. aiso faui Lanoda. Rehabilitation Chairman Martha Brothanek, reported that the box that Ufl Rpnt. tl fhtt 17 T!.. pital to the gift shop in Roseburg Thp rPOTllnr mnnihlv the Malin Hnmp TTvlpneir, it4 was held Tuesday evening, Jan. 8 "uiiic x,c room oi tne High school. The meetine was onpnprf nriih nravpr nnri a r,, . . . . Elsie Mock displayed an approprl- cincipiece ior a cmlds party made from Jellyroll cakes and cookies. The nrnipnt nf Tropin, t r m "-o.w AIUIIIII nO. 2 was led by Mrs. Caroline Love- ness. ironing boards of plywood were padded and covered by those desiring to do so. Vlnlpttp Vim? nn j would hold another meeting in her iiume ior tnose desiring to learn more of Textile Painting. The date Is to be Jan. 18 at 1 p. m. Following the meeting refresh ments were served by Frances Ra ima and Maple Lyons to the fol lowing; Caroline Loveness, Violette Kunz. V.mmn Mnrnlnni. lIari.,o Halousek, Clara Scott," Maple fiiva emauey, Mildred Raj nus, Bonlta Mauney. Letters and cards of thanks were reCeivpri frnm ihp InWnwinn limra who received boxes of cookies irom tne Auxiliary at Christmas time; Wesley Hamilton, Okinawa; Charles Howell, Korea; Ronnie riawKins, England; Leonard Web er, Alaska; and Gary Freitag from Denver, Colo. At the close of the meeting re freshments were served to the Le gion and Auxiliary members by Leah Street and Mary Vlctorln. Warbel and lice control will be the subject Of the next meeting which will be held February 3 at the home of Donnle Micka, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Parker to the following mem bers: Norma and Norman Oliva, Shirley and Steven Schofleld, Bev erly and Sharon Scott, Harry, Far rell and Roxanne Wilson, Lou Ann and Gordon Kandra, Marvin Mac- Hotels osburn holland IUQENE, OR!. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Jtr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietor and Joe Earley Notice t 30,693.89 3.548,781.40 Treasurer $ 27.844.13 31.645.27 8.319.13 52.828.94 13.090.03 30.670.52 5S.311.89 94.672.36 87.528.94 80.544.21 136.800.76 100.113.30 157.094.43 188.107.08 208.026.43 786.919.20 171.662.25 349.599.83 235.359.12 335.382.85 43.058.35 131,164.75 3.316.643.75 Dec. 31. 1951 363.831.54 $ 1.621.50 1,621.50 J. E. Franey Sheriff & Tax Collector Elsie Siemens Deputy NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be rvcolved by the Common Council of the City oi Klamath Falls. Oregon, for the pur chase of sewer Improvement bonds. Series 93. aggregating. Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dollars. '$4,322 33 duly authortied by ordinance of the said City of Klamath Falls, for the construction and laying of sewer lines tn Sewer Unit No. 30, of said City and serving the property between South Sixth Street, the O.C.ai E. Railroad Right of Way, Shasta Way and Washburn Streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and Including the 4th. day of February, 1952. at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun. cil immediately thereafter; said bonds shall be dated February 1, 1952, and shall be in amounts of S50000 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional part of said sum, and all shall be due ten ears after the date of issue, payment of the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear interest at tha rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm of Wlnfree. McCulloch. Shuler Sayre, Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. 1951. ROBERT M. ELDER. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, . Oregon. . . D-31-J-l-2-3-4-J-7 - S - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 14 - IS -18 - 17 - IS - 19 - 21 - 22 - 23 -2t- 2-5 - 26-23-29-30 - 31- F. l - r No. 826. CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of PEDRO GONZALAS. Deceased. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: TO: The Unknown Heirs of PEDRO GONZALES, Deceased. A petition having been filed by Ivy C. Clark, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Administrator of the above entitled estate, for an order authoriz ing him to sell at private sale for cash the following described real property, to-wlt: Portion of Lot 7. Sec. 14. Twp. M S.. R. 10 E W.M.. Klamath County. Oregon, containing .28 acres, also W', -E'i -SW". - NE', W'i SW'. NE'i. E'i-E'j-SE'l-NWl'.-, Sec.. 35, T. 34 S.. R. 7. SEl's-SE'i Sec. 34 T. 35 S.. R. 9 NEU - NE".. Sec.. 3 NW'i-NW". Sec. 2, T. 38, S.. R. E.. W.M.. Klamath County. Oregon, containing 160 acres You. and each of you, are hereby cited to appear in the above entitled Court on or before the 30th day of January. 1952. then and there to ahow cause, if any there be, why the aaid petition should not be granted. WITNESS the Hon. David R. Vanden. berg. Judge of the above entitled Court. Dated this 28th day of December, 1951. ISEAL) CHAS. F. DeLAP, Clerk of the Circuit Court By JANE WEVEP Deputy D-31 J-4-1 1-18-25 No. 839 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned haa been appointed Administrator of the estate of CARL B. JACOBSEN, also known as C. B. JACOBSEN, deceased, and has quali fied, and all persons having a claim against said estate are hereby required l . present thr sa-ne w' 'ir-'er V0'-- era to me at the office of L. Orth Slsemore, Attorney, 213 Stewart-Drew Building, 731 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 8th day of January, 1952. L. ORTH SISEMORE, Administrator of the Estate of CARL B. JACOB SEN, also known aa C, B. JACOB SEN, deceased. J-ll.lft-25 F-l No. 848 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administra trix or the estate of Nettie Wallan. deceased by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Klamath County, Oregon and has qualified and letters of administration have been Issued to her. All persons having clalma against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as re quired by law. to the undersigned at the office of A. W. Schaupp. 206 Wllllts Bldg . Klamath Falls, Oregon within six months from the dale of the first B ublleatlon of this notlca which date Jan II. 1052. . Dated this loth day of Jan, 1932. Jessie L. Reed Administratrix A. W. Schaupp, Attorney. J-ll-18-25 T-l-8 No. 848 TtnnnlP Mfolrn. William Rft i n' Rhiripv Tutnr.k. .limmv John son,' and Jimmy Parker. itoxanne vviiauni News Reporter IMAGINE! Within a few short hours after you order a Herald Si News Classified ad, 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To place an ad, phone Sill. 10 WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Made and Guaranteed by Oneida, Ltd. Roy Rinehart's - CHEVRON STATION Phone 2-8337 The only Service Station in Klmnath Falls Issuing Rogers Silverware Cards CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word 4a Three Days per word He Week run ., ..,,,. per word 20c Month run .. per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of Sic. DEADLINES Classified ada accepted up to 5:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noon for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mage all claims lor adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be madt tn following day's publication Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY - HUNTS CASH GROCERY Phone 753 Box 343 DCRRIS MRS. DORA BRANHAM Phone 783 301 E. Hasen Henley Tulelake RUTH KINO Phone (452 Rte. 3. Box 616 LAKE VIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIC Phone 3701 138 E. St No FUNIRAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 921 High Street. Phone 3334. MUTING N0TICIS KLAMATH LODGE No. 17 A.F.AA.M. will hold jrja special meeting Fri- -lav .linn.Mf in 1-in Work in FC Degree. Visiting brethren In cited. DALE BEBBER Worshipful Master STATED MEETINGS DF MANZANITA OHAPTER No. 173 O.E.S. will be held Frl lay. January 18 at 8 j'clock In the I.O.O.F. nail. Visitors welcome. VERA FRITSCH - W.M. JOHN LARSON -W.P. REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary will be held Friday January 18 In the K. C. at 8 pjn. MAX L. RUOE Commander ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Friday, 8 p.m, for InformaUon, write Box 204. Phone 3382. LOST AND FOUND LOST. Billfold Saturday. Identification papers Vicinity Postofflce. Reward. G. R. Christian. Redmond, Oregon . WHITE gold diamond watch lost al De pot. Sunday. Reward. Box 480 Herald and News. GENERAL NOTICE AUCTION NOTICE There will be no sale tonight at H it H Auction Mart, due to weather conditions. LUNCH and dinners served at Pelican urive-in MY AFFILIATION haa terminated with Standard Cleaners as of January 11. Signed: Ann Turpin VOUR Singer Sewing Center la open to the public. Thursday 3:30 to 6:30 for free attachment lnatructlona. SINGER SEWING CENTER 33 Main Phone 2-2913 PERSONALS LET me save you money on button holes. Phone 484H. GOLDEN, crisp, waffles served In your car, with anything you like. Pelican Drive-In. SPECIAL ' REDUCTION on all permanent waves. Call Velma at Lady Klamath Beauty Shoo. Phone 8077 for information. 12fl N. 7th. HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON. 1710 Main. Phone 0284. STANLEY Home Products. Phone BOQO. 10 SERVICES MOVING?... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" Septic Tanks Cleaned Newnt Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta ED F. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 PIANO TUNING WM. H. MORGAN Factory trained technician and tuner. For tunings call Kyle Morgan Piano, IMS Main or phone 2-0200, HEWING and alterations. Kitty Dressel, Phone 2-03.18. . IT HELPS YOU in so many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald Si News Classified ads. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone 8111. 1 SlftVICI Qua, oil, Tires, Tubes Batteries, Lubrication, Washing SOUTH SIXTH and MIDLAND ROAD Klamath Falls, Oregon 10 SERVICES FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SKRVICB CO. Phone 0878 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6685 or 2-3318 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4336 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer - Fill Dirt Topaoil Crushed Rock - Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 5541 or 9110 INCOME TAX rifiTURNS For appointment phone 2-OUM, Harvey HUphanv FRENCII.D1P Drive-In. NEED HELP Sandwich at Pelican Income Taxes? fhone Bios. FI'l.l.FR hrti.l,. PKn. 04,l4 ' n. kn-iH HHICK LAYING Does uur fireplace DOES YOUR fireplace need repair? call 2-oaai. WATCH REPAIRING. Reasonable. 73 PAKNTING and paperhanglng. Thone THIPP'S AUTO painting, body and (en- o.r wora rnone oo ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract. Phone 2.1010. EXPERT dre'samaklng and atleratlona. rnum biqi. CURTAINS launda-ed en3 stretched Pnone 4914 ). L DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at SOS No. 7th. Phone atts PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging-, plaster-hoard finishing, spray painting. Phone 302B. 12 EDUCATIONAL CHILD CARE and educTtioaTpre-sehoo) cenl.r. Phont S271. BOOKKEEPING, shorthsnd typing ku. dred sublects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLKtiE T33 Pine Phone 4780 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, exercise. wIIMHf(lnI Phy. alotherapy for reducing, relaxation, body building. Rates for erie. Ap. S ointment, phone 3003-3300. Medical lasaeuse. women only. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE part time frXSPiuisttr Interview ra. Call from home. Not M-llinf. Box 17M. Grand C?ntrlSUon. N. V. 17 X. Y. W A NTeb lad y id care for baby and d light houavework, Phona 8-0034 ftr 9:30. BABY-SITTER lo llva iif wohildrTn. Phone 2-WKJ. EX PERI E NCEO bookkeeper t'amlllVr with payroll and tfttniral office work. Good .steady position. State aie and experience in ft rat tetter. Write Box 463 Herald and New. