Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 18, 1952, Page 11, Image 11

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Tangle -loioiglhiS
"llr'a mi ItintliirUve fighter; hut
to br, n a mutlrr of rrt, with
thni bruin of hU!"
WIIII.K Till': whoul board silts
i imitlltliilrs. lor Hhnlnliiil loolhull
lunch "I Kluninlli Union high
school, I'll overwhelmingly cniloi.r
Pnul McCull, he. id basketball
It's Iiilrly well established that
McOall I" Iroiit-ruiiner lor the Job
ha Mr on the u lioul board In con
cerned. The decision. In the (mill iiluily
lis, real" with Mi'Cnll.
I hope ho net the Job because
his mn.n rhoio would be to couch
the bnckfleld.
MiCAI.I.'H NAMK Is synonymous
villi buskelbnll.
A graduate of Bradley Unlvcr
(illy, McCull made quite a lililne
for himself hi cago rnnkM.
But there are some who don't
know that he wan also quite foot
hull player In hl own right nt
At lonMt good enough to be
named Little All-American its
bnckfield ni.iii.
McCull naturally will have to
Klve the matter homo thouKht bc
rause overlapphiK ol football and
basketball tiresrnla home problems
particularly when football team
qnalllleii for the state play-oils.
That takes a team Into the first
week ol December. l)y that thno a
bahkctball team should hnve home
three week of practice tucked
under lu belts.
Hut. as It stands now. I think
McCull would take the urld Job If
oflered to him. .
T'K'KKI) VP on the run'
The controversy In tlie Klamiith
County hltth nchool basketball
league renaming tournament play
a a method ol picking the chum
pion rutin now In in suspended mil
million , , , bul It Intermittently
holm up .-. . my thouithtii on the
h(f.itecl remain the miiiic . , I'm
in favor of" nuking Iha-'Koaaon n
,V double round-robm alfalr (each
team meeting Itn seven loiiituo
foes ttvlrei . . . that's 14 league
gnmrs and the team with highest
won-nnri-lmt ier cent after trial
prlnd hhould be the champion . . .
the luurnanient could be kept as
u aeirf,on-onillim added otirncllon
, . . bul not deMitned nn the lliml
showdown . , . coaches and prln
1 1 pa In hnve n vote In thin matter
. . . the roaches, who nre closer
to the situation, In -the majority
nre In favor of the choosing the
tltllst on season play , , . prin
cipals (most of Uirm) favor the
tournament Idea ...
Don'l let Eastern Oregon's 013
ncord keep you nwny from tho
Oretech gym tonight and tomorrow
night , , . the Mountaineers have
a running tram that has averaged
over (IS per game , . .' the only
trouble Is their opponents have
found the net more ...
Hpeaklng of added attractions,
thrre'll be one If Don Hutphln.
manages to make the Vanport
team where he's rumored to be
headed , . . the Vikings visit Ore
tech In a Feb. 23-23 twin bill . . .
It should be fun . . .
Look for American Legion base
hall to find Hs sports niche here
this year . . . Coco Cola's Rny
Lamb has gone nil out to back
the team . . . n scheduling of
good Oregon teams Is planned . . .
Lamb Intends to go (list class
. . . and folding of the Gems, al
though unfortunate, will help the
Legion program ...
College nasketball
ny The Assoclaleil Press
Ulnh State B4 Wyoming 47
"Idaho Btale 70 Hicks 02
Pugel. Sound 73 Eastern Wash SB
Central Wnsh 60 Whltwortli 50 (ov
ertime) EAST
Jloly Cross 66 St. Louis 65 (over
time) Penn State 8!) Dickinson 46
Cnnner.tlr.ut 75 Nrw Hampshire 58
Murray (Ky) 80 Marshall 63
Arizona, 77 Texas Trch (18
Hendrlx 73 Arkansas A&M 53
Virginia Union 50 Howard 40
Klon 63 McCrnry 02
Newberry 70 North Oeorgln 65
Presbyterian 73 Lenoir Rhyno 65
Oklahoma AfcM 40 Wlchltn 45
T'ort Hays (Kns) 75 Emporia Stnte
Michigan Normal 02 Western Il
linois 52
Southern Illinois 40 Central Mich
igan 40
r -X Th
"91" Octant Ethyl 31c
r'iii,,-i, ah trirbii.iwt i,f, Hi, im
some cane iiiiihhIHIiik with the dis
missal ol Dun Hulpliln from thn
Oregon Tm.li liunkalbiill m4iiikI im
the ovvit itwuit tonights herim
College on Hie Oiotoch hardwood.