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED DAY or hour work wanted. ' Phone a-O-lU. , CHI LO CARE. day. week, or month. Phone 3807. DIESEL, Driver deilrei work. Call Mid land Store. Phone 2-1172 between 5-6 P HOUSEWORK and baby sitting. Phone 2.27 ID. BABY SITTING- PhoneflUl, LOVING care liven to your child days or room and board child In my nome. Phone 2-TA WASHING and Jronlng. Phone 2-0110. ' BABY SITTING." Phone 2-0fl72. WILL care for children In my home day or your homo evening!. Call 2- IMS. HOUR work. Phone 7BIS. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE sleeping room with hat. Alio email clean apartment. Utllltle fur nlKhedlone In. fgr lady. Phone S837. ROOM and board ior gentlemen. Phone 9331. ROMSrprlceireaionable.Phone fl27. LOVELY roomi for rent M -7. a week. Cioie.ru Phona jUM. WANT housework by hour. Phbna 2-0214. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT TOR RENf one bedroom furnished apartment. Electric heat. Venetian bllnda throughout. 1037 Oregon Ave, Phone 2. tW.fl. VACANCY t Hnmel Apti. S3 Pine. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Close In. Laundry faclllllef. 931 N. 0th. Couple only. No pela. M3. Call 2-3170. FURNISHED apartment, large living room, large bedroom, both, combina tion kttrhen and dinette. Heat and wa ter furnished. 9 minutea walk from city center. Phona t813, 1314 Creicant St. APARTMENT BVAllnble the 20th. Suit able for couple. Phone BOflfl. 39 Main. "FOR RENT, furnished three room apnrtment. Newly redecorated, clean. S4D,. to Phone ;IZ4. FOR RENT. FurniNhed apartment. "Prl- vate bnth, het furnlahed, Clone In. Adulta. Phone 4079. 2 FURNISHED apartmenti. $33 S!9. Llghlg and water. I720ak. REDECORATED three room furnished apartment. Electric bent. Two blocks from Mnln, Adults. No pets. Nolan Ants, 312 No. 1 1th. TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment. Adults. 20iil While. FURNISHED apartment suitable for couple. Phone 84.50. SMALL, clean apartment. 433 North lotlr FURNISHED two-room apartment, lie frlgeralor, $33: all utilities Included. 410 N. Tenth. FOR RENT two room furnlahed apart- ment. Adults :i:iB Broad. FOR RF.NT. 3 room apartment, 2 blocks from Mnln Street. For working couple, Ph o no 4407 evenln gs 33.14. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment. S03 Market. Phone (1317. FOR RENT, nice unfurnished duplex. mm uaK. ron RENT, furnished apartrrent, In quire 1)18 High NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam, heat, electrla range sui week rtex Arms Apartment. SMALL clean apartment. Electrically eouippen. worm linn. FOR RENT, three room furnished apartment. Hot water heat. Adults. Phone 3W1B, FOR RENT, 'two bedroom furnished tlp stalra apartment. Jfent and water fur nished. 829 Grant. Phone 2-0313. THREE room modern furnished apart ment on East Main. Private bath. Auto matic heat, SSS. Adulta, No petl, In quire SUS Applsjate. 24 APARTMENTS FOR HINT i?6TiSiPTaiyrTirfea room furnTsliid apartment. 1147 Kasf HI. 2 HOUSES FOR RENT r ft lTTt ENf! Sram TwTi bedroom house. 3 mllei south of Utility Mchoui. Plume 904H. Irblt RENT," una belroom IfurnfsKiB house, adults. North ftldt. Geo. J. Kom man, Real Estate Drokor, Phona MM any time. bNin.KnfirtoM (urultTd house for reiU.jCaU 4l.nl, Apartment tCW ur .1TL FOR RENT nil ieae TislT7w"oliii riMtm furnished house In Stewart-Lett nox addition. Large lot, basement. Iwtrn. chicken hmme. etc. Call W. J. Rattler, phone 2-HJqQ, TWO HOOMaVcbrtiplotely1"1 furnished. 1143 Pine. fWOXrom cabins. Phone 8330. Volt HEN'h dumfortable. cfeaiT bedroom duplex. Partly furntsiiad, 170. Phone 7700 or 42TO. Pon HKNTTtwo" WHroom duplex, fur. nlslied, quire ag North lllh. 21 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourflplf Suva 'i Nrw Trucks For Lonj Trlpj Plckupa Btnkei Vnna BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Mnlu Phone 8304 WtLTTrXNid on sli.rs.crop basis'.' itia A. at grain lainl. AO A. for potatoes, ao A. In alfalfa one year old. IMlone 7nM. Klamath rails. orriot ior rani, art Main. Phone 7ini I'Oil rIENT'.floor senders "latest' tyoe equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. 1Mb and Walnut I'hone Tits) CAR sfoRAtYi ltATh. day wash or month. Carl Lamb, phone 4673 or 770. JO RIAL ISTATI fOK SALI A GOOD BUY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION On this very comfortable five room home on northalde. New Iron Fire man furnace, norm windows, full concrete basement, attractive kitch en and lnrito cllulng room. Newly redecornled. Includes refrigerator and new electric range. Only MOJO. NORTHSfDE ATTRACTIVE AND WELL CON STRUCTED Four bedroom home, Flreplnce, hardwood floors through out. Dining room, electrlo hent, two full bnUia, lnsulnted and weatherslrlppcd. Concrete base ment, sprinkling system, beautiful view. Priced fnr below replacement cost. 113.600. CLOSE IN Lame family home In Ideal loca tion. 14x30 foot living room with fireplace, lame dining room, three bedrooms, with walk In closets, beautiful bath, glassed In sleeping porch, double garage. Quick posses sion. I8.000 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD (Evea. 2-05:7) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 817 Main phone 3211 REAL BARGAIN YOU Will hanilv believe II n.h.n ..... see it, but It's true. A furnished modern 2 bedroom home In the Bouth Suburbs on small acreage with extra large garage and WRrk shop with concrete floor for ONLY 15(100 A neat anri .. a pin. No work needed Just bring juur auiicase ana move right In. All furniture Included. Reasonable down payment and assume owner's O.I. Loan, linns, ! H,tihia, nn structlon and on concrete founda tion; tiectrlc range and oil heal. Paved street past the door. 12 ACRES Close In on pnyed county road. flnnri lanrt nil nnri,. Large modern 3 bedroom home, ga rage, two in rge chicken houses lame enough to raise chickens com merrlnilv anrl amnll hnm iu. small pasture. $18,000. Should take any type lonn. Al Longmlre Evs. 6724 Joe Perry Evs. 8332 BURTON E. GRAY Ren 1 tor it Insurance 1037 Main St. Ph. 3864 or 3421 FAIRVIEW DISTRICT Conveniently located near school, bus and stores. Large home with two bedrooms and finished attic room. Combination dining and liv ing room, fireplace, bullt-lns. Roomy bath, kitchen with breakfast nook, laundry room. Finished half base ment, piped furnace, -double ga rage. Can be bought by GI for $1000 down Including all closing charges. Price $8200. www $2250 One L.Jroom cottnge near Conger School. Living room, kitchen, en closed back porch, stall shower, 30 gallon electric hot water tank, oil henter Included, Oood location for rental or working couple. Anne Mnnon Eddie Hoslcy Eves. 8714 2-0188 PUE DALE. R-oltor 122 8, Oth Phono 7200 fniTEu ' DEUnuoM hmise on V tre Good not , electric wu iciioul tins iwm Htiwtt. a4t'.yytt.M'lfto-''o. NKW HOMKtiJ" for'Jx VVUssu Ik Powell. Phone Htua. TNoOaffilAi Hire Wiltiiu T6"T0fCC Phone 75HI Ce'il Green, FOR SALE or IrndejfoF Pickup or I..-..! UUlt.it (II BUlettl tUDUlD. 1 1 1 was . 0141. WANTED TO 'UfJV. Pflxiure and gran- Ing land. Not less than a 1000 acres. Dry or lrr.fl.ited. Not over 100 miles .rem Klnmnlh Fulls. Will pay oasli. I jnnne hum or ihiiii, FOrTjEASE. 21 acres soud 'aDud land. $M per acre, Nntled 916,000 last year. V. E. Qrlse. Dnlry, OreRon. HUMES rOH SAME . EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 1 Don Kirk pa trick. Salesman tai N flta Phona MSI fi3 ACRES snndy loam In' Outte Valley. Irritation well and pump, fl a a res al. falfa. tflOOO cnah. See Lei and A, Crlss, wncnoei, laiuornia. XbVi,I(V two-bedroom home built In 1040. Insulated, hardwood floors throiifhout Covered linoleum. One block off South fith In South Huburbs, Sell enulty for 11,400. Balance S0.000. Phone B.110. STlILDlNO for sale to wreck, garage and living quartera, Call