Uiiiiielline In H Hi.
With Wuyne ilol.liiss Jm.l getting
over the iiint round with the (111
bug, Klrklaiid will move Jink
I'lnkli'.v Mom liirwurd to the cen
ter spot tonight.
IIoii-hiiiiy Homer Diiiiiaii nnd
Tom Hilmlicit urt the starting ciill.i
ut the lorwiirtl spots. Klrklitnd
mild venU'i'diiy Humbert Is "find
liiK luiiii.rll" niter u recent scor
ing Mump.
iti:,i)V to ;
Marv liiiimiiitck, now fully re
covered Iroiii un rally-season wrist
injury, rum ut guard with f.ooiiln'
Leu Cleiieliii.
Kliklawl Iiiih moved Lloyd Lewi
up from the Junior varsliv to leiuii
wllh Jerry Wyuit an reserve for-
. . . goes to center
wards, llolzfuss, If lie's rcadv,
John Koch and Dkk Flnnliigum
will be held for .center duly.
Al roienian, Jim Pntcison and
Jnck llrnwn will spell off Hum
muck nnd Ucuclln al the guard
Despite 13 losses In nit many
stm Is this season. Bob Quoin's
MouuUilnrors hnve shown oflenslve
inlml with nn nveinge ol slightly
more Ihnu 65 per game.
High scorer for EOCE Is Lowell
Kolbilhn, (i-4 center. He's averaged
In the neighborhood of 16 points
prr game. Slni'tlim forwards will
probably be Jerry Poysrr (fl-1) and
Bob Billing (6-2). Guards are Burl
Green (!-flj and Wes Bull 161.
, The Mountaineers employ the
fast break nnd shoot otlcn.
Kirkland wild lnte yesterday he
hadn't decided whether to let the
Owls' "run wllh Eastern Oregon"
or play control bnll.
"II all rtrprntls on now tncy
look," Kirkland said.
The lunior varsity meets Mobil
Gas of Mrdford In the 6:30 nro
llmlnary tonight and face the Chll
oquln Townles of the Klnmnth Ba
sin league In Suturduy night's cur-tnln-rnlner.
j .
At Vanport
PORTLAND Wl The Oregon
Colleglato Conference lead will bo
nt stake In n two-gnme series open
ing here Friday night between Van
port and Oregon College of Educa
Vanport. Coach Arba Agcr falcl
his leiim hud been bolstered by the
addition of Don Sutphln, high scor
ing guard dismissed this week
Irom the Oregon Trch sound. Ager
nii Id Sulphln enrolled, nt Vnnuort
mis week, bul would not be used
In the series ORninst O.C.E, :
Pettit Inks
nrrsBUROH tr Paul Pettit.
the $100,000 bonus baby of two
years ago, Friday became the fifth
member of the Pittsburgh Pirates
lo sign his 1I1S2 contract.
f" "f : J.
Pro Gridiron
Miffs Collins
NEW YORK- IH Iinnrcmiarlo
Ted Collins, temperumeutiil owner
of the Nrw York Yanks, hinted
broadly Friday he may finally
luiike good Ills olt-rcpeiitcd threat
to walk out of the National football
League unlei.s he gets belter home
playing dates.
With the drafting of 360 college
players out of thu way, the first
older of buslnesa was the airing
of the grievances of the dapper tel.
evlnion and radio producer and
they give promise of producing a
bigger show than any ol his TV or
radio programs.
Now what nre Collins' griev
ances? "You inn say Oils Is It." he
Mild. "I urn going to gel six home
dates or else "
The Yanks participated In the
draft Thursday, selecting lx" Rich
ter, AD America linebacker from
Ciillforiiiu as their first pick.
f'rncllcully all of the top college
senior stars were selected in the
draft with the Champion Los An
geles Hums doing right well. Not
only did they capture Billy Wade.
Viinderlillt's greul quarterback as
their "bonus choice." but they
grubbed two All-America ends to
do the puss-catching Michigan
Htutc's Hob Carey and Wyoming's
Dewey McDonnell.