JCcclei 8124. JO MAI ISTATI FOR SALI 3 BEDROOMS MILLS ADDITION Very attractive, well built home, quite nent and on comer Jot. Only uoo, Will carry any ka of loan. 4 BEDROOMS At J728 Hope Street. Abundsnt stornao apace, closets, (to. Lame loiaJscaped lot, fully fenced. Ideal lor iirowlnt family. Close to schools, shopping district. Ask us to show you this at once. DUPLEX Within easy walking distance of City center. Automatic heat. On apartment completely furnished. Mood Investment at the price of 18500. CLOSE IN Drive by 308 Mortimer and see this well constructed modern 2 bedroom home, Concrete foundation, pavoi street and sidewalks. Total price) 4000. Terms arranged. OPEN EVENINOfl BY APPOINTMENT Set Don Blosn Phone 6M Evea, Homer Btlles 3-3410 Eves. Fred Ocott 8703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtdfa Since 100 111 N. 9th 8t. Phone 45M or W:rj Walking Distance Here Is worth the money opportun ity. Two bedroom home completely furnished for only 63M. Don't mlsa seeing this. Room For Expansion Here Is nice home situated on "i acre of ground In choice south suburban area. It's only one bed room but you can't afford not to see this exceptional buy for only 5MX) with easy terms, WANT A CAFE? Cooks this Is what you have been waiting for. Nicely located cafe on busy street for the amall price of only S42S0. Terms can be arranged. Better call before Its too late. Claire Ellis Ph. 3-3a Evea. Jay P. Griggs Ph. 43M Evea. W. W. Thompson at Malin J. W. Sanders, Realtor 1313 Main St. Phone 7531 $500-DOWN A one bedroom home located on large corner lot. Total price of :000 Includes Mint furniture. Bal ance on easy terms. Walking Distance Well located home close to schools, churches and business district.. All rooms are good slse, full basement hue h I dh ll(t,i. finmi rttnelr. needtvi and rooms need redecorat ing for which allowance has been made In the selling price. 8ce Fred Cofer Bob Stephens (Evenlngs-4230) Barnhisel Agency 113 S. Sth . Phone 4 Its 32 IUILDING I (tIMOOILINO ROCK WOOL INSULATION FRKE ESTIMATES Phone 6161 HAHUWOOt) VfcNr.Kitl Ck. Amaru CAN Elm. Walnut, filrdsey Mapla. Ce dar, Itirch, Kurina Mahogany, Knotty Pine In stock at flasln building Ma ter.a.sM So. H.Kth: Phone 2 -aiWa. JtJHT RrCKfVffi5: CAR 'Of Rochwodl batts; finest of Insulation: Install your self for lowest costs. Basin BullrtiTisj Materials, 47H4 So. Sixth, 1'hbne 3-2.1. 34 FUEL HEATING BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 STANDARD I 5 if HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel nnirMnin! v Check ond Fill System Your Quarnntee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Puds that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1S19 ?lL?H!L'OI'Pho!ie 4153 CLKA'N fconoinlcsl truulile IrsaTisst on , stoves, , PEYTON Si CO Dnv pint blocks for sale' Opsn ava nlnancl wnak'ndsMfilrs Bros. TIM1 " "r W"d' lini';'"'rn" 7if8TP'eui- or ' daTlvaraS; :'." Y"'"" Sl"l Sirvlc S.V10 Bo Ih Phona 3nqiora.a(10 miN stAMpsj-jiiveTT" enhr. lallvirji 3m I-oa8'' 'or Dronml :urr vadens siunal hcrvicc MS0So Slh , StAnDABD MKAflNoTi-" " llove. furnace llfht fual, coal, wood, .n.rcoal Payton and Co J.1S Maraat, 'none SI 40. ?B BOATS PCtrSPORTS" HOBBItS"" J'INE WO. Bo:.era airtT IVifiSTanars". 1S5 up. Sri Barony Knnnels. Ilcg Boiila No. 1 Ml' -fl-. Mom COl.UE" 3riin. pups. LIlTer rcjiislerad. ,11 fOll SALE. 2 fcmiileTlnclnliuiliniiinT Ono red, ona blnck and tan. Wornvid and distemper shol. Call after s o.tn. !t4.'l.'l Khrrlcln, Phonn nam! AMIKIISUN Boarctliis Kennau"Phoi;i 3047 IWBB HelawaraiifljlomedBla BOARDING KKNNELS " poi Onardlns by day week or niulitn, Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet. Clean Individual OMtdnnr runs for anrri i w m iiniuiiBii uurisR matins Vlsllors Waleome Phone 807J .Uarrlll lI II 1111 ... . . 1,1 noa 104 ?'iE!A?A?IADE KENNKI.a WABM comfort for "your favorite peu Radiant aun panel al PEYTON It CO.