Those selected In the first round.
In addition to Rlchler nnd Carey,
were Vllo Parllll. Kentucky bark
by Green Bay; OIllo Matson. Sun
Francisco back, by the Chicago
Cardinals: Johnny Bright, Drake
bnck by Philadelphia: Larry Isbcll,
T-quartcrbuck from Baylor bv
Washington; Ed I Mighty Moi Mod
sselewhkl, Maryland bnck by Pitts
burgh: Prank Gilford. (JSC back
by the New York Olnnu: Jim
Doolcy. Miami (Fla.) buck by the
Chicago Bears; Hugh McElhrnnv,
Wnshlngton bnek by Kan Francisco.
The Bears nicked Dick Kuzmaler
of Princeton In the 15th round and
the Llorw tabbed Hnnk Luuricella
of Tennessee In the 17lh. The Lioas
nlso picked Byron Bailey of Wash
ington Bute In the 25th round, and
San Francisco selected Richard Pa
trick of Oregon In the 30lh and fin
al round.
Cop Lead
W I. Trt.
Mftlpr Bro
Klfttnalh Park
(lun Slot . .
(rnlfp Ukc
DtMU 1 .
(xMolay 2
Mm Hand Ldry.
Tail '.
.. .1 0 IflUI
2 0 1 (HKI
. 2 1 .17
.2 2 .3(10
... 1 1 .MlO
.. 0 1 00(1
.. 0 2 .000
O 3 .000
lu.ull. I .. I M.lK
DrMnlay One T & I 23
Metier 40 Crater Lake 30
Metier liros. ' look a aames-wnti
i-.j i .1. ii-,,-..., ' , -,
ri ght wllh a 49.30 wi over Cratei
The win gave the Metier five a
3-0 record, while Klamath Pack,
also unbeaten, has won one less
In the other game on last night's
double bill nt Falrvlew. DeMolay's
Number 1 team spanked Trades
and Industry, 42-22.
. Tex Robinson and R. Thornton
scored 13 and 12 for tlio Metiers.
rinv aenrei:
niMin.Ai ii!)
Pickett 10 T
15) .Tit
Mimmomev 3 I' nirharrimn
Ciimlnc 0 C . fl Sander
Vlahns 4 II 14 Hovler
Kenmark O' M(ak
De.Molay iilha Srhoenltrf 7, Itannon
s. Smith 4. T&I aubsBrd 1, Cahoun.
llouier 1.
MUTl.r.R (10) (lllll CRATKR
rheyne 7 F 7 . Hanon
Crawford ,. V .4 St. John
noeleher . 4 ' . r Lent
Metier a G Flora
Thornton 12 fl 10 Dexter
..Metier aulHT Robiruon 13. Dow 2.
I.yona 3. Crater Lkfl ulii lgl 2.
Miller 6. Taucher 1.
By The Associated Press
Toduy a year ago . The Balti
more Colts withdrew from the
National Football League.
Five years ago The Detroit
Tigers sold Veteran Hnnk Green
berg to the Pittsburgh Pirates for
an unannounced price.
Ten yenis ago Joe Dlmngglo
of the New York Yankees was
voted the "Player of the Year"
by the New York Baseball Writers'
Twenty years ago Bill Dickey
nnd Ben Chapman were numbered
among the early holdouts of the
New York Yankees.
In Between
SEATTLE I.TI Don Heinrich,
drafted by the New York aiants
of the National Professional foot
ball league, in eligible both lor
the pro draft and for another year
of play with the University of Wash
ington. Heinrich several times has said
he planned lo remain at the Uni
versity. OOSG
SATURDAY - Jan. 19
Moose Hall -1010 Pine
Your Membership Card
Is Your Ticket
DON DEXTER is Coach Dutch Simons' choice for the 112
pound division when the Klamath Falls matmen face Rose
burg tonight in the first shift of a two-day wrestling meet
on Pelican Court.
Two Quints
Unbeaten In
Basin Loop
W 1. P. (
.4 O 1 000
"- 4 0 1 000
... 3 1 .7.V)
. 3 1 .Trf)
... 2 2 300
..2 2 ..MX)
. - 2 2 .300
... 1 2 .333
1 3 .2'A
0 3 .000
. 0 3 000
0 3 .000
Chlloquln .. .
Javhawkl .T.
Malln T
IJorrli .
Klamath Son .
Spraguo River
I. OS ...
Malln 43 Jayhawka 43
Tulelake Inn 61 Keno 38
Chlloquln 30 Bly 3d
Beany l.aker 60 Klamath
Merrill 44 LDS .14
Uorrl B9 Sprague River
Only two teams are unbeaten In
the 12-team Klnmnth Basin basket
ball circuit after last night's fourth
round of play,
Tulelake kept tstmdofcated rec
iuiu won a di-jo win over neno:
ilriumph over Bly. The two teams
ord with a 61-38 win oVer Keno:
hare the leimue lead wllh 4-0 rec
In other gomes. Malln handed
the Jn.vhnwks their first loss by a
squeaky 45-43 count; Bcatty Lakers
downed Klamath Sons. 66-43: Mer
rill dumped Latter Day Saints.
44-34: and Dorris walloped Sprague
River. 89-26.
High scorers were Allen Duncan
who dumped 16 for the Merrllll
VFW. LDS' Taylor with 21. Ray
mond Riddle with 17 for the La-
6ohbers, Klamath Sons' Frank with 20.
Benny Moore m lor dy, wayne
Hatcher and Gaylor Hatcher 18
and 15 for Chlloquln, while Dorris
spread its scoring among six play
ers in big hunks.
Xtnx urore: (Keno-Tulelake. Javhawka-
Malin lioxea tinavoidaDly neia tin'.
m V I3l . 13(11 CMII.OOI'IN"
Moore Id F 13 G. Hatcher
Thra.her F IS W. Hatrher
Stanlev C 3 Smith
Pohll 2 Ci 8 Miller
PaUke 7 G 7 C. Hatcher
Blv Bob Davl. Sandberg, Shoulder
blade. Wood 4. Farnum 3. Hall. Chilo
oufn suh Snuers. Minato 2, denser.
Dicker 2, Brallon 3.
ntATTV (11(11
H. Welicr 13
Riddle 17
Fnllhdll 10
Brown 12
Coppcrfleld fl
F Hood
T 4 Hill
r 20 Frank
C! 3 Miller
O S Minato
lieatiy un-
-Satidcrville, K. weter 6.
Son aubj Hall 6. Barkley 2. Pearson.
MFRRU.t. Ill)
L. Kandra 4
Berry 2
Winter S
nnncan 18
(so i.ns
21 Tavlor
S Dozer
2 Tiry
4 Bereloff
Mnrriil nh 1. K.mdra 2.
C. Kandra
3. Fatherlosham 3. Knox 6, Delli.- So
well. LDS ub Lynch a.
rsellne S F - - 8 Sne 1
Owena 12 F .. Bcwlwlck
Poi terfleld 2 C ' . '"'
Roblnon 11 O . IB, Weler
William 2 ti 4.J-""
Dorrl lihj While 4. Dodlhn 12. H.
Portertleld It. Lee a. Pilintl 10. Maal
lane in. Sningue River ub Hamilton
2, Hlllion, MrNalr 2.
Joe DIMaggio of-the New York
Yankees has hit eight home runs
In World Series piny.
Gun Repairing
and Rebluing ,
Mat Foe
Four-time state champions and
undefeated In two slaris thl sea
son, the Klamath Union High
School wrestlers host the" Roseburg
matmen tonight and tomorrow on
Pelican Court.
Pel Coach Dutch Simons, who
released his starters for tonight,
said that "Roseburg should come
somewhat tougher for the Pels"
than were Grants Pass and Med
ford. Theoretically, tonight's meet that
opens at 8:30. following Junior high
and freshmen rjasKetoau games
with Medford, will show the best
boys on each team. .
Tomorrow's return 10 a. m.
staring time will see a switch in
wre:...ers on. both clubs as much
as nossibie.
Dean Johnson Is nursing a sore
arm and Tom Wells will go in the
139-pound class tonight.
The heavyweight nominee Is a
tosstm between Jim Young, who
after a lr.te start Is showing a
wealth of improvement, or Vernon
Others named to see action for
the Pcllcaas tonight are Ronnie
Conner 96. Harold Shearer 103, Don
Dexter 112. State Champion OrviUe
Swindler 120. Perry Williams 127,
Louie Taucher 133. Roland Biehn
145. EUvis Mitchell 155. Harold Sim
mers 165 and Floyd Pierce 75.
By The Associated-Press
San Francisco Paddy DeMar-
co, 137, Brooklyn, and Eddie Chav
es. 140. San Jose, calif., drew, 4
(fight called a technical draw at
the end of fourth after Chavez re
ceived accidental head butt that
opened a severe cut over his right
eye.) .
New York (Sunnyslde Oar-
den) Ted Murray. 146, - New
York! stopped Miguel Mendivil, 145
i, Havana, 2.
Tacoma Jess Hall, 190. Ta-
coma, knocked out Joe Sandell,
207, Los Angeles, 4. ...
Boise; Idaho Garth Panter, 163
Dayton, Idaho, stopped Bull Hal-
sey, lCa. Portland, ore. 10.
kfLr. Gentleman's';'-,. fjL J
1 "fep, ' Choice YXy
I H ftl M .I f 'tin Jgjf I7T0
I ?1 " IMdlllH MaiT WI
... j ypfyfim gj
Bly Mix
Father Domnlck'a Sacred Heart
Trojans seek victory Number 10 to
night against the dangerous Bly
Bobcats on the Academy's floor.
That's Just one on the four-game
Klamath County league basketball
schedule as all eight teams swing
into league action tonight.
In other games. Malin travels to
Chlloquln, Gilchrist visits Bonan
za nnd Henley goes to Merrill.
Preliminary games, In all cases,
start at 6:45. with varsity main
events billed for en 8 o'clock start.
The Trojans, only unbeaten team
In the County loop, has a welath of
sorlnu power with Jim Mahoney,
Bob Howard and Jack Helderer
leading the way.
But Bly has a boy who could up-
st the favored Trojans. He is
I Franklin Hutchinson, one of a long
mm oi nuicninson snarpsnooters:
The Trojans, along with Chllo
quln and Merrill, put unbeaten
in league play records on the
block. Each posted wins In Just
one league outlne. A snowstorm
: postponed all hut the Malln-Bonan-za
game last Friday, a game that
saw me Mustangs beat Bonanza
I In a surprising upset
That left Malln and Bonanza In
a i-i aeacnock lor second place.
Bly, Gilchrist and Henley (all
0-1 1 are on the prowl for lirst
league victories.
Paries Druis
Hlllton Ca e
Cola Cola ' ....
Herald-News " .
Lat Sljhl' Remit
Parlor SI Herald-New 45
Ricky 63 Hilltop 47
Rickys notched its fifth straight
basketball victory last night in city
league play to stay atop the stand
ings while the Payless Drugs quint
is pushing the Jewelers in second
Rickys beat Hilltop Cafe, 63-47:
Payless trimmed Herald and News
D. Pope led Payless with 19
points. Gene Favell and Jay
Griggs potted 14 and 12 ior the
i Newsmen who lost their fourth
against one victory
Don Peterson paced Rickys with
22. Hilltop caught fire in the sec
ond frame to score 20 points with
J Gil Martinez leading the way and
Rickys held a slim 30-29 intermis
sion lead. But the league-leaders
cinched it with 22 points in the
last quarter.
Box score:
Peterson 22
Harvey 9
McCall 10
Wills 8
F 8 Friend
F 7 Carrier
C S Harris
o 4 Robert
G 3 Mlllllan
KemniUer. Vaillancour.
RlcKys aurje-
Bonney 10. Foster 4. Hilltop subs
Helna 0, Jackson, Sorenson, Martinez
Young 10 F 14 Favell
Pope 19 F 10 Krantz. J.
Heilbronner t C 13 Crian
Erlantbon 9 O Eolev
Blatters G Krantt. B.
Payles subs Brosterhou 12. Cada.
Herald-New subs Hartley, May 1.
Downs 2.
Ducks Meet
By The Associated Press
Oregon's hard wheeling, free
shooting Webfoots get their rough
est test of the young basketball
season Friday and Saturday .when
tbev battle Washington in Seattle
for 'the lead in the Northern Divi
sion of the Pacific Coast Confer
ence. At the same time Oregon State,
sole occupant of the cellar at pres
ent, will try to improve its status
in a four-game invasion of the Pa
louse country. Stated Beavers play
Idaho at Moscow this week-end
and Washington State Monday and
Tuesday in Pullman.
4-5 auarr I IH
STUFF SHOT Big Ralph Carroll, the Pelicans' high-point
man, is shown here "stuffing" the basket. The 6-7 lad will
be in the key tonight when the Klamath five opens a two
game series against Grants Pass on. the Cavemen court.
Pelicanns Face
With one regular hobbling on a
lame ankle, a 12-man Pelican cage
squad left this morning for Grants
Pass and a two-game Joust with
the Cavemen, a club that's always
tough on its own floor.
Guard . Calvin Gllmore. who
missed Saturday night's Medford
game here after spraining his an
Dimes Bill
Shows Here
March of Dimes will be the bene
ficiary when two Klamath Falls
city league basketball teams, mix
wnn Medford foes tomorrow night
at Pelican Court.
Payless Drugs laces Medford's
Mobil Gas in the 7:30 opener.
ruiton uaie s Aieaiora :oe is trie
Crazy Swayzes in the afterpiece.
It's the rematch of a recent don.
ble bill with a switch ol - foes
that netted the Dimes campaign a
sizable chunk ol money in Med
ford. Mobil Gas is composed primarily
of ex-Medford High lads. They
come highly rated.
The Mobil boys stav here for the
Dimes clash after a meeting with
the Oregon Tech Junior varsity to
night in the preliminary to Ore-
tech's' varsity clash with Eastern
Payless Mer. ' Clyde . Walsh
named his starting line-up as For
wards Rex Young and Chuck Heil
bronner. Center George Broster-
hous and Guards Jim Palmer and
Bob Erlandson.
Hlllton Skipper Leo Friend will
start himself and Ky Carrier at
the guard positions. Roy Harris at
center, and Ken Milllgan and
Howie Roberts at forwards. .
Butt Results
In Fight Draw
lyn's Paddy DeMarco and Eddie
Chavez of San Jose, Calif., put on
a slugging match Thursday night
that ended in a technical draw at
the end of four rounds.
The scheduled 10 rounder was
stopped with Chavez's right eyelid
slashed and badly swollen.
Referee Frankie Carter said an
"accidental butt" bv Paddy did it.
The Brooklyn belter had a deci
sive margin on all three official
score cards. But California boxing
rules require a technical draw .de
cision in such cases.
Out of thi 101 players in the Na
tlonal Hockey League, 43 were born
in Canada's Province of Ontario,
spends the off-season as a student
,': VS.
' 7;30P.M..-KUHSGYM
': STUDENTS 50e - ADULTS 1.00
-kle late in Friday's tilt, la still Hot
ready for heavy duty. i
"Hell be used sparingly1, if .at
all," McCall . said late yesterday.
TOSS UP '; ":V- ' : t:
Gilmore's starting position will
be filled by either Ken Young or
Ed Barron, McCall said, V .
The other starters are ready to
run. Rav Bell- and Jack- Horton
open at the forward spots, Ralph
Carroll at, center. Jerry Johnson
will team with either.. Young ,or
Barron at the. guard spots
For all practical purposes, the
Pels are starting from--scratch
again in their quest of the DlaW
4 basketball title.
Given the favorites' role in tha
Big Four of Dist. 4, the Pelicans
were rudely dumped by' Medford
Saturday night. The same night
Grants Pass was pummellng Ash?
land in the rematch to throw the
race into a four-way deadlock,' all
holding 1-1 early-season records.
On paper, the Klamath five is
picked to win both games from
the Cavemen tonight and Satur
day, night but Grants Pass, short
on experience but long on fight, is
hard to beat on its own floor.
Big John - Harbour, 'thef: only let
terman owned bv GP Coach Ray
Davis, will start at one forward
position, along with Norm Hedge
peth. '
Guards are -Dick James and
Bruce Robertson, Sam Deam and
Mel Norrick are battling lor the
opening call at center, with tha
latter holding the Inside track.
Other Pelicans making the-' trek
are the Flocchinl twins. Stub -and
Lea, David French,. .Dick Lundsten
and Doug Pence. : v '
The Junior Varsity club -meets
Grants Pass in Saturday's prelim
inary match. . v ; . .-
Main at Esplanade Ph. 3121
213S South 6th
Salem, Oregon